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~./\.~ Diary of the Year Awards 2009 ~./\.~

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"You like me, you REALLY like me...."


(I've never won anything before, so, I had to do this.)


I'm guessing that the "Eisen-verse's speech here" means that I get a chance to thank everyone for their votes (I'm new to the end of the year awards here on the GDS boards). Thank you times a billion for your support with my PSW diary. It was a lot of fun to write & has spawned further projects since I "fell in love" with John Greed (see: DOA). His relationship, or lack there of, with Mitch Naess was a driving force in my PSW project & something I'm very proud of.


All in all, thank you all for the "nod". It's much appreciated. :D


it's ok, I make it up as I go along, any way. :p


(post it or PM it winners, and I will add it to your winning post.)

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Wow. I am in shock and have been since reading this last night. I have been debating what to say within this speech because with all the wonderful other finalists I didn't think to write a speech because I didn't think I'd win. I'd like to thank all the fans of that diary for reading and predicting and giving me general comments on the direction of the show. I'd like to thank James Justice and Anger for being two of my more original characters. Writing for the two of them has been very very interesting to say the least.


Seeing as how this is a Most Improved Award, I think back to the days when I had one, maybe two predictors left because of all the start and stop that I did with my diaries. Lexa90 in particular has been there with me basically since the very beginning. I've always called him my number one fan because of his loyalty in spite of my flakiness.


Finally, I'd like to thank a few of my influences. Now, I cannot name them all of course, but I'd like to mention tristram, The Ismailite, theoutlaw321, BigPapa42, Phantom Stranger, FINisher who did wonderful artwork in particular for that diary on alts, Lexa90 and BHK1978 who have been with me for a long time, keefmoon, Nevermore and everyone else who I have not mentioned. You know who you are.


And to end this, I'd like to welcome everyone to take a look at my TEW 2010 project: USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top. Thank you and God Bless.

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interesting fact, Marcel Formage's win in best presentation rack up 104 points, more than any other category, and 35 point more than second place. a margin that did not exsist in any other category.


congrats to Marcel for defending his crown in such an impressive way!

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A flock of Ravens rise from an opening in the front of the stage, when they clear an man in 18th century black is behind the podium, and speaks in a sing song voice




In the bleak and bleary,

I come dreak and dreary

Now to set a right the ancient wrongs

And might but quell the wretched throngs

The endless lines of sycophants

Who parade around like Elephants

Who beat around in ways untold

Until I am force to award this meager Gold


Thus I was invited here tonight

To honor the man who reaches to new heights

Ever time he presents a fight

Even if he doth protest this award will show his might


Please welcome and recognize TigerKinney’s work

In writing up the Best Matches of this year


(Silver: Nevermore

Bronze: Big Papa 42)


A puff of smoke hits and our ephemeral guest is gone



Tiger's speech here

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We hear clattering chains long before our next presenter appears, when he does the crow erupts.




I Pitty the fool who can’t cut a good promo. So you Sucka’s know why I am out here? Well fools it is to recognize the best man for the job, the man who can grind words in something better than sissified poetry. Listen here, the winner of Best Promo’s of the year is Self!, dig it!


Ba Baracus then takes a gold chain off his own neck and places it around Self’s.


(Silver: Big Papa 42

Bronze: Comradebot)


Self’s speech here.

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Well that was special. We have so much more to cover here tonight so lets get right back to it. Our Next Presenter has never been called late a day in his life, though he has never shown up early for anything. here is father time.


Father time comes out with a Spring in his step, as it is almost that time of year.




Well folks back in my day we did not call this crap wrestling, we called it getting dinner. And we did not let women do it, they was to busy bringing us the dinner we was getting. But I digress, we were talking about the war of 1812 . . . No that’s not right, we wasn’t talking about that, we was talking about raising Potato Bugs for the flee Circus … Ah never mind, it’s been just another year like any other. No Get the HELL off my lawn!!!


He pauses, his eyes dim and then light back up and I swear they play the windows boot up theme in the back ground


Oh, Hello, how are you all tonight, I am here to pay tribute to the best show of the year. Please put your hands together for Big Papa 42 and his Supreme Challenge, as part of SWF: Generation Supreme!


Its not the massively bloated roster of the entire Supreme Wrestling Federation who walk onto the stage for the award. Not even Ricard Eisen.It is Rich Money, alone. The SWF World Heavyweight champion struts to the podium.


Rich Money: Dick Eisen sent me to accept this. The award for the best show of the year. And we all know why it was the best show... Money... Its as simple as that. Money makes the world go round. Money is the root of everything good. Money makes any show better... Never forget that!


(Rich Money might be above saying "thank you", but Big Papa isn't... so Thanks!)

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interesting fact, Marcel Formage's win in best presentation rack up 104 points, more than any other category, and 35 point more than second place. a margin that did not exsist in any other category.


congrats to Marcel for defending his crown in such an impressive way!


wow! A testament to the great presentation of his diary! :D


Also, great work Mistaken. I really enjoy reading these! In the end, could we get a full listing of who won what? Just to have it all in one place?



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Hey PM me with presenter ideas I'm road blocking hard.


wow! A testament to the great presentation of his diary! :D


Also, great work Mistaken. I really enjoy reading these! In the end, could we get a full listing of who won what? Just to have it all in one place?




It'll end up in the Hall of Records.


Phantom for the win

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The crowd dies down from Big Papa’s final triumph in a category. Only to erupt as our next presenter appears on stage, James Cameron




I just had to be here tonight, fan fiction holds a special place it my heart. It is often where I find good ideas to steal and put in my movies, where the writers will never have recourse against me. So I am here tonight to hand out the award for best new writer of 2009. Because he may have provided me an idea or two for my next mega blockbuster.


If any of you ever want a job, remember that I have to make the money from Avatar last another decade, so I can’t give you one. But I will gladly market any or your original ideas as my own, and fail to give you any of the credit.


So here tonight the winner is Self!, self I promise I have never stolen any of your ideas. I Swear it on eywa.


Self’s speech here

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Bob Costas comes out on screen, well we got stood up by our next presenter. Evidently George Bushes imiage consultants did not think it would be a good idea for him to be part of wrestling awards show.


So with that said, lets get this award for Fued of the year handed out. The winner is . . .


Hey home wait up one seconds.




Kanye West appears on stage.


If ya feelin me, I did this to late last time, I know your going to make a mistake and not recognize my man Big Papa 42. Big Papa is money yo. He has not only the best diary of they year, but the best diary ever. So no disrespect to who ever is in that envelope, but I move the winner should be Rich Money vs Jack Bruce in Big Papa 42’s SWF: Generation Supreme!


Well, then Kanye you should have kept your mouth shut and your ass in it’s chair, Because Big Papa did win. But I am Bob Costas, not some little country Star and I am going to end you!


Bob Costas spears Kanye off the stage and into the orchestra pit, and while we can not see the brawl continue we can hear it rage on for quite a while.


Silver: John Greed vs. Mitch Naess in Eisen-verse's PSW The Evolution of Greed

Bronze: Raven vs Burchill in Nevermore's ECW World Wide


Rich Money again strides to the podium. His suit is a bit ruffled...


Rich Money: Jack Bruce was supposed to be with me for this... but he... uh... got detained momentarily in the back. So I'll accept this on his behalf as well as my own. Hell, we all know Bruce had nothing to do with this. This is my award. I'm money.

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Smoke fills the stage, and when it clears Smokey the Bear is standing infront of the podium.




I don’t like matches! So it is totally wrong that I am out here to present match of the year to Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money at Supreme Challenge in BigPapa42's SWF: Generation Supreme!


Remember only you can prevent forest fires


Rich Money stumbles up onto the stage from the backstage area... He is missing his suit jacket and his tie, with his expensive Armani silk dress shirt torn and untucked.


Rich Money: Wait one d*mned minute, did that bear just disrespect me? Listen, Yogi, don't make me put you on the dangered species list. I'll go Kanye all over you! Yeah, you better walk away. Give me the stink eye one more time, and I'll show you just what Jack Bruce got. Stupid bear. Stupid Jack Bruce. And stupid Joey Minnesota, too. None of them are money. I'm money. Don't forget that.

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Show of the Year


Its not the massively bloated roster of the entire Supreme Wrestling Federation who walk onto the stage for the award. Not even Ricard Eisen.It is Rich Money, alone. The SWF World Heavyweight champion struts to the podium.


Rich Money: Dick Eisen sent me to accept this. The award for the best show of the year. And we all know why it was the best show... Money... Its as simple as that. Money makes the world go round. Money is the root of everything good. Money makes any show better... Never forget that!


(Rich Money might be above saying "thank you", but Big Papa isn't... so Thanks!)


Feud of the Year


Rich Money again strides to the podium. His suit is a bit ruffled...


Rich Money: Jack Bruce was supposed to be with me for this... but he... uh... got detained momentarily in the back. So I'll accept this on his behalf as well as my own. Hell, we all know Bruce had nothing to do with this. This is my award. I'm money.


Match of the Year


Rich Money stumbles up onto the stage from the backstage area... He is missing his suit jacket and his tie, with his expensive Armani silk dress shirt torn and untucked.


Rich Money: Wait one d*mned minute, did that bear just disrespect me? Listen, Yogi, don't make me put you on the dangered species list. I'll go Kanye all over you! Yeah, you better walk away. Give me the stink eye one more time, and I'll show you just what Jack Bruce got. Stupid bear. Stupid Jack Bruce. And stupid Joey Minnesota, too. None of them are money. I'm money. Don't forget that.

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Finnally the Tooth Fairy has come back to Vancouver. Who am I kidding, I’ve been here for hours picking up the teeth of all the Rocklettes here in Vancouver.


Lets talk Pie, I am The Rock Duane Johnson, I am the tooth fairy. But no matter what you call me I am the guy who turn any rotten gimmick into Money. Then but the Tooth Fairy is one gimmick I want to shine up nice and bright turn side ways and shove it straight up the your ….


Well I’ve left my fifty cents, along with some tooth. So what do you think about that? … I doesn’t matter what you think. All that matters tonight is that Texas Pete (as Ruin) in James Casey's: MAW 10 Simple Rule wins the Rocky Miavia award!


(silver: Steve Frehley from BigPapa's SWF: Generation Supreme

Bronze: Goldust in Keefmoon's WWF: From Montreal to Attitude)


James’ speech here

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Well I don’t know what to say about that. That was special. Well how are you fine folks tonight. Alright alright, me too. Well I’m back in my spot in late night, you know what they say about that, that right there’s no place like home, except for maybe prime time.


Well moving on, we are here to talk about guys who don’t live by their brawn. But instead survive by the words and wit. It’s hard to get by in the big mans world, I wouldn’t know I’m so big they pay off other people to get out of my way.


But be that as it may this years non-wrestler of the year is, John Greed in Eisen-verse's PSW The Evolution of Greed. Congratulation Eisen-verse, I am sure this is a well deserved win.


(Silver: Phil Vibert in Bigpapa42's: SWF Generation Supreme

Bronze: Shane McMahon in Keefmoon's WWF: From Montreal to Attitude)


I'm absolutely floored. Honestly.


This award is something I view very highly, as my development of John Greed has really been the catalyst in my last two projects (PSW and DOA). It's been an amazing character study; creating my image of John. He's been through the darkest of days (Addiction, Rehab, Punching out Mitch Naess & possibly going to jail for it, and losing his job at PSW due to a company change-over); however, he's also seen much success in the last 3 years ("game time"). His semi-pessimistic viewpoint on life is something that I've, funny enough, have had a lot of joy writing for. He's not a terrible person, he doesn't look at life as any stage of "hell", but rather, It's the difficulties in life that have ultimately shaped his perception of the world around him. It's very realistic to me. Very raw. very gritty. That's John to me in a nutshell.


I just want to thank everyone who nominated me, who voted for me, and who have shown nothing but absolute support for me since I've started writing diaries here on the GDS boards. It's you, the reader, who makes this as enjoyable as it is. For, as a writer, It's far more interesting to convey your messages when you feel like there are others who understand what you're trying to develop.


All in all, Thank you a million times over. This means so very, very, much to me.

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Whad up ya’ll! Welcome to my party. Feel free to enjoy yourself.


I am out here tonight as one of the members of the greatest stable of all time. I was a founding member of the NWO, the first member from NBA. The first member out side of wrestling period.


So I will give the award for stable of the year to, Big Money Inc. in BigPapa's Generation Supreme, as long as each and every one of you realized that the Worm and the NWO will are truly the greatest of all time, so we don’t need this award each and every year.


(Silver: The Soviet Union in Comradebot's EWA: Why People Almost Care About Wrestling In Europe, But Hate Themselves For It

Bronze: Four Horsemen in Tristram's WCW 1998: A Prequel to Death of WCW)



Big Papa’s speech here

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