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Honestly it amazes me how the last two years everyone has said how great the NFC East was and how it's the best. Right now it looks like the NFC North, AFC North, AFC South, and AFC East are by far the best divisions.


The last couple of years, it WAS a strong division. It isn't now.


But I don't think I'd say the NFC North is any better. And - in general - the AFC is just stacked.

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You really narrowed it down there.


And they were right, over the last two years the NFC East was the/one of the best divisions. Its not like thats not allowed to change year to year. :p


The last couple of years, it WAS a strong division. It isn't now.


But I don't think I'd say the NFC North is any better. And - in general - the AFC is just stacked.


The NFC East was terrible last year actually. The top teams in the NFC East were beaten badly by the top teams in the other divisions. If that doesnt say enough on its own the Vikings 34-3 thrashing of Dallas in the playoffs should send that message.


They've been overrated for a few years now. That division as a whole plays the worst defense in the NFL. Eagles, Giants, and Redskins are like going through paper mache.

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Screw him. Ben deserves to NOT play. As far as I'm concerned he's a douche and I wish he wouldn't be allowed back.


I feel the same about others that have done stuff worse.



He may be a douche. But let's all keep one thing in mind. No, it's not that he served his punishment. No, its not that he is a reformed man. Its the fact I drafted him very late in my fantasy draft as by backup QB hoping he would come back strong. Its about priorities people

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And thank God these millionaires have each other to take care of them off the field.


Speaking of which, maybe Ben should use some of that money to purchase some consenting companionship.



He may be a douche. But let's all keep one thing in mind. No, it's not that he served his punishment. No, its not that he is a reformed man. Its the fact I drafted him very late in my fantasy draft as by backup QB hoping he would come back strong. Its about priorities people


Will you do me a favor? Go to the family he destroyed and tell them this and see how much they care?


This A-hole will be back to play soon. You have a guy like plaxico burress whos only crime was he shot himself in the foot. Where is he? NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY AGAIN yet you have guys who do what *big ben* did and will be back soon. It's messed up and makes me want to stab him in the face with an ice pick.


Now that's just my two cents.

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Will you do me a favor? Go to the family he destroyed and tell them this and see how much they care?


This A-hole will be back to play soon. You have a guy like plaxico burress whos only crime was he shot himself in the foot. Where is he? NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY AGAIN yet you have guys who do what *big ben* did and will be back soon. It's messed up and makes me want to stab him in the face with an ice pick.


Now that's just my two cents.


Family he destroyed? Seriously? He isn't Chris Benoit.

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Will you do me a favor? Go to the family he destroyed and tell them this and see how much they care?


This A-hole will be back to play soon. You have a guy like plaxico burress whos only crime was he shot himself in the foot. Where is he? NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY AGAIN yet you have guys who do what *big ben* did and will be back soon. It's messed up and makes me want to stab him in the face with an ice pick.


Now that's just my two cents.


Family he destroyed? Seriously? He isn't Chris Benoit.


First Plaxico will be allowed to play the moment he gets out Goddel already said it



second I agree with Moon in a way. He may have not destroyed a family, but he def. hurt it really bad.

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First Plaxico will be allowed to play the moment he gets out Goddel already said it



second I agree with Moon in a way. He may have not destroyed a family, but he def. hurt it really bad.

The fact he's in jail for that and others have gotten off pretty much free men for worse things speaks highly for what the *justice system* has come too.


Honestly I know this is swaying from the topic a bit, if you have ever met anyone who's been raped, you will know it destroys someone. It hurts there family and close friends.

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Not to overstate the obvious (and I can guess your response) but Ben didn't actually get charged did he? There was no trial...no charges files..the victim didn't sue him and declined to pursue the case...


What exactly did you want the NFL to do? Ban him for life for being an a-hole?


My problem is they suspend him for a few games, wow. Woohoo.


Look at the rest of these people who have had charges against them?

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My problem is they suspend him for a few games, wow. Woohoo.


Look at the rest of these people who have had charges against them?


What are you talking about????


Ben had NO charges brought against him. It was an investigation.


Unless you can somehow explain to me how the NFL should take accusations more seriously than actual court cases with actual convictions, then your argument that the NFL should have suspended him for longer than they did is just an emotional reaction.


What he did was (probably) awful. But w/o a case to back it up, the NFL really couldn't have punished him more than they did.

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What are you talking about????


Ben had NO charges brought against him. It was an investigation.


Unless you can somehow explain to me how the NFL should take accusations more seriously than actual court cases with actual convictions, then your argument that the NFL should have suspended him for longer than they did is just an emotional reaction.


What he did was (probably) awful. But w/o a case to back it up, the NFL really couldn't have punished him more than they did.



I understand to a point. Seriously though can you honestly tell me you're ok with him being there and a *role model* to others?


I can't. Sorry I think he's a douche.

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The fact remains, no charges have been brought against Big Ben. One of women even bragged online about "how great it was!"


I'm not saying Big Ben is a great role model, but the fact remains that all he's done is be an *******. There's been plenty of those in the NFL. Albert Haynesworth stomped on a guy's head. Michael Vick killed a bunch of dogs.

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The fact remains, no charges have been brought against Big Ben. One of women even bragged online about "how great it was!"


I'm not saying Big Ben is a great role model, but the fact remains that all he's done is be an *******. There's been plenty of those in the NFL. Albert Haynesworth stomped on a guy's head. Michael Vick killed a bunch of dogs.


That part about Vick, really makes me mad. I'd love to let a few dogs loss on him.

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Don't get me wrong: if Ben really DID rape anyone, then he should be in prison. But the fact remains no one has pressed charges against him. A couple of people came forward and accused him (one of which was of a very, very dubious nature), but then they didn't press any harder. And unless someone comes forward with more and can prove it, then it really is hard to justify a severe punishment from the NFL. Maybe Ben Roethlisberger did rape them. Or maybe he just had sex with them and they decided to call it rape later in order to get a quick 15 minutes/chance to get Ben to pay them off. The latter wouldn't be the first time.


The thing is, one of my best friends was accused of rape when I know for a FACT he didn't do it. It was a sick, sick lie that resulted in a great deal of hardship in his life. Couple of teachers failed him for it (trust me, his work in the classes was A quality), there were some troubles in his personal life stemming from it... That can severely damage lives, too, and it DOES happen.


Just because someone accuses another of rape doesn't mean it happened, and there very well could be a reason they did it other than being raped. But it's one of those things that, when a guy is even accused of it, is often treated like he did it. All I've seen against Ben is that he's been accused of it by a couple of people who, for the most part, have only their word as evidence. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But without proof, what is the NFL supposed to do? "Sorry Ben, you had sex out of wedlock. You can't play in the NFL anymore, sorry". If you punish severly without proof, then what's to stop some female Saints fan from falsely claiming Matt Ryan raped her, so that he might get suspended before the Falcons come to town?


Yes, he's a terrible role model. If you pull your pecker out too often, you're bound to get in trouble for it one way or another. And yes, it's hard to blame a guy who is rich and somewhat famous from going out and taking advantage of it by getting to mess around with loads of women... I'd say 80%+ of the male population would do the same given the opportunity.


But in the end, there is no definitive proof he's guilty, so the fact the NFL suspended him anyways is something. Maybe Ben Roethlisberger did rape a couple of women and he NEEDS to have everything taken away from him while he does hardtime. Or maybe Roethlisberger is just a stupid jock who takes advantage of his status to have casual sex with random women and a couple of him saw him as a ticket to money or fame. I WANT it to be the latter, I really do. I don't want to think that a rapist is getting to play a great sport for a living and make millions in the process. I want to believe that if he's guilty that the victims would be willing to do everything in their power to insure he never harmed anyone else.

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That part about Vick, really makes me mad. I'd love to let a few dogs loss on him.


The damned thing is, I was a fan of him beforehand. I was in high school, a football player myself... ended up getting a sweet pair of Vick shoes for the Spring to run in, even.


And, while I despise pit bulls, I over all love animals so I was abhorred to hear what he had done. To think of the massive talent he had then... he very easily could've been a hall of famer. He was (and still is) a true dual threat in that he can either run or throw. And, as he's shown in Philly, as he's matured he can do the proper thing and focusing on throwing first and running second. With those lost years... who knows how great his potential really was. But his legacy is now tarnished and he's lost some of his best potential years as an athlete.


Hopefully, he's learned from it and has made strides to be a better person. I'd like to think he knows how wrong what he does was and that he's continually trying to distance himself from the person he was then. People deserve second chances... but probably not third ones. Whereever you are, Michael, don't ever ask for a third.

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The damned thing is, I was a fan of him beforehand. I was in high school, a football player myself... ended up getting a sweet pair of Vick shoes for the Spring to run in, even.


And, while I despise pit bulls, I over all love animals so I was abhorred to hear what he had done. To think of the massive talent he had then... he very easily could've been a hall of famer. He was (and still is) a true dual threat in that he can either run or throw. And, as he's shown in Philly, as he's matured he can do the proper thing and focusing on throwing first and running second. With those lost years... who knows how great his potential really was. But his legacy is now tarnished and he's lost some of his best potential years as an athlete.


Hopefully, he's learned from it and has made strides to be a better person. I'd like to think he knows how wrong what he does was and that he's continually trying to distance himself from the person he was then. People deserve second chances... but probably not third ones. Whereever you are, Michael, don't ever ask for a third.


It boggles my mind why people do stupid things to ruin what they have. I mean seriously how many men would love to be out there doing what these guys do each and every week?


You hear about it all the time it's horrible. I mean c'mon you have to have some smarts to make it where you are.

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It boggles my mind why people do stupid things to ruin what they have. I mean seriously how many men would love to be out there doing what these guys do each and every week?


You hear about it all the time it's horrible. I mean c'mon you have to have some smarts to make it where you are.


Yeah, I would've loved to have made it to the NFL. I LOVE football, and simply had a blast playing for as long as I did. But at my best I was about 5'8" and 160lbs, semi-fast (4.6 40 at my peak, not horrible in high school) but not blazingly so... just a little too small and a little too weak, and not quite quick enough to make up for it. Oh well.


But given my love for the game... I just can't understand how anyone WITH the physical gifts can throw it away. Only a handful of people have what it takes to make it, so it's saddening to see men take it for granted. Once upon a time I would've killed someone if it made me big and fast enough to make it. Course, if I did that I'd be throwing it away too, now wouldn't I? (Murder is typically frowned upon)

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I understand to a point. Seriously though can you honestly tell me you're ok with him being there and a *role model* to others?


I can't. Sorry I think he's a douche.


I used to manage a club in Hollywood in the early 2000's..believe me, A LOT of these guys are neanderthals who have had their asses kissed for so long that they don't know how to behave and specifically treat women like toys for their amusement.


he's not a role model. I wouldn't let my kids think any athlete is really a role model.


He's a professional athlete. I don't give a crap about what a guy is like, as long as he does his job on the field.


But at the end of the day, that's all he is: a professional athlete


It boggles my mind why people do stupid things to ruin what they have. I mean seriously how many men would love to be out there doing what these guys do each and every week?


You hear about it all the time it's horrible. I mean c'mon you have to have some smarts to make it where you are.


sooooo...you've lived under a rock since, what, forever?


These guys don't get their jobs for being nice guys. To be honest, being a nice guy is probably a detriment to their job.


Pro Athlete have been doing this pretty much since pro sports started. (Babe Ruth's womanizing, Micky Mantle's alcoholism, and the 1919 White Sox say hi)


You should maybe just stop expecting them to do anything other than their job.

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I used to manage a club in Hollywood in the early 2000's..believe me, A LOT of these guys are neanderthals who have had their asses kissed for so long that they don't know how to behave and specifically treat women like toys for their amusement.


he's not a role model. I wouldn't let my kids think any athlete is really a role model.


He's a professional athlete. I don't give a crap about what a guy is like, as long as he does his job on the field.


But at the end of the day, that's all he is: a professional athlete




sooooo...you've lived under a rock since, what, forever?


These guys don't get their jobs for being nice guys. To be honest, being a nice guy is probably a detriment to their job.


Pro Athlete have been doing this pretty much since pro sports started. (Babe Ruth's womanizing, Micky Mantle's alcoholism, and the 1919 White Sox say hi)


You should maybe just stop expecting them to do anything other than their job.


I'm sorry I don't share your logic of *there athletes they can't be nice*


I feel the same way about a random person on the street if they do the same stuff. I don't give anyone anything special because they are a PRO. If anything they ones in the spotlight should be more so held responsible for what they do. Sorry if you think I'm wrong, but that's your opinion.

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I'm sorry I don't share your logic of *there athletes they can't be nice*


I feel the same way about a random person on the street if they do the same stuff. I don't give anyone anything special because they are a PRO. If anything they ones in the spotlight should be more so held responsible for what they do. Sorry if you think I'm wrong, but that's your opinion.


As an athlete, there's a difference from being mean on the field/court/whatever and then presenting yourself appropriately otherwise. The fact is, a highly successful athlete IS going to be a role model, whether they want to or not. You're the all-pro, starting QB for the Denver Broncos? Guess what: a bunch of young kids in Colorado freakin' adore you.


It's definetly doable, too. Knew a guy that played defensive end that was hands down one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. He was gentle, chivalrous, noble, kind, charitable... all of it legitimately applied to him.


On the field? I once stepped up to blitz from my free safety position... he was freaking growling. I'll put it like that.


There's a major difference between being mean, and being a douche bag. Having a killer instinct =/= treating women like your personal sex toys. The latter more comes from having success causing you to build an ego.

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