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Diary Preview Thread

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Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Since I will be on the boards off and on for the next month or so, these preview bits will come and go...just my way of thinking out loud. Hope you all don't mind.


We are the unsung heroes of pro wrestling...


Often overlooked...


Known for some early card pop and nothing else.


That all changes here.




We are, quite simply, the greatest division in the world today. We pour our blood, sweat, and tears...together...knowing that two is always better than one. Always.


We don't just go for our own gain. We reach glory as a unit.


When a team is on the same wavelength, they are twice as deadly as anyone on the planet.


We brawl, slam, fly, and strike...together. We rise and fall...together. We triumph and heartbreak...together. We pour our entire lives in the six-sided circle...together.


We are ushering a new day and age in wrestling when a tag team title match could headline a show...a PPV...a supercard.


You might not agree with us. But you can not ignore us. We deliver the world's finest and total wrestling product, as a team.


We are the best.


We are the CZCW tag team division...and we're coming right at you.





Champions. Assassins. Limb destroyers.




The best of both worlds. Southern Cali's finest.



Hometown heroes. Teeth-rattlers. Quick-strike legends.



Southern roughneck wrasslin'. Hard-hitting. No questions asked.



High-flying. Death-defying. The innovators of insane.



Powerslams. Headbutts. Straight up carnage.






CZCW: The Art of Royal Warfare


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>KC Glenn


Oh dear, that probably won't last long.

Four months into the game, and The CDC is rolling up the card quite well. Wit the quality of matches they're putting on, they might be main eventing a PPV.


Their tag team was one I just threw together at the last minute to replace The Rich and Famous (hated them, never got good ratings for me). They end up having excellent chemistry and could put on a great tag match with a broomstick and a dust pan.

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TLLK3 - you know I'm really looking forward to your CZCW diary and these hype posts are fantastic.


20LEgend - when you were asking about your pictures in the small questions thread I was hoping it would mean a 2006 diary was on the cards. Should be awesome :D

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It's now December 2000...


WCW is up for sale.


WWF is building to a big 6 way main event in a hell in a cell.


ECW is struggling to stay open.




"I can be the heir to the throne. I've bled for this company and should be the next one to take over the reigns."


"You really don't have what it takes. You are too nice. I have a couple people in mind for the position. I'm sorry to say it son but this business just isn't for you."




"So I brought you here to discuss a few business matters. Personal stuff aside I think we can do this."


"Well you know what they say..."


"Yeah, I know and I think we can do this. I have another person in on this and it will blow him away."


"Well Shane I hope you know what you are doing. I've cashed out my stocks and bonds for 1/3rd ownership. Dad is going to disown us for t his. Hunter won't be able to come to WCW and probably wouldn't even if he could."


"Well like I told you Dad said he had a couple people he was interested in passing ownership on to when he finally steps away from the business. So this is our best chance to be on top of this business."




"Shane have a seat. I'm so glad you contacted me a couple weeks ago. So is Stephanie on board?"


"Yeah she is. It took some convincing but when I told her that our father had a couple other people in mind to replace him she quickly signed on. So Eric how do you want to reveal this to the world?"


"I am glad you asked me that. Here by the end of this month I am going to be a heel working with Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, and some other guys. Gloating about how this company is basically mine now that AOL Time Warner is backing out of it. Once I say that I want the lights to flicker and yours and Stephanies new music to play. Then both of you come down to the ring much to my delight in the ring. Then you pipe up saying that now that everything has been signed over you don't agree with how I run a company. That will begin our feud. Sound good?"


"Hmmm yeah I can get behind that for now. Any idea when we will end this feud or how?"


"Not yet but I am working on it. If you think of anything let me know."


"I will come up with some good ideas. By the way these are the couple of guys I want to bring in... Curt Hennig, Scott Hall, and our new main eventer Rocky himself... Sylvester Stallone. He is the perfect counter to what the WWF is doing by bringing in Arnold Schwarzenegar."


"You know me I love bringing in celebrities and he is the perfect counter attack to the Terminator in WWF."




I am doing a 2 player game by myself in 2001 with WWF and WCW. Hate the rules that were put on me but oh well.

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UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 2 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="69" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Medium Grid 3 Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="70" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Dark List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="71" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Shading Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="72" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful List Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="73" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" Name="Colorful Grid Accent 6"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="19" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Subtle Emphasis"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="21" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Intense Emphasis"/> <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="31" SemiHidden="false" UnhideWhenUsed="false" 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Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars

Pointing me on my way into your loving arms

This much I know is true

That God blessed the broken road

That led me straight to you




Regardless of what anyone will tell you, it's impossible to sleep on a plane.


Oh, you might close your eyes. You might even drift off to some semiconscious state between waking and sleeping, but you'll never quite get there. Even if it's the middle of the night. Even if the blackness of the ocean below offers no sense of perspective. Even if you are one of the fortunate few in the front of the plane, with your own privacy walls around your fully reclined seat with all the amenities first class has to offer. There's simply too much going on around you as you hurtle across the sky. And in this case, there's simply too much going on inside his head as well. Thoughts, memories, emotions all intertwine as his brain attempts to process it all through his sleep-deprived stupor.


"—He’s stable, but quite weak—"


"—damn it, I'm not going to be pushed into a decision about this right now –"


"—we should all be here..."


"—I—I can't lose him... not now...”


"— it's not your fault –“


“—bull! We needed you –all of you – and you abandoned us!”


“—were pushed away! Even your own child!!—“


“—the HELL do you—“


“—folks, this is the captain speaking; we are just about 125 miles northeast of Narita International Airport. We will be beginning our final descent shortly. We are coming in at a slightly different vector than usual in order to avoid some of the choppy air the current weather patterns are generating. At this time I would advise that you begin securing your possessions as well as making sure your seat belts are snugly fastened low across your hips -- we won't be able to avoid all the bumps and want to make sure you’re safe. I would also like the cabin crew to make one final pass through to collect service items then strap themselves in as we make our approach. We should be on the ground in 30 to 45 minutes. It's been a long ride, I know, but we’re almost there; on behalf of the flight crew we very much appreciate your business and hope to see you on another Canadian Air flight sometime soon.”


The announcement from the overhead speakers pushes the voices playing back in his mind further and further into the background. He fumbles around until he finds the button on the armrest; he winces as his stiff muscles respond to the movement of the seat. He yawns, only then becoming dimly aware of how dry his mouth is – the combination of the lack of humidity in the cabin and the multiple tiny bottles of Crown Royal consumed hours earlier. He reaches for the bottle of water in the suite’s small cabinet and takes a long drink. He then pours a small amount into a napkin and proceeds to wipe his face, lined with streaks of salt where tears once flowed somewhere over the Arctic.


Despite, or perhaps because of all he has been through the past few days, all he can think of now is getting back to her, losing himself within her embrace.






Coming July 2011

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The Injury

The injury is really where it all begins right now, isn't it? The month was August in the year 2009. I was working the independent circuit just trying to make a living until I got called up once again to one of the bigger and name promotions. I worked for Rip in MAW. I worked as a curtain-jerker for Tommy and TCW. If you search hard enough you might be able to find my two matches for TCW somewhere on youtube. Maybe, maybe not. But certainly things began to change within my career because of the injury.


I was wrestling a match on the American independent circuit. For some reason they decided to hire those untrained backyard idiots from Xtreme Danger Wrestling. They call those five guys the Quest or something. I was wrestling Kris Turkleton aka Fearless Blue and the match was going alright. I was at least pulling something out of the kid. That's more than I could say that his buddies had done earlier. The match was pretty decent until we got toward the end of the match and he began going into business for himself. We had a finish all planned and set up and he decided that he wanted to go over at the last moment. I was set up top and I leaped for a frog splash but there was nobody home where there was supposed to be someone. My knee came into direct contact with the mat and I heard and felt something snap.


The pain became so great in the next few minutes that I have no idea what happened after that. I have seen it on videotape later on but I cannot recall exactly what happened until I woke up in the hospital. When I woke up in the hospital room, the doctors told me that I tore my ACL. They recommended that I never wrestle again.


So, I'm an idiot. I'm only 24 years old. I do a little bit of rehab on the knee, pop some pain killers and head back on the road. Two matches later and I'm back in the hospital with the same prognosis. So now I cannot wrestle anymore. Wrestling is my life. It's what I live and breathe for. So, I have to decide what happens next.

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TCW: A New Empire is the working title for an upcoming dynasty of mine. Clearly there are already several TCW dynasties on the board, but it's a company that interests me greatly and I hope that I can conjure something up to create interest. I expect to get the diary up and running within two or three weeks.



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8 months on from Clover Fields...



The announcement caught everyone by surprise when it happened, as history should when it's being made. Of course with hindsight, the writing had been on the wall for a while. It should have been clear to them that
"The Clover Fields Incident"
had changed everything and once the network cancelled the scheduled renewal meeting, this type of outcome was inevitable. GNN left the door open for a relationship down the road, but by their choosing, not that of TCW. In truth, their decision was simply the latest instalment of what had become a continual stream of bad news as the ever-increasing series of setbacks and back-door decisions took their toll. Haemorrhaging money and deserted by their financial backers, the promotion would be bankrupt long before then. Their product was considered toxic. And whilst they knew Tommy Cornell would do anything to prevent the doors finally shutting on fourteen years of history, they just didn't appreciate how little leverage he carried in the negotiations that followed or the exact nature of the beast he was dealing with.


To his credit, this had been the best kept secret since the formula for Coca Cola and they never saw it coming.


Nobody expected the mouse...





"Welcome to the family!"





The Magic Kingdom of Total Championship Wrestling


Coming Summer 2011...



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That sounded like a nightmare that Tommy would be having with all the stress. I imagine the line after to be Tommy waking up screaming before Jennifer calmed him down and told him it's just a dream. :p


Looks awesome and I can't wait to see more.

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2020: Vision of the future


It was my 10th year with ROF. A lot had happened in a decade, a lot I was proud of - we'd outlived 21CW, expanded to new levels of popularity throughout the UK, brought in some of the most incredibly talented wrestlers on the planet, redifined the standard of wrestling in the country. Tonight was the night of ROF True Grit. True Grit was the event where we traditionally had our champion (at that time Merle O'Curle) defend the belt against the winner of the previous month's Gauntlet Of Fire. The Gauntlet was my creation. Our answer to 21CW's World War, it was a 10 man battle royale where participants were eliminated via pinfall or submission. Nigel Svensson had won it this year, for a second time, and he had been given the nod to end Merle's year-long title reign.


Nigel had always been a great asset. Wonderful to work with, never complained, never made outrageous demands over pay and always put on a solid match. 2019 had been a banner year for Nigel - he'd extended his ROF Tag Title reign to over 1 year, won the GCG Tag Team Championship and won the third annual Indy World Cup (an event Id dreamed up) defeating the defending champion Antonio Maxi Marquez in the final in what was probably the best match ever contested on British soil. I was proud of having had a hand in Nigel's growth and successes over the years and when he became ROF champion I was sure it'd be an incredibly emotional moment


Sadly that was a moment I would miss. ROF True Grit 2020 would be held in the Aston University Sports Hall in Birmingham England. When doors opened at 8pm GMT I'd be halfway across the Atlantic on a plane bound for New York City. Nigel, Ring Of Fire, The Aston University Sports Hall, all of it. That was all in the past now. I had to meet with my new boss...

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How well would a WWE takeover of TNA dynasty go down with readers? The reason I ask is that I have my old Sting in the Tale dynasty game and really want to continue it with a takeover of TNA as I have a good idea for reasoning.


Anyone have any objections to this kind of dynasty?

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So here's the deal. I love the game, but it gets kind of boring when there's nobody to talk to about it. So I'm thinking about starting a diary using my current WWE game. I'm a couple of weeks in, but I'll go back and type up show reports like others do.
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I'm in a bit of a dilemma.


My idea for CZCW: The Art of Royal Warfare is getting a lot less exciting by the day. It seems to much of a ROH-knockoff to me, and I'm having a hard time getting anything going creative-wise. Writing for it has been tough for me, and that surprises me.


An idea struck me the other day, and I'm kinda excited about it. I teased an idea for a SWF '77 dynasty months ago, and now I'm looking back into that again. Been watching a lot of old wrestling, and it's got me in that kind of mood, you know?


So my question to the board is this: Would you read a SWF '77 dynasty?


I know that a good bit of C-Verse people play it and know a lot about it, and there are C-Verse encyclopedias like BP and James Casey around here. (Don't know if you guys play That '70's Mod or not.)


I'm not completely shelving the CZCW dynasty just yet...maybe I'm just in a bit of a creative rut right now, or my ADD is kicking in.

Would the potential readers of CZCW: The Art of Royal Warfare go for this old-school SWF dynasty?

Anxiously awaiting anyone's feedback.


Thanks in advance,


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I'm in a bit of a dilemma.


My idea for CZCW: The Art of Royal Warfare is getting a lot less exciting by the day. It seems to much of a ROH-knockoff to me, and I'm having a hard time getting anything going creative-wise. Writing for it has been tough for me, and that surprises me.


An idea struck me the other day, and I'm kinda excited about it. I teased an idea for a SWF '77 dynasty months ago, and now I'm looking back into that again. Been watching a lot of old wrestling, and it's got me in that kind of mood, you know?


So my question to the board is this: Would you read a SWF '77 dynasty?


I know that a good bit of C-Verse people play it and know a lot about it, and there are C-Verse encyclopedias like BP and James Casey around here. (Don't know if you guys play That '70's Mod or not.)


I'm not completely shelving the CZCW dynasty just yet...maybe I'm just in a bit of a creative rut right now, or my ADD is kicking in.

Would the potential readers of CZCW: The Art of Royal Warfare go for this old-school SWF dynasty?

Anxiously awaiting anyone's feedback.


Thanks in advance,



I've got an SWF 70s game on the go at the moment, funnily enough. Trying to book shows like 80s WWF is fun, but isn't getting me to national anytime soon! To be honest TLLK, with a writer of your quality I'll read your next dynasty regardless of promotion or mod. :)

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