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I don't get the ending to Fargo. He talks about two types of stamp but for the life of me I don't know what they are. Guessing an american thing.


Marge's husband was an artist, and they were talking about his art being selected as a postage stamp.




What about The Departed where Mark Wahlberg kills Matt Damon? Was Wahlberg also working for Nicholson?


No, Wahlberg was placed on leave and was solving Queenan's death on his own time, which lead him back to Sullivan's apartment building. Whether he didn't have enough evidence to arrest Sullivan or just wanted to make sure Sullivan died isn't made clear.

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the only thing I never manged to figure out is Bay does the same thing in all of his movies


and the same people complain as they watch them....... so why watch them?



Not me. I watch enough to see I hate it and never watch again. Certain people just...should not have a hand in movies.

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the only thing I never manged to figure out is Bay does the same thing in all of his movies


and the same people complain as they watch them....... so why watch them?


Diehard franchise fans who want to see a glimmer of hope in the movie(s), I guess.


Anyone heard about that upcoming movie The Other Guys? Another Will Ferrell flick(ft. Marky Mark) although what I wouldn't do to see The Rock and Sam. L.J. as partner cops...

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the only thing I never manged to figure out is Bay does the same thing in all of his movies


and the same people complain as they watch them....... so why watch them?


I got roped into watching the first one. (Sometimes, when you know people, these things happen.) It was crap. And Im sure 2, 3 and however far they can push the series will be as well.

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I enjoy Michael Bay's movies. Not saying he's an amazing director of 5-star-classics, but he knows how to tick my blockbuster boxes. I dug Transformers 1. Was never a fan of the toys or cartoon as a kid, so I didn't see anything overly wrong with it. Fun, harmless action flick with big explosions and giant robots. I'll admit Transformers 2 was terrible though. A total mess.


Anyone else seen the new Robin Hood? I've always been a fan of the character (I even wrote my dissertation on his many portrayals in films and television) and while I enjoyed the film as I was watching it, after the fact it seemed... unnecessary. It was so similar to previous adaptations of the legend and previous Ridley Scott films that I'm surprised anyone felt it was worth the time to make.

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I enjoy Michael Bay's movies. Not saying he's an amazing director of 5-star-classics, but he knows how to tick my blockbuster boxes. I dug Transformers 1. Was never a fan of the toys or cartoon as a kid, so I didn't see anything overly wrong with it. Fun, harmless action flick with big explosions and giant robots. I'll admit Transformers 2 was terrible though. A total mess.


Anyone else seen the new Robin Hood? I've always been a fan of the character (I even wrote my dissertation on his many portrayals in films and television) and while I enjoyed the film as I was watching it, after the fact it seemed... unnecessary. It was so similar to previous adaptations of the legend and previous Ridley Scott films that I'm surprised anyone felt it was worth the time to make.


I haven't seen it. A bunch of friends have told me that it was a waste of Crowe's talent and it was quiet a bore because there was nothing special about it

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Anyone else seen the new Robin Hood? I've always been a fan of the character (I even wrote my dissertation on his many portrayals in films and television) and while I enjoyed the film as I was watching it, after the fact it seemed... unnecessary. It was so similar to previous adaptations of the legend and previous Ridley Scott films that I'm surprised anyone felt it was worth the time to make.


I found this article pretty interesting, maybe you will too since you screen write and it's from a writer. It's basically the process of how the original screenplay came to be the mess of a movie that's on the screen.


If you want to read Nottingham, the originally purchased screenplay from Reiff & Voris that is referred to I found a pdf version you can download here.

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The problem with this movie is that its supposed to be BEFORE Robin Hood does the whole giving to the poor deal if I'm told correctly.


Crowe is 40 years old which means he's in his 50's when he does all this? Nevermind the fact that people didn't live that long back then. It'd be different if Crowe looked young but he doesn't.

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I know that people rag on the Bay Transformer movies, but personally, I don't see what the big deal is.


They're made to sell tickets, toys, video games and merchandise to 8-year-old kids. They're not made to provide a quality cinema version of the Transformers franchise that fans of the original series will appreciate. If you watched the original cartoon, that makes you well into your 20's/early-mid 30's. If you expected more than robots fighting and stuff blowing up, with a few cursory glances to the toys/cartoons (which were - shock-horror - made to sell toys to 8-year-old kids), then you had false expectations.


Besides, who doesn't like big robots that go boom? :p

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I found this article pretty interesting, maybe you will too since you screen write and it's from a writer. It's basically the process of how the original screenplay came to be the mess of a movie that's on the screen.


If you want to read Nottingham, the originally purchased screenplay from Reiff & Voris that is referred to I found a pdf version you can download here.


I've known of the original script for a while, but never in that much detail. The article was a good (if depressing) read, and I'll make a point of reading the script at some point. Back when I first began dabbling in screenwriting (almost a decade ago... also depressing) I hated anyone changing even a small part of my writing when it got produced (student films, crappy theater-skit-versions, nothing impressive) but now, honestly, I'm not sure how much I would care. I've got a couple of things in the works that if a studio wanted to buy, I'd let them do whatever they wanted to them. Just pay me and I'll be laughing all the way to the bank. Which may be my problem as a writer. I've never come up with anything I love enough to fight for, so I've never followed through to it's fullest potential.


Watched Prince of Persia on the weekend. I hate to be a fanboy, but it wasn't Prince of Persia-y enough for me. Not enough Parkour. Not enough Dagger of Time. I'd say Mike Newell is a pretty awful action-director. The action sequences might have been difficult and impressive, but I haven't a clue because I couldn't follow any of what was happening on the screen. Solid film though. ***. I'd happily go see a sequel, but I wouldn't buy this one on DVD.


P.S. What's the appeal of Gemma Arterton? She's been in Bond, Clash of the Titans, this... She's not a bad actress, I just see nothing special or interesting about her. Her continued employment baffles me.

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Just finished reading 'Nottingham' and it's... interesting. It's certainly different, but I'm not sure I'd say it's better than the film they ended up making. There's some nice scenes. I like the characterization of Robin. However, the main plot feels a bit TV-scale to me. My main problem with the script is The Sheriff. A good actor would be able to flesh him out, but on paper he's rather thin. There's potential, but he lacks substance. His comedy sidekick also falls pretty flat, but it's nothing a good actor couldn't do something with.


Still, I would have been more interested in seeing an improved version of this than the fairly pedestrian Robin Hood (with a couple of twists) that I saw a couple o' weeks past.


I gotta start reading more scripts.

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Very fair points on the characters, especially the Sheriff. It would be a super tough role to pull off, especially with the preconceived notions about the character. That script was labeled as a first draft and obviously the whole movie was turned upside down when you think about that being the source material, but if they stayed true to that story and did a few rewrites before finishing the shooting script I think it could of come together as a very good film. My opinion is that Nottingham wasn't a Ridley Scott script. It wasn't a Russell Crowe script. And it wasn't a script that needed a two hundred million dollar production budget to pull off. It got muddled when it turned from an interesting character study reversal into the blockbuster it became.


I might read more scripts nowadays than watch movies. Mypdfscripts.com, where the Nottingham script was uploaded, will keep you busy for awhile.

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  • 1 month later...
Driving to work about 2 hours ago I go past my local discount theater The Riverview. What do I see on the marquee? Ghostbusters 1130 PM. My night just got made as I get off at 11 and I am only 15 minuets away. I called up a bunch of friends and I am totally pumped. Never thought I would get to see my favorite movie on the big screen. :D
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I enjoy Michael Bay's movies. Not saying he's an amazing director of 5-star-classics, but he knows how to tick my blockbuster boxes. I dug Transformers 1. Was never a fan of the toys or cartoon as a kid, so I didn't see anything overly wrong with it. Fun, harmless action flick with big explosions and giant robots. I'll admit Transformers 2 was terrible though. A total mess.


Put me in the group that enjoys some of Michael Bay's films (Bad Boys, The Rock, Armageddon & 1st Transformers). I do enjoy movies like The Departed, The Usual Suspects and Fargo but sometimes I just wanna watch a movie with needless violence and explosions. Which is why I own both Crank and Smokin' Aces. :D

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="smurphy1014" data-cite="smurphy1014" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Put me in the group that enjoys some of Michael Bay's films (Bad Boys, The Rock, Armageddon & 1st Transformers). I do enjoy movies like The Departed, The Usual Suspects and Fargo but <strong>sometimes I just wanna watch a movie with needless violence and explosions</strong>. Which is why I own both Crank and Smokin' Aces. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Seconded! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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