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What grinds your gears?


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I'm back I wanted to make my first return post something new that grinds my gears. Social Networking... Well that's not fair.... Facebook... again not fair... The people who use facebook.... let me be more specific. The people I know who use facebook. The people who ask me the same stupid question: " why don't you have a facebook?" The conversation no matter who its with goes something like this...


me: because i don't.


them: but its really cool. you can talk to all of your friends.


me: that's why i have a cell phone.


Its always followed up by this.


them: what about the friends you haven't seen or talked to in a really long time?


me: there's probably a good reason for that.


them: yeah but all your friends can see pictures of you and your kids.


me: the people i want to see me and my kids we go visit them.



So long story short if I know you don't try to convince me that social networking is so cool and everyone is doing it. I'm not and never will so NO NOT EVERYONE is doing it.

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I agree in regards to the whole social networking thing. I have a Facebook account but I think I only used it twice. I used to have Myspace but I deleted it years ago. I think it proves that people are sheep (and I am guilty of this as well) and are willing to do the "cool" thing that everyone else is doing. How else can one explain the pet rock phenomenon?
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People walking in opposite directions who don't look up, or at least even make an effort to move slightly. They think they own the road.


By the same token, people who don't use the correct lanes to make left turns. What The F? Two days ago, I'm on the left lane, about to make a turn, and then this crazy driver makes a wide left turn, from the RIGHT LANE, and into the same gas station I was about to enter. And it's not like it was busy either. Sheesh.

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What grinds my gears is trying to book a location for a film shoot.


First question you get is "what kind of film is it?" which is generally their way of asking "is this a porno?" Maybe I would have better luck if it was.


Second they start being super inflexible, either turning us down outright or wanting us to book a location we need for one day for a freaking week. We ain't paying $600-$1200 for something we are going to use for no more than 12 hours and probably leave cleaner than when we got there. We aren't asking for anything for free, but it would be nice if they would at least meet us half way especially when it becomes obvious they have a space for rent which nobody else is going to book on a wednesday anyway so their crappy attitude is screwing us over and losing them money.


Seriously, it's no wonder there is no flipping film industry in this town.

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  • 2 months later...
Birthers! There is just no base for their claims. I mean seriously if Obama was born in Kenya, or wherever these people think he was born, I think the Republicans would have tried to impeach him by not. Then you have Donald Trump, who probably knows it is bull, fanning the flames of this crap by saying he believes it. What has this country come to when idiots like this can make up outright lies and have others believe it like it is the truth.
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What really REALLY grinds my gears is 15 year olds who think that getting pregnant is "thee" thing when you are FIFTEEN. I had a friend who was like this, she got pregnant, and her possy of people were after you if you dared to breathe a bad word about her. And then she walks about and rubs it in everyones face. People who think like that should be shipped to Mars and left there.


Oh boy, I'm with you. Now, imagine those 15 year olds wanting to get on TV (with a few of them succeeding!). Yeah, I almost quit until they took me off '16 & Pregnant' and 'Teen Mom'. You could not imagine how freakin' uppity these trashy girls tried to get. If your claim to fame is you got knocked up at an age where you had no freakin' chance of being able to support the resulting child, you should put it up for adoption so people with actual lives can prevent that child from becoming.....YOU.


By the way, she's not rubbing anything in anyone's face. She's walking around with pretty much a sign visible from space that says, "Look how vapid and stupid I am!".


That's what grinds my gears, honestly. There's a girl on Teen Mom whose best friend is trying to get pregnant so she can "star" on 16 & Pregnant. REALLY? STAR? And that doesn't even count the endless girls sending in freakin' "audition tapes". Has this society's parents declined so far as to produce offspring who think appearing on TV (and then falling off the face of the earth unless you get arrested regularly. Right Amber?) somehow validates their existence? One of my friends (who, as it so happens, is a pediatrician) says that stupid people procreate at far higher rates than the rest of the population. So, before long, the world will be full of the offspring of the stupid.


And then people wonder why I never want to live to get old. :rolleyes:

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Birthers! There is just no base for their claims. I mean seriously if Obama was born in Kenya, or wherever these people think he was born, I think the Republicans would have tried to impeach him by not. Then you have Donald Trump, who probably knows it is bull, fanning the flames of this crap by saying he believes it. What has this country come to when idiots like this can make up outright lies and have others believe it like it is the truth.


Not that I'm a believer, but seriously.... He could have just produced it when it first become an issue, and it would have shut everyone up. Everything else I agree with, people SHOULD realise that if it were an actual issue, it would have become a much bigger platform, especially during the actual race for President. His opponant would have brought it up.. at least once, but never did.


Word for word that you said there is could be what Sean Hannity said. Paraphrased:"Look, if it were an issue we would have known by now. So let's move on to some real issue's, theres plenty of real issues to discuss that has alot more meaning then where someone was born."


And to be honest, I haven't heard this come up till now, in probably six months at the least.

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Ever see the movie Idiocracy, Remi? Set in a future world where this has happened.


Idiocracy is a fun movie, well worth a watch no matter who you are. I'd love to measure up people's opinions on the movie to work out whether they are people who are the future of that movie or not... because it really does feel like the world is mostly getting dumber as the human race moves forward technologically. This worries me greatly, as eventually that would lead to a decline somewhere and that had better not happen before hoverboards and food replicators become the norm. :)

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BHK, I hate those people too.


I posted this some thing on Facebook a few times and it makes people mad but I'm in titled to my opinion too.


No matter which man was president right now we would still be in the decline we are in. People want someone to blame so they blame the first black president. I personally feel if you don't like it, either try to handle the job yourself (doubt you would get it), shut up about it, or move.


Personally I think Obama is doing what he can. I'm not thrilled about the troops losing money though.




That is my only post on that. I don't need a huge fight about it. If you disagree with me I'm willing to discuss it privately, but won't cause a war on the forum. My gun was confiscated. :p

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And to be honest, I haven't heard this come up till now, in probably six months at the least.


Now that Donald Trump is "thinking" about running for President this is something that he has latched onto. Thing is, unless the Apprentice gets canned by NBC I highly doubt Trump will run for President.


BHK, I hate those people too.


I posted this some thing on Facebook a few times and it makes people mad but I'm in titled to my opinion too.


No matter which man was president right now we would still be in the decline we are in. People want someone to blame so they blame the first black president. I personally feel if you don't like it, either try to handle the job yourself (doubt you would get it), shut up about it, or move.


Personally I think Obama is doing what he can. I'm not thrilled about the troops losing money though.




That is my only post on that. I don't need a huge fight about it. If you disagree with me I'm willing to discuss it privately, but won't cause a war on the forum. My gun was confiscated. :p


Okay I agree with you and this is all I will say about this and if people want to disagree with me fine because this is only my opinion. Obama pretty much got handed a job that was doomed from the start, the same thing happened to Herbert Hoover. There really is not much he can do to improve this country because of what the previous President did. If McCain was elected President he would probably be in the same rough spot.

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Oh boy, I'm with you. Now, imagine those 15 year olds wanting to get on TV (with a few of them succeeding!). Yeah, I almost quit until they took me off '16 & Pregnant' and 'Teen Mom'. You could not imagine how freakin' uppity these trashy girls tried to get. If your claim to fame is you got knocked up at an age where you had no freakin' chance of being able to support the resulting child, you should put it up for adoption so people with actual lives can prevent that child from becoming.....YOU.


By the way, she's not rubbing anything in anyone's face. She's walking around with pretty much a sign visible from space that says, "Look how vapid and stupid I am!".


That's what grinds my gears, honestly. There's a girl on Teen Mom whose best friend is trying to get pregnant so she can "star" on 16 & Pregnant. REALLY? STAR? And that doesn't even count the endless girls sending in freakin' "audition tapes". Has this society's parents declined so far as to produce offspring who think appearing on TV (and then falling off the face of the earth unless you get arrested regularly. Right Amber?) somehow validates their existence? One of my friends (who, as it so happens, is a pediatrician) says that stupid people procreate at far higher rates than the rest of the population. So, before long, the world will be full of the offspring of the stupid.


And then people wonder why I never want to live to get old. :rolleyes:


The best is yet to come.


She had the child, and TWO DAYS later was ready to start fighting anyone who DARED speak a bad word about her. Needless to say, she ain't at my school anymore. She has went to college. So all the males can sleep easy.


Which brings me to my next point,


Why do teenage girls think it is wise to sleep anything that moves as soon as they hit 14. I don't know about the rest of the world, but Scotland is the worst for it. I would need 6 extra hands to count how many people I know that "give it up" regularly even though they are under the legal age of consent. The best part is that the males are usually over 16, and so should technically be jailed for doing so, yet the law turns a blind eye to it.



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One thing that annoys me is in college a few weeks back, guy a asked guy b, "Why do you go out with loads of bad slags?" to which he replied "They're easy" with a huge sense of pride. Of course to everyone he's cool for doing that but the girls going the same, they're "slags".
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The best is yet to come.


She had the child, and TWO DAYS later was ready to start fighting anyone who DARED speak a bad word about her. Needless to say, she ain't at my school anymore. She has went to college. So all the males can sleep easy.


Which brings me to my next point,


Why do teenage girls think it is wise to sleep anything that moves as soon as they hit 14. I don't know about the rest of the world, but Scotland is the worst for it. I would need 6 extra hands to count how many people I know that "give it up" regularly even though they are under the legal age of consent. The best part is that the males are usually over 16, and so should technically be jailed for doing so, yet the law turns a blind eye to it.




Wish I'd known a girl or two like that when I was younger. Actually... no, I don't. While I'm sure many of them eventually realise how stupid they are being, the fact that there is a culture in place that supports behaviour like that at such a young age is mad. That's what college and university is for. :p


One thing that annoys me is in college a few weeks back, guy a asked guy b, "Why do you go out with loads of bad slags?" to which he replied "They're easy" with a huge sense of pride. Of course to everyone he's cool for doing that but the girls going the same, they're "slags".


And it's this kind of double standard that drives me mad. Double standards in general really grind my gears, but a double standard based on gender annoys me no end. Guy B sounds like the kind of guy who plays computer games with all the cheat codes turned on... which isn't cool.


Anywho, deliberately avoiding making my real points cos I'd really end up ranting about these ones. Needless to say, I'm a Guy A type. :)

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The best is yet to come.


She had the child, and TWO DAYS later was ready to start fighting anyone who DARED speak a bad word about her. Needless to say, she ain't at my school anymore. She has went to college. So all the males can sleep easy.


Which brings me to my next point,


Why do teenage girls think it is wise to sleep anything that moves as soon as they hit 14. I don't know about the rest of the world, but Scotland is the worst for it. I would need 6 extra hands to count how many people I know that "give it up" regularly even though they are under the legal age of consent. The best part is that the males are usually over 16, and so should technically be jailed for doing so, yet the law turns a blind eye to it.






It's not just there.


Girls are like that here too, boys don't make it any better because they get pressure from everywhere.


I've seen girls dressed like they were in their 20's and going clubbing. Parents and society don't make them think very high of themselves.

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So stupid people *grind my gears*. By stupid I mean those twats that post and ight over personal issues on FACEBOOK.


Girl so I'm gonna have a baby

Boy it's not mine.

Girl yes it is.

3 hours later

Girl yo the babies not yours.

boy good ho.

Boys mom you're a ho. That baby deserves better.

Girl that's your sons baby.

Boy I love you.

Me Guys really this is between the parents. Get it off Facebook.

Girl this is between me and my boo.

Boy you're a ho.

Me face palm.


Boy is 20.

Girl is 18.

Neither have no sense.


This crap is all over Facebook, this is the pg part of the conversation.


I really wish people would think before putting their business out there.


I called the boys mother and told her. If that's your grandchild you really are making it hard on yourself. This is for your son and her to figure out.


People in general are morons.

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You friend wrong people.


On mine we discuss neoclassical economics and literature.


Except that one drunk chick we're all watching spiral but no one really wants to say anything.


Or could be I know them and could possibly be family. :p


Crap like that is why I avoid all types of Social Media. I think once you reach a certain age you should just not be on Facebook or Myspace. I could give two craps about the lives and times of teenagers.


Outside of a few under 21 most of the people on my list are close to my own age, and besides a very few who were lucky enough to get me from here I know each person personally.


Most of the people have rather normal stuff, besides myself who just tends to post random stuff to annoy those who read it. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

People who either talk on or view their cell phone during a movie. This really grinds my gear.


First off you should respect others and turn your damn phone off. Or if you are going to have it on and if you get a call you should have the decency to leave the theater and talk outside or in that little hallway that leads into the theater proper. I do not need to know nor do I want to know what is going on in your life. You are a stranger to me and I want it to remain that way.


Now onto the viewing of the cell phone. It is highly annoying to sit in a room that is all most completely dark room and then all of a sudden there is a blinding white light appearing in your line of sight. Once again you are in a public place and you shoudl have the common decency to not check your phone while the movie is going on.

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People who either talk on or view their cell phone during a movie. This really grinds my gear.


First off you should respect others and turn your damn phone off. Or if you are going to have it on and if you get a call you should have the decency to leave the theater and talk outside or in that little hallway that leads into the theater proper. I do not need to know nor do I want to know what is going on in your life. You are a stranger to me and I want it to remain that way.


Now onto the viewing of the cell phone. It is highly annoying to sit in a room that is all most completely dark room and then all of a sudden there is a blinding white light appearing in your line of sight. Once again you are in a public place and you shoudl have the common decency to not check your phone while the movie is going on.


Oh gawd, even worst is when people behind you and they talk through the whole thing. I was watching fast five and the group behind me did this and I flipped out on them.

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Oh gawd, even worst is when people behind you and they talk through the whole thing. I was watching fast five and the group behind me did this and I flipped out on them.


Try having someone sitting next to you, talking at normal volume to the person sitting next to her about everything that is going on in the movie. Two years ago I went to see Law Abiding Citizen and this lady sat next to me a proceeded to give a running commentary of the movie to her boyfriend/husband. Seriously, I thought I was sitting next to Howard Cosell!


Finally, I had enough I asked her to be quiet. She looked at me and rolled her eyes and continued talking but this time it was even louder. I asked her again to be quiet but this time my words were more profanity laced. She said me, "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to a lady like that? Plus if you don't like me talking you can move your seat!"


I said that I only respect people who respect others and I am not going to move because she should not be talking like that in the movie. I then told her if she kept on talking like that I was going to go to management and get her kicked out.


That shut her up pretty quickly because she had to be in her late 40's and I assume that would be very embarrassing to be kicked out of the movies at that age.


Another incident happened in regards to talking when I was an Usher at a movie theater. I had to kick out like three quarters of the theater for talking. A bunch of kids could not get into Can't Hardly Wait and so they ended up going to The Horse Whisperer which also was PG-13 and started later than that. Anyway, you had the crowd of kids who couldn't get into Can't Hardly Wait mixed in with the older audience that went to see The Horse Whisperer, so as you can see it was a disaster waiting to happen.


We kept on getting elderly people coming out of Horse Whisperer to complain about the noise that the kids were making. So another Usher and I went to the back ot the theater to see if would could catch anyone. Sure enough the minute we opened the door it was like a zoo in there. We kept kicking kid after kid out. By the time we were done there was hardly anyone left in the theater. That was not a fun experience as I hated to kick people out.

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<p>Three things bothering me right now. I know this rant will make me sound like a jerk but I don't care. Today I am right and everyone else is wrong. Deal with it.</p><p> </p><p>

1. People doing dumb risky crap and thinking they are the magical enchanted exception who can outrun consequences somehow. I know this stupid attitude has probably been hard-wired into young people since the dawn of time but it seems to be getting worse. Common sense and basic safety advice is made for you, not everyone except you. Also RIP Sam, you were an awesome dude but hell, you should have worn a bloody helmet or avoided the kind of activities that are likely to bring your skull into contact with the curb at high velocity. </p><p> </p><p>

2. People who aren't me having opinions on things. They are always stupid and different from my own opinions and therefore not valid in any way. Seriously people, stop liking stupid stuff, stop hating awesome stuff, stop being so damn wrong and boring and pathetic you damn morons. Seriously, I know what I am talking about. If I didn't I would keep my mouth shut like you idiots should.</p><p> </p><p>

3. Actors. No not the Hollywood types, the local buffoons who I have to deal with in my day to day life of making dodgy short films, trying to get a feature film idea off the ground etc. I love making films, we are all still learning and have been lucky enough to meet some awesome and very talented people but also a lot of very predictable morons too. Actors all keep saying they want gritty serious roles. Tough. You can't pull off gritty or serious yet the same way I can't pull off a big budget epic yet. You look like a clown and have no emotional range or intensity you pampered middle class buffoon who thinks watching Fight Club twice makes you badass. Also while getting gritty you want to avoid bad language, nudity, violence, racism etc. Are you sure you are a freaking actor after all ya dumb schlub? This is why I make comedy. Oh what's that now? You are making your own film and its gritty and serious? But you want help with it because you can't direct/use a camera/edit? Great. Maybe you should learn that, yeah?</p>

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People who let their kids run around like mental patients looking resigned to the fact that their children don't respond to dicipline. If you can't get your kid to shut up, make a rudimentary child muzzle and slap it on them.


People who have an inflated sense of self entitlement. "I deserve to be treated better because I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth," Well in about two minutes I'll rip that spoon out of your mouth and turn it into a sepository.


People who walk slowly, If they are old or have a disability I can let it slide, but if you are of a reasonable age with two perfectly functioning legs and still walk at a snail's pace then I should be legally allowed to punch you in the back of the head.


94% of indy music artists: You know the sort; generic, floppy haired, no talented, arrogant, spray-on-jeans wearing anus lice!

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