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I think, at least in his case, Nate's protected himself a bit better than Sonnen did. There's enough fudging room for him to be back in the UFC at some point... but still, it looks fishy. He's been busted before, and Dana's uber-pissed at him for messing up his main event more than anything else.
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Bit of a double standard going on here. White lets trash like sonnen keep his job and actually defends him but fires Nate? I guess he got fired over messing up the main event because I know White doesn't axe people over steroids. Guess everything is ok as long as your a big draw and making him money.
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I'm sure Dana would prefer his fighters not be on illegal PED's and the like, but make no mistake about it; Nate was fired for screwing up a main event the day before it was to take place when he could have resolved it, or at least alerted Dana to it, weeks ahead of time to where a replacement fight could have been made. Chael didn't screw up a main event the day before it was to happen, so no double standard there.
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Bit of a double standard going on here. White lets trash like sonnen keep his job and actually defends him but fires Nate? I guess he got fired over messing up the main event because I know White doesn't axe people over steroids. Guess everything is ok as long as your a big draw and making him money.


In Dana's eyes this could be Nate's second and final strike.

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Bit of a double standard going on here. White lets trash like sonnen keep his job and actually defends him but fires Nate? I guess he got fired over messing up the main event because I know White doesn't axe people over steroids. Guess everything is ok as long as your a big draw and making him money.

I think the real issue is Nate didn't "man up" and just said "Hey, there's a good chance I might not make it, what do you guys want to do?" and instead, went the route of "Everything's okay! I can make it on time!"


To be honest, Chael ALMOST messed up the Main Event himself... but the commission person he talked to said he couldn't stop the fight at that point.


In Dana's eyes this could be Nate's second and final strike.


I think you are correct, Dana left some "fudging" room in. He's likely "99%" sure that Nate isn't coming back. Dana has fired for lesser offenses... but also rehired people with worse offences too. We'll see what happens. If Dana is willing to rehire Tito, Gilbert Yvel, and Paryisan, he might give Nate a chance.

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It's rather difficult for me to gauge Faber vs. Cruz. Some people say Faber is getting old, but rather, I think it's more likely to say that he's physical prime has past, and might have reached the near technical peak, and isn't going improve much. However, he did beat Cruz before.


*Sigh* Cruz by decision. But I don't feel so strong about it. Cruz has fought a lot of good fighters since his fight against Faber, and has improved a lot.


Wanderlei Silva vs. Chris Leben. Leben by KO. Well, either one of the wins by KO. But I think Leben's chin is better than Silva's. Someone better get KOed, or I'm going to disappointed. :p


Bader by decision. Dong Hyun Kim by decision. I think both of them will likely ride their opponents to a decision. Personally speaking, I like Condit more than Kim, but looking at the style match-up, I think Kim's take-down's and top control may gain him the decision. As for Tito and Bader... well, Tito's physical peak has long passed. Bader's huge (I think he's actually bigger than Velasquez!) and strong, and much younger. Tito doesn't exactly have a stand-up or a clinch advantage, and he isn't good at the bottom. If Bader loses, that says a lot about where his skill level is.


I don't know much about the other fights to give an informed opinion.

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I haven't seen enough of Cruz to accurately judge his ability but his record looks good enough that I'll say if Faber does win, it'll he a very hard fought victory.


Leben to beat Silva by TKO/KO. Leben can be beat by cumulative damage, but I don't think Silva has enough left to deliver that kind of damage. Silva also has a battled worn chin and I think Leben has the power to crack it, hard.


I think Bader is going to destroy Tito. Badly. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if we get the doctor stopping the fight when Tito claims he can't see.

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Are we doing picks again? Here goes:


Faber by TKO. Cruz' stupid habits are going to catch up to him against a guy as fast as Faber. I think it's going to be a very entertaining fight until then with a lot of takedowns and scrambles but Cruz is going to tire, get hit and swarmed for a stoppage.


Leben by hand to face method. I have little faith in Leben's chin after the beating Stann put on him but even less in Wanderlei's. Plus Leben's actually a fairly good grinder when he puts his mind to it.


Bader by Stop Giving Tito Fights.


Kim by decision. It'll look something like Kim's fight with Nate but if Kim gasses as bad as he did in that fight he's in for some trouble as Condit's got a really good gas tank on him and has like Nate's offensive output times a million.


Matt Wiman by unanimous decision. Wiman's a pretty damn good fighter and I think he'll be able to box up Siver on the feet, take it to the floor and lay a beating on him.

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Gerald Harris and King Mo are currently engaging in some epic, epic twitter beef. Siyar Bahadurzada and Rampage have chimed in as well. Check out their twitters...







While you're at it, follow me on twitter @MMABayBrad. It could change your life.


Speaking of twitter, my tweeting idol Chael Sonnen has put in a particularly good week's work...



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Picks then, while we're at it.


Cruz to outbox Faber for a decision or possibly a late medical stoppage if it gets bad enough. Faber is faster (and might even hit harder) but Cruz has perfected using his reach and his jab since their first fight. Cruz will do to Faber's face with his punches what Aldo did to his leg with kicks. A real 'legitimize me' fight for 'The Irritator'


Crazy pick of the night: Wand over Leben by late KO. Leben has got far too used to leading with his chin and as Stann showed, that doesn't always work when you come up against someone who hits hard enough. Wand hits hard enough. I actually think that he's still faster than Leben too. Either of these guys could end it at any time with either hand. But I'm going with the Axe Murderer by patience, then violence.


Bader by slowly but surely Hulk smashing Tito for three rounds. People can't seem to finish Tito, and I don't think that Bader will buck that trend. He will however, pummel the Huntington Beach Ba...no, I can't even say it...Tank Abbott is the HBBB. Bader will pummel Tito into retirement.


Condit/Kim is a tough one to pick and very well matched fight. Kim will no doubt go for the grind early, but Condit, like many leading brands of toilet deodoriser, stays fresher for longer. Kim grinds out the first two, Condit rallies and smacks him around in the third, but it's not enough. Stun Gun by decision, and having the best nickname in the sport.


Wiman over Siver by decision. The only thing Siver has here is his kickboxing. Wiman is no slouch on the feet though, and has the ability to make it messy and mix in takedowns as and when he needs to.


Guillard by (T)KO

Sotiropoulos by decision

Bowles by decision

Winner by (T)KO

Walker by decision

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Cruz by UD

Leben by TKO or UD

Bader by TKO

Kim by SD

Siver by UD

Guillard by KO

Soto by Submission

Bowles by UD

Tavares by TKO

Njo by UD

Walker by UD


Argh...right....sorry, I have to do this. I'm not having a go at you here mate, but this is one of my massive pet hates.


You cant pick someone to win by 'Split Decision'. It makes no sense. Essentially what you're doing there is saying you think that one ref will see it one way, and two will see it the other. That's not telling us who YOU think will win the fight.


You're telling us who YOU think will win and why, not how you think certain refs will score it.


Like I said, I don't mean you as in YOU Damonster, it's just something that MMA fans (but never boxing fans) in general seem to do and it gets right on my you-know-whats :-p


God I'm irritable :-p

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So anyone else expecting the coming split between Zuffa and Spike TV to get ugly? Spike already counter-programmed the Live on Versus event on Sunday - quite successfully, too. And now I just read that the UFC 132 preview show on Spike is kinda getting buried - showing it mid-afternoon on a weekday, then late evening. If this is how the next six months is gonna work between Zuffa and Spike, its gonna be interesting...
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So anyone else expecting the coming split between Zuffa and Spike TV to get ugly? Spike already counter-programmed the Live on Versus event on Sunday - quite successfully, too. And now I just read that the UFC 132 preview show on Spike is kinda getting buried - showing it mid-afternoon on a weekday, then late evening. If this is how the next six months is gonna work between Zuffa and Spike, its gonna be interesting...


I did love the irony of the fact that Spike essentially did a Nate Marquardt evening on Sunday to counter UFC on Versus :-p


I think there's still a lot of posturing going on, and there will be until either a deal is done, or they reach the point of no return. Spike get great ratings with UFC programming, even the re-run stuff and especially the live stuff. They'd love to keep them, and if they don't, they'll find out how much the UFC brand has to do with people watching MMA when they end up stuck with Bellator.


I think to some extent the UFC would love to stay on Spike too. They've done incredibly well out of the relationship and it helped make them a household name. There is a good level of understanding between the two and that's always better than testing the waters with a new network.


Should be an interesting few months fo' sho'

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Argh...right....sorry, I have to do this. I'm not having a go at you here mate, but this is one of my massive pet hates.


You cant pick someone to win by 'Split Decision'. It makes no sense. Essentially what you're doing there is saying you think that one ref will see it one way, and two will see it the other. That's not telling us who YOU think will win the fight.


You're telling us who YOU think will win and why, not how you think certain refs will score it.


Like I said, I don't mean you as in YOU Damonster, it's just something that MMA fans (but never boxing fans) in general seem to do and it gets right on my you-know-whats :-p


God I'm irritable :-p


what i am saying is it will be a close fight with kim winning it, but one judge think other wise.

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what i am saying is it will be a close fight with kim winning it, but one judge think other wise.


Yep, I know what you mean, and same here...in which case your pick would be Kim by decision.


How could you possibly guess that one judge would go for Condit before it happens? Why not a close fight with all three judges going for Kim? It's impossible to make that judgement without actually seeing what happens on the night. Your prediction is 'a close fight with Kim winning'. You can't 'pick' certain judges to score a fight in certain ways without knowing what is going to happen in the fight and how the judges will perceive it.


Let me give you another example...lets say I pick Kim by 'unanimous decision' because I think that Kim will win this fight so decisively that there will be no doubt in anyone's mind. Now lets say that this is the most one-sided fight in history. Now lets say that one of the judges is Cecil Peoples, who gives the fight to Condit 29-28.


So I got my prediction (a one-sided beatdown by Kim) right - but if I say "Kim by unanimous decision", then technically I was wrong. I was right about the fight, but obviously I had no idea that one judge would be playing with his IPhone so I cannot predict the actions of individual judges. Like I said earlier, you're supposed to be telling us who you think will win and how, based on guys skills/performances, not how you think judges will score a fight, which is something you can't account for.

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Junior Dos Santos has left Black House and Brett Rogers has been arrested for beating his wife. I think JDS will soar without Soares and Brett Rogers should be fired. But with Strikeforce, he'll probably get a shot at the Heavyweight title.

...woah, loaded information. OVERLOAD. Where did you get the JDS info?

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