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What's going on in your game?

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Looks like event two is going to be just as annoying for me, I advance booked Acid, and now he's not avalible, so I have to use another guy. I modified it, but It still messes up some of my plans, I'll be sure to check WLW's schedual next time...
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Looks like event two is going to be just as annoying for me, I advance booked Acid, and now he's not avalible, so I have to use another guy. I modified it, but It still messes up some of my plans, I'll be sure to check WLW's schedual next time...


On your Schedule screen is a calendar option. Green ticks mean all of your roster is free, red crosses mean one or more of your workers is scheduled to appear at another company's show (your shows won't appear). Clicking on a day will tell you which workers are unavailable.


Simply change the date of your show so to one without a red cross, or one where Acid is available.

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Moving towards Royal Rumble and then Mania.


At the last show of the year I had John Cena(F) win the WHC from Christian(H) only for Punk(H) to come out and cash in MITB. Plan on having Cena win the Rumble and then go to WM to win the title. Cena has had 2 championship reigns in my now nearly two years, with one of them lasting one week and the other being extremely short also. Despite his lack of psychology, I plan to keep him in a program with Punk which should cover that up through the summer. I feel like it's only fair to let him win the big one since Punk won the WHC the previous year at WM.


Of course, this could change to Samoa Joe winning the Rumble if I felt like I should keep pushing Punk as the face of the company.

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I'm currently playing a PWG game that I am 2 years into. Was going into the Battle of Los Angeles tournament, made sure I had the 16 guys I wanted and began to hype it up a month prior. Within that month, WWE decided they were going to go on a hiring spree and hire my World Champion (Colt Cabana), my Tag Team Champions (Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero), and the person that was going to eventually win said BOLA tournament (Davey Richards).


TNA also decided to take Jeremy Buck just cause.


I'm pretty sure the game decided it was going to up and hate me for no particular reason.

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The most epicest 3v3 ever (almost)


Steve DeColt, Ricky DeColt, Jack DeColt (faces)




Dan Stone Jr., Bryan Holmes, Shooter Sean Deeley (heels)





Couldn't have Jeremy due to him being face. Also, I REALLY want Duane Stone. Then I can have MAOST. EPICEST. FUED. EAVER.

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Just completed the twenty-first year of my MSWA game so here is an update.


January 2031

With $7,203,926

254 shows completed




MSWA Heavyweight: Doug Peak

Prestige: 70

5 Defenses made so far

Defeated Antonio Del Veccio


MSWA Regional: Eddie Howard

Prestige: 67

Defeated Matty Faith


MSWA Tag Team: The Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo)

Prestige: 41

Defeated Double Trouble (Matt Hocking and Eddie Howard)



Matt Hocking vs. Doug Peak ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Feud


Matty Faith vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Eddie Howard ©

MSWA Regional Championship Feud


Here is the card for my first event of 2031 titled MSWA Re-Launched


Chris Kaladaro vs. Christian Price

Alan Parent vs. Ox Mastadon

Derek Frost vs. Rudy Velasquez

Crockett Tubbs vs. Hector Galindo


Matty Faith vs. Antonio Del Veccio vs. Eddie Howard

MSWA Regional Championship Match


Matt Hocking vs. Doug Peak ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Match



Carlos Gonzalez


New Signings


Christian Price


Jeremiah Moose

Doug Peak


Not sure how much longer I will be able to keep this game going before I retire my goal is to get to twenty five years and hopefully I will be able to do so before my user character has to retire.


Also as you can see I went on a bit of a hiring spree hiring five new wrestlers for my roster so I have an excess in some of my roster areas but to me its a good thing because in the case where Carlos Gonzalez retired I didn't have to hire someone else to fill a roster spot.

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Not sure how much longer I will be able to keep this game going before I retire my goal is to get to twenty five years and hopefully I will be able to do so before my user character has to retire.


Always interesting to here about your game Taker, I see you got Doug Peak somewhere along the way.


But as said before, many doubt the fact that your user character would retire. It would be extremely unfair to the player, if the game would just end your save. Plus, people have done succesful, over 50 year sims, without retiring the user character. :)

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Always interesting to here about your game Taker, I see you got Doug Peak somewhere along the way.


But as said before, many doubt the fact that your user character would retire. It would be extremely unfair to the player, if the game would just end your save. Plus, people have done succesful, over 50 year sims, without retiring the user character. :)


Glad to hear that people are actually interested to hear about my game because it means that I am not just posting updates for nothing.


I do know for a fact that User Characters retire though because a whle back I did a watcher game and went fifty years and somewhere within that save my user character retired. I could be wrong but I specifically remember my user character retiring during that watcher game. I was able to continue the watcher game but I wasn't employed by any promotion and I don't think I was employed by a promotion my entire time of doing that watcher game.


The only thing that really bothers me about this game is that I haven't gotten to Cult yet I am sure that I will be able to do it in the next couple of years but I am not hoping for it because if it doesn't happen I don't want to be disapointed. People might not see this save as great if they were to compare it to Logans WCW game and if not that is okay with me. It does say something that I have been able to go 21 years without losing interest in the game. Yeah I have taken a hiatus from it here or there but it wasn't for long and I am just glad that I haven't gotten sick of it yet. Which is another reason why when I took a hiatus from it that it wasn't for long because I didn't want it to sit there because the longer a save goes untouched the less and less I want to come back to it. But like I have said before as it comes to this game that hasn't been the case and I am really happy about that.

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Retirement doesn't mean you can't still wrestle.


I'd like to see how much a worker's stats decay after a hundred years, though. I would try it myself, but...yeah.


Yeah and actually my user character is an occasional wrestler so I don't think that he will retire as a wrestler because hes not full time. I am more talking about retiring as a booker but like I said I don't think it happens for a really long time.


Yeah I would be interested to see how much a workers stats decrease over 100 years but the time it takes to sim through that many years would take a while.

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I GOT A 50!...is that sad? XD? CZCW. Regional. 50...even though it says 90% match 10% Angle, everytime a hold an angle, it says the crowd didn't want to see angles, just in ring action...why is that?


I got that for a long time too. They just expect a really good angle to be produced. Once my wrestlers start to get to around 60% popularity in the region I'm running in, (as long as they have decent entertainment skills) they will finally start to put on angles that the crowd won't turn against.


Even if the entertainment skills are high, if the person isn't popular, the crowd still doesn't care. That's my experience with the subject at least.

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Thanks :) I'll just ditch the angles altogether then, and when my wrestling get more popular, I'll start running a few.


If that doesn't work out, you can always just use your angles in the pre/post show. If you're running a 120 minute show and the crowd wants 10% angles, they're still wanting 12 minutes of them. You can just shove those minutes into the pre-show and have the whole main event itself matches.

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The Darkness Warrior continues to mystify me. I brought him into my then-International, now global TCW (as Raul) to give Fonzie something to do in a resurrection of the Darkness Warriors (A* tag experience allows a lot of flaws to be overlooked). Now don't get me wrong he's by no means great or even good - but he's certainly scrubbed up from 'mediocre' to 'somewhat average'... and keeps improving virtually across the entire board. 39, not in time decline and getting better month by month. Heck, the majority of his performance skills have surpassed Fonzie's.


Glad I took the chance on him. He's never going to be more than competent but I've been pleasantly surprised by how much he's scrubbed up.

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Just booked 1977's SWF The Challenge (the precursor to The Supreme Challenge) and it was the highest rated so far (B+), perhaps unsurprisingly given it is also my biggest show. The advantage of booking Sunday Slamfest like 80s WWF (it's also an hour long instead of 90 mins), is that your 'big' stars always go into the big events with huge momentum. :)


Corporal Doom def. Powerhouse Patterson

(Corporal Doom won King of the Squared Circle 77 and will win the World title from Micky Starr at October's Golden Dream).

Edmond Jackson def. Burt Selleck

(Burt turned on his partner Wade Morris four months ago after being continually refused US Title shots because he was a 'tag wrestler')

Streets of Rage def. Black Serpent Cult

Rocky Streets def. Giant Grimsley via DQ

(I'm hoping to build Grimsley up into my King Kong Bundy!)

Richie Pangrazzio Jr. def. Wade Morris

Ares Aegaleus def. Farmer Fran

TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The One Percenters def. Blazin' Flames to retain

US TITLE MATCH: Black Jack def. Pat Deacon to retain

(Black Jack had a B rated match in his first show with Micky Starr - since then he's had a decent push and won the US title from Edmond Jackson two months ago).

Wild Man Sullivan and Rick Rumble were both counted out

(Sullivan had an awesome match with Starr last month despite terrible chemistry and has moved on to Starr's closest ally Rick Rumble. At the end of the match Sullivan chased Rumble's wife and valet Beautiful Babette through the crowd causing both men to be counted out).

WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Micky Starr def. Hagar Erikson in a Cage Classic Match to retain his title. (Starr and Erikson had an A-rated match last time they met, but they only managed a B+ this time around).

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In a WWE game I've done which starts the night after MITB PPV...



SD! MITB - Wade Barrett


The idea is that I'm going to say John Cena comes out and say's he has a note that he is injured and can not wrestle on the next few Raw shows BUT promises to be back for Summerslam. ADR then comes out and Vince says Rio is cashing in now (very start of the show). [RAW TAPING SPOILER:] This plays into the friction between Vince and Cena. Alberto wins and Cena then has a rematch at Summerslam but Del Rio reinjures Cena in the rematch and retain fairly cleanly. I may give Cena some time off after this.


For Wade 1 of 2 ideas will be done. A) In November Raw is in Manchester IRL, I may have him build to that date or, at Summerslam during a Ladder Match between Sheamus and Randy Orton, he cashes it in when both have just fallen down from the ladder after an RKO on Sheamus. Wade could then hit a Wasteland on Orton and get the best from the ladder to win the match. Would this be valid though? IDK but it's WWE so it doesn't matter a great deal.


Looking for building to Summerslam the following:


WWE Championship

Alberto Del Rio © vs. John Cena

Winner: ADR

World Heavyweight

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton ©

Winner: Wade Barrett

Intercontinental Title

Cody Rhodes vs. Ezekial Jackson ©


US Title

Dolph Ziggler © vs. Evan Bourne

Winner: Dolph

R-Truth vs. John Morrison

Winner: R-Truth

The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio

Winner: The Miz

Mark Henry vs. Big Show

Winner: Big Show

Christian vs. Kane

Winner: Christian

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Champagne Lover got injured in a pre-show battle royal. *sigh*


The good thing is that I can still use him in angles. So he's actually going to be more popular due to the injury, since I always god-push the injured. Same with myself and Steve DeColt.


Not so much J-Ro, though, who I hate this save because she won't sign a written (became HB after I stole CatQuine).


And I just got why Jaime Quine wears a leopard-print suit. I'm an idiot.




I need to push Greg Gauge, KC Glenn, Swoop McCarthy, and the aforementioned Lover into the main event. Along with Sean Deeley, they'll do well once the Stones retire.




And McFly. Which is a matter of...3 months I think.





Also, a Global promotion can only have 4 television shows :(

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WWE Championship

Alberto Del Rio © vs. John Cena

Winner: ADR

World Heavyweight

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton ©

Winner: Wade Barrett

Intercontinental Title

Cody Rhodes vs. Ezekial Jackson ©


US Title

Dolph Ziggler © vs. Evan Bourne

Winner: Dolph

R-Truth vs. John Morrison

Winner: R-Truth

The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio

Winner: The Miz

Mark Henry vs. Big Show

Winner: Big Show

Christian vs. Kane

Winner: Christian


I like how Wade Barrett wins a match between Sheamus & Orton

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I like how Wade Barrett wins a match between Sheamus & Orton


He is Money In The Bank winner so inserts himself in the match if you read the paragraphs above you'll see it says:


" or, at Summerslam during a Ladder Match between Sheamus and Randy Orton, he cashes it in when both have just fallen down from the ladder after an RKO on Sheamus. Wade could then hit a Wasteland on Orton and get the belt from the ladder to win the match."

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