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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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Funny thing is I hardly ever read backstory but I always make a point to read the ones that you do. Because through three diaries I have become involved in the story of John Greed and I want to know what happens to him.


That's what I love to hear, BHK! Honestly. Very cool. John's journey as a 'backstage official' has become just as important to me than the companies I end up booking. So, as you can guess, the backstories tend to get longer and longer as each project takes hold. Why? I can't just have John coast by without life interrupting. :D


I hope John now realise how far he can go with a simple smile. :D




Just imagine what a Hug may warrant John; maybe a new car? ha.


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The official card for 4C "Demolition Derby" will see the light of day sometime early this week! At this point, I'm adding the final touches to the event before I post.

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Date of Event:
Monday, Week 4, September 2010

Event #:

Location of Event:
Ontario (Canada)

Size of Event:

Duration of Event:

Broadcasting of Event:
Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com


To most, A demolition derby conjures up images of war-torn vehicles, plumes of billowing smoke, and a rabid fan base intoxicated by the events primal-based aggression. While the initial details may differ, The overall narrative of absolute destruction coincides with the 4C’s working definition of such an instance; a ‘Demolition Derby’. From start to finish, from the opening bell until the final clangs of the events demise, the 4C promises to deliver on it’s promise of chaotic demolition; one body, one soul, at a time.


At it’s more climactic moment, the anticipated “Demolition Derby” cage match, we will all bare witness to the most extreme, the most suicidal, moments in company history. Who will overcome the obvious pain that comes with a weapon-laced steel cage match? Also, who will, in turn, raise the beloved 4C Championship on high? This, and so much more, will be determined within the ‘steel hell’ that is… The 4C “Demolition Derby”.





Raj vs. TJ Bailey

Singles Match


The lovable, overly simplistic surfer, TJ Bailey has a problem. With limited focus, How can the California-native find a way to ‘keep up’ with the flashy, yet intense, offensive approach administered by “Rated-R” Raj? Forget he’s an industry vet for a second, masterfully skillful in the usage of underhanded tactics, if you simply match Raj against TJ Bailey; who would you expect to win? It’s expected that you’ve thrown your hat in Raj’s corner straight out of the gate.


With that said, Don’t give up so easily on TJ. He may be stuck with a one-track mind, that track almost always closed down for construction; however, this thrill seeking risk-taker is truly one of the “dark horse” figures of the 4C roster. All it takes is one ‘killer ride’ for the California-native to overcome his “Rated-R” opponent.


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Lingering Question:
Can TJ Bailey stay focused, for long enough, to match his “Explicit Enemy” for a night?

Match Details:
Singles Match.





The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Tag Team Match

4C Tag Team Championship Match



Toothless Aggression has reigned supreme in the form of the Hockey-infatuated tandem of “The Gilbert Brothers” ever since they debuted here in 4C since 2009. Soon after their momentous arrival, The stick-wielding duo waged a powerhouse campaign by instantly obtaining the 4C Tag Championships straight out of the gate. Since then, The Gilberts have continued to display their overwhelming dominance over the companies tag-team division by maintaining their golden grip for nine months; defeating all-comers with their lovably dimwitted fist-to-cuff mentality.


With that said, there has been one tandem that has risen to the challenge; giving the canucks a run-for-their-money. That duo being the comically intense pairing of “Thunder and Lightning”. While their personas are laughable at best, The ‘green’ duo has found a way to prove their worth as a competitive pairing; actually defeating the Tag Champs in a non-title match-up last month at the 4C’s heralded event - “One Night Only”.


With that in mind, can the former Tag Champions, and all-around laughably aggressive duo, find a way to repeat their success two months in a row? Obtaining the Titles for the second time in their short 4C careers. - OR - Will the highly successful, Stereotypical rabid Hockey Fan’s, The Gilbert Brother’s tighten their death-grip on the 4C Tag Division with, yet, another resounding victory?


Either way, Expect a Slap-Shot-like speed of action as these two underground tandems continue to intertwine during their tenure with 4C.


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Lingering Question:
Can “Thunder and Lightning” pull off the unthinkable by defeating The Gilbert Brothers in back-to-back months?

Match Details:
Tag-Team Match, 4C Tag Team Championship Match.





Antonio Del Veccio © w/ Joy DeWitt vs. Slim V

Hardcore Match

4C Hardcore Championship Match



How can you demolish a man who cannot be torn down? What must be done to break the drive of the unbreakable? This is the exact challenge given to, 187-member, Slim V as he attempts to achieve the potentially unachievable; destroy, if not defeat, the 4C Hardcore Champion, Antonio Del Veccio.


Almost a year removed from his initial Championship win, Antonio continues his death-defying climb toward Hardcore Immortality; sustaining injury after debilitating injury; however, still finding a way to will his weakened body to victory. In this case, can Slim V defy our expectations; breaking the unbreakable? - OR - Will Antonio somehow, someway, find the ability to once again overcome?


Either way, It’s bound to be a murderous affair…


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Lingering Question:
How will the 187 faction factor into this Hardcore Championship match?

Match Details:
Singles match, Hardcore-based, 4C Hardcore Championship Match.






Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ?????

”Demolition Derby” Cage Match

4C Championship Match



No one will be the same. Careers may end. Lives altered forever.


The highly-touted “Demolition Derby” cage match makes its destructive return this year as it attempts to claim the souls of those locked within it’s grasp. Six men, forced onto a battleground stained with blood, will do everything in their power to overcome the odds; to defy reality.


Four sides of steel. Chairs, Ladders, Tables, and various unorthodox weapons trapped within. The only winner coming in the form of being the Last Man Standing. How can you not fear for your life?


In the end, Which man will walk away as the ultimate, god-like, victor? In turn, obtaining the right to proclaim to the masses that HE is the 4C Champion. Better put, Will this ‘victor’ even be able to leave on Let the Demolition begin.


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Lingering Question:
Can Frankie Dee retain the 4C Championship in such a brutal, heavily contested, match-up?

Match Details:
Six-man tornado match, Cage Match, Hardcore-based, Elimination Rules, 4C Championship Match.



"Demolish the competition"





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"Demolition Derby" Quick Picks:


Raj vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

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Raj vs. TJ Bailey

Raj seems to be going places. TJ not so much.


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

The Giberts are probably your best tag team so they retain.

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

How do you break the unbreakable? Antonio definetely shows more promise in TEW 2010 than in any other game.

Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

I never bet against Mr.Mystery. Is Frankie Perez still injured or is he make appearances north of the border?

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Raj vs. TJ Bailey Better gimmick...better worker.

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning Waiting to see how you treat the Characters of both teams.

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V The loss will frustrate 187.

Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ?????? This will be a hot match...figure the champ is the safest bet.

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Raj vs. TJ Bailey

Bailey is a career jobber


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Thunder and Lightning barely shoot sparks right now


Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

I've always found Antonio to be a perennial underachiever


Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

While the ?????? should be interesting, I don't see the main title getting hotshotted like this in your first match. There should be a feud built first, which will probably begin here.

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Raj vs. TJ Bailey


Yep TJ Bailey is your sympathy jobber.


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning


The Slap Shot Hanson ehhhm Gilbert brothers win.


Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V


Antonio is not hardcore the 187 is hardcore!


Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????


No hot switching the main title out the gate imho.


??? = Biff the Bruiser, dude does not get enough love and fits the product.

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??? = Biff the Bruiser, dude does not get enough love and fits the product.


While Biff is quite the interesting character, I don't know if he really fits the 4C product. Sure, he holds up his end of the bargain as it pertains to the undercurrent of hardcore action; however, he's absolutely abysmal from an athleticism standpoint. With the 4C's key feature being "modern", most (if not all competitors outside of Hardcore Killah) would probably be expected to keep up with such a speedy product. Plus, at his size, he is more based for a company like PSW than a company like the 4C.


That said, his in-game description made it really hard not to just hire him anyways. ha.

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This is mostly guess work as I have only played as 4C once or twice.


Raj vs. TJ Bailey


I have had TJ in my personal games before and he sucks.

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning


I can't wait to see how you write the Gilbert Bros.


Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V


He seems to be fit your style better.


Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

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“Hey, It’s J. Leave a message.”


That’s the most I’ve heard from Jacob Jett since joining 4C a few days ago; his obvious attempts to dodge me have been nothing but successful during this period. To say that he’s annoyed with my arrival would be an understatement as word quickly engulfed our community like a renegade wildfire; fueled by an internal sense of defiance levied in my direction. Simply put, it appears that Jacob is less-than-thrilled about me, the man who walked out on the DOA (his other employer), taking a leadership role within the very company that he helped to build into an underground, cult, phenomenon.


Whether it’s fear of me doing the same here (immaturely, I’ll admit, leaving my post due to an emotional calling of self-worth), or continuing to carry over the same dwindling push he received under my tenure in the DOA, I can’t say that I blame him for his anxious review of the situation at hand.


With that said, I’ve been trying to touch-base with the speedy youngster for days now; attempting to subdue any ‘ill-will’ that has acceptably formed since my departure from Deadly Overloaded Action. I want to convey to him that I respect his work, know that he’s a great asset to this company, and also give him the confidence that I understand his place within the 4C. In a way, I want him to know that I’m “on board for the long haul” as it pertains to pushing the 4C forward; while also, in a related note, continuing to offer him a platform in which to cultivate his own professional legacy.


In the end, How can I reassure him when he simply won’t pick up his cell phone? Sure, I can try to convey such a message through indirect communication channels (one person to the next); however, I’m positive that some sense of ambiguity will force its ugly head into the scenario. So, what am I to do? Wait until he’s ready to talk? Physically corner him at “Demolition Derby”?


To say the least, I have no idea how to ‘get through’ to Jacob.




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"Demolition Derby" Quick Picks:


Raj vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

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While Biff is quite the interesting character, I don't know if he really fits the 4C product. Sure, he holds up his end of the bargain as it pertains to the undercurrent of hardcore action; however, he's absolutely abysmal from an athleticism standpoint. With the 4C's key feature being "modern", most (if not all competitors outside of Hardcore Killah) would probably be expected to keep up with such a speedy product. Plus, at his size, he is more based for a company like PSW than a company like the 4C.


That said, his in-game description made it really hard not to just hire him anyways. ha.


Yeah I meant more for the hardcore division so to speak, he has everything except the athleticism and a bitter veteran, traditionalist role who at the same time is bigger and stronger then the rest for him could really work. And yeah his description is cool and yes he is more a PSW type worker but you need some hardcore guys for the midcard and diversity. 4C is key modern but has a very broad product as you know. Come on hire him you know you want too hehe.

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Raj vs. TJ Bailey

Rated-R will work better for a Canadian any day, lol.


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Favorite Canadian tag team gets the duke here. (Just watch out for Juicin' Joe, though).


Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Weird seeing Ripcord's prized student in a hardcore based company but your write-up of his character is amazing as always. Champ retains.


Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

?????? could be friggin' Matty Sparrow himself and I wouldn't bet against Frankie.

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“Did you hear who took over?”


Matt’s [sparrow] subdued tone resonates as I lazily attempt to awake from my slumber; manipulating my driver side seat in an upright position as I increasingly stretch my neck to the right, all with the attempt to formulate a body-easing crack.




A slight chuckle is heard from the other end.


“Did I catch you at a bad time? You sound like ‘death’.”


Again, Matt chuckles to himself; meanwhile, the blazing light from an overhead view of the sun forces me to shade my eyes in an uncomfortable fashion. With this in mind, I dip my head slightly; attempting to ‘make sense’ from a conversational standpoint while also shielding myself from the incessant blinding light from above.


“I’m fine, Matt. It’s just been… well… a difficult time as of late. Then again, when is it ever not…”


I return with a sarcastic chuckle of my own; aware of the dreaded reality that tends to encompass my being.


“Yea, you kinda fell off the map after leaving LA.”


It’s true. I knew that my decision to leave the DOA was not a ‘popular one’ seeing how I did so seconds before the taping of a “Rapid Assault” episode. So, with that said, I did my very best to subconsciously remove myself from that scenario; knowing that much review would only continue to perpetuate the downward spiral that I found myself entrapped within.


“Yea. I suppose…”


With a bit of awkwardness forming between the two of us, even though Matt has always been a good friend of mine far before our DOA days, I quickly remind him of the reason for his call; coming back to the ‘takeover’ statement he started this all with.


“What’s this about taking over?”


My eyes have become rather use to the blinding rays of the sun before me at this point; my focus no longer directed at such. Now, detoured in the direction of what Matt was about to proclaim.


“After you left, Tarver was furious. He took your resignation pretty personally; especially when Campbell [“Nemesis”] turned him down again. So, he was forced into a corner; enraged & defiant of a potential DOA collapse. He put feelers out there and eventually signed Doom [Corporal Doom] to your position; even offered him incentive bonus’s in which to, and I quote, ‘light a fire under his a**.’ We were shocked. After all of this ‘youthful revolt’ thing, He went out and signed an ‘old voice’ to lead us all. Seemed pretty counter-productive.”





It makes sense. While I haven’t watched “Rapid Assault” since leaving my post in LA, I’ve heard indirectly through others that the program had changed quite a bit. That said, I never really paid too much attention to the notion as I was attempting my very best to move as far as possible away from that ‘personal hell’. Even with that in mind, even I was pretty shocked as to the news that Tarver actually hired Corporal Doom to keep his DOA-flagship alive. I guess, when your back is up against the wall, sometimes its best to bring someone in for the meantime as you forge forward with your overall dream. Will he continue to carry the same job in the next coming months? Who knows. With how things transpire within the Network, I wouldn’t find it shocking if he were released pretty soon after he started. That said, The DOA was now Doom’s ship to guide.


I wanted to match Matt’s unhappy tone, trying my best to engage in whatever empathy that I have left at this point; however, all I could conjure up was an uninspired:


“That sucks man.”


Did it really suck? To be honest, I don’t really care. Tarver, the DOA, Arcadia, and the Director position was something of my past; a continued sense of unease as I relay my mistakes in life. Overall, now in Canada, that project meant nothing more than a footnote in my current life.


The 4C is my life now.


The DOA is… Dead On Arrival as it pertains to my conscious thoughts of it.




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"Demolition Derby" Quick Picks:


Raj vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

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Don't know a whole lot about the 4C scene so most of these will be pure guesswork.


Raj vs. TJ Bailey

The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

It's hard to bet against Mr. Squiggles but this time I'm gonna do it.


Glad to see this getting up and running toward the shows, my friend. You definitely put a lot of work into them and I'm looking forward to how you handle this 4C environment. And no immediate title changes according to my predictions but the title I could see changing hands the most is the 4C Championship with Mr. Squiggles taking it.

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?????? is Mr. Squiggles because of all the squiggly lines. lol.


Ahhhhh, haha. I can't believe I missed so badly on that one. Blame it on extreme exhaustion. ;)


Mr. Sqiuggly will bring on quite the great moment when he debuts; a bit of John's past coming to the 4C.

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Raj vs. TJ Bailey

There's potential in Raj while I can't imagine Bailey being anything else but a bump machine designed to make others look good. Might be that stupid cap, reminds me too much of Scotty 2 Hotty.


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning

Not a big fan of the Gilberts, but it's a simple title defense with not much background on it, so the belts won't change hands.


Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Del Veccio will retain, but barely as I feel Killah will get involved and it might be Del Veccio against the Crew for some time


Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????

Chaos ! Seems like a good fit for a title change. Ali's always a good fit as champion as he's less likely to be called up by bigger dogs unlike Dee, Jett or Newton. I bet that mystery man is Larry Wood. Anyway, putting the belt on the guy who got the job for you seems like a wonderful idea. ;)

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Love what you're doing with Greed, EV. Been following him since DOA started and loved every second of it. Keep up the great work. (No idea how the roster is in 4C so i'll take a pass on predicting for now.)
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Raj vs. TJ Bailey


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. Thunder and Lightning


Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V


Frankie Dee © vs. Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Sayeed Ali vs. ??????


I've gone for Jett to pick up the win purely as to keep him happy to stick around. If you can keep him for long enough he is easily capable of having the promotion built around him.


As for ????? I'm going for Matty Sparrow as a continuation of the DOA story if he's not under a written contract.

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