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Stuck In The Rut...

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Be it because I'm a perfectionist when it comes to things like this, maybe because my attention span seems to be getting worse since I started college and hell maybe its because I do so little at college the most thinking I've done lately is how to market Heath Murdock as a star in the US... (whole other story) but I just feel like right now with the game I'm in a complete rut creatively to the point I can't even get past the 'Save Game Name' part of the game.


I've tried near every promotion now that starts up with the game but it always seems to fall into the same pattern and I've seen some damn weird things happen in some games (Big Smack Scott main eventing a few SWF shows and pulling good grades, hell even Jay Chord become a somewhat ok backstage influence in recent games in the last few days) but there's nothing there that makes me want to continue a game.


If I wasn't blaming myself I'd have to blame the amount of amazing dynasties that are on offer right now to read (Big Papa, JHD1, Phantom Stranger, Eisen Verse, Angeldaylette (I have such a bad feeling I've spelt the name wrong there :o) that makes me want to try and recreate them in my own special way.


There's always little pet projects in the same games every time (Heath Murdock and Isaac Taylor being two guys who have $70,000 spent between them moving them over and training them up as well as Cameron Vessey always becoming a major guy for me and Big Rig and Diesel Dan fueding with the Dirty White Boys.


I don't know what to do right now; I'm seriously at a loss on how to continue playing.


The only thing I've ever aimed to achieve through this game is to get a dynasty going and keep it running, showing off my creativity, my writing skill and what ideas I've had for a game different to others. However right now I stumble at just getting past day 1 of the game.



Has anyone got any help for me, just anything that may give me decent logic to start a new game, hell I've even deleted all my user characters as none of them show any real potential any more.





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Any game, no matter how deep, can eventually start to feel like you're doing the "same thing" repeatedly... even if your not. I've found myself in that rut a few times, and I find that changing up my approach can help.


You mention using the same favorite workers game after game. Don't. That is the kind of thing which can make a PSW feel similar to a USPW game to a TCW game. Go somewhere different and use different workers. If you've never booked Japan go there and sign no gaijin workes, so you can't even bring in your typical favorites.


Some other options...


-go outside the C-verse. It can make a ton of difference. I prefer CV to RW, but I still find RW interesting and fun. They are some alternate universes out there as well.


-you mention some of the diaries you like to follow (thanks, BTW). So try to emulate one or two by taking the aspects you enjoy most. Let's say you love Phantom Stranger's use of Rick Law (with Badge of Honor) and the guys he has manged to add (Bloodstone, Lobster Warrior, Remo, etc). So you set your game up to emulate that. It doesn't mean you have to do exactly as he's done, but simply use some of your favorite parts (whatever they might) for your own basis. It can make things interactive and fun in a completely different way.


-emulate a real world storyline that you loved. Maybe its recreating the nWo in the C-verse in some manner. Having your own version of the Invasion. Turning Cornell v McFly into a Flair v Steamboat feud for the ages. There are endless options out there. Pick your favorite real wrestling moments. Even if it means some creative editing, it can make a game unique and fun.

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I have tried other companies quite a bit though thats the problem, I seem to have got through most my companies in the game


Hell I managed to get through a year of BHOTWG which suprised me quite a bit.


I guess right now I'm just looking for any ideas that can kick start a game for me ready for the weekend.



EDIT: Just saw Papa's post so will add on to this comment


Right onto the Papa comment, the use of RW mods has always been cool to me but I have this small niggle that the world will never be complete and will always be changing, which makes it seem almost unreliable to me after a couple of months of updates (I'm sure theres a way around it and I'll probably find it rather obvious when it does)


The use of real world storylines as well is pretty cool. I did actually run a Eddie Howard becomes Randy Savage and used a few of the storylines (him vs Jacob Jett as my Steamboat, facing off with James Justice in a battle of the mega powers (after his pop had gone mental)) and yeh it did seem to work well so may work from that think tank a bit more.


The idea of not using my favourite guys will probably be the toughest for me to do but hell I wouldn't mind doing a Japan game not bringing in Brandon Smith and Hell Monkey and watching them become big stars so that could be a challenge in itself.


There are some good tips there that should help me out for picking a game :-)

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The key might be changing your approach. I think we often have a specific approach we use. We might change up our booking strategies dependent on the given promotion, but the approach we use is often similar. For me, one thing I almost always do is go looking to snap up a bunch of young talent to develop into stars. Its a fun aspect to the game for most of us. But if I want to experience a different game, maybe I don't do that. I pick a promotion and essentially only use what they have. Set some rules - I can't exceed the recommended roster size, can only replace a worker under set conditions, etc.


Changing up how you look at a promotion can make a big difference. Its not hard to figure of why people correlate the SWF to the WWE/WWF... but what era? I usually use Supreme as somewhere between the Attitude era or early brand split era. But maybe instead I look at the late-80s WWF. I use that approach - really only use squash matches on TV, rather than competitve quality action. Maybe I look at TCW like a bigger version of ROH instead of early 90s WCW, etc.


To a lesser extent, changing up how you view workers can make a difference. I have a tendency to find a real world comparison for a CV worker, to "get a handle" on them. I find I am more likely to push them and find stories for them easier that way. But changing who I connect them to can change things a lot. For example, I typically view Angry Gilmore as Chris Benoit with Roddy Piper's entertainment skills. But if I look at him as a young Triple H, or maybe as CM Punk, it might significantly change how I use him.


As for real world mods... don't think of them as real world mods at all. In a sense, they are just one person's vision of the wrestling world at a given time. They are never "complete" and always arguable in their accuracy (because ratings are subjective). But who cares? You can spend hours and hours editing things to your liking (or even creating your own) or just run with it. Think of it likely a different fictional world and just accept what it is. Would you spend time considering whether Tommy Cornell should have A* or A Psychology? Probably not, so why bother considering whether Triple H had B or B+.... the mod maker gave him whatever, so go with it.

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If you're truly feeling like you're in a rut, do what I do when I'm in a dry spell with my song writing:


Take a break.


Seriously, go for a few days - or a week, or whatever - without touching the game. Try not to even think about it for a little while. Find some space, and pretty soon you will find yourself pulled back to it. When you do, you'll have a fresh set of eyes.


Much like Chris Jericho, sometimes you just need to get away, to recharge your batteries. Play your cards right, and you too can be the best in the world at what you do.



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<p>i've had the exact problem, i couldn't even get past day 1 without restarting as a different promotion</p><p> </p><p>

but i'm know really into a game i started now, what got me back in was the thread Whats going on in your game, some of the ideas and just in general seeing people really into their games seemed to get me to want to play more</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Greg McNeish" data-cite="Greg McNeish" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27740" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If you're truly feeling like you're in a rut, do what I do when I'm in a dry spell with my song writing:<p> </p><p> Take a break.</p><p> </p><p> Seriously, go for a few days - or a week, or whatever - without touching the game. Try not to even think about it for a little while. Find some space, and pretty soon you will find yourself pulled back to it. When you do, you'll have a fresh set of eyes.</p><p> </p><p> Much like Chris Jericho, sometimes you just need to get away, to recharge your batteries. Play your cards right, and you too can be the best in the world at what you do.</p><p> </p><p> Cheers!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I may take that advice and take a few days away before taking Big Papa's tips and maybe even play Europe like Comrade said <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Cheers people <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>You should take the dreaded PARA challenge. Make stars out of Paradigm , Paradox and Paranoia. </p><p> </p><p>

I have heard thats a fun ball breaker of a challenge.</p><p> </p><p>

or just start a new fed of your own and see how high you can build that sucker up. </p><p> </p><p>

i am new to this game, but the possibilities seem plenty!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Greg McNeish" data-cite="Greg McNeish" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27740" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Take a break.<p> </p><p> Seriously, go for a few days - or a week, or whatever - without touching the game. Try not to even think about it for a little while. Find some space, and pretty soon you will find yourself pulled back to it. When you do, you'll have a fresh set of eyes.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I do this with all things (TEW or not). Sometimes you're just too burnt out and can't keep going or else your brain will explode (or so it seems). I could write a 5-page paper in one sitting but I guarantee when I re-read it there are going to be a lot of corrections to be made. </p><p> </p><p> You always need to stop what you're doing - take a few breaths - and reevaluate the situation. I've walked away from TEW for days at a time and when I come back to it I have a ton of ideas. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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The big thing I did with the game, which you appear to already have done but what the hell, was change my style of company. Since '07 I've kept going back to NYCW, but I'd got stuck in kind of a rut with them on '10 (largely down to a long-running '08 game where I used a lot of guys who are nnow unavailable like Nicky Champion or Masked Patriot), so I switched to FCW. Now I'm really digging on the company and some of the guys I've got in there.


Now, I only came to that after a short flirtation with the CVerse 97 mod, so my advice is to turn to one of the mods and look around there. Even if you don't find anything you're digging on there's a good chance it'll give you an alternative viewpoint on what's there in the default database.

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Play ZEN.




It's so different from the other promotions, with its characters and credo, that it's gotta get the juices flowing. But only if you stop thinking like a wrestling booker and start thinking like a Saturday morning cartoon writer. :p

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