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USPW: The Battle for Prime Time

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This is the good stuff right here, JHD1. I'm glad I gave this a read. There is something about the way you're doing USPW that makes it seem so....USPW, that I can't stop reading. I've read a lot of the C-Verse stuff at one time or another and I really feel that the best of the best capture the feel of their promotions better than the rest. To exclude the other two dozen obvious greats, Monkeypox's DaVE diary WAS DaVE (or is) in my mind, and even though he had some great characters, the soul of his diary was in the promotion itself.


Anyway, rambling aside, keep it up. I'm looking forward to more. :)


Enygma, James Justice & Edd Stone vs. Bruce the Giant & The Titans- Double DQ


Hey NoNeck, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you've been enjoying the diary, and your compliments really mean a lot! :D


USPW is the promotion I kept getting drawn back to in 2010 which surprised me having not had much of a run with them in the last iteration. Still, I'm glad it clicked this time around and it seems that is coming across better than I could have hoped!


Nice dynasty jhd sorry for the no comments/predictions but busy busy busy. Just thought I would add my two cents about ya new team of Stone & Justice. How about Intoxication Parameter? Ya know with the Party Animal and the ex-hippie Liberty? Just a suggestion that came off the top of my head.


Hey maskedpropaganda! No problem about the predictions, I know it can be difficult to find the time. It's always nice to hear from the usually silent readers though so feel free to drop in anytime :D Oh, and you never know, your contribution may be a permanent one if Intoxication Parameter is a popular name :p

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Big wrestling events tend to attract celebrity fans - sports stars, movie stars, musicians - and often workers from other, usually lesser known promotions. Such events are usually the place to introduce a potential backer, a potential signing or a potential employee for the simple reason that for one night anything goes. Red, White and Blue! was no exception, and sat backstage alongside Sam Strong and usual suspects J.K. Stallings and Gordon Wright were MAW owner, and long-time friend of Sam's, Rip Chord, AAA owner Anne Stardust and owner of 5SSW, Sakurako Kagawa.


Whilst Rip's presence was more of an old friend, Anne and Sakurako were here strictly on business. USPW and MAW had long had a working agreement, a shared knowledge and the guarantee that both promotions would look after the other and it was this agreement that not long ago saw MAW stalwarts Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey get their TV debuts against Freddie Datsun and Des Davids. Stalling's insistence upon fleshing out the women's division had led to the suggestion of a similar contract between USPW and AAA and 5SSW, the two biggest women's promotions in the world. Both Gorgon and Connie Morris were currently splitting their time between USPW and AAA and both women had made a good impact on USPW TV leaving Sam confident that a deal could be reached with a receptive Stardust. Kagawa, on the other hand, was a much tougher sell. After several hours negotiation before the show with Japanese-speaking Gordon Wright, Kagawa had finally agreed to think their proposal over, and as the bell rang to declare Enygma the victor in the main event the time for a decision drew near. A further hour later and the signing pen was out...each of her girls were to have creative control, none were to lose in a way that would be seen as detrimental to 5SSW, no one on her roster could be signed to an exclusive deal by any US promotion...Kagawa knew how to drive a hard bargain.


Still, as the late hours of Sunday turned into the early hours of Monday, four promotions had been joined together by a common goal...USPW, MAW, AAA, 5SSW...


...The Alliance.

<hr color="black">

Thanks for all the predictions so far, and the Stone/Justice team poll has been a success so far too! Unfortunately, I will probably not have time to post the show tomorrow. However, with it being a bank holiday, I'll get it up Monday morning so really it is only a delay of about 12 hours - hope no one minds too much! Still, that means if you would like to add any predictions and/or vote you still have around 36 hours before closing time


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It's Tuesday March Week 1

and we are live from the sold out McGaw Arena (Tri State)!




[We are greated by a new sight at the beginning of American Wrestling!'s latest broadcast as the usual two-tiered Huntsville theatre is replaced by the more traditional layout of the McGaw Arena. Despite the slightly different situ, our presentation is almost identical, and as the confetti and light show rain down upon the familiar red, white and blue clad ring in the centre of the sold out arena we zoom in to our two hosts for this evening...]


Your Announce Team:


Danny Jillefski and 'Mighty' Micky Starr


Danny Jillefski: Welcome folks, it's the first night of March and USPW is live from New York City's McGaw Arena. My name's Danny Jillefski and I'm at ringside with the legend that is 'Mighty' Micky Starr.

Micky Starr: Thanks Danny, and what a night we have in store for the people of New York!

Jillefski: And the folks at home of course!


[Even outside the comfort zone of their Arizona theatre, Sam Strong receives a huge ovation from the Tri State crowd. Clearly eager to show that they are just as much a part of USPW as the South East, they roll out all the classic chants, including a few inventive ones of their own...]



Strong: How are you all doing New York City!? The US in USP-dub doesn't just stand for United States, you know! It's been a while since I've been to this fine city but you never know, make enough noise USPW and we'll be back here pretty soon...and that's a guarantee!


[The crowd go wild, eager to make sure Sam Strong knows that the Tri State crowd can equal anywhere they've been before...]


Strong: By the way, I know you all voted in USPW's first ever FanZone contest. Well thanks to the 1700 votes we received James Justice & Edd Stone will hereby be known as...




[The majority of the crowd clearly agreed with the outcome of USPW's fan poll, giving the unveiling of the Stone/Justice tag team name a huge ovation...]


Strong: Which brings me on to my final piece of business. Captain USA, Giant Redwood, despite having more than a month in which to do so, neither of you has been victorious once in that time. The Board don't think that's good enough, and frankly neither do I fellas. So, if Giant Redwood does not win his next match then both of you will face off at Liberty & Justice...

...in a career vs. career match!

[As Sam Strong waves to the crowd they cheer and chant the big man's name, clearly impressed by his un-ending wisdom and the likely opportunity of seeing Giant Redwood take on Captain USA...]

Segment Rating: A


Starr: Intoxication Parameter!? In my day they'd have just been Stone & Justice...

Jillefski: 'In your day' - I'm surprised you can remember that far back Mick! But seriously, what about Giant Redwood and Captain USA?

Starr: You know, I can't really see Redwood beating Champion, but you never know...



Nicky Champion vs. Giant Redwood

A desperate Redwood came at Nicky Champion like a freight train, the sound of the bell being swiftly followed by a huge right hand. This desperation was to be Redwood's undoing, however, and after Champion recovered from the initial attack he looked comfortable against his huge opponent. As the match wore on and Champion's metaphorical grip tightened, Redwood began taking more and more chances and without the success he needed, left himself open to te counter. After Redwood missed a running splash with Nicky in the corner, the giant bounced back off the turnbuckle straight into the Hawkeye Hammer and Redwood's final hope slipped away.

Nicky Champion wins in 5:36 via pinfall

Match Rating: D


Starr: I hate to say I told you so...but I did...so there...

Jillefski: Surely one of them has to win their career vs. career match...don't they!?



[Ford Memphis stands in the huge reception area of the McGaw Arena, blue jumpsuit glistening, surrounded by a large crowd all begging the Television champion for an autograph. When jostling begins towards the back of the crowd, no one thinks anything of it until a piece of Force merchandise comes flying in towards 'The King.' Looking for the origin of the missile, Memphis is not surprised when the crowd parts to reveal former champion Andre Jones...]


[Charging at each other the two begin another brawl, the crowd surrounding them in a circle. It doesn't take long before the nearby security guards pull them apart but the damage has been done - Jones' finest volleyball jersey has been ripped almost in half, whilst Memphis' once immaculate quif is now draped across his face. As Andre Jones is ejected from the building the two trade insults and the crowd cheer for their rock-a-billy champion!]

Segment Rating: D


Jillefski: These two are going to be at each other's throats for a while I'm guessing!



Cherry Bomb vs. Raven Robinson vs. Alicia Strong vs. Belle Bryden

Having all four of these women in the ring at the same time was always going to lead to a classic encounter and the fans weren't disappointed. Lightning quick exchanges saw each competitor rotate through their opponents, allegiances and alignments counting for nothing in this everybody-for-themselves contest. As the match progressed, Belle began focusing on her ultimate rival, Belle Bryden, whilst Cherry was happy to concentrate her efforts on Alicia Strong. Although Alicia looked more comfortable against her frequent opponent Cherry Bomb, Belle and Raven couldn't be separated with both women getting in some fine offensive moves.

The two battles were always going to collide, and they did, quite literally, when simultaneous Irish Whips from Alicia and Raven sent Cherry Bomb hurtling towards an oncoming Belle Bryden. As the two collided, Belle staggered backwards....straight back towards Raven...Night Faller! At the same time Cherry Bomb collapsed to the floor and Alicia was on her immediately, locking in a painful Boston Crab.

With Alicia still stretching Bomb in her submission move, Raven went for the pin on Belle...1...2..Cherry raised her hand to tap...3 - Raven was victorious!

Raven Robinson wins in 8:13 via pinfall

Match Rating: C


Jillefski: This victory for Raven will be a huge confidence boost with her title on the line in a Scramble match just two weeks away.

Starr: You're right about that Danny, but how close was Alicia to getting the win!?



[backstage we see 'American Everyman' Freddie Datsun walking down one of the arena's many corridors. When he moves towards one of the doors, Datsun slows at the sound of a muffled thud. Edging towards the door, Datsun still isn't prepared when the figures of Anger and Des Davids come at him from behind!]


[As Shane Sneer watches on, the members of Sneer Corporation take turns to beat the former tag team champion, first Des, then Anger, then each of the Towers of Power. As Anger and the Towers laugh to each other walking off, Sneer and Davids continue their assault of Datsun. As Davids sends an almighty kick to his former partner's ribs he signals towards Jackson, indicating it is now his turn. When Jackson shakes his head Sneer erupts, barking orders and gesturing wildly at his client. Passing instructions to Davids, the former quarterback squares up to Jackson...Jackson hits him! Jackson is fighting Davids! As Jackson continues to pummel Davids, Sneer looks on in astonishment. That look soon turns to fear, however, as Jumbo turns his attention on to the man he has been having so many problems with over recent weeks. Taking the battered Des Davids and pulling him to his feet, Sneer backs off quickly while Jumbo turns to tend to Freddie Datsun!]

Segment Rating: C-


Jillefski: What is going on with the Corporation!? After Jackson and Sneer's row last week, Jumbo seems to have had yet another disagreement with his boss tonight!

Starr: Somehow, I don't think they're going to kiss and make up after he helped Freddie Datsun of all people!


Tag Team Challengers Match


Savage Fury vs. The Southern Assassins

There was a definite old-school feel to this match that began the minute the Southern Assassins walked through the curtain. The newcomers put up a good showing, utilising quick tags and double team moves to great effect but the masked men were often overpowered by their larger Island-born opponents. Distinctive yellow masks hid the identity of the two competitors, and with only a small roman numeral to indicate which was which, the two often swapped places without a tag keeping referee Robbie Sanchez on his toes throughout. Their best efforts weren't pay off however, and despite a great debut performance when a strong fightback from Java led to a Greetings From The Island this one was all over.

Savage Fury win in 7:20 via pinfall

Savage Fury are declared the #1 Contenders for the USPW Tag Team Titles.

Match Rating: D


Jillefski: Great performance from the Assassins there...

Starr: You don't think they are the same two men I fought back in the 80s do you!?

Jillefski: If their bodies are anything like yours Mick, I sincerely doubt it...


[The actions cuts backstage to Davis Ditterich and his regular home, the USPW Event Centre. Despite being ousted from the usual Huntsville Auditorium setting, the difference in the appearance is barely noticeable, although marble columns now stand at each end of the video wall framing the black and white projection in a burst of colour...]



Davis Ditterich: Hello to everyone at home and welcome to the USPW Event Centre – I'm your host, as always, Davis Ditterich. Tonight's main event, a six-man tag team match, will give a special preview of our big show in two weeks time – Liberty & Justice. Bruce the Giant, made the sole number one contender two months ago finally gets his shot at Enygma, while James Justice & Edd Stone...


Andre Jones: Davis shut your mouth!


[From the side of the screen walk Andre Jones and an unknown woman, much to the surprise of Davis, and the people at home...]



Ditterich: But...you were kicked out...


Jones: Do you really think those security 'guards' were any match for a former volleyball champion like myself? It didn't take five minutes for me to get back into this building to tell you, all my fans, and that sequined idiot Ford Memphis what is going down. Tell 'em Cat...


Cat Jemson: That's right Andre. Davis, why do you think Andre Jones was beaten by Ford Memphis last month?


Ditterich: I...


Cat: I don't want an reply! I'm going to tell you the answer...is he always this slow 'dre?


Andre was clearly affected by the unexpected shift in his timetabled matches, no doubt a concerted effort from the Board of Directors to replace him with a 'champion' more, sympathetic, to their causes. Someone they can mould, control, someone unlike Jones, a robot.


Davis: But why would they do that?


Cat: I can't tell you all the answers...figure that one out for yourself Mr. Davis. Andre, lets go...


[As Davis looks about to question the pair, Jones makes his volleyball signal before linking arms with Cat and walking back off camera...]



Davis Ditterich: It's actually Davis...I, er, oh...I give up...Professor Stern...


[The exasperated Ditterich points towards the screen behind him and sighs, turning slowly as the lecture room of Professor Stern emerges, The Expert stood fiddling with a chess piece...]


Professor Stern: You know, I never wanted to come to this stinkhole.


Unlike that indoor-sunglasses-wearing fool Edd Stone, I never sat at home and thought to myself, 'oh, USPW would be fun.' I was practically begged to come here by the Board of Directors. They told me that my unrivalled knowledge, my unparalleled skill would be a huge advantage to the USPW fans but what do I get!? I get some chair-carrying idiot telling me how to play chess, I get some short, balding man behind the camera barking instructions to me whilst I am teaching the great uneducated how wrestling really should be done.


I know, I shouldn't have expected anything better from a company run by Sam Strong but I did and you know what, I finally know why I am here. I'm here to sort this company out, pull it out from the jaws of self-destruction. Enough of the chess, enough of the lectures, it's practical time and Chris Caulfield...

Me and you, Liberty & Justice...you'll be a getting a lesson from the only man worth anything in this company...you'll be learning from 'The Expert.'


[before he fades away, Stern just has enough time to throw the chess piece towards the camera. As the montage behind him returned a now calm Davis Ditterich recaps the events, highlights our upcoming matches and reminds the folks at home that we are only two weeks away from Liberty & Justice!]

Segment Rating: C


Starr: If Stern thinks he's going to teach Chris Caulfield a lesson, he's got another thing coming...

Jillefski: I know, but I'm a little concerned that Andre Jones got back in so easily...

Starr: He is a volleyball champion though remember...



Danny Rushmore vs. Chris Caulfield

Having despatched veteran tag team specialist Anger last week, Chris Caulfield was given a much tougher challenge against current tag champion Danny Rushmore. Together the two put on a great performance that went far and above the audience's expectations.


When the action spilled to the outside just after five minutes in, Rushmore used the surrounding obstacles to great effect. An Irish Whip sent Caulfield smashing into the steel ring steps, scattering them across the mats outside the ring. Pulling his opponent by his hair, Rushmore dragged him towards the mat...reversed! Caulfield smashed Rushmore's head into the apron...once...twice...three times! Rolling Rushmore into the ring Caulfield was now in the ascendancy and he wasn't going to give it up easily. After a solid couple of minutes from the Hardcore American, Rushmore ducked a running clothesline and when the still running Caulfield came back again Rushmore stuck up a boot...missed! The Atomic Boot had missed and now Rushmore had his back to his opponent. With a quick forearm to the back to soften him up, Caulfield grabbed Rushmore by his head...Danger Drop! The Hardcore American went for the cover...1...2...3!

Chris Caulfield wins in 9:41 via pinfall

Match Rating: C+


Jillefski: I hope Stern's watching because he's going to need to be on the top of his game to beat a Hardcore performance like that!

Starr: I'm guessing he's probably hiding behind his model skeleton quaking in his loafers right about now!


[before our main event we get a short video recapping Edd Stone's debut, the formation of his alliance with James Justice and the pair's encounter with The Titans two weeks ago. We also get a quick recap of the emerging feud between World Champion Enygma and #1 Contender Bruce the Giant.]

Segment Rating: C+



Enygma & Intoxication Parameter vs. Bruce the Giant & The Titans

A match between the six greatest competitors in USPW history could have been great, or a disaster. Luckily tonight's contest, it seems, was one of the most intense and memorable matches of the Stallings Era. The match opened with a flurry of tags, memorable feuds reignited between Baine and Enygma and T-Rex and Justice keeping the audience glued to the action in the ring. Gradually things began to settle and after no one had taken a firm hold on proceedings, Bruce the Giant and James Justice became their team's main representative.


As the match wore on, Bruce's strength and size allowed him to gain a degree of control over James Justice, keeping 'The Dude' from tagging in either partner. After a huge shoulder charge flipped Justice over, Bruce raised a huge hand skyward...Giant Choke Slam! No...Justice with a low blow! Just escaping a surely match-ending slam, Justice hurled himself towards his corner...tag! Edd Stone is in the ring with Justice and Bruce. After a quick flurry of chops to the big man's chest, the two irish whip Bruce towards the turnbuckle. With Bruce stood in the corner, Justice knelt down on the floor just in front of him while Edd headed for the opposite corner. Running towards The Giant, Stone used Justice as a springboard and collided with Bruce in spectacular highflying fashion!

Seeing their partner in trouble, T-Rex and Tyson Baine hit the ring sending both members of Intoxication Parameter flying. As Bruce slowly regained his strength, things began to look bad for Stone and Justice - the pair being outnumbered by much bigger foes. In runs Enygma! With T-Rex about to powerbomb Justice, Enygma came charging into the ring and a clothesline bowled over the Prehistoric monster! Now all six men were in the ring this match turned into a wild brawl with both teams battling for control and neither succeeding.

With all six men in the ring and no way of getting them back out again, Eugene Williams called for the bell declaring this one a no contest! Despite the bell ringing clearly above the melee, neither team stopped the fight and this episode of American Wrestling! goes out to the sight of Bruce the Giant chokeslamming Edd Stone, T-Rex tapping to the Enygma variation, and a punching contest between Justice and Baine.

No Contest after 17:52

Match Rating: B-


Starr: What a match! What a match!

Jillefski: I'm going to have to agree with you there Mick, we've seen an absolute classic here tonight!





Sports America Rating: 0.43


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Right folks, hope you all enjoyed the latest show. Congratulations to SWF Fan for the highest number of correct predictions with 4/5. Everybody else (and I really mean everybody else!) got 3/5...I don't really need to put up a league table do I!? :p


Only one alt again this week, a more corporate looking Cat Jemson...



Thanks to everyone who has predicted, and all those who voted in USPW's first ever Fan Zone. The response has far surpassed my expectations so expect a few more down the line. Intoxication Parameter suggested by maskedpropaganda was obviously the victor, though until the final vote Can-Am Connection was tied for first. In fact, any one of about four options nearly took it, great suggestions all of them.


So - thanks again, if you haven't read the show yet look up, and the prediction card will be up tomorrow night :D

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Right folks, hope you all enjoyed the latest show. Congratulations to SWF Fan for the highest number of correct predictions with 4/5. Everybody else (and I really mean everybody else!) got 3/5...I don't really need to put up a league table do I!? :p



It's a gift, a real gift I have :p


But awesome read as always man, I came home from 2 days out and this is the first diary I checked because it just delievers at everything (from storylines to write ups to the characters you use that nobody else would) you've got the real essence of USPW with your diary man :)

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Get your predictions in for...

USPW American Wrestling

March, Week 2, 2010

The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America (The Force & Captain USA)

Is this a sign of The Forces of America reforming? Will Captain USA be around long enough to have a second match? Who knows, but tonight the former tag favourites will be facing a tough test against the monsterous duo of Ares and Zeus.

Will we be hearing the kids of America at the end of this match, or a message from the Gods?


Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda

With only a few days to go until her big title defence, Raven Robinson will have to be at her best to defeat the monster that is Anaconda. But will the former AAA monster go all out to beat the champ, or will she conserve her energy for Sunday's PPV?

Will it be Raven ensure a calm before her storm, or will Anaconda bite at this opportunity?


2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun

Shane Sneer has once again worked his 'magic' by putting his newest enemy, Freddie Datsun, in a handicap match against tag team champions The Towers of Power.

Will the Everyman do the impossible, or will the odds be Towered against him?


USPW Television Title Match

Ford Memphis © vs. Anger

Ford Memphis will be defending his Television title against fierce competition when he meets former Demon Anger in tonight's match.

Will the King rock the show, or will the fires of hell snatch the title from his grasp?


Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

And finally, our main event will be a huge four-way dance between #1 contender Bruce the Giant, James Justice, one half of the Titans Tyson Baine and the man often described as USPW's future World Champion Nicky Champion.

Will it be the Dude or the Demon, the Giant or the Protege?


Plus, Professor Stern will have yet another message for Chris Caulfield, while Jumbo Jackson will explain his actions last week. See all this, and much more, on USPW American Wrestling!


Quick Picks...

The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America

Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda

2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun

USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger

Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

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The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America

Captain USA takes the pinfall and then goes running around screaming and waving the flag, tough guy!


Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda

Anaconda gets a major victory here, considered an upset, yes? But she puts the bite on Raven


2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun

I like both sides so if I like both sides then the team with more members gets the nod.


USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger

Ford is driving his caddy to victory and some peanut butter and banana sandwiches.


Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

Top contender gets the win in an epic showdown of four talented wrestlers.

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The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America

Force seems to have been displaced into jobberdom after his squash defeat to Valentine

Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda

You can't have Robinson win clean in two matches building up to the scramble, it wouldn't be fun. Unless it's one of those annoying-to-predict funky dq/count out dealios

2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun

Going with an upset here. Datsun could lose clean to the two Towers, and it would just make him look like a wimp in his feud with Davids (depending on how the match gets set up during the show). He could lose here with Davids interfering at the last moment, which can happen, but it's hard to portray that in a prediction. I'd like to see Datsun win here, but, regardless, he's going to look like a real threat to Sneer even losing

USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger

Anger's was never destined to do anything worth noting without his partner

Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

A strong case for all three to win here, minus Champion. Bruce could win and continue to look like the guy to beat Enygma, but it doesn't do all that much to him - we already know how dominant and impressive he is. Justice could win, but he's too busy fooling around with Stone. Tyson Baine, on the other hand, NEEDS this win to remain credible, IMO. He's jobbed clean to Enygma twice, despite being booked as a monstrous force to be reckoned with. If he wants any semblance of heat back, a win here would go a long way to doing it (plus, he's always available for a rubber match with Enygma within the next 4 months)


Whew, some long-winded prediction, but I think typing it all out made it easier to pick some tough matches

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The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America

Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda

2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun

USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger

Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

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The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America

Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda

2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun

USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger

Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

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The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America- Squash

Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda- Build the monster up

2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun- Jumbo to the rescue

USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger

Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

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The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America

Sorry Cap'n - you ain't winning anytime soon, even with Jim...sorry, The Force to back you up


Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda

I imagine Raven will win by DQ. She's softened up for the title match, Anaconda looks strong, but Raven doesn't suffer defeat either.


2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun

Don't think Datsun is good enough for the Towers to job to him in this kind of match. I mean, if Datsun could beat the Towers, what the hell would The Oracles do to them?!


USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger

Everybody's favourite Elvis impersonator takes Anger along to the Heartbreak Hotel


Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

The Giant picks up some more momentum

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The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America - Whistler & the Cap'n ain't the ones to cause the Oracles to drop their first match.


Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda - Raven by DQ


2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun - Datsun gets some unexpected help to get the surprise win.


USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger - Anger ain't going to be putting on any blue suede shoes.


Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion - Keep Bruce looking strong.

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The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America

Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda

2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun

USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger

Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

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The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America


Forces of America will be no match for the Oracles


Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda


DQ win, Raven stays on the winning track...Anaconda still gets to look like a beast.


2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun


Everyone knows that Handicap matches almost always end up with the singles wrestler overcoming the odds. However for the Tower's to not look like complete douche-bags, I would expect Datsun to get some outside help from somewhere.


USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger


The Honky...(oh sorry)...Ford Memphis retains the Television title against Ancient.


Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion


Keep the number one contender looking unstoppable heading into his title match with Engyma.

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The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Forces of America


Raven Robinson vs. Anaconda


2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Towers of Power vs. Freddie Datsun


USPW Television Title Match: Ford Memphis © vs. Anger

Bruce the Giant vs. James Justice vs. Tyson Baine vs. Nicky Champion

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Thanks for all the predictions so far, as always the show will be up sometime Sunday. I'm hoping to get a non-show post up in the next couple of days so look out for that one too.


It's a gift, a real gift I have :p


But awesome read as always man, I came home from 2 days out and this is the first diary I checked because it just delievers at everything (from storylines to write ups to the characters you use that nobody else would) you've got the real essence of USPW with your diary man :)


Hey SWF Fan,


Sorry I missed this earlier, but that is a great compliment and one that is very much appreciated :)


And top predictor in angel's diary, top of this month's (one show) prediction table...I'll say it's a gift :p

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Thanks for all the predictions so far, as always the show will be up sometime Sunday. I'm hoping to get a non-show post up in the next couple of days so look out for that one too.




Hey SWF Fan,


Sorry I missed this earlier, but that is a great compliment and one that is very much appreciated :)


And top predictor in angel's diary, top of this month's (one show) prediction table...I'll say it's a gift :p


Compliment that I feel is very deserved for you man :)


As for predictions...


Well what can I say...I know USPW, like The Force knows what he's talking about, Like Justice knows Liberty ;), Like Edd Stone knows how to party...


*drops a British flag behind him*


I do it for Queen and country, for all the people who want to dream...


(This may take a while so to save you the bother I put myself on mute :))



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Monday, Week 2, 2010

For the past nine months, USPW had held its weekly television taping at the Huntsville Fairgrounds theatre in Alabama. That arrangement had even been made exclusive when J.K. Stallings Jr. came on board, stopping the occasional SWF or TCW show that, whilst good for the people of Huntsville, invariably had a detrimental effect on USPW's attendances for the month.


But with the new 'war,' USPW couldn't afford to stay in one place and let the other two companies do all the work. Especially coming into the race from third place, USPW couldn't rely solely on their television coverage and South Eastern support. No, instead they needed to go out there and show the people of Seattle, the people of Las Vegas, the people of New York City that there was another choice, a better choice. With their first show out of the South East a success, a sold out McGaw Arena, NY the setting for last week's American Wrestling!, things didn't look so bad for a nationwide USPW. As Gordon Wright explained to the crew - it wasn't about forgetting Huntsville, and it certainly wasn't about forgetting the South East - it was simply a matter of...


...spreading your wings.

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It's Tuesday March Week 2

and we are live from the sold out Centerpiece Bridge (Mid Atlantic)!




[We're in the Mid Atlantic for tonight's live American Wrestling! Before we begin our usual confetti-strewn opening, a quick clip plays showing the outside of the arena and its surrounding area. Once back inside we see another sold out arena jumping to the show's theme tune...]


Your Announce Team:


Danny Jillefski and 'Mighty' Micky Starr


Danny Jillefski: USPW American Wrestling! is tonight live from the Mid Atlantic, I'm Danny Jillefski....

Micky Starr: Micky Starr here folks, and boy am I excited about tonight's show!


[The Mid Atlantic crowd nearly take the roof off when Sam Strong's entrance music hits the arena PA. In a similar vein to last week's entrance, Sam takes his time to show his appreciation to the new crowd, shaking hands with everyone he can on his way to the ring...]



Sam Strong: Thank you all, it's great to be here in the Centerpiece Bridge! You'll have to forgive my flying visit, I've just come to deliver a message from the Board of Directors regarding Sunday night's big event - Liberty & Justice!


On Sunday, Captain USA...Giant Redwood – you'll face off in a no disqualifaction match. The winner will receive a contract, the loser...will be fired!


Peter Valentine, we haven't seen you for a few weeks and that makes me nervous. I hope you're still training because on Sunday you'll be defending your title against a challenger of my choosing!


And I have now got confirmation from the board...Chris Caulfield...Professor Stern...


Your match is sanctioned for Sunday night!


[strong's theme can barely be heard over the roar of the crowd. Not only are they set to see Caulfield and Stern finally face off on Sunday, but Captain USA and Giant Redwood will be a No DQ, loser-leaves-town match!]

Segment Rating: A


Jillefski: Everywhere we go, everyone we meet - they want to see Sam Strong.

Starr: Is he the biggest name in this business today? I certainly think so!



The Forces of America vs. The Oracles of Destruction (w/The Guru)

When Captain USA and The Force emerged from the curtain in their old Forces of America outfits, the crowd enjoyed a nostalgic chuckle before the patriot's inevitable decimation at the hands of The Oracles of Destruction. Ares and Zeus were in no mood to toy with the veterans, and the two disregarded Baby Jamie's protests and ran this match in Texas Tornado-like fashion. With both men in the ring at the same time, The Oracles completely overpowered their smaller opponents and despite their flagrant rulebreaking, this one didn't last long enough for the official to call a disqualifaction. After only three minutes Captain USA was subjected to the Lightning of the Gods and this one was all over.

The Oracles of Destruction win in 3:50 via pinfall

Match Rating: D-


Jillefski: Oh dear. Could that be the last time we ever see The Forces of America in USPW? Remember, Captain USA will face off against Giant Redwood in a little over five days time and the loser will have to retire from professional wrestling.



Anaconda vs. Raven Robinson

USPW Women's Champion went into the last match before her big title defence with all guns blazing. Rapidly taking down the big Anaconda, Robinson worked on the knees of her opponent in an attempt to slow her down and leave the tall superstar uneasy on her feet. For several minutes the tactic seemed to be working, Raven's takedowns, knee smashes and low dropkicks connecting well with the lower legs of Anaconda. As the larger challenger began to hobble around the ring she angered, swinging wildly at the champion. Deftly dodging the two tree-trunk arms, Robinson looked untouchable until she misjudged one attempt and was sent flying. Still limping, Anaconda headed towards the dazed champion and began to ram her head into the mat. Despite being momentarily pulled away by Robbie Sanchez, Anaconda continued the attack lifting Robinson into a huge sidewalk slam. With Robinson down, Anaconda knelt down beside her then grabbed the champion by the throat! Gasping for breath, Robinson couldn't get free as the referee tugged at the huge arms of Anaconda. With Anaconda refusing to break the hold, the referee had no choice but to disqualify the challenger before continuing his attempts at releasing the choke.

Raven Robinson wins in 7:34 via DQ

Match Rating: D+


Jillefski: That woman has no morals, no respect for the Women's champion...

Starr: She doesn't care she's lost! You know, I think she's just trying to soften Robinson up before Sunday night...despicable!


[As the brutal assault from Anaconda continues, the camera swings up towards the Videotron to reveal James Justice and Edd Stone, the team of Intoxication Parameter, playing cards backstage...]




[When the two hear a knock at the door, Justice signals to his partner to go and find out who it is. Stone, however, barely reaches the door before it comes crashing through its frame, wood ripping from the hinges and knocking Edd across the room...It's The Titans!]




[Quickly recovering from their initial shock, Intoxication Parameter fight back against the two giants. It doesn't take long before a table is overturned onto Stone, whilst a locker door becomes a handy weapon for James Justice who rams T-Rex's head into it, a large dent remaining when Rex hits the floor. Eventually the fight spills into the corridor and around the corner, the sound of the fight still present as the video fades away...]

Segment Rating: C+


Starr: Don't forget folks, these two teams are going to collide...

Jillefski: ...again...

Starr: Ha! That's right, we'll call tonight round one. These four men will face off on Sunday night at Liberty & Justice!



Savage Fury vs. The Easy Riders

Gearing up for their title challenge on Sunday, the Savage Fury made short work of the Easy Riders. Like their meeting last month, The Riders made a big entrance but a small impact, and the two bikers where dominated from the bell by the muscular natives. It took only four minutes for the #1 contenders to wrap this match up, a Greetings From The Islands taking out Coyote Dynamite and setting up the three count.

Savage Fury win in 4:02 via pinfall

Match Rating: E+


Jillefski: Did the Easy Riders even get an attack in?

Starr: Things are definitely looking good for the Fury!


[backstage we see Freddie Datsun in a locker-room preparing for his handicap match tonight against The Towers of Power. After a few seconds of the former Tag champion pacing around the room pass, a knock at the door is followed by the entrance of Jumbo Jackson. Seeing Jackson immediately sets Datsun on the defensive...]




Freddie Datsun: What do you want Jumbo?


Jackson: Please, don't call me Jumbo. Sneer thought it'd be a great name, said it'd get me to the top. I'm guessing he told Des Davids the same thing...


Datsun: Davids...what's that traitor got to do with anything?


Jackson: Don't you see? After I didn't get a title shot quick enough, Sneer moved on to the next gullible fool on the roster, your partner. Sorry, former partner. Anyway, enough of Sneer...I'm here to give you my word. Last week, I had your back...this week – don't worry, I'll be watching out for you again.


[in an effort to prove his sincerity Jackson offers his hand towards Datsun. The Everyman takes a couple of seconds to think things over before accepting the gesture...]


Datsun: Okay...Aaron? Just make sure Sneer doesn't get up to any of his tricks and we'll see how things work out. This doesn't mean I trust you though. Yet.


[The corners of Aaron Jackson's mouth curl into a grin as The Everyman exits the room. Jackons' flurry of playful mock punches with an open locker door signal the end of this segment...]

Segment Rating: C


Starr: I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him...which, with my back, isn't very far these days!

Jillefski: I don't know, everyone deserves a second chance right!?


USPW Television Title Match



Anger vs. Ford Memphis

Television Champion Ford Memphis had an easier match than he anticipated against the legend Anger. Without the interference of either the suspended Andre Jones or the usually present Shane Sneer, Memphis had a chance to prove his ability in the ring - an opportuniy he took gladly. Like Jones' defences before him, Memphis' strong showing led to a very one-sided victory and it took only five minutes for the leg-shaking champion to wind up the Heartbreak Hotel. When the savate kick connected with Anger's head, Memphis' pin led to victory.

Ford Memphis wins in 5:49 via pinfall

Memphis retains the USPW Television Title in his 2nd defence.

Match Rating: D


Jillefski: Another fine victory for our Television Champion Ford Memphis.

Starr: The King is alive and certainly becoming a bit of a fan favourite here on American Wrestling!


[We may be back in the USPW Media Centre, but the only thing familiar about this setting is Davis Ditterich. The polished wood floors and brickwork walls have been replaced by a modern, white-washed facade and grey carpet...]



Davis Ditterich: Welcome folks to the USPW Media Centre where I'm your host Davis Ditterich. In just five days time we will be in Virginia for Liberty & Justice, USPW's third ever PPV brought to you by U-Demand. At that event we will have a scramble match between all six members of the USPW women's division, as well as a grudge match between Intoxication Parameter and The Titans. Don't forget, that as well as a title defence from Peter Valentine, we'll also have a grudge match between Professor Stern, and Chris Caulfield.


One team that don't seem to have any plans come Sunday night, however, are The Oracles of Destruction, here's what they had to say a little earlier on...


[Davis turns to the video wall just in time to see a Strong Arm Tactic on Sheik Mustafa fade into the USPW interview set. Stood between the two human pillars of Ares and Zeus stands The Guru...]



The Guru: By now, you will have seen Ares and Zeus destroy those flag-wearing nobodies The Forces of America. But what you brain-dead masses don't know, is that by winning that match we have become the joint #1 contenders for the world tag team titles!


You see, I was unimpressed by the obvious bias shown against The Oracles so last week, when Savage Fury won their match, I made sure that we had a shot as well.


Towers of Power...Savage Fury...The Oracles of Destruction


At Liberty & Justice The Gods of Wrestling, The Oracles of Destruction, will be crowed Tag Team Champions of the Word!


[Neither member of The Oracles move from their heroic poses, leaving the familiar manic laughter from The Guru to fade out as Davis Ditterich turns around to readdress the audience...]



Davis Ditterich: Well, what a bombshell from The Guru! Wait...yes, I can confirm that on Sunday night at Liberty & Justice, The Oracles of Destruction will join a three-way tag team title match with Savage Fury and The Towers of Power – be sure not to miss that one folks! One match everyone is looking forward, and that is sure to go down in the USPW history books, is the first ever one-on-one matchup between Bruce the Giant and our current World Champion Enygma. Here's what Enygma had to say to the Australian...


[As the video wall fades to reveal Enygma we see him as never before, gone is the black and green singlet, replaced by a leather jacket and jeans. But whilst the mask hides his expression, his body language betrays mix of nervous tension and excitement...]



Enygma: Bruce the Giant...on Sunday night we will make history. Two of the greats of this sport meeting in one ring, one-on-one, for the very first time. For years, people have spoken of the 'Great and Mighty' Bruce the Giant but now...they speak only of the Enygma.


You may be tall in stature, but I stand tall in honour.


You may be the raging fire, Bruce, but I am the wave that extinguishes that flame.


Watch out Bruce...


I am the Eye of the Storm. I am the Zenith.


[As has become familiar for this time in the month, Ditterich gives the fans at home a quick recap on how to order Liberty & Justice before welcoming back Danny and Micky at ringside...]

Segment Rating: B-


Jillefski: I don't like the underhanded way The Guru gets things done, but you can't argue that the three-way title match isn't going to be huge!

Starr: In more ways that one!



Freddie Datsun vs. The Towers of Power

Freddie Datsun came out to a huge ovation before his 2-on-1 handicap match against The Towers of Power. The arrival of the tag team champions was greated by an enormous jeer, the unfairness of Datsun's situation being thrust upon Rushmore and Muscles.


When the match finally began, Datsun started strongly, looking to avoid the tag team's corner. After a couple of minutes spent focusing on Danny Rushmore, Datsun despaired when his opponent made the tag to allow the fresher, more energetic Muscles to take his place. Another couple of minutes went by with the duo taking control, the use of double-team moves and constant tagging succeeding in wearing The Everyman down. Around the six minute mark, an irish whip 'accidentally' sent Datsun flying towards the referee. As the two collided, Danny Rushmore lept into the ring safe in the knowledge that, for the time being at least, anything goes. As the Towers continued to team up on Datsun the crowd cried out, urging their hero to fight back. When Rushmore went for a big right hand...Datsun blocked...hit him back...Muscles tried...blocked...hit him back. With the crowd spurring The Everyman on, he began to grow in strength. Signalling for the two to get up, Datsun cleared house, sending Muscles over the top rope and turning to Rushmore...Patriot Press!


Datsun went for the cover...but wait...there's no referee! Suddenly...



It's Aaron Jackson and he's wearing a referee's shirt! Jackson slid into the ring...1....2.....3! Datsun's done the impossible – he's beaten the Tag Team Champions!

Freddie Datsun wins in 7:53 via pinfall

Match Rating: C-


Jillefski: Jumbo, Aaron, Jackson whatever his name is...has just screwed the Sneer Corporation again!

Starr: Datsun's done it - he's beaten the Tag Team Champions by himself!


[The image slowly emerging on the USPW Videotron is that of Professor Stern's lecture room. Leaning on his desk defiantly, Stern's hair is even more wild than usual - his tie slightly undone. Stern's usually arrogant and dismissive demeanour has been replaced by pure rage...]



Professor Stern: I'm going to keep this short Caulfield, after all I don't want to confuse you do I? At Liberty & Justice! you are going to learn what it is to be a pro wrestler. When The Expert's slick, tactical, technical ability begins to take hold you will realise what you've been messing with...who... you've been messing with.


I had contemplated giving you the opportunity to back out but you know what? I'm not going to. And that's because all the people in the audience, all the people in this locker-room, and most of all you need to be taught a lesson.


Only one person can teach you that lesson Chris, and make no mistake - it'll be a lesson you'll never, ever forget.


Come Sunday night you'll be getting Wrestling 101 from...


The Expert.

Segment Rating: B+


Starr: I cannot wait until Stern gets his comeuppance. In fact, I might just go and give him it now...

Jillefski: Sit down Mick, leave it to Caulfield. You never know, you might, er, do Stern some real damage...



Bruce the Giant vs. Nicky Champion vs. Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

Despite four men being in the ring at all times, this match was definitely one of two halves. Tyson Baine and James Justice were at each other's throats from the bell leaving Champion to focus on the #1 contender Bruce the Giant. With both sets of men putting on fine performances, the fact that so much was going on at once didn't at all take away from a classic match-up.


For several minutes things stayed the same, with only the occassional switch up on the part of Bruce the Giant and James Justice. The change never lasted long Baine, it seems, couldn't wait to destroy Justice, and at every opportunity the big demon went straight after The Dude.


While Justice and Baine continued their brawl around ten minutes in, Bruce had used his size advantage to good effect against Nicky Champion. Sensing victory, Bruce went for a powerbomb on Champion that he followed quickly with a pin...1....2....kick out!

As Bruce argued with the referee, Champion slowly got back to his feet...school boy roll up!...no wait, Bruce isn't going over...Bruce just sat on Nicky Champion! The huge figure of Bruce the Giant came crashing down on Nicky Champion, knocking the wind from the much smaller Native American...and...it's a pin, Champion's shoulders are on the mat...he can't get them up...1...2...3! James Justice clattered through Bruce the Giant but it was too late, Bruce had already won!

Bruce the Giant wins in 12:30 via pinfall

Match Rating: C+



[With Bruce's arm being raised by Eugene Williams, the crowd jumps to its feet – not for the Giant in the ring – but to the sound of their World Champion's entrance theme. Slowly Enygma emerges, standing at the top of the aisle completely still. A smirk spreads across Bruce's face as he makes a belt motion around his waist – this one is set to be a classic!]

Segment Rating: B+


Jillefski: Bruce the Giant with a huge victory there but boy is Sunday night set to be a big one!

Starr: That's right Danny, and what a match we've just seen tonight!





Sports America Rating: 0.43


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Hello all, sorry for the delay in getting up the scores - rather foolishly forgot to transfer them across computers and, quite frankly, couldn't be bothered to add them all up again! :p


So, with week two over three predictors have shot into the lead after a perfect 5/5 and they are tigerkinney, jesseewiak and Dragonmack. Congratulations to the three of you, you now top our third monthly leader board...


1. tigerkinney, jesseewiak and Dragonmack...8

2. SWF Fan, BHK1978 and Marcel Fromage...7

3. xopher316, angeldelayette, John Lions, jingo and Phantom Stranger...6


And here is our one alt of the week...


Jim 'The' Force



You can chalk the inspiration for that one up to angeldelayette after a couple of requests I did for him last week. :D


The prediction card for our next show will be up sometime today so keep an eye out for that and I hope you all enjoy(ed) the last episode!

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Get your predictions in for...

USPW Liberty & Justice!

March, Week 2, 2010

USPW Women's Title Scramble Match

Alicia Strong vs. Anaconda vs. Connie Morris vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson © vs. Cherry Bomb

Tonight we'll see all six members of the USPW Women's Division battle it out a six-way scramble match. The aim of the match is to get as many falls as possible inside 15 minutes.

Will Raven hang on to her title, or will the odds be against her?


Loser Leaves Town Match

Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA

In what some have described as the greatest undercard match in history, Captain USA and Giant Redwood will do battle at Liberty & Justice in a Loser Leaves Town match. The winner will receive a year-long contract at USPW, the loser will be fired. Last week the Board of Directors added another stipulation - this match will be no disqualification - one man will win whatever the outcome.

Will Captain USA see a new lease of life, or will Redwood throw him out the door?


USPW World Tag Team Title Match

Savage Fury vs. The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Towers of Power ©

Having yet to defend their titles since winning them a month ago, The Towers of Power will not be looking forward to their first match as champions when they face off against two gigantic teams in The Oracles of Destruction and Savage Fury. Having won the #1 contendership two weeks ago, the Fury will no doubt be unimpressed by The Guru's scheming that resulted in their inclusion in the match.

Will we see new tag team champions again, or will The Towers be a little too hard to climb?


USPW National Title Match

???? vs. Peter Valentine

With Peter Valentine spending the last two weeks off, he will return to face a challenger of Sam Strong's choosing, a name that won't be revealed until the day of the event. All that has been confirmed is that the contestant will be an existing member of the USPW roster.

Will Valentine revel in his blind date, or will things turn ugly before his night is through?


Professor Stern vs. Chris Caulfield

Since debuting at the beginning of the year Professor Stern has insulted just about every member of the USPW roster, and a fair few fans too! That said, the man who calls himself The Expert has yet to step foot inside of the ring - but that's all about to change when he meets his number one rival Chris Caulfield.

Will The Expert send Caulfield to the back of the class, or will Stern be taught a lesson of his own?


Intoxication Parameter (James Justice & Edd Stone) vs. The Titans (Tyson Baine & T-Rex)

Edd Stone jumped into USPW head first when he rescued James Justice, the second member of Intoxication Parameter, from a savage attack at the hands of Tyson Baine and T-Rex. The two now want revenge and demanded this match against The Dude and the Party Animal.

Will The Titans be drunk with anger, or will a victory see Parameter leaving this arena on a high?


USPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Bruce the Giant vs. Enygma

It's the big one, the main event. For the first time in USPW history, Bruce the Giant will square off one-on-one with World Champion Enygma. Having been made #1 contender months ago, Bruce has been awaiting his chance at a title shot impatiently, using whatever means he deemed necessary to get at the champion. But Enygma has so far seen off two challenges from Tyson Baine and riding a wave of momentum, he'll be confident he could beat anyone on his day.

Can Bruce do what Baine couldn't, or will Enygma hold the belt a little while longer?


Plus, we'll see Nicky Champion, Andre Jones, Darryl Devine and Ford Memphis in tag team action and rumours around the company suggest that a legend of three may be present at the event. See all this, and more only on USPW Liberty & Justice! available on U-Demand.


Quick Picks...

USPW Women's Scramble Match: Alicia Strong vs. Anaconda vs. Connie Morris vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson © vs. Cherry Bomb

Loser Leaves Town Match: Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA

USPW World Tag Team Title Match: Savage Fury vs. The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Towers of Power ©

USPW National Title Match: ???? vs. Peter Valentine

Professor Stern vs. Chris Caulfield

Intoxication Parameter vs. The Titans

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Bruce the Giant vs. Enygma ©

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USPW Women's Scramble Match: Alicia Strong vs. Anaconda vs. Connie Morris vs. Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson © vs. Cherry Bomb

Loser Leaves Town Match: Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA

USPW World Tag Team Title Match: Savage Fury vs. The Oracles of Destruction vs. The Towers of Power ©

USPW National Title Match: ???? vs. Peter Valentine

Professor Stern vs. Chris Caulfield

Intoxication Parameter vs. The Titans

USPW World Heavyweight Title Match: Bruce the Giant vs. Enygma ©

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