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Chick Frisby vs. Frank Simmons




Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)


DQ for the DuPonds?


Norman Gates vs. Vic Walker


Easy win


Martin Heath vs. Otto Hammerschmidt


another easy win

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Chick Frisby vs. Frank Simmons

Build him for title clash


Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)

Foreign Legion should dominate...


Norman Gates vs. Vic Walker

Far more upsides than Walker

Martin Heath vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Otto's essentially a jobber

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Chuck Frisby vs. Frank Simmons

Chucky should take this one ..

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)

Can't see Foreign Legion losing this n' .. And the win seems a better option.

Norman Gates vs. Vic Walker

A tougher pick .. Changed my mind twice but i'm going with Vic

Martin Heath vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Not an Heath fan but don't see Otto winning this ..

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Chick Frisby vs. Frank Simmons

Build him for title clash


Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)

Foreign Legion should dominate...


Norman Gates vs. Vic Walker

Far more upsides than Walker

Martin Heath vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Otto's essentially a jobber


I agree with these picks and reasons

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March 2011

Friday week 3



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 4 peoples



Before the show started there was a dark match with two masked guys going against each others. E+


Right I kind of went overboard when I was looking new guys that could possible help he and ended up hiring three guys, two of them who debuted here. I will post why I hired them after they debut on main show (and after I could think of some excuse why I hired them :p). Well maybe that rating would be a good reason? Second E+ match in ESE´s history and its pre-show match :p. Match did go about 8 minutes too so maybe it actually was a good idea to bring those guys in.






Show starts with Trance coming in the ring and taking a microphone.

Trance: I have now had four matches in this company and I have won every single one of them. I knew when I come here that the competition would be weak but I didn´t expect it to be this bad. And still despite the fact that I have soundly defeated everyone who has tried to stop me I still haven´t get the title shot. It should be clear now to everyone that I should be the face of this company and that I will be, so Turtle, come in this ring and give me that title belt so that this company can have a deserving champion.


Turtle comes from backstage but if Trance tough he would get the belt by just demanding it he´s going to be disappointed.


Turtle: I´m not sure how things where handled in 21CW, but here in ESE you have to earn the title and if you expect me to just give this belt to you, well think again since that won´t happen. However I do admit that you are yet undefeated so how about we go in this ring tonight and see if we can fix that. Heck I even but my belt on the line just to show you that here in ESE the champ is a fighting champ.


Trance: You just made your last decision as a champion Turtle, polish that belt for me shall you?

Peterson: Well it´s now confirmed we will have a new champion tonight.


Larry: A new champ? Isn´t that a little premature to say so yet.


Peterson: You seriously think that Turtle might have a change against Trance?


Larry: Yes I actually do think that Turtle have a good chance of retaining the belt. E+

Setting up the main event here and also checking how well Trance can work alongside Turtle in promos. Good rating considering how bad Trance was in his earlier promo.



2 vs. 2

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9141/thunderbolt.jpg

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)


Foreign Legion controls most of this match but they started to get a little too ****y in the progress and got careless. Thunderbolt and Bali manages to capitalize on that and Thunderbolt picks up a win for him team after hitting Pierre with Bolt from the Blue, while Bali distracts Jacques.

WINNERS: New Age Superheroes by pinfall in 5:10 E-


Superheroes take the first round of this feud simply because I believe it´s fit better for the story and helps build New Age Superheroes as legitimate challengers for Foreign Legion. Nice rating considering that this was basically four jobbers fighting here.



1 vs. 1

http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg vs. http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/2251/franksimmonsalt2.jpg

Chick Frisby vs. Frank Simmons


Frisby didn´t have much trouble against Simmons and he takes the win with Neckbreaker after dominant performance.

WINNER: Chuck Frisby by pinfall in 5:31 F+

Squash match to increase Frisby´s popularity. Not much else to say here other than it was another poor match from Frisby, I start to be little worried about him.


1 vs. 1

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8026/vicwalker.jpg

Norman Gates vs. Vic Walker


Pretty much a squash match here with Walker getting next to no offence. Gates seals the deal with Psycho Slam.

WINNER: Norman Gates by pinfall in 4:13 F


Just another squash match which takes advantage on the fact that Gates has brute gimmick.





After the match Glen Ward comes from backstage.

Ward: I have to admit Gates, I´m amazed about your resistance or should I say stupidity. It seems clear that I´m just wasting my time here with you after all I could be gunning for the title instead of trying to help someone who is obviously too stupid to accept help. Not only do you not accept my help but you are constantly costing me a change to be the lead star in ESE. It´s clear that I would be better served as ESE´s next champion so that I can be a better role model for young kids than that geek who currently runs with the belt. But no, you always have to screw my opportunities and…


Gates: Are we possibly getting somewhere with this? I have a few bars where I should visit and I don´t have much time to waist on you so if you have a point spit it out already.


Ward: My point? My point is that I´m tired of you.


Gates: Well that´s make two of use, I have been tired on you about…I dunno, maybe about from when I first saw you. But enough chitchat already. How about the two of us facing each other´s one more time, next month, right here one-on-one?

Ward: That´s exactly what I have on my mind Gates. It seems that I cannot make you stop drinking so I will send you to hospital bed. Try to find some beer there. E


With those new signings I have another feud for one of these two and this particular feud has run it´s course already so it´s going to end next month.



1 vs. 1

http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/4246/martinheath.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg

Martin Heath vs. Otto Hammerschmidt


Otto puts up a good fight but like previous months he just fell a little short and Heath picks up the win with Flying Fist Drop

WINNER: Martin Heath by pinfall in 6:11 E-


Mostly just a filler match with two guys who doesn´t have much to do right now. No domination note this time either since I want Otto to be step above other jobbers.



1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title


http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/3674/trancealt3.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg

Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle


Turtle and Trance had very even match up with each other´s and in the end it´s not clear who could have been on the top.


The reason for that is Chuck Frisby who runs in and attacks Turtle thus causing disqualify loss to Trance. Trance doesn´t seem to like that all that much and attacks both Frisby and Turtle and the show ends with three way brawl in the ring. Turtle and Trance doesn´t click at all.

WINNER: Arthur T. Turtle by DQ In 9:09 E


So I have avoided pairing Ward with Turtle because of the possibility of future feud so why I choose to but Trance who is another possible feud partner to a throw away title defense? The main reason was that I wanted to check if Trance can have a half decent match against one of my top guys. The DQ loss keeps him strong enough especially since it wasn´t his fault. Good rating considering that bad chemistry plus the fact that this went 9 minutes.


Show rating: E

Quite good show with only two matches being under E- (yes that´s good for my standards). Bad Chemistry between Trance and Turtle was little disturbing but they still managed to have one of the better matches in ESE:s history. It´s also noteworthy that despite bringing two guys, who both gets 400$ per appearance, in pre-show match I still made positive income after using everyone in my original roster (a mighty 43$ but still a win is a win).

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Predictions: Other than that tag match it was quite easy month on predictions. Boltinho was the only guy who got the tag match right though and thus was the only guy with 4/4 record this time and that was enough to got him 2nd place on predictions. Enigma is still having 5 points lead but there is still time to catch him.


Charasmatic Enigma 45/55

Boltinho 40/51

Jingo 39/55

Dragonmack 21/29

John Lions 19/24

CJAlex 11/16

MichiganHero 6/8




After last month main event we have been informed that the up and coming title match between Arthur T. Turtle and Chuck Frisby have been made a three way dance with Trance being added to the mix. How will Frisby and Turtle react to this news? We will find it out with both Turtle and Frisby scheduled in match this month. Turtle is taking part of a tag team match with Martin Heath and they will face Jacques DuPond and Trance. Chuck Frisby will test the newcomer Joe Simpson in a singles match. Glen Ward and Norman Gates will also clash with each other´s the third time. Also the fight between Foreign Legion and New Age Superheroes will continue when Bali Daljit faces Pierre DuPond in singles match. Otto Hammerschmidt and Vic Walker will also be in action this month.



Joe Simpson vs. Chuck Frisby


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Vic Walker


Pierre DuPond vs. Bali Daljit


Glen Ward vs. Norman Gates


Trance & Jacques DuPond vs. Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath

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Joe Simpson vs. Chuck Frisby

I don't know Simpson, so Chuck to pick up the win


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Vic Walker

You mentioned that you were unhappy with Vic

Pierre DuPond vs. Bali Daljit

Bali's a jobber

Glen Ward vs. Norman Gates

Personal preference


Trance & Jacques DuPond vs. Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath

Jacques to eat the pin

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Joe Simpson vs. Chuck Frisby

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Vic Walker

Pierre DuPond vs. Bali Daljit

Glen Ward vs. Norman Gates

Trance & Jacques DuPond vs. Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath


I'm not very well, but loaded up my pc just to check dynastys i read (thats dedication for you) hence the no reasons.

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April 2011

Friday week 3



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 4 peoples



1 vs. 1

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3052/joesimpson.jpg vs. http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg

Joe Simpson vs. Chuck Frisby


Frisby made short work on Simpson who didn´t get much offence at all in his first match in ESE.

WINNER: Chick Frisby by pinfall in 5:28 E-


Simpson will be a jobber at least for now and Frisby could use some overness boost (really, who doesn´t?).






After the match Frisby takes a microphone.


Frisby: People have asked me many times in this past month why I interfered in last month title match between Mr. Nerd and Mr. Never will be, that´s Turtle and Trance for those who have limited brain capacity. The reason is very simple, there shouldn´t have been any title match in the first place. I´m the number one contender not that idiot in a suit and so I should have been in that title match. And now they have inserted that full time zero in MY title match? I mean what has that…


Trance comes from backstage and interference Frisby´s jabbing.


Trance: You lunatic really think that you should be anywhere near the title match? Please give me a break, it´s obvious that I´m the only possible option as the next champ and in next month I will prove that I´m the biggest star in this company.


Frisby: You aren´t going to steal the title. It´s my destiny to become the greatest champion in wrestling history and my reign will start next month regardless of how many obstacles anyone try to throw in front of me.


Frisby and Trance starts arguing but before their argument goes above pushing Turtle comes in the ring with the belt.

Turtle: Easy, guys easy, first of all, there will be no beginning of the reign next month since I plan to retain this title. And what it comes about being the star and face of the company I don´t see neither one of you being a good champion. Luckily we don´t have to see that since after next month´s main event is over the champion will still be Arthur T. Turtle.


Obviously Trance and Frisby didn´t agree with this statement but officials come in and separate these three before they come in contact with each others. E+


Hyping next month`s main event. I originally didn´t plan to include Trance in this feud but after writing that last month main event I felt that he has to get a re-match. It also gives me a little extra time so I can continue this feud a little longer (Now that I have those new signings I need to re-think storylines and with extra two guys coming in the start of the next year (which ever guys the prediction contest winner will choose) I´m trying to aim the end this feud in end of the year so that I can start with clean table once I know who I have in roster).


1 vs. 1

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpgvs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8026/vicwalker.jpg

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Vic Walker


Otto pretty much dominated this one and picked up a rare win with Gutwrench Suplex.

WINNER: Otto Hammerschmidt by pinfall in 6:21 F+

Just wanted to give Otto a rare win and establish the fact that he is little bit above common jobber at this point.






Norman Gates is show backstage.


Gates: So tonight, again, I´m faxing the preachy Glen Ward who thinks he´s better than the rest of the world. Ward you have time to face the facts and one of the facts is that you aren´t better than me, in fact you are way worse than me, at least when it comes about in ring skills. You see I´m the toughest man in ESE, heck I´m the toughest guy in whole UK, the real bad ass and tonight I´m going to tear you apart and move one to next challenge. E-

Giving Gates some time to hype his match against Ward since it´s their final match and all.



1 vs. 1

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg

Pierre DuPond vs. Bali Daljit


Bali have clearly getting little better lately and he manages to surprise Pierre a few times but in the end it isn´t enough and Pierre picks up the win with Flying Fist Drop.

WINNER: Pierre DuPond by pinfall in 5:09 E-


Usual tag team guys face each other´s in singles match in order to continue the feud.





Ward comes in the ring for his match but before Gates comes in, Ward takes a microphone and starts running his mouth.

Ward: Norman Gates, you are still heading in a path to destruction despite all my attempts to save you from yourself. It pains me to admit but you are lost, lost beyond repair and it time for me to let you go. So I couldn´t save you but I can destroy you and that´s what I will do tonight. I make sure that you won´t lead anyone else to your false destiny and I can only do so by ending your career. So Norman Gates tonight you will cease to exist, you will fade into nothingness, where you belong…

Gates have obviously heard enough as he runs in the ring and attacks Ward signaling the start of this match. E

Ward also gets some promo time and he does decently with it.


1 vs. 1

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg

Glen Ward vs. Norman Gates


Even match-up that reminds more of a bar-room brawl than actual wrestling match. Gates seems to be getting the upper hand in the end.


Then out of nowhere an unknown guy runs in and hits Gates with a brass knuckle when the ref isn´t watching. Peterson identifies the guy as Axl Grease who has last been seen in MOSC before the company died just a few months ago. Ward pins Gates who is clearly knocked out and gets a easy win while Larry questions why Axl attacked Gates and does this mean that Axl have signed a contract with ESE?

WINNER: Glen Ward by pinfall after Axl Grease interferences in 5:35 E-

Not exactly typical feud ender considering that it´s anything but clean win but this way both guys can come out strong and it´s opens a new storyline and also debuts a new guy. Oh and Grease was one of those two guys who got that E+ rating in their dark match last month, the second guy will debut next month.



2 vs. 2

http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/3674/trancealt3.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg & http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg

Trance & Jacques DuPond vs. Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath


Quite even match up but it´s quite clear that DuPond and Trance don´t really come along too well and that´s what costs them the match when Trance decides to leave the match and goes backstage leaving Jacques alone and confused. It´s easy to guess that the match ended right there and that´s what happened when Turtle hit Jacques with Springboard Lariat.

WINNERS: Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath by pinfall in 5:53 E


Basic main event that didn´t really move any stories forward. Just decent match to end a show and Trance has a decent reason for his loss. Jacques became Trance´s partner because Frisby didn´t fit because of their issues and Ward being tied to that Gates feud. I initially considered adding Axl to this match but decided to leave him off for now which only left Jacques or Pierre as a possible partner (other heels would likely have dragged the match down).


Show rating: E

Well guess I should be happy to escape with E since only one match got that rating. Not much to say here basic stuff with no surprises.

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<p>New signings:</p><p> </p><p>


Joe Simpson</p><p>

Age: 20</p><p>

Face, Dancing Fool</p><p>

JOBBER! That´s pretty much what I have to say on Simpson. Actually you can thank/blame Boltinho for this one since I decided to try Simpson after we had that 21CW graduate’s discussion few pages back:) (As a side note 21CW is still holding most of their graduates in their roster, which is why you haven´t seen any in ESE yet). Simpson has decent performance stats but his entertainment skills are quite slow so I doubt he will ever rise above midcard status. Simpson is cheap though since he works for 150$ per appearance so he is likely to stay in the company for some time. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


Axl Grease</p><p>

Age: 26</p><p>

Heel, Weirdo</p><p>

Uuuummm I signed this guy because…. well actually I still don´t know why I signed him <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />. Axl has D´s in pretty much everywhere so he´s not great but not horrible either (Well not for me, that´s what you get when you only play with local promotions and game generated wrestlers, anyone with any skills starts to look like a superstar <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />). Grease worked for MOSC and that´s actually why I asked negations with him. You see I planned to sign two MOSC guys (Jeremy Allen & Ultra Violence) in order to form a tag team and mix my main event scene and Grease was possible back-up in case that one of those guys asks too much. In the end I didn´t sign either one (Both asked more than I was willing to pay for them right now) but still signed Grease (for 400$ per appearance which seems quite high now). Still as you saw in last show I quickly found a feud for Axl so at least he has something to do and he did have that E+ dark match, though I presume that it was more because Axl´s opponent than himself being that good. Axl gimmick is Weirdo, which unfortunately is same than Frisby has, but it fits the idea I have for him.</p>

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<p>Predictions:<em>Well done for Charasmatic Enigma who was the only guy who got 5/5 this time. </em></p><p> </p><p>

Charasmatic Enigma 50/60</p><p>

Boltinho 44/56</p><p>

Jingo 42/60</p><p>

Dragonmack 25/34</p><p>

John Lions 19/24</p><p>

CJAlex 11/16</p><p>

MichiganHero 6/8</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

<span>http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5061/ese1.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This month ESE Eternal Battle have great main event when Arthur T. Turtle is defending his title against both Trance and Chuck Frisby. Can Turtle prevail again against two of the better wrestlers in ESE or will we have a new champion? Also Axl Grease who debuted last month will face another new comer in Joe Simpson. However the real question is why Grease attacked Norman Gates last month and cost him a win against Glen Ward? Speaking of Ward he will face another new comer but the identity of his opponent is still mystery to us. Norman Gates will also try to get back on track when he faces Frank Simmons and the fight between Foreign Legion and New Age Superheroes continue when Thunderbolt faces Jacques DuPond. </p><p> </p><p>


Jacques DuPond vs. Thunderbolt</p><p> </p><p>

Axl Grease vs. Joe Simpson</p><p> </p><p>

Frank Simmons vs. Norman Gates</p><p> </p><p>

Glen Ward vs. ????</p><p>


Three way for the King of the Network title </strong></p><p>

Chuck Frisby vs. Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle</p>

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<p>Jacques DuPond vs. <strong>Thunderbolt</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><em>DuPonds won the last match</em></p><p>

<strong>Axl Grease</strong> vs. Joe Simpson</p><p>

<em>Debut win</em></p><p>

Frank Simmons vs. <strong>Norman Gates</strong></p><p>

<em>Gates gets a little momentum back</em></p><p>

Glen Ward vs. <strong>????</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><em>Don't back against Mr. ????</em></p><p>

<strong>Three way for the King of the Network title </strong></p><p>

<strong>Chuck Frisby</strong> vs. Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle</p><p>

<em>Chuck finally realises his dream!!</em></p>

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<p>Jacques DuPond vs. <strong>Thunderbolt</strong></p><p>

<em>Even up the feud</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Axl Grease</strong> vs. Joe Simpson</p><p>

<em>You referred to Simpson as a jobber</em></p><p> </p><p>

Frank Simmons vs. <strong>Norman Gates</strong></p><p>

<em>Simmons is again a jobber</em></p><p> </p><p>

Glen Ward vs. <strong>????</strong></p><p>

<em>Mr ???? ftw!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Three way for the King of the Network title</strong></p><p>

<strong>Chuck Frisby</strong> vs. Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle</p><p>

<em>Time for a title change</em></p>

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<p><strong>Jacques DuPond</strong> vs. Thunderbolt</p><p>

Everyone loves DuPonds. Interference from Pierre.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Axl Grease</strong> vs. Joe Simpson</p><p>

2 new guys so pick the one in the feud. And doesnt look like a dork</p><p> </p><p>

Frank Simmons vs. <strong>Norman Gates</strong></p><p>

I like your Gates</p><p> </p><p>

Glen Ward vs. <strong>????</strong></p><p>

The guy Grease got an E+ with?</p><p> </p><p>

Three way for the King of the Network title </p><p>

Chuck Frisby vs. Trance vs. <strong>Arthur T. Turtle</strong></p><p>

I wanted to go title change, but I dont want to say the same as the others</p><p> </p><p>

Side note. Has anyone ever built one DuPont up far more than the other one? or even the Guages? Just thought that it would be funny for one twin to be far more skilled, popular and successful than the other. You could rename them Dominant and Recessive</p>

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<strong>Jacques DuPond </strong>vs. Thunderbolt</p><p>

<em>vive la legion!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Axl Grease</strong> vs. Joe Simpson</p><p>

<em>just a better name</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frank Simmons</strong> vs. Norman Gates</p><p>

<em>choice based purely on less dufus looking</em></p><p> </p><p>

Glen Ward vs. <strong>????</strong></p><p>

<em>guessing Joey Beauchamp</em></p><p> </p><p>

Three way for the King of the Network title </p><p>

Chuck Frisby vs. <strong>Trance </strong>vs. Arthur T. Turtle</p><p>

<em>shock upset</em></p>

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May 2011

Friday week 3



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 4 peoples





Show starts with Trance already in the ring with a microphone.


Trance: So Chuck Frisby decided to try and stop me for getting the King of the Network champion title from that worthless nerd, who runs around with that belt. But like everyone else Frisby fall short in his attempts to stop me. You see even the ESE´s management have recognized that I´m the best star that they have and have inserted me in the title match against Frisby and Turtle. So tonight the biggest star of this company, that´s me for those who are blind, stupid or both, will finally get hold for that champion belt. Oh and Frisby and Turtle, a word of advice to you two, just lay down and save everyone´s time, since there is no change that either of you could beat me. E-


Hyping the main event that will be one of the biggest matches in ESE´s short history (well I hope at least it will).



1 vs. 1

http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9141/thunderbolt.jpg

Jacques DuPond vs. Thunderbolt


Thunderbolt has a slight advantage from the start but it doesn´t last long because Pierre DuPond comes on ringside to help his brother.


However Thunderbolt isn´t alone either and Bali Daljit comes to help his partner and starts brawling with Pierre, while Thunderbolt finishes the match with Bold from the Blue on Jacques.

WINNER: Thunderbolt by pinfall in 4:53 F+


This particular feud has taken a backseat in this and last show with other guys taking the spotlight leaving no angle time for these guys. This match itself was the usual second singles match which made the score 1-1 between these two teams. Interesting note is that Thunderbolt is actually more over than either of the DuPond´s (so are Otto and Joe Simpson, yeah I don´t know how that happened either but DuPond´s are currently midcarders while Otto, Joe and Thunderbolt are all in upper midcard).






Turtle is shown backstage and it seems like he has few words to say.

Turtle: Lay down? Really Trance? And what about that jabbing on Frisby stealing your title shot? You weren´t winning that match at any time so only thing Frisby stole from you was loss that you would have got. And I definitely don´t plan to lay down, in fact I plan to hold this title for a long time so both you and Frisby can forget any title reign plans you have. D-


Another main event hype (or would be if there would be three way match hype angle :p). I used simply generic singles promo on these angles so they actually doesn´t count in the feud rating in game.


1 vs. 1

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg vs. http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3052/joesimpson.jpg

Axl Grease vs. Joe Simpson


Axl dominates Simpson for most of the match and he seems to enjoy doing so. Finally Grease finishes Joe with Rock ´n´ Roll Death after brutal beat down.

WINNER: Axl Grease by pinfall in 5:54 E-



You know how this goes by now, Axl gets some popularity via domination victory. I just wish that I could actually make people get overness via angles or good matches (something I need to learn to do in order to make things more interesting) instead of all these domination matches.





After the match Axl takes the microphone but before he can even start Gats comes from backstage looking pretty angry.


Gates: I have no idea what you have on your mind, Axl but I hope you had some darn good reason for attacking me last month.

Grease: Good reason? I have a very good reason. I´m simply picking a fight and making name for myself and you seem like a good stepping stone for me.


Gates: Stepping stone? Well I don´t know about that but if you want a fight you are in right place.


Gates charges in the ring and starts a fight with Grease. It takes some time for officials to separate these two and even more time to get Grease to backstage and calming Gates enough so that he is ready for he´s match. E


Two Psychos = one feud or that´s what I thing anyway :p. So basically this is a feud between two though guys who just want to fight with each other´s. This isn´t going to be great feud as far as rating go but hopefully still decent feud that gives these two something to do.



1 vs. 1

http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/2251/franksimmonsalt2.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg

Frank Simmons vs. Norman Gates


Gates dominates this match easily and ends things with Spycho Slam.

WINNER: Norman Gates by pinfall in 4:01 F+


Squash match, so really nothing to see here. Simmons have his contract ending in two months (as do most other guys) and I won´t be re-signing him so this was his last match in ESE.





Glen Ward comes in the ring with a microphone.


Ward: So I defeated Norman Gates last month once and for all, but did I get a title shot? NO, instead ESE´s incompetent management has decided that I have to face some new guy. So rookie come on out so that I can kick you around the ring and finally get to that title picture.


Unknown music starts to play and Ward´s opponent comes from backstage.


Larry and Peterson are quick to identify the opponent. It´s Nigel Svensson who was in ROF until he was let go little over a year ago. Ward seems surprised and a little bit worried which tells that he know who he´s opponent is too. Svensson doesn´t waste time to talking, so he just comes in the ring and signals referee to start the match. E+


Little different promo from Ward with no straight edge stuff this time. Svensson is familiar to those who read my last diary and yes he was part of that E+ dark match and likely the reason why it was so good. One thing to note is that since Svensson had that dark match his momentum is already set so I could use him in angle first without screwing his momentum like I did with Trance.


1 vs. 1

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg vs. http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/8674/nigelsvensson.jpg

Glen Ward vs. Nigel Svensson


Svensson shows good wrestling skills here but Ward is good as well and thus manages to stay in game. In the end Svensson takes the victory with Running Knee Drive but this could really have gone either way.

WINNER: Nigel Svensson by pinfall in 5:34 E+


Debuting guys usually wins especially if they are big names and Svensson qualifies as a big name in local promotion.





Chuck Frisby comes in the ring before the main event and unfortunately it seems that he is going to cut a promo.

Frisby: The King of the Network title. For over a year Turtle have managed to escape the destiny but he cannot continue that forever. Sooner or later the title will go to its rightful owner and that time is tonight. Tonight I will (crowd starts throwing insults on Frisby)




Turtle´s music starts to play signaling that match will start soon and that ends Frisby´s promo before it really even started. D-


Another hype angle not much else to say here.



Three way for the King of the Network title


http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg vs. http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/3674/trancealt3.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg

Chuck Frisby vs. Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle


Even fight though Trance and Turtle fight mostly against each other´s as Frisby is busy screaming the crowd (and apparently those voices he´s hearing) to shut up. As the fight goes on Frisby is able to concentrate on the match a little bit more but eventually he succumbs again and Turtle capitalize by hitting Spring Board Lariat on Trance while Frisby is covering he´s ears (apparently he hears the laugher again).

WINNER: Arthur T. Turtle by pinfall in 6:29 E

Right I admit that I´m not particularly consistent with Frisby with he sometimes being crazy and sometimes self confident. Turtle takes the win here mainly because I want to keep the belt on Turtle for now mainly because I´m not convinced that either Frisby or Trance can carry the company. I need to think something for Frisby (after this current feud ends, it will still take a while) though since I think that this hearing voices angle has run its course.


Show rating: E

Well I was hoping that the main event would have been E+ but with Turtle and Trance having bad chemistry and Turtle and Frisby not getting better than E in their matches I cannot say that I´m surprised. Svensson did deliver well, too bad that he´s microphone skills are so slow, otherwise he would definitely be my champ.

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New signings:



Nigel Svensson


Face, MMA Bad Ass

Like I said Svensson was used in my last diary and that´s when I started to like him. Svensson has good stats, is quite cheap considering his talent and has very positive backstage influence. In fact pretty much the only reason why I didn´t sign him from the start was that I used him last time and wanted to use mainly different guys and the fact that I expected him to be signed somewhere a long time ago (plus the fact that Svensson has bad entertainment skills and thus not be a great fit to entertainment promotion). Still I want better match rating and Svensson has the skills and overness level to make that happen (I hope). Bad entertainment skills and the fact that he might go to Japan or America might keep the main event title out of his hands but he will be solid main eventer/upper midcarder who I can trust to have decent matches with most opponents. Svensson signed a contract with ROF just month after I signed him (he have been unemployed from the start) and so he becomes the only guy in my roster who has contract with another promotion as well.


guys leaving:



Frank Simmons:


record: 0 - 0 - 2 (3 - 0 - 7)

Simmons will be leaving because I´m starting to have too many guys for a local promotion and there will still be two new guys at start of the next year so someone had to go and Simmons haven´t really done anything so far so he was expendable plus he wasn´t going to get all that much better considering his age.

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Predictions: Interesting month with no-one getting 5/5. Most misses come from the Dupond/Thunderbolt match and from the main event. Thunderbolt´s win is pretty easy, it simply made the score 1-1 but the main event seemed to be the biggest surprise. Now I´m generally favoring long title reigns and like I have said I book with WWE style so over a year title reigns will likely be pretty common. However the fact that this current feud is still continuing after year and a half might need a little explaining (Other than that WWE booking style). My reason to continue this feud is mostly because I want to keep things (and champion even I don´t know yet who will win this feud) open until I know which two guys I have to sign after this year (I expect that they will have at least F+ overness and thus they will affect the title picture). Actually I realized little time ago that I should have ended the Frisby/Turtle feud and make a short feud taking about 6 or 7 shows while waiting the year to end (would have probably been more logical for a local company as well) but I missed that and now I don´t thing I have the time to both give prober ending to this feud and start a new one, hence why this tired old feud will go one until the next january (and yes I´m giving away prediction results here but I though that it would be good to share my thoughs with you on this one). So what is the point here? The point is that I need to learn making shorter feuds or at least plan them better before hand.:o


Charasmatic Enigma 54/65

Boltinho 48/61

Jingo 46/65

Dragonmack 27/39

John Lions 19/24

CJAlex 11/16

MichiganHero 6/8





This month ESE Eternal Battle has all the elements of a great wrestling show. There is high stakes in our main event when Turtle and Martin Heath will face Trance & Frisby in tag match. If Trance and Frisby win they get another shot on King of the Network belt, otherwise someone else will be getting the change. So can Frisby and Trance co-exist or will they mutual hatred on each other’s be too much for them to overcome? Another heated tag team match is alsi in schedule when Foreign Legion teams up with Axl Grese against Norman Gates and New Age Superheroes. Nigel Svensoon got an impressive debut win against Glen Ward and now he looks to add second victory to his record when he faces Otto Hammerschmidt. Ward will also be in action against Vic Walker.



Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) & Axl Grease vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt) & Norman Gates


Glen Ward vs. Vic Walker


Nigel Svensson vs. Otto Hammerschmidt


Chuck Frisby & Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath

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Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) & Axl Grease vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt) & Norman Gates

DuPonds need the boost. As does Grease


Glen Ward vs. Vic Walker

bad hair seals it


Nigel Svensson vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Poor Otto


Chuck Frisby & Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath

Just a feeling here



I quite the big old feaud. Yes its 18 months, but the pace of the diary and monthly shows means it doesnt feel like a really long feud

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Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) & Axl Grease vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt) & Norman Gates

They seem to be getting more of a push


Glen Ward vs. Vic Walker

Ward has breakout potential


Nigel Svensson vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Svensson can be one of your biggest stars


Chuck Frisby & Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath

THese are your franchise guys right now

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Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) & Axl Grease vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt) & Norman Gates

Make the heels look more dominant.

Glen Ward vs. Vic Walker

Hand him a win back after the loss to Svensson.

Nigel Svensson vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Continues to win.

Chuck Frisby & Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath

Need the Heels to look good here ..

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Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) & Axl Grease vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt) & Norman Gates

Make the heels look more dominant.

Glen Ward vs. Vic Walker

Hand him a win back after the loss to Svensson.

Nigel Svensson vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

Continues to win.

Chuck Frisby & Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath

Need the Heels to look good here ..


I agree with this :)

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June 2011

Friday week 3



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 7 peoples



3 vs. 3

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg & http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9141/thunderbolt.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) & Axl Grease vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt) & Norman Gates


This match was pretty much full chaos from beginning with Grease and Gates brawling with each other´s while the two tag teams fight it out in the ring. In the end it was Foreign Legion who proved to be better this time as they managed to throw Bali out of the ring and double team Thunderbolt. Pierre seals the deal with Flying Fist Drop. Both Bali and Thunderbolt seemed to be of their game tonight.

WINNERS: Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) & Axl Grease in 5:36 E-


This match was simply there to forwards two different storylines on the same time. Foreign Legion takes this round since they have actually been slightly in the losing end so far.






Arthur T. Turtle and Martin Heath are shown backstage preparing their match and it seems that they have something to say.

Turtle: Tonight we are facing Frisby and Trance for about…well I lost count about how often I have faced them especially Frisby. Well anyway, what I´m saying is that after tonight someone else is finally getting the change to this title as Frisby and Trance cannot challenge me again for some time if they lose tonight.


Heath: That’s right, and they will lose. I mean they cannot even co-exist with each other´s so what change to they really have?


Turtle: So Frisby, Trance I suggest that you two find something to do while I defent my title against other guys like, my friend Heath here, who would deserve a change for the title.


Heath: You are too kind Turtle, but it´s true that there is lots of good quality guys in ESE who deserve a title shot and we are making them a favor by making sure that you go back to the line. E+


Well this wasn´t great promo even on my standards but hopefully it still hammers the point home and helps hyping the main event.



1 vs. 1

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8026/vicwalker.jpg

Glen Ward vs. Vic Walker


Ward pretty much dominates Walker and makes him tap out with Judo Choke-Sleeper.

WINNER: Glen Ward by submission in 5:54 F+


You know how this goes by now, right?





Turtle is shown walking backstage when suddenly Frisby attacks him from behind and beats him down.

Larry: Cowardly attack by Frisby, again I might add.

Peterson: Seems to me like Frisby has found a way to tilt the scales on his favor. E-

Just adding a little uncertainly on the main event , since logically Turtle and Heath should win that one because Frisby and Trance obviously don´t get along. Turtle and Frisby are at least having enough overness so that this angle didn´t completely suck.



1 vs. 1

http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/8674/nigelsvensson.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg

Nigel Svensson vs. Otto Hammerschmidt


Otto put up a good fight but it wasn´t enough and Svensson finishes this fight with Running Knee Drive.

WINNER: Nigel Svensson by pinfall in 8:28 E



Unsurprisingly Svensson gets the win here, but the main reason for this match is to set up the next angle. Svensson proved again that he can get the job done.





After the match Glen Ward runs in and attacks Svensson who fights back bravely. Suddenly Otto joins the fight but he attacks Svensson. What is happening here? Otto and Ward beat Svensson down and shake hands after that, it seems that we have a new alliance. F+

After Simpson coming and Simmons leaving I needed another lower card heel and Otto will fill that spot for now. Otto will also get a little bit screen time since I included him on this feud. He will basicly act as Ward´s bodyguard/sidekick or whatever you want to call that. Otto´s turn was a complete success.


2 vs. 2

http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg & http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/3674/trancealt3.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg & http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg

Chuck Frisby & Trance vs. Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath


Turtle sells his injuries in this match and so Trance and Frisby are able to get the upper hand despite the fact that they show zero teamwork. In the end the fact that they don´t come along proves to be the undoing for them since they starts arguing with each other’s and that gives Turtle and Heath the opening that they need. Heath throws Frisby pot of the ring while Turtle pins Trance after Sky Twister Press. Trance and Frisby didn´t work well as a team and their timing was all over the place (well at least this notes goes with the story :p).

WINNERS: Arthur T. Turtle & Martin Heath by pinfall in 7:07 E+


This result likely surprises some of you since that heels need to win stipulation kind of states that heels will win and I even gave an excuse for Turtle by having him injured after Frisby´s attack. But I do have a plan (for once) and despite the end result this feud will continue. I found that no tag chemistry note between Frisby and Trance hilarious considering how I write this one. Oh, and a great match especially with those chemistry problems.


Show rating: E

Still E rating but this was likely one of my better shows.

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