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hey guys, sorry i aint been around, but schools getting busy. But i know i was not missed, as there are many members that can take my place.





Anyone have good workout beats, more inspirational than hardcore? my playlist is lacking in inspiration.

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hey guys, sorry i aint been around, but schools getting busy. But i know i was not missed, as there are many members that can take my place.





Anyone have good workout beats, more inspirational than hardcore? my playlist is lacking in inspiration.


Fernando by ABBA

Dancing Queen by ABBA

Really, just any ABBA song will do.

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Where the hell was all this help when I asked for songs?


Just kidding. :)


Off to add these songs to my play list. :)


Honestly, I just moved and haven't had internet to go on here, also, I'm too lazy to go through threads that aren't highlighted.. I don't know why alot of them are good, I'm just too lazy, I'm off to find said thread now.

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Honestly, I just moved and haven't had internet to go on here, also, I'm too lazy to go through threads that aren't highlighted.. I don't know why alot of them are good, I'm just too lazy, I'm off to find said thread now.


Not you sweety, I was referring to the other two. They know who they are. :p



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Okay, good because it's not in the 4 pages the forums let me look through.. if you would still like songs I can send them to you via PM. I still have a list of probably close to 300 songs I sent to my girlfriend when she was asking me for songs to put on her MP3 player.


What kind of music are you into, or not really into, that way I can narrow it down a bit for ya.

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Okay, good because it's not in the 4 pages the forums let me look through.. if you would still like songs I can send them to you via PM. I still have a list of probably close to 300 songs I sent to my girlfriend when she was asking me for songs to put on her MP3 player.


What kind of music are you into, or not really into, that way I can narrow it down a bit for ya.


I listen to ANYTHING from any genre. EXCEPT hardcore rap/heavy metal. :D

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Watch out Stennick, MLT has already revealed herself as a giraffe like woman so I wouldn't take her threat too lightly :p


Giraffes have been known to use their dinner plate sized hooves to crush the skulls of attacking lions and hyenas.

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