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<p>I rarely play TEW05 without being bored, no matter how hard I try and enjoy it I keep returning to EWR. Tried the TEW demo and thought it was alright, just bought Wrestling Spirit 2, thats good despite the lack of modern day mods.</p><p> </p><p>

I have the money and thought I'd support the developers by buying it, whats the improvements over TEW05?</p><p> </p><p>

Also how much is this in British Pounds? Thanks.</p>

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From '05 to '10 is a pretty astronomical change. From drastically expanded negotiations, to personality traits, to menace-based angles, to a much more interesting Cornellverse (not a knock on the '05 data, it's just had the time to become better defined), to a whole host of things, 2010 is a dramatically better game than '05.


You say that you've played the demo. Is there anything from that that you'd like explained, or anything in particular you'd like comments on?

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I hate to say this, because I would always recommend these games. In fact I think I've been playing the EW/TEW series longer than any other series of games.


However, this comment worries me.


I rarely play TEW05 without being bored, no matter how hard I try and enjoy it I keep returning to EWR.


I'm the exact opposite, I could never return to EWR because it would bore the heck out of me. I'd like to hear more about why the game bores you, as that may help your decision.


But to answer the question of "is the game worth it"? absofreakinlutely

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recently i downloaded EWR on my gfs laptop to give me something to do at work. Originally i tried buying TEW2010 for this purpose on that laptop but i was just one of a couple other people having some kind of vista issue so that didnt work out... though i do hope that it does soon because as great as EWR was at the time I just can't get into it anymore... The level of professionalism, improvements and so on and so forth.... i can't do EWR anymore at all. The one thing about EWR though that i can still enjoy is that in my opinion EWR had the best real world data of all time, better than anything ive played on any TEW save for the 07 DoTT data but otherwise when it comes down to actual game vs game to me it's no contest and i can't get back into it so i just eagerly await getting home at night and getting back to TEW on the main home cpu where it works. I mean, different strokes for different folks i understand that but having just recently tried to get back into it after buying each and every TEW since '04 i just can't see it.... To me it's like having a flat screen hi-def TV with the top next gen console and games and not digging it and prefering a 50 by 50 foot 70s/80s TV with an atari.... (well....that would be kinda awesome actually)
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recently i downloaded EWR on my gfs laptop to give me something to do at work. Originally i tried buying TEW2010 for this purpose on that laptop but i was just one of a couple other people having some kind of vista issue so that didnt work out... though i do hope that it does soon because as great as EWR was at the time I just can't get into it anymore... The level of professionalism, improvements and so on and so forth.... i can't do EWR anymore at all. The one thing about EWR though that i can still enjoy is that in my opinion EWR had the best real world data of all time , better than anything ive played on any TEW save for the 07 DoTT data but otherwise when it comes down to actual game vs game to me it's no contest and i can't get back into it so i just eagerly await getting home at night and getting back to TEW on the main home cpu where it works. I mean, different strokes for different folks i understand that but having just recently tried to get back into it after buying each and every TEW since '04 i just can't see it.... To me it's like having a flat screen hi-def TV with the top next gen console and games and not digging it and prefering a 50 by 50 foot 70s/80s TV with an atari.... (well....that would be kinda awesome actually)


Agree 100% if you are talking about the default data that comes with the game.

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TEW 2010, at $35 works out to be around £23. I am from the UK too, and if you consider that games like Football Manager cost about £30 or more in some places these days when they first come out, and most new console games cost £40 on average, then £23 is not a bad offer at all in my opinion. Considering the potential amount you can get out of a game like this where you never really 'complete' or 'beat' it, the possibilities are pretty much endless especially when you throw in the editing features and big mod community.


I recommend reading my thread from not so long ago, where I pretty much asked the same question :) The link is: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=94709


I bit the bullet and bought the game shortly after creating that thread and having a poke around these forums. I had faith in the creator already, having played EWR quite a lot, but had never actually bought a TEW before 2010, just played the freeware 2005.


But buying this is the best thing I could have done, I'm really enjoying it. There are new features popping up constantly, and the amount of things you control and you can do in the game is pretty mindblowing, talk about ultimate control of your fed!


I'm not one for fictional universes, they don't do it for me, as much as I'd like to check it out properly one day. So I instantly downloaded a real world data mod, all the photos, logos, etc from the mod forum, a 'storyline pack' filled with created storylines, angles, etc and it's just brilliant (although I find myself constantly creating my own angles to suit the storylines I'm running - ones that will most likely only be used that once - but creating them is so simple and really enhances the experience for me.) I really like to play with the real world data, and love the way you sometimes feel like you are actually interacting with these people!


I could never go back to EWR now. Way, way too simple and I never thought I'd ever say that about a game like EWR!


Within that thread I gave you a link to above, one of the guys posted a link in there to Adam Ryland's journal thing where he posted all of the updates and additions he was putting into the game. That's worth a read too to see what sorts of things are new to this version, but for me it's a vast improvement on 2005 and there's never any going back now! Buy!

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I could never return to EWR because it would bore the heck out of me.


I'm the same way. I have EWR in my documents folder for nostalgic purposes and I open it rarely. I can't even get through a show with that game anymore because of how long it takes to book a single match. TEW is so incredible with how its made doing things very quick and easy with each installment.


It is 'worth it'. I'm not sure that I could stop playing if I wanted to. It's incredibly addicting and super awesome. :cool:

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It's not too shocking the RW data for EWR is better than the RW data for any TEW mod:


It's the only time RW data was the default data the game was built around. It's awesome because it's actually balanced!


It also helps that the data has far far less numbers for each worker to worry about.


I rarely play TEW05 without being bored, no matter how hard I try and enjoy it I keep returning to EWR. Tried the TEW demo and thought it was alright, just bought Wrestling Spirit 2, thats good despite the lack of modern day mods.


I would have to say it depends on a bit on where the "bored" part comes from when playing 2005. In terms of basic gameplay, I think 2005 feels closer to 2010 than it does to EWR, but 2010 is a far far deeper and more polished game. Enough of an improvement over 2008 that I would find it difficult to impossible to move back. Same as the step from 2007 to 2008.


I didn't play EWR back in the day, but I've tried it more recently and find it fun. I also find it very limiting after the much deeper and open play of TEW.

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Its amazing how far things have come. And I meant no disrespect to EWR, its more a compliment to how far Adam has taken the series.


I remember when the first TEW came out and we were all 1st introduced to the Cornellverse. There were no pictures and not many people were playing it. (On a side note this is why it irritates me to no end when people rip a default picture in the alt thread. No matter how much a pic may bug you at least someone took the time to make one.)


Then someone started creating renders and the cornellverse came to life. With TEW I only played real world and historical mods. With 2005 I became hooked on the Cornellverse and played that as well as the DOTT mod. By 2008 and now 2010 I play exclusively Cornellverse games.


I think those are the stages almost every player goes through. 1st is accepting that it is not EWR and you have to do things differently. 2nd is playing only Real World Mods. and the 3rd stage is when you realize the Cornellverse is the way to go.

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I think those are the stages almost every player goes through. 1st is accepting that it is not EWR and you have to do things differently. 2nd is playing only Real World Mods. and the 3rd stage is when you realize the Cornellverse is the way to go.


Dead right. That's exactly the process I went through. And haven't looked back!

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I think those are the stages almost every player goes through. 1st is accepting that it is not EWR and you have to do things differently. 2nd is playing only Real World Mods. and the 3rd stage is when you realize the Cornellverse is the way to go.




Seriously though, that's pretty much the whole process. Once you find a guy in the CVerse who captures your imagination, you're hooked. It was T-Rex for me. Stop laughing at me now.


TEW10 is so complete and robust, and offers a slew of unique challenges depending on what type and which level of promotion you choose/create, that it blows its predecessors away.

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I think those are the stages almost every player goes through. 1st is accepting that it is not EWR and you have to do things differently. 2nd is playing only Real World Mods. and the 3rd stage is when you realize the Cornellverse is the way to go.


I skipped 2. Real Life mods are boring.


Plus, EWR was getting boring too, and I was always more interested in TEW.

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I think those are the stages almost every player goes through. 1st is accepting that it is not EWR and you have to do things differently. 2nd is playing only Real World Mods. and the 3rd stage is when you realize the Cornellverse is the way to go.


That's the exact same way it happened to me, so your logic is definitely right. When people suggest the CVerse to new players they often dismiss it because they only want the RW mods - but I've seen a few since '10 has come out that have given it a chance and have enjoyed it a lot.


TEW04 and '05 I played only real world mods. With '07 I checked out the CVerse but couldn't really get interested at first and by the time '08 came out I had made the switch to the CVerse. The character who got my attention first? Fearless Blue :cool: (or practically everyone in 'The Quest')

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