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Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling: Taking Australia to New Heights

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Zergon" data-cite="Zergon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27232" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> <em>Zucco probably loses via DQ furthering his "I don´t care winning I just want to hurt someone" image</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Zucco definitely accomplishes that on this show, though probably not in the way you would think. Even though he's a comedy character, much like Reed, they both become some of my favorite wrestlers to write for.</p><p> </p><p> I should have the show up in 3-4 hours, so if anyone has any last minute predictions or feedback it's more than welcome.</p><p> </p><p> *</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27232" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><em>totalextremewrestling.com</em><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">Deep Impact Wrestling - Reaching for the Skies</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:right;"><p>By Robert Szatkowski, 3/13/10</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/4789/diw.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> While John Lions has been making waves through the Australian independents, many have forgotten about the Comedian's <strong>Deep Impact Wrestling,</strong> which has recently made the jump up to the next level. With the increase in sponsorship money, the Comedian has been sending out contracts to some promising individuals - most noticeably, Maurice Jackson. As DIW bolster its roster with <strong>five</strong> new recruits, APW and RAW may have to begin taking the hardcore promotion a bit more seriously. Also, with DIW's expansion, will they begin to butt heads with KCCW as it begins its very own expansion, or will the Comedian be as supportive of Lions as he was when the year began?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/8424/johnlions.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> It was a struggle for John Lions to retain his composure - Keith Cole, his road agent, should have told him about this weeks ago! No matter; if keeping your major booking plans under lock and key meant he had to put up with the incompetence of his subordinates, then so be it. Lions dialed up the man who he had recently contacted around a month ago, preparing for the worst.</p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#008000;">"So I take it you're employed now?"</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <em>"What would you have had me do, John? I was offered a job, and I took it. I have a family to feed, and can't afford to wait half a year for you to bring me in."</em></p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#008000;">"You're right, I'm sorry I haven't been able to get you employed here sooner but I have barely enough to my name to cover one appearance by you at the moment."</span></em> John took a deep breath, knowing the answer to this question could make or break KCCW. <em><span style="color:#008000;">"Will you still be able to work for us when the time comes?"</span></em></p><p> </p><p> <em>"Mr. Lions, I am a man of my word. You promised to make me a star, to give me the chance that no one else has ever given me, and I promised to be patient for when you need me. I will be at </em><em><strong>Kingdom Come</strong></em><em>, unless your plans have changed..?"</em></p><p> </p><p> I let out a huge sigh of relief. I was lucky that he was a dependable man, which is a rare breed indeed. </p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#008000;"><em>"That's great news. I'll be seeing you then. Later."</em></span></p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">Trail of Lies</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/xKYApSL.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Marv’s Sport Center</p><p>

Attendance: 8</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Out comes the champion</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/bgMUVZM.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/gVbYpBA.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Guffin and Robertson open up the show, heading to the ring together while Frankie holds the KCCW World Heavyweight Championship over one shoulder like always.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“A triple threat match, in which Donovan Boon and Rusty Mills both receive a title shot against my champion here. A weaker man would be intimidated, faced by such odds. A weaker man would let the pressure get to him, costing himself the championship he holds so dear.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“There is a reason I chose Frankie Robertson, over everyone else, to be my client. When you look at him, you see a champion. His waist looks naked without a title around it. Rusty Mills, Donovan Boon, neither of you have what it takes to be champion. Until you get your little lover’s quarrel behind you, neither of you will have the drive, the focus, or the pure skill Frankie Robertson has. </em><em><strong>Frankie Robertson is a class above you!</strong></em><em>”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“</em><em><strong>Word!</strong></em><em>” </em></p><p> </p><p>

Guffin gives a quizzical look over to Robertson, who, apparently caught up in the moment, decided to speak for the first time in KCCW history.</p><p>


“…What was that?”</em></p><p> </p><p>

Before Guffin can question Robertson’s newfound enthusiasm, Rusty Mills appears, mic in hand!</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/KCctu8W.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“</em><em><strong>Mac Guffin, has anyone ever told you that you talk a lot?</strong></em><em>”</em> Mills gets a big cheer for taking a shot at Guffin, unsurprisingly. <em>“I can see why you would think I wouldn’t be 100% focused on taking out your champion here, Guffin. It makes sense, really. But there is a lot you don’t know, Guffin, so I suggest you sit your ass down in that announcer’s chair and let someone who has done more than mouth off speak for a change.”</em></p><p> </p><p>

Guffin, hesitating to glare at Mills, relents, leaving Frankie in the ring as Mills enters.</p><p>


“Before I was one half of the best tag team in Australia, I was an amateur wrestler. Out of high school, I was undefeated. I was asked to be on the Olympic team. I was arguably the best pure wrestler on the continent. But I turned it all down, to wrestle for table scraps with my good friend, who had always been there for me. </em><em><strong>You may know him as Donovan Boon, but I know him as Benedict, because I put my trust in my friendship with him and he stabbed me in the back.</strong></em><em> You delusional son of a bitch, do you not remember who taught you how to grapple? Do you not-“</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/QVNoCyz.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Shut up.”</em> Donovan Boon, emerging from the back, interrupts Mills mid-sentence. <em>“Now, Rusty,” </em>he sneers at the name, <em>“I could go into a deep, heartfelt speech, much like you yourself have, </em><em><strong>but I would rather just keep your attention long enough for you to forget that Frankie Robertson is in the ring with you as well.</strong></em><em>”</em></p><p> </p><p>

Frankie Robertson, who is indeed still in the ring as Donovan says, has the KCCW World title lined up, and as soon as Rusty turns around, <strong>BASHES him in the face with the belt!</strong> Donovan grins as Robertson turns toward his other opponent, as the hideously ugly referee Herbie H Reedman helps the injured Rusty get to his feet.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Now Guffin, you keep your seat in that god damned chair. Don’t you think I forgot your goon headbutting me last month. You may have thought I would forget, since he was the one who ended up bleeding instead of me, but I didn’t. I’m prepared to leave it all behind me, Mac, on one condition: you keep your grubby hands out of tonight’s match. </em><em><strong>Because if I so much as SEE you step up on that apron, I’m putting you through that table.</strong></em><em>”</em></p><p> </p><p>

Frankie steps over to the edge of the ropes to face off with Donovan, who raises his hands and walks out, clearly wanting to be no part of Robertson before the match later tonight.</p><p>


(26, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E</span></strong><strong>)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kenny Poulter vs Warren Lydecker</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/BWFuYMb.jpg</span><span>http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5315/versusw.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/NNjGAkS.jpg</span> </div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Lydecker is accompanied by Pat Rigsby, who, as Lions and Guffin relay, has dubbed their alliance ‘The Axis.’ Poulter, accompanied by Lance Lott, begins the match with a shade from his friend’s book, offering Warren a handshake. Warren, characteristically, ignores it, dropkicking Poulter to the mat! Lydecker uses knees to the head and body of Poulter to soften him up, but <strong>Poulter musters the strength to counter a leg drop into a single-leg Boston Crab!</strong> Warren, yelling in pain, is able to reach the ropes to break the hold. <strong>Poulter respectfully releases immediately and steps away from Warren to give him time to recover, who bounces off the ropes, going for the Lydecker Lariat!</strong> Kenny ducks his attempt, though, and as Warren comes back around, grabs him by the head and hits him with the Holy Grail for the quick victory. After the bell is rung, ‘Piledriver’ rolls into the ring and tries to attack the victorious Poulter from behind! <strong>Lance pulls his own partner from the ring before Rigsby can reach him, though, and the pair head to the back victorious.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER:</strong> Kenny Poulter <strong>(17, </strong><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">F+</span></strong><strong>)</strong> [4:53]</p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>‘Rocket’ Reed Buckfield vs ‘Psycho’ Joe Zucco</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/ziViL1H.jpg</span><span>http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5315/versusw.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/VxKTdZx.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Reed, today, comes out in a full astronaut suit instead of just the helmet</strong>, characteristically dancing to the ring and slapping hands with fans. However, ‘Psycho’ lives up to his name by forgoing any entrance and jumping out of the crowd, taking his trademark chair onto the head of Reed! <strong>The referee, unable to disqualify him as the bell hasn’t rung, is amazed to realize Reed is unharmed, as his helmet protected against the blow!</strong> Herbie, the consummate official, clears the ring of foreign (or alien) objects before the match can start, taking Reed’s helmet and Zucco’s chair. This doesn’t faze the Psycho in the least, who batters the astronaut around the ring with vicious headbutts and punches, dropping Reed with a back suplex. Instead of covering, <strong>Zucco heads to the top rope, jumping off with his Flying Headbutt while screaming “PSYCHOOOOO” at the top of his lungs.</strong> Herbie counts the three, and the ‘Psycho’ wins in an impressive showing. Before Zucco can do any more damage to Reed (or himself), Mac restrains him, gesturing him to the back with his cane.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER:</strong> 'Psycho' Joe Zucco <strong>(15, </strong><strong><span style="color:#8B0000;">F+</span></strong><strong>)</strong> [5:44]</p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Next Big Things aren’t pleased</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/inVewqY.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/oEG735J.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Before we start our match, Mercenary, before I end your undefeated streak and put you one step closer to unemployment, I want to know.”</em> Nicky says.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“</em><em><strong>What the **** is your problem?</strong></em><em>”</em> Rod interrupts.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>“Rod, relax. What I want to know is why you cost us our chance at a title shot? </strong><strong><strong>You weren’t paid to distract Rod, so you were obviously acting for your own reasons.</strong></strong><strong> Why is it you’re working as a gun-for-hire around here? You’re getting a salary, same as us, so you should be able to just wrestle and make decisions for yourself. What-“</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rod cuts off his partner. <em>“I don’t care about what his motives are, and you shouldn’t either, Nicky! Focus! </em><em><strong>We’re here to win gold, make names for ourselves. Not play psychiatrist for some lunatic.</strong></em><em>”</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/95DnVx5.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Mercenary, walking from the back, has a microphone in hand. <strong>Instead of responding to any of Nicky’s questions, he crushes it in his hand and throws the scraps to the ground, heading for the ring.</strong></p><p><strong>


Nicky sighs.<em> “You’re right, Rod. Just so you know, Mercenary, I’m going to push you to your limit, because I’m a future superstar, a Next Big Thing. And that’s what we do, because we’re just simply better than you.”</em></p><p><em>




(37, </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">D-</span></strong><strong>)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nicky Gilbert vs Mercenary</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/inVewqY.jpg</span><span>http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5315/versusw.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/95DnVx5.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Gilbert, attempting to lock up with the beast, was ignored completely by Mercenary as it appears he tried to reason with him, though the announcers couldn’t make out what he was saying. Nicky attempts to get into a stand up brawl with him, <strong>but this proves useless as one punch floors him.</strong> Mercenary lifts the Next Big Thing up for a military press, dropping him gut first onto his knee! This only gets a two count, so Mercenary picks Gilbert up, flipping him onto his shoulders for a huge Powerbomb. <strong>Rod Sullivan, seeing his partner about to go down hard, jumps up onto the apron, so Mercenary powerbombs Nicky into Rod off the apron!</strong> Bouncing his back off the ropes, the surprisingly agile Mercenary hits a suicide dive on the pair as Rod is helping up his brother! <strong>Nicky avoids the brunt of the attack, though, and hits his patented Diamond Cutter on the big man.</strong> Herbie tosses the match out, as John Lions, from the announce table, stand up as Nicky checks on Rod.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER:</strong> No One <strong>(31, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E+</span></strong><strong>)</strong> [6:45]</p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Lions is fed up</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/QtvmN7J.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">“Enough is enough! I’ve sat back while I watched Guffin run around whacking people with his cane. I’ve sat back while ‘Psycho’ Joe Zucco bloodied nearly a third of my employees. </span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>But I will NOT sit back and let Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling turn into anarchy! This isn’t DIW!</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;"> If one more person gets involved in a match they don’t belong in, </span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>they are getting suspended for a month!</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;">”</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/inVewqY.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/oEG735J.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/95DnVx5.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Taking a deep breath, Lions looks around the outside, as the three wrestlers who caused the outburst are all on their feet, the Next Big Things looking a little guilty, Mercenary looking at nothing.</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">“As much as I hate to say it, I can stand a bit of brawling and rule breaking. It’s what makes wrestling what it is. But if things get as out of hand as they did tonight, I won’t hesitate to put my foot down. Nicky, you were the last one standing at the end of that brawl. Since there was no clear winner, </span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>I’m going to give you a title shot next month at Through Blood By Thunder.</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;"> However, you two-</span></em><em><em><span style="color:#008000;"><span style="color:#008000;">“John gestures at Mercenary and Rod Sullivan”</span></span></em></em><em><span style="color:#008000;">-obviously still have some bad blood, so I’ll let you settle your differences next month. To prevent a replay of tonight, though, everything will be completely legal: </span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>the match will be No Holds Barred!</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#008000;">”</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Rod turns to stare down Mercenary, held back by Nicky to prevent another brawl, as Mercenary shows his teeth in a feral grin.<strong> Taking his hand, thumb facing in, Mercenary runs it across his throat in a throat-cutting gesture.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">“Now, get out of here, all of you. You got what you wanted, so I’m giving you all the night off so you don’t start brawling again and tear this place apart.”</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>(35, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E+</span></strong><strong>) </strong></p><p> </p><p>



KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Rusty Mills vs Frankie Robertson© vs Donovan Boon</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/KCctu8W.jpg</span><span>http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5315/versusw.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/gVbYpBA.jpg</span><span>http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5315/versusw.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/QVNoCyz.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

As soon as the bell rings, Rusty, who has a noticeable bump on his forehead, goes straight for Donovan, while Frankie sits back and watches as the two former friends tear into each other. Every move Donovan makes, Rusty counters, so when Donovan goes for a shoulder block, it is no surprise when <strong>Rusty spins him into his patented tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, the Miller Highlight! This prompts Frankie into action, who, heading to the top rope and hits a bulldog onto Mills before he can pin Donovan!</strong> Frankie quickly pins Boon first, getting a two count, and only gets a one count from Mills.</p><p> </p><p>

Now, with the champ officially involved in the match, things start to heat up. Robertson and Donovan form an uneasy alliance, taking out Mills before he can do unload on either competitor. Much to the surprise of the fans, the uneasy alliance pulled off a beautiful tag team maneuver, noticeably the former finisher of Mills and Donovan’s team. <strong>Donovan, holding Mills up vertically in the air in a suplex position, keeps the outnumbered athlete in place so Robertson can hit a missile dropkick from the top!</strong> Donovan goes for a pin, but is interrupted by Robertson, and the two heel’s agreement is over as Robertson begins firing a flurry of stiff elbow shots into Donovan’s face and forcing him out of the ring! With no one to stop him, Robertson sets Mills up for the Robertson Experience. As Donovan attempts to get back into the ring, <strong>he is knocked off by a chair shot from ‘Psycho’ Joe Zucco!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/QtvmN7J.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#008000;">“Zucco, if you don’t get out of Marv’s Sports Central THIS INSTANT you’re going to be fired. For now, you’re suspended, and Mac Guffin, I’m banning you from ringside as well. I want the best man in this match to win, not the one with the most backup.”</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

The removal of his allies from ringside is enough of a distraction for Mills to go for a quick rollup on Robertson, nearly scoring a win! Both wrestlers get to their feet, circling each other, and go into an amateur lockup. Frankie must not have been listening to Mills before, because he is outclassed, and finds himself being irish whipped into the ropes, bouncing back into a Miller Highlight by Rusty! <strong>Frankie spins with him, though, going far enough to latch on to Rusty’s neck and drop him with a Robertson Experience instead!</strong> That is enough for the champion to retain, giving him some much-needed credibility as champion.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER:</strong> Frankie Robertson© <strong>(36, </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">D-</span></strong><strong>)</strong> [18:53]</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>OVERALL: (33, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E+</span></strong><strong>)</strong></p>

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Jingo – 10/14

Zergon – 9/14

MaxHexx – 8/10

hrdcoresidebrns - 5/7

Rayelek - 3/6





Through Blood By Thunder


Through Blood By Thunder, KCCW’s fifth show, already has two announced matches. With two late additions to our card, every match will deliver some of the best wrestling seen on the entire continent!


Scheduled Matches:



NO HOLDS BARRED: Rod Sullivan vs Mercenary

Ever since Rod Sullivan was left at the hands of a vicious beating from the monstrous Mercenary, the big man has gone out of his way to bring harm to Rod and his partner, Nicky Gilbert. While it was speculated it that Mercenary was still being paid off by Mac Guffin, this was proven to not be the case. Is there someone paying off Mercenary, or is there some other motive behind the maniac’s actions? Will Nicky Gilbert get himself involved on his partner’s behalf, even though he may get injured in the process before his big title match?



Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) vs The Axis (Warren Lydecker and ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby)


These four men stand for two completely different ethical viewpoints: while Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter believe in honoring their opponent, Lydecker and Rigsby only care about winning in any way possible. The only problem is that their way of winning has yet to be successful. The two bitter wrestlers have formed an alliance to take out their noble counterparts, though their success has been strictly outside of the ring. Will justice prevail, or will the cheaters steal a win?



Rusty Mills vs Donovan Boon


This is a grudge match five months in the making. Donovan Boon and Rusty Mills, formerly one of the most promising teams in Australia, were disbanded when Donovan turned on his partner to further his single career. Donovan has been claiming that he had been carrying their team, and that it was his ‘destiny’ to be the best single star in Australia. Rusty is having none of it – he’s called Donovan a ‘Benedict’ for turning his back on him. It is time for Donovan to either put up or shut up, and to get to the champion he has to go through his former partner.



KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Nicky Gilbert vs Frankie Robertson©


Frankie Robertson has proven he is a fighting champion with a big win against Boon and Mills last month. Nicky Gilbert has earned his number one contendership for an impressive showing against the undefeated Mercenary, but it is clear that he has other things on his mind. While Nicky Gilbert claimed his and the Next Big Things’ goal is to earn gold and make a name for themselves, he still has unfinished business with Mercenary. Can Gilbert overcome the odds and pick up the win or will he be too distracted to beat Frankie Robertson, who will no doubt have his manager Mac Guffin at ringside?


All of this and more at Through Blood By Thunder, May 27th at Marv's Sports Central! Be there, or catch the live stream here at http://www.kccw.com!


Quick Picks:

NO HOLDS BARRED: Rod Sullivan vs Mercenary

Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) vs The Axis (Warren Lydecker and ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby)

Rusty Mills vs Donovan Boon

KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Nicky Gilbert vs Frankie Robertson©

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NO HOLDS BARRED: Rod Sullivan vs Mercenary

I go with Sullivan taking this one to tie wins to one each.


Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) vs The Axis (Warren Lydecker and ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby)

Lott and Poulter have looked stronger so far so Axis take a win here


Rusty Mills vs Donovan Boon

This one could go either way but I go with heel winning with some dirty trick.


KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Nicky Gilbert vs Frankie Robertson©

Robertson seems to do decent job as a champion so no need to give the title to others.

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NO HOLDS BARRED: Rod Sullivan vs Mercenary

After the thrown out match Mercenery continues his winning run here ..

Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) vs The Axis (Warren Lydecker and ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby)

I just like the team

Rusty Mills vs Donovan Boon

A tough one, but i'm going to have to concur with Zergon Heel gets the win and the feud continues

KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Nicky Gilbert vs Frankie Robertson©

No reason to change the champ yet.

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NO HOLDS BARRED: Rod Sullivan vs Mercenary To much power and Gilbert won't help since he has a title match. I also think Mercenary is being paid off.

Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) vs The Axis (Warren Lydecker and ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby) Cheating behind the referee's back.

Rusty Mills vs Donovan Boon Dirty tactics.

KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Nicky Gilbert vs Frankie Robertson© Dirty tactics. Maybe a Mercenary run in.

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Through Blood By Thunder




Marv’s Sport Center

Attendance: 10




The Next Big Things head to the ring, mics in hand




“Mercenary, you and Rod have a score to settle tonight. I’ll be in his corner, so-”


No. Rod interrupts his partner, startling him.


“But Rod, I’m your partner, I’m supposed to have your back-


“No. Nicky, I’ll be fine. Look, you’ve got a huge chance tonight, to be the first man to bring down Frankie Robertson and take his title. You should be in your best condition for your match, and being in my corner would just give Guffin and his goons a chance to rough you up. Plus… I want Mercenary alone.


Nicky sighs. “Alright, Rod, if you think you can handle this by yourself, I won’t stop you. But, Mercenary, I hope you’re ready to get put through hell tonight, because Rod Sullivan is one half of the best team in Australia!”




(32, E+)




NO HOLDS BARRED: Rod Sullivan vs Mercenary




Nicky Gilbert leaves despite not agreeing with his partner’s decision. While Rod goes under the ring to pull out a table, Mercenary heads out from the back, weaponless. Rod finishes setting up the table outside the ring and rolls in, to confront Mercenary and stare off with the monster face to face (well, chest). The bell is rung, and Rod begins by firing hard kicks to Mercenary’s legs and body, taking him to one knee! He moves back into the ropes, going for a springboard kick of some sort, but Mercenary is aware enough to catch him mid air. Lifting Rod up into a military press position, he drops him gut first onto his knee, pinning him with only one foot. This only gets a one count, so Mercenary kicks the downed Sullivan out of the ring, following. He lifts Rod up bodily and goes to slam him into the ring posts, much like he did on the aftermath of their last outing, but Rod reverses, grabbing Mercenary by the head and dropping him to the floor with a DDT! This only gives Rod a two count, so the youngster dives under the ring to search for more weapons.


As Mercenary begins to come to, Rod is ready with a bundle of five kendo sticks! Rod bashes Mercenary across the head with one, and it snapped in two, seemingly dazing the monster but not taking him off his unsteady footing. The second kendo stick draws blood, and the third brings him to his knees. Finally, using all five kendo sticks across his head, Mercenary is brought to the ground, bloody and knocked out. Rather than finish it there, Rod Sullivan manages to lift up the giant man and lay him out across the table he set up earlier. Heading to the top rope, Rod looks to put Mercenary away with a Rolling Rod Knee through the table! The only problem is that while he was climbing to the top, he didn’t notice a giant of man jump the guardrail and sneak up behind him with a chair, slamming him in the back and knocking him back into the ring off the top!




The big man (recognized as Sinner, one-half of The Drifters tag team with Mercenary) rolls out of the ring, taking Mercenary off the table and setting him to the side. Sinner then heads back into the ring, grabbing Rod by the throat and throwing him out of the ring by the throat into the table with a massive Chokebomb! The barely conscious Mercenary pins the thoroughly defeated Rod, and picks up the cheap win with the help of his partner.


WINNER: Mercenary (22, E-) [13:48]




The Drifters aren’t done…




Instead of leaving the defeated and unconscious Rod Sullivan be, Sinner gestures for Mercenary to throw him over his shoulder. Mercenary, with the prone Sullivan over his shoulders (it is a wonder the man can carry over 200 pounds after five kendo stick shots to the head), steps out of Marv’s Sports Central bloody but victorious, apparently following the commands of Sinner. The Drifters have kidnapped Rod Sullivan!


(38, D-)




John Lions steps into the ring




“So this is what our business has degraded to. Kidnapping? After my… outburst last month, I’ve realized that suspending ‘Psycho’ Joe Zucco has done nothing to stop the chaos. From now on, I’ll not involve myself in the cheap shots, interferences, and now kidnappings that plague Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling. That is what these men are for.




Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter take their cue and head out from the back, in matching purple “KCCW” tights adorned with crowns.


These are my enforcers, the Knights of the Round. Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter have followed a code of honor that is unequaled here in KCCW. If things get too out of hand, my Knights will purge it before it can spread. Long live KCCW!


(21, E-)




Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) vs The Axis (Warren Lydecker and Pat Rigsby)



Having the full backing of the owner, Lott and Poulter have the momentum that the Axis makes up for in tenacity. Lance starts out with Rigsby, and, characteristically, he offers a handshake. Rather than pull out a cheap shot like Lydecker would, ‘Piledriver’ takes it and sincerely shakes Lott’s hand out of respect! Warren is noticeably upset at his partner’s change of heart, but he changes his tune when he sees Rigsby outclass Lott. Lance went for a lockup, and Rigsby took him down with a Russian leg sweep. Rigsby drops a fist onto Lance’s forehead, but, uncharacteristically, it is an open fist rather than an illegal closed one. He only gets a two count, so he whips Lott into his corner and tags out to Warren, who climbs to the top rope. Grabbing Lott and turning him to a piledriver position, Warren comes off the top and pushes down on Lott’s feet, assisting with a brutal Spike Piledriver! Lott is out, and would have lost there had Warren not held onto the ropes to make a statement – the referee caught him and forced him to break the pin. Warren backed up, gesturing for Lott to get to his feet so he could hit him with the Lydecker Lariat and end the match then and there. When Warren charged, Lott ducked him, making a dive to his partner and putting the fresh Kenny Poulter into the match! Kenny head up top, and the unsuspecting Warren was dropped with a big missile dropkick! Kenny picked Lydecker up and planted him with a picture-perfect Holy Grail, earning the win as Rigsby followed the rules and opted not to break up the fall! The Axis had the match won, but was it Rigsby or Lydecker who cost them the win?


WINNERS: Knights of the Round (24, E) [9:21]




Donovan Boon heads out first



“Last month, I was one second away from reaching the top of the mountain. I was one second from having all of my hard work pay off. But it was not to be. Rusty Mills, you robbed me of my destiny! You were pinned, not me! If it wasn’t for you, I would be out here tonight with five pounds of gold around my waist! I don’t care how jealous you are of me, but know one thing: try all you want to change fate, and all that will happen is you will be swept aside.




Rusty Mills heads out for the match, ignoring Donovan’s accusations; Rusty is all business tonight.


(30, E+)




Rusty Mills vs Donovan Boon




The two competitors circle each other, their bad blood evident in the way they are staring each other down. Donovan arrogantly goes for a lockup and finds himself being slammed to the mat after some back and forth technical work. Rusty backs off, allowing Donovan the chance to get to his feet, who offers a lockup again. This time, it is Donovan who gets the upper hand, slamming Rusty to the mat. Laughing, Donovan slaps Rusty across the head repeatedly as he gets to his feet. Both men are on their feet again, and Donovan grabs Rusty and hits him with a bridging vertical suplex. Rusty kicks out at one: rather than slap Donovan in the face physically, he is choosing to do all his speaking through his wrestling, by completely disrespecting Donovan’s offense. Donovan is a little irritated, but doesn’t stop while he has the advantage. He does his trifecta of elbow drops while Rusty is down, and barely even gets a two count for it. Getting in Rusty’s face, Donovan yells “STOP LAUGHING AT ME!” despite the fact Rusty visage hasn’t changed since he entered the arena from his grim determination.


The mind games Rusty is playing are clearly getting to Donovan, though.


Donovan begins stomping Rusty all over his body, but his ferocious onslaught comes to an end when Rusty rolls out of the way and kips up, standing face to face with Donovan and staring him down as if he was completely unharmed despite the red marks all over his chest saying otherwise. Donovan charges at Rusty and gets a belly-to-belly suplex for his efforts! Rusty goes for the pin, but Boon manages to kick out at two. Backing off, Mills allows Donovan the chance to get to his feet and offers Boon another chance to lock up! Boon takes it angrily, and finds himself on the receiving end of a spike DDT! Obviously sending a message to Robertson, Rusty points to Guffin sitting at the announce table and makes a gesture of a belt around his waist, but turns around to eat a kick to the gut from Boon! Boon lifts him up for the Boon Drop (Samoan Drop), but Rusty grabs his arms and rolls him up in a crucifix pin to pick up the big win against his rival! Donovan kicks out right after the three count, hatred in his eyes and looking for Rusty, but the victor is long gone, backing up the ramp and laughing as Donovan threw a tantrum in the ring, slamming his hands against the mat over and over again until he had to be escorted to the back before he hurt the referee.


WINNER: Rusty Mills (31, E+) [13:37]




KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Nicky Gilbert vs Frankie Robertson ©




Nicky heads out to the ring first, clearly with the championship match being the last thought on his mind – Nicky must have heard of his partner’s kidnapping from earlier tonight. Frankie heads to the ring arrogant as always with the championship draped across his shoulder, and, for a change, Guffin does not unseat himself from the announce table to take his place at ringside. “If Frankie needed my help, it would be an insult,” Guffin responded to Lions when questioned, “That astronaut guy could beat Gilbert now, as shell-shocked as he is.”


Frankie chose to open the match by unloading elbows into Gilbert, who was unable to put up a suitable defense to his burst offense. Gilbert scrambles out of the ring to regain his composure, but, when he tries to get back in, Frankie is right there, nailing him with a baseball slide! Robertson rolls out of the ring, grabbing Nicky and setting him up on the apron so that his legs are pointed under the ropes toward the center of the ring and his head is hanging out over the floor. Frankie drops a pair of elbows onto the top of Nicky’s head before shoving him disrespectfully back into the ring and returning before he was counted out. Robertson looks to finish him off with the Robertson Experience, but Nicky refuses to go down. Robertson shrugs, releasing Nicky and opting to hit him with his flying elbow strike instead! Nicky goes down like a sack of bricks, but Robertson only gets a two count. Robertson lifts up Nicky, looking again to put away his challenger, but Gilbert explodes, hitting a big Fisherman’s Suplex! Gilbert only gets a two count, so he heads to the top rope as the champion gets to his feet, coming off the top with a big flying clothesline on him! The champion is down, but again proves tenacious by kicking out. Nicky is beckoning for Frankie to get to his feet, looking to put the champion away with the Diamond Cutter, but Robertson pushes him away, slamming him face first to the mat with a running bulldog! This time when Frankie goes for the Robertson Experience, Nicky ends up going face first into the mat, giving him the win and a fourth successful defense. Noticed by Lions, Nicky’s foot twitched towards the bottom rope when he was pinned at the end of the match, which would have allowed him to break up the fall, but it seems like Gilbert chose against it; he allowed Frankie to finish him off quickly so he can address his partner’s captors.


WINNER: Frankie Robertson © (35, E+) [16:48]




After the match, Nicky asks for a mic…








As if on cue, Mercenary steps out from the back, alone and still bloody.


“I thought there was a small glimmer of humanity left in you, Mercenary. I thought you were redeemable, that you could learn to think for yourself. But now you’ve upgraded from taking orders from the guy with the biggest wallet to that son of a bitch who kidnapped my partner! WHERE IS ROD?”

Instead of responding, Mercenary runs his thumb across his throat in his trademark cut-throat gesture before leaving Nicky to his guilt.

(40, D-)




OVERALL: (32, E+)

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Jingo – 12/18

Zergon – 10/18

MaxHexx – 10/14

hrdcoresidebrns - 5/7

Rayelek - 3/6


Since I recently got Photoshop back, I've been working on a couple of alts for my guys. A few I won't release until it's time for them to be used, but here are the two I've done so far. Free to use if you actually hire them :p




That was one of the last shows I have already written up, so it may be a little longer before I can post another show since I'll try and catch up and get a couple shows ahead (at least to Kingdom Come in September). There's still an important update between Through Blood By Thunder and Playing With Fire, though.




Playing With Fire


Lance Lott vs Donovan Boon

Kenny Poulter vs 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby

Nicky Gilbert vs Sinner



The fallout from Through Blood By Thunder had devastating consequences: Rod Sullivan has been kidnapped, and Nicky Gilbert is out for blood! Also, Frankie Robertson is looking to extend his reign as KCCW champion.



Lance Lott vs Donovan Boon


Lance Lott, one-half of KCCW’s official enforcers, is riding a huge wave of momentum. The Knights of the Round were not pleased with Donovan’s lack of sportsmanship during his match with Rusty Mills last month, and look to correct his attitude in the way only they know how: through respectful wrestling. Donovan, however, has nothing but contempt for his opponent.

“My loss to Rusty Mills sent me to the bottom, and now I have to work my way up to the top again. I should be in his spot, not him! But instead, I’m at the bottom (well, nearly, since I’m not forced to wrestle that astronaut chap yet). Have you ever realized that you are getting nowhere being Mr. Lion’s ‘enforcers’? You’re the curtain-jerkers every night because you uphold your ‘code of honor’, and you will be until you realize that wrestling isn’t about impeccable manners.”


It looks like Donovan is determined to work his way back to the top and fulfill his ‘destiny’, but can the White Knight of KCCW pull out a major upset?



Kenny Poulter vs ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby


While the Knights have been victorious every step of the way, Rigsby has found a newfound focus: his change of heart worked out to his advantage in his tag match last month, but all was for naught when Warren’s cheating cost them the victory. Is his respect for his opponents a façade, some scheme that The Axis has cooked up, or is he being genuine? Will his new outlook net him a victory against Poulter?



Nicky Gilbert vs Sinner


This background for this match is pretty obvious: Sinner’s kidnapped Gilbert’s partner, and Gilbert wants his partner back. Gilbert has a big obstacle to overcome, and, despite Sinner not being seen in action as of yet in KCCW, his impressive Chokebomb wowed the crowd. Sinner also seems to be holding Mercenary’s reigns. Gilbert also has to worry about his own inner demons, as he will obviously be feeling guilty for not being in Rod’s corner last month. Will Gilbert move a step closer to getting his partner back, or will the Drifters take him out like they did Rod Sullivan?





Rusty Mills has proven himself time and time again to being one of the best pure athletes in KCCW. He’s outclassed every opponent he’s faced on the mat, and has been cost victory on numerous occasions due to circumstances outside his control. Frankie Robertson has been dominating KCCW since winning the championship in January. There aren’t many people he has yet to face off with, but this is the first time the two opponents will square off one on one. Everyone wants the belt that is around Robertson’s waist, but will Mills be the one to take it? And will Donovan Boon have anything to say about it, seeing Mills getting the title shot he feels he deserves?


All of this and more at Playing With Fire, June 27th at Marv’s Sports Central, or catch the live feed here at kccw.com!

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Lance Lott vs Donovan Boon

Donovan gets some momentum back after his loss

Kenny Poulter vs 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby

One half of Knights of the Round has to pick up the V

Nicky Gilbert vs Sinner

I want to say Nicky, but ... Sinner has Mercenery to back him up but who's Nicky got now!?


See no reason for the champ to lose.

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Lance Lott vs Donovan Boon

Donovan bounces back here


Kenny Poulter vs 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby

This one is hard but if Pat tries to fight fair he probably loses.


Nicky Gilbert vs Sinner

Too much distraction for Gilbert with his partner missing and Mercenary in Sinner´s corner so Sinner takes this one.



Robertson will still retain.

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I just wanted to thank Jingo, Zergon, and MaxxHexx for continuously predicting for my shows and keeping me motivated to continue this dynasty. Playing With Fire should be up by tomorrow night, so if anyone has any last-minute predictions to throw down they are more than welcome.






Deep Impact Wrestling and Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling - The First Shots Fired!

By Robert Szatkowski, 6/18/10




Despite the Comedian's supportive attitude earlier in the year, relations between two of Australia's youngest wrestling companies have fallen far recently. As of June 18th, the Comedian has officially declared hostile relations with John Lions' Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling and all things associated with it. The Comedian's gave his reasoning by the sudden shift in relations over live stream at DIW.com earlier today:


"I've seen some KCCW shows... good wrestling, and I don't know Mr. Lions enough to know whether I'd share a beer with him. But 'This isn't DIW?' Do you think you can take shots at us for your own benefit and expect me to ignore it? I heard about you having talks with a couple of my workers as well... Mr. Lions, I suggest you step lightly from here on out you son of a bitch. Marv's Sports Central is THE HOME of DIW, not your prissy little 'class wrestling'. Don't start a fight you don't intend to finish."


Neither John Lions or any representative of KCCW have responded as of yet, but it is assumed they fear exacerbating the issue to the point where they are embroiled in what has been aptly named the 'War For Australian Dominance.' Any future updates will be posted here at totalextremewrestling.com, so be sure to check back for any updates.




Well, if that isn't just a Debbie Downer. I received a text from the guy I had planned to bring in at Kingdom Come saying he planned on making the show regardless of what his boss thought about it, but it may do nothing more than piss the Comedian off more...

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1. I've always marked for Frankie Robertson. No, really! Glad to see him getting uber love.


2. I demand Sulphur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To be honest, when I first started this project I had Trey Tallman in his place for the first couple shows, hence why Robertson ended up with a DDT (Trey's finisher was the TDT, had to rewrite all the matches). Trey really failed to deliver any decent matches, so when that save got messed up, in comes Robertson. I really regret not getting him involved in a storyline yet, but at least he gets some mic time at Playing With Fire. He's one of my favorites to write matches with, along with Mills.


On the subject of Suphur, I may bring him in in the future but there really isn't a spot for him in the upcoming storyline I have planned out (though he probably would have fit in better than a couple others). I'll see where I'm at when I hit small, but no promises :p

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Playing With Fire




Marv’s Sport Central

Attendance: 10



Nicky Gilbert has a statement to make




“The night after Through Blood By Thunder, I had to tell Rod’s family why he wouldn’t be coming home. Have you ever held a man’s little sister in your arms as she cried, unable to tell her that her big brother would come home soon? Sinner, Mercenary, have you ever made a promise that you meant to keep no matter the cost? I doubt you have; all you two seem to care about is your money, no matter how it blackens your soul.




You know nothing of the soul, Nicky Gilbert. Sinner, acting as the voice for Mercenary, comes face to face with Gilbert as the Drifters exit from the back. “We are not working out of greed, Nicky Gilbert. There is a higher power guiding us, and we are merely following orders. Sinner smiles, an idea suddenly coming to him. “You seem to care a lot about your partner, Nicky Gilbert. I am a kind man, Nicky Gilbert, so I will give you an offer: if you can defeat me tonight, I will return Rod Sullivan to you and his family. If you lose, however… your soul is mine.


“I accept your terms, Sinner,” Gilbert responds immediately. “If I went back on my word so easily, I would be just like you: Not worth the boots I lace up every month.


“He said you would resist us, Nicky Gilbert. Rod Sullivan resisted us, as well.”

“If you did something to him-“


“Calm yourself, Nicky Gilbert. What happened in the past is irrelevant. You should be saving your anger for tonight. You’ll need it.”


Mercenary does his signature throat-cutting gesture, leaving Nicky in the ring to stew as the pair head to the back.


(38, D-)




Lance Lott vs Donovan Boon




Lance attempts to begin the match with a handshake, like always, but Donovan just drops him with a haymaker. His trifecta of elbows only nets him a two count, so he lifts Lott up to hit him with a vertical suplex. Lott manages to reverse it into a vertical suplex of his own, momentarily surprising Boon and taking him off guard! Lott manages to grab Boon and slam him down with a scoop slam, but it doesn’t get him the victory. Going for the Charging Star, Lott charges at Donovan, only to get wrapped up in a crucifix pin for a close two count. Mockingly referring to Rusty’s win last month, Donovan spits in Lance’s face out of disrespect to his opponent. After stomping Lance all over his body, he lifts up the White Knight and drops him with the Boon Drop (Samoan Drop)! Rather than end the match right there, Donovan lifts Lance up twice more, dropping him with three Boon Drops much to the dismay of his partner at ringside Kenny Poulter! Donovan arrogantly pins Lott with one foot, picking up the easy three count to make up for his loss to Rusty Mills last month.


WINNER: Donovan Boon (22, E-) [7:33]




Boon stays in the ring after the match




“That’s one down. I don’t know how many more wrestlers I will have to put away, but, trust me; it won’t end as tamely as tonight did.” Boon fires a hard kick to Lance’s side, who rolls out of the ring and is helped to the back by Kenny Poulter. If I don’t get a title shot, I will take out every single member of this pathetic excuse of a wrestling promotion. Every. Single. One. I will break necks. I will end careers. I won’t hesitate to put every single person here in a wheelchair for the rest of their life. Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling is about me, Donovan Boon. You are all accessories for me, tools I will use to get MY KCCW World Heavyweight Championship.


“If I am the hero, then Rusty Mills is the villain. Why are you delaying the inevitable, Rusty? Why must you tempt fate and attempt to take what is rightfully mine? Fate is cruel mistress, Rusty, and it takes a firm hand to keep her from turning her back on you. You don’t have that, Rusty. Donovan chuckles, though there is no mirth in his laughter. “Rusty, Rusty, Rusty, you are the thorn in my foot that I just can’t get out. Every time I take a step forward, a step closer to making myself a champion, a hero to millions, I feel the thorn, poking up through the sole of my foot. Every time I move a bit closer to the top, I am reminded of you, I am slowed down by you. A tiny thorn cannot stop a walking man for long, nor can Rusty Mills stop Donovan Boon from traversing his path of glory.

“I’m actually rooting for you tonight, Rusty. Really, I am. Don’t get me wrong, you’re a good wrestler. But I would rather face you than face Frankie Robertson. If I can remove the thorn from my foot before I reach the top, then all the power to me. It would be so much sweeter to reach the top with the thorn still embedded deep in my foot, to hike my way to the top of the mountain through the pain and adversity. These are the things stories are made about, people. These are the legends that make up the stories you read. Years from now, people will be recounting the tales of Donovan Boon to their children before they go to sleep. And Rusty Mills will be a footnote, not even worthy of being mentioned by name. That is how it will be, Rusty, and yet you can’t seem to accept it. Don’t you see? These aren’t my delusions of grandeur you are hearing, this is destiny.


(27, E)




Kenny Poulter vs Pat Rigsby




‘Piledriver’ heads to the ring with Lydecker in tow, and Poulter heads back out with the still-dazed Lance Lott as well. Poulter offers a handshake, and, despite his partner telling him not to, Rigsby accepts it. Kenny immediately goes for a takedown, and Rigsby blocks it, kneeing Kenny hard in the head and dropping him back to the mat. Rigsby drops a knee onto Poulter’s head, but a second knee drop was avoided as Poulter rolled out of the way. The two competitors tied in up the center, with Poulter getting the advantage and trapping Rigsby in an armbar. Pat is writhing on the mat, but is able to crawl his way to the ropes. Poulter rolls Rigsby back into the center of the ring, and, locking in a surfboard submission, opts to slam Rigsby face first into the mat instead! Poulter gets a close two count, but Rigsby isn’t going down without a fight. Kenny lets Rigsby up to his feet, going for a Northern Light’s suplex, but Rigsby refuses to be flipped, grabbing Poulter by the torso instead and pulling him forward with a sit-out piledriver! Rigsby smells blood in the water, hoisting Poulter up and dropping him to the mat with his patented Stuff Piledriver! Pinning Poulter gives him the win, but Warren Lydecker was on the outside holding Poulter’s feet down! Neither the referee nor Rigsby saw, but Lance did, who confronts Warren over the matter. Lydecker, being his usual self, drops Lott with his Lydecker Lariat! Rigsby attempts to help Poulter to his feet, but Kenny pushes him off, to the surprise of Pat. The Axis duo heads to the back, with ‘Piledriver’ none the wiser of his partner’s underhanded tactics.


WINNER: ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby (22, E-) [6:06]




Nicky Gilbert vs Sinner




Accompanying Sinner to ringside is Mercenary, who is carting along a bound and gagged Rod Sullivan. Seeing his partner, Nicky does a somersault plancha onto Sinner before he can even get into the ring! Nicky rolls Sinner inside as the bell is rung, as Mercenary takes Rod and stands at ringside, watching. Gilbert fires punch after punch at Sinner, taking him down before he can get his bearings. Sinner gets to his feet and eats a springboard clothesline! Nicky only gets a two count, and glares at the referee as if it was his fault he didn’t win already before getting to his feet. Sinner is still down, so, calling in shades of Rod Sullivan, heads to the top rope and comes off with a Rolling Rod Knee (Somersault Knee Drop)! Again, Sinner powers out at two, and Nicky slams the mat in frustration.


Meanwhile, Mercenary and Rod are standing against the announcer’s table, watching the match unfold. Unbeknownst to Mercenary, John Lions passes a razorblade to Sullivan, who takes it and begins sawing at the cord binding his wrists! In the ring, Sinner gets to his feet, catching one of Nicky’s wildly thrown punches and decking him with a hard right of his own. Sinner is much sloppier in the ring than his partner, but still manages to pull of the menacing monster well, hitting a full-body splash on the downed Nicky. Gilbert kicks out, though, showing his desire to win this match and free Rod. Despite all of his will, though, he is easy prey for Sinner as the big man lifts him by the throat for his Chokebomb finisher. By this time, though, Rod’s managed to free himself of his bindings, firing a stiff kick to Mercenary’s gut and jumping up on the apron! The distracted Sinner lets Gilbert slip out of his grasp, who nails him with his Diamond Cutter! Gilbert’s won the match, and Rod Sullivan’s free!


Rather than get violent with the pair, Sinner appears to not be phased in the least. Restraining Mercenary, he asks for a microphone, addressing the pair in the ring embracing (manly hug, don’t get any ideas).

“Congratulations, Nicky Gilbert. You freed your friend. Good thing we were done with him long ago.


WINNER: Nicky Gilbert (26, E) [7:47]




Guffin and his champion enter the ring before their match




“Allow me to have the pleasure of introducing you all to the reigning KCCW World Heavyweight Champion, Frankie Robertson! This is for those of you who may have forgotten the most dominant wrestler in Australia, though I find it unlikely that even your tiny little brains would forget such an impressive wrestler.” Robertson holds the title aloft as Mac Guffin continues.


“Let’s go down the list of people who Frankie Robertson has beaten. Kenny Poulter? Humiliated to the point where he’s working the cooldown match instead of the main event every week. Lance Lott? If I remembered who he was I would tell you my opinions about him, since he lost so fast I’m almost reluctant to even mention him. Nicky Gilbert? I think he did about three offensive moves in a nearly twenty minute match last month. Rod Sullivan? He has his own problems right now. Donovan Boon? If I was beaten by my former friend after talking so much bull**** then even I would be struggling to keep people interested in me, though he appears to be doing a decent enough job so far. Rusty Mills?”


“Rusty Mills? You mean the guy who had the best move in his arsenal reversed like it was an open-hand punch from Reed Buckfield? This is who is facing off with Frankie Robertson? Don’t make me laugh. John Lions, who was it that put you in charge of booking these events? Whoever it is, I want you to call him up right now and request your immediate release from contract. No one wants to see Rusty Mills lose again. Everyone knows Frankie Robertson is the most dominant force in KCCW. Mercenary, Sinner? They are impressive, don’t get me wrong, but they don’t have the brains to be champion. Rusty Mills, I hope you have a good physical therapist on speed dial, because, after you lose tonight, I’m not about to let you kip right back up and challenge us again, wasting more of my valuable time. Because when you lose, we’re going to-“


We’re going to leave you be, because there are more important things to worry about than bloodying a defenseless man. Remember, Guffin, I am the champion, not you. You listen to me. Rusty, you put up a hell of a fight last time we fought. Don’t think I’m growing soft because I won’t stand for beating a man while he’s down: I am champion, and I plan to remain champion. I won’t hesitate to use everything at my disposal to stay champion. But I’m done with the cheap shots. This is my title-“Frankie holds up his title with one hand “-and as long as I’m still breathing it will remain that way. I am the king for a reason, and I intend to prove it by taking out your insurrection first, Rusty Mills.


Guffin and Frankie get into an argument when the manager attempts to stay at ringside, but Frankie forces him back to his seat on the announce table. Mac isn’t pleased with his client’s newfound independence, but he intends to keep “his” championship for as long as he can.

(24, E)








Rusty Mills heads out from the back to a huge reaction (a huge reaction from the ten people in attendance at least) and rolls into the ring, staring Frankie down. Frankie hands over his title to the referee, who holds it up between the two competitors, and Rusty makes the gesture of a belt around his waist. Robertson responds with an elbow to the face, staggering Robertson back a step! Frankie wastes no time with his advantage, backing into the ropes and jumping at Mills with his running elbow strike. However, Rusty has the champion well scouted, ducking the elbow and grabbing Robertson to plant him with a big belly-to-belly suplex! Mills rolls Frankie up, but only manages to get a two count for his efforts. Pulling Frankie up to his feet, Rusty whips him into the turnbuckle. With Robertson unable to defend himself, Mills lifts him to the top rope and hits a huge superplex off the top, dropping both men to the mat! After a couple seconds for Mills to regain his composure, he rolls over to pin the champion. Frankie shows how determined he is to remain the champ, though, and kicks out at two from a move most men would have stayed down for.


Mills again goes to pick Frankie up to his feet, but Robertson opts to hit him with a big kick to the groin, dropping Rusty to his knees! As the referee protests, Robertson gets to his feet and comes off the ropes with the flying elbow strike that he wasn’t able to hit earlier in the match! On the ground, Frankie begins hammering elbows into Rusty’s face, grinding his elbow into Mills and trying to make him bleed. He doesn’t succeed, but he manages to do a good deal of damage to the challenger. Frankie pulls Mills to his feet and tosses him into a turnbuckle, running to the opposite turnbuckle and charging at him with another huge elbow strike to the forehead! This succeeds in busting Mills open, but Frankie isn’t done, grabbing Mills with him and taking him out of the corner with a running bulldog to the mat. Robertson rolls up the challenger, looking to finish the match quick, but Mills kicks out at two! Taking the prone Mills, Robertson opts to throw a sleeper hold on Rusty with his left arm, hammering elbows on Mills’ forehead a couple times before using that hand to lock the hold in tight.

The referee holds Mills’ hand up once, twice, but at the third time Rusty manages to keep it up. Frankie is outraged, trying to make the hold even tighter, but the crowd is clapping in support for Mills (apart from one man noticeably wearing a Russian ushanka and screaming out “I MARK FOR YOU FRANKIE ROBERTSON!”). Mills manages to get himself to his feet, with Robertson still holding onto the hold futilely. Rusty takes Frankie’s legs, which by this point are locked in a body scissor so he doesn’t fall off, and forces him up onto his shoulders and breaking the hold! Showing an impressive display of strength, Rusty Mills drops Robertson with an electric chair drop, changing the tide of the match! Kipping up to his feet, Rusty looks more pumped up than the beginning of the match, stomping his feet and gesturing for the champion to get to his feet, ignoring the blood streaming down his face. Frankie stands, going for a half-hearted elbow strike, but Rusty grabs the champion and plants him with the Miller Highlight (Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker)! Robertson is out, and Rusty nearly falls over onto Robertson, picking up the three count even as Guffin tried to take off his headset and run to the ring as quickly as possible. Rusty Mills is your new KCCW World Heavyweight Champion!


WINNER: Rusty Mills (37. D-) [18:08]




OVERALL: (33, E+)

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Jingo – 13/22

Zergon – 11/22

MaxHexx – 10/14

hrdcoresidebrns - 5/7

Rayelek - 3/6


No one managed to call a Rusty Mills title win, but it is something I've had planned since I decided to go with the 'destiny' angle from Boon. I'm remorseful over the fact I couldn't really afford someone to bring in to throw Robertson in a decent feud, so I had to phase him out as the main angles of the show took over. Don't worry, Robertson's far from done. No one called a Gilbert win either, but that is probably because I didn't release the stipulation for the prediction card.





Turning the Tide


Lance Lott vs Two-Face Tucker

'Rocket' Reed Buckfield vs Sinner

Kenny Poulter vs Donovan Boon



After six months of dominance, Frankie Robertson has finally been unseated as the KCCW World Heavyweight Champion. At Turning the Tide, the new champion plans on making his first defense, while Donovan Boon attempts to climb his way back to the top to face off with his mortal enemy.



Lance Lott vs Two-Face Tucker


Not much is known about Two-Face Tucker, other than the fact that his nickname, 'Two-Face', seems to be foreshadowing to what type of person this man might be. Warren Lydecker, apparently, has brought in Tucker to face off with Lott, who, after a poor showing against Donovan Boon last month, looks to get back on to his winning ways. It's unlikely that someone working with Warren Lydecker will play by the rules, though - will the Knights of the Round continue their crusade against cheating, or will Pat Rigsby have something to say about it? Will Rigsby even support his partner?



'Rocket' Reed Buckfield vs Sinner


At Turning the Tide, the resident KCCW astronaut Reed Buckfield makes his return to the ring. This would be great news for the 'Rocket' fans, other than the fact that he is facing off against Sinner, one-half of the dominating tag team the Drifters with Mercenary. Reed was unable to manage an upset victory against Mercenary - can he pull it off against Sinner? And with Sinner following the orders of this 'higher power', is his goal even to win the match?



Kenny Poulter vs Donovan Boon


Kenny Poulter is the next man in Boon's aforementioned 'path of glory'. Poulter wasn't too thrilled with Boon going overboard with Lott, hitting three of his devastating Boon Drops, but Donovan claimed that his attack on Lott was the least he would do to get a title shot. Can Kenny stop Donovan in his tracks, or will he be another victim on Boon's road to the championship?





No one expected Rusty Mills to topple Frankie Robertson from his unstoppable 6-month reign at the top of KCCW. Rather than challenge Mills for a rematch, Guffin opted to have another of his clients challenge - the mentally insane 'Psycho' Joe Zucco, who's been suspended from KCCW for the past two months. It is clear that Guffin wants the title back in his court: however, with the recent disagreement between himself and Robertson, is he only planning to have Zucco soften the champion up, or is he supporting the 'Psycho's' bid for the championship over the man who was the 'king' since January?


All of this and more at Turning the Tide, July 27th at Marv’s Sports Central, or catch the live feed here at kccw.com!

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Lance Lott vs Two-Face Tucker


'Rocket' Reed Buckfield vs Sinner


Kenny Poulter vs Donovan Boon




My picks are based off the previews as I only glanced through this quickly , having just seen it. I will give it a deeper look and my next set of prediction should have more knowledge behind it.


Want to say that it is a nice clean format and to welcome you to the dynasty writers club. :D


It's always good to get some new blood here with new ideas. Keeps us oldtimers on our toes. ;)

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Lance Lott vs Two-Face Tucker

Don´t know much about Two-Face so I go with Lott here


'Rocket' Reed Buckfield vs Sinner

I don´t see mr. spaceman winning nuch at all and certainly not against Sinner


Kenny Poulter vs Donovan Boon

Boon continues to win since he will eventually face Mills in a title match



First defence and Zucco haven´t won tht much anyway

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Lance Lott vs Two-Face Tucker

'Rocket' Reed Buckfield vs Sinner

Even Reeds cool new 'Rocketman' alt wont save him

Kenny Poulter vs Donovan Boon

Boon is the man to eventually face Mills so here he's kept strong


No loss yet for the Champ

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Thanks for the kind words Dragonmack, it's nice to see more than just Jingo and Zergon beginning to catch on to KCCW after half a year of shows. As much as I hate to say it, Turning the Tide will probably have to wait until tomorrow, but I should be able to get multiple shows done then and be able to do a show per day until I run out :p






Revolution Australian Wrestling Becomes Dominant Australian Force

By Robert Szatkowski, 8/6/10




Being the only Australian promotion on television already gave RAW a huge advantage. Despite the stealing of Captain Wrestling II and Loxley Robbins by APW earlier in the year, RAW had the last laugh. On this day, the 'War For Australian Dominance' has a clear front-runner, as Revolution Australian Wrestling's popularity has officially left it's closest competitor, Australian Pro Wrestling, in the dust. With the new increase in size, RAW Owner Tristram Day began the expansion of the RAW 'cast', signing some of the biggest names from their competitors. The current roster additions are as follows:


Maurice Jackson from DIW

Warmonger from DIW

Dumfrey Pinn from DIW

Rahmel Goode from APW

Halloween Knight from ZEN


An astute reader would note that the only promotion that wasn't poached was John Lions' Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling. When asked why, Day responded, "Who?" Even though he commented on KCCW's founding in January, Day doesn't appear to even have KCCW on his radar, at least not until they increase in size to become a force to be reckoned with in Australia. Before KCCW can have any fantasies about battling RAW for supremacy, though, they still have DIW to deal with: a task made much easier now that three of their most promising stars have jumped ship.


One thing is for certain: the days of APW are coming to a close. While not as popular, a recent poll found the hardcore promotion DIW more prestigious than APW, which can be accounted for the fact that many of APW's attempted cheap shots on their rivals were uncovered before they could do any damage. Maybe James McMinister should be spending more time improving his product: if he doesn't adapt, it won't be long until APW finds itself a tombstone next to the promotions they put out of business only years before.

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Turning the Tide




Marv’s Sport Central

Attendance: 24




To open the show, out comes the new KCCW Champion!




Rusty Mills gets a big reaction from the crowd, walking out with the KCCW World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. When he enters the ring, he takes off the belt and holds it over his head, getting another large reaction.


“Even though the odds were stacked high against me, even though I faced adversity at every corner, I have emerged through it all as your champion! Mac Guffin and his crew, Donovan Boon, the Next Big Things, all have been working against me, either to win the title for themselves or to just keep me from winning it. But I proved everyone wrong, by defeating Frankie Robertson for the first time in KCCW, pinning him in the middle of this ring and proving ALL the skeptics wrong!”


“Except for one, it seems. Donovan Boon, do you still think I’m a ‘loser’? I’ll bet you wish you could take that back, because if I still respected you, I would have been honored to give you the first shot at this title. But your insane notion that your ‘destiny’ will lead you to the top made you turn your back on everything that you cared about. You don’t get championships through ‘destiny’, Donny, you get it through hard work. I worked my way to the top, and you can too.


“Frankie Robertson, I wanted to make my first defense against you. You gave me the fight of my life last month, and because of you I was able to raise myself to a level I never thought I could reach. But your manager informed me that you aren’t here tonight, and that his other client, the previously suspended ‘Psycho’ Joe Zucco will be vying for my title. I should make you work for this shot, Zucco, like Boon and Gilbert and all the rest have to. But at Land of Confusion, you and I had a match. We put on the match of the night, until you decided that following orders and trying to injure me was more important. I want to prove I can pin you, just like I did Robertson, just like I did Boon, just like I did Sullivan. You try any funny business, Zucco, and Mac Guffin will be the one to answer for you, and my fist isn't big on excuses. ‘Psycho’ Joe Zucco, you should feel honored. You will be the first to challenge Rusty Mills, the face of KCCW, in his first reign as champion! Long live KCCW!”


(32, E+)




Lance Lott vs Two-Face Tucker




Two-Face Tucker, despite heading to the ring with the company of Warren Lydecker and ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby, insists on high-fiving the fans as he makes his way to the ring. Lance Lott offers his handshake like always, and Tucker accepts it heartily, but, as soon as the bell rings, Tucker’s attitude makes a complete 180, raking Lott’s eyes with his other hand despite the ref’s protests! Tucker uses the cheap shot to hit a sidewalk slam on Lott, picking up a two count but not putting away the KCCW knight. Rather than continue his offense, Tucker attempts another pin, this time holding the tights! The ref catches him, and the official ends up arguing with the cheating Tucker. Lance Lott is able to get his bearings, and as soon as Tucker finishes his argument, comes off the ropes and hits him with the Charging Star! Tucker goes flying, landing close to the ropes. Lance pins him, expecting victory, but Warren Lydecker pulls Tucker’s foot under the ropes and tells the ref before he can give the win to Lott. Poulter walks over to Lydecker and gets in his face about his cheating, but Warren protests that he didn’t do anything as Rigsby watches on, neutral. As Lance respectfully allows Tucker the opportunity to get to his feet, not realizing it was Warren who put his foot under the ropes, Tucker hits Lott with a low blow as the ref’s attention is on the outside while preventing the potential brawl. Tucker hits the Coin Toss (Leg Hook Reverse STO), slamming Lott’s head into the mat and giving him the cheap win in his debut!


WINNER: Two-Face Tucker (15, F+) [11:15]




The Axis celebrate




While the Knights of the Round head to the back, defeated but being respectful of their opponents, Lydecker and Rigsby roll into the ring, Warren holding Tucker’s hand up in victory. By this point, the bell had rang for his victory, so Two-Face is back to acting like a fan favorite, trying to get the fans to cheer with him. Rigsby, however, is less than thrilled, walking up to Lydecker and shoving him! Warren gets into Rigsby’s face and the two start arguing, but Tucker breaks them up. Tucker and Lydecker head to the back first, as Rigsby heads out separately.

(13, F+)




‘Rocket’ Reed Buckfield vs Sinner




The Drifters head out together, getting a good deal of heat for their occultist attitude after the kidnapping of Rod Sullivan. ‘Rocket’ Reed Buckfield, fully decked out in astronaut regalia, dances his way to the ring, slapping hands with the fans despite them knowing the likely outcome of this match already. The referee removes Reed’s helmet, and the match begins with the sloppy brawling of Sinner taking Reed down with a clothesline that flipped him head over heels! Rather than finish it early, Sinner just tossed Reed around the ring, battering him into turnbuckles and landing hard punches to the astronaut. At one point, Reed was able to hit a springboard back elbow, taking Sinner to the mat, but the big man just shook it off, sitting up immediately after and catching Reed as he attempted another high-flying maneuver. Tired of destroying the defenseless Reed, Sinner opts to finish it with his patented Chokebomb and pin him for the easy victory.


WINNER: Sinner (11, F) [6:39]




The Next Big Things emerge from the back!




“Sinner, Mercenary, I know you may still be embarrassed about losing your wager to me last month, costing you your hostage and your only chance at getting ‘my soul’. But we are far from finished with you. Rod’s been back for a month now, but he still refuses to talk about what happened for the month you had him kidnapped. To be quite honest, I’m tired of you two.” Rod takes the mic.

Sinner, what my friend is trying to say is that it’s going to be the Next Big Things versus the Drifters at Kingdom Come in September. That gives you one month to say goodbye to your loved ones, one more month than I had-“


“What loved ones?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, Nicky. To be honest, I’m not quite sure why we’re giving you a month to prepare, other than that you’ll know for the weeks leading up to our match that both of you are going to end up paying for all the pain you’ve cost myself and Nicky. Because we don’t lose – we’re the Next Big Things. And we’re the best that ever will enter a KCCW ring!






Sinner chuckles as Mercenary fetches him a microphone, still looming menacingly at his side.


“To be young and confident again. To be young and naive. We accept your challenge. The hour of your despair, Nicky Gilbert, is near.


(33, E+)




Kenny Poulter vs Donovan Boon




Donovan Boon is making his next step towards the KCCW title shot he so dearly wants, facing off with Kenny Poulter. Last month, Poulter had his partner brutally assaulted after Boon defeated him, and Donovan said that would only be the beginning. Forgoing the handshake, Poulter goes right at Donovan as soon as the bell rings, but Boon has him well scouted, taking him down with a chop block. Boon starts stomping Poulter all over his body, grabbing Kenny by his dreadlocks and screaming ‘YOU ARE WORTHLESS!’ in his face before slamming him back down to the mat. Donovan drops a trifecta of elbows onto Poulter and goes for a pin, but Kenny kicks out barely before a three count. Donovan stands up, about to drop another series of elbows onto Poulter, but Kenny rolls out of the way, wrapping Boon up in an armbar! Kenny has it locked in tight, and Donovan is screaming in pain, but Boon is able to roll over so that Poulter’s back is on the mat! This forces Kenny to release the hold before he is pinned, giving the advantage back to Donovan. The two trade punches, and, despite Poulter’s added motivation and Donovan’s injured arm, Boon comes out on top. Boon’s determination to face off with Mills has lit a fire under him, and he’s been more dominant than ever. A swift kick to the gut doubles Poulter over, allowing Boon to lift him up onto his shoulders and drop him with the Boon Drop for the decisive victory.


WINNER: Donovan Boon (24, E) [11:53]




Boon is far from done




Not letting the referee hold his hand up at the end of the match, Boon rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. While Lance Lott goes into the ring to help his partner up, Donovan brains him with a chair, dropping him! Another chair shot for Poulter, and both Knights of the Round are down. Donovan partially unfolds the chair, wrapping it around Kenny’s neck! Donovan heads up top, signaling for an elbow, as the crowd goes wild – if Donovan lands this, he’ll break Poulter’s neck! Before he can hit the maneuver, though, Two-Face Tucker heads out from the back!




Tucker pulls Poulter out of the ring, saving him from a potentially fatal injury! Tucker pulls Lott out of the ring as well, as Donovan just shrugs and goes to get a mic from the announce table, as Tucker helps the two injured knights to the back.


Rusty Mills, take notice. If it wasn’t for Tucker, I would have crippled both of them. I didn’t bother stopping him – it’s only a matter of time before I either cripple someone or you give me a title shot. If I run out of wrestlers to cripple, and you still don’t give me a title shot, I’ll start on the audience. If I have to, Mills, I will go find your god damn grandmother and do the same to her. You can end this with one match, Rusty. Remember that – anyone I hurt is your responsibility, because you could have prevented it.


(35, E+)




Guffin gets Zucco from the back, chair noticeably absent




“If you haven’t noticed already, Frankie Robertson isn’t here tonight. Do you know why? I terminated his contract. I am manager to ‘Psycho’ Joe Zucco, because he knows how to follow orders, and to listen to his manager. Robertson, good luck getting anywhere without me, because you’ll need it. ‘Psycho’ Joe Zucco is the future of KCCW – your championship reign will only be remembered for being the first, Frankie, because you’ll never be near it again.




(20, E-)








Rusty Mills heads out for the second time tonight, receiving another big reaction. As he entered the ring, Mac Guffin poked him in the back with his cane, stopping him on the apron. Mills turned to Guffin, giving Zucco the opening to headbutt Mills off the apron and knock him to the floor! Zucco follows through with a diving crossbody to the champion on the outside, knocking both wrestlers down. The ref, shrugging, picks up Rusty’s dropped championship and gestures for the bell to be rung to officially start the match. Zucco takes Rusty and starts slamming his head against the apron, before being told my Guffin to roll Rusty in the ring because he’ll be counted out if he doesn’t. Rolled in first, this gives Rusty the chance to roll up Zucco when he rolls in, only scoring a one count but enraging the volatile Zucco.


Both competitors get to their feet, and Zucco immediately goes for a headbutt. Mills opts to stop him with an elbow to the head, taking a page out of Robertson’s book! The dazed Zucco staggers back, and Mills drops him with a Robertson Experience DDT, sending another message to Guffin and showing his newfound respect for the man he took the title from. Zucco kicks out at two, so Rusty rolls Zucco over and locks in a boston crab! Zucco writhes on the mat, screaming crazily, but refuses to tap, so Mills is forced to release the hold after realizing it was doing no good. Not seeming fatigued at all from Rusty’s offense, Zucco fires headbutt after headbutt at the champion’s chest, taking him to the ground! Seeing his chance, Zucco heads to the top rope, getting ready to hit the Diving Headbutt. Mills, however, manages to kip up and head to the top rope with Zucco, tossing him off the top with a top rope belly-to-belly suplex! This is enough to give Mills the victory, despite Guffin’s attempts to take the title off of him.


WINNER: Rusty Mills© (35, D-) [12:18]




OVERALL: (30, E+)

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Jingo – 17/26

Zergon – 14/26

MaxHexx – 10/14

hrdcoresidebrns - 5/7

Dragonmack - 4/4

Rayelek - 3/6


A fairly easy show to predict, with pretty much every match being a filler match. Mills shows why I made him champion, carrying Zucco to a main event quality match and keeping the show from tanking.





Tower of Cards


'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Two-Face Tucker

Rod Sullivan vs Donovan Boon



Donovan Boon, at Tower of Cards, will face his biggest challenge yet as he works his way back to the top. Rusty Mills, the new KCCW champion, faces his toughest challenge yet in the much-anticipated rematch, and John Lions has a big announcement for September's show, Kingdom Come!



'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Two-Face Tucker


The Axis of Warren Lydecker and Pat Rigsby has been splintering ever since the 'Piledriver' has taken a new outlook on wrestling. While honoring his opponent has been significantly more successful for him, Lydecker insists on breaking the rules, and this has eventually brought the two to a face off when Lydecker's new ally, Two-Face Tucker, earned a win against Lance Lott through gratuitous cheating. Warren has decided to make this match to decide which of the two was worthy of being his partner in the Axis. However, does Rigsby even want to remain in the Axis, if it means cheating?



Rod Sullivan vs Donovan Boon


Donovan's next obstacle in his path to Rusty Mills is a much tougher challenge - Rod Sullivan, one half of the Next Big Things. Sullivan's one of the most promising workers in KCCW, but no one really knows the effects of his month captivity have had on him. Also, the Drifters are bound to make an appearance, and Nicky Gilbert will undoubtedly be at Rod's side as well. Who can get the momentum both desperately need heading to Kingdom Come, Sullivan or Boon?





Frankie Robertson only barely lost his championship to Mills just two months ago. Frankie won't have Guffin in his corner, but it should make little difference - Guffin wasn't in his corner for his last defense to begin with. Rusty has been on the heater of his life, but Robertson doesn't plan on rolling over for the champion. The match at Playing With Fire could have gone either way, so will Robertson manage to win back his championship one show before Kingdom Come?


All of this and more at Tower of Cards, August 27th at Marv’s Sports Central, or catch the live feed here at kccw.com!

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'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Two-Face Tucker

Tucker wins with help, but since Tucker came out and saved people from Boon's attack, he seems to be working both sides as well.


Rod Sullivan vs Donovan Boon

Sinner & Mercenary get involved, allowing Boon to win



You are building towards the Mills-Boon showdown so no point in hot shotting it back now.

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'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Two-Face Tucker

Tucker wins via cheating


Rod Sullivan vs Donovan Boon

I agree with Dragonmack, Boon wins via interference here



Robertson is able to give a competative match but falls short

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Tucker wins with help, but since Tucker came out and saved people from Boon's attack, he seems to be working both sides as well.


I wouldn't read too much in Tucker intentionally playing both sides. He's joined the ranks of corny gimmicks populating my midcard in a Festus rip off with a twist - rather than turn from docile idiot to aggressive monster, Two-Face Tucker turns from a kind, respectful individual to a cheating lowlife every time the bell rings. Rigsby's honorable attitude is definitely a good deal more genuine, since his change in attitude has led him to winning a good deal more than he did attempting to cheat.

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