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Playing Genadi's (and his crew's) January 2001.. currently approaching WWF No Mercy 2001 (October PPV)..


WWF Proudly Presents.. WWF No Mercy


STEVE AUSTIN defends the WWF Championship vs. EDDIE GUERRERO

Steve Austin is the number one wrestler in the WWF at the moment, having defeated fellow friend Kurt Angle in WrestleMania for the WWF Championship. Since then Angle earned more shots and turned heel in the same phase, but just couldn't defeat Stone Cold. Austin also beated such number one contenders as Chris Benoit, William Regal and unified the ECW World title to the WWF title in WWF Invasion vs. Rob Van Dam.


Eddie Guerrero has been in the main event since the very beginning of the year really after a feud with The Rock. Rock took the first bout, Eddie took a cheap cheat win in the second, but managed to hit a clean victory on the third. Earned the number one contendership in a fatal fourway match versus Benoit, Jericho and Triple H.


Steve Austin will retain in an epic bout, even though Kurt Angle will interfere. Goldberg, who was "injured" by Eddie Guerrero saves Austin from Angle, and helps Austin to retain cleanly. The dominant WWF Intercontinental champion Chris Jericho will become a double champion before WrestleMania. Angle will win the Royal Rumble, to set up a Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle WrestleMania main event.


CHRIS JERICHO defends the WWF Intercontinental championship vs. WILLIAM REGAL

Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit for the Intercontinental belt back in Royal Rumble, and has since defeated every challenger that has tried to take the belt from him. Eddie Guerrero, Edge, Rob Van Dam, Tazz.. you name them, chances are Jericho has beaten them.


William Regal has been feuding with Triple H since March, but I'll save their final bout for Survivor Series or something like that. The story behind this match is that Chris Jericho defeated William Regal back in Backlash to unify the European title to the Intercontinental belt. Regal wants revenge, but definitely won't get it. I have no idea who will stop Jericho's reign, but he will hold the belt for many months to come.. He'll become a dominant double champion with the WWF Championship & Intercontinental belt, and will rack over a year long reign with the IC title.



JEFF HARDY and MATT HARDY defend the WWF Tag Team championships vs. BOOKER T and DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE

The Hardy Boyz originally defeated Edge and Christian in WrestleMania X-Seven's TLC bout to become champions, but lost the championships to Dudleys. Jeff Hardy failed some drug tests or behaved badly or something like that, and I jobbed him down a little. In WWF Invasion, Hardys got their revenge when they won the WWF & ECW Tag Team championships and unified them.


Booker T and Diamond Dallas Page formed an alliance when they came to WWF (after WCW collapsed) and have begun a heated feud with the brothers. Booker and DDP just cannot believe that such young punks can beat them, and so will get a final chance against the Hardys in No Mercy. Jeff & Matt have gained massive popularity (both have a full A row in USA) so DDP and Booker will not have a chance against the youngsters.



Since No Mercy is only a waypoint before Survivor Series, I won't "waste" any bigger feud matches in this PPV. The rest of the matches are pure mini-feud bouts and such. I am still very excited for this game, which is a big surprise :p 3 TV Shows a week can be a bit tedious at times, but I always find something to look forward to (like right now, Royal Rumble, WrestleMania and Chris Jericho's WWF title reign). Tremendous mod, really excellent work by Genadi, who excelled even his own magnificent standards with this project.

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How did I use Burning EXILE far too much on this show if he only had one match and no angles???


As FlameSnoopy says, its the length of the match he was involved in. Lower level workers are not something fans want to see a lot of. Whether that means multiple angles or a long match.


Not sure if this was meant as a question, but just for reference, the Small Questions thread is intended exactly for this kind of question. That and a ton of other questions have been answered in there before, so reading through the thread (as big as it is) is a pretty effective way to get to know that ins and outs of the game.

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El Heroe Mexicano's career has taken a big speed bump in its very early stages. Working for RAW, me (a Small US promotion) an EX 2010, he managed to shatter his knee working in Japan. Feeling bad, I attempt surgery but that apparently just made the problem worse and he's facing 14 months before returning. Poor kid.
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Building up to Money In The Bank PPV


WWE Heavyweight Title Match

John Cena vs CM Punk

-Going to have Punk win and then setup Punk vs Triple H for Summerslam


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Randy Orton vs Christian vs Sheamus

-Keep the belt on Orton and then have him lose it at Summerslam, dont know who to yet


Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Alberto Del Rio vs Daniel Bryan vs Evan Bourne vs Richie Steamboat vs R-Truth vs Ted Dibiase

-Either Daniel Bryan or Richie Steamboat will win, then il spend the rest of the weeks building them up before the winner cashes it in at bragging rights


The Miz vs Alex Riley

-Alex Riley deserves a push


WWE United States Title Match

Kofi Kingston vs Zack Ryder

-Wooo Woo Wooo


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Wade Barrett vs Ezekiel Jackson

-Barrett needs to lose this belt


WWE Tag Team Titles Match

Santino + Kozlov vs The New Nexus

-No Idea on what to do here, might bring in the Kings Of Wrestling

WWE Divas Title Match

Kelly Kelly vs Nikki Bella vs Brie Bella vs Beth Pheonix

-Setting up a Beth Pheonix lengthy reign before she faces Kong at WM 28

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El Heroe Mexicano's career has taken a big speed bump in its very early stages. Working for RAW, me (a Small US promotion) an EX 2010, he managed to shatter his knee working in Japan. Feeling bad, I attempt surgery but that apparently just made the problem worse and he's facing 14 months before returning. Poor kid.


Warning, long post imminent. xD


Same game (can you tell I've been having fun with it? It's probably the most gameplay I've powered through in such a short space of time) - and wrestlers (globally, not in my company) have been dropping like flies to injuries, even though the frequency is set to medium. There's been no fewer than four semi-severed spinal columns, three herniated spinal disks, two shattered knees, two torn rotator cuffs and a broken neck in two years, four months of gameplay. Pablo Rodriguez and Joel Bryant have both been forced to retire.


There have also been three deaths, all in 2010, and all in the space of a week. Friday Week 2 of March - Tuesday Week 3 of March, Sky King, Enygma and Zeus Maxmillion all died.


Wrestler of the year 2011? El Demonio. I suspect he has great chemistry with Champange Lover, because they have had a huge amount of matches against each other, and they have almost invariably been rated A*. Fortunately for Mexico at large, Champagne Lover has now left SOTBPW, which gives them a respite from the constant Lover vs. Demonio spam (Something like 40 matches over two years).


In any case, the promotion itself, my 0/0/0/0, is going great. I just hit Regional, which took me 26 shows (April 2012). I'm in a regional battle with MAW, NYCW and PSW via their spillover popularity; it's close (particularly with MAW's Mean Jean Cattley vs. Kid Toma program, which is pulling them B- main events) but so far I'm coming out on top. No doubt this is because of some big name signings I've been able to make; I currently have Darryl Devine, Remmy Skye (as Mathias Skye since Remmy Honeyman is already on my roster), Greg Gauge and Zimmy Bumfhole on my roster. Sky and Zimmy were both cut loose from SWF, Devine's USPW contract came up early and Gauge has just somehow not been picked up yet, possibly due to low US pop.


My annual 'All Stars Tournament' in March was a rousing success thanks to these big names - we managed to break our record for best match no less than three times in the same night. Previously it had been a Samson Barclay (user character) vs. Eddie Howard 72/B- that had gone great because of strong chemistry.


First, Greg Gauge def. Darryl Devine in the semi finals.. got a 78/B.


Then, Samson Barclay def. Mathias Skye for the Great Lakes title (my main belt), also getting a 78/B.


And the main event, Zimy Bumfhole def. Greg Gauge to win the All-Star Trophy: 80/B.


Whole event rated a 72 overall because my angles aren't NEARLY as good as my matches (nobody's over enough to carry the grade to anything better than a C-), but it was still insanely successful.



My promotion looks like this - no regional signings yet, but I have a few targets in mind.


All-Star Championship Wrestling



'New School'


Traditional: Key Feature

Mainsteam: Heavy

Modern: Medium

Lucha Libre: Medium


Performance = Popularity, simple, unsubtle and unrisky gimmicks preferred, very favourable towards sponsorship.


Medium Face/Heel divide, Integrated women's wrestling and an 80% match/angle ratio.


Match Lengths: 6/10/15


Based in the Great Lakes, $247,265 in the bank.


Main Event:

Samson Barclay © - My user character who I have no qualms about pushing because I like him as a character. He's a classic ring general, with strong performance skills, but weak entertainment skills and fairly middling top rows. He's been the go-to heel for much of the game's run, and heads up a stable consisting of him, Darryl Devine, Richie Riggins and Giant Brody.

Mathias Skye - Until recently the champion. I had him take the belt on a whim as part of a big push but I was never quite satisfied with his psychology and the slight penalties for his drugs habit. He pulled consistent Cs and is solidly over though, so he should remain at this level for a while.

Greg Gauge - Brought him in a couple ofmonths ago to help us make the final push to Regional. Whilst he was pushing to the midcard he was labelled as a NBT, which has got me very excited. Will probably be stolen, if not by SWF/TCW then by somebody in Japan, but until then he's delivering to a very high calibre.

Jaime Quine - A role in the group of faces opposing Barclay's stable has got her here, as well as some good matches. She's kind've the go-to 'Higher card face that loses', but she might become better than that in future.

Zimmy Bumfhole - Running an aloof 'loner' gimmick, Zimmy doesn't want anything to do with the big groups in the company - he's just out to win. Recently won my tournament title and looks set to get involved in the title mix, probably in a three way feud between him, Samson and Skye.

Brendan Idol - Has been in the main event since the beginning mostly due to his starting overness. Will likely keep this spot because he's Skye's main ally and it's useful to have somebody who is over-but-not-great in the ring in the main event to avoid raids. He's a former Great Lakes champion and All-Star Trophy winner, but is unlikely to do that well again unless my entire main event is pillaged as he's flagged on time decline at only 31 and isn't exactly spectacular to begin with.


Upper Midcard

Connie Morris - One of my originals and a former semi-main eventer. Very reliable, but unlikely to rise again unless again, talent raids.

D.C. Rayne - Not really sure what he's doing here. He got unexpectedly over I guess. Tag division mainstay who will be getting a tag title run (possibly token, possibly solid) because he demanded one when he re-signed. If this is a repeat demand he might wind up being cut though. I don't like my booking being dictated to me.

Darryl Devine - Should be up there ^, probably in place of Jaime Quine, but got dumped down by losing to Greg Gauge a couple of months ago. Consistently good results, a great gimmick and for our level, great on the mic. Here until he gets stolen, will probably step out from Barclay's shadow in the next year or so because I can see a program between those two doing very well.

Dean Waldorf © - Doing well with Marv Statler. They got the tag belts frankly because I goofed and forgot that I'd promised Darryl Devine a title run and so had to hot shot him a tag title reign off of the current champs. Since I didn't want a main eventer holding the belts long term, I had The Ring Generals win them in a four way match because they were my most over team and I didn't want to upset Devine.

Giant Brody - Resident monster. He got cut from SWF early (though not before RIPW dusted his brawling stat up to a 75). He's just coming off a feud with Mathias Skye wherein he attacked Skye repeatedly after suffering his first loss in the promotion to him (in a number one contender's match, before Skye became champion). It's just been revealed Brody was working for Barclay all along, and assisted him to win the Great Lakes title. Mostly he's just going around flattening people (mostly out of ring), since he's not that great yet and needs work.

Regular Joe - ASCW original and former tag team champ. Long been a favourite of mine in any case and he's definitely strong for a midcarder, so better things might eventually be on the horizon. He's only 22, after all.



Ant-Man - He's been with me from the start and he's slowly getting better. Now that I'm finally his priority in front of his other employment (UCW, a Canadian promotion which I accidentally set to open in 2010), he might move up the card.

Ashley Grover - Joe's tag partner and thus a former tag team champion. She's been improving for a while thanks to pretty regular tours with 5SSW, but she needs some more work. Another original.

Damian Darkheart (Dermot O'Logical) - Firmly in the tag team division. He's an original so I'll keep him as long as I can, but he hasn't improved much at all.

Eddie Howard - Diamond in the rough. Great chemistry with Samson Barclay means that I could pull main event calibre matches out of him at a moment's notice if necessary, making him a great sleeper. Potentially a future main eventer if my upper card is ravaged too hard.

KC Glenn - Subject of my ongoing project 'Operation: Don't let KC get over'. He's 0 and 16 in my promotion because of how incredible susceptible he is to getting stolen. The objective is to keep him un-over (without absolutely burying him) in order to get good undercard matches and prevent him from attracting enough attention to be stolen. It's going well so far.

Marv Statler © - See Dean Waldorf and apply the same description.

Remmy Honeyman - Was actually main event over for a while thanks to a good winning streak. He's fairly good, especially his performance stats. I might put him in a tag team with somebody that needs some dusting up.

Richie Riggins - Samson Barclay's official sidekick/smack-talker. He was VERY briefly tag team champ with Darryl Devine, but that was, as previously noted, because of a booking oversight. Unlikely to get pushed ever because he's improving as a pace best described as glacial, but is an original ASCWer so will remain on the roster.


Lower Midcard

Ellie May Walton - ASCW original and I like her re-render. She's Darkheart's tag team partner and probably won't rise any further than this, nor win a title as she's just plain not that good.

Harry Lawler - A 2011 Gen TCW School of Pro Wrestling graduate. Has mad (100) stamina, great (90) basics and decent (65) charisma but is otherwise pretty average. He's a pretty good prospect.

Mario Alessio - Another gen, with great star quality and charisma and pretty good performance skills. He's kind've a KC Glenn job - somebody I don't want to get too over because they're too attractive a prospect.

Nathaniel Dorque - A custom worker that I forgot to remove from the database at start up and decided to sign to the original roster just because he was there. He's a good cruiserweight with fairly good performance skills. Might get a push, but I'd probably feel a bit guilty since he wasn't supposed to be in the game.



Berik - Nathan Berik is a 2011 gen graduate of the DeColt Powerhouse (he goes by last name only because of Dorque). He's a performance-inclined worker with huge menace (91, O_o).

Claire Chambers - Regen of Vixxen. MASSIVE prospect and will be huge if I get it right - great performance, and a 93 in star quality.

Jeremiah Moose - News articles say he has a lot of potential, so I brought him in to see how well he'll develop. He's doing fairly well so far.


Enhancement Talent

Lance - Lance Terkay is another DeColt Powerhouse gen graduate with abnormally high menace (93). He's a good brawler with strong performance skills. He lost his surname when I teamed him with Berik as 'The Solution'. Future prospect.


Not Assigned

El Heroe Mexicano - He is, of course, still suffering from his shattered knee. It may well, incidentally, have prevented SOTBPW signing him when they rose to National. I'll probably re-sign him when he recovers in five months or so, but it'll definitely affect his career in the long term.



Heather Halo - My referee. Has managed to get to a 56 in refereeing in the two year span of the game. I WAS planning on replacing her, but everyone substantially better would be too expensive, so she'll remain for now.

Jordan Brigstock - Owner and announcer. Has slowly risen to a 67 in announcing from 60 or so, and an 80 in charisma thanks to constantly being in the chair. He's, well, my boss so no need to have second thoughts.

Kammy Ling - Use her as a colour commentator. She's improved some on the mic but it's mostly her good charisma (74) I'm interested in. She's cheap, so that's fine by me.

Sara Silver - I wanted a third chair, so I picked up Sara as she's undisputedly the best colour commentator at our level. On the other hand she's getting pretty expensive so if her demands continue to inflate I might wind up having to cut her.



Alrighty, massively long post ends here, lol. I'm just having a ton of fun with this.

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Awesome post, Blake. Sounds like an awesome game. After reading the "How Long Does it Take..." thread, I'm getting tempted to start up a low level promotion. I almost never play as that and it just seems like a nice change of pace from the typical and a different way to explore the C-verse.
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Next Generation Wrestling is going Nationwide :D


My promotion that is less than two months away from it's 10th Anniversarry (Started with the CV 97 mod, now in Nov 06) has just moved from the Graveyard slot on Monday on a network in 3 regions (Great Lakes, Mid South & Mid West), to being a live show Thursday Late Evening all over the USA.


This is huge for me, I never had eyes to expand outside of the Great Lakes area, because of how low my shows draw outside of my home region, but now the opportunity has fallen into my lap. Just got to decide who is going to take my title into my period of growth.

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Just got to decide who is going to take my title into my period of growth.


Good problem to have



Wanted to start a 0/0/0 game, but decided to start off with a little cash instead (not patient enough to do it the slow way). Just got to small, but some of my better workers are about to go on tour in Japan :(

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Still Regional, close to cult


Just got my first TV deal with national pride covering the US (100%/100%, the economy is down and it was a good slot and live so it won't interfere with my new tour strategy)


Just started a massive tour, my Current Schedule is

Mon: off

Tues: Explosion (Great Lakes)

Wed: In Your House (touring strategically)

Thurs: Impact (Great Lakes)

Fri: off

Sat: Breaking Point (Great Lakes - on TV throughout the US)

Sun: Live! (strategically touring different areas than in your house)



Titles (the TV titles just debuted and is floating, the others are all ME from the start)

APW United States (100%): Matt Gauge

APW X Division (100%): James Prudence

APW United States Tag Team (88% and rising): Steve Flash and William Hayes

APW TV Title (50%): Marc Speed


Also just signed Bryan Holmes, Des Davids, and Darryl Devine.



Noteworthy: I was told you need C+ pop to make money on a TV show, even though I took the 100/100 spilt and I'm only a C, at least for my first episode I still made money (about 10K). Despite no overness in the touring areas, my first week was only -15K, not bad

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Good problem to have


Yeah, my roster is stacked to the point where I have main eventers wrestling in my pre-show. :p


Anyway going into my first show on my new network my champions are:


NGW World Champion - Marc DuBois (1st Reign)

Reigning champion for about 7 months, and is soon going to lose the title. My most over person in my home region, but no way near the most talented. The title will be going to Dan Stone Jr. soon if he can reach 80 pop in my home region.


NGW Tag Champions - Down To Chance (2) (Chance Fortune & William Hayes)

They have great chemistry and 100 experience, so put on great matches for fun. About to lose the titles to the Hitmen (Raymond Diaz & Human Arsenal), who just won the Ultimate Endurance Tag Tournament to win a shot at the titles (beating Down To Chance, Steve & Alex DeColt & Supreme Future (Rich Money & Rick Law) in the final). Thinking about it the title change would make a good main event for my first national show.


NGW Womens Title - Farrah Hesketh (4)

I brought back my Womens division recently, but less than 6 months later I am close to shutting it back down. Among all my other talent they can't find a way onto my cards. Probably going to be gone by 2007 (currently Dec 06).


NGW Jr. Heavyweight - Johnny Bloodstone (2)

Bloodstone returned recently, and is going to have a long run here, having great matches all around.


And Owen Pinsent recently passed a year running round with his Million Dollar belt, I need to find a way to finish this story.

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Im planning Cyber Sunday in 2011 (replacing TLC)


If anybody wants to pick the *choices* then go ahead, it'll be fun to have random matchups.


WWE Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H vs

A) CM Punk B) R-Truth C) Alex Riley


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Daniel Bryan vs

A) Christian B) Wade Barrett C) Sheamus


John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio (Special Referee)

A) The Rock B) Vince McMahon C) Shawn Michaels


Randy Orton vs Mark Henry

A) Street Fight B) Last Man Standing C) Steel Cage


WWE Divas Title Match

Beth Pheonix vs

A) Maryse B) Kelly Kelly C) Natalya


The Miz vs

A) Davey Richards B) Evan Bourne C) Rey Mysterio


The Undertaker vs

A) Sin Cara B) Jack Swagger C) Drew McIntyre


WWE Tag Team Titles Match

The Kings Of Wrestling vs

A) Santino + Kozlov B) Big Show + Kane C) The Corre


WWE United States Title Match

Zack Ryder vs

A) Colt Cabana B) Kofi Kingston C) David Hart Smith


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Ezekiel Jackson vs

A) Ted Dibiase B) Cody Rhodes C) Tyson Kidd


Jim Ross vs Michael Cole (Special Referee Match)

A) Jerry Lawler B) Hornswoggle C) Booker T


New Raw General Manager Announced

A) Jonathan Coachman B) Shawn Michaels C) Paul Heyman

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Just coming off the heels of Wrestlemania 28 with the results looking something like this...


- Kane won the Pre-Show 20-Man Battle Royal (75)

- Rey Mysterio defeated Alberto Del Rio (76)

- Kharma ended Natalya's reign as Diva's Champion (68)

- Chris Jericho made Evan Bourne tap out (77)

- MVP won the US Title over R-Truth, Kofi Kingston and former champion, Jack Swagger (81)

- The Undertaker added Wade Barrett to his list of 'Mania victims (78)

- Daniel Bryan won a 2 out of 3 Falls Match against Austin Aries to retain his Intercontinental Championship (79)

- Rhodes & DiBiase defeated WGTT, Miz/Ziggler and Gabriel/Slater to become WWE Tag Team Champions (72)

- Big Show defeated The Great Khali (79)

- Booker T pinned Gunner Scott (Brent Albright) (85)

- Christian defeated Randy Orton to become World Champion (87)

- The Rock defeated John Cena (63)

- Triple H (Rumble Winner) defeated John Morrison and former WWE Champion CM Punk to become WWE Champion (85)

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- The Rock defeated John Cena (63)


How did you manage that? I am guessing ring-rust from the Rock, but still it shouldn't be that low should it?


But props on having Danielson vs Aries at 'Mania.

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Yeah, my roster is stacked to the point where I have main eventers wrestling in my pre-show. :p


Anyway going into my first show on my new network my champions are:


NGW World Champion - Marc DuBois (1st Reign)

Reigning champion for about 7 months, and is soon going to lose the title. My most over person in my home region, but no way near the most talented. The title will be going to Dan Stone Jr. soon if he can reach 80 pop in my home region.


NGW Tag Champions - Down To Chance (2) (Chance Fortune & William Hayes)

They have great chemistry and 100 experience, so put on great matches for fun. About to lose the titles to the Hitmen (Raymond Diaz & Human Arsenal), who just won the Ultimate Endurance Tag Tournament to win a shot at the titles (beating Down To Chance, Steve & Alex DeColt & Supreme Future (Rich Money & Rick Law) in the final). Thinking about it the title change would make a good main event for my first national show.


NGW Womens Title - Farrah Hesketh (4)

I brought back my Womens division recently, but less than 6 months later I am close to shutting it back down. Among all my other talent they can't find a way onto my cards. Probably going to be gone by 2007 (currently Dec 06).


NGW Jr. Heavyweight - Johnny Bloodstone (2)

Bloodstone returned recently, and is going to have a long run here, having great matches all around.


And Owen Pinsent recently passed a year running round with his Million Dollar belt, I need to find a way to finish this story.


Held my first show on my new network, headlined by The Hitmen winning the belts from Down To Chance in a Tables match. And my ratings jumped from about 0.25 on my previous network to 0.97 on my new one. Can't wait till I hit 1 (I know its not exactly big ratings but it would mean a lot to me).


Unfortunately Dan Stone seems to have stalled at 70 pop, so I may have to re-consider my next champion. Johnny Bloodstone is a good option, but he has my Jr. Heavyweight belt, and I don't want to merge the belts. I am thinking Rich Money might get the title for a second time, but he is in a team with Rick Law, which I am not sure whether to split up.


And speaking with Rick Law, he might get in trouble with the law for this:



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American Patriot is the ultimate anti-hero. He is now known as the biggest turncoat in wrestling history. Can you imagine millions of people crying at the same time?


I am crying inside, why patriot why!


How did you end up having him turn

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American Patriot is the ultimate anti-hero. He is now known as the biggest turncoat in wrestling history. Can you imagine millions of people crying at the same time?


How did it happen? I can remember you asking before, so wondering how you ended up doing it.

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Wouldn't the anti-hero be cheered? He's either a mean face or a heel that gets cheered.


So unless he turned via...






America bombing the Russians, and he has a Russian sister, so he punched...Corporal Doom in the face to stop the bombings...



He should still be cheered...






Speaking of Sgt. Slaughter, I put my dad in the Cobra Clutch (which I had been trying to get right for...awhile now). I made his knees weak and when he tapped out he fell to the floor. Didn't hit his head on the tile, though, so we're far from even.

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WWE Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H vs

A) CM Punk B) R-Truth C) Alex Riley


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Daniel Bryan vs

A) Christian B) Wade Barrett C) Sheamus


John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio (Special Referee)

A) The Rock B) Vince McMahon C) Shawn Michaels


Randy Orton vs Mark Henry

A) Street Fight B) Last Man Standing C) Steel Cage


WWE Divas Title Match

Beth Pheonix vs

A) Maryse B) Kelly Kelly C) Natalya


The Miz vs

A) Davey Richards B) Evan Bourne C) Rey Mysterio


The Undertaker vs

A) Sin Cara B) Jack Swagger C) Drew McIntyre


WWE Tag Team Titles Match

The Kings Of Wrestling vs

A) Santino + Kozlov B) Big Show + Kane C) The Corre


WWE United States Title Match

Zack Ryder vs

A) Colt Cabana B) Kofi Kingston C) David Hart Smith


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Ezekiel Jackson vs

A) Ted Dibiase B) Cody Rhodes C) Tyson Kidd


Jim Ross vs Michael Cole (Special Referee Match)

A) Jerry Lawler B) Hornswoggle C) Booker T


New Raw General Manager Announced

A) Jonathan Coachman B) Shawn Michaels C) Paul Heyman

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