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Very special request/suggestion

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I've seen several people criticizing (in order to help) some of the real world mods that are made here. So, i 'm still to know what is the best RW mod to play with. Wich leads me to my suggestion: Maybe if the authors of the modds allow a group of specialists to test them and modify them before release in order to get them to work in a realistic way without compromising the gameplay? I would love to see a perfect RW mod, and as i see so many people complaining about them, why not form a group of experts to correct them? WHo would be a part of it? Dunno, figure it out guys, not me, that's for sure. Don't have the time for it and i although i consider myself to be a guy who knows some things about wrestling, it doesnt mean i'm qualified to do a mod or to judge it.


Please don't let this thread be a bum, let's try and find a solution so we can all enjoy the first ever perfect RW mod since...well...since EWR. :D

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I've seen several people criticizing (in order to help) some of the real world mods that are made here. So, i 'm still to know what is the best RW mod to play with. Wich leads me to my suggestion: Maybe if the authors of the modds allow a group of specialists to test them and modify them before release in order to get them to work in a realistic way without compromising the gameplay? I would love to see a perfect RW mod, and as i see so many people complaining about them, why not form a group of experts to correct them? WHo would be a part of it? Dunno, figure it out guys, not me, that's for sure. Don't have the time for it and i although i consider myself to be a guy who knows some things about wrestling, it doesnt mean i'm qualified to do a mod or to judge it.


Please don't let this thread be a bum, let's try and find a solution so we can all enjoy the first ever perfect RW mod since...well...since EWR. :D


Well there never is a perfect mod because som modders like to have few promotions in (MCD mod) while others want to have many promotions in (KYR)

same goes for workers and stats for the various workers/promotions.


as with most mods dont have the promotions i like to have in so with every game i always make my own based of the various mods made ;)

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Well there never is a perfect mod because som modders like to have few promotions in (MCD mod) while others want to have many promotions in (KYR)

same goes for workers and stats for the various workers/promotions.


as with most mods dont have the promotions i like to have in so with every game i always make my own based of the various mods made ;)


I was aiming at something close to perfection (just a matter of speaking) in things like skills, relationships, etc.

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Problem is, TEW doesn't really work well with real world mods, on a mechanical level. Relationships are an obvious one. One worker can have 12 friends in reality but you have to cut those down to maybe a couple because otherwise, the game gets bogged down. Also, when you consider how many workers go from 'dating' to 'split up', that would seriously put a kink in loading time. Tag teams might be similar. There are many, many, many people who tag together in one promotion but ONLY that promotion. You have to cut those down (especially if that promotion isn't in the data) because even though those two workers tagged together maybe a dozen times, it's unwieldy to represent that when you already have 200 tag teams.


It's damn hard to make an accurate real world mod that satisfies even HALF the people who play it. Some people are going to want 'micro-indy #8753971357' included because it's close to them and they go to their shows, other people are going to want WWE to have a roster full of people with 90+ in every stat, EVERYONE is going to have workers they don't know or care about included. It's ridiculously hard. Heck, ask forlan!


About the best that a mod maker can do is make a mod THEY are happy with. If you don't like it, don't play it. But I doubt anyone could make a "perfect" real world mod because even if it's statistically correct on paper by some sort of consensus, it might not work within the confines of TEW's engine, for a variety of reasons. Oh yeah, and good luck getting consensus on 'looks' (especially for women). It's an important stat if there are any T&A promotions in the data and/or if ANY owners or bookers in the game world have a 'Bias Look'.

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Problem is, TEW doesn't really work well with real world mods, on a mechanical level. Relationships are an obvious one. One worker can have 12 friends in reality but you have to cut those down to maybe a couple because otherwise, the game gets bogged down. Also, when you consider how many workers go from 'dating' to 'split up', that would seriously put a kink in loading time. Tag teams might be similar. There are many, many, many people who tag together in one promotion but ONLY that promotion. You have to cut those down (especially if that promotion isn't in the data) because even though those two workers tagged together maybe a dozen times, it's unwieldy to represent that when you already have 200 tag teams.


It's damn hard to make an accurate real world mod that satisfies even HALF the people who play it. Some people are going to want 'micro-indy #8753971357' included because it's close to them and they go to their shows, other people are going to want WWE to have a roster full of people with 90+ in every stat, EVERYONE is going to have workers they don't know or care about included. It's ridiculously hard. Heck, ask forlan!


About the best that a mod maker can do is make a mod THEY are happy with. If you don't like it, don't play it. But I doubt anyone could make a "perfect" real world mod because even if it's statistically correct on paper by some sort of consensus, it might not work within the confines of TEW's engine, for a variety of reasons. Oh yeah, and good luck getting consensus on 'looks' (especially for women). It's an important stat if there are any T&A promotions in the data and/or if ANY owners or bookers in the game world have a 'Bias Look'.


Yeah, you make a good point. I see tag teams added for guys like Ricky Steamboat and others that are retired. What's the point? that's why i was asking experts to join forces. Cutting down on unnecessary things ain't impossible. A perfect mod will probably never be achieved, but i'm pretty sure that if we made an effort, improvements that would appear would be several and relevant ones. That's why i would like to see support to this idea.

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The only way someone is gonna get a perfect real world mod is if the modders leave the lower levels to the players.


There are 20 indy companies in North Carolina that use workers from New York to Florida but while Jake "the Snake" Roberts (appearing in nearby Lexington in a few weeks) is a known quantity, 95% of the rest of the card is known to, if you're lucky, 5% of the players.


So modders should do the regional or cult companies and up and maybe drop a few more in for balance but leave one like AIWF in Mt. Airy, NC to players who want it in there.

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imo the main problems aren't workers, but giving that unknown worker good stats when he has only had a handful of matches and is really freen in reality


in 08 I liked the New Power is Rising RW mod because it didnt takeforveer to load but had "name" small promotions and preety good balance all around

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I've seen several people criticizing (in order to help) some of the real world mods that are made here. So, i 'm still to know what is the best RW mod to play with. Wich leads me to my suggestion: Maybe if the authors of the modds allow a group of specialists to test them and modify them before release in order to get them to work in a realistic way without compromising the gameplay? I would love to see a perfect RW mod, and as i see so many people complaining about them, why not form a group of experts to correct them? WHo would be a part of it? Dunno, figure it out guys, not me, that's for sure. Don't have the time for it and i although i consider myself to be a guy who knows some things about wrestling, it doesnt mean i'm qualified to do a mod or to judge it.


Please don't let this thread be a bum, let's try and find a solution so we can all enjoy the first ever perfect RW mod since...well...since EWR. :D


there's really no point to this at all. Feedback is feedback and always good to get, but if a mod maker isnt already testing his mod for playability, then they are a **** mod maker.


By having a group of "specialists", just more cooks in the kitchen.

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