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It hurts to see two very old historical franchise like the Mets and Dodgers being destroyed by it's owners.


I have no rejections to the MLB taking over the Dodgers, growing up I use to love listening to my grandfather telling me the days about Gibson gimp around the bases, Sandy being the best pitcher he'd ever seen, and other great things about Dodger blue.


I have never been against a league taking over a team as long as it's for the better of the team. Look at what the leagues did with the Coyotes in the NHL, the Nationals in MLB. NBA took the Hornets over recently and MLB took over the Dodgers.


When McCourt took over the Dodgers I was all for it, but I once thought the former ownership the Lightning just got out of was great to. McCourt started out well but it seems like one of those incidents where the MLB's owners didn't look hard enough into an owners finances and was more impressed with his action in taking the team. This happened with the Lightning as one of the owners ponzi his way into the team pretty much.


I hope the Dodgers get everything under control as well as the Mets. Those are two teams that should improve.


Whoa just how old are you? I remember seeing Gibson hit that homer...:D


I agree with you about the league taking over the team. If they can run it better so be it. I hope that the league can find a good owner for the Dodgers. Maybe your friend can help them move back to Brooklyn after he is done helping with the Nets.:p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well I know we have a few Cardinals fans on here. It sucks to hear about Albert Pujols especially at a time like this.


Especially for fantasy owners. (ME) LOL


And I know I'm late on the question but I agree with Shaun that Jeter will do it for the fans! I know he has passion, I know he wants to play every day but what could be better then being the first Yankee to get 3,000 hits and doing it at the stadium??


Not much.

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Well I know we have a few Cardinals fans on here. It sucks to hear about Albert Pujols especially at a time like this.


Yeah, he was finally starting to hit like Albert too. It's a really good thing we picked up Berkman, he can just switch over to first base for a month or so and Jon Jay is more than capable as an everyday starter (over .300 again this year, just like last). You can't replace Albert in the lineup, nobody can, but this isn't worst case scenario panic time for the Cardinals. Holliday and Berkman will do just fine in the 3-4 spots, and we are getting David Freese back this week, he was hitting over .350 when he went down after getting his hand broken by a pitch.


There's been a lot of talk on the local stations today that this might speed up a Cardinals trade though. There has been a ton of talk about us getting either Heath Bell, Luke Gregorson or Mike Adams from the Padres. They are also talking about getting a defensive shortstop so they can move Theriot over to 2nd. He's been one of our best hitters this year but the man has stone hands in the field.


It's amazing that we are in 1st place after all we've dealt with this year. At the beginning of the year if you said Wainwright wouldn't pitch a game, Carpenter would be 1-7, Albert would be having his worst season ever and eventually break his arm, Holliday would be on the DL twice and Freese would miss almost 2 months you'd think we'd be doing what the Cubs are now. The team has really had role guys step up this year and keep us afloat. It'll be a fun summer between the Cards, Brewers and Reds.

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I thought the Reds were going to mount a comeback win against the Yankees tonight. They pretty much did nothing for the entire game but when the 9th inning came along bad pitching by the Yankees relievers helped the Reds get right back in it. Even Mariano did not look that sharp tonight.


The Reds can be a very scary team.:D

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So I thought for fun we could do a can't miss and no chance players. Pretty much you name a former can't miss prospect who never panned out and a player who really didn't get that shot who turned into something great.


Can't miss I would say Lasting Milledge, he was predict to be the next 5-tool player for the Mets and turned out to be nothing. the no chance player I'd say Albert Pujols, he was a 13th rounder and it took him just 2 years to make the show

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So I thought for fun we could do a can't miss and no chance players. Pretty much you name a former can't miss prospect who never panned out and a player who really didn't get that shot who turned into something great.


Can't miss I would say Lasting Milledge, he was predict to be the next 5-tool player for the Mets and turned out to be nothing. the no chance player I'd say Albert Pujols, he was a 13th rounder and it took him just 2 years to make the show


Okay I am game, can't miss would be Brien Taylor. When the Yankees drafted him they thought they were getting the next Doc Gooden (Well Doc from the early 80's that is.). One bar fight later and the guy went from can't miss to nothing.


The no chance player would have to be Mike Piazza. He was not thought of as being much and the Dodgers drafted him as a favor. He ended up becoming arguably the best-hitting Catcher of All-Time.

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Thought I would add Trot Nixon to the overrated group as well. When I was in high school he was touted as the second coming of Ted Williams by Red Sox fans. Everyone was saying how great he was going to be, well it never really worked out that way.


Putting anyone on Ted Willams' level is foolish because the guy was one of the best hitters (if not the best hitter) in the history of the game.


That being said, Trot had a good career. I would still like to talk to my friend from high school who said that Trot would end up being in the Hall of Fame and Derek Jeter would be a marginal player at best.:D

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So I thought for fun we could do a can't miss and no chance players. Pretty much you name a former can't miss prospect who never panned out and a player who really didn't get that shot who turned into something great.


Can't miss I would say Lasting Milledge, he was predict to be the next 5-tool player for the Mets and turned out to be nothing. the no chance player I'd say Albert Pujols, he was a 13th rounder and it took him just 2 years to make the show


Can't miss players: Jeff Francour, as a Braves fan he was suppose to be "the natural." While he has shown he is not completely worthless this year in KC, he's nowhere close to what he was suppose to be.


Todd Van Poppel: A's passed on Chipper Jones for this guy. He was suppose to dominate the 90's and early 00's. Funny how an organization who have developed so many good to great pitchers during that same time, totally whiffed in this one.


No chance players: Got to agree that there was no better player than Piazza to fit this description. Although, looking back, I wonder if (how much) steroids aided his numbers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just thought I would stop in and remind everyone that, for the second straight day, here in late July 2011...






...you know, just incase you were waiting for **** to freeze over :D


Hey I love that the Pirates are doing good. I think it sucked that everyone left them in the early 1990's, if they would have stayed together they would have had some great teams.

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It's nice, after 18 years to have a contending team here...got to be realistic as they are a young team, probably a couple years from peaking so anything this year is "Bonus" but the Central is weak so they got a chance...they got St Louis, Atlanta then Philly for their next three series so we should know in about ten days if they got a shot
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We'll find out if Pittsburgh stands a chance this weekend. I wouldn't look into what they do against the Phillies and Braves as much, they are way better than what they are contending with. If they can handle the Cardinals without much problem they should be able to keep up with the other two teams too.


I'm very excited for this Cards/Pirates series, first one I can remember where the games against them actually mattered to both teams, not just the Cardinals.

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We'll find out if Pittsburgh stands a chance this weekend. I wouldn't look into what they do against the Phillies and Braves as much, they are way better than what they are contending with. If they can handle the Cardinals without much problem they should be able to keep up with the other two teams too.


I'm very excited for this Cards/Pirates series, first one I can remember where the games against them actually mattered to both teams, not just the Cardinals.


I often wondered why the Pirates are in the NL Central in the first place. It makes no sense. There only true rival in that division is the Reds. If you were to put them where they belong in the NL East you have the Mets, Phillies, and Nationals as rivals.

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