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Zootopia: Wonderful movie. Up there with Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King as one of the best movies Disney has ever made. Great animation, loveable characters and a wonderful message that fits perfectly with the times. (Especially with the presidential elections and all)


Check it out if you have the chance.

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I finally saw Lucy last night. Very enjoyable. I'm a huge Luc Besson fan, but I've heard mixed things about this one. I liked it. The action scenes were well done as usual and each actor seemed perfect for their respective parts. I love Choi Min-sik and didn't realize he was the big bad in the movie until he showed up so that was a nice surprise.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I enjoyed Batman vs Superman about as much as Age of Ultron. Good but not quite great (about an 8-8.5/10). But I'm easily pleased as it's my favorite genre by far. My main criticism is at the marketing team. 90% of the movie was spoiled by the trailers (basically everything but the Justice League teasers and ending, and even they weren't hard to predict). The editing could have been a little better as a few scenes were obviously strung together with bits missing. Also I hope Superman lightens up a little in the Justice League movies as he will no longer need to shoulder the burden of being the only superpowered hero.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think I agree with you more than any other critique I've heard. My problem is the ease in which I can figure out some things that I guess is very hard for critics to figure out (by the reading of them).</p><p> </p><p> I hear there is like 30 to 45 minutes coming from the directors cut of this movie, so I'm expecting that to make it feel a bit more seamless on the editing side of it.</p><p> </p><p> I love the characters being so similar to source material, but I hate the liberties they are doing with some of them. So hard not to say any spoilers, lol.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hive" data-cite="Hive" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I haven't watched the movie yet but I heard that Batman is... <em>doing some stuff he shouldn't be doing</em>. And it irks me.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He does, but it sorta makes sense if you know the character's history.</p><p> My thoughts are in this spoiler filled post....</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://thegeekgetaway.blogspot.com/2...f-justice.html" rel="external nofollow">http://thegeekgetaway.blogspot.com/2...f-justice.html</a></p>
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<p>Not having read comic books is a major plus for me as I have no great expectations about characters and storylines. This is especially true of Marvel movies as I barely knew who any of the characters were going in.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hive" data-cite="Hive" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I haven't watched the movie yet but I heard that Batman is... <em>doing some stuff he shouldn't be doing</em>. And it irks me.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No spoilers here but, as is shown in the trailers, everything Batman/Bruce does is being fueled by the events of Man of Steel, which makes sense as it's a quasi-sequel. For people who hated Man of Steel, this might not sit well with them.</p>
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<p>It doesnt make sense, even with the characters history. They crapped all over what makes Batman Batman. You have to be VERY liberal with your idea of who he is.</p><p> </p><p>

If all Batman is to you is some rich guy in a suit with unlimited gadgets and a noted mean streak... great. You wont care. If you think of Batman as an idea, as a principle.... they just crap right over all of that.</p><p> </p><p>

The only symbolism in this film is the Jesusy nonsense Snyder has to slap you in the face with in reference to Supes. And much like the first film, he never really made a point with the jesus stuff in this one either.</p><p> </p><p>

EDIT: Now that I think about it, theres no right and wrong here. They took huge liberties with Batmans moral compass. Thats a fact. But is it wrong? Thats up to you. Me? I obviously didnt buy it but many people will. And whether I like it or not Batman gets redefined every so often.</p>

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<p>Supes is actually Jesus? Ey, no spoilers in this thread! <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Obviously they'll present Batman differently. It's what's - dare I say - "best for business". <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> To be honest, there will always be comic nerds who will be offended by any content that transitions from comic to video to game and vice versa. If you didn't kill yourself after the DC reboot - and I assume you didn't, as you're still posting - you should be fine.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="bigtplaystew" data-cite="bigtplaystew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It doesnt make sense, even with the characters history. They crapped all over what makes Batman Batman. You have to be VERY liberal with your idea of who he is.<p> </p><p> If all Batman is to you is some rich guy in a suit with unlimited gadgets and a noted mean streak... great. You wont care. If you think of Batman as an idea, as a principle.... they just crap right over all of that.</p><p> </p><p> The only symbolism in this film is the Jesusy nonsense Snyder has to slap you in the face with in reference to Supes. And much like the first film, he never really made a point with the jesus stuff in this one either.</p><p> </p><p> EDIT: Now that I think about it, theres no right and wrong here. They took huge liberties with Batmans moral compass. Thats a fact. But is it wrong? Thats up to you. Me? I obviously didnt buy it but many people will. And whether I like it or not Batman gets redefined every so often.</p></div></blockquote><p> See, I disagree with your basic thoughts here. You sound like some of the critics. That's no where near the reason I have reserves about the movie, it made absolute scense to me, but I do have reserves. </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27614" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Supes is actually Jesus? Ey, no spoilers in this thread! <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> Obviously they'll present Batman differently. It's what's - dare I say - "best for business". <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> To be honest, there will always be comic nerds who will be offended by any content that transitions from comic to video to game and vice versa. If you didn't kill yourself after the DC reboot - and I assume you didn't, as you're still posting - you should be fine.</p></div></blockquote><p> I guess I'm old enough to remember stuff from all the characters that I ended up relating to the characters as well as their actions. I can specifically remember, at least with the main characters, them acting and doing very similar things. </p><p> </p><p> Just remember it's "Dawn of Justice", that wasn't just thrown in there for no reason. My gripe has more to do with what I think this movie was all about, not the movie characters or actions of.</p>
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See, I disagree with your basic thoughts here. You sound like some of the critics. That's no where near the reason I have reserves about the movie, it made absolute scense to me, but I do have reserves.



What do you disagree with? Batman has been defined by some pretty pure principles, principles he no longer carries in this film. He's simply a cool looking badass who beats people up in a neat costume. They do NOT establish who Batman is and what defines him. They do not get into what really motivates him beyond a silly revenge quest nor do they respect what has been previously established. It's a fair criticism to point out that if that's what you're looking for, you won't find it here. I have to kind of talk around spoilers here, so bear with me. But if you want to get into it I'd be happy to over a PM.



On a side note, but related one, I remember when 1989 Batman came out my Dad hated it. To him, Batman is a jovial character who beats up goofy, over the top villains. Him and his buddies used to crack open beers to Batman reruns and laugh. To him, Batman was essentially a comedy character. So to see him as dark and brooding as Keaton was he simply couldn't accept it. Didn't make it bad, but he hated it. My point is that Batman is being redefined whether I like it or not. It's not bad. I mean it's going to be making a half billion dollars in a friggin week so I mean I'm obviously not making Warner Brothers nervous here lol. But I didn't like it. Batman's my favorite character in the world and they didn't do him justice IMO.

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Except those "pure principles" have also been toyed around with in various Batman iterations as well since the dawn of his character, it's a bit trite to condemn aspects of the movie solely based on that criteria. But I will concede it can rub some off the wrong way.


Somewhat spoiler below in white:




















If it's about the killing


well Batman's character started out killing people... yes not killing is largely depicted as an integral part of his character, but however, throughout the charcter's history it hasn't exactly been a wholesomely perpetual abiding rule of his either.

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No... he really didnt kill criminals. And almost never in continuity. He did for like a short story -the first one- but they stopped it pretty quickly, because even 75 years ago they knew it was stupid to sell children a story where a supposed hero brutally murders mentally handicapped criminals. You're taking an extremely short period of his comic books and acting like it was a well established piece of his history. Batman literally fought on Mars in spandex with no space suit for more issues than he killed people. I think we, as reasonable men, can agree that various ridiculous offshoots that have briefly been a part of the comics would be out of place in a modern Batman film.


Batman doesn't kill. that's kind of a big rule. And to just have him break it without developing the character... I think it's cheap and batman deserved better.


As far as the film is concerned I got that he was pushed to the edge due to Robin, and thats why he's maybe more callous when icing a few rando baddies who were doing bad things. I get that and can live with it.


I CANT get past him throughout the entire movie meticulously planning out Superman's murder. He wasn't planning on beating Superman up and showing him who was boss, he forged a friggin spear made out of Kriptonite. He had a two year long murder plot in his back pocket that he executed carefully. THAT IS NOT BATMAN. I MIGHT have bought it if he at least struggled with it, but at no point was he even remotely morally conflicted about murdering Superman. Why? Because some people died? Batman wouldnt even for a moment consider the overall threat Superman eliminated that day?? The world's greatest detective is so simple minded that he goes into blind rage over this and immediately starts to plan this dudes murder?? He throws out everything that makes him him over this? Just didn't buy it, man. Maybe that's dumb because we're talking about a movie where a main villain was a fire breathing alien. But whatever, it's how I feel.


Furthermore, the only thing that stopped him from carrying out his well executed plan was an absolutely laughable coincidence that the dude's mom had the same name as his mom. "Save Marthaaaaa"




I hated that they fought over the stupid kidnapping plot too. I was all in when they were establishing that these two guys had very different ideologies. And when Superman basically put Batman in a position of "Hey, you're going to stop being Batman or I'll stop you." This sets up a number of awesome scenarios where Batman and Superman both mean well, but ultimately clash over how to go about it. It was brilliant and inspired by some of my favorite moments in comics history. I was all in up until that dumb kidnapping plot...which made no sense. Lex the master manipulator and strategist is gone... instead is yet another movie where someone has to do something they dont want to do because someone they love got kidnapped... ughhhh

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I wanted Dawn to be good so bad....


But it just wasn't. I mean it was ok, I didn't feel like "oh my god, what trash!" but by an hour in I was like "sigh...so this is Snyder 2.0....can we get to wondy and move this along?"


I though Ben was pretty good as Batman. That might be what this movie made me most excited for, seeing him in a solo batman movie.


Cavill played another lifeless version of Superman. Also the movie didn't deal all that well with why, exactly, Clark doesn't like Bats.


I mean, batman, I got it, good job movie. I don't even mind the whole "I totally off people now, gloves are off" (although would it have killed snyder to throw in a scene with Alfred saying "you've gone to far! this isn't you!" and Bat's saying something like "that was before Robyn, before it was personal."


But anyway, back to Supes. His whole reason for wanting to mess with Batman early is....He's a vigilante who sometimes goes to far? ok, I guess? that's a stance a different version of Superman should take, not this one Snyder want's on screen. It seems, based on his actions, that this Supes should be fine with "well, sometimes the bad guys have to go, permanently."


That was my problem with the whole movie. Snyder can do action well. He can't do plot, and that hurt the first 1 1/2 hours of this movie. Esinburg didn't help by trying to channel heath Ledger as Lex Luther. So many annoying manic ticks he tried to jam into that performance, Jesus.


And also, 5 years to write this movie Hollywood, and the best we can come up with for the Justice League Reveal is "Bruce emails Wonder Women" :rolleyes:


Couldn't even have him show up in person and lay out his reasoning/ make his recruiting pitch. At least they didn't have him DM her.


"Hey gurl, it's your boy Bats. you tots kick booty :) :) wanna join my super team? here's some sweet Gif's i made of potential homies. Laterz! hit me up!""


- Batmoney


C+, it's ok not as bad as people are making out, but it aint good either.

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Continuation of spoiler talk


"You're taking an extremely short period of his comic books and acting like it was a well established piece of his history."


Nope. All I said was that it wasn't a wholesomely perpetual abiding rule of his character. Purely what I said. I'm not putting a spotlight on the moments he did kill, I'm just pointing out what is technically right. I've conceded it can rub some fans the wrong way, and I'll even concede that even when he did kill, it certainly wasn't routine.


You can minimize it all you want, with justification because not killing is an integral rule of his, but when knowing the depth of the Batman character and the iterations there has been with him, it is possible to open a mind to how he was portrayed there.


His main goal in the beginning of the movie was to kill the "demi-god" which felt was necessary. Even though Supes is a different ballgame, within a whole nother dilemma altogether, it's very lightly lampshaded that he does not hold that principle as much as other versions of him.


several Batman purists I've seen and heard didn't have a problem with this for aforementioned reasons, and however of a "make or break" rule it may be at this point is on you.

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I think where you guys are parting company Black is that your explanations for why it's ok for Batman to break one of his core character concepts is alot cleaner, tighter and more thought out than what the movie did.


That's the problem. Snyder sucks with plot, i'm sorry. great action director, bad at plot, subtext, and character driven moments. Sure, he hints at it "bats has been through alot you guys!"


but we are talking about one of the core concepts of the batman chracter. His "one rule" is what separates him from being the punisher or some other trumped up killer.


The fact that not one stinking time did Snyder think to have Alfred, Batman's moral compass, call him on this issue so that Bat's could struggle with the concept for the audience and let us into that aspect was so....bad. That's like basic character development stuff. Would have been all of a 3 minute scene, and there was PLENTY of filler that could have gotten cut for it.

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I could be wrong because I haven't seen it in ages but didn't Keatons Batman do the same thing that everybody is upset over Batfleck doing?


you could argue Keaton's batman caused death through collateral damage. Affleck's Batman straight up murders folk in this movie.


Spoilers in White


Like that one time during the car chase in Dawn where a bad guy shoots at the bat mobile with no hope of actually doing damage and Batman goes "Well, Fotget you too buddy" and unloads on it with thousands of machine gun rounds. They do the jump cut away as the car explodes thing, but come on. Bruce straight up murdered 4 people right there ha

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I could be wrong because I haven't seen it in ages but didn't Keatons Batman do the same thing that everybody is upset over Batfleck doing?


Yep. And that bothers me too. Just didnt bug me when i was 8, but I've been complaining about that to anyone who will listen for a long time now. Also, Keaton's batman doing what he did wasn't my problem with this particular film either...


I think where you guys are parting company Black is that your explanations for why it's ok for Batman to break one of his core character concepts is alot cleaner, tighter and more thought out than what the movie did.


Also this... very true.

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I think where you guys are parting company Black is that your explanations for why it's ok for Batman to break one of his core character concepts is alot cleaner, tighter and more thought out than what the movie did.


That's the problem. Snyder sucks with plot, i'm sorry. great action director, bad at plot, subtext, and character driven moments. Sure, he hints at it "bats has been through alot you guys!"


but we are talking about one of the core concepts of the batman chracter. His "one rule" is what separates him from being the punisher or some other trumped up killer.


The fact that not one stinking time did Snyder think to have Alfred, Batman's moral compass, call him on this issue so that Bat's could struggle with the concept for the audience and let us into that aspect was so....bad. That's like basic character development stuff. Would have been all of a 3 minute scene, and there was PLENTY of filler that could have gotten cut for it.


While I liked the movie overall, I can't argue with any of this :)

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Anything Batman does in the movies is fine by me if it's written consistently because I've never read the comics. I don't have preconceptions about how Batman should act. And this isn't Batman's origin story (parents death aside) except for 1 teaser and his perspective of Man of Steel events, so we don't know much about what he's been through yet.


Can't speak to Batman causing harm and/or killing criminals on screen (again not an issue for me because I don't read the comics) but wanting to kill Superman seems plausible to me because (like Lex, which is actually an interesting parallel I wish they had explored more) Batman views Superman purely as an alien threat and not as a sacred human life.

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Anything Batman does in the movies is fine by me if it's written consistently because I've never read the comics. I don't have preconceptions about how Batman should act. And this isn't Batman's origin story (parents death aside) except for 1 teaser and his perspective of Man of Steel events, so we don't know much about what he's been through yet.


Can't speak to Batman causing harm and/or killing criminals on screen (again not an issue for me because I don't read the comics) but wanting to kill Superman seems plausible to me because (like Lex, which is actually an interesting parallel I wish they had explored more) Batman views Superman purely as an alien threat and not as a sacred human life.


The last statement I agree with, until the plea he didn't think of him as a human. Had nothing to do with the names, outside of it agitating him on the brink of killing. That's how I took it, that's how they meant it, and no one ignoring that fact is going to change my mind or bait me into thinking differently.


It's simple, two of the best stories in DC history was melded into one, and I had no problem with it.


Other things bugged me though.

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<p>The biggest issue with Batman <span style="color:#FFFFFF;">killing</span> at will is this: why not get rid of The Joker that way, then? What prevents him from doing that to all his long-standing villains?</p><p> </p><p>

A great part of the Batman/Joker relationship goes out the window with this version of bats.</p>

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