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Ikuko Temko vs. Principessa

Though normally I like to use Temko as a JTTS, I guess she has to get some wins before she can do that.


Gemmei Oonishi(YL) vs. Kuniko Matsura(YL) vs. Umeko Hotta

Though this should have a good payoff, eventually.


Dragon Assassin/Saori Nakadan vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons

Lemons Forever! I swear, if they lose another match, I will walk out on this diary... Maybe not. But still, they better win!


Otsune Tsumura vs. Shiori Jippensa

Shiori is still in the title hunt, right?


Amber Allen(YL) vs. Tomoko Nagatsuka

Amber is a future force, though.


Dragonmack's Fan Choice:

Chitose Ariwara vs. Fuyuko Higa


Huntress Makiko vs. Yuma Maruya

I like both, but Yuma should go over.


Kiko Sakakibara vs. Megumi Nakajima

Seems to run counter to Kiko's push, but Megumi is too good.


DEVIL Karube vs. Raku Makuda

DEVIL rules this school.

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*The decision did stand the same way it always did in the mind that was of Yuu. It swayed and did teeter of the tots... but it did not step away. She would not return to Kinki. She would not fall for the short sight of Lizards. She would not forget any of it or either.*



"A mask."


*She smiled to herself and others as she took their ticket stubs along with Kit. She was guilty of the friendship of Yuu. The Lizard Queen could be the smallness cold. Small pieces of torn paper...*


"Enjoy. It is your show."




Dark Match:


Ikuko Temko vs. Principessa


Official Result: Principessa defeated Ikuko Temko in 5:25 by pinfall.

The announcing quality lifted the match.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: D-










Gemmei Oonishi(YL) vs. Kuniko Matsura(YL) vs. Umeko Hotta


More story than action in the ring, and that's the way it should be with Umeko in the ring at this point in her career. The two Young Lions get a little more time to show off their potential until Umeko re-enters the ring and steals the pinfall from Kuniko. Kuniko takes exception and then takes it to Umeko in a flurry of fists and forearms. Japanese whip, but Umeko ducks under. Flying Knee Strike on the round trip.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Umeko Hotta defeated Kuniko Matsura and Gemmei Oonishi in 11:07; the order of elimination was Gemmei Oonishi first, and finally Kuniko Matsura.

  • The announcing quality lifted the match.
  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: D+



"Gemmei, I think it's obvious who the weak link is in this situation and that's you. Next week? I think you and I need some quality time together before I decide if you were one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in all my years of this profession. All signs point to yes, so be ready to pay me back for my wasted time."




Dragon Assassin/Saori Nakadan vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons


Saori continues her decent to the darkside by teaming with Dragon Assassin AND facing UDL... that's evil alright. It was a classic match within a match as UDL showed an impressive array of double team moves and quick tags. But once partners begame isolated, the talent gap became evident. Saori is making her heel turn a turning point as she antagonized the Kanto crowd without mercy. Dragon Assassin once again did the heavy lifting, while Saori added the finishing touches literally.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Dragon Assassin and Saori Nakadan defeated Ultimate Devastator Lemons in 15:23 when Saori Nakadan defeated HEART Saitoh by pinfall with a Nakadan Spike.

Rei Chikanatsu seemed off her game tonight.


Rating: C-



"I used to be just like HEART and Rei. I used to care about the fans that showed up here and spent their hard earned money to watch me perform. But then I learned that I didn't really mean anything to them. I was just another purchase in their empty lives, and easily replaced on any given day. DEVIL? She's a fool to take my place with the fans and I'm looking forward to replacing her again."




Otsune Tsumura vs. Shiori Jippensa


Otsune seems to be getting some of her confidence back, while Shiori is barely putting the professional in puro these days. Unfortunately for her, Otsune doesn't seem to mind taking control with extra-stiffness in every bite. She has enough energy for two which turns the match into something halfway watchable. Shiori finally return with some stiff fists of her own. Too little. Too late. Too high kicked on the X. Flying Legdrop with feeling!


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Otsune Tsumura defeated Shiori Jippensha in 11:16 by pinfall with a Flying Legdrop.

  • The announcing quality lifted the match.
  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: D



"The match? I don't care about the politics. I'm really focused on getting better against all of my opponents. I got called on last time against Megumi, and I didn't get it done. It really opened my eyes up. Maybe Shiori needs the same, I don't know."






Amber Allen(YL) vs. Tomoko Nagatsuka


Amber Allen has been living in the land of squash. Tomoko has been living in the land of limbo. Limbo Squash in 3... 2... oh wait, it's over.


Official Result: In an extremely short match, Tomoko Nagatsuka defeated Amber Allen in 5:01 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.


Rating: C-





Chitose Ariwara vs. Fuyuko Higa: Dragonmack's Fan Choice


It's fan appreciation time as Dragonmack gets to make his Joshi wishi come true. A rematch of sorts, but the implications have changed drastically as one half of the Daughters of Whirlocity faces off against one half of Shojo Beatdown. Fuyuko is not good. She is brilliant in form and execution. There is no limit to her future, but there are road blocks. Chitose hits a high crossbody from the top rope, which brings Kita out for the save by pulling the referee from the ring in mid-count. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fuyuko kicks out of the non-pin as Chitose pounds the mat. Angel through the crowd, and beneath the bottom rope quick. Eternal Sequence! Angel, exits the same way she entered. Victory Roll! and the referee is back in for this one and two and three.

Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Chitose Ariwara defeated Fuyuko Higa in 14:40 by pinfall with a Victory Roll. During the match we also saw Chiyeko Kita run in and attack Ariwara, and Angel Takudome also attack Higa.


Rating: C+



"That was a wild wind, wasn't it? It seems like a lifetime ago since I faced that Higa-mess. But this time around she has the title that I want. If Angel and I put out wings together, there is no storm that Shojo can brew that we can't make it through."




Huntress Makiko vs. Yuma Maruya


You can see the frustration and determination in Huntress' face. Things have not been going according to her plans. For Yuma it is the exact opposite as she has been holding her ground better than expected. Huntress really unloads on Yuma early on and grounds the highflyer with some convincing mat work. Yuma looks in distress and at a loss on how to develop the space she needs to fly. Her only break comes at the ten minute mark, when Huntress and Yuma tumbled outside. It gave Yuma the space she needed and she exploded in retaliation with a saved up arsenal. A perfectly place brainbuster set Huntress up for the end. Yuma continues to hold her place in line.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Yuma Maruya defeated Huntress Makiko in 15:13 by pinfall with a Split-Legged Moonsault.

  • Huntress Makiko seemed off her game tonight.
  • The announcing quality lifted the match.
  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Rating: D+



"Kanto is great. I love wrestling here. The fans are really passionate and knowledgeable about what's going on. So every match here is a little more special. I think we all push it just a little bit more too. So tonight was great to get win in."






Kiko Sakakibara vs. Megumi Nakajima


Kiko has been on a small run in the race against Huntress for the Main Event. But Megumi is already there and not planning on going anywhere soon. Expectations are high in the crowd. Kiko really showed she is ready for the next step. But Megumi, with her youth, is the future. While Megumi played with some heel tactics, it's obvious she has earned the respect of the crowd as they cheered both on in the last few minutes. One mistake is all it took, and when that didn't happen? Megumi just had more in the tank to respond.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Megumi Nakajima defeated Kiko Sakakibara in 15:29 by pinfall with a Nakajima Straight Jacket.


Rating: C-






DEVIL Karube vs. Raku Makuda


DEVIL has her business face on as she takes the shortest route to the ring and straight into the face of the riddle that is Raku. Raku has the cold, unblinking stare into the DEVIL's passion for revenge. It's a recipe for bad things happening. The ending was ugly as both women hit the wall both literally and figuratively with DEVIL wrapped up in the first three rows of reserved seating... Raku climbed the top turnbuckle and Swanton Bomb into the second row! Both women are out, and it takes almost three minutes for one of the to untangle themselves. That someone is DEVIL who looks like hell. She trips, stumbles and falls towards the ring, dragging Raku behind her. Great sell of will power on DEVIL's part. Great sell of the DEVIL Drop on Raku. Nobody is standing after that one except the crowd.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, DEVIL Karube defeated Raku Makuda in 15:43 by pinfall with a DEVIL Drop.

  • DEVIL Karube was visibly tiring toward the end.
  • Raku Makuda was exhausted by the end.
  • DEVIL Karube and Raku Makuda have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances.
  • DEVIL Karube is improving in Rumble skills.


Rating: C



"That's one off of my list, and I'm out of time. So next week I'm taking care of what's left: that's Megumi and Saori Nakadan. I don't care if I have to do it by myself. I will deal with you both before my Championship is on the line again at "Planet Tokyo". Because when I defend my title, that's the only thing I'll have on my mind. Not unfinished trash in my view."



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5SSW Dance With Legend Tour Results

Held: Tuesday, Week 3, September 2010

Location: Ibaraki Community Hall (Kanto)

Attendance: 524

Final Rating: C-


After a bitter/sweet week, 5SSW returns to Kanto for the home stretch of the 'Dance With Legend Tour'. Many had speculated that 5SSW would return to Kinki to repair the damage done to their ranking. But it seems the company has decided to push forward through the Kanto region. Who made the decision? That's another question entirely. But first? On with the show.


With the dust settling from the turn of Saori Nakadan, the World Title race is red hot. Saori looks fresh and determined in the ring again, while Megumi has been holding a cruising altitude for quite some time. Add to that Yuma and the rising stock of Kiko Sakakibara? It's anyone's guess who DEVIL will be facing at the tour ending "Planet Tokyo" show.


The show of the night actually came from a fan appreciation contest that 5SSW ran last tour. The lucky winner made us all winners by booking Chitose Ariwara vs. Fuyuko Higa part II. These two had a lot of energy to give, and combined with Higa's obvious talent, it was a treat to behold. I'm sure Yuu was quite proud, and maybe a little scared if rumors of her job security (or lack there of) prove to be true.


With solid matches turned in from the usual suspects and even Tomoko Nagatsuka vs. Amber Allen delivered in pumpkin patch fashion; the show would have to be called yet another success in a long line of successes in front of the 5SSW curtain.


You don't want to look back There:

Who made the decision to stay in Kanto? Who booked Principessa vs. Ikuko? Is Kit really stuck in the middle with Yuu? We can't really answer any of those questions. But it's a fact that Yuu's Golden Campaign came tumbling down with the downsizing of 5SSW last week. While information is almost impossible to get from the tight knit Joshi company, we have learned it has been a 'tense' week inside. A lot of old and new animosity has been unsurfaced between the owner Sakurako Kagawa and head booker, Yuu Onuki.


With the decision to stay in Kanto made, we can only assume that this was Yuu Onuki's decision and not Kagawa's or even Ogiawara's. This tour is Yuu's creation so the math is pretty simple. That's the good news. The bad news that, as we all know, once things begin to crack and break in this industy? They are very difficult to put back together again. Something always has to give. It's the law of professional wrestling... even Joshi.


My Instant Thoughts? The team of 'The Lizard Queen' and 'The Oracle' is awesome. When business is good and Yuu is left to her own devices, magic happens and we are reminded what Joshi is. The problem between these two comes when business is NOT good... a re-occuring weakness of Yuu Onuki which must drive the ice cold, business side of Sakurako Kagawa absolutely insane. So this last weeks development should not be taken too lightly. With that being said, this is not the first time this has happened by a long shot. Let's hope they have finally learned to repair the works and continue on through 2011 as the Joshi Machine we have grown to love.


Umeko Hotta re-signs with 5SSW:

The current All-Asian Champion has reportedly signed a one year PPA deal with her long term employer. While the exact terms are hard to confirm, it is assumed to be in the $350 range. Long time friend, Yuu Onuki made the following press release:

"Umeko Hotta is of the long and life lines. From her moments of the lowest and the broken she did rise and show the burning of an engine that is more and is eternal. Her story is for the all and everyone. This contract? Yes? It is for her."





Tuesday, Week 3, September 2010


5SSW Dance With Legend Tour




Editor6: 12/9


Wallbanger: 7/9

Remianen: 7/9


Dragonmack: 5/9

Astil: 5/9

Sudo Nym: 5/9





Noodleshop: Back to more and story lines of the forget. I think format is all but set, so it is story time again for telling. I do not know what is happening either. One thing I did do and then not? The match building up ... I will try to return a little of that to the recipe again. A feast for the eyes.



Title Herstory..........5SSW Roster

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*raises arms in glorious triumph*


Wow, Jippensha's still in the doghouse? I guess the ladies will know better than to cross the Oracle anymore. :D


Something told me that Yuu wasn't quite done punishing Jippensha yet (I thought that match was the hardest to call). Plus Otsune needed a win.

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*The internet stream starts 15 minutes early to show 5SSW announcer Kuniyoshi Chisu and color man Katuhiko Shunsen sitting at the announcer's table. Behind them people are finding their seats in the hall. The murmur of the crowd provides background as Kuniyoshi begins to speak.*



"Welcome to the internet and welcome to 5SSW Dance With Legend, live from the heart of Kanto. Tonight is the last stop before the tour ending "Planet Tokyo". Katuhiko, it's been one of the more exciting tours in my memory. What stands out to you most."



"Titles and champions of course. Umeko Hotta, Shojo Beatdown and DEVIL Karube have all established themselves this tour as the women to beat. To quote our own Oracle, 'They are the lines we are all watching rise again and higher still.'"

"Quoting 'The Oracle' Katuhiko? A bold move these days. But I agree, those lines will meet one more time before the gold is on the line. Let's run down tonights card."


Gemmei Oonishi vs. Umeko Hotta:


"Umeko Hotta has not only been beating Gemmei; she has been humiliating her. Slaps to the faces and the constant in ring lectures on how unworthy she is has to be taking its toll on the young lion. How long before she snaps either way?"


"Umeko knows exactly what she is doing. Yuu's young lion experiment has been a complete and utter failure. This one is in the bag for the All-Asian Champion."


Principessa vs. Shiori Jippensha:


"Principessa has become the queen of capitalizing on others misfortunes and turning them into victories for herself. But Shiori Jippensha is an entirely different breed of misfortune. She is a Main Eventer with a nasty attitude that has landed her in Yuu's doghouse of woe. The only question is for how long?"

"Every second Shiori is out of the Main Event is a tragedy. Did she mess up? You bet. Has she paid her price? Twice the going rate. I see Shiori getting her head back on straight and tilting Principessa's."


Chitose Ariwara vs. Chiyeko Kita:


"The standard Yuu Onuki tag team build as she takes the tag teams apart and watches them tick each others face in. Chitose scored a strong win against Fuyuko Higa last week. Now it is up to Chiyeko to try to settle score and get some momentum back."


"I love Shojo Beatdown and what they are all about, pulling wings off of a little butterflies and sending them home. Kita is always played as the weak link, but that's crazy talk. How many kicks to the head does she have to deliver to get the respect she deserves."


Ikuko Temko vs. Kinuye Mushashibo:


"Ikuko Temko actually built Yuu's doghouse of woe, and still lives there today. Ever since the disintegration of Seek & Destroy, Ikuko has been on the outside looking in. With another youngster taking aim at the down and out star, something has to change."


"I hate to say it, but Ikuko has lost her fighting spirit. It's not her fault though, it all lies on Yuu Onuki's head. From day one she has made it more than clear that there is no room for Ikuko in "her" 5SSW. She has stacked the deck against her until she just doesn't care anymore. My only hope is Ikuko takes this mess backstage as an opportunity to shove it back down Onuki's throat."


Angel Takudome vs. Fuyuko Higa:


"Part II of the face ticking parts. Angel will have to be on her best line as Fuyuko Higa is not going to play nice after losing to Chitose last week. This could breakdown quickly is team members get involved in the mix."


"You're right, Higa is not going to play nice and I hope it breaks down on top of that. The Daughters of Whirlocity are nothing but Lemon Zero. Shojo is going to sweep up this mess tonight. Bring on the rematch we really want to see."


Etsuko Arihyoshi/Tomoko Nagatsuka vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons:


"The Lemons have been having a wild ride ever since they lost their Tag Team titles. They thrashed Shiori Jippensha in a handicap match. They got thrashed by Saori Nakadan and Dragon Assassin the next. Tomoko Nagatsuka looked good last week against the struggling Amber Allen. How will she do with another young lion now at her side?"


"What has happened to Tomoko around here is criminal and I know who I would find guilty. Last week proved what I've always said, give her a chance and she can turn some heads. If her and Etsuko can find some chemistry? Maybe 'The Oracle' can slap a cute name on them and they can cross over."


Huntress Makiko vs. Yuma Maruya:


"Yuma has re-established herself in the Main Event with an impressive run of victories following her feud with Dragon Assassin. Hopes were high for Huntress Makiko, once she was separated from the tag team division. But the talented professional has had a miserable run. Most think this is her last chance to get into the title hunt this year. If she loses tonight? It may very well be 2011 before this line opens again."


"I don't know what's up with Makiko. But she's got to get her head on straight. When it is, you're looking at a future World Champion. But right now, I really hate to agree with you, she is looking like a lost flight to Mongolia."


Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura vs. Raku Makuda:


"Dragon and Otsune have been having some incredible matches as of late. They set a frightening pace, mixed with high impact that can echo through any hall. Now add the risk taker Raku to the mix? This match could steal the night and will be a push in the right direction for who ever wins it."


"This is my match of the night, for sure. These styles colliding has MOTY candidate all over it. If these three are given enough time and space. They destroy the house. Bet on it."


DEVIL Karube/Kiko Sakakibara vs. Megumi Nakajima and Saori Nakadan:


"The last stop before "Planet Tokyo" as DEVIL seeks a final chapter of revenge before its time for business. A victory for DEVIL's team could push Kiko into the title shot. A victory for Megumi and Saori could do the same. The stakes are already high. Look for these four women to set a PPV tone."

"I don't care if the crowd loves DEVIL or hates her. When she wants revenge? I don't bet against her. Ever."






5SSW Dance With Legend Tour: 9.28.2010


Gemmei Oonishi vs. Umeko Hotta

Principessa vs. Shiori Jippensha

Chitose Ariwara vs. Chiyeko Kita

Ikuko Temko vs. Kinuye Mushashibo

Angel Takudome vs. Fuyuko Higa

Etsuko Arihyoshi/Tomoko Nagatsuka vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons

Huntress Makiko vs. Yuma Maruya

Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura vs. Raku Makuda

DEVIL Karube/Kiko Sakakibara vs. Megumi Nakajima and Saori Nakadan



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Gemmei Oonishi vs. Umeko Hotta

Gemmei wont bring an end to Hotta's last run


Principessa vs. Shiori Jippensha

Another week in the doghouse for Shiori


Chitose Ariwara vs. Chiyeko Kita

She beat the better half, so Chitose should flutter to victory here


Ikuko Temko vs. Kinuye Mushashibo

Temko only has self-destruction left


Angel Takudome vs. Fuyuko Higa

This daughter of whirlocity will get dizzy when faced with the tsunami of Higa's wrath.


Etsuko Arihyoshi/Tomoko Nagatsuka vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons

The explosion of citrus will lead to victory for UDL.


Huntress Makiko vs. Yuma Maruya

Yuma still marking time till her inevitable return to the main event.


Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura vs. Raku Makuda

I feel the Dragon wants this more


DEVIL Karube/Kiko Sakakibara vs. Megumi Nakajima and Saori Nakadan

Pink is not the color of the DEVIL.

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<p>Gemmei Oonishi vs. <strong>Umeko Hotta</strong></p><p>

<em>Its her story</em></p><p>

Principessa vs. <strong>Shiori Jippensha</strong></p><p>

<em>This is what is sounds like when jobbers collide</em></p><p>

<strong>Chitose Ariwara</strong> vs. Chiyeko Kita</p><p>


<strong>Ikuko Temko </strong>vs. Kinuye Mushashibo</p><p>


<strong>Angel Takudome</strong> vs. Fuyuko Higa</p><p>

<em>Because she's not Higa</em></p><p>

Etsuko Arihyoshi/Tomoko Nagatsuka vs. <strong>Ultimate Devastator Lemons</strong></p><p>

<em>Want to see a three way match with any 3 people vs. UDL and Yuma</em></p><p>

Huntress Makiko vs. <strong>Yuma Maruya</strong></p><p>

<em>Biased love</em></p><p>

<strong>Dragon Assassin </strong>vs. Otsune Tsumura vs. Raku Makuda</p><p>


<strong>DEVIL Karube/Kiko Sakakibara</strong> vs. Megumi Nakajima and Saori Nakadan</p><p>

<em>VERY interesting team, but DEVIL keeps winning</em></p>

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<p><span style="color:#630192;">Gemmei Oonishi vs. </span><span style="color:#630192;"><strong>Umeko Hotta</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#630192;">

Principessa vs. </span><span style="color:#630192;"><strong>Shiori Jippensha</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#630192;">

</span><span style="color:#630192;"><strong>Chitose Ariwara</strong></span><span style="color:#630192;"> vs. Chiyeko Kita</span></p><p><span style="color:#630192;">

Ikuko Temko vs. </span><span style="color:#630192;"><strong>Kinuye Mushashibo</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#630192;">

</span><span style="color:#630192;"><strong>Angel Takudome</strong></span><span style="color:#630192;"> vs. Fuyuko Higa</span></p><p><span style="color:#630192;">

Etsuko Arihyoshi/Tomoko Nagatsuka vs. </span><span style="color:#630192;"><strong>Ultimate Devastator Lemons</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#630192;">

Huntress Makiko vs. </span><span style="color:#630192;"><strong>Yuma Maruya</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#630192;">

</span><span style="color:#630192;"><strong>Dragon Assassin</strong></span><span style="color:#630192;"> vs. Otsune Tsumura vs. Raku Makuda</span></p><p><span style="color:#630192;">

</span><span style="color:#630192;"><strong>DEVIL Karube/Kiko Sakakibara</strong></span><span style="color:#630192;"> vs. Megumi Nakajima and Saori Nakadan</span></p>

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<p>Gemmei Oonishi vs. <strong>Umeko Hotta</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Principessa vs. <strong>Shiori Jippensha</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chitose Ariwara</strong> vs. Chiyeko Kita</p><p> </p><p>

Ikuko Temko vs. <strong>Kinuye Mushashibo</strong></p><p>

Overness transfer 101</p><p> </p><p>

Angel Takudome vs. <strong>Fuyuko Higa</strong></p><p>

Indeed, Higa will be in even less of a mood to play nice than normal</p><p> </p><p>

Etsuko Arihyoshi/Tomoko Nagatsuka vs. <strong>Ultimate Devastator Lemons</strong></p><p>

The Lemons need a win to continue to be effective in their current role</p><p> </p><p>

Huntress Makiko vs. <strong>Yuma Maruya</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dragon Assassin</strong> vs. Otsune Tsumura vs. Raku Makuda</p><p> </p><p>

DEVIL Karube/Kiko Sakakibara vs. <strong>Megumi Nakajima and Saori Nakadan</strong></p><p>

Kiko feels like the weak link here.</p>

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<p>Gemmei Oonishi vs. <strong>Umeko Hotta</strong></p><p>

<em>This is building to something, I'm sure.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Principessa vs. <strong>Shiori Jippensha</strong></p><p>

<em>Shiori gets back to winning.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chitose Ariwara</strong> vs. Chiyeko Kita</p><p>

<em>Kita who? Kita who?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ikuko Temko vs. <strong>Kinuye Mushashibo</strong></p><p>

<em>A good opportunity for Kinuye to seize upon.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Angel Takudome vs. <strong>Fuyuko Higa</strong></p><p>

<em>Fuyuko is the future, additude notwithstanding.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Etsuko Arihyoshi/Tomoko Nagatsuka vs. <strong>Ultimate Devastator Lemons</strong></p><p>

<em>Always.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Huntress Makiko vs. <strong>Yuma Maruya</strong></p><p>

<em>Sorry, Huntress, but Yuma is a contender.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura vs. <strong>Raku Makuda</strong></p><p>

<em>Raku getting a surprise win, I think. I like the idea of a Raku vs. Assassin feud.</em></p><p> </p><p>

DEVIL Karube/Kiko Sakakibara vs. <strong>Megumi Nakajima and Saori Nakadan</strong></p><p>

<em>Kiko drags down the DEVIL too much.</em></p>

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... This line was narrow and dangerous to take. But she would gamble on herself and the history... she would play against the short sight.


... She would not return to Kinki. She would not fall for the short sight of Lizards.

I cheered when I read this! That's the way to do it. Follow your vision, look to the long view, and do what you know to be right!


That's my girl. ;)


And even though it's belated... Congratulations on your DOTM win. Fabulous, too, the way you worked it into your story!


{Lizard Queen} "You see Yuu? This is what has me confused. Why on this Planet Earth would that den of con artists, thieves and pirates you call a Booker's Guild send you this award for your performance?"

I laughed so hard, brought tears to my eyes.


This is still an extremely enjoyable read. Always. I come back to this. Often. My eyes thank Yuu. :)




5SSW.co.jp -- Full Card

5SSW Dance With Legend Tour: 9.28.2010



Gemmei Oonishi vs. Umeko Hotta

The streak continues...


Principessa vs. Shiori Jippensha

Time to pay dues. For just a little longer...


Chitose Ariwara vs. Chiyeko Kita

Chitose wins this, in flight.


Ikuko Temko vs. Kinuye Mushashibo

Momentum favors those with momentum. Unfortunately.


Angel Takudome vs. Fuyuko Higa

Usually, I would mark for Angel. But Higa seems to have been good lately, and it's time for her to start moving up.


Etsuko Arihyoshi/Tomoko Nagatsuka vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons

UDL needs this, or they will fall too far to matter any more.


Huntress Makiko vs. Yuma Maruya

If the huntress is still to be in the Title Hunt, then she needs this.


Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura vs. Raku Makuda

Otsune plays it smart, and 'sneaks' the win.


DEVIL Karube/Kiko Sakakibara vs. Megumi Nakajima and Saori Nakadan

I don't know why, but something tells me Kiko is in serious trouble here. Serious trouble.


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*Tickets, paper, ink and flesh of printing pressing. Tear the ends and smile with the again. The Dance with Legend Tour had swallowed them all whole and alive. The Lizard Queen stomped through her Queendom as all tried to hide their heads... almost all. Yuu did not hide from her eyes. She met them in the challenge... that was their spirit. With Sensational Ogiwara, many had sided with Yuu quietly or with the voice and action. But against the Lizard Queen? That was an entirely and most complete the different story. Yuu stood almost alone to meet the eyes... because she was true to the lines that she could see. The cold and calculated wishes of the Lizard Queen did not change their essence or being.*



"You can only see them here. Do enjoy the show."









5SSW Dance With Legend Tour: 9.28.2010



Gemmei Oonishi vs. Umeko Hotta


Gemmei gets the underdog yells from the crowd. Umeko gives the evil eye to her sporadic supporters and they get underway. The All-Asian Champion begins her lesson right where she left off, pinching the cheeks of Gemmei together into a kissy face of shame. Not tonight, Gemmei brushes her off and throws Umeko into the corner where she unloads something we haven't seen from her in a long time: offense. She's quick. She's young. She eats Knee off the ropes.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Umeko Hotta defeated Gemmei Oonishi in 10:56 by pinfall with a Flying Knee Strike. During the match we also had Kuniko Matsura run in and attack Hotta.

  • The announcing quality lifted the match.
  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Rating: D+



"So my kittens have claws after all? And pride too? Where is all of this coming from? It's obvious I haven't beaten enough out of you two. I can fix that at "Planet Tokyo".




Principessa vs. Shiori Jippensha:


Shiori stands in the ring with her hands on her hips, with a look that says too many things. Not smart, as Principessa has been around the global block about 5 times. Principessa hits 3 moves before the ring of the bell has faded. Shiori is total darkside with rage. That may work with the young lions, but Principessa is neither. Double Arm DDT and Shori has lost her rage, sense of direction and the match.


Official Result: In an extremely short match, Principessa defeated Shiori Jippensha in 5:23 by pinfall.

  • The announcing quality lifted the match.
  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: D+



"Japan, I will keep fighting."




Chitose Ariwara vs. Chiyeko Kita


5SSW has a solid tag team division which leads to some interesting single matches along the way. The match stayed close all the way to the end with Kita trying to hit her finisher twice off a failed Missle Dropkick by Chitose. But Chitose ducked down and rolled Kita up tight for the three. The Daughters of Wirlocity needed that to be a viable contendor for the title next week. An Angel win later would seal the deal nicely.


Official Result: In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Chitose Ariwara defeated Chiyeko Kita in 8:02 by pinfall with a Victory Roll.

  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: C-



"Sure they are tough, they are the tag team champions. But we have the wings to climb. At "Planet Tokyo" the Daughters of Whirlocity will put their names on the gold."




Ikuko Temko vs. Kinuye Mushashibo:


I feel like I've been magically transported back to America, Las Vegas to be exact. The wrestling is that bad. Kinuye didn't have the power to carry this match and Ikuko didn't have the heart. I don't have the words beyond horrible.


Official Result: In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Kinuye Mushashibo defeated Ikuko Temko in 7:01 by pinfall with a Blue Dream.

  • The announcing quality lifted the match.
  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.
  • This match brought the crowd's mood down.

Rating: D-






Angel Takudome vs. Fuyuko Higa:


"I see dead people." Fuyuko is rather focused on Angel tonight. That's not good as she turns it up to 11 as soon as the bell rings. Angel can barely keep up with her own beating until about the 7 minute mark, when Angel caught a small window of offense. It was enough to set up the Red Rock Press of the top, caught! Held. Higa Green Driver! That was too fluid for words to describe.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Fuyuko Higa defeated Angel Takudome in 11:01 by pinfall with a Higa Green Driver.


Result: C-




"You're the weak link Angel. Kita and I are going to use that to our advantage next week. You will be the reason your team loses. Remember that."








Etsuko Arihyoshi/Tomoko Nagatsuka vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons:


The Lemons looked good out of the gate. They communicate well and direct traffic verbally to the delight of the fans. They try to put this away early, but Tomoko had several other plans as she carried the work load for her team. The young lion Etsuko gave a hot spark to the match, and it looked like an upset was in the works until the lively Rei got the tag to the more serious HEART. Off the ropes, double laria--- no, Fujin's Amazing Lemon Press! It's better than Tang, but it's just as instant.

Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Ultimate Devastator Lemons defeated Etsuko Arihyoshi and Tomoko Nagatsuka in 15:30 when HEART Saitoh defeated Etsuko Arihyoshi by pinfall with a Fujin's Amazing Lemon Press.

Rating: D+



"Really, aren't you feeling it? It's like Ultimate Devastator Lemons, Part II. Only it's not really a sequal because HEART hates sequals. It's more like, I was standing right here where did YOU go. No not Yuu. You. What?"



Huntress Makiko vs. Yuma Maruya:


Huntress looks around the Hall for her mojo, while Yuma looks like she has enough to spare. A great back and forth between the technical Huntress and the high flying Yuma. Tokyo Express by Huntress, with a bridge on the final suplex for a close two. Frustration begins to set the tone as Yuma escapes the clutch and starts to pick up speed in her offense. Huntress was unable to bring her back down to the ground again.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Yuma Maruya defeated Huntress Makiko in 14:42 by pinfall with a Split-Legged Moonsault.

  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: C-



"Huntress Makiko is as tough as they come. It's always a long with night her. Planet Tokyo? I've done all I can do. I've shown everybody that I'm back and ready to take on any challenge that's ahead."




Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura vs. Raku Makuda:


Ladies and gentleman, the future of Joshi is secure. This match was ridiculous if not all over the place. Stiff strikes mixed with aerial contact equals the new edge. But the basics were sometimes overlooked, which lead to too much or too little at times. This match flirted with great, but we'll settle for very, very good. Dragon Assassin earned this one.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Dragon Assassin defeated Otsune Tsumura and Raku Makuda in 15:27 when Dragon Assassin defeated Otsune Tsumura by pinfall with a Lariat.

  • Dragon Assassin seemed off her game tonight.
  • Otsune Tsumura is improving in Performance skills.


Rating: C-



"I am on a quest to better myself, evolving toward a state of perfection."




DEVIL Karube/Kiko Sakakibara vs. Megumi Nakajima and Saori Nakadan:


Back to the present, which is where all the action is. This match was heated with the personal issues between DEVIL, Saori and Megumi. They took every chance they got to talk trash to one another, bringing the crowd in. Kiko got a taste of the Main Event after all of her hard work. There is no doubt she beat Huntress Makiko in that race, and her prize? A custom fit, Nakajima Straight Jacket. The Bad girls of 5SSW stand in the center of the ring, holding the coveted upper hand as the show ends.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Megumi Nakajima and Saori Nakadan defeated DEVIL Karube and Kiko Sakakibara in 15:19 when Megumi Nakajima defeated Kiko Sakakibara by pinfall with a Nakajima Straight Jacket.

  • The DEVIL never dies storyline has continued with this match.


Rating: C



"Shut up! Especially you Saori! I don't care about your little dramas. I don't care who the fans love or hate. I don't care if Shiori Jippensha turns into 80 foot tall tiger. I will have my title shot at "Planet Tokyo" for one reason only. Because I earned it! I will be in the Main Event because I've already burned this company down to the ground."









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5SSW Dance With Legend Tour Results

Held: Tuesday, Week 4, September 2010

Location: Ibaraki Community Hall (Kanto)

Attendance: 538

Final Rating: C


The lines collided again on a Tuesday night in Ibaraki with the 5SSW cast of players. They always seem to put on a great show right before the big finale, and tonight was no exception. The last three matches in particular could of headlined any given show in the last year. With Yuma Maruya, Dragon Assassin, Saori Nakadan and Megumi Nakajima all makeing strong pushes to close the tour it will be interesting to see who will be facing DEVIL Karube for the World Title.


Double, double toil and trouble:

The owner of 5SSW, Sakurako Kagawa, confirmed that Yuu Onuki was still the head booker. But when given the opportunity to expand on the subject or bury the rumors completely, she failed to do either with a simple wave of the hand. Yuu Onuki was finally, mostly, cornered and asked for her interpretation of the events backstage and her position within the company. She only replied that our 'questions and patterns of observation lacked any real poetry at all' before sneaking around said corner. Ouch. With Kit being Yuu's long time friend and Ogiwara on the other end of that spectrum, that only leaves Crusher Ichihara as a reliable third party. But no one was brave enough to ask Crusher about the time of day, let alone the internal politics of 5SSW.






Tuesday, Week 4, September 2010


5SSW Dance With Legend Tour


Dragonmack: 12/9


Editor6: 8/9


Sudo Nym: 7/9


Wallbanger: 6/9

NordVolf: 6/9


Astil: 5/9





Noodleshop: Of course it is the way of congratulations to the Mack of all Dragons near the coast which is eternally East. My format is like tape that is sticking, I am... confused. But it is fortunate I have forgotten all about the schedule of time and day. The show will always happen the moment it is done past the raw. This is not eye sushi, no? It seems Yuu is not as forgiving as appearances make. A streak of the ice inside her, maybe? When I close my eyes very much, the lines are building out of my control... it is a horizon of tsunami. Too soon. I think. You will see.




Title Herstory..........5SSW Roster

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*The end of the Dance with Legend Tour was near as a tiny stream in the internet universe sparks to life again. The card has been set by The Oracle and approved by the Lizard Queen. It is the usual way of things. Somethings do not change. Somethings, they do.*



"Welcome to Planet Tokyo everyone, I'm Kuniyoshi Chisu."



"And I'm his lucky shadow, Katuhiko Shunsen."


"It's the end of the Dance with Legend Tour. If you had one word, how would you describe it?"

"Tempestuous is the only word that even comes close to what this tour has embodied both in the ring and out. The funny thing is, I don't think what has started with this tour will end with it."


All-Asian Championship: Three Way:

Gemmei Oonishi (yl)vs. Kuniko Matsura (yl) sv. Umeko Hotta ©


"One thing that caught many off guard inside of 5SSW is the All-Asian Championship run of Umeko Hotta."

"Sure, we all remember the night when Umeko was literally carried from a show by her familiar, The Oracle. We all thought the last tour was her last tour, and we were all wrong."


"Very wrong as not only has she become the All-Asian champion, she has called out and humiliated two of our youngest and highest fliers."


"Turn back the clock 5 years ago and that's exactly what Umeko Hotta was. That is the style she gave her body and made a career out of. Obviously Kuniko and Gemmei aren't living up to the standards and they will not pass Umeko until they do."


Amber Allen vs. Huntress Makiko


"What is wrong with Huntress Makiko? That is a question I often ask myself, and that is a question she has to be asking herself after a disasterous tour that saw her taker herself out of title contention."


"Not only did she take herself out of contention, now she has to face Amber Allen. That is what we call rock bottom around here and Huntress has to be careful. She can't let the desperate Allen get a hand in the window, or like her teacher Principessa? She just might climb out."


Ginko Kuroda (yl)/Shiori Jippensha vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons

"A woman who climbed out a different window entirely this tour is Shiori Jippensha."


"Shiori not only climbed out, she jumped out of the top floor. I don't know what is going inside that mind of hers and I don't really care. But if she wants any chance at getting back where she was? She had better destroy the Lemons with the help of Ginko."


"Tall order as the Lemons look to be catching another wave of cohesion. Shiori may be the most talented in the match, but the Lemons have the experience."


Principessa vs. Tomoko Nagatsuka


"I'm actually interested in this match as Tomoko Nagatsuka has shown some sparks of life and Principessa has climbed out of the 5SSW basement by pure experience and talent."


"I've said it before, Tomoko has been over looked during this Joshi Renaissance. But because she doesn't have the charisma or looks of her peers? She is left in limbo. I think this is her chance to turn a few more eyes her way."


Etsuko Arihyoshi (yl) vs. Kinuye Mushashibo


"The young lions have yet to make an impact on 5SSW. But one gets another chance against the relative newcomer, Kinuye MUshashibo."

"It is also a great chance to pick up some of the great, high quality merchandise that can only be found at our great live events."


Kiko Sakakibara vs. Raku Makuda

"Both of these women were very close to being included in the Main Event. With Kiko blazing a trail out of the tag team division and Raku stepping in when Shiori imploded, they both had their chances and just missed them."


"Now, they can take their frustration out on each other. This match could get ugly with the style clashes of Kiko and Raku. You know Raku likes to dive into the crowd with her opponent and find some damage along the way. While Kiko likes to keep it cool and calm."


Tag Team Championships: Classic Cage:

Daughters of Whirlocity vs. Shojo Beatdown ©

"Thrown together by the very tempestuous winds you were talking about earlier, The Daughters of Whirlocity put their wings together to try and claim the tag team title from Shojo Beatdown. The last two weeks saw them put a couple of dents in Shojo's armor. But were they deep enough to plant seeds of victory in?"




Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura

"A pleasant surprise this tour has been the meetings between Dragon Assassin and Otsune Tsumura. It is one thing to be young. But it is entirely different thing on knowing how to use it. Their matches have been fast paced, high energy affairs and I'm looking forward to their last big meeting this tour."


"There's nothing pleasant about what Dragon Assassin is capable of. Her future is secure and endless. But I'll give Otsune credit. After her disasterous feud with Megumi Nakajima, she brushed herself off and showed us all that she learned something from it. Did she learn enough to beat Dragon? I don't think so."


World Championship: 4-Way Elimination:

DEVIL Karube © vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Saori Nakadan vs. Yuma Maruya


"The Oracle has finally spoken, and wow. This could be the MOTY. There is no doubt these four women are the very best today. Each one would be a more than worthy champion."


"Except for one problem, DEVIL Karube is the World Champion. Look, I'm no fan of multi-women matches. But I see why Yuu did it. If one of these women was missing from the title shot, it would have been a travesty."

"Any predictions?"


"Watch Megumi Nakajima, if anyone is going to take the DEVIL's title. It is Megumi. She's young. She's focused and she has a very singular agenda that involves the World Title."

"Another one who fits that same mold is Yuma in my book. After her own title loss, she has slowly put it all back together again and I think she looks 10 times better for it. If she gets the win tonight, look for a long title reign this time around."






5SSW Planet Tokyo


All-Asian Championship: Three Way:

Gemmei Oonishi (yl)vs. Kuniko Matsura (yl) sv. Umeko Hotta ©


Amber Allen vs. Huntress Makiko


Ginko Kuroda (yl)/Shiori Jippensha vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons


Principessa vs. Tomoko Nagatsuka


Etsuko Arihyoshi (yl) vs. Kinuye Mushashibo


Kiko Sakakibara vs. Raku Makuda


Tag Team Championships: Classic Cage:

Daughters of Whirlocity vs. Shojo Beatdown ©


Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura


World Championship: 4-Way Elimination:

DEVIL Karube © vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Saori Nakadan vs. Yuma Maruya



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5SSW Planet Tokyo


All-Asian Championship: Three Way:

Gemmei Oonishi (yl)vs. Kuniko Matsura (yl) sv. Umeko Hotta ©


Gemmei finds her inner animal and unleashes it in this match.


Amber Allen vs. Huntress Makiko


Playing favorites. If this was in the US, I'd pick Amber.


Ginko Kuroda (yl)/Shiori Jippensha vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons


Jippensha must be made to pay dearly for her transgressions and the Lemons are more compelling.


Principessa vs. Tomoko Nagatsuka


Only because Principessa is a visiting gaijin and hasn't earned it quite yet.


Etsuko Arihyoshi (yl) vs. Kinuye Mushashibo


Favorites rule!


Kiko Sakakibara vs. Raku Makuda


I'd like to see Kiko get one run at the top before she hangs up her boots.


Tag Team Championships: Classic Cage:

Daughters of Whirlocity vs. Shojo Beatdown ©


Unless Higa is 'too big' for the tag titles.


Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura


Push. I think Otsune would benefit more from a run at the main eventers.


World Championship: 4-Way Elimination:

DEVIL Karube © vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Saori Nakadan vs. Yuma Maruya


No. One. Beats. Meg!

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5SSW Planet Tokyo


All-Asian Championship: Three Way:

Gemmei Oonishi (yl)vs. Kuniko Matsura (yl) sv. Umeko Hotta ©

Apparently Umeko hasn't tired of beating up young lions yet


Amber Allen vs. Huntress Makiko

Amber is still learning, and is thus prey for the Huntress


Ginko Kuroda (yl)/Shiori Jippensha vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons

Shiori's stay in the doghouse is of the long time


Principessa vs. Tomoko Nagatsuka

Principessa works toward midlevel contendership


Etsuko Arihyoshi (yl) vs. Kinuye Mushashibo

IF Kinuye was a yl also, I'd go with Etsuko, but since she apparently isn't, I am going true blue


Kiko Sakakibara vs. Raku Makuda

While neither seems to have focus, Raku has hung around the main event more


Tag Team Championships: Classic Cage:

Daughters of Whirlocity vs. Shojo Beatdown ©

Beatdown in the cage, because there isnt room for the wings to flutter



Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura

Either could win, but Dragon needs to re-establish herself


World Championship: 4-Way Elimination:

DEVIL Karube © vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Saori Nakadan vs. Yuma Maruya

Megumi would be the freshest person here, as the others all have recent title reigns

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5SSW Planet Tokyo


All-Asian Championship: Three Way:

Gemmei Oonishi (yl)vs. Kuniko Matsura (yl) sv. Umeko Hotta ©


Amber Allen vs. Huntress Makiko


Ginko Kuroda (yl)/Shiori Jippensha vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons


Principessa vs. Tomoko Nagatsuka


Etsuko Arihyoshi (yl) vs. Kinuye Mushashibo


Kiko Sakakibara vs. Raku Makuda


Tag Team Championships: Classic Cage:

Daughters of Whirlocity vs. Shojo Beatdown ©


Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura


World Championship: 4-Way Elimination:

DEVIL Karube © vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Saori Nakadan vs. Yuma Maruya

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Etsuko Arihyoshi (yl) vs. Kinuye Mushashibo


"The young lions have yet to make an impact on 5SSW. But one gets another chance against the relative newcomer, Kinuye MUshashibo."

"It is also a great chance to pick up some of the great, high quality merchandise that can only be found at our great live events."




5SSW Planet Tokyo


All-Asian Championship: Three Way:

Gemmei Oonishi (yl)vs. Kuniko Matsura (yl) sv. Umeko Hotta ©

Can't see either one being the one to knock off Umeko


Amber Allen vs. Huntress Makiko


Ginko Kuroda (yl)/Shiori Jippensha vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons

A shame Ginko has to suffer for Shiori's sins.


Principessa vs. Tomoko Nagatsuka


Etsuko Arihyoshi (yl) vs. Kinuye Mushashibo

Playing a long shot.


Kiko Sakakibara vs. Raku Makuda


Tag Team Championships: Classic Cage:

Daughters of Whirlocity vs. Shojo Beatdown ©


Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura


World Championship: 4-Way Elimination:

DEVIL Karube © vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Saori Nakadan vs. Yuma Maruya

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All-Asian Championship: Three Way:

Gemmei Oonishi (yl)vs. Kuniko Matsura (yl) sv. Umeko Hotta ©


Amber Allen vs. Huntress Makiko


Ginko Kuroda (yl)/Shiori Jippensha vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons

Principessa vs. Tomoko Nagatsuka


Etsuko Arihyoshi (yl) vs. Kinuye Mushashibo

Kiko Sakakibara vs. Raku Makuda


Tag Team Championships: Classic Cage:

Daughters of Whirlocity vs. Shojo Beatdown ©

Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura


World Championship: 4-Way Elimination:

DEVIL Karube © vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Saori Nakadan vs. Yuma Maruya

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*Yuu 'The Oracle' Onuki sat at the entrance of the Hall as the fans of that which was Joshi did stream and walk inside. Most did not know who she was, no? She had no costume. She had no clothes of expensive flair or tasting. Fashion of basics. Her hair was black. Her eyes the same. She looked perfectly acceptable in her role of ticket taker and non-descrit.*



"Your ticket. Your eyes."


*She smiled and said again, until commotion did stir out in the crowd and line.*


"Kagawa-san! Cool!"


*A murmur of voices and exclaim as The Lizard Queen herself passed along the 400 or so people still doing and waiting to get inside. Cell phone camera in 1.5 seconds of fast, taking pictures and sent away to friends. 'I SAW THE LIZARD QUEEN'. Yuu, she did see her too as she eventually made her way to the ticket table and stopped with ice sculpted smile upon her face.*



"The Oracle- Yuu Onuki, everyone!"


*The Lizard Queen said with a flourish as pictures taken again. She could be cruel, because it amused her. She could be cruel because it was necessary. She clapped her hands in a golfing manner before leaning in to her Head Booker.*


"A lovely night for a tour ending show, Yuu. It's quite a little card you've assembled. But that is what you do best, isn't it."


"It is my doing, only."


*Kagawa-san ignored the modesty completely.*


"The question is, will it be enough to save Yuu?"


*At this Yuu Onuki smiled from her seat behind the ticket table, her own voice muddled with her usual distance, yet a quality of sharpness on the edge.*


"I am surprised, no? You do not see it with the eyes that are your own? Tonight your company will shine of lights and dance of bright in Tokyo."


*Yuu paused.*


"But it will not change the future of the which is Yuu ... or you, Kagawa-san."


"That is where you are wrong Yuu. The future is a mirage. It's the now that drives the world."


*Yuu opened her hands which were empty, and gave The Lizard Queen a gesture of acquiescence.*


"Then it must be, Kagawa-san."


*The Lizard Queen presented Yuu a ticket, which she tore in usual way.*


"Your ticket. Your eyes. This way."


*She gestured to the waiting doors.*











All-Asian Championship: Three Way: Gemmei Oonishi (yl)vs. Kuniko Matsura (yl) sv. Umeko Hotta ©


@ 5:26 as Gemmei eats a double power bomb from Kuniko and Umeko for 2. Japanese death lock by Kuniko to Gemmei, and Umeko flies in to break it up. Umeko covers Gemmei for 2. Osaka Street Cutter to Umeko by Kuniko. Super kick to Kuniko by Gemmei! She stands alone for a moment and surveys the damage before heading up top. But she is knocked down and crotched by Umeko. Umeko goes up, Sunset Flip Power Bomb by Gemmei on Umeko! Kuniko is back up, face jam to Gemmei. Umeko still down, Gemmei is down so Kuniko climbs the ropes. Possum Alert! Umeko charges the corner, Flying Knee Strike kills Kuniko dead as she falls from the second rope. That's just not physically possible but that is 3 @ 11:23.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Umeko Hotta defeated Gemmei Oonishi and Kuniko Matsura in 11:23 when Umeko Hotta defeated Kuniko Matsura by pinfall with a Flying Knee Strike. Umeko Hotta makes defence number 1 of her 5 Star All-Asian title.

  • Umeko Hotta was really off her game tonight.
  • The announcing quality lifted the match.
  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.
  • Gemmei Oonishi is improving in Performance skills.


Rating: D+








Amber Allen vs. Huntress Makiko


Amber charges to start, but Huntress shoves her aside. Amber works around a bit, then gets a Face Buster to Huntress. She climbs the ropes and flies, but Huntress steps aside and slams her to the mat. Corner Charge to Amber, and Huntress tries the Makiko Clutch. Amber escapes but Huntress doesn't let go. Tokyo Express to all three stations and the win @ 4:34.


Official Result: In an extremely short match, Huntress Makiko defeated Amber Allen in 4:34 by pinfall with a Tokyo Express.

  • Huntress Makiko and Amber Allen don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout.

Rating: C








Ginko Kuroda (yl)/Shiori Jippensha vs. Ultimate Devastator Lemons


Ginko with some stiff kicks, and a Missile Drop Kick gets 2! Roll up by Ginko only gets 2. HEART in with a Super-Super Kick to Ginko! Tiger bomb to Ginko gets 2 as Shiori delivers a basement drop kick for the save. HEART on top but Shiori tosses Ginko for a Ridiculous Drop Kick to stop the attempt! Katana Splash by Shiori to Rei. The ref tries to find the lost order, and Shiori is taken down as Ginko goes back to her corner. From the pit of confusion, Fujin's Amazing Lemon Press! It finishes Shiori @ 8:13


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ultimate Devastator Lemons defeated Ginko Kuroda and Shiori Jippensha in 8:13 when HEART Saitoh defeated Shiori Jippensha by pinfall with a Fujin's Amazing Lemon Press.

  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: D+








Principessa vs. Tomoko Nagatsuka


Both women are down in the ring, and fight to their feet. Tomoko with a nice spin kick to Principessa, covers and gets 2. Principessa off the ropes, Tomoko catches her and gets a DDT for 2! Tomoko goes up top, Principessa stops her and pushes her. But Tomoko holds on to the arm and hangs it hard over the top rope. Principessa off the ropes, counter by Tomoko and she gets the Crossface Chickenwing locked in and drags Principessa to the canvas this time for good and the win @ 7:57.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Tomoko Nagatsuka defeated Principessa in 7:57 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.

  • The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Rating: D+








Etsuko Arihyoshi (yl) vs. Kinuye Mushashibo


Kinuye goes to the ropes, rolls through on Etsuko, Etsuko to the 2nd rope, and a flying Facebuster to Kinuye for 2! Etsuko reverses off the ropes and gets the Yakuza Kick for 2! Drop kick to Kinuye in the corner, but Kinuye rolls her up for another close 2! Enziguri by Etsuko, Fire Press gets 2! Etsuko goes for a spring-board, but Kinuye shoves her off into space, then nails the Blue Dream for the win @ 8:46.


Official Result: In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Kinuye Mushashibo defeated Etsuko Arihyoshi in 8:46 by pinfall with a Blue Dream.


Rating: C-








Kiko Sakakibara vs. Raku Makuda


Raku sends Kiko to the floor with a spin kick, and follows up with a dangerous flip dive to the floor! Back in the ring they go, and Kiko gets a butterfly suplex hold, but drops Raku into a power bomb for 2. Kiko follows with an Asia moonsault but Raku gets the knees up! Leaping Enziguri by Raku, followed by a spring board elbow gets Raku a 2 count! Raku misses a corner charge, and Kiko goes up top. Raku follows, and they fight on top. Top Rope Rana by Raku! Raku goes up top now, and misses the Swanton Bomb! Kiko scoops up the wreckage and hits the Kingdom Quake for the win @ 14:51.



Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Kiko Sakakibara defeated Raku Makuda in 14:51 by pinfall with a Kingdom Quake.

  • Kiko Sakakibara and Raku Makuda have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances.


Rating: B-








Tag Team Championships: Classic Cage: Daughters of Whirlocity vs. Shojo Beatdown ©


Chitose goes up top, Chiyeko chases and tries for a superplex, but is shoved off into the cage and a missile drop kick by Chitose only gets 2! Angel has Fuyuko off the ropes, Twisting Power Bomb! Chitose follows up with a moonsault to Fuyuko! Super kick into a suplex combo to Fuyuko by Daughters of Whirlocity attack the strongest point. Spine buster to the legal Chiyeko but only a 2! Daughters try another double team, but Fuyuko saves Chiyeko. Strong Kick to the Head to Chitose! Flip of Empires to Chitose finishes it @ 9:48.

Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Shojo Beatdown defeated Daughters of Whirlocity in a 2 vs 2 Cage Classic match in 9:48 when Chiyeko Kita defeated Chitose Ariwara by pinfall with a Flip of Empires. Shojo Beatdown make defense number 1 of their 5 Star Tag Team titles.


Rating: C-








Dragon Assassin vs. Otsune Tsumura


A grueling match finally slows down as Dragon chokes Otsune over the 2nd rope. Back to the center of the ring, back suplex by Dragon, then a butterfly suplex for 2. Off the ropes, and Otsune presses Dragon up, and gets a Japanese drop... both women are down. Back up, and Otsune fires back with rights then a clothesline. Slaps and chops by Otsune. Off the ropes, flipping neck breaker to Dragon. Standing switch by Dragon, off the ropes now and Dragon gets the Lariat for the win @ 15:28.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Dragon Assassin defeated Otsune Tsumura in 15:28 by pinfall with a Lariat.

  • Dragon Assassin seemed off her game tonight.
  • Dragon Assassin and Otsune Tsumura have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances.
  • Dragon Assassin is improving in Technical skills.


Rating: C+








World Championship: 4-Way Elimination: DEVIL Karube © vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Saori Nakadan vs. Yuma Maruya


Yuma fights off Megumi and Saori. Yuma catches Saori in a DDT. Megumi goes after Yuma, and Yuma reverses into a Yuma Special for 2! Soari breaks Yuma's attempt at pin, and helps Megumi pin Yuma who is ELIMINATED! Saori and DEVIL fight now, as Megumi rests on the apron. Saori with the upper hand and gets a Spiked Pile Driver! Megumi finally turns on Saori with the Nakajima Straight Jacket and eliminates Saori! Megumi and DEVIL left. DEVIL reverses into a sunset flip for 2! Megumi hooks the arms, and tries to lift. Leg grapevine and DEVIL works an arm free. Back Elbow! DEVIL turns into Megumi and scoops her up for the DEVIL Drop! @ 14:32.


Official Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, DEVIL Karube defeated Yuma Maruya, Saori Nakadan and Megumi Nakajima in 14:32; the order of elimination was Yuma Maruya first, then Saori Nakadan, and finally Megumi Nakajima. DEVIL Karube makes defense number 1 of her 5 Star World title.

  • The DEVIL never dies storyline has continued with this match.


Rating: B-







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