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Small questions that don't deserve their own thread

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I need some help understanding gimmicks. The current gimmick one of my wrestlers is using says that "he would have problems working this gimmick, as he does not have all the requirements necessary." What constitutes as a requirement? I see it has 92 Babyfaces, 89 Heels, 50 Risk, 14 Difficulty, and 15 Subtlety. The worker in question has a 62 in Babyface Performance and an 86 in Heel Performance. Are those numbers not high enough or what?


The requirements are hidden (although can be seen via the editor). There's no need for them to be displayed, as there's simply no sense in the user going through a list matching them up when he can simply use the tick box provided in the filter to eliminate any gimmicks that don't match up.

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The requirements are hidden (although can be seen via the editor). There's no need for them to be displayed, as there's simply no sense in the user going through a list matching them up when he can simply use the tick box provided in the filter to eliminate any gimmicks that don't match up.


Ah, I see. And I didn't even know you could sort them out with the filter like that. Very helpful, thanks.

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Hi there, I am quite a newbie to this game, so I have a question. I am intending to run BSC and managed to get E+, D-, D-, D- for four two-hour weekly events that I held. I managed to climb to E- in popularity with that shows, but noticed that I can't afford to run weekly events like that. Will I gain in popularity the same way, when running one-hour shows instead of two, or should I stick to one monthly event and make that a three-hour show, maybe? Just not sure, how the production costs and sponsorship apply to that...
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So you can sign written deals at Cult and I know you need atleast 10 mil in the bank what are the other requirements because I can't find even people with amost no overness willing to sign a written.


From Dev Journal:


#24: Sneaking Written Deals


New to TEW2010 will be the ability of Cult-sized promotions to sign workers to written deals, something that used to only be available to National-size and above. However, only promotions that are an "attractive prospect" to the worker in question will be able to achieve this.


To qualify as an "attractive prospect", a promotion must pass three tests. First, they must be financially stable - they must have a minimum of $7,000,000 in the bank. Secondly, they must be going places - they must have high momentum. Thirdly, the worker must like the feel of the place - this is a slightly more complex calculation where he will examine all the relationships that he has with members of the current roster and decide whether it would be a positive atmosphere or not. The user's Negotiation talent also comes into play here, as he can "talk up" the locker room to increase the chance of the worker wanting to come.


If all three of those tests are passed, the worker will be willing to accept a written deal.


This of course makes dirty tricks on Cult-level promotions slightly strategic, as pulling a stunt that lowers their momentum could conceivably stop them getting the advantage of being able to start offering exclusive deals.


Haven't personally tested the Sneaking Written Deal -addition yet, so I don't know how hard it is to get them to actually sign, but I think it should be hard.

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Another stupid question with drag and drop booking. I must be mis understanding I have the two drop down boxes to my left and then on the right I have the list of all the workers along with their pictures. I thought I was supposed to drag them from the right into the boxes on the left. So could someone tell me how to drag and drop because I seem to be stupid today.
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What do the special sets, celebrities, etc do for events? For 5,000,000 an A list celebrity better do quite a bit.


Is Risque worth it at heavy or above? I've never noticed grade improvements between risky angles or matches and not but is it worth it losing so many staple workers?

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What do the special sets, celebrities, etc do for events? For 5,000,000 an A list celebrity better do quite a bit.


Is Risque worth it at heavy or above? I've never noticed grade improvements between risky angles or matches and not but is it worth it losing so many staple workers?


Only you can answer those questions, really. Celebrities bump your show rating, heavy risque is up to you.

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What do the special sets, celebrities, etc do for events? For 5,000,000 an A list celebrity better do quite a bit.


Is Risque worth it at heavy or above? I've never noticed grade improvements between risky angles or matches and not but is it worth it losing so many staple workers?


Im not sure but i realy hope the 5mill price tag has a significant + effect on the prestige of a PPV ...

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Im not sure but i realy hope the 5mill price tag has a significant + effect on the prestige of a PPV ...


I'm guessing it may not do that much, but is more for players who end up with ridiculous amounts of money to spend. And I guess realistically speaking, WWE probably ends up spending a fair few million for their A list celebs (of which they probably don't have as many as they do B list or B+ list), but I wouldn't think they'd necessarily have a significant effect on prestige.


All conjecture at this stage though. I'm sure someone who actually knows the game will chime in and tell me i'm wrong :p

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How does a mask gain prestige? Is it by the amount of time worn, does it increase quicker if the person who wears the mask has better matches/segments, wins titles, etc? Couldn't find the answer in the help file.


I was wondering the same thing. I would guess the worker getting over would be key in it gaining prestige. A promotion-owned mask that it is worn by a succession of jobbers who never really do anything of note wouldn't be particularly prestigious, would it?

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I'm guessing it may not do that much, but is more for players who end up with ridiculous amounts of money to spend. And I guess realistically speaking, WWE probably ends up spending a fair few million for their A list celebs (of which they probably don't have as many as they do B list or B+ list), but I wouldn't think they'd necessarily have a significant effect on prestige.


All conjecture at this stage though. I'm sure someone who actually knows the game will chime in and tell me i'm wrong :p


All very true , but in some cases a "star" can make a wrestlemania for example, take the rock and wrestling connection deal with Cyndi Lauper, that certainly added one hell of alot of prestige to the overall deal that we now know as Mania.


As we can see Celebs can tank aswell in a big way , but when it comes to talking about how a celebs presents at an event can increase the "prestige" of said event via changing the general publics perception of said event and as such leading to more mainstream acceptance and success, i dont think their is any question in my mind atleast that this should have some effect on event %

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Is Stale Character someone needing a turn?


Also, this is in a fed with no Heel/Face divide. Does this basically mean that heels/faces are needed, but that there is no penalty when heels wrestle heels and faces wrestle faces?


Lastly, with no heel/face divide, should most of the matches still be Heel VS Face?

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Is Stale Character someone needing a turn?


Correct. Gimmicks die after awhile, but not if you disable that option.


Also, this is in a fed with no Heel/Face divide. Does this basically mean that heels/faces are needed, but that there is no penalty when heels wrestle heels and faces wrestle faces?


Also correct. If the place requires gimmicks you'll need to match up heel performers with heel gimmicks, but otherwise anyone can wrestle anyone else.


Lastly, with no heel/face divide, should most of the matches still be Heel VS Face?


Think of it as a roster full of tweeners. Nobody is a "good guy" or "bad guy" they're just different guys with different tactics.

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I was wondering the same thing. I would guess the worker getting over would be key in it gaining prestige. A promotion-owned mask that it is worn by a succession of jobbers who never really do anything of note wouldn't be particularly prestigious, would it?



Your example definiately makes sense. But if a masks prestige goes up solely based on how long the worker wears the mask...you could have a guy that has jobbed for five years in your company with a mask be more valuable than someone who has only been around three years but skyrocketed to the top of the company. Or, maybe a legacy mask that already has a high presitge was passed down to a relative but it automacially starts at zero because the worker hasn't been wrestling with it. Both seems off to me.


I don't think length of time wearing the mask or popularity should solely be the only thing that determines the prestige. It should be some combination...but it already could be and I just don't know how the system works. I was hoping someone developing the game noticed a trend or if I was missing the actual variables printed somewhere.

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Mask prestige goes up over time, but in order to get the prestige up to the higher levels the worker underneath the mask needs to be very successful. Mask prestige will also go up faster for a worker higher up the card than for a jobber. :)


See, that makes sense. Simply being based on length of time would be ignoring that what's being done by that worker should be important.


Thanks derek.

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Well that seems...perfect lol. Thanks Derek.


While this is in my head...can't believe Vengenace isn't wearing a mask and it's just face paint. Was I the only one that thought it was a mask? Craziness.


I have to admit that I also thought it was a mask, certainly while it was the all white appearance anyways since I always thought it looked more like a mask. Now that I know it isn't, I'm gonna have a few less angles for him when I get around to playing as the SWF. :)

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