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What's going on in your game?

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Just completed year eight of my FCW game so as promised here is an update.


January 2018 with $2,212,884 in the bank.

I have held 96 shows so I am almost at the 100 mark for anyone that wanted to know.




FCW Puerto Rican: Shawn Gonzalez


FCW Peoples Champion: Ford Gumble

Note: When Fords contract came up he wanted at least a mid card title run so since Antonio Del Veccio had it for a while I decided to have Ford defeat Antonio for the belt.


FCW Tag Team: The Latino Kings: Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez




Al The Hillbilly vs. Shawn Gonzalez ©

FCW Puerto Rican Championship Feud


Matty Faith vs. Puerto Rican Power

Standard Singles Feud v2

This feud was going thoughout the last year and is almost finished.


Here is the card for my first event of 2018 titled FCW FREEDOM Fighters


Billy Jack Shearer vs. Handsome Stranger

Calvin Dark vs. Carlos Gonzalez vs. Matt Hocking

Puerto Rican Power vs. Al The Hillbilly


Natural Storm (DC Rayne and Eddie Howard) vs. The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez) ©

FCW Tag Team Championship Match


Matty Faith vs. Ford Gumble ©

FCW Peoples Championship Match


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Shawn Gonzalez ©

FCW Puerto Rican Championship


New Signing

Pete The Hillbilly - Personality


Note: Hopefully I will be able to keep this going for at least another two years although the way it is going it should be easy because I want to get the achievment for completing ten years.

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FINALLY ran my Malice in Wonderland 2011.


Tommy Cornell won the World Title back off RDJ


Sam Keith finally got a win over Rocky Golden and it only took him about 10 months.


The Machines lost a non title tag match against Giedroyc, and Valiant known as the Unholy Alliance (non-title was an accident). They will now feud and the Machines will lose the titles at the War to Settle the Score


Koshiro Ino lost the International Title due to outside interference by Rich Money.


The 1st Total Wrestling show after Malice in Wonderland had the CLASH OF THE TITANS... Vengeance vs Morpheus. Vengeance won but this isn't over.


This game is by far the most fun one I have placed since my WCW game that went from 2001 - 2004. I only hope I can continue going with this.

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Alright...well, not much to report from the IWC (0/0/0 - Great Lakes upstart)...


Brandon Smith is still the champ, despite having gone on a tour of Japan which sucked the life out of our last show. I've been pushing Paranoia, who I've had start using his first name, Andy, and frankly he's not delivering on the match ratings front....but I wanted him to get murdered by Brandon Smith upon his return from Japan. I put on a match between Paranoia and Whiskey Jack as a #1 Contender's match main event....it got a 25 rating overall and obviously the show, on the whole, went straight to hell because of it.


Anyway. Freddie Datsun is getting a little pissed off since I'm using him to get my Midcarders and Main Eventers over and he doesn't think he should be losing. Well sorry Fred, you were unemployed for like 3 years...I don't see where your opinion matters here. The fact that I'm pushing you at all, even employing you, is an act of kindness. Pay your dues here and you'll be rewarded over time.


Anyway, my tag champs are now Fearless Blue & Joey Beauchamp (Phase Two). So far they are having a pretty decent reign, but I'd like to see them doing better. Danny Patterson is struggling more than I had assumed he would since Mario Heroic left, perhaps there's a "fish out of water" element.


Canadian Dragon and Brandon Smith appear to be on the verge of an epic feud. Tonight, I should be moving back to "Small". Which means I'll finally stop losing money for that stupid decision. Which means I don't have to cheat! :)

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Well, it's Friday, Week 2, August 2022 and WCW is gearing up for Complete Mayhem. This has been an annual event for the past two years for the Mayhem brand ever since the three brands received monthly brand-only PPVs. The PPV schedule has the brands (Mayhem, Takeover, Stampede) presenting their events in that order every single month (except for a few occasions).


I recently decided to change how I do PPVs in January, October, and December. In the past I was going a bit PPV-overboard by having three PPVs/mo and then in January / December having a total of four PPVs (one for each brand and one with talent from all brands). October was like every other month, but now I've decided to introduce a 60-man battle royal that will include 20-men from each brand and therefore there's truly no need to have brand-only PPVs for that month either.


Tonights big WCW Complete Mayhem PPV comes to you LIVE on North America Prime Select, HYBOSO, Demand-TV Mexico, Premier Pay Aus-TV, Euro-TV, and UK-TV (AKA - if you have a PPV provider for your TV... YOU CAN WATCH OUR EVENTS! :p). The two primary matches for the night include six of the top wrestlers in all of WCW.


A four-way WCW World Heavyweight Championship match including the champion Jay Chord, the WCW Traditional champion Sylvester Weatherfield, the 45-year old Troy Tornado, and Rocky Golden. Weatherfield has been in contention for the World Heavyweight title for some time now and his continued defences of the Traditional title keeps him on top.


Tornado and Weatherfield have had their issues in the past (so have Chord and Golden) and Troy had no problem bringing that up to management in order to grab his slot in the four-way elimination. These four men have all battled each other in some way, shape, or form and now they'll ALL be in the ring together at once. Things are going to combust when the bell rings.


The other main event caliber match includes American Patriot and Grave Digger. For those unaware of Grave Digger, he came out of the National School of Wrestling in 2014 and I wasn't able to sign him until years later (due to MAW being too small of a promotion to grab someone outside of North America). He came out with excellent Menace and a very decent amount of basic skills that have been developed greatly over the past three years. He wears a mask (like Patriot) but it's literally half as much prestige.


The reason I paired the two against each other over the past couple of months is because of their relative closeness in size (Heavyweight and Big Heavyweight). Even though that Brandon is smaller than he is, I think he can definitely teach him a lot all-around. Grave Digger is using an alt picture (made for Vengeance by sebsplex and edited by jhd). It fits him extremely well in my opinion and ever since I saw that pic on the board I gave him a mask. The WCW fans won't be seeing a mask-for-mask match at Complete Mayhem, but they will see two big guys go at it and a legend (Patriot) try and stop the big bad young heel (Digger) whose been wreaking havoc on all of WCW.

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I'm doin my first C-verse game and I hope to stick to it for a fair few years.


I'm CZCW. I changed there product to one that matches my style.


I had also bolstered there roster. within the 3 shows ive done i signed people like Acid , UK dragon, Greg Gauge, Matt Keith, mainstream Hernandez, Samoan machine, hell monkey, California love machine.


I got rid of some of the dead weight and the women.


But just 10 mins ago, Frankie perez, Matt Gauge, Acid and James Prudence have all signed for TCW :( 1 was Tag team champ, 2 are main eventers and one was a guy i was gonner have move up the card quickly.

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But just 10 mins ago, Frankie perez, Matt Gauge, Acid and James Prudence have all signed for TCW :( 1 was Tag team champ, 2 are main eventers and one was a guy i was gonner have move up the card quickly.


That's what happens when you have great workers at the top of a small promotion. With guys like Greg and Matt Gauge you instantly want to hotshot them to the top of your promotion and make them the headliners. The problem with that is that their on the "big dogs" radar to begin with. By putting them over guys you could keep around for a while makes them even bigger and better in SWF / TCWs eyes. You have to be patient and utilize them so that they can help develop workers who you'll have for the long haul.


Eventually these workers will move on to bigger and better things... your job is to make sure they did something to help the workers that are sticking around.

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I didn't even have a chance to give Matt Gauge a match, he signed just after my last show and left just before my next show.


I was having a feud between Acid and Remmy Sky. was going well the winner of that feud was going to v my User character for the title eventually.


Acids gone, slotted in Fox mask to face Remmy now.


Hopefully the rest of my roster will stay. Most of the people i have bought are only openers, young people with good talent but hardly any popularity.

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I didn't even have a chance to give Matt Gauge a match, he signed just after my last show and left just before my next show.


I was having a feud between Acid and Remmy Sky. was going well the winner of that feud was going to v my User character for the title eventually.


Acids gone, slotted in Fox mask to face Remmy now.


Hopefully the rest of my roster will stay. Most of the people i have bought are only openers, young people with good talent but hardly any popularity.


Unfortunately CZCW has a fantastic roster that gets totally annihilated by TCW and Japan. You better start eyeing some independent talent and talent from lesser known companies because Skye and Fox Mask are guys that get picked up frequently too.


I had the same problem with Matt Keith and Mainstream Hernandez in a game of mine. Keith didn't even get to work our first show...and Hernandez was around just long enough to win the Main Event Title and lose it 2 months later.

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Starting a zero popularity, zero prestige (gotta have money, call me a cheater) game in the Mid-Atlantic region in the '77 C-Verse mod. My user character, "Moondog" Junior Dewrell, has started up the NWA, a place for brawlers and technical masters alike. Even got a few high-fliers, with the tag team of Red Energy (Red Falcon and Kid Karma). Another key tag team is The Fabulous Firebirds, led by "Handsome" Tommy Handell.


Oh, and we've got Dr. Funkenstein and Mr. G, plus Cris Warrick.


Combine them with the Masked Rebel and the "Master of Submissions" Walter Crowe, who has Artie Goldstein as his loud-mouth promoter...plus my favorite '77 worker, Charlie Homicide, and we've got a reasonably priced roster, ready to start a Southern wrasslin' tradition!

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Starting a zero popularity, zero prestige (gotta have money, call me a cheater) game in the Mid-Atlantic region in the '77 C-Verse mod. My user character, "Moondog" Junior Dewrell, has started up the NWA, a place for brawlers and technical masters alike. Even got a few high-fliers, with the tag team of Red Energy (Red Falcon and Kid Karma). Another key tag team is The Fabulous Firebirds, led by "Handsome" Tommy Handell.


Oh, and we've got Dr. Funkenstein and Mr. G, plus Cris Warrick.


Combine them with the Masked Rebel and the "Master of Submissions" Walter Crowe, who has Artie Goldstein as his loud-mouth promoter...plus my favorite '77 worker, Charlie Homicide, and we've got a reasonably priced roster, ready to start a Southern wrasslin' tradition!


Out of curiosity, who are the other members of the Freebirds?

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Out of curiosity, who are the other members of the Freebirds?

Ahem, FIREbirds. Don't want a total ripoff.


Um...can't quite remember his name right now, away from the computer with the game on it. Canadian. Very charismatic (bio mentioned being close to George DeColt when it comes to charisma), got poofy hair...pretty talented. Signed for pretty cheap. Can't believe I can't remember his name.

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I think you're going to have a tougher time with NWF as your pickin's will be slimmer...


That said, if you're looking for a challenge, that'd be the way to do it.


I'd probably just go to Japan personally, or import feds (capping the # of total world promotions at 40) at 0/0/0, $100,000 in whatever the lightest regions are.

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Ahem, FIREbirds. Don't want a total ripoff.


Um...can't quite remember his name right now, away from the computer with the game on it. Canadian. Very charismatic (bio mentioned being close to George DeColt when it comes to charisma), got poofy hair...pretty talented. Signed for pretty cheap. Can't believe I can't remember his name.


Ha ha ha. Totally read it as Freebirds because I'm used to, well you know.


I think you're talking about Kenny Maynard.

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I think you're going to have a tougher time with NWF as your pickin's will be slimmer...


That said, if you're looking for a challenge, that'd be the way to do it.


I'd probably just go to Japan personally, or import feds (capping the # of total world promotions at 40) at 0/0/0, $100,000 in whatever the lightest regions are.


Uh...I think the world has over fifty promotions now.



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So I totally just crapped out with my IWC game, I'm going to continue the world and takeover another 0/0/0, $100,000 import fed. I decided to resign since I can't seem to take them over the hump from local to small now. We're at -$35k and it's getting to be a bigger deficit every month. I'd rather preserve the old promotion and start over than cheat or go out of business at this point. Quite bummed.


I'll be hiring anyone they fire in the transition.




I've just changed my mind.


I'm going to play through and see if I can save it. If not, I've copied the game and will operate with the above plan, now known as "plan b"

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any chance you can upload this game 50 years in?


I could, since I duped the save.


But how do I do that?




And in my duped save, I'm in 2061. Still jobless. I remembered that my booking rep sucks, so...yeah. Warrior Engine also did not hire me, as did not...APW I think. Or RAW. The one that didn't close down.




Tuesday, Week 4, April, 2061. Owner (and head booker) of NWF dies.






*Request takeover*

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