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How do you keep main eventers happy?

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<p>They complain if they don't appear on every single show you hold. At International, the game forces me to have eight main eventers. With that many, I basically have to load the entire card with nothing but main eventers. The problem is, that leaves no room for the other thirty-one members of the roster to have any place on the card. I only have a two-hour show, I simply don't have enough time to fit all those main eventers in and do anything with the rest of the roster. I can only currently run six matches per card because I have a 50% match ratio (we are a Risque promotion focusing on entertainment, but are equal parts performance and popularity).</p><p> </p><p>

What am I supposed to do?</p>

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B-Shows are the key to solve this from my experiences. Booking WCW in 1998 atm I've made Thunder the B-Show and it's almost exclusively the guys at the top of my card who need momentum or some wins going over. Also makes sure you can book everyone at least once every few weeks depending on your roster size.
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They complain if they don't appear on every single show you hold. At International, the game forces me to have eight main eventers. With that many, I basically have to load the entire card with nothing but main eventers. The problem is, that leaves no room for the other thirty-one members of the roster to have any place on the card. I only have a two-hour show, I simply don't have enough time to fit all those main eventers in and do anything with the rest of the roster. I can only currently run six matches per card because I have a 50% match ratio (we are a Risque promotion focusing on entertainment, but are equal parts performance and popularity).


What am I supposed to do?


First off, that amount of time should be plenty to get your main eventers on TV. Use promos, angles, etc if you don't want to put them in the ring.


Secondly, get a B show. they're great for building up the rest of the roster.

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Angles are your friends. They don't care if they're in matches, just so long as they've got screen time. Got a main event babyface getting ready for his big match tonight? Why not have a couple others wish him luck, as he walks down the hall?


As well, they don't seem to care if they are "On-Screen" or not, just so long as they're in a segment. That means you can use videos, or promos where they are talked about to keep them happy.


They don't need something big, every show. They just need something.

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Use them in angles and dark matches.


And if they miss an occaisonal show, the hit to their morale (and the penalty they'll recieve from having low morale) is incredibly miniscule. I've had guys be "irritated" from missing every show for almost two months and they didn't drop a smiley face. In the time it'd take workers to get actually upset about missing time, there's a good chance they would've started "forgetting" some of the times they were left off a show.


People seem to overreact to this, and it's really, really NOT a massive deal.

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I was under the impression that the top level workers wouldn't care if they were used in a B-Show, am I right or wrong? So, if I use a guy in a B-Show one week and he misses my A-Show, does he get upset? Also, what are the requirements of keeping workers with different pushes happy? Main Event and I suppose Upper Midcard guys want to be used at every single show, but what about midcarders? Every other ahow? And so on.
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Use them in angles and dark matches.


And if they miss an occaisonal show, the hit to their morale (and the penalty they'll recieve from having low morale) is incredibly miniscule. I've had guys be "irritated" from missing every show for almost two months and they didn't drop a smiley face. In the time it'd take workers to get actually upset about missing time, there's a good chance they would've started "forgetting" some of the times they were left off a show.


People seem to overreact to this, and it's really, really NOT a massive deal.




Eight main eventers? I haven't played a game in 2010 with less than ten and I'm currently running a game where I have SEVENTEEN main eventers at low National. Every other show, my main eventers get used in some capacity. My match ratio is also higher so I can't just put 'em in angles and forget about 'em. I don't care if they're 'irritated' because my backstage environment is always 100% so any discontent is not likely to spread nearly as quickly as those places with toxic locker rooms.


Look, your main eventers are who people are coming to see. If you're committed to spending/wasting inordinate amounts of TV time on midcarders (who don't expect to be used all the time), I don't think that's the right approach.


As far as B shows go, I get one of those as quickly as I can. THAT'S where I use my midcard talent. My A show drives my growth (and my revenue, via PPV buys), so my main eventers and upper midcarders feature prominently on that one. The B show is where I experiment and find promising future matchups. If a main eventer makes an appearance there, it's a special attraction type of deal (and good for training purposes). If you're International and not using the tools available to you, some misery or difficulty is to be expected.

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As has been said, Main Eventers want to be used, but they don't need to wrestle. Typically, only half of my Main Event players will get a Match on TV, while the other half just appear in Angles. Big Arguments. Contract Signings. Run Ins. I often have one of them as 'Guest Commentator" for the show. That'll keep them happy.


... and yes, throw them in a dark match. Battle Royale. Eight Man Tag. Squash Match. IT shouldn't be an effort to use these guys. They're your stars. You should want to use every single one of them.


P.S. I hate playing with Brand Splits or 'B' Shows, so it can be hard to find room for everyone when hitting International or Global. I feel that pain.

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Brand split.


This actually works great, even with only 1 TV show. I created a brand split for regional/cult promotion so that I dont annoy my workers.


I will run 2 weeks of TV with 1 brand and 2 weeks with the other. Usually alternating every other week. I will then run my events with my entire roster.

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Under your circumstances, with only one show of that length, I would go with a brand split. I would then add at least one more show and split your main eventers between the two. This way they don't get mad because they are only eligible for their brand. I would also run a monthly PPV for cross-brand stuff. At least that's how I do it and it seems to be working.
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Out of curiosity, would sticking them on commentary for one segment work? Having someone commentating on their rival's match, and jumping into the ring at some point, before or after the finish, is a time-honoured way of continuing their feud.


Yes, yes it does.


Just remember to only use people with solid entertainment skills like this. Last thing you want is Steve Flash trying to do commentary.

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Thats why i made a video angle called Don't Try This At Home. Keeps everyone happy.


this. is. brilliant.


however, generally video angles are done with the characters "off screen" so technically, your main eventers are still not being used ...

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this. is. brilliant.


however, generally video angles are done with the characters "off screen" so technically, your main eventers are still not being used ...


As Greg said earlier, I don't think on/off screen matters.

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Fun trick, to keep people happy, without having to change a thing:


- Create a brand split.

- Assign every show you have to Brand B

- Assign all your workers to Brand A

- When booking shows, make brands non-exclusive (on the booking screen, bottom left)


Everyone will happily wait for an eternity, for a Brand A, or non-branded show.


Hurray for exploits!

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