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USPW: The Battle for Prime Time

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It's Tuesday February Week 2

and we are live from the sold out Huntsville Fairgrounds!



[There are only two shows until the next USPW PPV - Red, White and Blue! - and once again Huntsville's finest, the Fairgrounds theatre, sports a large, black U-Demand banner. As confetti streams from the ceiling a new addition to the opening scenes is revealed with red and blue searchlights scanning the crowd. Following the American tricolor being drawn out in fireworks, the camera slows to reveal our hosts for the evening...]


Your Announce Team:


Danny Jillefski and 'Mighty' Micky Starr

Danny Jillefski: It's Tuesday night, and we're live on Sports America. Ladies, gentleman, children and adults - welcome to USPW American Wrestling! I'm Danny Jillefski, at my home away from home here at ringside with my colleague 'Mighty' Micky Starr...


[As the firework introduction finishes, Sam Strong's music blares out across the auditorium. His videotron, however, is replaced by a simple black screen with the words 'Board of Directors' written upon it...]


Sam Strong: As always, it is a pleasure to open the show here in Huntsville! However, this time, I'm not here to ask how you are all doing, though I wish I were – unfortunately I've been sent by the Board of Directors to give you all a message.


[The crowd playfully boos the mention of the Board's mission, causing Sam to chuckle...]


Sam Strong: This message is regarding our next PPV event - Red, White and Blue!

First of all...at the PPV, The Oracles of Destruction will face off against Savage Fury in an 8-man tag team match! Their respective partners will be decided over the next two weeks...


[The crowd seem reasonably excited about what could only be described as a potential menace fest...]


Strong: Secondly, Television Champion Andre Jones will not be defending his title next week. Instead he will face a special challenger at our PPV event.


[A murmour goes around the arena, with most wondering who exactly this 'special challenger' is...]


Strong: Finally, James Justice and T-Rex will face each other in two weeks time!

However, in order to avoid any outside interference drawing this disagreement out any longer than necessary, the two men will face each other....

...inside a steel cage!


So make sure you have a slot free in your diary because Sunday Week 3 is set to be a night you will never forget!


[The audience can now barely contain their excitement. Confused as to whether to cheer Sam Strong off backstage or discuss the upcoming mega-event, a half-cheer, half-raucous discussion fills the arena...]

Segment Rating: A


Jillefski: The crowd seem happy with that...a cage match between T-Rex and James Justice!

Starr: Can't wait Danny! I doubt that the board's wish that the match will end their 'argument' will come true though!



Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

The referee had barely rung the bell before these two were at it. An irish whip from Cherry was met by a running crossbody and only a few seconds in, Alicia was being pinned. Kicking out after one, Strong continued to be manhandled by Cherry who progressed from technical take downs to savage throws using Alicia's hair. As the fans got behind the owner's daughter she began to fight back, reversing another irish whip and sending her opponent to the outside. Using the short break to get her breath back, Strong was back on track when her opponent climbed back into the ring. Now on the offensive, Alicia hit a big suplex on her opponent and went for the pin...2 count!

Changing tactic, Alicia went for a sleeper hold. As the hold locked in things started looking bad for Cherry, her arms drooping and her head falling. Baby Jamie ran over to the pair and lifted Chery's arm...

...it fell back down! He went for it a second time...

…it dropped again! One last chance...

…this time it wasn't just Cherry's arm that fell, but her entire body, and Alicia Strong along with it, both coming crashing down on top of the referee...

No Contest in 9:34

Match Rating: D



[it's Anaconda! Kicking wildly at the two competitors, Anaconda is merciless in her attacks. Focusing on neither woman, the largest member of the division dishes out damage in equal proportions. When both are coiled up in pain, Anaconda jumps in the air thudding back down on the mat in celebration...]

Segment Rating: C-


Starr: I know I've said it before...but she is one scary lady!


USPW Tag Team Title Match



C-V-2 vs. The People's Team ©

Cameron Vessey and Casey Valentine were here as representitives of Mid Atlantic Wrestling in this Tag Team Title Match. The second-generation superstars looked pretty hot in the ring but youth and inexperience were their downfall. For the second time in as many matches, Freddie Datsun was the main attraction - much to the annoyance of his partner Des Davids. Despite a good showing from both Vessey and Valentine, Datsun's death valley driver, the Patriot Press, was enough to secure the win.

The People's Team win in 6:26 via pinfall

The People's Team retain their titles in their 3rd Defence.

Match Rating: D


Jillefski: Great performance by The People's Team there...

Starr: And lets not forget about C-V-2. They've done Rip proud tonight - even if Casey is related to Peter!



Captain USA vs. Bruce the Giant

Like his match last week, Captain USA was fired up and ready to make a start on his contract bid. Unfortunately for him, as soon as the bell rang a huge fist connected with the side of his head sending him reeling. It seemed to all that Bruce was toying with his opponent, who was clearly dazed from the initial attack and The Giant hit a number of scoop slams on his aged opponent. A couple of minutes in, a now bored Bruce waited for USA to wobble back around and a Giant Headbutt finished the veteran off.

Bruce the Giant wins in 3:42 via pinfall

Match Rating: C-


Starr: I'm not ashamed to say I've been a part of this sport for nearly 30 years but never have I seen someone as unstoppable as Bruce the Giant!

Jillefski: 30!? Try 40 Micky!


[We're back in the USPW Event Centre where our host, Davis Ditterich, explains to the fans at home how they can be a part of USPW history by ordering next Sunday's PPV, Red, White and Blue! With the advertisement over, Davis moves on to his more typical duties...]



Davis Ditterich: At Stars, Stripes and Slams! a little over two weeks ago, tag team champions The People's Team defeated The Towers of Power to retain their titles. Well, this week we got confirmation that these two teams would once again face off for the titles at Red, White and Blue! Earlier on tonight, I had a quick word with Shane Sneer about his client's chances...


[Ditterich's video wall shifts to a view of Shane Sneer alone on the interview set, a smirk set across his face...]



Shane Sneer: Freddie Datsun, Des Davids are the 'people?' Yeah right, don't make me laugh! While Datsun and Davids are plastering walls and chopping wood, keeping all you snivelling children happy, The Towers of Power are actually doing their jobs...you know, wrestling?


I'm sick and tired of all you false fans cheering whoever is nicest to the fat kid on the front row.


Well, thats about to change.


At Red, White and Blue! The Towers of Power will win the tag team titles and then you can see week-in and week-out what real 'people' are like.


[shane Sneer's evil grin fades away to reveal a black-and-white Bruce the Giant chokeslamming a much younger looking Sam Strong...]



Davis Ditterich: The ever kind Shane Sneer making his thoughts, er, perfectly clear there. Well another man who has had his fair share of problem with Shane Sneer and another of his Corporation members, Peter Valentine, is Jim, sorry The, Force.


[As the interview stage once again materialises on the wall behind Ditterich, we see The Force pacing backwards and forwards, never looking at the camera. Jim still has his midsection bandaged tightly...]



The Force: Shane...Sneer...Peter...Valentine...you have tried your best to destroy my career...

...and you have failed. And at Red, White and Blue! I will...take the national title from you. Peter...Valentine...when you feel these arms around your neck you will know...you will feel...only one thing...




[it takes a moment for a chuckling Davis Ditterich to realise The Force has disappeared from the screen. Composing himself quickly, Davis once again reminds the fans to book the PPV before signing off for the week...]

Segment Rating: C


Jillefski: Does that mean we have another match confirmed for Red, White and Blue!? Peter Valentine vs. The Force?

Starr: Sounds like it. Hopefully we won't have any nonsense from Shane Sneer this time around...

Jillefski: I wouldn't hold your breath Micky...


USPW Television Title Match



Andre Jones ©vs. Pete the Hillbilly

Andre Jones must be wondering what the Television title really stands for after a progressive decline in the ability of his opponents. Jones never left second gear in this match, nor did Pete ever look like a real threat for the champion. After five forgettable minutes, Jones hit the Blast from the Past and covered the big Hillbilly. With the victory secured, Jones didn't hang around, storming backstage with his title belt before the ring announcer had finished declaring him the winner.

Andre Jones wins in 5:47 via pinfall

Match Rating: D


Jillefski: I get the feeling Jones isn't happy about defending his title against the, well, lesser names of the USPW roster...



Enygma vs. Freight Train

Enygma is already in the ring when the sound of a rolling train hits the Huntsville PA. With no one in the arena sure of what to expect, they can scarcely believe their eyes when they see the crazed former train driver emerge through the curtain. The huge figure of Freight Train dominates Enygma immediately after the bell, working on the back that was damaged by Bruce last week. It takes only a couple of minutes, but when Train locks in a bear hug the crowd are expecting the biggest upset of the night! Hoisted in the air, Enygma can barely move but the crowds chants energise him and he begins to hit his opponent in the head. The first few attempts seem to have no effect, the hold only getting tighter. As the wave of blows come over and over, Train begins to weaken and eventually Enygma is dropped. All his hardwork seems to have been for nothing when Train connects a lariat, spinning Enygma up over his head. A hand signal recognised by all as the one used to blow a train's whistle signifies only one thing...End of the Line! Bouncing off the ropes behind him, Train lifts up a giant leg for his 'running' leg drop finisher...missed! Enygma was playing possum all along! With his huge opponent now on the floor, Enygma goes for the Enygma Variation and it doesn't take long before the big man is tapping.

Enygma wins in 7:47 via submission

Match Rating: D+


Starr: I'm not normally shocked by anything that happens in this ring, but I cannot believe my eyes!

Jillefski: I bet Enygma's glad Freight Train missed that leg drop - talk about putting your weight behind something!


[The action cuts backstage to an unprepared Professor Stern. In the middle of a heated discussion with someone off camera, Stern turns around and picks up an apple from the mountain of 'gifts' on his desk. Instead of putting it to his mouth however, he hurls it towards the sound of the voice and an off-screen whelp of pain is met by a grin on Stern's face. Turning to the camera, Stern doesn't seem in the slightest bit interested...]



Professor Stern: When I planned this lesson out, I had intended on describing to you the technique of Peter Valentine, the raw strength of Giant Redwood, the quick thinking of Andre Jones. Unfortunately, the idiots behind the camera didn't like that idea. They wanted a lesson based around James Justice, or Chris Caulfield or Enygma. Why!? What could I possibly have to say about these three men, except that they provide an example of how not to wrestle. However, let's focus on Chris Caulfield, clearly the worst of the group - at least the others have at least had the guts to hold a title between them!


Okay, so what is wrong with Chris Caulfield? Well, he's not big but he's not small. He isn't particularly quick, he's not particularly powerful. He takes a chair to the ring and never uses it. Not only is Chris Caulfield absolutely useless but he's also dull, and generic, and unlikeable.


Kids, I know you look up to me – you think to yourself, 'there's a man who knows everything'...well, you're right...I do. So believe me when I tell you, don't listen to your dad, don't listen to your mum, don't listen to that blathering idiot on the announce table...do not turn out like Chris Caulfield.


Remember, the only person you can trust to be objective about this is me...


...The Expert.

Segment Rating: B


Starr: If he thinks Chris Caulfield can't wrestle...well he's a...he's a...

Jillefski: Woah! Remember we're a family show Mick!

Starr: Gah!



Giant Redwood vs. James Justice

Having been the first to defend his right to a USPW contract last week, Giant Redwood was in the slightly easier position this time around of knowing the outcome of his opponent's match. Knowing a win would set him on his way, and put him ahead of his rival Captain USA, Giant Redwood came at James Justice like a wild man. Unfortunately for Redwood, that was about all the offense he managed in this match. The smaller, quicker James Justice wasn't about to be outsmarted by his gigantic opponent and after a series of succesful attacks, dead on five minutes The Dude hit a stalling knee drop and the victory was his.

James Justice wins in 5:01 via pinfall

Match Rating: C-


Jillefski: For the folks at home...by my reckoning, that leaves Captain USA and Giant Redwood with two defeats and zero wins...

Starr: You know, I think you're right Danny.



Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine (w/Sheik Mustafa)

The fans were ready for a classic tonight, and they weren't disappointed. Both men's workrate was unparalleled, and both played their part perfectly. Caulfield began the stronger, using Baine's uncontrolled aggression to his advantage. Reversals of several high impact moves put Caulfield on the edge of victory but things were about to change. As The Hardcore American went for a pin, Sheik Mustafa climbed up onto the apron just in time to distract the referee. That was to be the catalyst for change for when Caulfield went to return the official to his duties he was sent to the outside by a huge forearm from Baine. As the two fought all the way around the ring the referee was perilously close to counting both men out. Having used the stairs, and the ring post to his advantage Tyson Baine was now on top.


Over the next couple of minutes Chris tried to mount a fight back but was, in the end, unsuccessful. Running at Baine, Caulfield was aiming for a swinging neck breaker...big boot from Baine!

The Demon grabbed his downed opponent and the crowd knew what was coming...Hades Bomb! The huge double handed choke bomb was enough to give Baine the victory, but things weren't over yet...

Tyson Baine wins in 12:05 via pinfall

Match Rating: C

Starr: What a match! What...a...uh-oh...



[bruce walks straight past Caulfield to the unsuspecting Tyson Baine. Grabbing the flame-haired wrestler by the neck, Bruce hoists him high into the air and after what seems like an age, brings him crashing down hard. The boos filling the air of the theatre only seem to please Bruce as his tree-trunk like arm heads towards the ceiling. Yet again, USPW American Wrestling! ends with the image of Bruce the Giant mercilessly chokeslamming a fellow worker...]

Segment Rating: B+


Jillefski: It seems Bruce isn't just interested in destroying the World Champion, but his challenger as well!

Starr: I don't think Bruce is bothered who he attacks as long as he gets his title shot...and if I were the Board - I'd give him it soon!





Sports America Rating: 0.50


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It's alt time...


Casey Valentine



Land Mass as Freight Train



I'm not sure how happy I am with Valentine but at least he looks a bit like Peter now (he should, he's got his eyes, nose and mouth!). Still, if I change anything it'll get posted in here too.


And yes, to everyone who expected an appearance from Barry Bowen you got...Land Mass. :p Still, at least he fits right in :D


Congratulations to John Lions whose second prediction is a perfect one. John was the only person to get 5/5 by successfully guessing the outcome of the women's division match. A large number of you got 4/5 leaving the prediction table looking a little interesting so far...


1. xopher316 and John Lions...9

2. angeldelayette, Bigpapa42, Dragonmack, BHK1978 and smurphy1014...8

3. Jingo, Tigerkinney, SWF Fan and Eisen-verse...7


Everyone is in with a great chance of winning still so keep those predictions coming in! As well as my usual thanks for predictions and comments, I'd like to add thanks to everyone who has voted in the rookie poll. To all, predicting or just a silent reader - I'm inspired by your continued support. :D

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Get your predictions in for...

USPW American Wrestling

February, Week 3, 2010

Belle Bryden vs. Connie Morris

Belle Bryden believes she was robbed of the women's title three weeks ago at Stars, Stripes and Slams! after interference from Anaconda. Tonight she'll face an equally dominant female in the debuting Connie Morris. Rumours abound that Morris and Anaconda were once tag team partners, leaving some to suggest Belle will be taking out her revenge on the newcomer.

Will Belle send Morris back the way she came, or will Connie prove that there's room for one more in the USPW women's division?


Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine

Darryl Devine and Captain USA are about as different as the USPW roster gets. The veteran vs. the youngster.

Will USA's experience take him a step closer to a contract, or will Darryl show that agility, and mobility, more than make up for age?


The Easy Riders vs. Savage Fury

In our second debut of the week, Savage Fury will take on the team of bikers known only as 'The Easy Riders.'

Will it be an Easy Ride for the debutants, or will Fury take them on the USPW Highway to Hell?


Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles

Mick Muscles, one half of The Towers of Power, will get an opportunity to prove himself tonight against Nicky Champion. With a tag team title match approaching, Muscles will want a win here to keep his momentum going.

Will Mick really have the Muscles, or will Nicky prove he is the only true Champion in this match?


Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

We're only a few days away from Red, White and Blue! where Tyson Baine will once again challenge Enygma for the USPW World Title. Tonight, however, he'll want to keep up his winning ways when he faces former champion James Justice.

Can Justice stop the Demon in his tracks, or will Baine send a harrowing message to the World Champion?


Plus, we'll see Chris Caulfield in action, and Giant Redwood will attempt to get a first win towards his contract race. We'll also hear from Television champion Andre Jones and Bruce the Giant will swap the ring for the interview set when he speaks with Davis Ditterich. See all this, and more, on USPW American Wrestling!


Quick Picks...

Belle Bryden vs. Connie Morris

Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine

The Easy Riders vs. Savage Fury

Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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Just discovered this one when looking for another diary to follow and I must say I'm digging it. One of the cool things about reading a diary done by an alt-master is all the cool new pictures. Freddie Datsun's has to be my favorite though, by far.


Belle Bryden vs. Connie Morris

Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine

The Easy Riders vs. Savage Fury

Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice


Going out on a limb here and guessing that the Easy Riders are The Dirty White Boyz. :p

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Belle Bryden vs. Connie Morris- Double DQ More Anaconda attacks

Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine

The Easy Riders vs. Savage Fury- McWade brothers in biker gimmicks maybe?

Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles

Tyson Baine vs. James Justice

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<p><strong>Belle Bryden</strong> vs. Connie Morris</p><p> </p><p>

<em>If Anaconda keeps making run in's and matches ending in no contests it is going to become old hat pretty quicky. So despite her previous history with Connie Morris, I can't help thinking that Morris has basically been brought in as the division's resident whipping girl. She's not on the same talent level as the four that were already there, neither is she a scary monster heel like Anaconda either.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

Captain USA vs. <strong>Darryl Devine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>I know you have avoided pushing Devine (when it is so tempting to do so) but this is one he defintely can win, as Captain USA's whole angle right now seems to be based more on him losing all the time and his job with USPW being on the line. </em></p><p> </p><p>

The Easy Riders vs. Savage Fury</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The obvious thing would be that the Easy Riders are the DWB, but then again I'm one of the mugs who thought Freight Train might be Runaway Train, so they could quite as easily turn out to be Wiley Coyote. I'm going to play safe here and say that this ends up a schmozz no contest due to Oracles based inteference.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nicky Champion</strong> vs. Mick Muscles</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Champion has that 'future of USPW' aura about him and a World Title run will happen for him at some point. Muscles on the other hand has been there already and failed to really shine as a main event guy and thus his ceiling seem to be as an Upper-Mid/Tag competitor, whilst a loss here to Muscles wouldn't really be holding Champion down I think the win would be more beneficial to him.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. James Justice</p><p> </p><p>

DQ 'win' for Tyson Baine, following Bruce The Giant deciding to attack James Justice...P'oed that he didn't get the chance to Hades Bomb Justice, Baine then brawls with Bruce The Giant post match.</p>

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<p><strong>Belle Bryden</strong> vs. Connie Morris</p><p>

Captain USA vs. <strong>Darryl Devine</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Easy Riders</strong> vs. Savage Fury</p><p>

<strong>Nicky Champion</strong> vs. Mick Muscles</p><p>

<strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. James Justice</p>

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<p>Quick Picks...</p><p>

<strong>Belle Bryden</strong> vs. Connie Morris</p><p> </p><p>

Captain USA vs. <strong>Darryl Devine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Easy Riders </strong>vs. Savage Fury</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nicky Champion</strong> vs. Mick Muscles</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. James Justice</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="John Lions" data-cite="John Lions" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27058" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That Casey Valentine alt is AWESOME, mainly because it looks a lot more realistic AND actually makes him look like Peter Valentine's son.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks John, I'm glad you like it. Whilst I don't necessarily have a problem with the original render, it does stand out a bit. The alt is actually a mixture of Peter Valentine and Shooter Sean Deeley!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rayelek" data-cite="Rayelek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27058" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just discovered this one when looking for another diary to follow and I must say I'm digging it. One of the cool things about reading a diary done by an alt-master is all the cool new pictures. Freddie Datsun's has to be my favorite though, by far.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Great to have you on board Rayelek! I'm glad you've enjoyed things so far - I'm really excited about where things are heading so hopefully you'll keep on enjoying!</p><p> </p><p> Datsun's new render is awesome isn't it!? I can't take any credit for that one though, the work is all jtlant's <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />.</p>
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<p><strong>Belle Bryden</strong> vs. Connie Morris</p><p>

<em>The Dish of the Day propels Bryden to victory. But a postmatch attack by Anaconda leaves her laying.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Captain USA</strong> vs. Darryl Devine</p><p>

<em>Since it seems that Redwood is going to get a squash victory, USA evens it up at one win apiece.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Easy Riders vs. <strong>Savage Fury</strong></p><p>

<em>Savage Fury continues their push toward a match with The Oracles.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nicky Champion</strong> vs. Mick Muscles</p><p>

<em>If it were a tag match, I might answer differently. But in singles action, Nicky gets the win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. James Justice </p><p>

<em>Baine has a USPW World Title match coming so momentum for him is crucial.</em></p>

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<p><strong>Belle Bryden</strong> vs. Connie Morris</p><p> </p><p>

Captain USA vs. <strong>Darryl Devine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Easy Riders </strong>vs. Savage Fury</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nicky Champion</strong> vs. Mick Muscles</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. James Justice</p>

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<p><strong>Belle Bryden</strong> vs. Connie Morris</p><p>

<em>As said by many above me, Anaconda will most likely hit Belle with a post-match attack</em></p><p> </p><p>

Captain USA vs. <strong>Darryl Devine</strong></p><p>

<em>I was tempted to give the win to Captain USA here, but I don't think Redwood will even the score in his contract chase if his match for it isn't even available for predictions</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Easy Riders vs. <strong>Savage Fury</strong></p><p>

<em>Squash</em></p><p> </p><p>

Nicky Champion vs. <strong>Mick Muscles</strong></p><p>

<em>Going with Mick here just because I can see the Towers dominating before the title match. Nicky really isn't involved in anything atm so a win wouldn't do much</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs. James Justice</p><p>

<em>Baine is your top dog atm, Justice isn't really cemented in the ME at the moment</em></p>

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Belle Bryden vs. Connie Morris


If Anaconda keeps making run in's and matches ending in no contests it is going to become old hat pretty quicky. So despite her previous history with Connie Morris, I can't help thinking that Morris has basically been brought in as the division's resident whipping girl. She's not on the same talent level as the four that were already there, neither is she a scary monster heel like Anaconda either.


Captain USA vs. Darryl Devine


I know you have avoided pushing Devine (when it is so tempting to do so) but this is one he defintely can win, as Captain USA's whole angle right now seems to be based more on him losing all the time and his job with USPW being on the line.


The Easy Riders vs. Savage Fury


The obvious thing would be that the Easy Riders are the DWB, but then again I'm one of the mugs who thought Freight Train might be Runaway Train, so they could quite as easily turn out to be Wiley Coyote. I'm going to play safe here and say that this ends up a schmozz no contest due to Oracles based inteference.


Nicky Champion vs. Mick Muscles


Champion has that 'future of USPW' aura about him and a World Title run will happen for him at some point. Muscles on the other hand has been there already and failed to really shine as a main event guy and thus his ceiling seem to be as an Upper-Mid/Tag competitor, whilst a loss here to Muscles wouldn't really be holding Champion down I think the win would be more beneficial to him.


Tyson Baine vs. James Justice


DQ 'win' for Tyson Baine, following Bruce The Giant deciding to attack James Justice...P'oed that he didn't get the chance to Hades Bomb Justice, Baine then brawls with Bruce The Giant post match.


My name is Big Papa and I approve of these picks.

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Greetings True Believers!


If you’re reading this column then you’ve picked up United States Pro Wrestling Illustrated –US-PWI for short- the official magazine of United States Pro Wrestling.


And if you did that, then most likely you’re a fan of the USPDUBYA…United States Pro Wrestling….the single greatest wrestling company on the planet today!


My name is Parker Harris, and I’m an assistant editor and lead reporter for this fine magazine. My first assignment was to head down to the Huntsville Fairgrounds in order to interview one of our industry’s most famous and recognizable names – THE FORCE.


Ever since he made his debut working Up North, The Force was been one of the most successful and well-loved wrestlers anywhere. At 6’2”, 285 lbs of raw, natural muscle, he is a truly imposing figure as he storms towards the ring. His fans – many of them choosing to wear the same trademark face paint that he does – love to cheer him on, as he takes on the biggest, baddest, and most underhanded names on the USPW roster. No villain is safe from the wrath of THE FORCE.


But what sets him apart – what makes him truly special – is the electric and somewhat mystical energy that pulsates through the arena whenever he sets foot in the ring.


Some may mock it, but every USPW fan that’s sat at ringside knows it’s real.






As I approached the Fairgrounds, the sky was overcast; angry clouds set against a threatening sky. It was an off day, so the parking lot – normally teeming with raucous fans and USPW tailgaters – was eerily quiet. The Force had allowed me to visit during one of his legendary powerlifting and cardiovascular training sessions to exchange a few words about his past, but more likely to focus on his current battle with the nefarious Peter Valentine.


But the surprise was on me. Just as I came to a point a few feet from the front doors, a coal grey town car came flying around the corner, it’s tires coming to a squealing halt a few inches from my feet. The door flew open and one burly arm dragged me within.


It took me a second for my eyes to adjust to the lights…SHANE SNEER AND PETER VALENTINE!!! Those ruffians!!!



PH: What do you want? (I tried to put up a tough front, but my voice cracked, giving it away)


SS: Quiet, Pencil Neck! You won’t be asking any questions…your interview with that musclebound oaf, “Jim” Force has been cancelled. You’ll be doing an interview with the USPW National Champion, my man, the great PETER VALENTINE!


PH: How can I do an interview if I can’t ask questions…?




PV: (As he spoke, he lovingly held his title belt) So you came here to interview “Jim?”


PH: Y’know I believe he no longer …(one look from Sneer shut me up and I knew my portion of the speaking was done.)


PV: Like I said…you came here to interview “Jim.” Why? What has he done to deserve all this attention? What has he done to get all this adulation from the fans? The T-shirts? The posters? The snuggies? The finely crafted set of commemorative Jim Force thimbles?


Most importantly, what has that clown-faced moron done to deserve title shot after title shot in USPW? He doesn’t deserve a shot at the TV title. And he dangblammed doesn’t deserve a shot at MY USPW National Title!!! Who has he beaten? Who has he impressed? So why does he keep getting all this attention and all these high profile matches???




SS: I’ll tell you why..the Three M’s! Marketing! Money! Moolah!


PV: Exactly. The USPW makes money off of selling all that crap with the Jim’s face on it. He’s a tool. He’s someone who the fans can “admire” and “cheer for” (dripping with sarcasm) and then when they’re done cheering they can run to the concession stand and buy the latest piece of junk with that doofus’ face on it. DAGBLAMMIT!


Meanwhile a guy like me, who worked hard for everything he got, who had to scratch and claw his way to the top, who never got a helping hand from nobody, who has to make it in this business on my talent alone and in no way shape or form on any of my friendships…I get booed? Because I bend the rules? Because – maybe at times – I cross the line in order to hold onto this title I love so much? Is that why people hate me?


Is that why Jim Force gets the adulation and I don’t? Because he’s a living, breathing mascot, and I’m just trying to be me.


SS: Stop it Pete, you’re gonna make me get teary-eyed. Those inbred rednecks don’t deserve to cheer for a man of your caliber.


PV: Did you know some people have even said that the reason I do the things I do is because I might actually..….be afraid of The Force? How ridiculous is that?


Sneer and Valentine start to laugh, when the grey skies fills with a thunderous crack and the interior of the town car is lit up by the glare of a bolt of lightning striking nearby. The car shakes. Peter Valentine’s eyes go wide and for a split-second you can almost read his panic-stricken mind: OK, I believe in The Force, don’t hurt me!!


Both men grumble something about me making them late for an appointment, and then drop me off at the front of the Fairgrounds where’d they first grabbed me. As their car drove off i though to myself, “Tough words. But tough words are often nothing but a cover for cowardly hearts.”


I went through the Fairgrounds doors to try to meet my initial appointment, but The Force had left. No one had seen him leave, but it didn’t matter. I wouldn’t be making my deadline.


And as I stepped out back into the now rain soaked streets of Huntsville, my ears were again filled with the thunderous roar of a lightning strike. I looked off into the distant sky….and just for a second I could swear I saw…..naw, it couldn’t be…

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OOC: I've become quite the fan of jhd1's diary and I wanted to work with him on this project because - for those of you who've had him make alts can atest to - he's just a fun guy to work with


So we talked about doing a coulmn for the promotion BigPapa Gen-S~style, but a company this old schooly couldn't roll with a smart mark insider style column, so I decided to do somewhat of a tribute to those Apter style Pro Wrestling Insider Magazine articles that were done in full on, over the top, kayfabe.


Look for these to highlight certain feuds, tease some storylines, and make certain everyone knows that the good guys are the good guys, and the bad guys are the bad guys.


Hope you guys like it :)

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Friday February Week 2 2010

I am sorry Sam...


With a gracious smile, Sam Strong got to his feet signalling to the others in the room that this meeting was over. Behind his back, Shane Sneer's hand curled into a fist, an inner annoyance creeping into view, while J.K. Stallings Jr. and Gordon Wright put on their immaculate business smiles, years of practice perfecting the art of hiding one's disappointment.


Sam's out-stretched hand looked enormous when seen against the petite, slender fingers of the woman they were here to see, the woman known to most as Dawn the Cheerleader. With Supreme holding a show in the area, and Dawn's contract coming up, she had agreed to meet with the USPW Board and Creative Team. Despite their initial optimism about her coming, once realism kicked in everyone in the company had known what the outcome of the day's meeting would be. Unfortunately for USPW, they all knew, this was a big chance missed even if Dawn was keen to point out that it was by no fault of their own. 'Give me a ring in another 12 months,' she had said, 'I am always happy to talk.'


But all that didn't stop those four words...the four words that no one in USPW wanted to hear...from being uttered for the first, but certainly not the last, time in the new Stallings Era...


...I am sorry Sam.

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The Easy Riders vs. Savage Fury


You know that this pick has made me sick to my stomach!:D That is twice in one day that I had to pick the Savage Jobbers to get a victory...


Perhaps it is a conspiracy...:p Hope you'll enjoy the show, whether the Fury win or lose.


Look for these to highlight certain feuds, tease some storylines, and make certain everyone knows that the good guys are the good guys, and the bad guys are the bad guys.


Hope you guys like it :)


Thanks Peter, as you know I'm a big fan of article #1.


Expect to see lots more of Parker folks, I've got some big plans for him (plans that Peter doesn't even know about yet!).


The current aim is to get the next show posted up sometime on Friday and then Red, White and Blue! the following Thursday. I'm really excited for the PPV, it is definitely the best show yet so I hope you'll enjoy it when it comes around. Until then, thanks for the predictions, thanks for the comments and I hope you all enjoy USPW's finest reporter's debut a few posts above :D

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I'm afraid there is going to be a slight delay in putting up the show. I've got it almost finished but I'd rather post it tomorrow evening and get it properly checked through and perfected, rather than rush through it just to meet a 'deadline.' What are deadlines for if not to be broken, right!?


Seeing as every cloud has a silver lining that does, of course, mean that if you have not had a chance to predict so far - you now have another 24 hours(ish) in which to do so.


Thanks for all your predictions, and all your votes - I'm sure you all know by now that USPW: The Battle for Prime Time won the Rookie DOTM for March! When I started the diary I thought I might get one or two predictions a show, not the 12-15 I've been getting, never mind winning an award in the first month! At the risk of sounding insincere, without all your help, comments, and predictions, we'd never have got this far :D


Congrats on a well deserved Rookie DOTM victory, jhd1! :D You're doing a great job thus far with this; I look forwad to where it goes from here!


All the best,




Thanks Eisen! Not only for the comment, but for all your help throughout. As you know, there's a lot more to come!

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