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What's going on in your game?

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Psh, Regional to Cult was easy. I lost about $30k this month, sure, the only month I've lost money. And I'm nowhere near National. And I struggle to put on shows in the mid 50s. And half my roster is pissed that I don't use them (by "half" I mean "I only use about 10 guys because they're the only ones that don't suck").


But I'm totally okay. I won't die in...uh...


Huh. Provided something drastic doesn't happen, I could last a year this way. Interesting. And I'm joking about the jump not being difficult. I have a feeling I'm giong to get raided soon, and if they take American Elemental...it's over.

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Psh, Regional to Cult was easy. I lost about $30k this month, sure, the only month I've lost money. And I'm nowhere near National. And I struggle to put on shows in the mid 50s. And half my roster is pissed that I don't use them (by "half" I mean "I only use about 10 guys because they're the only ones that don't suck").


But I'm totally okay. I won't die in...uh...


Huh. Provided something drastic doesn't happen, I could last a year this way. Interesting. And I'm joking about the jump not being difficult. I have a feeling I'm giong to get raided soon, and if they take American Elemental...it's over.


Man, this sounds horribly familiar.

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Due to me becoming disillusioned with my KANZEN dynasty and game (just don't have the time or desire for it right now), I've decided to strike up a '77 SWF game.


First show we had "The Greek God" Ares Aegaleus beat Rick Rumble in the main event, then beat the living daylights out of Rumble until Micky Starr interferes. Starr, Rumble's good friend, is warned of the things to come because of this.


The next week, new SWF GM Tyson "The King of the Ring" Lang is convinced by Ares to ban Rick Rumble ("due to injuries") from a scheduled tag match with him and Starr taking on Ares and Hagar Erikson. Well, Starr isn't bothered at all, and brings in his new partner right before the main event...




That's right, I ended our non-aggression pact with CWF and signed up North America's hottest worker. DeColt debuts in SWF by pinning Erikson in the tag match, giving the World Champ momentum...


Then the next day, DeColt takes a vacation by filming a major movie. He's now at A* EVERYWHERE in the US and Canada, but I'm not sure when he'll be back. Was going to set up a feud between him and Erikson...but...


I mean, I sign the most entertaining man in the world today, and he wrestles one show and LEAVES? Anyone else ever had this happen?


(In other SWF news, the King of the Squared Circle Tournament saw user character "The All-American" Kurt Eisen defeat Frank Rock, setting up a semifinal against Corporal Doom, who destroyed Flyin' Ryan O'Brien. The other end of the bracket includes Dusty Streets, who was chosen over Sid by his father as the Streets' inclusion in the tourney, going over newcomer Luis Suave...AKA Luis Montero. With Sid fuming, Dusty will face Richie Pangrazzio Jr., who cheated to beat blue collar fan favorite newcomer Ernest Mason. He's currently jawing back and forth with "Old School" Edmond Jackson.)


But seriously, DeColt making movies after the first show? What luck!

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And now for my problem Amazing Fire Fly has been with me since January 2010 and has not seen a single point in growth in psychology which still sits firmly at 40. But he's got great chemistry with La Sombra Jr in their tag team Heroes De La Mexicanos and a flashiness of 95 which when put with good opponents means an exciting match. The thing is La Sombra Jr has grown 23 points in psychology in the same 4 years and although he'll be stuck at the lower end of the card until I can get him more overness in our overlapping regions he does have a singles career ahead of him when I hit cult and beyond. So I'm thinking I should keep Fire Fly on untill I get a little ways into cult to keep the tag experience going and then drop him, but I hate wasting two more years on a guy who's not going to see any psychology growth (or stamina growth for that matter 40 something year old Ota has grown 9 points in stamina in 2 years while being in terminal decline but Fire Fly hasn't gained a single point).


I didn't think much of Fire Fly, but signed him up because he is flashy and gave him a 9 month run with my company before moving on. I then later re-signed him when I had the brilliant idea to team him with Ant-Man. An idea that quickly fell apart as Ant-Man had an overness cap of 19. Fire Fly then turned around and started putting on great matches with my X-Division guys and I even put the belt on him when my then champion Edd Stone was signed by a Japanese company. I had plans to give him a long run, but then he refused to re-sign.


To make a long story long, despite his psychology he seems to be a good worker to have around. I love when I find tag team chemistry too.

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Still in the first month of my latest games, but there's already been some interesting developments. Couldn't decide between TCW and NOTBPW, so I'm running a two-player game and controlling both!


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling

  • Flash Savage is thriving, (believe it or not). Pairing him with my User Character "Everyone's Hero" Johnny Heroic as The Quick City Kingpins has really allowed me to accentuate his positves and cover up his negatives. He's already up to the midcard.
  • Building what I hope will be a great tag team division. In addition to The Kingpins, I have: The California Dragons, The Enterprise (Sam Keith's kids), and every team NOTBPW started with. Owen Love & The Natural have taken the tag team titles. I want to put James Prudence and Donnie J back together, but one of them would have to turn for that.
  • Tried for PPV around the world, had to settle for the US. Oh well, it's expansion. Big City Brawl was great, apparently. Dan Stone Jr. claimed the Canadian title. Dan Jr, McFly, Jeremy, Bloodstone, Hayes, and Dark Angel have all been churning out great matches.
  • I've forged a working agreement with PGHW. That will hopefully start going into action very soon.


Created Johnny Heroic from scratch; he qualifies as one of the best high flyers in the world, but his stats aren't Cornellian Stacked. I use him as an active wrestler and feel no qualms about it. He does have a somewhat high reputation, (and a backstory with WLW and specifically with Burning EXILE), and I'm hoping to take over NOTBPW if and when Dan Stone retires. No idea if I'll be able to pull that off or not, but it's worth a shot I think.



Total Championship Wrestling

  • Came up with the User Character Henry James, (borrowed the name from Stephen King's book Full Dark, No Stars - might use that as an event name at some point) - he was supposedly a famous wrestler in the 90s and early 2000s until an arguement with Richard Eisen saw him leave the business. Guess money problems brought him back, and he became head booker for TCW. Started out as a Colour Commentator, but has since returned to the ring with a win over Giant Tana.
  • A stroke of good luck came my way, as through sheer random coincidence, Sammy Bach started the game with tremendous momentum. He quickly took the International title from the momentumless Joshua Taylor, and is thriving. Gonna have to build Taylor some momentum now.
  • Took some potshots at the SWF via TCW's website with an (apparently) poorly produced and decidedly unfunny video, which is even now being parodied with TCW as the butt of the joke. Oops. The SWF meanwhile struck gold with their parody of us. Wish I had this one back.
  • Lowered TCW's match ratio down to 80% so that I can run angles, and I've built up some cool storylines for the PPV. RDJ and Minnesota vs. Hawkins & Cornell is looking to be huge, while Ino vs Law and Benson vs Tornado are also shaping up nicely. Noticed in time the champ was sort of getting lost in the shuffle, and gave him a title defense against Bryan Vessey and Troy Tornado that turned out well, (and advanced Tornado's storyline with Benson). Golden shall be facing the great Sam Keith at the PPV.
  • Been turned down on working agreements with promotions all over Japan, but CGC was only to happy to work with me, and MAW has become my willing developmental promotion. I want Bulldozer Brandon.
  • When it comes to playing as TCW, I have a long and storied history of clashing with Tommy Cornell. This time, I'm being a good little boy and trying to play ball with what Tommy wants, and tbh, so far it's working. I'm a little surprised. Aside from the dirty tricks thing, this is the best luck I've had with TCW in a while.


Henry James, (also created from scratch), has a rather high reputation as well, but that just felt natural for him. If I ever get fired from TCW or resign, I'll want to start up my own promotion maybe.


We'll see.




Update!!!! Stop The Presses!!!!!!!!!!!!


Since this post, Henry James has tormed an alliance with new TCW wrestler Jack Griffith. The duo, collectively known as 'The Doomsday Club', have already enjoyed some success in the tag team ranks. Also. Hell Monkey has teamed up with Samoan Machine North Of The Border, to form a devastating new tag team, Monkey Machine. Funny name perhaps, but who's gonna say that to their faces?



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Loving my TCW game. Just going into Total Mayhem. Sammy Bach is my World champ and is super over (A everywhere in US, A* in 5 places!!)


Nemesis is in control and Tyler is GM. They have a group of former DaVE wrestlers (Bach, Peak, Minnesota, The New Wave) who are launching an assault on all things TCW. Ricky Dale Johnson (who had 'retired') came back to help TCW but screwed them over, joining Nemesis & Tyler.


Total Mayhem will bring an end to it all....TCW vs DaVE...winner takes all!!

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My NOTB game was going fine was getting A-quality matches here and there but now I'm losing Sean McFly and Johnny Bloodstone. McFly because he refuses to sign with a Cult company, and Bloodstone because Dan Stone (my owner) refuses to offer him anything more than 11,000...he's worth 30k and his current contract is for 19k...pretty stupid of him especially when 1) we're making a lot of money per month and 2) Bloodstone is way over and has given A-quality matches.


Things look bleak...

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My NOTB game was going fine was getting A-quality matches here and there but now I'm losing Sean McFly and Johnny Bloodstone. McFly because he refuses to sign with a Cult company, and Bloodstone because Dan Stone (my owner) refuses to offer him anything more than 11,000...he's worth 30k and his current contract is for 19k...pretty stupid of him especially when 1) we're making a lot of money per month and 2) Bloodstone is way over and has given A-quality matches.


Things look bleak...


Your problem is that Bloodstone is way over. When running a cult company, you need to lower a workers popularity whenever their contracts come up for renewal.

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North Of The Border Pro Wrestling

Beginning of September 2010 with $6,603,320

40 Shows Completed




NOTBPW Canadian

Dan Stone Jr.

14 Defense made so far



Sally Anne Christianson

4 Defenses made so far.



The Can Am Blondes: Owen Love and The Natural

3 Defenses made so far.


Feuds - Just started some new feuds.


Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

Steve DeColt vs. Jeremy Stone


Sean McFly vs. Dan Stone Jr. ©

NOTBPW Canadian Championship Feud


Note: All of these storylines are unchained.


New Signings

Dallas McWade


A few notes about this save.


Dan Stone retired in August of 2010 and Victoria Stone Inherited the company.


Canadian Golden Combat reached National and as a result stole my Craig Prince (Road Agent) and Tim Westybrook.


Steve DeColt is being extremely difficult in this game every time I want him to loose he complains about it. As a result his current win loss record in this game is 39-1. The only match he lost was against Dan Stone Jr. and he complained about it and when I actually had him loose he was extremely unhappy so I had to give him a crap load of money just to make him happy again.

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Remember that awesome game where I got Daniel Bryan into the HoI (well, guaranteed) in like two months? Along with 100 pop in the US and Canada (though Chris Jericho, his tag partner, is more popular still...)








How the...




You know what's really funny? I can't figure out why he's second. Yes, first has a higher average match rating, but Bryan has a better best match. But okay, it's based on the average match?




CM Punk has both a higher maximum match rating (99) and a higher average.






Aside from trying to get someone more popular than Hogan (who's up in the 80s in Australia for some reason ._.)...I dunno if I want to keep playing.

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Just held Total Mayhem 2010. Wolf Hawkins (face) beat Sammy Bach for the World title after Joey Minnesota came to ringside, picked up the World title and hit Bach with it.


At that point, Minnesota was a member of my heel stable made up of DaVE workers. Minnesota attacking Bach won't mean he turns face, he's just fed-up of all the focus being on Bach. Nemesis ('kayfabe' owner) will strip Minnesota of his International title (he won it from Sammy Bach after Bach 'laid down' for him after his World title win) and kick him out of the DaVE stable. This will probably lead to a Wolf Hawkins/Joey Minnesota/Sammy Bach storyline.


Ricky Dale Johnson came back at 'Where Angels...' after he agreed to retire from in-ring competition having lost to Eddie Peak (before the DaVE stable formed) Cornell made him the Special Enforcer in the Rocky Golden/Sammy Bach rematch (after Golden had lost the title the month before to Bach) Ricky Dale Johnson stunned everybody, attacking Rocky Golden and allowing Bach to pick-up the win. Golden took on Ricky Dale Johnson at Total Mayhem and got revenge but not sure if that's where it will end with them.


Sam Keith took on Joey Minnesota after he got fed up of Minnesota winning with the help of other DaVE members. Keith lost after Bach got involved.


The Machines have broke up and have had several matches (they had 4 in months but didn't get penalized which I was happy with) Brent Hill is also a member of the DaVE stable. Lost the All Action title (he won it from Sammy Bach after Bach 'laid down' for him after his World title win) I think their feud will end here and I'll have Anderson enter a program with Ash Campbell. Brent Hill, he'll end up in a feud with Frankie Perez.


The New Wave were feuding with Matt & Greg Keith (both faces) The Keith's are tag-team champs and The New Wave have been trying to get the belts back. New Wave vs The Keith's also happened 4 times in 3 months and I got a penalty for that. I think that's where it will end for now and I'll have The Hellfire Club (who are involved with the DaVE stable thanks to Eddie Peak) start challenging for the titles.


Troy Tornado took on Eric Tyler at Total Mayhem after Tornado got mad and attacked him backstage. Tyler won.


Rick Law went up against Acid after Acid cost him a match against Joey Minnesota for the International title. Acid walked away with the win.


And Tommy Cornell took on Nemesis after Nemesis had Cornell attacked several times, trying to end his in-ring career. Cornell won.


I plan to continue the TCW/DaVE storyline for several months. I'm really excited for the Hawkins/Bach/Minnesota feud. Bach is already insanely over and Hawkins, after his title win, is not far behind. Minnesota should hopefully benefit from the feud (in terms of overness) but, recently, I've had an email saying he's unhappy and that he wants to leave. I keep rejecting but if it becomes a problem a might have to swallow my pride and let him go.

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Your problem is that Bloodstone is way over. When running a cult company, you need to lower a workers popularity whenever their contracts come up for renewal.


I actually did that and got his value to go way down, but then the owner was capping me even LOWER on my offers to him. Dan Stone and Johnny Bloodstone don't have a bad relationship. I don't get it. The good news is I may be going National soon so I may be able to re-hire them both in the near future.


For now John Maverick has been putting on good matches, and I had Dark Angel heel turn (giving him A* momentum from B-, huge success), so hopefully I should be O.K for a while.

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Just started a TNA game in 2002 so it's the company from scratch, currently I have Impact on a Late Night Friday and PPV's on Voom.


My debut show looked as followed:


Victory Road:

Nigel McGuinness def Jay Lethal - D

Shane Douglas def Chris Hero - D+

Daizee Haze def Alexiss Laree - D-

Kid Kash def Bryan Danielson - D+

Nigel McGuinness challenged Danielson to a Submission only Iron Man - C

NWA TNA Tag Team Titles

Second City Saints (Cabana & Punk) def Briscoe Brothers, Doug Williams & alex Shane & Beer Money - D

Homicide def Masato Tanaka - C-

Homicide & the debuting Konnan beat down Tanaka backstage - E-

NWA TNA X Division Title

Rey Mysterio def Low Ki, Sabu, AJ Styles, Jody Fleisch & Samoa Joe - C

NWA TNA World Heavyweight Title

Jeff Jarrett drew Ken Shamrock


I'm planning on putting on two more main events between Jarrett and Shamrock with them drawing the second time. Then Jarrett picking up the win in the third match but for Ken to demand a rematch only to be taken out on the TV show. This gives me the chance to try and resign him since he's on a short term contract.

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I actually did that and got his value to go way down, but then the owner was capping me even LOWER on my offers to him. Dan Stone and Johnny Bloodstone don't have a bad relationship. I don't get it. The good news is I may be going National soon so I may be able to re-hire them both in the near future.


For now John Maverick has been putting on good matches, and I had Dark Angel heel turn (giving him A* momentum from B-, huge success), so hopefully I should be O.K for a while.


Scratch that, now Dan Stone Jr. is leaving the company because the owner is blocking any offers above 10k a month (his current is for over 20k I believe). I guess Dan Stone just went Alzheimer's on me or something. I feel like I'm being sabotaged. Jeremy Stone will be gone next, and then Dark Angel, and all I'll be left with is Steve DeColt. Might be time for a TWC or SWF game...

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I think this is true:


If one has pre- or post-show matches that bomb with middling angles in the show, the "angles helped lift the show" will still occur even if some of the main show matches were better.


Or I'm forgetting that I can't pull a 90+ match and my guys are crazy-over. meh

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I'm playing as TCW currently, I just got to February 2010. I retired the TCW All Action championship. I had Edd Stone face off in a ladder match against Joshua Taylor to unify the title with the International Championship, which Edd Stone won, they're now in a best of seven storyline with eachother.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship - Rocky Golden is my current champion, the current plan is to have him drop the title down the road to Wolf Hawkins in a triple threat match also including Tommy Cornell, then turning Hawkins face, and feuding Hawkins and Cornell against eachother.


TCW World Tag Team Championship - The New Wave are still my current champions, the plan is to have them drop the titles to The Machines at the next Pay-Per-View event. I currently have new teams in development, who I plan on debuting some time in 2011, after hopefully gaining some nice stat increases, as I created a development fed that tours, 4 nights a week. New teams include, Ivan & Igor Ivanoff as a heel team, I plan on pairing Greg and Matthew Keith as a face tag team, who will publicly chastise their father on their debut as he is a heel, I also plan to debut Skyscraper & Manhunter as a monster heel tag team, and will team them with Montgomery Croft. They will be Croft's bodyguards, and also participate in the tag team division. I have a large amount of wrestlers in development currently and I'm sure I can form a few more tag teams. I made my Tag Team titles floating, so if a team gets really over, I can keep them together and not have them holding midcard titles.


TCW International Championship - Edd Stone is my current champion, and he's in a Best of Seven storyline with the former champion Joshua Taylor. In the end, Edd will end up winning the series, and thus retain the championship at the end of the storyline, but I plan on having Danny Fonzarelli win the championship down the road. I want Edd Stone to move on to the main event, and become a World Champion by mid 2011.




I'm planning on adding a 'B' Show, and making TCW Television Championship, which will be a Low Level title, to be defended each and every week on the 'B' Show, be fought over by people who rarely ever appear on the 'A' Show. To make the championship mean more storyline wise, I plan on making a stipulation that if they successfully defend the championship 5 weeks in a row, they automatically earn a shot at the TCW International Championship the following week on Total Wrestling my 'A' Show, and immediately vacate the TCW Television Championship. This won't change the way others earn shots at the International Championship, it will just be an additional way to earn a shot. For example someone can still win a No.1 Contendership match to get a shot at the International Title at a PPV.


Once I get a big enough main roster to have multiple brands, I plan on having three brands, two will be brands on an 'A' Show, and one will be a 'B' Show brand. I plan on keeping the TV Title idea for my 'B' Show brand, except the person getting a shot at the secondary title, will be able to pick between either brand, and if they win the secondary title, they will immediately get a "contract" with that brand, and no longer appear on the 'B' Show. My kayfabe idea will be the two 'A' Show brands have their own rosters under contract, but the people appearing on the 'B' Show will be "Free Agents" who are vying to be noticed by the GMs of the main brands to be signed to either of those brands. The TV Title is a way of getting a guaranteed contract with a brand, if they win the secondary title.


Each brand will have their own World Championship and secondary Championship, if I have enough Tag Teams, each brand will have a Tag Team Championship, but I may do what WWE does and have the Tag Team Champions appear on both shows. I'm also going to add a Women's division, I might have the Tag Teams on one brand only, and the Women on another. Not sure yet.


Btw, my idea for the TV Title was inspired by the Smoky Mountain Wrestling "Beat The Champ" TV Title. Where storyline-wise, for each successful defense of the belt, the wrestler won $1000, and if the champion could win five title matches in a row, including the title win, then the title was vacated and the champion received a $5000 bonus. To quote Wikipedia. I was looking at SMW stuff on Wikipedia after I read Jericho's first biography last week.




I changed it from a fake money reward to a shot at a more prestigous title, so if someone got good enough ratings in their matches, I'd move them to bigger and better things.

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I plan to continue the TCW/DaVE storyline for several months. I'm really excited for the Hawkins/Bach/Minnesota feud. Bach is already insanely over and Hawkins, after his title win, is not far behind. Minnesota should hopefully benefit from the feud (in terms of overness) but, recently, I've had an email saying he's unhappy and that he wants to leave. I keep rejecting but if it becomes a problem a might have to swallow my pride and let him go.


Played a lot last night, this didn't happen....


Basically, I decided that Cornell's match against Nemesis at Total Mayhem had stipulations. If Cornell won, he got TCW back. If Nemesis won, Cornell leaves TCW. Cornell did win meaning he got TCW back.


I then decided to go with a brand split. Cornell said he didn't want to fire the people who were involved with DaVE because despite everything, they're good at their job. So, to ensure the war ended he announced a brand split and draft. So I now have 2 brands; Total & Showcase. All of the champions were drafted to Total meaning Cornell had to create the TCW Championship and the TCW United States title for Showcase.


On Total, I have Rocky Golden feuding with Freddy Huggins who is currently managed by Nemesis. I have Matt & Greg Keith feuding with the heel team of Gino & Luis Montero Jr over the TCW Tag Team titles. Rick Law & Troy Tornado are currently being targetted by a heel Canadian stable consisting of Art Reed, Steve Flash, Tim Westybrook & R.K. Hayes. Benny Benson is the International champion and is feuding with a heel Bryan Vessey & Buddy Garner who want to get rid of Benson for not taking wrestling serious. And in my primary feud I have Wolf Hawkins feuding with Sammy Bach & Joey Minnesota. Despite Minnesota costing Bach the World title at Total Mayhem the pair have formed a loose alliance to take out Hawkins so then they can feud over the World title.


On Showcase, I setup a tournament for the TCW Championship which has resulted in a match being setup on PPV between Tommy Cornell & Ricky Dale Johnson. The School of Tradition reformed with Eric Tyler, Acid, Guide, Scout & also Brent Hill. Acid defeated Hoshino in the TCW Championship tournament and Tyler came out with The New Wave & Brent Hill to announce the reformation. I will have Koshiro Ino & Hoshino team up and feud with The New Wave. The United States championship will be sought after by Brent Hill but he'll face competition from Sam Keith. If I manage to complete the signing of Chris Morrisette (fingers crossed) he'll feud with Eddie Peak and The Hellfire Club. Oh, and I also have Gargantuan on Showdown. It's a personal challenge of mine to try and get him over using his 'Menace' alone. I'm also particularly proud of my announce team on Showdown; Duane Fry & Adrian Garcia!!

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North Of The Border Pro Wrestling

Beginning of January 2011 with $8,207,577

60 Shows Completed




NOTBPW Canadian

Owen Love

2 Defenses made so far




2 Defenses made so far.



Brown and Haynes

Omar Brown and Harlem Haynes

4 Defenses made so far.




Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone

Steve DeColt vs. Jeremy Stone


John Maverick vs. Owen Love ©

NOTBPW Canadian Championship Feud


Note: All of these storylines are unchained.


New Signings


Shane Nelson




Owen Love wanted a mid card title run and since The Natural left I decided not to give him the tag team titles and since he was a main eventer I just decided to give him a main event title run in his contract and have him win it eventually.


I resigned John Maverick and he also wanted a mid card title reign but since he is on the verge of being a main eventer I promised him a Main Event Title run in his contract so he will be the one that will defeat Owen Love for the CGC Canadian Championship. He will most likely be the champion by one of my next two updates depending on when I decide to give it to him.

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Taker you don't need to offer them a ME title run, if you give them a midcard title run in the contract but then a ME run they will still resign


I was very confused, then realized you were speaking to Taker, the person on here.


See, in my game, I had to give The Undertaker a ME Title in his contract.

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Taker you don't need to offer them a ME title run, if you give them a midcard title run in the contract but then a ME run they will still resign


I'm not sure that's correct. I give higher-then-promised title runs all the time and it typically counts the agreement as fulfilled

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