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The Avatar, or Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse

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The Avatar


Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse








She walked into the airport from her flight, instantly recognizable should anyone have been looking for her by the flame red hair that flowed over her shoulders, trailing appraising looks in her wake. But she was oblivious to all that.


She wore a typical oversized suitcase-satchel over one shoulder, dragging an equally typical wheeled suitcase-pack with her other hand. A simple ensemble of tee shirt and jeans rounded out her look. A winter coat stuffed into the satchel's strap under her arm, as well as the winter boots with faux-fur tops she wore, set her apart from the locals in the heat of summer.


She walked quickly and with purpose, though it became apparent that she had no destination, no plan, when she hessitated a moment before entering the airport's giftshop.


She was of that 'young and chipper' age, but she was also a good bit less than enthused.



{Redhead, poking through the racks of the overly conjested, cluttered counter} "Hi."


{Female Clerk, with typical Australian accent} "G'Day!"


{Redhead, with a grin, though not looking at the clerk} "Bet you say that to all the tourists."


{Clerk giggles a moment} "So you're American, then?"


{Redhead} "Yeah. New York."


{Clerk, thoughtfully} "Ah..."



After a moment of poking through the mass of touristy klatch, the redhead finally sighs, glancing back out to the airport's concourse.



{Redhead, turning back to the clerk} "How far to Melbourne?"


{Clerk} "Oh, 'bout 20 minute by Skybus. Little shorter by cab, but you 'ave to watch out for the touters."


{Redhead gives the Clerk a questioning look}


{Clerk} "Illegal or unliscenced taxies."


{Redhead} "Skybus is fine then."


{Clerk, cheerful} "Good onya! Just go out the terminal, follah the buildings on yer right. Stop is just after the Express Car Park. Big red buss, can't miss it."


{Redhead, poking through the counter's clutter again} "Thanks. Got any post cards?"


{Clerk, smiling} "Hows about a Joey?"


{Redhead} What the heck is a 'Joey'?"


{Clerk holds up a postcard for the redhead to see}


{Redhead, suddenly enthused} "Perfect!"

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Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse












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The Avatar


Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse







It was late when she arrived. Still as unenthused as she'd been at the airport, she took very little notice of the exterior of the Medina Grand Melbourne Hotel, nor even the surrounding district of downtown Melbourne. She'd napped fitfully until the bus arrived at the place she'd been told to watch out for. Her stop. She squinted in the late afternoon light for the street sign, walked the brief distance to her ultimate destination, and went in straight away, still paying her surroundings scant heed. She only had one thing in mind after such a long flight, half way around the world.


She dragged her luggage, such as it was, past the porter who tried unsuccessfully to take her bags (though he did get a US twenty dollar bill for his efforts), checked in, and barely gave the lobby, nor hallway, nor even elevator a second look. Into her assigned room; made sure the locks were locked out of long, big-city habit; dropped her bags unceremoniously onto the floor at the foot of her bed, and collapsed into the warm cush of blanket-over-sheets. She barely had the energy to kick off boots too warm for this heat (though it cost her much effort to kick off such boots without using her hands) and soon faded into exhausted sleep.






She awoke several hours later in the early evening, feeling a bit stuffy in the heat of the dying day, as well as quite unclean.


So she got up, closed the window that had been ajar and only then realized a whole city surrounded her. She stood looking out at the vista that greeted her eyes, and a hint of enthusiasm began. She stood there, looking for a long time.


She finally retreated to the bathroom, showering and then brushed her hair until she felt human again, dressed in cooler summer clothing, and feeling quite refreshed took a good look at her room.


The Studio Room of this Apartment Hotel was surprisingly complete. Bathroom with shower already explored, as well as the Queen sized bed. Broad, drawered desk with comfortable chair; LCD TV; ample closet space; kitchenette with a microwave, coffee machine that served double duty for boiling water for tea, and a small supply of coffee and tea bags; and a mini bar. She didn't yet feel like poking into the nooks and crannies beyond that. She was hungry and jet-lagged.


She collected up her purse, donned sneakers fetched from her satchel, and set out to explore the city. Mostly to secure a meal, and perhaps some base supplies for the kitchenette. She was going to be here a while, upwards of three weeks or there-abouts, and she knew her Visa debit card wouldn't hold up to unabashed spending. And having grown up in New York City in an upper-middle class apartment home, with a frugal mother who constantly lamented teetering on the ledge of poverty, she had become nothing if not frugal herself.






Once she had secured a bite to eat and some supplies from newly-discovered nearby shops, she settled in to the apartment, really took stock.


Exploring into those waiting nooks found the AC to be fully climate-control, the desk to be fully stocked with writing supplies, and the mini bar to be lightly stocked (though Kate was by no means overly drawn to alcohol beyond the occasional beer). An Ironing board and iron inhabited a nook-cabinet, and an in-room safe sat pride of place in the in-wall shelf unit above the desk. The TV had cable programming as well as movies-on-demand, a DVD player installed, and a menu nearby of select movies. Washer and dryer hid at the entry of the bathroom, and her laptop which had found a place on the desk also found the high-speed broadband wireless internet connection.


She also found the hotel phone, and dutifully called her mother, as promised, though her mother wasn't aware of the promise, the post-card only just today making it's way into the mail system. And though she was a bit more enthused about her trip than she'd been on departing the plane, she was far from convinced.


But soon enough, after bidding her mom "G'Day" (she'd remembered it was day in New York City, though night here), she once again found the bed irresistible, and so disrobing down to her sleep ware, she crawled in and drifted off into oblivion.






The next day, and the next several days as well, found her exploring the city and its environs. And as time wore on, New-Years came and went (although not passing unnoticed -- she called her mother to wish her a happy new-year, though she was chagrined to discover she'd somehow called a day early), and as the days crept by, Kate Avital became more and more enthused.

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Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse
















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Liking the backstory, especially the postcard. Good to see another Aussie diary, especially a ZEN one since the huge amount of ZEN diaries that came out right after TEW was released all seem to have died :( Sign Seeker

Glad you stopped in, John! Thanks! I'm glad you liked the postcard. Expect more every now and again.


And I can imagine, what with ZEN being new to '10, seemingly everyone would jump on it.


Me? I got to ZEN by mistake. Kate will make the same mistake in the future, so watch for it. ;)



Sign Sulphur!!!!!!

Thanks for stopping in, Comradebot!


Not sure what your post actually meant, but I imagined it meant that someone named Sulphur did a ZEN diary. I did a search for it, but didn't find Sulphur as a board member. I also tried poking through the diaries to see if I could find a reference, but it eluded me. :confused:


Of course, it occurred to me that it could also be an alternate name of yours.


But still, it intrigues me. So please explain!




Now, so you all know, I enjoy writing. But details are very important to me. Little ones that people may not see or which are by no means obvious.


For instance, I took an excessively long time, while formulating the idea for this diary, on how to lay it out. When I hit on the idea of letters and postcards, I got excited, but also worried. This diary is, after all, about a young women. And in many places written by her. So I knew from the get-go I had to get her handwriting down.


I looked and researched and talked to women and pondered for a long time to get it right, to find a handwriting style that looked, above all else, like a girl had written it...

You have very effeminate handwriting....

{NordVolf holds his arms up like a referee at an American football touchdown} Mission accomplished!!!


And thanks for reading, Kohral. Glad you're liking it! :)



of course it is. her name is Kate.

Thanks to you too for reading, Kainlock! And for the insight and 'defense' of Kate's handwriting. :D Hope you're liking things so far.




very unique in your style, Nordvolf. I really like it! I plan on stopping in every once in awhile to keep up. Great stuff!

Hey, Oracle! Thanks for stopping in! Glad you're liking it, and I look forward to bringing you more enjoyment!




And with that, let's see what Kate's been up to...






The Avatar


Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse














In keeping with a prior diary I did, and very much like it, I was inspired for the character of the lead in this story by some 3d Modeling Art I encountered in my numerous forays on the web.


And like in that diary, I wish to give credit where credit is due. I in no way wish to claim the art is my own, and want to give full credit in good faith to the original 'author' of it. My only wish here is to show others what such wondrous art inspired in me.


If you are the author of art I used and wish me to remove it, please let me know and I will promptly do so.


3D Modeling render of the figure I'm using for Kate Avital by... DrRobo, from a comic series he participated in.


Of further note, I must add that I felt compelled to alter it. I found certain specific details would best be modified to make it more suitable to the purpose I had here for it. In honor of the fine work done my DrRobo, I did my best to make it as high quality and seamless as possible. I hope I succeeded, good Doctor.

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In the interest of keeping this "family friendly" (and ZEN is not BSC!), not to mention 'mom-friendly' :eek:, I have further modified the image of Kate in the "Polaroid" she sent home to mom. Not to mention it'd be a more realistic wetsuit for surfing (the whole 'rash guard' thing)


But I don't want to make it a jarring change to those of you who've read before this.



So what do you all think?



And after all -- I don't want to turn any of you off either!


Image Credits

Original 3d Model Art by DrRobo

... modified by NordVolf

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Definitely the second one, I was wondering why you sent your mom a picture of you in a swimsuit like that :p


*chuckles* You're right, of course. Consider it changed -- should show up in the original post shortly when I alter the pic...



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Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse











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Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse
















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For what it's worth, I think the second version of the render suits the intent of the piece better (but it's not the one I like better :p).


And jeez, you're like Anne Rice describing the Garden District with all the details (what stage of bloom the trees are in, the moss on said trees, the detail of every freakin' fence in the district, etc :p).


Fair warning though. You go a week between updates and I will come up there and chain you to a laptop (with razor wire) until an update is complete and the next update is plotted.


Just sayin'. ;)

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This diary has an awsome look to it, consider me a reader as well!

Hey, BHK! Thanks for stopping in for a read. And thanks for the compliment. Hope I can keep on bringing you enjoyment in it.



This is pretty rad, dude. While I haven't read every letter/postcard word for word, if this is the format that it is going to follow, I'm really stoked to see how you pull it off.

Dude! Kate would be SO stoked to hear that from a fellow surfer! ;)


Heck, I know I'm stoked! Thanks for the reply, and stay tuned. More to come. And yeah, in the same kind of format, f'r sure... :D



For what it's worth, I think the second version of the render suits the intent of the piece better (but it's not the one I like better :p).

*chuckles* Yeah. I hear you. Should have seen it before I modified it the first time... :rolleyes:


And jeez, you're like Anne Rice describing the Garden District with all the details (what stage of bloom the trees are in, the moss on said trees, the detail of every freakin' fence in the district, etc :p).

Crikey! Anne Rice? It's not that bad, is it?!


Or that good either, I might add. However you meant it... :cool:


At any rate, thanks for reading, Remi! And I doubt the barb wire chaining will be necessary...


Just sayin'... ;)

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The Avatar


Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse







{Kate, on scratchy international phone line} "Hey, Mom? Hi!"


{Mom} "Katie?! Hi Honey! Did you get my reply to your letter? I just got those two post cards, and I must say..."


{Kate} "Please, Mom! This is important!"


{Mom} "Oh! Sorry dear. What is it?"


{Kate} "Ok, so I had this letter that I had to get to you right away, and I figured that phone was too expensive, so I was going to FedEx it. But FedEx is SO much more ridiculously expensive...!"


{Mom} "Well then, Honey, just tell me what's going on."


{Kate} "Hang on, Mom. I'm getting to that!"


{Mom, laughing lightly} "All right, dear. I'm listening"


{Kate} "Thanks, mom! Ok..."


{Kate clears her throat and starts reading} "I started: 'Hey Mom!' Exclamation point. Yep, same ol' me. Anyway. Then I wrote, 'Here we go again...'"

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Guest Dordixs

The Avatar or Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse


SIMPLY AWESOME.they reminded me of the hardys when they first started but only ahead of them by far.I know that was said already but I just had to mention again,their match with MCMG has set the bar very,very,VERY HIGH for all new talent in any wrestling organation.Job well done guys

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Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse












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Guest Dordhs

The Avatar or Learning to be Zen in the Cornellverse


Awesome Dood, you got some good stuff so far. And here I thought you were going to use the Grand Avatar? Although, it seems that maybe using your own user character is better.

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