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PSW: The Home of Hardcore

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Friday, Week 2

December 2009



The bar was noisy and crowded, and only one lone man in a back booth noticed the three guys entering the bar. The first looked like a typical corporate drone with a briefcase stuffed full of graphs and reports. The second was average looking, casually dressed and hair slicked back for an evening out. The last was an oddity. A tall, well built man with a face weathered by age and crossed with scars. The first two started arguing about where to sit, but the third pushed past them and headed towards the back, towards a dark booth with a shadowy figure sitting in the corner.




The large man sat down and slid into the empty bench, followed by the business suit, fumbling to get his briefcase onto the table. He reached his hand out, but a withering look of contempt caused the hand to return to clutching the briefcase. The casual man briefly considered scooting in next to the large, looming shadow, but reconsidered and crammed a third body into the two seat bench with the others.


The suit opened his mouth to speak, but the shadow sitting opposite spoke first, with a voice as deep and coarse as rolling thunder.


"Alex, Mitch...kid."


Alex Braun gave a nod of respect to the speaker, and Mitch Naess perked up a bit, happy the man even remembered his name. The casual man, Doc Messing, opened his mouth in protest.


"Hey, I'm not a kid..."


"Doc, go grab us some beers."


Alex's calm, even tone pierced through the background racket and stopped Doc's protest cold. There was a reason why Alex was nicknamed “Iceman.” Doc fumed a little as he got up from his perch on the edge of the bench and headed into the throng, searching for a bartender.


“So, how can I help you?”


Mitch piped up, whipping out charts and graphs and reports from his briefcase like a magician from a top hat.


“Well, studies and trends show that PSW is reaching a critical juncture. Figure 1-1 shows that we are in similar positions both in popularity and exposure to DaVE back in 1997 at the height of the East Coast Wars. Now, Figure 1-2 shows that although we are of similar size as NYCW and CZCW, we aren't competing for the same market demographics. The Venn diagram shows our market here, NYCW there, and CZCW over here with very little overlap. Now, Figure 1-4 projects that without competition and with our current growth trends that we should be on part with DaVE's 2007 numbers in only two more years...”


Mitch halted his presentation as the shadowy figure erupted with laughter, rolling out with the mirth and merriment of an avalanche.


“You really think you can hold a candle to DaVE? You're nothing but an imitator that will never, ever, be able to stand up to the real thing.”


Just then Doc returned with an armload of beers. He slid one to everyone and returned to his perch. The shadowy figure picked his up and drained it in one long gulp. Slamming the empty glass back down he slid the glass back to Doc.


“Get me another one, kid..”


Doc sighed and headed back to the bar, even more crowded then before. The shadowy figure leaned back a little, pulling a cigar out and striking a match across the table top. The soft glow of the cigar tip casts little illumination, a pinprick of light emerging from darkness.


“Mitch, your analysis and reports don't know s*** about the business. You say you want to imitate DaVE? Fine, I'll help you out.”


“Hey, we don't imitate, we innovate. That's going to be our new slogan for 2010.”


The shadow didn't respond, and even Alex rolled his eyes at the slogan.


“Whatever, but the thing is you've got three main problems standing between you and national exposure. First, your guys now can tear it up in the ring, but are floundering on the mic. JD Morgan, The Wolverine, those two new guys, the Good Ole Boys... all of 'em need help, badly. Get yourself a mess of divas, have them distract the fans a little and pick up the slack when your boys drop the ball.”


Mitch whipped out a pen and notepad and was furiously writing down notes.


“Second, your road agent is a piece of crap.”


Mitch's pen paused mid-scribble.


“You're talking about Frank? Fabulous Frank? What's wrong with him? Frank's been a valuable employee for nearly 3 years now.”


“Yeah, but unlike you, I've actually worked alongside Frank. He's a good wrestler, got a nice head for the business, but he is poison backstage. Morale is everything in the wrestling business these days. You can't expect guys to put their bodies on the line, shedding blood for the fans only to be treated like a piece of rotten meat once the show is over. Kick him to the curb, there's better fish out there. In fact, a certain DaVE-alumni just recently retired and is looking for work.”


“You mean Eric Tyler? But, I tried to hire him and he turned us down. I have an email transcript here that shows he turned us down for being 'too small'.”


The figure slid a card with a phone number jotted down on it.


“Just tell Eric that I recommended him to you and that should clear things up.”


Alex reached out and grabbed the card, reading it and memorizing it before tucking it away in his wallet.


“Eric may be retired but he probably wouldn't object to entering the ring again and teaching some of your new guys the ropes. Even Steve Flash could learn a thing or two from Eric. He'll cost an arm and a leg, but he'll be worth every penny. Trust me.”


The shadowy figure paused, taking a long drag off the cigar, flicking the ashes across the various figures that Mitch had produced. Tiny holes grew in the top market share analysis sheet, burning downwards through projected profits and target merchandise numbers. Mitch shook the ash out before it could burn into his precious ppv carrier selection criteria report, gathering up his other papers and returning them to safety within his briefcase.



“See that there? That's what the business says about your reports and analysis. Wrestling is more then just a formula that a bunch of bean counters and pencil pushers can calculate. It's raw, it's visceral, it's life, and no amount of trend reports will ever lead you on the proper path. That's your biggest problem now, you're playing it too safe. Staying nice inside the box which is why every storyline is the same, every match is the same. Every time it's the same thing. A few chairs here, a ladder or table match there, a cage main event... it's getting old. DaVE was innovative, Phil was innovative. He was inventing and re-inventing the concept of hardcore wrestling every single show. You go out there with kid gloves, trying to capture the hardcore market when there's harder stuff on Supreme TV? That's a recipe for failure. You've got to bring the hardcore back to Philly. You've got to show the fans things that they will never, ever be able to see anywhere else. “


The man stood up, looming over the two seated like a statue, a dark monument to the way the world used to be, imparting one last message before departing.


“You've got to prove to the world that PSW is THE home for hardcore.”

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Friday, Week 4

December 2009





"Yeah, sounds great. We'll fax you the papers to sign and then just fax 'em back and it'll be official. We'll contact you further next week after New Year's. Thanks again, bye."

Alex hung up the phone and placed it back on the cradle. Mitch, however, was still pacing, the phone stuck to his ear as if there was another conversation to eavesdrop on.


"You should have let me handle it. That salary is outrageous! That's more then our main event! That's more then half the roster, combined!"


"Yeah, but it'll be worth it. You saw Eric in DaVE, he tore the place to the ground! He was one of the best wrestlers Vibert ever worked with."


"True...I guess. But you still should have let me negotiate. I could have gotten us a better price."


"But he...yeah, you're right boss."


Alex sighed and rubbed his eyes. It was getting harder and harder being head booker for PSW, especially with Mitch looking over his shoulder all the time. It hadn't always been like this, when they'd first started Mitch had given Alex free reign to book and hire however he pleased. Now that they'd shown some noticeable growth and stability over the past two years, Mitch has been slowly drifting away from the business side of things and taking over creative.


Alex shrugged. It was Mitch's business, he can run it however he pleases, but at nearly 50, Alex was definintely starting to feel too old to be constantly second-guessed by a relative newcomer to the business. Alex hated to admit it, but he had been wrestling while Mitch was still in diapers.'


"That just leaves one more thing, boss. Frank's waiting down the hall. Do you want to handle it?"


"Uh...no...that's ok. It's your side of the business after all. I'll just head back to my office and crunch some numbers."


Another sigh as Mitch scurried out of the office. Alex realized he'd been sighing a lot recently. Not exactly a sign of job satisfaction. He opened the door and shouted down the hallway for Frank to enter.


"Fabulous" Frank Roberts filled up the doorway before entering, plunking his large frame heavily into the lone chair.


"Whatdaya want?"


Typical Frank. Gruff, pissed off, and straight to the point.


"Frank, I'm not going to beat around the bush. We're letting you go."


Frank didn't respond, instead just sitting there and staring at Alex with a blank look on his face.


"I said we're going to be letting you go, Frank."


"The hell? Two years, Alex! Two goddamn years and I don't even get a heads up? Is this how you treat a friend you goddamn a**hole?"


Frank jumped up, sending his chair flying backwards to collide with a filing cabinet. The noise sounded like a gunshot. Alex stood up too, but even his 6'2", 230lb frame was dwarfed by Frank's 280lb mass. Alex didn't show any fear though, staring up into Frank's glaces with that icy gaze he had used in promos and matches for 30 years.


Frank seemed to reconsider any kind of physical attack and went back on the verbal offensive.


"2 years, Alex! Two years I helped build this company up. When your boys didn't know what to do, I was there!"


"I know..."


"When you guys were struggling, desperate for someone to keep the locker room under control, I was there, goddammit!"


"I know..."


Alex's calm, even tone deflated Frank a little, and he stopped his tirade to think a little.bit more.


"Well, you're replacing me with someone, right? Who's it going to be?"


"Eric Tyler."


Frank's mouth snapped shut as a shocked look smacked across his face.


"I..I see. Goddamit."


"I know Frank. You've been a real asset but we need to keep moving on."


Frank nodded and quietly walked out. A few moments later, Alex's phone rang.


"It sounds quiet over there, is he gone yet?"


Another sigh...

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Index & OOC


Show Index

  1. PSW Suicide Solution (January 2010)
  2. PSW Charnel House (February 2010)
  3. PSW Pitfalls of Death III (March 2010)






Database Alterations: I will be using a mostly vanilla c-verse database. I've added a lot of new match types to diversify the hardcore experience, and I did hire Eric Tyler through the editor and fired Frank before the start of the game. Other then that it's a vanilla c-verse with variance turned off.

User Avatar: The Grand Avatar. This diary will be an avatar-less game. The point of view will be PSW as a whole, not just one particular set of eyes.

User Talents: I chose 7 Negotiation, 5 for Motivating and Creative, and 3 for Leadership. This represents Mitch & Alex's shrewd business sense but also exposes their leadership issues.

User Preferences: Everything is enabled except that the dirt sheet is visible and advanced booking can be deleted (due to my personal tendency to advance book a match for the wrong show...)


Background & Purpose: There's a lot of ways to develop PSW, but more often then not they all start in a similar way. The goal of this game & diary is to try and recreate DaVE. Not blindly follow Vibert's path straight into bankruptcy, but maneuver around DaVE's pitfalls and break into the National scene. However, that is a long journey and every journey has to start someplace.






Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling




Founded: July 2007

Style: Hardcore Redux

Location: Tri State, US

Size: Regional


  • E+ in Tri State
  • F+ in New England
  • F in Mid Atlantic, Great Lakes, South East, Puerto Rico, The Maritimes, Quebec, Ontario
  • F- for rest of the world.

Cash: $100,000

Ranking Importance: #19

Ranking Influence: #16

Owner: Mitch Naess

Head Booker: Alex Braun

Prestige: E+

Momentum: C-


US Economy: D+ (Falling)

US Wrestling Industry: E+ (Rising)



Jan: PSW Suicide Solution

Feb: PSW Lethal Injection

Mar: PSW Pitfalls of Death - showcase of the Pitfalls of Death match

Apr: PSW Mailed Fission

May: PSW Death March

Jun: PSW Inferno Unleashed - the show isn't over until someone is lit on fire!

Jul: House of Slaughter

Aug: PSW Insult to Injury, No Extra Charge

Sep: PSW Top of the World - all ladder/scaffold matches

Oct: PSW Shoot to Kill

Nov: PSW Survival of the Fittest

Dec: PSW Fatal Fortune - showcase of the famous Wheel of Pain!



Key: Hardcore, Cult

Heavy: Risque

Medium: Traditional, Mainstream, Comedy, Modern, Daredevil

Low: Realism


Match / Angle Ratio: 80%

Face / Heel Divide: Medium

T&A Levels: High

Match Intensity: 60%

Match Danger: 60%

... will mean wrestlers are rated much more on popularity than performance.

... will mean that fans will expect all wrestlers to be packaged with a proper gimmick.

... will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks.

... will attract fans who will not respond well to one-dimensional gimmicks.

... will attract fans who expect gimmicks to be subtle and complex.

... will attract fans who respond well to high risk matches.

... will prevent PSW from getting Afternoon TV time slots on some networks.

... will prevent PSW from getting Early Evening TV time slots on some networks.

... will prevent PSW from getting Evening TV time slots on some networks.

... will prevent PSW from getting Prime Time TV time slots on some networks.

... will prevent PSW from getting Late Evening TV time slots on some networks.

... will prevent PSW from getting TV slots on Mainstream networks.

... will prevent PSW from getting TV slots on Sports Specific networks.

... will make getting sponsorship very tough.

... wil allow PSW to not be rocked by wrestling industry changes.

... will mean that the 'young lion' system wil not be taken into account at any time.



DAVE's demise in April 2007 hit many people hard, but it was far from unexpected - losing their pay-per-view deal the previous year had been a big blow, and the loss of their remaining TV deals in January 2007 seemed to be the final nail in the coffin. Mitch Naess, Phil Vibert's protege and the long time voice of DAVE, therefore had a lot of time to plan ahead in case of a worst case scenario, and that is how Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling came to be.


The concept was simple; to start again and to repeat the formula that had worked first time around, but to avoid the traps that DAVE fell into. Naess soon had a number of DAVE alumni on his staff and roster, and so began the mission to try and succeed where DAVE failed....and to complete the revolution.

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Roster Analysis for New Investors


Dear Potential Investor,

Let me be the first to congratulate you on one of the best decisions you'll ever make. Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is a fast, aggressive wrestling promotion that has been dominating a key market sector in North America for the past two years. As of the end of 2009 we are poised on the verge of National exposure, which as other promotions have shown recently is a straight and true path to success. Now is your chance to invest before the rest of North America realizes the opportunities available from the tri-state area.


- Chief Executive Officer Mitch Naess


I'm supposed to say something about how I've been in the business for 30 years, but knowing Mitch he'll whip this out without even looking at what I wrote. He'll give you the market analysis and his own grading system, but I'll just tell you how good a guy is in the ring, when it really matters. I've taken the liberty of highlighting faces in blue, heels in red. If you don't know what that means, drop this paper and forget about investing in wrestling.


- Chief Creative Officer Alex Braun



A note about the P.P.P.D. Index

The P.P.P.D. index, or Popularity Point Per Dollar is PSW's own patented marketing analysis tool. It first measures popularity based on a complex algorithm that draws in everything, from merchandise sales to web search engine hits to blog word counts to create a tangible metric to measure a worker's popularity, and thus profitability. A worker's popularity is graded on a simple educational scale, with F- being the worst and A* being the best. Popularity is broken down by both country and region. This is then cross-referenced against their current pay scale to create an index that shows just how profitable any single person on our roster is per show. The best score possible would be a 10,000% P.P.P.D Index, but that would only be possible if someone had a 100 popularity rating and only worked for $1.



Roster Analysis


Main Event



Nigel "Frankie Future" Harriet


  • Mitch's Comments: Frankie is the current holder of our coveted PSW Championship, but he has a long history of title reigns before ours. He is a two time NYCW Empire champion and two time XFW World Champion. He currently headlines for ourselves and NYCW, which doubles the amount of national exposure our champion gets. Frankie is hot! hot! hot! after winning the title, and his merchandise sales are through the rough! Our measurements grade him at a D- popularity across the US and F across Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 45%
  • Alex's Comments: Frankie is a real franchise player and there's no question why he's headlining two top level indy promotions. A rugged old school brawler who's good on the stick, the only concern I have is that the years are definitely taking their toll on him. While he hasn't been in the business as long as I have been, he's definitely paid his dues and it is starting to wear him down. He is the current leader of the Untouchables stable, and is playing an arrogant heel shooting his mouth off left and right after winning the title from myself last July.



Daniel "Grandmaster Phunk" Bolte


  • Mitch's Comments: As part of our excellent partnership with other local promotions, Grandmaster Phunk was traded for one of our newer tag teams, and this exchange has paid itself over and over again every time Grandmaster Phunk steps into the ring. When he gets on the microphone. While in NYCW he captured both the NYCW Empire title and NYCW Tri-State Regional title. Our measurements grade him at D popularity across the US, D- in Canada and E- in Mexico.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 43%
  • Alex's Comments: Grandmaster Phunk is another of our key players. Another old school brawler, he has the skill and ability to pull off some spectacular moves in the ring, good on the stick, and with plenty of time on his side to stay in the spotlight. He is using his customary pimp gimmick, on the lookout for some "ho's"



Johnny Martin


  • Mitch's Comments: Johnny Martin is a legend in the business. He was the face of DaVE all the way until 2007, and since then he's been the face of PSW and has been doing an excellent job at it, already being a former PSW Champion. He has a huge number of other title wins under his belt. He's a 2-time DaVE Brass Knuckles champion, a 4-time DaVE Extreme champion, 2-time DaVE Unified champion, PPPW Tri-State Champion, RPW World Champion and XFW Champion. With his recent feud with Frankie, he is a hot item right now, and web hits on his name have gone up 12% in the last month alone. our measurements put him at D+ popularity across the US, D- across Canada and E- in Mexico.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 40%
  • Alex's Comments: Johnny's a great hardcore brawler who is now a seasoned veteran. A key player in the promotion, he is able to pull a solid match out of just about anybody, or with a decent opponent can easily pull off a match of the night. He is currently playing a standard babyface.



"Iceman" Alex Braun


  • Mitch's Comments: Alex Braun may be a little small to fit in with all the rugged brawlers in PSW, but rest assured this experienced veteran can handle his own in any situation. Since his long anticipated split up of the legendary New Jersey Devils tag team, the fans can't wait to see his singles run in the upcoming year. You can't find a wrestling forum on the internet without finding at leas one thread about how a fan can't wait to see him push for the PSW Championship title again. Besides being a PSW Champion, he is also a 2-time DaVE Brass Knuckle Champion, 3-time DaVE Tag Team Champion as part of the New Jersey Devils, and a 2-time RPW World Champion. Our measurements put his popularity grades at D across the US, E across Canada and E- in Mexico.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 46%
  • Alex's Comments: I'm probably not the best person to be talking about myself, but the fact is I'm a 30-year veteran, and a pretty good one too. Like Johnny I know how to carry someone through a match and I had a lot of experience making a former tag partner of mine championship material. Against someone like Phunk or Martin, I can pull off a solid main event. Plus I'm pretty good cutting promos too, judging by the number that I did for RPW and DaVE. I will say that after 30 years, I am starting to slow down, and considering the big 5-0 is around the corner, I don't know how much longer I'll stay in the ring. I am currently using a No Gimmick Needed gimmick. Ironic, I know.

Upper Midcard



Jeff Daniel "JD" Morgan

  • Mitch's Comments: "JD" Morgan is a terror from overseas. A veteran of the infamous British grappling style, even after 20 years he can still tie up his opponents in knots. This man, nay, this legend iss a 3-time DaVE Extreme Champion, a DaVE tag team champion, a DaVE Brass Knuckles champion, a 4-time MOSC UK Champion and a former PSW Champion as well. Our measurements grade his popularity as E+ across the US, E across the UK, E- in Europe and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 25%
  • Alex's Comments: Another DaVE alumni, JD was famous in the indies for his incredible technical ability, and helped shape many of the DaVE alumni from wild psychopaths into credible professional wrestlers. He could wrestle a broom and make it believable. He is currently a part of the Untouchables stable and is using a typical heel gimmick.



John "Tank" Bradley


  • Mitch's Comments: The other half of the legendary New Jersey Devils that dominated DaVE for years! A 3-time DaVE Tag Team Champion and a wrestler with unlimited potential. Why else would he be teamed up with such a skilled veteran like Alex Braun if this kid wasn't going places? Our measurements put him at E all across North America, and F+ in Japan.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 58%
  • Alex's Comments: I don't wish to speak unkindly of my former tag partner, so I won't say anything other then that he tries to be a brawler. He is still using the same punk gimmick he had before the team split up.




Steven "The Future" Parker

  • Mitch's Comments: Rising out of the House of Stone, being trained by the legendary Rip Chord, and now rising through our roster, Steven Parker is a rising star, and the sky is the limit for him. A former MAW Champion and already a 2-time PSW National Champion, Parker is definitly "the future" of PSW. Our measurements grade him as having E+ popularity in the US and F+ in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 40%
  • Alex's Comments: Parker is definitely a star in the making. At such a young age he can carry a match like a 20-year vet, he can pull of main event caliber matches night after night, and can cut a great promo. The main issue isn't whether he'll be a star, but if' he'll rise too fast and outgrow us or be snatched away by one of the larger promotions. He is currently being managed by Nicole Kiss, he is a member of the Untouchables stable and is using a franchise player gimmick.



"Constant Motion" Teddy Powell


  • Mitch's Comments: You might have heard of Teddy as the driving force behind "Adrenaline Rush" one of the hottest tag teams for USPW and DaVE just 5 years ago. Teddy held both the USPW World Tag Team title and the DaVE tag belt, and thought of nowhere else to be but with the fans that know and love him. While his partner decided to sell out and go "Mainstream", Teddy stayed true to his fans and his success is all but guaranteed. Our measurements put him as having E+ popularity in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 42.5%
  • Alex's Comments: Teddy's a decent wrestler, just unspectacular. He's got the experience to be a solid midcarder, but there's not much chance of him main eventing any PPV's. He just recently switched to a maniac gimmick, trying to win the fans over Caulfield style by being willing to do anything and everything.




Primal Rage


  • Mitch's Comments: A hardcore icon, everyone knows trouble is around when Primal Rage enters the ring with his terrifying bellow. He came to us from CZCW, where although he was a 2-time tag champion and a Coastal Zone champ, his style was too "hardcore" to fit in there. Luckily he found just the place to wrestle here at the Home for Hardcore. He recently won the PSW Tag Team title, but this by no means diminishes his drawing power. Our measurements put him as having E- popularity in the US and F across Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 44%
  • Alex's Comments: A solid hardcore wrestler, just don't expect him to be able to carry a weak match. If he's not bashing or bleeding though, he tends to struggle. He forms one half of the Dead Rag tag team and is currently back to using his standard Goth gimmick.



Ash Campbell


  • Mitch's Comments: Talk about pedigree, Ash Campbell is THE son of the legendary Nemesis. In the short time he's been here, he's already won the PSW National title, and we believe he's just getting started. Nemesis almost single handedly won the East Coast Wars for DaVE, and it looks like lightning will strike again as Ash has all the potential to be just as big a star, if not bigger. Our measurements put him at E popularity in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 52%
  • Alex's Comments: I swear if Mitch abuses the word legendary one more time... Anyway, Ash actually isn't taking after the Nemesis most people know, instead he is operating as a fast cruiserweight. He's grown a bit in the 2 years he's been with us, but he's still raw, although his ability to cut a promo has grown by leaps and bounds. He may not be as intimidating as his dad but he sure is entertaining. He is one half of the Next Gen tag team and is currently using a simple Blue Chipper gimmick.



Dil "The Wolverine" Smithson


  • Mitch's Comments: A tough-as-nails veteran of the hardcore scene, he survived and thrived in DaVE for over ten years, winning the tag team title 3 times and the DaVE Extreme title twice. He briefly halted his career to help out DaVE as a road agent, but when PSW sprung up, he couldn't resist the clarion call of Philly's fans. Since joining us he's now become a 2-time tag team champion and is the current holder of that coveted title. Our measurements put him at E popularity in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 41.67%
  • Alex's Comments: The Wolverine is a seasoned vet who's worked about as long as I have. Time has taken it's toll on him and unfortunately, the sad truth is that Wolvie can't move and bump like he used to. He can still put on a decent match, but he now has to rely on his opponents to carry it up to a good match. I believe he's planning on retiring again now that PSW has gotten both feet on the ground. He is one half of the Deadly Alliance tag team and is portraying a bad ass on camera, which isn't too far from the truth.



Mark "The Punisher" Williams


  • Mitch's Comments: Known as one of the toughest men in wrestling, he gained exposure through SCCW as a 2-time tag champ. He's brought his rough and tumble, southern-style "brawlin" to Philly and the fans couldn't get enough of it when he first debuted and one our PSW tag team title not once, but twice! He's recently toned down a bit, letting the fans cool down a bit before he rises up and gets them hollering his name again! Our measurements put his popularity at E in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 50%
  • Alex's Comments: An old school brawling veteran, Punisher never really broke out of the indies until he joined PSW in 2007, forming the tag team with Wolverine. Another veteran who's over the hill, I don't know how much longer he'll be active in the ring as he's already talking about retirement plans.



Nelson Callum


  • Mitch's Comments: A young star in the making, like many of the junior members off our roster, Nelson represents the future of hardcore wrestling in Philly. Already a PSW National Champion, some people are already likening his styling to the legendary grappling skills of JD Morgan. Our measurements put his popularity at E in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 48%
  • Alex's Comments: Damn you Mitch. Reading your notes are getting old fast. Nelson's actually not that popular at the moment, but the kid has serious potential. Solid performance and technical skills at such a young age, and his entertainment skills are definitely developing, especially with the help of his new manager Krissy Angelle. He is currently playing off of Krissy's charm with a ravishing gimmick.



Matthew Keith


  • Mitch's Comments: The son of legendary wrestler Sam Keith, he could have debuted anywhere but chose to enter the wrestling world with us! A PSW star in the making, he has just recently won the PSW National title and fans are clamoring to see more of him in and out of the ring. Our measurements grade his popularity at E+ in Japan, E in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 50%
  • Alex's Comments: Matt Keith is like Steve Parker, only with the blood and lineage of Sam Keith flowing through his veins. This kid can do it all and is definitely the next big thing for PSW. He can pull out all the stops and be a showstopper, or focus his talent into making others look good. Plus he can work the stick like a pro. He forms the other half of the Next Gen tag team with Ash Campbell and is currently using a Straight Edge gimmick.


Lower Card



Dead Bolt


  • Mitch's Comments: One of Philly's finest, Dead Bolt was a staple in the indy scene after DaVE shutdown PPPW. This man kept the wrestling spirit alive and strong, and were lucky enough to snag him for ourselves. He's a real homegrown hero! Our measurements put him as having E- popularity in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 44%
  • Alex's Comments: A veteran of the Philly scene, and it shows. This guy is willing to do just about anything in the ring. Need someone to break a pane of glass over his head? See Dead bolt. Need someone to be lit on fire? No problem. Need someone to fall 20 feet onto a patch of barbed wire? Just tell him where and when. Not the most skilled brawler on the team, but obviously useful. He's one half of the Dead Rage tag team, and is using a bad ass gimmick.



Wooton Fitzpaine


  • Mitch's Comments: Wooton is a youngster channeling the spirit of many of the old favorites, like the Boston Bomber or Wild Man Sulliven. We're just lucky that him and Thimbleby came along to really bring some of that good old-fashioned brawling into our tag team division that the fans love to see. It's the Good ole' Boy's rough style that won them the PSW tag team title last year. Our metrics grade his popularity as E- in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 44%
  • Alex's Comments: Of the two Good Ole Boys, Woo0ton's going to be the one to lead them into the future. Still young and green, with training this guy could easily become the next Johny Martin. If only he was understandable on the stick, a thick accent and a mouth of missing teeth don't mix too well. He currently uses a Redneck gimmick.



Thimbleby Langton


  • Mitch's Comments: What can be said for Wooton Fitzpaine goes double for Thimbleby. Although his popularity and momentum have dipped recently, our fans know it's impossible to keep one of the Good Ole Boys down. Our metrics put him as having the same popularity levels as Wooton, E- in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 44%
  • Alex's Comments: Like his partner, he's a rugged brawler. Still too green to carry a show, but his wild antics help liven up the tag team scene. He currently uses a redneck gimmick.


Little Bill Lebowski

  • Mitch's Comments: Who? I'll just put a placeholder here and fill this in later.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 51.43%
  • Alex's Comments: A bit of an oddity. This guy is tiny, but packs a big attitude and at least attempts to pack a big punch. He makes a good face that brutish heels can squash. His entertainment skills are a bit underrated, but then again most faqns don't want to hear from "Little Bill"


Lazy Joe


  • Mitch's Comments: Straight out of Chicago, Lazy Joe is a huge brawler who's fought all around the country. His street fighting skills even won him a PSW National title, his first of many title reigns to com. Our measurements put him at an E- in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 40%
  • Alex's Comments: An indy worker picked up to help fill out PSW's fledgling roster. Lazy Joe had promise 5 years ago, but now as time's wear and tear is catching up to him, his purpose on hte roster is becoming less and less clear. His potential as anything but a jobber is diminishing by the day, and it's a race between whether he'll retire first or be let go.





Krissy Angelle


  • Mitch's Comments: A deadly combination of brains and beauty, Krissy Angelle has all the potential to become the next Emma Chase. She is currently managing future star Nelson Callum. Our metrics show her as having E- popularity in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 22%
  • Alex's Comments: She's got the look, the mic skills and the potential to become one of the best managers in the world. Currently putting her charms to good use in a seductress role.



Nicole Kiss


  • Mitch's Comments: Coming from MAW along with Steven Parker, it was only natural for these two to be teamed up. Our measurements put her as having E+ popularity in the US and F in Canada.
  • P.P.P.D Index: 88%
  • Alex's Comments: Nicole has just about peaked in terms of potential, but luckily for her she actually turned out to be a pretty solid manager. Maybe the big leagues won't be pounding down her door with offers, but she definitely have a place in PSW as long as she doesn't mind the rowdy fans cat-calls. She currently manages both Steven Parker and Ash Campbell. She portrays a typical, nice and sweet girl-next-door.



Announcing Team




Mitch Naess

  • Mitch's Comments: Voted the best announcer a shocking 9 times in a row last year on TotalExtremeWrestling.com, I am the humble owner and lead announcer for PSW. My completely accurate and unbiased measurement ratings show that I am a known star around the world, with a D popularity in the US, D- in Canada, Japan, and the UK, and E- in Mexico.
  • Alex's Comments: Don't let the false modesty fool you. Mitch really is one of the top announcers around the world.



Doc Messing


  • Mitch's Comments: Doc Messing was a huge fan of DaVE's, and when PSW was formed he auditioned and beat out all the competition for the position of Lead Colour Commentator. A true fan, his passion for wrestling comes through loud and clear every show. For some reason our measurements show him as only being popular in the Tri State area, with an E+ popularity grade.
  • Alex's Comments: This guy came as a bit of a surprise, coming out of nowhere and putting on a decent job at it. Right now he's a good color commentator, but he has expressed interest in becoming a Manager if possible.




Road Agent



"The Traditionalist" Eric Tyler


  • Mitch's Comments: Eric Tyler, the myth, the legend, and he's our new road agent. This 2-time CGC World champion and stunning 5-time DaVE Unified champ has agreed to come back to his hardcore roots and manage the locker rooms. He was a conerstone of DaVE's success and expressed to me how excited he was that he would get the chance to help propel PSW into the future. Our metrics put him as having C popularity in the US, D+ in Canada and E- in Mexico.
  • Alex's Comments: Back in the day Eric was a true stud. He could talk, he could wrestle, and he had one of the best minds for the business that I"d ever known. He could tell a story in the ring like nobody else on the hardcore scene, and had the talent to back it up and make that story come alive. But the biz cauught up with his body and he finally had to throw in the towel last year. Still, between his ability and experience he should prove very valuable in training up some of our greener card members.







  • Mitch's Comments: A solid, dependable ref that saw DaVE through thick and thin, R.M. Stones is a cornerstone of the ring, and makes sure every match goes on track.
  • Alex's Comments: Not much to say really. He's a ref. He's reliable. And unlike most of the ref's out there, Stones is actually a decent guy to get along with.


Tag Teams

Dead Rage (Dead Bolt & Primal Rage)

New York, New York (Grandmaster Phunk & Frankie Future) [inactive]

Next Gen (Matthew Keith & Ash Campbell)

The Deadly Alliance (The Wolverine & The Punisher)

The Good Ol' Boys (Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine)


Current Champions


Frankie Future - PSW Champion



Matthew Keith - PSW National Champion


http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/TheWolverine.jpghttp://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/PSW_Tag.jpghttp://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/PSW_Tag.jpg

Deadly Alliance - Tag Team Champions




Next Show:

PSW Suicide Solution


Prediction Card

JD Morgan vs. Teddy Powell (Thumbtack Match)

Deadly Alliance © vs. The Good Ol' Boys (Weapons Match) for PSW Tag Team Championship

Dead Rage vs. Next Gen (Table Match)

Steven Parker vs. Tank Bradley

Frankie Future © vs. Johnny Martin (Coal Miner's Glove)

Alex Braun vs. Grandmaster Phunk (Deathmatch)


OOC: I hope you guys enjoy this ;) What started as such a good idea quickly snowballed into an incredibly time consuming report. This thing took something like 5 hours to make and the sad thing is that it's grown to such huge length that I doubt too many people will read the whole thing.


Anyway, the cheat sheet is that Mitch talks about title histories & popularity, Alex talks about their actual ability & gimmick.

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Best of Luck going forward with Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, praguepride. I've throughly enjoyed your previous projects, so, I'm guessing you will do a great job with this one as well. PSW, while a small regional promotion, carries a lot of excitement as your booking possibilities are endless. You certainly have a reader, and overall supporter, in me!
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JD Morgan vs. Teddy Powell (Thumbtack Match)

Deadly Alliance © vs. The Good Ol' Boys (Weapons Match) for PSW Tag Team Championship

Dead Rage vs. Next Gen (Table Match)

Steven Parker vs. Tank Bradley

Frankie Future © vs. Johnny Martin (Coal Miner's Glove)

Alex Braun vs. Grandmaster Phunk (Deathmatch)

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JD Morgan vs. Teddy Powell (Thumbtack Match)

If the little voices in Teddy's head tell him he's going to win, who am I to doubt them?


Deadly Alliance © vs. The Good Ol' Boys (Weapons Match) for PSW Tag Team Championship

Good ol' Boys wish they were in the land of cotton, Deadly Alliance gonna beat 'em rotten...look away, look away dixieland.


If those damn rednecks had one thought in their damn thick heads about psychology they'd be top o' the world, instead of runnin' around in their matches like wolves chasing a gang of headless chickens. Man up Boys and get yo game together.


Dead Rage vs. Next Gen (Table Match)

No brainer here I'm afraid


Steven Parker vs. Tank Bradley

I heard Tank Bradley's moobs bring all the boys to the yard, but Steven Parker is still better than your's, damn right he's better than your's...if he was any better he'd have to charge


Frankie Future © vs. Johnny Martin (Coal Miner's Glove)

Because Martin is more popular and Future can't carry a match like Martin can


Alex Braun vs. Grandmaster Phunk (Deathmatch)

You can't stop the pimpin', you can only applause the pimpin', and the pimpin' gone leave Braun limpin' cuz Braun is too old to hold his own anymo' fo'sho pimpin' gonna sho' him the backdoor cuz pimpin' is a legend in lore while Braun gonna' be left dying on the floor, his heart achin' and his hip breakin' yo if you haven't sampled Phunk y'all need to get some more....hollah!

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Awesome start, looking forward to this one!!


JD Morgan vs. Teddy Powell (Thumbtack Match)

Deadly Alliance © vs. The Good Ol' Boys (Weapons Match) for PSW Tag Team Championship

Dead Rage vs. Next Gen (Table Match)

Steven Parker vs. Tank Bradley

Frankie Future © vs. Johnny Martin (Coal Miner's Glove)

Alex Braun vs. Grandmaster Phunk (Deathmatch)

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JD Morgan vs. Teddy Powell (Thumbtack Match)

Deadly Alliance © vs. The Good Ol' Boys (Weapons Match) for PSW Tag Team Championship

Dead Rage vs. Next Gen (Table Match)

Steven Parker vs. Tank Bradley

Frankie Future © vs. Johnny Martin (Coal Miner's Glove)

Alex Braun vs. Grandmaster Phunk (Deathmatch)

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JD Morgan vs. Teddy Powell (Thumbtack Match)

Deadly Alliance © vs. The Good Ol' Boys (Weapons Match) for PSW Tag Team Championship

Dead Rage vs. Next Gen (Table Match)

Steven Parker vs. Tank Bradley

Frankie Future © vs. Johnny Martin (Coal Miner's Glove)

Alex Braun vs. Grandmaster Phunk (Deathmatch)

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JD Morgan vs. Teddy Powell (Thumbtack Match)

Deadly Alliance © vs. The Good Ol' Boys (Weapons Match) for PSW Tag Team Championship

Dead Rage vs. Next Gen (Table Match)

Steven Parker vs. Tank Bradley

Frankie Future © vs. Johnny Martin (Coal Miner's Glove)

Alex Braun vs. Grandmaster Phunk (Deathmatch)

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That PPPD thing has revolutionized the way I look at my workers; good stuff!


Don't thank me, thank Mitch Naess ;)


It's a nifty thing for popularity based feds for determining "bang per buck". You can weight it however you want, for example only looking at your operational regions and weighting accordingly by your popularity within each region.


Show should be up Friday.

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PSW Suicide Solution

The Ministry, New York City, NY

Friday, Week 2

January 2010




Pre-show/Bonus Features


Eric Tyler vs. Nelson Callum

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Eric Tyler defeated Nelson Callum in 8:10 by pinfall.

Rating: D-


The announcers put over the fact that JD Morgan is gunning after the PSW Natinonal title, held by Matthew Keith.

Rating: E


Larry Wood vs. Little Bill Lebowski

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Larry Wood defeated Little Bill Lebowski in 5:42 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot.

Rating: D-






Mitch: "Hello Queens! Welcome to the first hardcore showcase of the new year. I'm Mitch Naess..."


Doc: "And I'm Doc Messing..."


Mitch: "And this is Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, remember, we don't imitate, we innovate."


Doc: "That's right, your home for the blood and mayhem you crave. As usually the Skunkpackers are providing tonight's music..."


Next to the ring, a group of metalhead teenagers start grinding on their instruments and flipping off the crowds.


Doc: "...and as usual we remind our female fans to stay at least 50 feet away from them. Approach at your own risk."


Mitch: "Tonight we've got quite the line up, a double main event to kick off the New Year, first up is..."


The rest of Mitch's dialogue is lost as the Skunkpackers start blaring out thrash metal. Half the crowd turns into an impromptu mosh pit as the fans proceed to do their part in destroying the Ministry. Mitch starts shouting to kill the music, but they play on. Finally, Mitch goes over and physically stops them from playing.


"Hey, I was enjoying that..."


All eyes turn towards the unfamiliar voice, and the crowd gives a huge pop when they see Eric Tyler, "The Traditionalist" himself standing in the entrance area.




Eric: "Go have a seat, Mitch. This is my show for the next 5 minutes."


Mitch reluctantly sits back at the booth, surprise and curiosity stamped all over his face.


Eric: "When I left the hardcore scene in 2007, I figured it was being left in good hands. Hands like Teddy Powell..."


He pauses as the crowd whoops a little.


Eric: "...and Alex Braun..."


Another pause as the crowd shouts out for the Iceman.


Eric: "...and Johnny Martin."


A longer pause as the crowd hoots and hollers for PSW's #1 face.


Eric: "So I went back up to Canada for a nice, relaxing, well-deserved retirement. Two years later, I get a frantic call from an old friend. He starts blasting my ear saying how hardcore has died in the Tri States."


The crowd roars in outrage, although more then a few start nodding their heads, reminiscing about the "good ole days" of hardcore wrestling.


Eric: "So, naturally I took a look myself, and you know what? My friend was right. Here in the Tri States, hardcore...is dead."


The crowd roars even louder, Eric has them stirred up into a frenzy. Small fights start breaking out as if the fans themselves were trying to bring hardcore back, one shove or punch at a time.


Eric: "So I did the only thing I could. I met with the guys in charge. Now, they were a little reluctant at first, but once I bashed a couple heads onto the table, they couldn't wait to sign me as PSW's new commissioner."


The crowd goes wild and starts chanting Eric's name.


Eric: "So, I'm still getting everything straightened out, but you had better damn well believe that when I'm done, PSW will be THE Home for Hardcore."


He throws the mic down and raises his arms up and departs, the fans cheering and roaring for him the whole time.


Eric Tyler appears on-screen, and reveals that he is the new commissioner, and his reign of power begins tonight.

Rating: C-




Doc: "Wow..."


Mitch: "Well said, Doc. I've just been handed an updated listing for tonight’s matches. First up we have Teddy Powell facing JD Morgan..."


Doc: "No love lost between those two. Teddy and JD formed the Untouchables together back in '07, but last year Powell turned on his former compatriot."


Mitch: "Yeah, JD and Steve were too busy focusing on their own title runs and didn't support Teddy at all when he needed it the most. Teddy apparently got tired of playing second fiddle and turned on JD, smashing his head open like a coconut with a steel chair."


Doc: "And the fans absolutely loved watching him stick it to that ****y brit."


Mitch: "Anyway, "Constant Motion" Teddy Powell will be facing JD Morgan tonight in a thumbtack match."


Doc: "Ouch...”


Mitch: "For those unfamiliar, this operates like a normal PSW match, but boxes of thumbtacks are in each corner, and are perfectly legal to use to really stick it to one another."



http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/TeddyPowell.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/JDMorgan.jpg

Teddy Powell vs. JD Morgan in a Thumbtack match


The two bitter rivals waste little time in starting the action, starting out at full tilt and putting each other through the paces. JD tries to keep things grounded using his fearsome array of submission holds, but Teddy Powell lives up to his nickname, launching a barrage of aerial offensives. JD is the first to go for the tacks, sprinkling them out before trying to suplex Teddy into them. Teddy counters, and JD is face planted into the tacks instead. The crowd whoops as JD writhes in pain, pulling tacks out of his face and chest. The two go back and forth some more, but a low blow by JD halts Teddy's momentum, and JD is able to Russian Sweep Teddy onto the bed of tacks. JD scrambles and locks on his signature crossface, the Atlantic Stretch, wrenching Teddy's neck as he presses him even further onto the tacks. Faced with that kind of pain, Teddy has no choice but to tap out.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, JD Morgan defeated

Teddy Powell in 12:05 by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch.

Rating: D




Doc: "Ouch, that was painful just watching. Teddy's going to be feeling that one in the morning."


Mitch: "Up next the Deadly Alliance, Wolverine and Punisher, will be defending their Tag Team titles against the Good Ol' Boys in a standard weapons match."


Doc: "That's right fans, take out your weapons and hold them high! Anything you bring can and will be used by one side to batter and bash the other. Just please, don't discharge any firearms as we do have a security deposit to get back on this place."


The fans laugh as they all know how destroyed the Ministry gets by the end of the night.




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/TheWolverine.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/ThimblebyLangton.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/WootonFitzpaine.jpg

Deadly Alliance © vs. The Good Ol' Boys in a Weapons Match




PSW Tag Team titles


Neither side wastes any time in spilling the fight out into the crowd. The amount of actual wrestling moves used during the match could be counted on a single hand, while he rest of the time is spent grabbing weapons from the arena and/or fans and smashing them over each other. All four competitors are busted wide open from scissors, barbwire bats, and even a lawn mower blade that had been fashioned into a quasi-machete. Eventually, the Wolverine and the Punisher were able to isolate Thimbleby and beat him down with some copper piping grabbed from a fan. Wolverine hits Thimbleby with The Maul and picks up the 3-count.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, The Deadly Alliance defeated The Good Ol' Boys in 9:46 when The Wolverine defeated Thimbleby Langton by pinfall with The Maul. The Deadly Alliance make defence number 1 of their PSW Tag Team titles.

Rating: E+




The overhead projector springs to life and starts playing highlight reels from the last couple of years, showcasing Alex Braun and Grandmaster Phunk.




Doc: "These two have a long and violent history, and it's all coming to a clash tonight."


Mitch: "That's right, and the fans don't know who to root for. On the one hand you have the Iceman, a no nonsense veteran of the hardcore arena. He's been in this business for 30 years and has won titles across the country."


Doc: "But then you have Grandmaster Phunk, the pimp with a punch. He's a powerful brawler coming to us from NYCW. He may have a thing or two to learn about the Art of hte 2x4, but when it comes to a straight up brawl he's top notch. He started out here as Frankie Future's tag partner and henchman, but the fans really rallied behind him and he's split off on his own and now has the crowd popping for him. What can I say, the Tri State loves its pimps and ho's!"


A video plays hyping Alex Braun vs. Grandmaster Phunk. Mitch Naess and Doc Messing then talk about the upcoming match, hyping it up as the video plays to the crowd.

Rating: E





Mitch: "As you can tell from the roadies swarming the ring, it's time for a table match."


Doc: "Next Gen versus Dead Rage. All four are in the ring at the same time and when a wrestler is crashed through a table, they are immediately eliminated and escorted out by security.”




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/DeadBolt.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/PrimalRage.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/MatthewKeith.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/AshCampbell_alt1.jpg

Dead Rage vs. Next Gen (Table Match)


As usual, the match quickly spilled out into the crowd. Matt looked like a star while Primal Rage and Dead Bolt relied heavily on weapons. The first elimination happened when Matt stunned Dead Bolt and lifted him onto a table so that Ash could land a Shooting Star, snapping the table in half. Almost immediately afterwards, Ash was speared through a table that had been propped up in a corner. Matt and Primal Rage knocked each other around a bit longer, turning up some decent momentum before Matt Keith ended things by suplexing Primal Rage through the last table.



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Next Gen defeated Dead Rage in 8:08; Dead Bolt was eliminated first, then Ash Campbell, and finally Primal Rage.

Rating: D-




The Skunkpackers blare their guitars as Eric Tyler walks down to the ring.




Eric: “So, enjoying watching a bunch of guys wrestle around?”


The crowd whoops and hollers.


Eric: “What’re ya? A bunch of queers!?”


Half the crowd starts laughing while the other half bellow with outrage. The two sides start roughing each other up as miniture brawls start forming within the crowds.


Eric: “Ha, I’m glad you’re not the kind to be upset by all that political correct bulls***, but before the feds try and shut us down, I’ve got nothing against the gays. In fact, I’ve allowed two of them to be hired and announce for us.”


Mitch and Doc turn red and start protesting, Mitch even trying to show off his wedding ring but they are drowned out by the crowd roaring with laughter.


Eric: “Now then, like I said, you don’t want to sit here and watch a bunch of guys all night long. So I’ve decided to use my commish powers and bring you a nice little treat. Presenting to you, the Pittsburgh Playmates!”


Out from the back come four beautiful ladies clad in skimpy bikinis. Two of them the PSW fans know and love, Krissy Angelle and Nicole Kiss, but the other two are definitely new and the fans are loving every exposed inch of them.




Eric: “Now, you all know Krissy and Nicole, they need no introduction. But let me be the first to introduce you to Dharma!”


Dharma Gregg, one of BSC’s “star” wrestlers walks up and waves to the crowd before launching into a southern accent.




Dharma: “Hey y’all. How’re y’all doin’?”


Doc: “Judging by all the whistling, I’d say they doing juuust fine.”


Dharma: “Ah just wanted y’all t’ know just how excited Ah am t’ be here.”


The crowd whoops in appreciation, and Dharma is just digging all the attention.


Dharma: “Ah shucks, y’all are too kind. Y’all can come back t’ mah trailer anytime. Y’all can party with me and mah friends, the Good Ol’ Boys.”


Eric: “That’s right, Dharma here will be ringside for Wooton and Thimbleby. Next up we have a very special lady, Princess Kit.”


Princess Kit, who may also be known as Persephone steps up.




Kit: “Hey there, you know you want this!”


She strikes a sexy pose before heading back to the line up.


Eric: “Kit is being brought in as the new manager for the tag team champions, the Deadly Alliance. Now then, what we need is a little audience participation. We need to crown THE head Pittsburgh Playmate, and you fans out there get to make your voices heard.”


Eric proceeds to lead a beauty contest, measuring the roar of the crowd and without any shadow of a doubt, Krissy Angelle wins the fans over as the most beautiful playmate. Eric crowns her with a cheap little tiara, and even though the prize is just about nothing, the other three women look disappointed and frustrated that their beauty didn’t win the crowd over.


Eric Tyler is in the ring with Krissy Angelle, Dharma Gregg, Princess Kit, and Nicole Kiss. He leads them through a standard bikini contest - taking turns to wow the audience - before letting the crowd decide who wins. Krissy Angelle is announced as the winner, which the other three look very unhappy about.

Rating: E+




Doc: “Wow, that sure was something special. I can’t wait to see what other changes Tyler will be making.”


Mitch: “I dunno. Do we really want this to become that kind of promotion?”


Doc: “Umm…are you really questioning that? Questioning THAT? THAT was awesome.”


Mitch: “If you say so…”


Doc: “maybe Eric was right about one of us…”


Mitch: “What was that?”


Doc: “I said up next we have Steven Parker facing off against Tank Bradley. Bradley’s really been struggling to find his place after the New Jersey Devils were split up. And say what you will about his personality, Steven Parker is a phenom in the ring. He might be insufferably arrogant, but the man can wrestle.”


Mitch: “I wouldn’t discount Tank completely. Sure the odds are stacked against him but he does have a lot more experience in the business then Parker. Plus, I can only imagine that his recent failures are only fueling his desire to win big even more.”




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/StevenParker.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/NicoleKiss.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/TankBradley.jpg

Steve Parker w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Tank Bradley


Despite Mitch’s vote of confidence, this match is completely one-sided. Tank tries to use his larger bulk to overwhelm Parker, but the younger, smaller man is just too agile and too skilled to be stopped by such simple tactics. He quickly hits some big moves against Tank that have him stunned and reeling, but instead of putting him away and picking up the pin, Steve starts taunting Tank, toying with him for amusement. Unfortunately, Tank doesn't even get any love from the crowd, who start chanting for him to get out of the ring. Nicole Kiss, at Steve’s ringside looks miserable by the end, upset over Steve’s unprofessional manner. After a several minutes of playing around, Steve finally hits Tank with a Future Shock (Shooting Star DDT) and picks up the pin.



In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Steven Parker defeated Tank Bradley in 12:22 by pinfall with a Future Shock.

Rating: D




Doc: “That was painful to watch, but in a completely different way. Maybe Teddy and Tank can help each other recover from those beatdowns.”


Mitch: “As the next match is being prepared, I believe Johnny Martin has agreed to an interview backstage.”




The overhead projector flares to life and shows a backstage camera approaching Johnny in a back room. The cameraman is suddenly knocked away and the camera falls to the ground. The grounded camera shows a set of large feet running up to the feet of Johnny Martin and a loud *crack* is heard. Johnny Martin collapses into full view of the camera, his face bloody red. The attacker continues the assault by smashing a 2x4 across Johnny’s back, breaking the board in half.


Not finished, the unknown assailant rips off an open locker door and starts smashing that over Johnny’s back. After a few brutal minutes, the attacker dashes out.


Johnny Martin is backstage about to deliver an interview. Out of nowhere, someone ambushes Johnny. The assault is quick and brutal, and leaves Martin completely destroyed.

Rating: E+




Mitch: “My god! Someone get back there and help Johnny up, he has to wrestle tonight! And security, find the attacker!”


Doc: “Yeah, you only bash the s*** out of each other during a match, not just willy nilly. Save something for the highlight reels!”


Mitch: “Johnny Martin is lying in a pool of his own blood, possibly not being able to wrestle tonight and you’re worried that it didn’t happen on camera?”


Doc: “Well, yeah. That kind of stuff happens all the time, just that we normally have better camera angles.”


Mitch doesn’t respond and just glares at Doc.


Doc: “What? Don’t get your panties in a twist. Up next Frankie Future will be defending his PSW Championship title in a Coal Miner’s Glove match against…oh man…against Johnny Martin.”


Mitch: “Wait, Johnny’s match is right now!? How the hell is he going to wrestle after that bout of brutality just seconds ago?”


Doc: “Well, he’ll have to or forfeit, you know the PSW rules.”


Mitch: “Yeah, everyone wrestles, no excuses. Still, this isn’t right. My hunch is that one of the Untouchables was behind this. They have a storied history of pulling s*** like this.”


Doc: “Well, here comes Frankie and the ref so Johnny’s going to have to get out here soon if he wants a shot at the title…”




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/HonestFrank.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/JohnnyMartin.jpg

Frankie Future © vs. Johnny Martin in a Coal Miner’s Glove match




PSW Championship


The coal miner’s glove is suspended over one of the ring’s turnbuckles. A wrestler will need to stand on the turnbuckle and undo three catches to free the glove, but then the heavy, metal clad weapon becomes legal to use.


Frankie comes out, an arrogant smile on his face. He starts pressuring the referee to start the match. R.M. Stones tries to delay as long as possible, but finally he is forced to signal for a forfeit.



R.M. Stones: “Because he did not appear ringside in a timely manner, Johnny Martin will be forced to forf—“




Johnny Martin, being helped along by fellow faces Grandmaster Phunk and Alex Braun appears in the entrance area. He shrugs off Phunk and Braun, slowly but surely heading towards the ring. A trail of blood follows him, and his face is grimaced in pain as he walks, but he makes it to the ring and the crowd goes wild.


Johnny: “Let’s do this, Frankie.”


Frankie laughs and the bell rings. Johnny is leaning heavily against the ropes, barely able to support himself. Frankie just chuckles and heads over to the turnbuckle with the miner’s glove suspended over it. He makes a big show about undoing the first catch, quickly checking back to make sure Johnny hadn’t move. He undoes the second catch, and again Johnny is still in the corner.


Frankie realizes the glove is entirely unnecessary and just heads over to Johnny, dragging him to the middle of the ring. With a big flourish he launches a huge left hook, but Johnny is able to just barely block it. Frankie tries it again, and again Johnny blocks it. Frankie tries one last time, and again, Johnny blocks it.




Frankie decks Johnny with a huge left, the last right was just a feint! Frankie drops a quick leg but Johnny rolls away. With adrenaline surging through him, Johnny starts moving quicker and although definitely not at 100%, is able to fight back.


The two brawlers duke it out for a little while, and Johnny ends up with the advantage when he reverses a suplex and leaves Frankie on the mat. Johnny carefully climbs up the turnbuckle and releases the last catch, freeing the glove.


With the power of the metal glove on his side, the weakened Johnny Martin is able to start going toe-to-toe with Frankie. Frankie realizes that he might actually lose and steps up his game, working to separate Johnny from the miner’s glove.


The two batter on and Frankie’s face is soon bloody as hell from being punched by the iron gauntlet, but Johnny’s adrenaline surge is wearing down. Frankie realizes it and puts Johnny through the paces, moving him around the ring and drawing out his energy. Finally, Johnny makes a huge mistake, launching a wild haymaker that Frankie easily ducks. Frankie trips up Johnny and starts wrenching Johnny’s arm, forcing him to relinquish the miner’s glove.


Frankie wastes no time in putting his new weapon to use, and soon Johnny is battered and broken. Frankie pulls Johnny back to his feet only to hit a huge Frank-N-Hurter (Reverse Frankensteiner)


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Frankie Future defeated Johnny Martin in 18:24 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter. Frankie Future makes defence number 1 of his PSW Championship title.

Rating: D+




Doc: “Man, I really thought Johnny had a chance there when he got the glove first.”


Mitch: “A lot of fans were, Doc. Up next is our second main event. Alex Braun and Grandmaster Phunk will be putting their careers and lives at risk by competing in a Deathmatch.”


Doc: “As you can see, we've collected most of the fan weapons and scattered them around the ring. To this collection we've added everything from the standard 2x4's, chairs and tables to our own exotic collection, including another half dozen boxes of thumbtacks and nails, barbwire bats, boards and gloves, as well as just a roll of barbwire out there. We've got armored gauntles and spiked gauntlets. We've got straps, chains, whips and a whole slew of S&M equipment we looted from Mitch's locker.”


Mitch: “...hey...”


Doc: “And what has quickly become a PSW tradition, we have our own specialty item.”


Doc pulls a box out from under the table.


Doc: “Mitch, would you do the honors..."


Mitch opens the box and pulls out a battery powered hand grinder.




Doc: “Ooooh, the grinder. This little baby will spin at 5,000 of RPM's. It spins so wickedly that flesh just melts away. If this little puppy comes into play the first couple of rows will be showered with blood.”


Mitch: “What the hell is Eric thinking! Power tools!?”


Doc: “Let's just hope that Alex can take this kind of punishment. He's not exactly a spring chicken. Speaking of which, for all you handymen, a hand grinder would probably be a great way to get the feathers off a chicken.”


Mitch: “No...no no no. Don't start encouraging people to try this kind of stuff at home.”


Doc: “That's right folks. Don't try anything you see here at home. Blood and bone is a b**** to get out of carpets. Do it outside where you don't have to clean up your mess.”


Mitch buries his face into his palms as the roadies finish arranging wewapons and other dangerous implements.




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/AlexBraun.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg

Alex Braun vs. Grandmaster Phunk in a Deathmatch


The fans are restless anticipation, waiting for the first deathmatch of the new year to explode into bloody carnage.


Alex and Phunk, however, start things out slow. They wrestle back and forth for a bit in the ring, and it's a testament to their brawling abilities to keep the audience interested without any weapons used or blood spilled.


The crowd is back on it's feet when the action finally spills out of the ring. A huge clothesline from Phunk sends Braun over the ropes and onto the arena floor, landing on the piles of weapons scattered about. Phunk exits and charges, but Alex grabs an iron bar and flings it at Phunk, belting him in the chest and stunning the larger man. Alex uses the brief respite to recover a little and select a good weapon. He selects a homemade looking barbwire bat and a fan goes wild shouting “that's my bat! He's using my bat!”


Alex takes his time to soften up Phunk, hitting body and back shots. Alex gets Phunk on his knees and prepares to deliver a devastating two-handing blow but out of nowhere, Phunk rises up and backhands Alex, dropping the veteran like a sack of bricks. The crowd and announcers are briefly confused, but Phunk flashes his hand showing his custom gold plated brass knuckles.


Doc: “Oooh, the Phunk Slap!”


Phunk now has a bit of time to recover and arm himself, and he picks up a staple gun and a clip of staples. The crowd roars with bloodlust as Phunk shoots staple after staple into Alex's shoulders and back.


Alex escapes by throwing a box of tacks into Phunk's face. As Phunk tries to clear his vision, Alex kicks a folded chair into place and hits a quick DDT, driving Phunk's head into the metal. He quickly goes for a pin but Phunk is just barely gets a shoulder up to beat the count.


The crowd is on it's feet shouting and cheering as Phunk crawls away wearing a red mask of blood. Alex starts looking for another weapon but seems to be having problems concentrating with all those staples plugged into his back. The fans are more then eager to help shout out recommendations, and Alex finally settles on the lawn mower blade.


He takes a swing at Phunk but Phunk ducks and Braun hits the metal ring post instead. The lawn mower blade bends and Alex is stunned from the recoil, giving Phunk time to grab a barbwire 2x4 and lay into Braun. Soon enough, Braun too is busted open and the crowd goes wild as both wrestlers are soon covered head to chest in both their own and each other's blood. Phunk drops Braun with a side onto some barbwire and goes for the pin, but this time Braun is just able to beat the count.


Phunk finally goes for the “item of the night” at the announcer's booth. He grabs the hand grinder and revs it up to speed. The crowd briefly goes silent, listening to the disc spinning at thousands of RPM's. But the silence doesn't last long and the crowd starts chanting “Do It! Do It!” as Phunk slowly approaches Braun.


He swings the grinder at Braun, but Braun catches it! His palms explode in blood and the grinder quickly splatters the crowd with a fine spray of blood. Alex roars in pain but doesn't let the grinder go. He kicks Phunk in the gut who drops the grinder. Without wasting any of his adrenaline surge, Alex picks Phunk up onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry, runs forward a little to position himself and hits a Braun Damage (Death Valley Driver) onto a chair. Phunk is down and Alex scrambles on top of him, finally picking up the pin.


The ref has to help Braun back into the ring, by now his whole torso is covered in blood and staples, but he is able to stand long enough for the ref to raise one of his bloody hands in victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Alex Braun defeated Grandmaster Phunk in a 1 vs 1 Deathmatch PSW match in 21:45 by pinfall with a Braun Damage.

Rating: D+




Overall: D+

Attendance: 1,000



OOC: Before someone calls me out and says that weapon or that match type is too dangerous or what not, just trust me that I take realism seriously. I did modify the Deathmatch to have Very High Injury/High Content by eliminating the bed of nails and glass tubes. I felt that there should be a better distinction between a Deathmatch and an Ultimate Death Match. Anyway, as for the tools used, just have faith as I will reveal how it could be possible.


Also, if you plan to run angles in PSW, remember to set your product to 80%

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Friday, Week 3

January 2010




A familiar bar, a familiar scene. A large, shadowy figure on one side, three men of varying sizes crammed into the other.


"Hey kid, we seem to be missing our drinks..."


Doc flashed an angry look at Mitch and Alex before heading to the crowded bar.


Mitch opened up his briefcase and again started hauling out pie charts and bar graphs.


"So, as you can see here, our last show gained us a whopping .5% popularity growth within the Tri State area. At this rate of growth, we should reach DaVE's size in approximately one year."


"How the hell do you figure that?"


"Well, our last show gained us .5%, and the show before that .4% and the show before that .3%. So there's a logical linear growth pattern that can be extrapolated..."


"Hold on, you think you can keep putting on better and better shows? That you will always put on a better show then every one before it? Hah!"


"Well, I admit there are some flaws with a linear growth model..."


"Some flaw? The whole damn thing's full of s***. You're in no position to overtake DaVE within the year."


"Well, in Mitch's defense if we start pushing hard and fast, bring Parker up to the main event as the lead for the Untouchables..."


The figure shook his head.


"Nu-uh. Not now, no way unless you want him stuck in the midcard in SWF or TCW. Don't think Parker's stardom hasn't been brought to their attention. Listen, the climate is the worst possible for growing right now. SWF's on the verge of going Global, TCW's almost to International levels, and USPW is declaring open war on SWF. This is chaos, guys. All three are going to be looking for exciting new talent to put them over the competition, and that's exactly what you have with Parker and Keith. All of you guys are about to be raided and hard. Now's the time to bunker up and prepare for the storm."


Doc came back with another arm load of beers. As he passed one to Alex, the shadowy figure's hand shot out, grabbing Alex's arm and forcing it palm up. Alex's palms were a little scratched up, but definitely not as raw as they should've been if he'd grabbed a grinder and sprayed an audience with his blood.


"Huh... I figured you were past all that crazy stuff, but how'd you pull this one off?"


"Actually, it was Doc that came up with the whole idea and rig."


Doc was beaming, nearly exploding with an explanation.


"Well, the key is the safety shield, the part that overhangs part of the grinder to keep sparks from shooting up into the user's eyes."


"Yeah, I figured he grabbed that...but the blood?"


"Well, two tricks. First of all, we used an undersized disc. Just a quarter-inch or so which would be barely noticeable. Then we stuffed some bags of fake blood into the shield, tape 'em in. When Alex grabbed the shield, he bends the shield in to the blade. Again, not by much, but enough for the spinning edge to slice through tape and bag and get blood and chunks all over it. Then the 5,000 RPM's do the rest, spraying it everywhere. It took awhile to get everything working right, but we pulled it off, didn't we."


The figure leaned back, stroking his chin as he thought about it.


"Won't the fans you sprayed realize that they're covered in corn syrup when they get home?"


"Nope, who said anything about corn syrup? Went down to the butchers and got a bucket of blood & chunks. I think it’s mostly pig blood, but I didn't really ask."


The figure gave a slight nod of respect to Doc.


"Not bad kid, not bad. Maybe you'll deserve to be at this table someday."




"Yeah, you forgot one important detail..."


The shadowy figure held up his empty mug and grinned.

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Monday, Week 1

February 2010




Alex had just gotten situated behind his desk when Mitch barged in. Ordinarily he didn't mind, but Mitch often wanted Alex to follow him back out to Mitch's office.


Mitch's office was a typical office. A bit small but it had a desk, a couple chairs, a computer and phone and all the other usual office stuff. Alex's office was a "refurbished" broom closet. Alex was thankful that he wasn't a larger man because he could just barely stand sideways without his shoulders bumping into shelves. It took a fair amount of agility to get behind his desk and get situated in such confined spaces. He chuckled trying to imagine someone like Nemesis squeezing back here, but then again Nemesis would probably just break down the walls and absorb Mitch's office as part of some medieval coup.


"Alex, that sonnuvabitch was right! Look at this."


He slapped a collection of printouts onto Alex's desk. They were front pages of wrestling websites from around the Net. The topmost one was from TotalExtremeWrestling.com and the headline ran "SWF GOES GLOBAL".


A quick glance at the article talked about how SWF had revealed in a press conference that they would start aggressively pursuing other markets. With the success of their show in the UK and Canada, they would be entering other markets. They then revealed that they had just signed on with PPV Japan, PPV UK-TV, and Seleccion Mexico.


Alex flipped to the next article, which talked about how SWF was resurrecting SWF Uprising, a show that had been canceled in the 90's around the time TCW gained some teeth. It would be a 2 hour show edited down for TV and would be airing on America-Sports 1.


The "good news" kept rolling as Alex flipped to the next article. This one hinted that SWF was sending out agents was sending out scouts to "scour the indies for fresh new talent."


A random insert had a translation from a Japanese wrestling magazine based in Tohoku calling Pittsburgh's deathmatches as being "weak and inferior to the mighty carnage that is WEXXV."


The final two sheets, a couple of printed off emails, really hammered things home. The first was from Grandmaster Phunk, letting Mitch know that he'd been approached by SWF. He didn't go into any details, but the tone was clear as day.


"Well, looks like Phunk's leaving us. Can't say I blame him, this is what he's been working towards for a long time."


"Read the next one, it's even worse."


Alex flipped and immediately regretted it. This time it was from Steven Parker, saying that he too had been approached by SWF and that they would be negotiating at the end of the week.




"Could it get any worse!? This is terrible! All of our plans are shot out the window!"


"Hold on there, it's not a complete loss. Phunk is a bit of a blow but we've already got a replacement coming in for him. Parker... he's a bit harder to recover from but we can and we will."


"How many storylines is he in? Untouchables vs. Johnny, Parker vs. Ash over Nicole.... wasn't he going to feud with Alex over the championship?"


"Well, that last plan was scrapped long ago. Parker and Ash was a very slow build so we can quietly kill it without anyone being the wiser. We'll just push the Martin vs. Untouchables to next show and finish it. After that, we look for some new talent. Overseas of across borders if we have to but rest assured there is someone out there that can replace Parker. I'll call up Rip Chord at MAW and see if he's got any guys he'd like to bump up."


"You do that! Do that now! You should've been doing that minutes ago! I've gotta get Phunk and Parker on the phone to try and negotiate. Maybe I can outbid SWF. Maybe they don't really want those two. Maybe Parker will stay, I mean, we did just hire his girlfriend, right? Right?"


Alex just shrugged.


"Listen Mitch, don't fool yourself. SWF is the top of the world and it would take a miracle to keep Phunk or Parker from accepting that deal..."


Prediction Results from last time:

BHK1978: 6/6

Woodsmeister: 6/6

FINisher: 5/6

BYU 14: 4/6

midnightnick: 4/6

The Celt: 3/6



Next Show: PSW Lethal Injection Prediction card

Frankie Future © vs. Teddy Powell (PSW Championship)

Dead Rage vs. The Deadlyl Alliance © for PSW Tag Team titles

Matthew Keith © vs. JD Morgan for PSW National title in submission match

Alex Braun vs. Nelson Callum

Johnny Martin vs. Steven Parker

????? vs. Grandmaster Phunk (bonus point if you can guess who the "Phunk replacement" is)[/Quote]



OOC: Next show is up when I get to it. Probably towards the end of the week again. If you feel that the grinder explanation (or any other production tricks PSW might pull out) is bull, feel free to call me out. I welcome all challengers :)

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Next Show: PSW Charnelhouse Prediction card

Frankie Future © vs. Teddy Powell (PSW Championship)

Dead Rage vs. The Deadly Alliance © for PSW Tag Team titles

Matthew Keith © vs. JD Morgan for PSW National title in submission match

Alex Braun vs. Nelson Callum

Johnny Martin vs. Steven Parker

????? vs. Grandmaster Phunk (bonus point if you can guess who the "Phunk replacement" is) - Fumihiro Ota?

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Frankie Future © vs. Teddy Powell (PSW Championship)


Dead Rage vs. The Deadlyl Alliance © for PSW Tag Team titles


Matthew Keith © vs. JD Morgan for PSW National title in submission match

though Gauge is likely to go next so it might be smart to move it to Morgan.


Alex Braun vs. Nelson Callum


Johnny Martin vs. Steven Parker


????? vs. Grandmaster Phunk (bonus point if you can guess who the "Phunk replacement" is)

I am guessing Madman Boone. he seems like such a perfect fit, I am surprised PSW hadn't already grabbed him. Second choice would be Larry Wood.

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PSW Lethal Injection

The Ministry, New York City, NY

Friday, Week 2

February 2010




Pre-show/Bonus Features


Eric Tyler vs. Ash Campbell

Rating: D+


Danny Patterson vs. Tank Bradley in a First Blood match.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Danny Patterson defeated Tank Bradley in a 1 vs 1 First Blood match in 8:29 when Tank Bradley was busted open.

Rating: F+






Mitch: "Welcome Tri State fans to PSW Charnel House."


Doc: "So named because after tonight, most of our wrestlers will look like they just came from a double shift at the slaughterhouse."


Mitch: "That's right. For all you fans out there logging in via the internet, I'm Mitch Naess..."


Doc: "And I'm Doc Messing. With the launch of our new website, you'll be able to catch matches and highlights 24/7, anywhere in the world."


Mitch: "Providing the music tonight will once again be the Skunkpackers..."


The Skunkpackers wail a guitar riff and make lewd gestures towards the audience.


Doc: "That's right. And remember fans, they are NOT housebroken."


Mitch: "So tonight we're going to see..."


The Skunkpackers interrupt him by wailing out a horrible screech that could loosely be interpreted as music. Mitch tries shouting over them but his voice is drowned out by the music and the crowd's roars as they see Eric Tyler walk into the ring.




Eric: "Greetings, hardcore fans."


He pauses to let the roars die down.


Eric: "Now, I told you that there were going to be some changes, and let me assure you that I'm not just full of s***. So, first up is going to be a change up of the PSW Championship title. You see, fans came here looking for hardcore, and I'm going to make damn sure they get it. So, from here on out, the PSW Championship can ONLY be defended and won during a hardcore match. No disqualifications, no count outs, NO DRAWS. None of this "winning and losing at the same time crap" you get with Sports Entertainment."


The crowd roars in approval and the announcers make some brief comments about the impact this change up will have.


Eric: "I have another special announcement. That's right, two in one night. I am pleased to announce the hiring of a good friend of mine, a fellow traditionalist who understands what it means to be a wrestler, a man who just recently came home from a long tour in Japan, Bryan Holmes!"


The crowd pops as the DaVE-alumni and former PGHW star hits the ramp. He looks pumped and ready to tear down the walls.




Eric: "As a special treat to all of you, Bryan will be fighting Grandmaster Phunk in the Storm Arena this...very...night!"


The crowd pops in anticipation.


Mitch: "Storm Arena..."


Doc: "Not to be mixed up with any Lightning-oriented domes made popular in Hollywood by a certain actor named Max Gibson or something..."


Mitch: "Is a cage match with the addition of weapons mounted onto the upper walls. They are secured in various fashions. Some are just mounted, some are tied in with rope, others are chained in and locked and competitors must find the key to unlock the weapon first. Anything that they can get down from the walls becomes fair game."


Doc: "You get the win by submission or pin. Hey, that's a pretty good rhyme."


Mitch: "Oh god...no!"


Doc: "I can do it all the time..."


Mitch: "Stop...just stop."


Doc: "But then I won't be on top."


Mitch; "Up next is Frankie Future facing Teddy Powell."


Doc: "Hope Teddy doesn't throw in the towel."


Mitch puts his face into his palms.


Mitch: "Why me..."


Doc: "I have to pee!"


Eric Tyler comes out and announces his major new signing, Bryan Holmes. Out he comes to make his first appearance as the newest signing.

Rating: C-




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/HonestFrank.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/TeddyPowell.jpg

Frankie Future © vs. Teddy Powell


Teddy looks frustrated that he's no longer competing for the title, and Frankie seizes that distraction to blindside Powell before the match. The match starts and Powell is reeling, and Frankie just starts laying into him with some big left and right hooks. The two brawl leaving Teddy in the weaker position. He breaks up the slug-fest and takes to the ropes, but a low blow from Frankie turns the tide back into the heel's favor. Teddy does a decent job battling back, but everything seems stacked against him and soon enough the crowd is roaring in dismay as Frankie hits the Frank-N-Hurter on Teddy.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Frankie Future defeated Teddy Powell in 11:40 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter.

Rating: D+




Mitch: "Ouch, tough break for Teddy."


Doc: "He didn't look too ready..."


Mitch: "Up next the Deadly Alliance defends their titles against Dead Rage."


Doc: "This match will not be fought in a cage."


Mitch: "*sigh* That's right, it's a weapons match."


Doc: "So Mitch, what's the catch?"


Mitch: "Make sure to have your weapons ready as they prepare to beat each other black and purple."


Mitch flashes a wicked grin towards Doc.


Doc: "Yeah so they'll want to...gurple? F***!"




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/DeadBolt.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/PrimalRage.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/TheWolverine.jpg & http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/Persephone.jpg

Dead Rage vs. Deadly Alliance © w/ Princess Kit in a Weapons match



PSW Tag Team Championship


As one would expect from a match between these two teams of excellent talent, the match quickly spilled out of the ring and became a fuster-cluck of the highest order. The four men brawl into the crowd, bashing each other with various weapons scattered around the ring, and happily accepting weapons tossed at them from the crowd. Princess Kit did a great job keeping her two clients armed and dangerous, following around behind them with an armful weapons to hand off as needed. It's hard to say who the dominant force in this match was as all four were covered red in their own and each other's blood by the end, but The Punisher downed Primal Rage with a piledriver onto a barbwire bat to pick up the pin.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, The Deadly Alliance defeated Dead Rage in 8:07 when The Punisher defeated Primal Rage by pinfall with a Piledriver. The Deadly Alliance make defence number 2 of their PSW Tag Team titles.

Rating: E+




Mitch: "And the Deadly Alliance secures another win..."


Doc: "Oh man, look at all the blood. I'm sure OSHA is going to shut us down for not properly cleaning up hazardous spills."


Mitch: "Well we..."


The Skunkpackers interrupt Mitch again with a metal riff and the crowd starts booing as Steven Parker hits the ring, followed by his girlfriend/manager, Nicole Kiss.




Steven: "Shut up, New York. Shut the f*** up. You don't know s*** and you know it... You're all just a bunch of c***suckers. I AM the future, so get used to it. I've won the MAW championship, I've won the PSW National title and I'm going to continue to win and there's nothing you fat f***'s can do about it."


Nicole looks very uncomfortable as Steven continues laying into the fans, calling them out of the audience and insulting them.


Steven: "Now, I'm coming down here to tell you all about the Untouchable's upcoming domination of PSW..."


Steven is interrupted by a large, vocal fan telling him to shut the f*** up.


Steven: "Oh, you're going to boo me, fatso? You just jealous that I'm taking this home..."


He gestures back towards Nicole who looks absolutely mortified


Steven: "...as opposed to that fat sack of crap sitting next to you? Yeah, that's right. "


"I think I speak for everyone here when I say...




The crowd pops hard as Johnny Martin hits the ring. He rolls right into it and goes right into Steven's face, locking a hard, cold gaze on the younger worker.




Johnny: "You think you're such hot s***, don't you? You win a couple belts and think you're the greatest gift to the world. Well, let me tell you, from one champion to another...your belts don't mean s***."


The crowd pops as Steven goes red. He gets a dangerous look in his eye, but Johnny is not one to back down. The two stare each other down in the middle of the ring, and Steven loses some face by breaking first. The crowd roars a bit, calling Steven out as a p****.


Steven: "F*** you, Johnny. F*** you and your geriatric old school. Maybe you were hardcore 20 years ago, but now you're just another washed up pile of crap. I'm not scared of you. The Untouchables aren't scared of you either. You may have beaten JD and Frankie before, but what does it matter? Frankie's got the Championship title round his waist and not you. You're just a washed up pile of geriatric s***!"


Steven is flying off the handle, practically screaming into the mic by the end. Nicole comes up and tries to calm him down, but Steven just shoves her out of the way. She falls painfully on her side.


Johnny flies into a rage and backhands Parker, sending the younger man to his knees and leaving a huge red welt on the side of his face. Steven locks eyes with him and slowly stands back up.


Steven: "You better back the f*** off old man..."


Johnny: "You better learn to respect your girlfriend...boy."


Steven glares.


Steven: "I can treat her however the hell I want. But you know what, I'm going to make you my b**** tonight. Right here in front of everyone for taking me by surprise like that."


Johnny gets a bemused look on his face.


Johnny: "Oh? And how are you going to do that? I just dropped you with one slap!"


Steven: "You may have caught me by surprise while I was dealing with my woman over there, but how about a real match? You think you can handle this in a real fight?"


Johnny: "Anytime, anywhere..."


Steven: "Fine. How about right here, tonight. You versus me. No friends, no outside interference, just me making you cry uncle in front of all these fans."


Johnny: "So, you want to make it a submission match then? Afraid to go hardcore then? Afraid of me bashing that pretty little face of yours in with a 2x4?"


Steven: "F*** you. I don't have to prove I'm hardcore, everyone knows I am after that Ultimate Deathmatch I fought last year. I f***ing lit Dead Bolt on fire, don't tell me that isn't hardcore. No, I don't want to just knock you out, that'd bee too easy. No pinfalls, no tapping out,, no DQ's, no count outs or anything else. It's going to be an "I Quit" match. I'm going to make you scream loud and clear to everyone that I am your master."


Johnny matches stares with Parker, slowly bringing the mic up in response.


Johnny: "Bring it, b****!"


Johnny throws down the mic at Steve's feet as the crowd goes wild, chanting Johnny's name. Steve goes red as Johnny walks out on him, and moves to deck Johnny from behind. Johnny whips around and catches Parker mid-stride, tossing him into the turnbuckles. Parker stays put as Johnny walks backstage. Nicole goes over to help him up but he pushes her away again, yelling at her to mind her own business. The crowd starts booing again and Steven builds up some real heat by laying into the crowd as he heads backstage.



Steven Parker comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interrupted by Johnny Martin. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before agreeing to face each other later on in a singles match.

Rating: D+





Doc: "What a d***!"


Mitch: "Normally I wouldn't agree on such vulgar terms but I have to agree with you now. Steven Parker has been way out of line recently."


Doc: "Remember last November?"


Mitch: "Who wouldn't? Parker actually smacked poor Nicole. He claimed it was an accident but watching his treatment of her now, one has to wonder..."


Doc: "Yeah, poor Nicole. I mean, I wish I could find a girl like that. She's so sweet and kind and loyal and supportive, and she ends up falling for a complete and total a**hole."


Mitch: "Well, they say nice guys finish last..."


Doc: "F*** that. I hope Johnny makes Parker wet his pants and sweeps Nicole off her feet."


Mitch: "Isn't he a little old for her?"


Doc: "Isn't Parker a little douchey for her?"


Mitch: "...good point. Next we have JD Morgan fighting for the PSW National title against Matthew Keith in a submissions match."


Doc: "This really seems like it favors JD over Keith..."


Mitch: "Possibly. JD Morgan is an experienced grappler, stretching people on the mat for well over a decade now. But don't discount Matthew Keith completely, he did agree to the match."


Doc: "Meh, the kid probably was just pressured into it. JD is the one that challenged Keith to the submission match, and what could Keith do? If he backed down everyone would start challenging him, sensing a weak title holder. You can only refuse so many matches before Eric gets sick of you and throws you in some brutal deathmatch."


Mitch: "Fair enough. Even so, Matthew Keith has shown himself adept at his father's infamous submission hold, the Proton Lock, a hold that's definitely on par with JD's Atlantic Stretch."





http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/JDMorgan.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/MatthewKeith.jpg

JD Morgan vs. Matthew Keith ©




PSW National Title


JD comes out with an arrogant look on his face, gesturing to the crowd that the belt is as good as his. Matthew Keith comes out with a much lighter attitude, looking like he's really going to enjoy grappling with Morgan.


The bell rings and Keith starts out hot, taking the fight to JD straight away. JD is forced out of the ring where he takes his time, analyzing the situation. He jumps back in and Keith takes it to him again. JD fights back, giving as good as he's getting, but his arrogant demeanor quickly crumbles as he's forced on the defensive again and again. He is able to counter and avoid any big hits from Keith, but just barely.


JD finally grounds Keith, and the crowd roars as they sense that the end is near. JD starts to lock in the Atlantic Stretch, but Keith has his arms up, straining to keep JD from locking in the submission.


All of a sudden, Keith flips and rolls, reversing the crossface and ending up with JD in a Proton Lock. Caught completely by surprise, JD can't stop Keith from locking it in and twisting hard. JD has no other way out, and taps the mat.


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Matthew Keith defeated JD Morgan in 16:11 by submission with a Proton Lock. Matthew Keith makes defence number 1 of his PSW National title.

Rating: D-




Mitch: "What an upset!"


Doc: "Nah, Keith had him the whole time."


Mitch: "What match were you watching? You just said you favored JD in this match up..."


Doc: "That doesn't sound like me..."


Mitch: "*sigh* Up next we have "Iceman" Alex Braun going up against "Triple-Threat" Nelson Callum."


Doc: "Wait...Triple-Threat? When'd he start calling himself that?"


Mitch just shrugs.


Mitch: "I don't know, that's what he signed up for the match as. This will be a "standard" match, but don't put those weapons away yet. Fans, we'll be collecting those weapons from you to help set up the Storm Arena later tonight."




http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/AlexBraun.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/NelsonCallum.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/KrissyAngelle2.jpg

Alex Braun vs. Nelson Callum w/ Krissy Angelle


Alex came out with his hands heavily taped; playing up the "injuries" he got from last month. Nelson comes out and flashes the three fingers at the crowd, shouting out that he’s a triple-threat now.


The match starts with Nelson taking an early control. He swung a big punch at Alex who deflected it with his bandaged hand, causing considerable pain. Alex was stunned by this and Nelson was able to hit a snap suplex on his opponent.


Nelson starts displaying his fine technical ability, stretching and tossing Alex around the mat. Despite the lack of extreme violence or hardcore bloodshed, the crowd starts really gathering behind Alex, especially after he kicks out of a second almost near pin.


Alex hits a big clothesline and Nelson hits the mat. Alex moves to climb the turnbuckle but suddenly Krissy Angelle pops up onto the apron. Before Alex can react, she leans over and pulls open her shirt, giving Alex a front row seat for the world's greatest show. Despite his age and experience, Alex just can't look away from staring down the shirt of A* sex appeal shoved into a tight top and tighter pants.


The crowd roars in frustration because Alex is blocking the view, but the roars of frustration turn to anger as Nelson comes up behind Alex and hits a big tiger suplex.


Alex looks down for the count, but once again he manages to get a shoulder up before the three count.


The crowd rallies behind him and when Nelson goes to set him up for the Honey Trap, but Alex counter, rocking Nelson left and right with punch after punch. Nelson is reeling and Alex capitalizes, hitting a big dropkick and then a big leg drop. Nelson can't recover fast enough, and Alex hits the Braun Damage, spiking Nelson's head into the mat and picking up the pin. The crowd goes wild, rooting for the veteran.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Alex Braun defeated Nelson Callum in 7:51 by pinfall with a Braun Damage.

Rating: D+




Mitch: "Alex Braun rallies in the end!"


Doc: "Good for him. He's definitely on a hot streak. Speaking of hot, did you see Krissy in that fight?"


Mitch: "Not anymore then the rest of us..."


Doc: "After the show I'm going to have to get a copy of that tape, see if the cameraman didn’t get a better angle..."


Mitch: "Then I'm sure you'll be thrilled to hear that Grandmaster Phunk will be holding a competition next figure out which Pittsburgh Playmate has the right "stuff" to be his 'official bottom b****'."


Doc: "Oh boy! For those of you not up-to-date on your pimp lingo, a bottom b**** is the head ho."


Mitch: "Thank you Doc for that...useful...bit of trivia. I have also just gotten word that after Phunk's bikini competition, the fight between Johnny Martin and Steven Parker will take place."


Doc: "Should be exciting, but until then, bring on 'da hoes!"






Grandmaster Phunk starts strutting down the aisle, waving at the crowd and flashing his bling. All of a sudden, a large man in a mask and overcoat leaps over the barrier and smashes Phunk with a chain-wrapped fist. Before security can respond, the masked man pummels Phunk over and over, splitting his head open like a coconut. Security charges in but the masked man rushes backstage. The crowd is in an uproar, angry at both the brutal attack on a popular worker, but also because with Phunk busted and bleeding, there's no way he can host a bikini competition. Officials stretcher Phunk out to the back.


Grandmaster Phunk mysteriously attacked

Rating: D+




Doc: "Holy crap, did you see that!?"


Mitch: "Let me remind the fans that they are NOT allowed to participate in the hardcore wrestling."


Doc: "Yeah, you gotta fill out a whole bunch of waivers saying you promise not to sue when you get a barbwire bat shoved up your ass!"


Mitch: "Uhh...right! Security will catch the assailant and then he'll be turned over to the police."


Doc: "If the police even get a piece of him. Between the guys backstage and the angry fans, if that sucker gets caught he'll be lucky if the police nab him."


Mitch: "Well, the night must continue, and so a bit more abruptly then planned, we have Steven Parker facing off against Johnny Martin."


Doc: "This is going to be an "I Quit" match. No pins, no tapping out, and as usual no count outs or DQ's. The only way for the match to end is for one wrestler to shout out loud that he quits."


Mitch: "But what about if someone gets knocked out?"


Doc: "Well then luckily I'm a trained ventriloquist and one way or another, he'll quit. Hey, look at that. Nicole is going to be ringside for Parker, even after the way he treated her."


Mitch: "Well, Nicole is nothing if not loyal. It's such a shame she's dating a guy like Steven Parker."





http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/JohnnyMartin.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/StevenParker.jpg w/ http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/NicoleKiss.jpg

Johnny Martin vs. Steven Parker w/ Nicole Kiss in I Quit Match


Parker hangs back at the start of the match, sizing up Johnny and taunting him. Johnny doesn't take the bait, and gives Parker a good verbal lashing in return. Parker is the first to lose his temper and he charges Johnny. Johnny sidesteps and throws up a knee, hitting Parker straight in the gut. Parker doubles over and Johnny hits a big DDT.


While Parker is stunned, Johnny rolls out and digs up some weapons, coming back with some trusty 2x4's and proceeds to break them one by one across Parker's back and head. After each one, he pauses to shout "Had enough yet?" but Parker refuses to go down that easy. As Johnny bends over to pick up another 2x4, Parker hits a low blow and then a facebuster, planting Johnny's face onto the 2x4 he was just about to pick up.


Parker starts to rally, unleashing his technical arsenal on Johnny, but the grizzled veteran doesn't stay down for long, using his considerable experience and the easy availability of weaponry to keep things even.


Parker is the first to get the other in a bad position though, locking in a brutal sharpshooter. Johnny is stretched bad, but is able to fight through the pain to get his hands around a steel pipe. Pipe in hand, he quickly breaks the lock and nearly breaks Parker's leg in the process.


Parker grabs a chair and the two battle it out, but Johnny is clearly gaining momentum. He throws the pipe into Parker's face and then grabs the chair out of Parker's hands. Two chair shots later, Parker is down and stunned and bleeding.


Johnny grabs a barbwire bat and starts brutalizing Parker. Parker is soon bleeding all across his arms and legs and back and Johnny shows no mercy in his assault. The crowd is rooting for blood as Johnny starts pausing to ask Parker if he gives up yet.


Parker refuses, but after nearly a minute of being brutalized by the barbwire, Parker finally yells "I give!"


Johnny tosses the mangled, bloody bat down at his feet and raises his arms in victory.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Johnny Martin defeated Steven Parker in 15:35 by "submission".

Rating: D




As the bloody mess of violence and destruction is cleaned up out of the ring, a quartet of men enter the ring. Eric Tyler comes out first, followed by Alex Braun, Frankie Future and Bryan Holmes.




Eric: "Greetings, hardcore fans. I hope you're enjoying the show..."


The fans give a whoop of agreement.


Eric: "Amazing the carnage you can do with a simple baseball bat and barbwire. Hardcore doesn't necessarily mean fancy gimmicks and exotic weapons. Sometimes the classics do just the perfect job. But now we've got a bit of an interesting problem. You see, Frankie Future is going to have to choose his opponent for next month's Pitfalls of Death match."


The crowd roars at the sound of one of PSW's signature matches. Frankie looks a bit concerned as he studies the two challengers.


Mitch: "Bryan Holmes has the potential to become the #1 contender before he even wrestles a single match."


Doc: "It pays to be best buds with the guy in charge of the books. Besides, I think Bryan's history speaks for itself."


Mitch: "That's true. Then again, Alex Braun is on a hot streak, and he's not a rookie either."


Frankie looks back and forth between a battered Alex Braun and a fresh and menacing looking Bryan Holmes. Finally, Frankie makes his choice.


Frankie: "I'll fight...Braun!"


The crowd roars and Alex looks thrilled. Bryan looks pissed and flashes a mean glare at Eric, but Eric just shrugs.


Eric: "Let it be known that Frankie Future will be fighting Alex Braun for the PSW Championship next month in a Pitfall of Death match!"


Eric Tyler is in the ring, with Alex Braun, Frankie Future and Bryan Holmes. He announces that Frankie Future will have to choose his next opponent. Frankie decides to face Alex Braun instead of Bryan Holmes.

Rating: C-




Doc: "Ah, good for Alex. He deserves another shot."


Mitch: "And I'm sure there would be trouble backstage if Bryan Holmes got a title shot without a single win under his belt in PSW. But now's his chance as he fights Grandmaster Phunk in a Thunder Arena match."


Doc: "I just hope Phunk has recovered from the earlier attack."


Mitch: "It would appear that security was unable to locate the attacker."


Doc: "Well, duh! It was totally an inside job. One of these guys slipped on a mask and overcoat and tried to take out a rival. Hell, maybe it was Bryan Holmes himself to make sure there wasn't an "upset" tonight."


Mitch: "Perhaps, we'll just have to wait and see."





http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk191/praguepride/PSW/GrandmasterPhunk.jpg

Bryan Holmes vs. Grandmaster Phunk in a Storm Arena match




Grandmaster Phunk comes out looking a bit battered, but it seems like he's fit for fighting and he doesn't hesitate to enter the ring. The crowd cheers for him and the Skunkpackers play a metal riff for him. Bryan Holmes comes out looking mean and ready to kick some ass. After he enters, the ref closes and locks the cage.


The two competitors take a moment to scout out the inside. Standard hardcore implements like bats, chairs, and 2x4's are fastened to the walls in various manner. There are a few more exotic pieces of equipment like a hockey stick, pool cue, and a miner's glove wrapped in barbwire. Both eyes quickly lock onto the "special item of the ring, chained and locked to the top of the cage.


Doc: "Check it out! That's a friggin mace!"


Mitch: "Guess Eric decided to go medieval for this match. That's a solid 8 lb ball of metal mounted on the end of a rod. It doesn't have spikes as this isn't a deathmatch, but that weapon was used to cave in platemail and shatter bone, and spikes or no spikes that thing would be deadly if it connected with a skull."


Doc: "Man, can't wait to see it in action. PSW, bringing history alive by beating the s*** out of each other with it."


The bell rings and the two men circle each other, sizing up their unfamiliar opponent. They lock up and Bryan quickly takes control with some superior technical displays. Phunk breaks apart and the two circle each other. They lock up again and again Bryan quickly dominates the exchange. Again, Phunk has to scramble away before taking serious damage.


Bryan just grins, motioning for Phunk to try one more time. The crowd starts getting antsy waiting for some real action to happen, eying all those wonderful weapons bound to the cage walls.


The two men move to lock up again, but Phunk feints, ducking back and launching a powerful Phunk Slap that surprises Bryan and sends the man to his knees. Phunk dashes over to the side of the cage towards a chair mounted on the wall. He grabs it and pulls, but it's tied to the wall! Bryan recovers and gets up as Phunk struggles with the knot. Bryan charges...




Phunk unties the knot just in time and slams Bryan in the face with the chair. Bryan goes down and Phunk keeps swinging hitting shot after shot against Bryan's unprotected back. Phunk drops the mangled chair and picks Bryan up from the mat. He throws an arm around and attempts a suplex, but Bryan reverses, sending Phunk crashing to the mat.


Bryan and Phunk duke it out on the ring floor, and the crowd gets sucked into the match. Bryan clearly has the edge in technical precision but Phunk is a tough brawler and there are plenty of weapons around for him to even the playing field.


For most of the match, Bryan shies away from hardcore weaponry, only holding a weapon when he disarms one from Phunk and even then he quickly discards it. He does snatch a barbwire bat that Phunk unlocked and use it long enough to cause Phunk's face to bleed profusely from dozens of cuts.


The weaponry slowly but surely is used up as the match progresses. 2x4's break, chairs get mangled and bent. The pool cue is smashed across Phunk's head with enough force to break both the cue and Phunk's face. The hockey stick was dodged by Holmes though, and shattered on a metal turnbuckle.


Finally, the last weapon left is the mace, and the crowd is roaring in anticipation. Both men scramble towards the top. Bryan reaches it first, but discovers that it's locked to the ring wall. He drops down to find the key but Phunk reaches the mace and produces the key. The crowd goes wild as he inserts the key into the lock. Bryan starts scrambling to get back up, but Phunk unlocks the chain and frees the mace. Before he can use it, however, Bryan grabs his leg and pulls him from the cage wall. Phunk crashes down and loses his grip on the mace. Holmes in one swift motion bends over, picks up the mace, and sends it smashing into Phunk's gut. Phunk doubles over and Bryan hits him with a Final Impact (spike DDT), planting Phunk's head into the mat and picking up the pin. Bryan Holmes wins his debut appearance.



In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Bryan Holmes defeated Grandmaster Phunk in a 1 vs 1 Storm Arena match in 19:40 by pinfall with a Final Impact.

Rating: C




Overall: C-

Attendance: 1,000

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