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DOTM: March Nominations

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  1. You have 3 votes to either nominate or 2nd, 1 for each category

    (The TigerKinney Rule)

    You may substitute your Real World and Cornellverse nomination or 2nd between the two. The Rookie Vote must go to a Rookie Diary Category or be left unused

  2. you may not nominate or 2nd yourself

  3. All nominations need to be seconded to make the voting round

  4. All nominations must include a reason

  5. Real World & Cornellverse: must have at least
    shows, with at least 2 of those shows this month.

  6. Rookie DOTM:any diary started since the first of the prior month -October 1st- the only post requirement for rookie is one show in the current month. (none diary threads are no longer eligible)

  7. You CAN nominate the the winners from last month's Rookie Category to the full awards regardless of start date ()

  8. You can NOT nominate Eisen -Verse's DOA The Evolution of Greed

  9. You can NOT nominate Tristram's "Prequel to Death of WCW" or John Cena's "Wrestling School ||"

  10. a vote for yourself is an automatic disqualification.




2nd* - means that the diary has been seconded so that you do not waste your vote, or fail to 2nd a diary you want to see put up for diary of the month


Real World DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* [thread=58732]JW Forever's "WWE 2006:New Year,New Stars and New Beginings"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=78107]Nobby_McDonald's "TNA's New Beginnings II"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=39102]The Final Countdown's "Ring of Honor-We Don't Imitate...We Innovate (2002)"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=26405]Dse81's "the New NWA"[/thread]



Cornellverse DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* [thread=91072]TigerKinney's "BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=72945]Angeldelayette's "USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=80587]Yuu Onuki's "Memoir's of a Booker"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=75205]Dragonmack's "The David Mack Chronicles: NYCW- The Homecoming"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=47928]Phantom Stranger's "TCW: A Quiet Retirement"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=73040]infinitywpi's "Welcome. You Know The Drill"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=84880]BYU 14's "NYCW - Passing the torch"[/thread]
  • [thread=]Bigpapa 42's "Total Championship Wrestling: Tuesday Night Wars"[/thread]
  • [thread=91373]Mad5226's "MAW.....Dealing with Jay"[/thread]



Rookie DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* [thread=100155]John Lions Kingdom "Championship Class Wrestling: Taking Australia to new heights"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=93410]jhd1's "USPW: The Battle for Prime Time"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=97571]Comradebot's "AXE: Dynamic! Explosive! Awesome! Shifting Paradigms! Manatee! Innovative!"[/thread]
  • [thread=]Shmoe's "Diary of Despair Vol II in the Land of Supreme for Rookie"[/thread]



Rookie is back! rookie for this month only is any diary started in March.

Hall of Famer's Sorry, but you no longer qualify in the Rookie Category.



Nominations will be open until March 31st (12 pm Eastern)

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Guest cmdrsam
For Real World I shall nominate Nobby_McDonald's TNA's New Beginnings II.


He always puts on a great show writing wise and his version of Buff Bagwell has me actually caring about Buff...nah nothing will ever make me care about Buff...:D However, this is a great diary and well worth the read.


I would like to second the nomination.


Would also like to nominate Phantom Stranger.



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In the rookie category I nominate John Lions Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling: Taking Australia to new heights.


Even though its only a little over a week old, he already has almost half a dozen shows up, and some fairly clear storylines running through for his 0/0/0 fed.






I'd also like to add The Final Countdown's Ring of Honor-We Don't Imitate...We Innovate (2002) to Real World DOTM.

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Thanks a lot for the nomination Dragonmack and Tweek It, nice to see that people are enjoying your diary.


I'd like to nominate Welcome. You Know The Drill by infinitywpi for Cornellverse DoTM. To be honest, I was surprised that no one had nominated it yet - while it isn't an in-depth storyline/backstage diary, infinitywpi is consistent and his simplistic style is a really good read once you get into it. And he seems to be the only person who can do CZCW :p

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I'd like to nominate Welcome. You Know The Drill by infinitywpi for Cornellverse DoTM. To be honest, I was surprised that no one had nominated it yet - while it isn't an in-depth storyline/backstage diary, infinitywpi is consistent and his simplistic style is a really good read once you get into it. And he seems to be the only person who can do CZCW :p


Many have tried but only one has failed so spectacularly so often, that his name is synonymous with the Zone. :p

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