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I agree, just take a look at the Vampire myth. How many different ways has that been told?


Some Vampires can go out in the sun, while others die from it. Some can be hurt by the cross while it does not hurt others.


See...thats the one part of Vampire mythology in Buffy that grinds my gears. That the cross is the only religious icon that harms vampires. Otherwise, I assume the could have nailed Stars of David all over Willow's room as oppose to crosses her parents would disaprove of.


And its just...a head scratcher...in a show that gets so much right to elevate one religion, assuming its some sort of holy juju that makes crosses work.


Just always seemed strange to me.

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I quite like the whole Cross thing. I've seen a lot of older versions of the vampire myth where vampires are seductive creatures, older men luring in young virgins with promises of sexual deviancy and sin. The Church is natural a opposition to that, and the cross is a symbol of the Church. It's purity vs sin. Thematically pleasing to me.
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I personally hate Twilight. IMO it killed the awesomeness that vampires used to have. Vampires used to be in Horror flicks and now they're.......in love stories? WTF! That's just my opinion though.


There has always been a hint of the genre being a love story going back to Dracula. It is just now Twilight has thrown teenage angst into the mix which has made the lore more sappy.

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I personally hate Twilight. IMO it killed the awesomeness that vampires used to have. Vampires used to be in Horror flicks and now they're.......in love stories? WTF! That's just my opinion though.


As BHK says, there's always been an element of love story in vampire flicks, but it's a more recent thing that the vampire has become the hero of the romance. The way I remember it, back in the day Dracula & Co were set up as the villains. The obstacles of 'proper' love. They would lure virtuous maidens away from their responsible futures as good wives and mothers, and into worlds of sin and sexual deviancy. Usually those women who succumbed to temptation would meet grizzly ends. Those who resisted and stuck to the pious path would survive.


Now, times have changed. People are taught to listen to their hearts and follow their own paths, despite what society deems 'proper'. The vampire represents a love that society does not accept, and the heroic act is to chase that love. Society becomes the obstacle, the dynamic flips on it's head, and we get soulful, tortured, pouty vampires.


It's not Twilight's fault. This existed in the previous generations. Angel from Buffy was totally 90's Edward, only with more roundhouse kicks. It existed before him too.


Suddenly want to write an old-school vampire flick... with roundhouse kicks.

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I think the first Vampire with a heart was Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows the late 1960's American tv show. He was a badass when he first came on screen. However, he eventually evolved into the reluctant Vampire who felt guilty about being a Vampire and was on a quest to find the cure for his affliction.
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I like you so much now. :)


I prefer the books over the movies. The books are great if you liked the movies at all.


I read the entire series before the movies came out. Haven't enjoyed the movies at all. The books were interesting and went very in-depth. And I've never even understood the Team Jacob vs Team Edward thing. If you've read all four books you know that it's a ridiculous discussion that shouldn't exist. :rolleyes:

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I read the entire series before the movies came out. Haven't enjoyed the movies at all. The books were interesting and went very in-depth. And I've never even understood the Team Jacob vs Team Edward thing. If you've read all four books you know that it's a ridiculous discussion that shouldn't exist. :rolleyes:



I agree with you. I loved the books. Edward in the books was amazing. I always hoped she would leave him though.


If you enjoyed the books I will say never watch the movies. They ruined EVERYTHING.

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See...thats the one part of Vampire mythology in Buffy that grinds my gears. That the cross is the only religious icon that harms vampires. Otherwise, I assume the could have nailed Stars of David all over Willow's room as oppose to crosses her parents would disaprove of.


And its just...a head scratcher...in a show that gets so much right to elevate one religion, assuming its some sort of holy juju that makes crosses work.


Just always seemed strange to me.


If it makes you feel any better there's no indication that any other Christian rules apply in Buffy, as vampires freely enter churches the same way they enter other public buildings. Additionally, the cross' use as a symbol greatly predates Christianity: in ancient civilization it was used as a symbol of living flame. I don't write for Buffy but it would take like ten seconds of effort to connect the two in a non-religious way.


As BHK says, there's always been an element of love story in vampire flicks, but it's a more recent thing that the vampire has become the hero of the romance. The way I remember it, back in the day Dracula & Co were set up as the villains. The obstacles of 'proper' love. They would lure virtuous maidens away from their responsible futures as good wives and mothers, and into worlds of sin and sexual deviancy. Usually those women who succumbed to temptation would meet grizzly ends. Those who resisted and stuck to the pious path would survive.


Now, times have changed. People are taught to listen to their hearts and follow their own paths, despite what society deems 'proper'. The vampire represents a love that society does not accept, and the heroic act is to chase that love. Society becomes the obstacle, the dynamic flips on it's head, and we get soulful, tortured, pouty vampires.


It's not Twilight's fault. This existed in the previous generations. Angel from Buffy was totally 90's Edward, only with more roundhouse kicks. It existed before him too.


Suddenly want to write an old-school vampire flick... with roundhouse kicks.


I think the reaction to people about vampires has as much to do with overexposure and their shifting role in fiction as anything else. Like you said, they were the bad guys. When Stoker introduced Dracula, he was a sort of mystical counter-point to the advances of technology. He's basically a super-powered villain far beyond ordinary humans whose only hope is relying on technology and their ingenuity.


As the vampire has become more accepted in fiction, while they generally remained the bad guy, they became more and more sympathetic. Poor Dracula, he has to lose everyone he cares about! From there it's not a stretch to get to the anti-hero (Angel), and now we're okay with vampire protagonists. It probably helps that super powered protagonists stopped being weird a good 75 years ago.


Still, I think it hurts the impact of why vampires are cool in the first place to jump onto the ride halfway through. A big part of why vampires are cool is Dracula, even as a villain 100 years ago, was cool.


On a related but tangential note, reading X-Men comics from around the time of the Dark Phoenix Saga, you can really see where Wolverine went from a supporting character on a team book to total bad-ass. Anybody that hates Wolverine because of his constant presence should check out that Dark Phoenix run.

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I read the entire series before the movies came out. Haven't enjoyed the movies at all. The books were interesting and went very in-depth. And I've never even understood the Team Jacob vs Team Edward thing. If you've read all four books you know that it's a ridiculous discussion that shouldn't exist. :rolleyes:


I think they just did that so all the ugly teenage girls could feel pretty for a second.

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I read the entire series before the movies came out. Haven't enjoyed the movies at all. The books were interesting and went very in-depth. And I've never even understood the Team Jacob vs Team Edward thing. If you've read all four books you know that it's a ridiculous discussion that shouldn't exist. :rolleyes:


Shipping's incredibly common in all fandoms. Rarely, though, do they only introduce 2 possible pairings. Hence the formation of teams.

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I go to a sandwich shop often for lunch (its in walking distance) They are a family owned buisness and they know me and what I normally order. I have eaten there at least once a week for over 7 years. There is a girl who has now been working there for over a year. She does not understand the words lettuce tomato or mayo. I understand she may have a language barrier but making sandwichs for over a year you should get some basic words. The fact i have to play show me the condiment and I will nod yes or no it has come to the point that i now will never order when she is working any longer. She is very slow and even though she has been there for over a year she still acts like its her first day. To be honest it didn't bother me at first but now her attitude is just wrong. She doesn't greet you, say doesn't give you a total (you have to read it from the register), she doesn't smile and she usually rubs her arms across her forehead, talking in a forgein language to nobody, and looks unhappy that you are asking her to make a sandwich.
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Every woman i know has LOVED the twilight books........every woman except my current girl. She is a huge horror fan and thinks it is tarible that the vampires glitter but does enjoy the love story. Yes every vampire has a lover inside of them. I for one don't really mind the books either way as i have never looked at it as a vampire book. It is a romance book with people who just happen to be vampires.
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Shipping's incredibly common in all fandoms. Rarely, though, do they only introduce 2 possible pairings. Hence the formation of teams.


Indeed. But by the time everyone has seen all the movies and understand the entire series they'll realize the teams were useless.


I think they just did that so all the ugly teenage girls could feel pretty for a second.


I think it's just a cheap marketing technique.

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I think they just did that so all the ugly teenage girls could feel pretty for a second.


I keep coming back to tthis.


I was going to leave it alone but I can't. What gives you the right to make such statements? Who do you think you are to judge anyone on how they look, or what they like?


Are you perfect? What? Can't hear you! Didn't think so. Before you have the nerve to put down ANYONE try looking at yourself first.

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I only read the first book, though I got a recap on the second. Why is the whole argument about Edward and Jacob moot?


(Also. I think they just did it so that Kristen Stewart's coked out expression could be portrayed as an emotional response. Ugly or not-ugly teenaged girls have nothing to do with it.)

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Why is the whole argument about Edward and Jacob moot?


I'm honestly upset that I know this...


In the final book of the series Bella and Edward have a "hybrid" child - vampire and human mix - before Bella is turned into a vampire (or else she would have died). She ages rapidly fast and Jacob (werewolves in this series "imprint" on a specific person, somebody they'll care for nobody what) imprints on her. His feelings aren't in a sketchy rapist sort of way but he feels like a big brother. The reason I say it's moot is because in an earlier book one of the dudes in Jacob's pack had imprinted on a 3-year old kid and he treated her like his little sister. But the point of all of it was how they wouldn't age and how someday down the road maybe it could turn into something more. The whole thing was strange to me but it made sense. When all of that happened though Jacob basically stopped being infatuated with Bella.


Sorry to ruin it for anyone remotely interested. :o

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I'm honestly upset that I know this...


In the final book of the series Bella and Edward have a "hybrid" child - vampire and human mix - before Bella is turned into a vampire (or else she would have died). She ages rapidly fast and Jacob (werewolves in this series "imprint" on a specific person, somebody they'll care for nobody what) imprints on her. His feelings aren't in a sketchy rapist sort of way but he feels like a big brother. The reason I say it's moot is because in an earlier book one of the dudes in Jacob's pack had imprinted on a 3-year old kid and he treated her like his little sister. But the point of all of it was how they wouldn't age and how someday down the road maybe it could turn into something more. The whole thing was strange to me but it made sense. When all of that happened though Jacob basically stopped being infatuated with Bella.


Sorry to ruin it for anyone remotely interested. :o


Your man card please!


lol sorry could not help it.........just messing with you man. I have actuly been told and retold the story in every book several times lol.

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I'm honestly upset that I know this...


In the final book of the series Bella and Edward have a "hybrid" child - vampire and human mix - before Bella is turned into a vampire (or else she would have died). She ages rapidly fast and Jacob (werewolves in this series "imprint" on a specific person, somebody they'll care for nobody what) imprints on her. His feelings aren't in a sketchy rapist sort of way but he feels like a big brother. The reason I say it's moot is because in an earlier book one of the dudes in Jacob's pack had imprinted on a 3-year old kid and he treated her like his little sister. But the point of all of it was how they wouldn't age and how someday down the road maybe it could turn into something more. The whole thing was strange to me but it made sense. When all of that happened though Jacob basically stopped being infatuated with Bella.


Sorry to ruin it for anyone remotely interested. :o


After reading that, I can understand why Stephen King called the series of books crap.

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Your man card please!


lol sorry could not help it.........just messing with you man. I have actuly been told and retold the story in every book several times lol.


I expected some heat from that. :p I had never invested a lot of time into a book series before and by the time I was done with this one I don't really know what it left for an impression on me. I haven't really thought of it very much since finishing it all up two years ago. I honestly can't tell you what it was about the series that had me read it for so long. I guess I was just curious if he was ever going to snap and kill her because when I read it originally the whole series hadn't been written out yet. Or maybe I'm a sucker for a love-story and romantic comedies are A-OK in my book (Yes, there were some laughing moments in this series... perhaps not intended but I thought so). :cool:

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One more thing that grinds my gears is Hillary Clinton. Now I do not want to turn this into a political debate I will just say what bothers me about her and that will be that. Two things that bother me about her, first she much like RFK before her is a carpetbagger. The only reason why she decided to “live” in New York was because she saw that Senate seat as a means to getting her elected President. She could probably care less about the people of New York.


Secondly, what the heck qualifies her to be Secretary of State? She was a lawyer, senator, and first lady. How do any of these jobs qualify her to be Secretary of State? I understand as first lady she had to deal with foreign dignitaries but that truly qualify one to hold such an important position.


I read the only reason why she got the job in the first place was because Joe Biden was given the choice of VP or Secretary of State and he chose VP. Now let me say this, I am not a right leaning guy who hates the Clintons, I do not have anything against them. Heck I even think Bill was a good President. I just do not understand why she is Secretary of State and why the people of New York (a state she probably never officially lived in) elected her to the Senate.

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One more thing that grinds my gears is Hillary Clinton. Now I do not want to turn this into a political debate I will just say what bothers me about her and that will be that. Two things that bother me about her, first she much like RFK before her is a carpetbagger. The only reason why she decided to “live” in New York was because she saw that Senate seat as a means to getting her elected President. She could probably care less about the people of New York.


Secondly, what the heck qualifies her to be Secretary of State? She was a lawyer, senator, and first lady. How do any of these jobs qualify her to be Secretary of State? I understand as first lady she had to deal with foreign dignitaries but that truly qualify one to hold such an important position.


I read the only reason why she got the job in the first place was because Joe Biden was given the choice of VP or Secretary of State and he chose VP. Now let me say this, I am not a right leaning guy who hates the Clintons, I do not have anything against them. Heck I even think Bill was a good President. I just do not understand why she is Secretary of State and why the people of New York (a state she probably never officially lived in) elected her to the Senate.


She's anti-video gaming, I'm anti her. That simple.

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I keep coming back to tthis.


I was going to leave it alone but I can't. What gives you the right to make such statements? Who do you think you are to judge anyone on how they look, or what they like?


Are you perfect? What? Can't hear you! Didn't think so. Before you have the nerve to put down ANYONE try looking at yourself first.


MLT, it's somewhat of a generalization. I said the same thing when Menudo was big. And New Kids on the Block. And the Backstreet Boys. And N'SYNC. Of course, it's patently false because it's usually the "pretty" teenage girls who go for the okey doke in these cases. No one really pays attention or cares about what the ugly ones want.


And as a person who was an 'ugly' teenage boy, I found ways to take advantage of that. Girls may not have that advantage but to quote The Waitresses, they have what boys like, they have what guys want.


Don't sweat it. It's not like people don't judge folks that way every minute of every day. I've beaten my head bloody against that particular wall. It might be better to pick a battle you can win. :)


I'm honestly upset that I know this...


In the final book of the series Bella and Edward have a "hybrid" child - vampire and human mix - before Bella is turned into a vampire (or else she would have died). She ages rapidly fast and Jacob (werewolves in this series "imprint" on a specific person, somebody they'll care for nobody what) imprints on her. His feelings aren't in a sketchy rapist sort of way but he feels like a big brother. The reason I say it's moot is because in an earlier book one of the dudes in Jacob's pack had imprinted on a 3-year old kid and he treated her like his little sister. But the point of all of it was how they wouldn't age and how someday down the road maybe it could turn into something more. The whole thing was strange to me but it made sense. When all of that happened though Jacob basically stopped being infatuated with Bella.


Sorry to ruin it for anyone remotely interested. :o


Logan, two words for you:



One more thing that grinds my gears is Hillary Clinton. Now I do not want to turn this into a political debate I will just say what bothers me about her and that will be that. Two things that bother me about her, first she much like RFK before her is a carpetbagger. The only reason why she decided to “live” in New York was because she saw that Senate seat as a means to getting her elected President. She could probably care less about the people of New York.


Secondly, what the heck qualifies her to be Secretary of State? She was a lawyer, senator, and first lady. How do any of these jobs qualify her to be Secretary of State? I understand as first lady she had to deal with foreign dignitaries but that truly qualify one to hold such an important position.


I read the only reason why she got the job in the first place was because Joe Biden was given the choice of VP or Secretary of State and he chose VP. Now let me say this, I am not a right leaning guy who hates the Clintons, I do not have anything against them. Heck I even think Bill was a good President. I just do not understand why she is Secretary of State and why the people of New York (a state she probably never officially lived in) elected her to the Senate.


I heard that story too. Everyone seemed to think Biden would take the Secretary of State job (given his foreign policy experience) but he threw them a curveball. Besides, with Biden (and his temper) as Secretary of State, oh boy!


BHK, we here in New York love us some names. Electing a nobody that no one's ever heard of to the Senate doesn't happen very often. Kirsten Hillenbrand (who? EXACTLY!) is toast if a 'name' candidate runs against her. Plus, she was appointed by perhaps the least popular/most disliked/most incompetent governor of New York in at least 30 years. When the guy who gave you your job is being run out on rails, that doesn't typically make you safe. Although, she is kind of attractive, in that suburban/middle America kind of way so the serious candidate is going to have to be able to overcome that. Anyway, Hillary was elected for the same reasons Bobby was elected: she was the biggest "name" on the ballot. She also drew ridiculous amounts of women (duh?) and was running against freakin' Rick Lazio (who? again, EXACTLY!). You have to maintain a high profile if you hold national office in New York. Mark Green, Alan Hevesi (before he got popped), and how many of you knew who Michael Bloomberg was before he bought his current office?


That's how we tend to work. If we don't know who you are, you'd better spend the time (and money) telling us who you are or we're not electing you (ask Bloomberg). Can't have some nobody going to DC reppin' us! Do you know who we are? Of course you do!



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