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Try some Twitter & MySpace & WWE Universe stuff. Never thought about it myself, but contacting them over more 'public' channels may be less intrusive than straight-up emails. Easier too. Seems like every time I wander onto a 'newz' site they're reporting "OMG So & So posted on his MySpace lol".
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Get some wrestlers EMail Address for an interview? I'm trying to start a wrestling site and would like to have some interviews with wrestler, any help is appreciated


The 'Contact us' link on some wrestlers' websites works as well. It would definitely help to have the site up and running FIRST though. If wrestlers are like any other public figures (and most are), they're going to check you out before agreeing to anything.

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I don't want to "bring you down" but you might have to work your way up to wwe guys. Very few will respond to a "can i interview you" kind of deal. They get them all the time. BUT......indy guys are always happy to do them to be honest. You get some popular indy guy like necro butcher.....super dragon.....someone like that will build your rep and will get you noticed. Then you might be able to get some big name guys.
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Google a few "names" plus words like bookings and agent. Many use the same agent once they leave the big time and there was a website with lotd of booking info on it if it's still live (i noticed alot use some David Hierro (or similar) guy with an aol email address).


It would kinda depend on what kinda site you are running as to what kinda response you might get.


I agree with Alden's post you might need to get a few under your belt before anyone "big" will bother with you.


If you got in touch with some of the news sites first and asked if any wanted some interviews you might find if say wrestleview.com will also publish it then (knowing the interview is going to hit X number of people) the "name" might be more willing to give you some of their time!


After all it's gotta be worth it for them too!

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Just wondering from anyone who may know, I believe at one time to get RoH guys you had to organise the interview through the company. Are WWE and TNA the same as I would imagine they too would want some control over what their employees (or ... independent contractors) said and who they said it to. Indy guys should be easy, but I'm curious about those under contract.


Not sure about wrestling, but as someone who has done bits and pieces of journalism it's pretty standard that you need to get approval before talking to people who work for a specific company or organisation.

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