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Memoirs of a Booker

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Saturday, Week 4, May 2010



*The trucks loaded of packed and ring as the Athletic Center returned to its empty shell in night. Almost all of the women had gone off for celebration, food and drinking... many of the same would not be seen again until August. Kit waved goodbye from behind the wheel of the 5SSW truck as she pulled away... forgetting her headlights until she was on the main road. The Lizard Queen was nowhere to be found, off in the levels of Japanese society to be sure.*



"Nice foods."


*Yuu imagined as she paid the band in cash and thanked them again for all the noise and music... the same. From her own bag, she bought a low-tech CD from them which they smiled at and also waved goodbye. It was then that Yuu made her way back to the makeshift changing room for a final sweep of forgotten things that women often left behind. But was surprised to find a living thing had been left behind instead, as Umeko Hotta sat with her back against a wall and her legs stretched out in front of her. Her knees both were buried in ice bags, and her eyes buried in paperback book. It had a picture of witches on the cover but Yuu could not make out the kanji.*




*Yuu bowed her head slightly before walking forward. A small smile on the corners of her mouth as she did. Umeko looked up and almost mirrored it completely, except for wrinkles of discomfort that etched her face in between.*



"I hate it when you call me that, Yuu."


*Yuu shrugged a little as Umeko eared her book for future reading. Yuu slowly lowered herself down to the floor and sat next to Umeko, head resting against the bench.*


"I know. That is why I do it. It is my childish way of saying that I like you."




*Was all Umeko could manage in response... it was enough as Yuu took the book from her hands and flipped a few pages in passing interest. While the younger women enjoyed video games, drunken karaoke and cheap sushi... Umeko always had her reading glasses on and her face in a book of some kind or another. There was a battered intelligence about her that Yuu had been immediately drawn to when she had first met the woman so many years ago. Now it was 2010, and it had only become more battered it seemed. As Yuu set down the book on the bench they were all sharing in one way or another.*


"You are the Ice Queen, now?"




*It was Yuu's turn to snort a short laugh, her head rolling lazily against the wood of the bench it rested on.*


"What did the doctor say?"


"He said my knees were like dust, but that he loved me for my mind."


"It would be kind of weird if it were the other way around, yes? If your mind was dust, but he loved you for your knees."


*Umeko picked up her book, and very lightly hit Yuu on top of the head with it before setting it down again. They shared a long silence before the obvious came.*


"What do you want to do, Umeko?"


*The long pause picked up right where it had left off as the minds turned this way and that. Umeko took off her glasses and folded them on top of her book.*


"This is what I do, Yuu."


*Yuu furrowed her brow in thoughts and Umeko leaned back against the wall again. She began to tell Yuu all about the books she had read since they had last talked. Yuu talked about her 'lost time' away from 5SSW and the directionless wanderings that had taken place within. She got up once to find a vending machine, bringing back cold coffee in subtle colored cans. They talked all the nothings one could imagine until the ice had melted away and Umeko could stand again.*


"I think I'll take a trip to the hot springs."


*Umeko walked slowly beside Yuu, in no hurry... unable to hurry for almost a year. Yuu simply nodded at the idea. The hot springs of Japan had taken on mythical proportions of healing everything from eyes, to broken hearts and even knees.*


"I heard Kusatsu hot springs are best for everything."


*Umeko put a hand on Yuu's shoulder for support as they walked down the stairs. A taxi cab purred to life as Yuu helped Umeko into the back of the car and paid the driver from her own bag. Umeko gave Yuu's hand a hard squeeze before she settled into the upholstery for the long ride home. Yuu waved from the now empty parking lot, her celebration... complete.


It was 2:14 in the morning.*

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5SSW Future Style Results

Saturday, Week 4, May 2010


5SSW drew 758 fans to Doshisha Athletic Center for their tour ending Future Style show. With the match of the night honors going to a surprise showing by Huntress Makiko and Shiori Jippensha. On the other end of the spectrum was the plodding dinosaur tactics of Ikuko Temko vs Angel. One has to wonder if the countdown is close to an end on her.


5SSW paid a heavy price for their introduction of angles. While many like the direction of the Lizard Queen character many are questioning the use of Yuu Onuki in the opposing role, including Yuu herself who is well quoted as someone who prefers to be out of mind. Don't we all?


But at the end of the day, 5SSW has to be happy with the Boom Boom Beat Tour and will only hope to build on it when they send the show up north to Hokkaido as they try to expand their base even more.





Boom Boom Beat Tour

Final Results


*Dragonmack: 38/71*


Wallbanger: 32/71

Sudo Nym: 31/71

Terminator980: 18/71

Nordvolf: 14/71

Astil: 11/71

Smurphy1014: 3/71


Administration Announcement: We have been contacted by 5SSW via our mothersite @ Joshijoshijoshi.com and have worked out a special gift for the winner of our little tour results game. The winner will get to book one match of their choosing during the yet to be named August/September tour.

(When asked about titles and show/date details 5SSW replied simply: Winner's choice.)


Added: June 1, 2010

Congratulations to user: Dragonmack with the winning high score of 38.

We hate you only because we are jealous and We look forward to your selection. Do us here at GreyDoggyBagTable and JoshiJoshiJoshi.com proud.

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well, then for our choice , we choose the fluttering wings of Chitose Ariwara to once again face the bitter onslaught of Fuyuko Higa. I am sure the esteemed Yuu Onuki can make the lines converge at a time and place that will be satisfactory for all. :D
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*The Lizard Queen had the floor as their post tour meeting continued on. They looked at the roster... one by one. Who had performed well? Almost everyone had given everything they had and they only gave more when the tour continued on into the final shows. Umeko Hotta's name came up as the both Kit and Sensational were aware of her physical deterioration. Yuu had come to her defense, saying they needed her experience for the younger girls to learn from. Everybody knew that this was Umeko's life. Nobody wanted to be the one to take that from her. Not even the ice blue Lizard Queen. In case it had not been felt before... this was more than just a business... this was more than wrestling. This was Joshi Puroresu.*



"Hotta-san stays, but you three had better take good care of her. I've had my fill of broken down women cut down before they are 40. That's not going to happen here. You move her around, you give her one of your jobs. But she walks out of here on her own power and her own terms. Got it?"


*No one objected, and the meeting moved on to the next name in question: Ikuko Temko who had done absolutely nothing in or out of the ring to earn herself any protection from anyone. With the success of Huntress Makiko in singles competition combined with two new tag teams being designed... her stock had plummeted to dangerous levels and no one was throwing her a line. Only Yuu, because it was her job, said anything.*



"We have her contract, yes? I see no reason for termination, it's drastic and of the dramatic. I simply will not book her anymore but hold on to her paper for the most needed emergency. If she walks away? That is fine. If she is unhappy, that is fine as well. She is very mercenary in her life philosophy. I can buy another more talented than her... the same."


*Those were the only two names of their roster that did rise for discussion and so the meeting turned towards the matter of finances. The Lizard Queen's eyes fell on Yuu.*


"This tour was a success which is surprising since Yuu spends my money like an 8th level prostitute of Ginza."


*Yuu said nothing at first, because she actually spent money like a 9th level prostitute of Ginza. But she knew that the two month break would cover any losses and they would even make a modest profit before the next tour started up again. But Yuu was no young girl off the streets into booker dreams. She had spent more than she needed to with purpose. The purpose being this moment of 'face'.*


"It is a booker's only temptation, yes?"


*Yuu bowed her head apologetically to The Lizard Queen.*

"I have cut back on the live music before shows. I will save it for only the special events. With our move to Hokkaido, it should be easy enough for us not to book the larger halls and empty spaces of them. We should save much money there and still expand with a rate."


*The Lizard Queen smiled, knowing quite well the game Yuu was playing. She played her hand as well.*


"Good, and no more ridiculous C-list celebrities. Those parasites are talentless and I always end up eating dinner with them and their tired routines. It costs me twice what you pay them in drinks alone."


*Yuu bowed her head again and smiled quietly.*


"Of course."


*The little game settled. The Lizard Queen stood up slowly to stretch her legs and blood while changing topics once again.*


"I guess that brings us to Hokkaido...."


*A low rumbling hum of vibration began to filter through the air, winding down the maze like connections of alley ways that led to the 5SSW building. It grew in volume like thunder buried deep underground yet rising quickly for the streets above. The sound only got louder to where the air actually shook with it as the Lizard Queen looked out the window for the source.*


"Well ...."


*The bike prowled out of the opposing alleyway and into view. It was in no hurry... slow... power. The walls of the office rattled as it pulled in front of the building and stopped. The Lizard Queen locked eyes with the helmeted rider and felt it in her bones.*




*A loud silence filled the room as the engine stopped, both Kit and Sensational got to their feet. Only Yuu remained seated now... and the Lizard Queen noticed this... she looked down at Yuu. She could detect the faintest curve of a smile on her head booker's lips.*




*The Lizard Queen rarely swore. This was going to be expensive. But it would be worth the price just to see the look on Kit's and Sensational's face in about five seconds. Five seconds of the bay door opening and closing... heavy boots with the same slow power heading for the office door. The Lizard Queen settled back into her chair as the door opened, for just a moment she locked eyes with Yuu and approved. Ms. Onuki had a cold vein in her heart as well, and it had just walked in the door ...*

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"... Ichihara ..."



"... Whoah ..."


*Sensational stood next to Kit, her mouth still open after the simple identification of the woman who stood just inside the door. The years had etched the hard lines even deeper into Crusher Ichihara's face. They turned with a very unpleasant smile towards Sensational.*



"Well, look at you."


Crusher snorted, letting the door close heavy behind her.


"Og, why you're just as precious as ever."


*It was as stinging an insult as it was true... at least in the world they lived in. The years of truly bad blood remained between Crusher Ichihara and Sensational Ogiwara. That was what had made their rivalry so special during the Golden Era. That was also the very reason Yuu had searched her out only days after Sensational had made her true intentions known by signing on as head booker of Exodus 2010. This was the counter move developed quietly as Yuu finally raised her eyes to Sensational's. Everything was becoming quite clear to all the minds gathered in the room. The message was very simple and precise. No one was irreplaceable and Yuu? She was in charge of all the lines that made 5SSW go and move.*


*Yuu kept her eyes on Sensational's. She could see the anger blood hot in her face, but torn between the eyes of Yuu and Crusher. Yuu only looked away when she was sure everything was quite clear. The Lizard Queen kept folded fingers in front of her lips, to lessen her amused expression. But she finally spoke before something exploded.*



"What an interesting meeting this has turned out to be."


*Her voice was light yet loud enough to command the attention of the room.*


"Crusher, how long has it been?"


*She gestured Crusher towards the most open and neutral space remaining in the office. The facial expression of Crusher remained constant, even as she answered.*


"Three Years, Lizard."


*The Lizard Queen never batted an eye as she sat down again herself.*


"Three years much too long, Crusher. Of that I am quite sure, it seems my Queendom is getting soft and overly secure at exactly the wrong time."


*The Lizard Queen steadied her eyes on her newest road agent."


"I would like you to remind the younger girls of the darker side of the "Golden Era". I want them to have the full picture. That is if you still have it in you?"


"Still the same old manipulative witch, I see. Well if you haven't changed Lizard."


*Crusher looked at Sensational as she finished her train of words.*


"I don't see why I would have."




Crusher Ichihara has signed for 5SSW with a pay-per-appearance deal.

Wednesday, Week 1, June 2010


Our one and only Joshi promotion has gone back in time one more time. If Sensational Ogiwara is the soul of 5SSW and Yuu Onuki is the mind. Then that must make Crusher Ichihara the little bit of evil that lives inside of us all. Famous for her great power and ferocious attacks that redefined the use of the word 'stiff'. It is definitely a new day in 5SSW. But this day is a little more realistic as it contains some very heavy clouds. We can only wait until August to see what effect this will truly have. But already some questions are forming, so we put them to the magic, Joshi 8-ball.


Can Crusher and Sensational co-exist?



Who will she take under her wing?

"Ask again later."


Is Yuu trying to re-create the 'Golden Era'?

"My sources say no."


In the end will this be a good move for 5SSW?



More on this and any other off-season moves as soon as it happens.

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*It was a game of connecting lines in the most literal sense as Yuu navigated Osaka station as a moth would navigate a typhoon. The never ending waves of people going somewhere always messed with her guidance system and soon she was washed away to wherever everyone was going... only then could she get back on track. Track number seven to be exact as she squeezed her small frame between closing doors and the train did pull and away.*


*Armed with her traveling case, which carried 'The Book' and all things of 5SSW forms and papers... she was on the Northbound Express for Tokyo and the cradle of all things puroresu. On any given night in Tokyo a Puro show was happening, if not 3 or 4. The old went there to retire and the young went there to pick the bones. But Yuu was neither young or old her reasons were peculiar to the booker's world. She went there to find things she could use... find things that would make 5SSW move and move and move again.*


*In her hand she clutched a few hand printed fliers of the smallest independent shows that were not even of the maps or times. Three or four names and two yellow post-its next to those as she settled into a North facing chair for the long ride. Of the things she had to read: A 6 month old fashion magazine of styles she would never wear, a cooking magazine of dishes she would never have time to prepare and of course 'The Book'. Whose battered cover opened with ease on a truly random page. She read it aloud to the reflection that read it back to her.*



"One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should she disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness."


*'The Book' was very deep today in its pages and words as Yuu put it back into her case and pulled out the cooking magazine instead. But still she did have to wonder between the glazed ham and eel... was she prospering or was she falling, and which path was she on either way?

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*The show was small but of live and energy. A tiny promotion of the mixed events and genders. 5SSW was the only company devoted to Joshi Puroresu. As fans late arrived and talked and chatted of e-phones? Two women in the ring, all but ignored except for a handful of enthralled and careful watching. Yuu watched the match unfold, no notes to take... no future just yet to connect. It reminded her of her very first match she had seem. A much younger Umeko Hotta vs the Lioness. She remembered being instantly captivated by the grace of the power coupled with the complete strangeness of it all. She did not know that 45 minutes later she would become a part of it then.*


*But today was today, Lioness was gone and Umeko and Yuu had aged. But still the things that happened in the ring did captivate as Principessa played the role of veteran clever and Kinuye played the role of fighting youth. A simple formula, yes? They both played their parts quite well, but it was Principessa who carried the match for them both. She had the timing and pace. She knew how to keep the eyes she had on them. She knew when the younger wrestler needed time on the mat to collect for the next run. She ran the match of the steady hand... and that was why Yuu had come.*



"Two hands..."


*Principessa was the road. She had performed in every country and in every style there was. A student of the very game they all played, loved and hated the same. Principessa caught Kinuye in the ropes and tied, working over the young body for the fifth time. Her memory sharp in the flow of the match. Whie Kinuye played the part of desperation... last seconds... gambles. The match picked up pace as the young one tried to accelerate. The end was near indeed. Yuu picked up her meager belongings and headed backstage as the referee counted three. The music played.*




*Blond hair, the broad faces of North American horses... the strong smell of sweat and physical as Yuu sat before Principessa and Kinuye together. A strange set that had worked well together. Yuu had decided to speak to both of them.*



"5SSW? I've worked the Joshi a couple of times. What was it? 2009 or late 8? But you weren't there. It was that girl with the pony tails. Kitty? Kitten?"




"That's right, she still there?"


"Oh yes. She is my friend. It is always. She is back to the agent, yes? It keeps her near the ring. She likes that with all her more. I do carry 'The Book' now for 5SSW."


"That's cool, so yeah I could do some work for you. But I've got have travel expenses this time around. Times are tough."

"Yes, they are a very tough time with big muscles. But we are under the same times as you... I can find some money for you, but it will come out of your calendar. I can only use half of the tough times that I would like to. I am afraid you won't be happy."


*Principessa laughed, the Japanese were so straightforward it was almost ridiculous compared the used-car, carnival rejects back home.*


"Won't be the first time I'm not happy. Let's give it a go. How about Kinuye? Anything for her?"



*Kinuye looked up at her name, not speaking a word of the English the two were using since Junior High School. She bowed her head slightly when Yuu looked over at her.*


"It would be a different deal than I am counting with you. But ... hai ... yes I can give her a little work on our next tour? Hokkaido?"


*Kinuye agreed before the location had even been mentioned. Papers would be signed shortly after then... and Yuu would head back to the station for the train back to sleep, slumber and rest.

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DEVIL Karube has signed a contract extension with 5SSW.

Saturday, Week 3, June 2010


In the 'It's not surprising but still news' category is the confirmation that 5SSW and DEVIL Karube have come to terms on a rather lengthy contract extension. If that were not enough the owner of 5SSW herself, Sakurako Kagawa, gave a statement on the matter instead of Yuu Onuki.



"I can not overemphasize how important DEVIL is to what we have done, what we are doing and, most importantly, our plans for the future. I am personally thrilled she has signed an extended contract and I expect many more of the same in the future."




With the monumental signing of Ichihara as well as the solid additions of Principessa and Kinuye Mushashibo, we expect that the Joshi company will slip into preparation mode as their tour of Hokkaido looms sooner instead of later.




Title Herstory..........5SSW Roster

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*The place was set with time and names as everything and everyone did converge again. 5SSW would open the doors of Hokkaido with small intimate shows of their biggest names. They would perform like it was the last show on Earth. Yuu had booked is like it was all the PPVs she had failed to get in the offseason... again... for the third of times and trying.*


*The locker room was at 100% of happiness and exciting. The start of a tour was always this way. Even Yuu, the notorious clockwork girl who stayed away from crowds and parties... she joined then for the dinner... of feasty foods and fresh crabs and beer. Fuel for the Dance With Legend Tour that was now... to begin.*




5SSW.co.jp>Full Card




Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Umeko Hotta vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi

The debut of Kinuye vs. my dearest of friends against the Etsuko who did eye the All-Asian title only last tour. An interesting match-up of different styles and needs.


Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara

Kiko has much to offer more than teams. She is of experience. Ginko is of the lost. She must be desperate by name and now.


Chitose Ariwara/Angel Takudome vs. Shojo Beatdown(Fuyuko Higa/Chiyeko Kita)

What is in a name? Should we ask Ultimate Devastator Lemons? No, because they are not down here. These are hands and faces you see when we say 'All-Asian'. Butterflys and Angels fly together today. Shojo Beatdown has a name.


Principessa vs Huntress Makiko

The debut which is not a debut at all when it is Principessa. She is no school girl. She can never truly do a debut again. This could be a very close match-up. In my mind they dance close as well.


Ultimate Devastator Lemons(Rei/HEART) vs. All Business(Raku Makuda/Tomoko Nagatsuka)

Is All Business of rust or breaking free. They glimmer of false light... a little? The Lemons are nova explosions of freshness. But all good things must end. But when?


Shiori Jippensha vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Otsune Tsumura

They are young. They are now and the future combined. But not all three can climb and climb together. One must stay behind. Is it who?


Cage Match:

Saori Nakadan and Yuma Maruya vs DEVIL Karube and Dragon Assassin

We pick up things where we did them leave lying around upon the floor of Boom Boom Beat. Dragon and Yuma do seem destined for meetings more than one. DEVIL and Saori? They are lines surrounded by one hundred others, will they meet again?




Title Herstory..........5SSW Roster

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Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Umeko Hotta vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi

Etsuko is on the rise, Umeko is on the fall, and Kinuye is on the just glad to be here


Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara

Ginko is still of the tomorrow, while Kiko is of the not done yet.



Chitose Ariwara/Angel Takudome vs. Shojo Beatdown

A name is not yet an identity. The fluttering wings have an identity.



Principessa vs Huntress Makiko

Life is easy when the prey comes to the Huntress



UDL vs. All Business

The brief glimmers of All Business are lost in the glare of the supernova that is Ultimate Devastator Lemons


Shiori Jippensha vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Otsune Tsumura

Megumi is, Shiori should be and Otsune is not yet. Therefore Otsune falls behind



Cage Match:

Saori Nakadan and Yuma Maruya vs DEVIL Karube and Dragon Assassin

It's always dangerous when you dance with the DEVIL and face the flames of the Dragon. The fiery dance ends in triumph for D & D.

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Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Umeko Hotta vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi


Chitose needs a good challenger to put her over at least once, and a properly built up Hotta can do just that.


Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara


Hope this is the beginning of Kiko's ascendancy to the main event. I predict your first A rated match a few months down the road as Kiko vs. Assassin for the World Title.


Chitose Ariwara/Angel Takudome vs. Shojo Beatdown


I must now mark unfailingly for Shojo Beatdown as SudoNym marks for UDL. :DThat being said, Takudome takes the fall so Ariwara can be kept strong.


Principessa vs Huntress Makiko


Great opponent to make Makiko look good - happy you have Principessa on board.


UDL vs. All Business


Gotta keep the champs strong.


Shiori Jippensha vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Otsune Tsumura


Gotta think you're setting up Nakajima for a possible title shot. Tsumura drops out of the main event. (Where does Otsune's line go without Kiko to guide her? I'm just not sure...)


Cage Match:

Saori Nakadan and Yuma Maruya vs DEVIL Karube and Dragon Assassin


Devil and Dragon together? Frightening. If Ichihara-san has any chops for angles, I would think about her in an on-screen 'mentor' role for Assassin.



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Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Umeko Hotta vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi


Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara


Chitose Ariwara/Angel Takudome vs. Shojo Beatdown(Fuyuko Higa/Chiyeko Kita)

Angel takes the fall to protect Chitose


Principessa vs Huntress Makiko

Taking Wallbanger's reasoning for his Hotta pick and using it for this match.


Ultimate Devastator Lemons(Rei/HEART) vs. All Business(Raku Makuda/Tomoko Nagatsuka)


Shiori Jippensha vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Otsune Tsumura


Cage Match:

Saori Nakadan and Yuma Maruya vs DEVIL Karube and Dragon Assassin

Could go either way, I think.

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Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Umeko Hotta vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi

Umeko needs this, I think.


Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara

Desperation brings the greatness out of some. I think Ginko is one of those.


Chitose Ariwara/Angel Takudome vs. Shojo Beatdown(Fuyuko Higa/Chiyeko Kita)

Higa has been quiet lately. A good thing. Time to reward her and her partner. The Butterflies are yet to fly.


Principessa vs Huntress Makiko

Principessa will enjoy her stay here, but not at the expense of the Huntress.


Ultimate Devastator Lemons(Rei/HEART) vs. All Business(Raku Makuda/Tomoko Nagatsuka)

The Lemons are explosions of freshness, but there can be no drama without a little heartbreak...


Shiori Jippensha vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Otsune Tsumura

A hard call. Not of who will win, but who will loose and be left behind. But something tells me Nakajima will rise now.


Cage Match:

Saori Nakadan and Yuma Maruya vs DEVIL Karube and Dragon Assassin

Just too good together, and the top players, to loose now. Would set up a good duel fued, perhaps...

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Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Umeko Hotta vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi



Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara




Chitose Ariwara/Angel Takudome vs. Shojo Beatdown




Principessa vs Huntress Makiko




UDL vs. All Business



Shiori Jippensha vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Otsune Tsumura




Cage Match:

Saori Nakadan and Yuma Maruya vs DEVIL Karube and Dragon Assassin

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Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Umeko Hotta vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi

Etsuko is on the rise, Umeko is on the fall, and Kinuye is on the just glad to be here


Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara

Ginko is still of the tomorrow, while Kiko is of the not done yet.



Chitose Ariwara/Angel Takudome vs. Shojo Beatdown

A name is not yet an identity. The fluttering wings have an identity.



Principessa vs Huntress Makiko

Life is easy when the prey comes to the Huntress



UDL vs. All Business

The brief glimmers of All Business are lost in the glare of the supernova that is Ultimate Devastator Lemons


Shiori Jippensha vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Otsune Tsumura

Megumi is, Shiori should be and Otsune is not yet. Therefore Otsune falls behind



Cage Match:

Saori Nakadan and Yuma Maruya vs DEVIL Karube and Dragon Assassin

It's always dangerous when you dance with the DEVIL and face the flames of the Dragon. The fiery dance ends in triumph for D & D.


I back up these picks, but not their grammer. It's almost as if somebody removed Mack's fluency.

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*Four seasons of distinction and majestic nature surrounded by the norther waters. Famous for food in a country famous for foods, there was not one woman who did not want to make the trip. There was not one woman who did not make it. From Osaka to Hokkaido... a time of hours. A world of differences. Even its people... separate from their mainland lines. The people of Hokkaido still fought with nature... while Japan only fought concrete of their own design.*


"The beauty did stagger Yuu. Only now did she realize how oppressive Kinki was with its never ending asphalt and noise. Hokkaido could swallow her natural whole and never let go. She would not mind at all. The people of Hokkaido where the stronger hands... she made sure to give Ichihara matches to express that very trait she shared.*


*It was Dance With Legend.

In the wild Northern lands.

It began like this... matches dark.*


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Yori Toyoshima defeated Gemmei Oonishi in 6:17 by pinfall with a Sky Twister Press.





Kinuye Mushashibo vs. Umeko Hotta vs. Etsuko Arihyoshi


The two younger women had much to prove. Everyone wants to win their debut and Etsuko wanted to stop herself from falling. With each girl so eager to fight, it allowed Umeko to stay in the shadows as the youngsters exchanged stiff moves. Kinuye looked to have the advantage over Etsuko and turned to go up top. That was the last thing she remembered of her big 5SSW debut.


Umeko Hotta defeated Kinuye Mushashibo and Etsuko Arihyoshi in 5:36 when Umeko Hotta defeated Kinuye Mushashibo by pinfall with a Flying Knee Strike.





Ginko Kuroda vs. Kiko Sakakibara


Kiko had every advantage a woman could want in the ring. She was more experienced. The crowd was behind her and most importantly she was simply the better wrestler. Everyone knew it. Kiko knew it and that was where things started going wrong. She took Ginko lightly and forgot one very important thing. Ginko Kuroda was a desperate woman. Desperate women do amazing things.


Ginko Kuroda defeated Kiko Sakakibara in 8:54 by pinfall with a Dragon Suplex.






Chitose Ariwara/Angel Takudome vs. Shojo Beatdown(Fuyuko Higa/Chiyeko Kita)


Any time Shojo Beatdown are near a ring, we can expect a very strong match. If you throw in a new All-Asian Champion with everything to prove teaming up with an Angel with heart? You know it is going to be an intense encounter where every move counts and even the slightest mistake is costly. This match was all those things and more as the teams hit all of their trademark moves and more. It came down to a single missed tag by Shojo Beatdown to turn the match against them.


Chitose Ariwara and Angel Takudome defeated Shojo Beatdown in 11:54 when Chitose Ariwara defeated Fuyuko Higa by pinfall with a Victory Roll.





Principessa vs Huntress Makiko


The bar was set high, but if any match could hold its own? On paper there was no better pair than Huntress Makiko taking on the international soldier, Principessa. But from the opening bell, and a miss timed tie up that sent both wrestler awkwardly to the canvas, this match became an ugly spectacle that chilled the tiny hall into silence. A botched Makiko Clutch was the icing as Huntress recovered barely into her rarely used Tokyo Express. A high impact move that could not erase the damage done by the overall match. A poor display from two women who are better than that.


Huntress Makiko defeated Principessa in 9:02 by pinfall with a Tokyo Express.





Ultimate Devastator Lemons(Rei/HEART) vs. All Business(Raku Makuda/Tomoko Nagatsuka)


Ultimate Devastator Lemons come to the ring will all the energy you would expect from their recent and exciting run. All Business wait for them with very serious faces and tactical discussion in their corner. With Seek & Destroy being de-activated and Shojo Beatdown still finding their way? They know this is a golden opportunity. The Lemons don't care and as soon as the bell rings, HEART and Rei are all over All Business. Rei went for a high risk move that sent both her and Raku literally into the crowd. A fresher Tomoko saw it and struck fast locking in the submission with no help available for HEART, she tapped.


All Business defeated Ultimate Devastator Lemons in 9:28 when Tomoko Nagatsuka defeated HEART Saitoh by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing.






Shiori Jippensha vs. Megumi Nakajima vs. Otsune Tsumura


This match has much at stake as the loser will not see the Main Event this tour. Matches like this bring out the best and worst in people. Megumi and Shiori completely overhelmed the young Otsune in some weird bond of us vs. the new comer. The former tag team champion was double teamed in the early minutes until the Shiori/Megumi alliance broke down. Otsune rallied with some of her famous strikes, and the crowd got behind her just in time for her to be pinned with the Nakajima Straight Jacket. A bad night for The Rainbow Girls and Shiori just survives.


Megumi Nakajima defeated Shiori Jippensha and Otsune Tsumura in 11:47






Cage Match:

Saori Nakadan and Yuma Maruya vs DEVIL Karube and Dragon Assassin


Last tour Dragon assaulted Yuma to send a message. Yuma cost Dragon the All-Asian title in reply. Add the explosive relationship between Saori and DEVIL? It should be a recipe for an ugly night and that is exactly what we got. Ring work soon gave way to passion both good and bad and the proverbial order broke down. It allowed Saori to isolate Dragon. The Nakadan Spike was sudden and effective as always. But the victorious team quickly evacuated the ring for another day as it was clear the losers did not feel the night was over yet.

Saori Nakadan and Yuma Maruya defeated DEVIL Karube and Dragon Assassin in a 2 vs 2 Cage Classic match in 15:02 when Saori Nakadan defeated Dragon Assassin by pinfall with a Nakadan Spike.







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5SSW launches Dance with Legend Tour in Hokkaido

Tuesday, Week 1, August 2010

Attendance: 74

Final Show Rating: c-


  • It was a bumpy start to 5SSW's latest tour, but in the end enough good things happened to call it a success. The Main Event players combined with 5SSW's strong tag division was enough to salvage a rather weak performance by the rest of the roster. The booking was typical Yuu Onuki, which isn't a bad thing at all, as she tried to find her next focus for a long tour.


  • In another note, we saw no angles or microphone work from anyone this show besides the traditional post match interviews. It is unclear if this is a signal of a return to a more traditional direction or if they just wanted to hit Hokkaido hard with action. I know many of us here at JoshiJoshiJoshi are undecided as well. We love our girls, but their angle work is a whole different story.






Dance with Legend Tour

Tuesday, Week 1, August 2010


Nordvolf: 5/7


Dragonmack: 3/7

Sudo Nym: 3/7

Wallbanger: 3/7


Astil: 2/7

Editor6: 2/7





We are back, yes? Another tour of that which is 5SSW. I am not amusing myself with this show, I think. Huntress and the Princess rocked my theory of lines and spaces. Changed the format a little, still looking for that elusive format that is mine and switched to letter grades because that is what cool people use. I want to be cool too. :) Sarcasm reading = 00.3%


I take no responsibility for any lingering effects of 'Yuu speak' in either you or your characters grammar and/or personal life. It is life. It is that which is people. It is our communication of natural and sounds, yes? It is our feelingly gift to another.


Angles... angles... angles... I go back and forth and then I sit down. Is it angles? Is it the story Yuu? Is it me? I am living the floating. We will see with your eyes because they do belong to you. :)

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