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Guest KingOfKings
I think that there is a chance that he can still resign. There are a few issues though. Depending on his overness he may ask for a lot of money and Sam Strong may not let you pay him what he wants. The money thing should be no problem(Have to have $7,000,000 for people to sign written contracts at cult).


What is your prestige? I know if it falls too low you might not be able to sign him to written. Also how is your backstage?


Backstage is somewhere around 83%, his morale is he's happy with the way things are going and our prestige is around 79 I think.


Hopefully when bumping my negotiation stat all the way up he will actually enter negotiations with me. At this point he even refuses to do that.

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If he is refusing to open negotiations you might not be able to resign him and that is going to suck. How is Nicky Champion? He is basically set up to be the main star for USPW.


Whenever I play as USPW before I book the first show I always have my negotiation stat maxed or use the code. My USPW games don't last because the promotion is very easy and I don't like the family friendly product.

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Heh, I always feel like a total newbie when I read things like "USPW is very easy" while I'm struggling to hell and back with it. Then again, I am a total newbie: if USPW is easy, I'm glad I started with them and not a promotion that I would wind up running into the ground.


I'm trying to change USPW to get away from being too family friendly. I've increased the danger/intensity ratings, added more T&A, and am trying to get some degree of a hardcore scene involved. Sam Strong isn't really fond of my changes but I'm doing them slowly enough that he seems to tolerate me a bit.


My current new problem is that Bruce the Giant has my world title and is refusing to give it up to anyone, which is making things annoying as heck. I'm trying to get the belt on Enygma but Bruce just won't play along. I need to pull Enygma's momentum up in a hurry.

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Well the reason it is easy because of the workers in the promotion being mostly monsters. Sure losing Bruce the Giant, James Justice, Tyson Baine, etc. can suck but if you have any workers with high menace it is easy to make another star. Performance skills help but popularity matters the most. Menace-based angles and squash matches with the dominate note are vital.


I wanted to make changes to the promotion but I tend to not do it because USPW will turn into SWF at cult level. CGC has had my interest and I may start a diary with them.


The best thing to do regarding Bruce is to have Enygma be more popular than him. He should drop the belt if Enygma is more over than he his. Have Enygma in angles with Sam Strong and with other popular workers and his overness should go up.

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<p>Just job Champagne out so he loses pop and will sign with you. Or just cheat and use the editor.</p><p> </p><p>

As for changing the USPW product, I dont tind that works very well unless you plan on replacing almost the entire roster. Upping comedy is ok but like match intensity and danger not so much when you have guys with D- Stamina.</p>

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What their saying is you should have signed CL to a written from the get go. YOu have the ability to sign writtens and so when signing guys you look to push you need to sign them to writtens. Even if you don't plan on pushing them, the minute you see them getting into the C for pop category you have to know you're going to push them and sign them.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still running at a lost every month... it's not going so easy for me.


One of the very first things I did was got a PPV contract, and turned all the events into PPV-sized ones. They had been Medium size. Would that have done it? Does increasing an event's size from Medium to PPV add a ton of cost to the show?


My PPV revenue has been steadily increasing since I started, and last month's event drew over $85,000, but if that's not enough to offset the cost of the show in the first place, then obviously I shouldn't do it. I can't seem to find a place anywhere that tells me exactly how much the PPV show is costing me, i.e., whether I'm running it at a profit.


Also not helping is that my TV deal fell through, and now the only way I get to be on TV is to give 100% of the revenue to the station. It's all falling apart! WAH!!!

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I'm still running at a lost every month... it's not going so easy for me.


One of the very first things I did was got a PPV contract, and turned all the events into PPV-sized ones. They had been Medium size. Would that have done it? Does increasing an event's size from Medium to PPV add a ton of cost to the show?


My PPV revenue has been steadily increasing since I started, and last month's event drew over $85,000, but if that's not enough to offset the cost of the show in the first place, then obviously I shouldn't do it. I can't seem to find a place anywhere that tells me exactly how much the PPV show is costing me, i.e., whether I'm running it at a profit.


Also not helping is that my TV deal fell through, and now the only way I get to be on TV is to give 100% of the revenue to the station. It's all falling apart! WAH!!!


How many people are coming to your shows? If you aren't pulling many people in then focus on your strongest area (South East) and only run there for a while. Have you added $4 to the ticket prices? They both should help your financial situation. Also, if you have 10 workers on written contracts (I think you should have) then run two or three house shows a week.


I've never had any problem making any money with USPW - are you losing a lot? Could be the number of workers and/or backstage rules are also having an effect.

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I'm getting about 3,900 attendance for my TV shows, and about 10,000 for my PPVs, all in the Tri-State and South East areas; other areas are of course way lower. For ticket prices, I added $1... didn't think about adding more, but that's a good idea. I was just afraid I'd be over-charging.


I need to add house shows. Totally neglected to do that.


My losses per month are usually around $150,000. Since I started at $10m, I'll have enough to last me like four years before I go completely bankrupt. I have trimmed down some of the backstage rules, so now I'm only paying catering. I've got some good leadership skills, so my backstage stays nice and strong without problems.

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I'm getting about 3,900 attendance for my TV shows, and about 10,000 for my PPVs, all in the Tri-State and South East areas; other areas are of course way lower. For ticket prices, I added $1... didn't think about adding more, but that's a good idea. I was just afraid I'd be over-charging.


I need to add house shows. Totally neglected to do that.


My losses per month are usually around $150,000. Since I started at $10m, I'll have enough to last me like four years before I go completely bankrupt. I have trimmed down some of the backstage rules, so now I'm only paying catering. I've got some good leadership skills, so my backstage stays nice and strong without problems.


You are losing a lot of money...how many (actual) shows are you running a month? I know you said you had your TV deal cancelled - have you replaced it with weekly PPVs? I would imagine that the ticket sales from TV shows will help, even if you have to give up 100% revenue - just sign for one season and then if your pop goes up enough you might be able to knock it down.


You can add $4 to ticket prices before you get the message about a rise in price (i.e. before attendance drops). So if you've already added $1 just make sure to only add on another $3.


Try these for a month or two and you should start making money again.

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USPW just broke my heart. :(


After installing Update 1.1 finally, my USPW file corrupted. This is the SECOND time a dynasty game of mine has gone bad.


I was so mad, I was about to go somewhere with Sam's company.


Ah, well. I would have posted this on my dynasty thread, but it hasn't been updated in a while, so I'm gonna let it die in semi-silence.


Might start up a private game with USPW sometime soon, fix some things I messed up...you know, when the pain stops.

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how many (actual) shows are you running a month?


I'm running five shows per month: weekly TV shows, plus one monthly PPV.


You can add $4 to ticket prices before you get the message about a rise in price (i.e. before attendance drops). So if you've already added $1 just make sure to only add on another $3.


Will absolutely do that as soon as I play again! :)


USPW is a cash cow. Not sure how you are losing 150k a month. Do you have drugtesting on? Did you overpay some workers to written deals?


I did a one-shot drug test when I took over, but that was it. For my first couple months, I had increased costs because I was using minor licensed music, but then I switched it back to in-house. Everything else I've got on the cheapest options, aside from catering as a backstage rule.


Just for hilarity's sake, I'll attach a screenshot of my latest financial sheet. Maybe just glancing over that will tell you where my problem is. I'm pretty sure at this point that, as you guessed Gigas, it's in the contracts...




Notice I lost 300k in July. Seriously: I need to go back to business school, lol.

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I'm running five shows per month: weekly TV shows, plus one monthly PPV.




Will absolutely do that as soon as I play again! :)




I did a one-shot drug test when I took over, but that was it. For my first couple months, I had increased costs because I was using minor licensed music, but then I switched it back to in-house. Everything else I've got on the cheapest options, aside from catering as a backstage rule.


Just for hilarity's sake, I'll attach a screenshot of my latest financial sheet. Maybe just glancing over that will tell you where my problem is. I'm pretty sure at this point that, as you guessed Gigas, it's in the contracts...




Notice I lost 300k in July. Seriously: I need to go back to business school, lol.


Are you running house shows and did you set your price to +4$ for all types?


You can usually do between 6-8k per house shows depending on the region thus on average with:


1 per week: 24k-32k

2 per week: 48k-64k

3 per week: 76k-96k

4 per week: 96k-128k

5 per week: 120k-160k

6 per week: 144k-192k

7 per week: 168k-224k


Basically you would still be in the red in February and July, but could be in the green in the others.

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Notice I lost 300k in July. Seriously: I need to go back to business school, lol.


I'm in year one of USPW so I could compare. There's three areas that are really hurting you right now. You're not getting enough PPV revenue, you're not getting enough ticket sales, and you're spending a little too much on workers.


I get around $130,000 on PPV numbers and about $400,000 on tickets each month.

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<p>I just wanted to drop a note thank all you guys for your help. After some product tweaks, the addition of three house shows per week, an increase in ticket prices, and some damn good booking decisions, I've greatly recovered from my financial problems. I'm still operating at a very slight loss and I'm still hurting on worker costs, but Bruce has declared he's too good for me, so that'll save me some cash. Meanwhile, if I can keep riding this momentum, I'll finally be in the black soon, I just know it. If I can convince the TV station to actually start giving me a cut of the profits, I'll really be good to go!</p><p> </p><p>

I've attached my updated financial statement, just as a matter of pride. And, you know, as thanks again for the help!</p><p> </p><p>


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<p>USPW and the TV game.</p><p> </p><p>

I was wondering how do I get my show on a bigger network, I mean I know how to do it but how do I do it without being off the air for some time? I just want to switch from the Sports America next work to a medium sized one without losing any air time. Is it even possible?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="PoisonedSuperman" data-cite="PoisonedSuperman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26137" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>USPW and the TV game.<p> </p><p> I was wondering how do I get my show on a bigger network, I mean I know how to do it but how do I do it without being off the air for some time? I just want to switch from the Sports America next work to a medium sized one without losing any air time. Is it even possible?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You don't lose air time if you switch networks with a month left on the deal. You'll continue to air on Sports America until the month is up, then switch to whatever network picks you up.</p>
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<p>Hey, BrokenCycle, that reminds me of I question I have. In your experience, does the game have a "loyalty factor" when it comes to TV shows? What I'm asking is, say I'm on one TV station already. Would I get a theoretical better deal on that TV station because I'm already there, than if I hadn't been there in the first place?</p><p> </p><p>

Here's the thing... one reason my TV deal fell apart in my game was because of my stupidity. I forget what station you start on in USPW, but I wanted to move, so I let that deal expire. I then went to the Pop! Network, but they wanted 100% of the revenue, and I thought I was better than that, so I ended negotiations. I then went back to the original station, but they offered the same deal as Pop! despite the fact that they had been happy with 90% of the TV revenue in the first place. If I had just <em>extended</em> the original deal, would I still actually be making some of that TV revenue?</p><p> </p><p>

Hm... I just thought of a simple way to word the question. If I <em>extend</em> a TV deal, do the terms of the deal (revenue sharing, show cost splitting) stay the same? Or do I have a chance to renegotiate them?</p>

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Man. Then, I know what my most massive mistake was in starting my campaign: I set my "Negotiation" skill to 4. This has caused the inflated worker contracts and the relative lack of PPV and TV revenue. I mean, I know I made a ton of other mistakes too, but by setting my Negotiation that low, I think I doomed myself to a tough start.


Oh well. I'm going to stick with it. I've decided to try to "make" Xavier Reckless: he's starting to get out of his rut thanks to your help and some better booking decisions. Plus, with Bruce on his way out, I'll start being able to get some money back, and who knows? I might be able to eventually save USPW (that is, save it from myself!) and start expanding soon. I still can't get a show better than a C+ rating, but at least those C+'s are consistent.

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