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How do you keep main eventers happy?

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Yes, yes it does.


Just remember to only use people with solid entertainment skills like this. Last thing you want is Steve Flash trying to do commentary.


Having Steve Flash on commentary will work perfectly well - just make sure that the match in question is a dark match (so rating doesn't matter), and over a few weeks, his entertainment skills will go up from doing the commentary. Double bonus :)

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Just remember to only use people with solid entertainment skills like this. Last thing you want is Steve Flash trying to do commentary.


When faced with this situation, I just use the Distraction note, to represent them pulling up a chair at ringside, but staying off the mic.

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When faced with this situation, I just use the Distraction note, to represent them pulling up a chair at ringside, but staying off the mic.




But you really should have a second (and possibly a third) show, Lindsey. I look at it like this, in a general rule of thumb manner:


National - 2 shows (A & B)

International - 2 or 3 (A & B or 2 A and 1 B)

Global - definitely 3


I usually go with 2 shows at Cult so I can spend National expanding them into new areas (or leapfrog national altogether and shoot right to International from Cult).

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Personally, I loath the idea of running more than one show a week. It makes the game a bit of a chore for me. My TCW game is currently Global, and I'm still rocking along with 2 hours of Total Wrestling a week. Some of my midcarders are a bit frustrated, but they're on Written contracts, guaranteed money, so I don't see what they've got to complain about.


I'm toying with dropping the TV show and just running monthly PPV's and (lots of) house shows for a few months.

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I wouldn't want a second A show - I prefer to advance my storylines once a week, and fear running out of ideas at that level in any case.


That said, a B show is near compulsory once you get written deals - you need to have your midcarders and below improving and ticking over. Getting that deal for SWF is something I really look forward to, and it's not like you have to pay attention to how you book it - sixty minutes of wrestling and sixty minutes of Christin Faith promos FTW :p

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