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Depends on how they use him. He's not the same TO, after all. If they make him run the slants, deep outs, and digs as well as fades in the red zone, he's going to give teams fits. He'll also allow Gresham and Bryant tons of room to work in those 4 and 5 wide sets.


Correct. Only thing is that Cincy will probably run a base with at least a RB, FB, 2 WR, and 1 TE.


I think as of now Owens is the number 2 wideout depending on how AB feels with his knee. Now when they go to that 4 wide set it would look like this more than likely


Chad J., Owens, AB, Shipley, and Gresham as the Tight End. and during the 5 wide they swap Gresham for Cadwell.


Biggest concern right now is how Gresham and AB progress with their injuries. AB is now a year removed from and ACL tear in his knee. Gresham missed all of last year with an ACL tear and will probably be used cautiously.


All in all I think the Bengales have one of the most talented Offenses and if Andre can make weight and stay healthy they would be downright scary.

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I think as of now Owens is the number 2 wideout depending on how AB feels with his knee. Now when they go to that 4 wide set it would look like this more than likely


Chad J., Owens, AB, Shipley, and Gresham as the Tight End. and during the 5 wide they swap Gresham for Cadwell.


Um, I don't think so. Your 4 wides has them playing chuck & duck. You always want a back on the field, if only to give the defense a reason to pay attention to the possibility of a run. Even the Colts (and Saints) don't do 4 wides with an empty backfield very often, except in obvious "we're passing the football, try and stop us" long yardage situations. The Bengals line isn't that great so putting Carson in harm's way probably isn't in the gameplan more than once or twice a game.


Shipley will get reps as a result of Bryant's gimpiness. He's going to be the primary target in the short zone between the hashes (like that guy no one's ever heard of in New England). Every team is hankering to find someone to fill that role (yes, even the Colts) especially those teams with top flight tight ends. Having that guy allows you to send your tight end on deeper routes right up in the safety's face. It's a pick your poison scenario: either you help the corner on the X or Y or you cover the TE coming right at you. Either way, you lose (unless your name is Ed Reed or Darren Sharper).


Assuming Bryant comes back at 75% or better (which isn't a given. I think Shipley's going to make him fear for his job with the addition of TO), he'll stretch the field between the hashes, giving Gresham free reign in the middle (since the safeties will have to account for an over the top scenario). And five wides doesn't have to mean 5 WR. If you look at how teams with top flight TEs scheme (Colts, Chargers, 49ers, Ravens, Packers, your Bucs, and at times, the Saints. Falcons haven't caught on quite yet), they treat their TE as a WR (for good reason). They stand up next to the tackle, chip the end on the snap (to give the WRs a second or two extra to clear out) and go into their pattern.


Either way, this addition should have Gresham in church giving thanks. He's going to see a lot of big open spaces when/if he plays.

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The only reason I'm even watching my preseason game is to look at Bradford. Other than that its not really worth much. Nobody is really going to show any of their playbook and a lot of the guys playing aren't even going to be on the team at the end of the month.
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I sometimes visit other teams message boards. Just for kicks. Maybe alittle smack talk. Whatever.


Its funny, this time of the year, 31 teams fans seem to think they have a real shot at the playoffs.


Except Lions fans. Who are busy dreaming of finishing 3rd in the division, ahead of the Bears.


It makes me laugh. Talk about beaten and defeated. :D

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Which is weird since Detroit is so close to Cleveland you'd think their fans would share a similar outlook as us Browns fans. Every year Browns fans say we're going to win the Super Bowl(I don't), but a lot do.


I am genuinely excited about the Browns this year though. More so than my other favorite team, the Jaguars.

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Which is weird since Detroit is so close to Cleveland you'd think their fans would share a similar outlook as us Browns fans. Every year Browns fans say we're going to win the Super Bowl(I don't), but a lot do.


I am genuinely excited about the Browns this year though. More so than my other favorite team, the Jaguars.


Should be interesting to see if/how Cleveland improves with Holgrem pulling the strings.


But the AFC North is just too stacked to really make a move this year. Finishing not last would be a major accomplishment, and finishing last wouldnt even really be a major indictment I think.


Just some really good teams in that one.

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I think the Lions could have a decent season this year. Don't get me wrong, they'll be nowhere near the playoffs, but I think they'll give a lot of teams a tough game and I'm not looking forward to playing them at Ford Field.


I don't like all this Packers in the superbowl talk. I'm hoping the players don't expect things to come that easy, but with an offence like ours we should be able to at least outscore practically every team in the NFL. I can't wait to see how effective Rodgers is when he gets decent protection from Clifton and Tauscher all season. Our offensive line was actually very good towards the back end of last season.

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I wouldn't say the Packers could outscore most teams in the NFL. They have a top offense but New Orleans, Indy, Minnesota, Dallas, with honorable mention to the Jets and PATS. I'm not saying the Packers aren't going to score any points they have a really good offense but "practically any team in the league" I think is a bit too much depending on Pratically. Their on the lower end of a top five or the middle of a top ten NFL offense I'd say.
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Packers scored 45 points in a first round playoff game and still lost. I havent heard much Green Bay super bowl talk but if there really is that going on its far too early.


They were swept in their division by the Vikings.

They lost their first round playoff game with a defense that was torched for 51 points.


I actually cant say any of the strong teams are looking that great at this point. The Vikings have major injury problems, the Cowboys offense looks competely out of it, I think the Saints year was last year, Colts have the Super Bowl hangover, Chargers lost a lot in the offseason but do play in a very weak division.


If I had to take a stab at it. I would go Saints vs Ravens with the Ravens winning.

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I think the Lions could have a decent season this year. Don't get me wrong, they'll be nowhere near the playoffs, but I think they'll give a lot of teams a tough game and I'm not looking forward to playing them at Ford Field.


First off, considering the fact that 'playoffs' can often be done at 8-8, I don't see how the Lions don't figure into being a possibility. All they have to do is beat the Bears twice (easy to do given how poor the Bears are, though as a Broncos fan I'm eternally grateful for their gullibility) and sneak up on a couple teams (also possible to do).


Secondly, I love how you mentioned the Packers offense and did not say a peep about their defense. You know, the same defense that couldn't make key stops? As seen on TV, if your offense puts up 45 pts, you still walk away with an L when your defense gives up 50+.


I like Aaron Rodgers. He's smart and he has the tools. He just has to learn to make better decisions (like he did down the stretch) and not let the fact that his O-line is about as good as farina in pass protection get to him. Seriously, the Ravens dangled Jared Gaither all offseason and the Pack didn't even inquire about him. How 'bout Jamal Brown? Everybody who wanted a tackle had a shot at a Pro Bowler and I'm still baffled as to why the Pack didn't go out and get one. Not like their O-line is ironclad.


If I had to take a stab at it. I would go Saints vs Ravens with the Ravens winning.


Ah, I wouldn't go quite that far. I like the Ravens a lot but I don't think they move up quite that much. Sure, they're not likely to get swept by the Bengals again but they've gotta find a way to survive until Ed Reed gets back. Ken Hamlin (assuming he makes the team) is going to have QBs lickin' their chops. He's going to be attacked, early and often.


I'm going Vikings-Colts, with Peyton getting ring #2. I'd like to see the Jets get there but they've got crap for talent at the receiver position (after #1). They need 3 viable receivers to be successful with Sanchez and Braylon's hands are suspect and Cotchery is strictly a possession receiver. Can't get to the dance playing catch with Dustin Keller every other down (isn't that right, Tony Romo?).

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I wouldn't say the Packers could outscore most teams in the NFL. They have a top offense but New Orleans, Indy, Minnesota, Dallas, with honorable mention to the Jets and PATS. I'm not saying the Packers aren't going to score any points they have a really good offense but "practically any team in the league" I think is a bit too much depending on Pratically. Their on the lower end of a top five or the middle of a top ten NFL offense I'd say.


No way they are behind the Jets. That team is all defense. Second year QB who hasnt proven squat, no one at WR and a group of largely unproven or aged RBs.


Its a joke to even list them along side the Pack as an elite offense.

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First off, considering the fact that 'playoffs' can often be done at 8-8, I don't see how the Lions don't figure into being a possibility. All they have to do is beat the Bears twice (easy to do given how poor the Bears are, though as a Broncos fan I'm eternally grateful for their gullibility) and sneak up on a couple teams (also possible to do).


Id think the Rams are closer to the playoffs right now than the Lions.


And they are bloody awful.


But at least their path in is clear. :p


Im going with the East and North each sending a Wild Card this year.


And the North's wont be the Lions.

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The Rams play the Seahawks twice (their just as bad as us), the Skins (who we've upset several times since being awful), the Lions (we've beaten them the last two or three times played them, last year they were our only win) and the Bucs who might be worse off than us. We play the Chiefs and the Raiders as well. The Raiders have improved but its not unlikely that we could beat them. IF a huge IF but IF we were to win all those games thats six wins right there. In a division with the Cards without Boldin and without Warner, the Niners and the Hawks thats going to be close to enough for the division.


Now that being said the Cards or Niners are most likely going to walk away with the division however my point was that yes there are several bad teams thats could sneak into the playoffs for a humilating round 1 loss if the stars aligned.

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I wouldn't say the Packers could outscore most teams in the NFL. They have a top offense but New Orleans, Indy, Minnesota, Dallas, with honorable mention to the Jets and PATS. I'm not saying the Packers aren't going to score any points they have a really good offense but "practically any team in the league" I think is a bit too much depending on Pratically. Their on the lower end of a top five or the middle of a top ten NFL offense I'd say.


I think the emergence of Jermichael Finley at tight end will make our offence even better this year and also the promising signs towards the end of last season that out O line could actually block.


I think lower end of the top five is fair. We have a better offence than the Cowboys and the Jets and I think this year we'll get the Vikings at least once. The Jets are a team I'm really not buying into. Getting rid of Jones was a big mistake and I don't think their running game will be anywhere near as effective. The biggest loss though was probably Faneca in the O line.


I suppose if we ended up in a shootout against the Saints or the Colts I wouldn't like our chances. :p


Packers scored 45 points in a first round playoff game and still lost. I havent heard much Green Bay super bowl talk but if there really is that going on its far too early.


They were swept in their division by the Vikings.

They lost their first round playoff game with a defense that was torched for 51 points.


I actually cant say any of the strong teams are looking that great at this point. The Vikings have major injury problems, the Cowboys offense looks competely out of it, I think the Saints year was last year, Colts have the Super Bowl hangover, Chargers lost a lot in the offseason but do play in a very weak division.


If I had to take a stab at it. I would go Saints vs Ravens with the Ravens winning.


I've heard a lot of people think the Packers will be there or thereabouts, but to be honest I don't think we'll be able to get there this season.


Ravens is a good shout, but I don't think they'll make it to the superbowl this time around. Maybe the Cowboys could do it for the NFC, but the Saints is a safe bet. The AFC is definitely the stronger division though with a load of contenders.


First off, considering the fact that 'playoffs' can often be done at 8-8, I don't see how the Lions don't figure into being a possibility. All they have to do is beat the Bears twice (easy to do given how poor the Bears are, though as a Broncos fan I'm eternally grateful for their gullibility) and sneak up on a couple teams (also possible to do).


Secondly, I love how you mentioned the Packers offense and did not say a peep about their defense. You know, the same defense that couldn't make key stops? As seen on TV, if your offense puts up 45 pts, you still walk away with an L when your defense gives up 50+.


I like Aaron Rodgers. He's smart and he has the tools. He just has to learn to make better decisions (like he did down the stretch) and not let the fact that his O-line is about as good as farina in pass protection get to him. Seriously, the Ravens dangled Jared Gaither all offseason and the Pack didn't even inquire about him. How 'bout Jamal Brown? Everybody who wanted a tackle had a shot at a Pro Bowler and I'm still baffled as to why the Pack didn't go out and get one. Not like their O-line is ironclad.


The Lions have an outside chance. They have some good players now, especially on offence, but the defence for me still needs some work. The addition of Suh will obviously help them upfront, but their secondary is still laden with problems. Delmas looks to be turning into a good safety though.


I am a little worried about our secondary, but the defence played well last year especially when you consider it was only their first year in the 3-4. I'm not sure how good Burnett can be at safety, but anybody is better in coverage than Bigby. Harris' best years are way behind him and he's just come off major surgery. It's certainly a worry.


I think you'd be hard-pressed to find another quarterback who could put up the numbers that Rodgers in the first seven games. He was getting beat up left, right and centre and part of that was because he held onto the ball too long, but he seemed to sort that out towards the end of the season.


The Pack seem happy enough with the O line at the moment. We only gave up 9 sacks in the last 7 games (i think that was it) and we have two experienced tackles who are very good in pass protection. Bulaga will be groomed as the eventual replacement for Clifton and he looks ready to step up if we have any injury problems.

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<p>So I looked over the entire NFL Schedule and did my version of what the standings are looking like. I don't think I have anything too radical out there (the Rams winning five games maybe). Anyway I figured it was fun and maybe others will post their predictions before the season starts. I bolded who would make the playoffs the only time it mattered was in the AFC when three teams finish 11-5 and don't win their division. I'm no guru with family ties to the NFL through seven and three quarters of a generation and I'm not some untapped offensive or defensive guru. Just a guy that figured it'd be fun to do some division standing predictions. </p><p> </p><p>

AFC NORTH</p><p>

<strong>Jets 12-4</strong></p><p>

<strong>Patriots 11-5</strong></p><p>

Dolphins 6-10</p><p>

Bills 4-12</p><p> </p><p>

AFC NORTH</p><p>

<strong>Ravens 11-5</strong></p><p>

<strong>Steelers 11-5</strong></p><p>

Bengals 7-9</p><p>

Browns 6-10</p><p> </p><p>

AFC SOUTH</p><p>

<strong>Colts 13-3</strong></p><p>

Texans 7-9</p><p>

Titans 7-9</p><p>

Jaguars 6-10</p><p> </p><p>

AFC WEST</p><p>

<strong>Chargers 13-3</strong></p><p>

Bronco's 11-5</p><p>

Raiders 6-10</p><p>

Chiefs 1-15 (maybe a bit drastic)</p><p> </p><p>

NFC EAST</p><p>

<strong>Cowboys 11-5</strong></p><p>

<strong>Giants 10-6</strong></p><p>

Eagles 9-7</p><p>

Redskins 6-10</p><p> </p><p>

NFC SOUTH</p><p>

<strong>Vikings 12-4</strong></p><p>

<strong>Packers 12-4</strong></p><p>

Bears 6-10</p><p>

Lions 2-14</p><p> </p><p>

NFC NORTH</p><p>

<strong>SAINTS 12-4</strong></p><p>

Falcons 8-8</p><p>

Panthers 8-8</p><p>

Bucs 1-15</p><p> </p><p>

NFC WEST</p><p>

<strong>Cardinals 10-6</strong></p><p>

49'ers 8-8</p><p>

Rams 5-11</p><p>

Seahawks 5-11</p>

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