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I'm glad Bellator exists to give people like Cole Konrad a chance to develop, but still get -some- exposure. But man is it really becoming hard to watch this guy... Seeing Konrad and knowing the kind of wrestler he is, and seeing him struggle to finish C level fighters just shows you further how much of a beast Brock Lesnar really is.


This heavyweight tournament is a turd.


I was kind of surprised to see Blackburn lose, as his gimmick has always been beating the people he's not supposed to, and getting beaten by those who he is.

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I'm glad Bellator exists to give people like Cole Konrad a chance to develop, but still get -some- exposure. But man is it really becoming hard to watch this guy... Seeing Konrad and knowing the kind of wrestler he is, and seeing him struggle to finish C level fighters just shows you further how much of a beast Brock Lesnar really is.


Yeah, people act like a good wrestling pedigree automatically turns you into a future superstar but there's been plenty of good wrestlers that've fizzled in MMA.


It's partly to do with some styles of wrestling just being plain better suited for MMA (like Lesnar's explosive style or Cain's stifling base) but it mostly comes down to how good the individual is at picking up the other skills needed for MMA. Brock and Cain are both clearly very apt for MMA. Someone like, I dunno, Rosholt isn't.

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Yeah, people act like a good wrestling pedigree automatically turns you into a future superstar but there's been plenty of good wrestlers that've fizzled in MMA.


It's partly to do with some styles of wrestling just being plain better suited for MMA (like Lesnar's explosive style or Cain's stifling base) but it mostly comes down to how good the individual is at picking up the other skills needed for MMA. Brock and Cain are both clearly very apt for MMA. Someone like, I dunno, Rosholt isn't.


Rosholt, for as absent-minded as he can be, has shown some moments of greatness though.


I just don't know what Lesnar and company are doing with Konrad. I mean it's obvious that he's already got the control down, let's see him work more positions and try to finish more than just once. Dude seriously needs to drop some of his weight, because when Roy Nelson has a better physique than you, there's issues...


Edit: I was just reading a forum and someone joked that watching Konrad fight was like watching a Discovery documentary about beached whales. Not sure if it's in good taste or not, but I found it hilarious after sitting through that.

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I just don't know what Lesnar and company are doing with Konrad.


They're using him to drill wrestling and try to tire Lesnar by all accounts. Brock's last and next opponents were and are wrestlers, guys they didn't want Brock on his back against. Lets say Brock beats Cain, he's going to have to start dealing with guys like JDS...they're going to need to bring some different sparring partners in for him. Also he'll have had a decent amount of cage time one would hope, so conditioning is going to be a lot easier for him.


Hopefully when that happens Cole will have some time free'd up to actually develop as a mixed martial artist, instead of being used as a training tool for the big man.


He could definitely use a couple of months on the Joe Riggs diet as well.

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Galvao - Macaco and Cormier - Riley are both going to be streamed on Sherdog. Pray their servers don't explode.


But yeah here are some picks.


Galvao by decision.


Cormier by TKO, probably first round.


Lashley by decision. I have literally no faith in Lashley or his finishing ability jason-guida.jpg


Noons by TKO because he's fighting a cripple who forgot he can grapple.


Jacare by decision. I think both guys are gonna be gassed after the third but Jacare will have done enough to take the fight unless his chin rears its head. Kennedy is the best homegrown Strikeforce fighter other than probably Melendez but Jacare is a different kind of animal. I wouldn't be surprised to see Jacare get a submission early with his aggressive grappling style but I think Kennedy's good enough to hang on.


Mo by TKO, first or second round. He's fighting Feijao.

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Damn, what happened to Bobbly Lashley? I hope it isn't anything serious.


My first thought was a blood clot in the brain? that's what popped in my head when I read it... not based on science or seeing it or anything.




UPDATED: Kristal just posted: Bobby got admitted he can’t come home…it is very scary they r running lots of tests im Freaking out they r keeping me in the dark

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It might be sheer exhuastinn, from what I heard. Not from me, but some people say he needs to lose the big muscles that he doesn't need, and do better cardio.


Might've been here but I definitely read somewhere that he used to wrestle at 177 pounds and bulked up for WWE? It might be commonplace for wrestlers to get bigger or something but he definitely doesn't carry the weight as naturally as, for instance, Brock.

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Good lord Santiago - Misaki 2 was absolutely fantastic. Easily one of the best fights of the year and probably the best fight in Sengoku period. I'm not even going to spoil it for you because that's going to ruin it.




Agreed, that fight Blew My Mind

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Good lord Santiago - Misaki 2 was absolutely fantastic. Easily one of the best fights of the year and probably the best fight in Sengoku period. I'm not even going to spoil it for you because that's going to ruin it.




Wow, it made it worth sitting through the awful commentary.

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Might've been here but I definitely read somewhere that he used to wrestle at 177 pounds and bulked up for WWE? It might be commonplace for wrestlers to get bigger or something but he definitely doesn't carry the weight as naturally as, for instance, Brock.

Everyone needs to remember Brock Lesnar's weight can naturally fall at 240-250. Hell, when he got seriously, he only dropped to around 230. And he was already SERIOUSLY sick. If you look at Brock's history, he was ALWAYS naturally big.


Guys like Lashley needs to lose all his usually muscles. There's a reason why most people are'nt heavyweights... because they don't naturally fall at that weight.


If you ask me, Lashley should consider getting his cardio up, lose the muscles that are useless, drop to another weight class, and then ta4 to 6 months to retrain his body. They guy is obviously not good enough physical condition.

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Also I'm assuming everyone who wanted to see Santiago - Misaki has seen it already so




It says here than Santiago was headed for a split decision win, unless the two judges who scored it a draw was going with Misaki for the must-win decision (they weren't.) I was pissed off when Takase threw in the towel for Misaki but it seems he made the right call.

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