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The Official ROH Discussion Thread

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I went to my first Ring of Honor show Friday (Death Before Dishonor Night 1 in Milwaukee) with a friend of mine and we had a great time. I was in the last row, which in the Turner Hall Ballroom is the 6th row, and everything was so close. I have my issues with RoH at times, mainly I feel that sometimes they could do themselves a favor by selling a bit more/better and some of the matches have too many false finishes, but that said, I really do enjoy the product. If you've never gone to an event, I'd recommend going if a show is near your area. For anyone else that has attended a show, how were your experiences (if you don't mind sharing)?
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I went to my first Ring of Honor show Friday (Death Before Dishonor Night 1 in Milwaukee) with a friend of mine and we had a great time. I was in the last row, which in the Turner Hall Ballroom is the 6th row, and everything was so close. I have my issues with RoH at times, mainly I feel that sometimes they could do themselves a favor by selling a bit more/better and some of the matches have too many false finishes, but that said, I really do enjoy the product. If you've never gone to an event, I'd recommend going if a show is near your area. For anyone else that has attended a show, how were your experiences (if you don't mind sharing)?


I was planning on going to that show, but other stuff got in the way. If I may ask, how were the matches, and what was MOTN?

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I've only ever been to two different ROH shows. One back in 2006 called ROH Dissension and I went to ROH Flyin' High this year. Christopher Daniels was the reason I went to the first one and AJ Styles vs Chris Hero was the main reason that I went to the second, but I got to see so many good to great performances they were well worth it.


Daniels is easily one of the coolest guys I've ever met. I had waited in line for a really long time to meet him and when I finally got up to him, someone shoved me out of the way and started asking him obnoxious questions. Daniels embarrassed the guy and then took me aside and talked to me for a good 15 minutes to make up for the rudeness of the other guy.

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I was planning on going to that show, but other stuff got in the way. If I may ask, how were the matches, and what was MOTN?


The matches were all good and a few were really great. ACH won a 6-man scramble (I think that's what they call it) between himself, Jay Lethal, Bobby Fish, BJ Wittmer, Adam Page, and Cedric Alexander. ACH is really athletic. It's pretty obvious from watching him on TV, but it's even more so in person. That guy can fly. They had the perfect match for an opener with Kaz and Daniels going against Adam Cole and Michael Bennett. That was a great way to start the show. Kaz did botch a move spawning a "You F***ed Up!" chant.


My favorite matches were AJ Styles vs Kyle O'Reilly and The Briscoes vs. The Young Bucks, with the tag match being the better of the two. It was filled with spots (as most Young Bucks matches are), but unlike some of their matches it didn't feel like they were just moving from spot to spot. There was a good flow to it and it made the spots that much better. It was definitely the match of the night. We began chanting "You can't top that" and some people responded with "Yes they can". in the Styles/O'Reilly match, AJ did this move to O'Reilly where it looked like he was going for a Styles Clash, but he dropped O'Reilly on his head, it was a pretty brutal looking. I think it's really ridiculous (and fortunate for myself) that I got to watch AJ Styles wrestle for $20. Why is this guy not in a larger promotion?


The main event was Elgin vs. Silas Young; due to Young being from Milwaukee he was cheered and Elgin was booed, so Young cuts a heel promo on Milwaukee and it worked a little. He was still getting cheers throughout most of the match, but the crowd stopped booing Michael Elgin. After that match, Elgin walked around the entire ring area and shook hands/fist bumped whoever was around. I am much taller than Elgin, but he's probably twice as wide.


We got two promos, one from Jimmy Jacobs (with the rest of The Decade in the ring) where he re-introduced Adam Pearce (there are WAY too many Adams in RoH now) as a member of The Decade. Also, Adam Cole cut a promo, but I was in the bathroom for half of it (too much beer). Come to think of it, I missed about half of both promos because of those beers.


There was also a meet-and-greet before the show with Christopher Daniels, The Young Bucks, Michael Bennett and AJ Styles. It was $10 for an autographed picture, but you could just walk up and meet them if you wanted. They were there for a while.

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For anyone else that has attended a show, how were your experiences (if you don't mind sharing)?


I have been to a half dozen or so shows (It may have been more but I have lost track). I think they put on a good show for the most part. Though I will say if you are going to a television taping be ready for a four hour show as they tape their shows much like the WWF did with Superstars back in the 80's-90's, in a four hour block.


They used to come around to the region I live in more often but it seems like they are now mostly holding shows in the Midwest and Tri-State area. Which is understandable because I do not believe they have a show in the Boston market and their show is on at 4:00 am in the Providence market so I would hazard to guess that not many people catch it.

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Ring Of Honor is my favorite promotion, it provides me with the stuff that I believe other promotions have been missing.


I've been to four live events, the first was over a decade ago on April 23 2004 and it was called ROH Reborn Stage 1. The main event was Samoa Joe vs. Homicide and from what I remember the match was pretty damn good. I also got to see CM Punk take on Bryan Danielson (Wonder where they ended up they were pretty good :D) and it was great.


The second was in Chicago Ridge Illinois on April 1st 2006 (The night before Wrestlemania 22 which I was at the next day) Called ROH Better Than Our Best. I got to see Lance Storm take on Bryan Danielson for the ROH World Title in the co-main event and the main event was Colt Cabana vs. Homicide in a fight without honor. The fight without honor match was very good but at one point in the match Homicide called for a chair and everyone in the arena stood up and started hurling chairs into the ring. Cabana and Homicide would wrestle the remainder of the match on said chairs until Colt Cabana won. I can't remember what he won the match with but I have the DVD so I could go back and check.


The third show I attended wouldn't come until years later but on September 24, 2013 I went to ROH A New Dawn. This show was really good as well, it featured a battle royal where the winner would get a shot at Adam Cole's newly won World Title. Mark Briscoe won the match and since Cole was feuding with Jay Briscoe at the time this made perfect sense. I was glad I got to see Adam Cole's first World Title defense live.


The final show I attended was a little over a month ago on July 12, 2014 called ROH Aftershock and would feature the first World Title defense of the new Champion Michael Elgin. Elgin was supposed to be in a six man main event with Raymond Rowe and Hanson as they took on the Kingdom but the match got bumped to the first match on the show so Elgin could defend the belt later on which I was fine with. Elgin ended up defending the belt against Matt Hardy in the main event and the most memorable part about that match was that Hardy wore the ICONIC title through half of the match.


The match of the night however was Cedric Alexander taking on Kyle O'Reilly seriously if you get the VOD of this show watch that match it was worth the price of admission alone.


Anyways that concludes my long rant, hope you enjoyed reading.

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Ring Of Honor is my favorite promotion, it provides me with the stuff that I believe other promotions have been missing.


I've been to four live events, the first was over a decade ago on April 23 2004 and it was called ROH Reborn Stage 1. The main event was Samoa Joe vs. Homicide and from what I remember the match was pretty damn good. I also got to see CM Punk take on Bryan Danielson (Wonder where they ended up they were pretty good :D) and it was great.


The second was in Chicago Ridge Illinois on April 1st 2006 (The night before Wrestlemania 22 which I was at the next day) Called ROH Better Than Our Best. I got to see Lance Storm take on Bryan Danielson for the ROH World Title in the co-main event and the main event was Colt Cabana vs. Homicide in a fight without honor. The fight without honor match was very good but at one point in the match Homicide called for a chair and everyone in the arena stood up and started hurling chairs into the ring. Cabana and Homicide would wrestle the remainder of the match on said chairs until Colt Cabana won. I can't remember what he won the match with but I have the DVD so I could go back and check.


The third show I attended wouldn't come until years later but on September 24, 2013 I went to ROH A New Dawn. This show was really good as well, it featured a battle royal where the winner would get a shot at Adam Cole's newly won World Title. Mark Briscoe won the match and since Cole was feuding with Jay Briscoe at the time this made perfect sense. I was glad I got to see Adam Cole's first World Title defense live.


The final show I attended was a little over a month ago on July 12, 2014 called ROH Aftershock and would feature the first World Title defense of the new Champion Michael Elgin. Elgin was supposed to be in a six man main event with Raymond Rowe and Hanson as they took on the Kingdom but the match got bumped to the first match on the show so Elgin could defend the belt later on which I was fine with. Elgin ended up defending the belt against Matt Hardy in the main event and the most memorable part about that match was that Hardy wore the ICONIC title through half of the match.


The match of the night however was Cedric Alexander taking on Kyle O'Reilly seriously if you get the VOD of this show watch that match it was worth the price of admission alone.


Anyways that concludes my long rant, hope you enjoyed reading.


What's the ICONIC title?


Also, Cedric Alexander vs Michael Elgin was tied with Chris Hero vs AJ Styles from the second ROH show I went to as MOTN.

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What's the ICONIC title?


Also, Cedric Alexander vs Michael Elgin was tied with Chris Hero vs AJ Styles from the second ROH show I went to as MOTN.


The Iconic Title is Matt Hardy's own version of the World Title. After Adam Cole defeated Jay Briscoe to unify both the ROH World Title and the Real World Title (As Jay Briscoe called it) Cole awarded Jay Briscoe's World Title to Matt Hardy as a show of his gratitude. Matt proceeded to rename the belt The ICONIC (Innovative Creator and Originator of a New-Found Industry Champion) Championship and placed a sticker of his own face on the belt. So there you go.


Also Cedric Alexander is going to be the man in 2015, hes had a great 2014 already and it's not even two thirds over. I heard great things about Flying High, a few guys that I do a podcast with were in attendance for it.

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Also Cedric Alexander is going to be the man in 2015, hes had a great 2014 already and it's not even two thirds over. I heard great things about Flying High, a few guys that I do a podcast with were in attendance for it.


I agree, I think they might be grooming him to be the ROH Champion soon.

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The Iconic Title is Matt Hardy's own version of the World Title. After Adam Cole defeated Jay Briscoe to unify both the ROH World Title and the Real World Title (As Jay Briscoe called it) Cole awarded Jay Briscoe's World Title to Matt Hardy as a show of his gratitude. Matt proceeded to rename the belt The ICONIC (Innovative Creator and Originator of a New-Found Industry Champion) Championship and placed a sticker of his own face on the belt. So there you go.


Also Cedric Alexander is going to be the man in 2015, hes had a great 2014 already and it's not even two thirds over. I heard great things about Flying High, a few guys that I do a podcast with were in attendance for it.


That's an awesome angle from Matt. I dig it :p


Flyin' High was a blast. There wasn't anything that was less than good for the most part. I'm not an ROH regular, so I didn't know everyone, but the show made me an instant fan of Bobby Fish and the Briscoes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I am glad they took the belt off Elgin, I have never been a huge fan of his.


Can't say I am. I get that Jay's prior reign didn't get a proper ending in story terms. But this didn't feel like the time to move the belt. Would have preferred a heel to take it in a multiway and Jay start chasing him. Doesn't feel like there was enough buildup to Jay getting his vindication.

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Well the move had to happen since Elgin is now locked in Canada for at least 90 days


It was done out of necessity but the fact that Jay hadn't been beaten still makes it seem more natural than a switch to someone else for it being this early.

From what I've heard, they didn't know about Elgin's visa issues until he tried to fly back to the US after the show, meaning they got supremely lucky with their timing.


I like Elgin and expected him to have a longer reign, but I guess that for him, like Homicide eight years ago, it was more about the chase. There's also something to be said for a title change that no one sees coming, as long as the reason no one sees it coming isn't because the new champion clearly has no business winning it. Jay is probably the most over full-time wrestler in the company, so no issue there. There's also the bit they keep mentioning about Jay not being pinned in ROH for 2+ years. You could put the next champ over huge by playing that up: not only would he be the new champion, but also the guy who finally pinned Jay Briscoe.


My money is on Ciampa being the guy to do it. They'd probably like to go with AJ, but his schedule with NJPW would make that tricky.

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I'm thinking the belt will go briscoe to Styles to Ciampa


AJ hasn't really been on NJPW much aside from PPVs so far this year though I would anticipate different this November and December as they build towards Tokyo Dome. He could win it at Final Battle and hold it for a while. If their first TV tapings are after 1/4 he should be good to go

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There was the whole trying out for baseball as well. I am not sure how much that was a factor or if it was a factor at all. I am not sure how much of a chance he would have in baseball with his age (Not that he is old, it is just he would be old baseball and I am not sure what talent he has but I highly doubt he would ever get to the majors.).
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There was the whole trying out for baseball as well. I am not sure how much that was a factor or if it was a factor at all. I am not sure how much of a chance he would have in baseball with his age (Not that he is old, it is just he would be old baseball and I am not sure what talent he has but I highly doubt he would ever get to the majors.).


Elgin is 29 so Age wouldn't be an issue as far as that goes.


As far as Elgin losing the belt, I'm glad it happened the guy seems all about himself. I went to a show last September and I was able to meet him, Jay Lethal, Kevin Steen, and the Wolves (Prior to TNA). Elgin was all like "Look at me, Pay attention to me" I get you have to sell yourself and make money but that's just the wrong way to do it in my opinion. He could have gone about it a different way. I honestly regret giving the dude money for an autograph but whatever.


As far as the current champion, I am glad that Jay Briscoe got a second run with the title because I didn't see it coming at all. His first run was very forgettable by ROH standards and for everything that guy has done for that company he deserves a lengthy run with the belt. As far as my pick for who the next champion should be my money is on Tommaso Ciampa. I've been a huge fan of his since I first saw him on ROH TV back when it first started airing nationally and the guy has only gotten better since then and will continue to do so. I could also see Cedric Alexander getting a run down the line because he has had a phenomenal (No pun intended) 2014.

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Elgin is 29 so Age wouldn't be an issue as far as that goes.


Twenty-nine in baseball is old. Yes there are some exceptions to the rule but those are just that exceptions to the rule. Unless he was a great talent (Which I doubt he is because if he was he should have chosen baseball because he would have had a better paying job.) he probably would not make it out of the minors at this stage.

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Well the move had to happen since Elgin is now locked in Canada for at least 90 days


It was done out of necessity but the fact that Jay hadn't been beaten still makes it seem more natural than a switch to someone else for it being this early.


Fair enough I guess. In behind the scenes terms, it makes perfect sense. But in the terms of being a fan, I'm rather disappointed we won't have Jay chasing his way back to the belt. That had potential to be awesome given the fact he had to vacate due to injury last time.

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