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AWA 1989: From the Ashes

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Notes: I don't have a picture for Derrick Dukes... that's Cody Deaner... I can't figure I'm ever going to use him in any other capacity!


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Monday, September 1989, Week 3

Live from the Athletics Center Arena in Rochester, Michigan (Great Lakes)

With a Television audience of 0.95 and in front of 4,082 fans in attendance





Eric Bischoff and Lee Marshall announce to the crowd that following Harley Race's decision to quit broadcasting and step back into the ring that the AWA management have acted quicky to fill the vacancy by appointing The Dean of Wrestling - Les Thatcher who will join them on all announcing duties effective immediately.


Les gives a polite wave to the crowd as he takes his place next to the two established broadcasters.



In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Jake Milliman defeated newcomer Steve Austin in 6:38 by pinfall by with a handful of tights.


Match Rating: E



Backstage Diamond Dallas Page has a microphone: “Listen up all you rednecks and lovely ladies out there, Diamond Dallas Page of the AWA’s Diamond Exchange is back and he means business baby!


“As we speak I’m lining up deals to the left of me and deals to the right and the Exchange is open for trading daddy! That’s right, Diamond Dallas Page is looking over the books and I will be offering my managerial expertise to the right clients in the next few weeks so you better all keep watching All Star Wrestling to find out who is next in line for the gold standard, oww!”


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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Top Guns (Derrick Dukes & Ricky Rice) defeated Leif Cassidy and Dave Finlay in 5:58 when Dukes defeated Finlay by pinfall following a frogsplash.


Match Rating: D+


The Show



While Les Thatcher is introducing himself to the TV audience, Larry Zbysko's music hits and out strides the man himself, after a deliberately ****y and slow walk to the ring, he collects the microphone from ringside and addresses the crowd:

“Well you know all week people have been coming up to me and asking me the same dumb question: ‘Hey Larry, who do you want to win the big tag match this week on All Star Wrestling?’ The truth is: I don’t care. It doesn’t matter to me which of those three washed-up relics wins the match, the fact is I can beat them all individually or even all together if they prefer. I am your World Heavyweight Champion and you know that I can beat the Bockwinkles and the Sammartinos – these guys don’t stand a chance here in Larryland!


“So go ahead, push yourselves to the limit and battle your hardest to come out on top – it won’t make a blind bit of difference in the long run because whether it’s Slaughter, Snuka or Hansen – the result at Fall of Ages is going to be the same – an easy victory for the Living Legend!


“In fact, I'm so confident that I can beat any of these jokers that I'm not going to bother watching tonight's match and if I were you watching at home, I'd turn off my idiot box, put down the TV dinner and step out into the sunshine because there's no point watching anymore if the Living Legend's not going to be here is there?”


With an arrogant smirk, Zbysko does a small bow to the baying crowd and leaves the ring.



On his way to the back Zbysko is passed by another newcomer to the AWA - Steven Regal a young wrestler from Blackpool, England. He is wearing similar tights to last week's debutant Dave Finlay but will doubtless be hoping for a better result!


Steven's up against it though as the crowd are already well aware because the sound coming from the boombox can mean only one thing - Buck 'Rock 'n' Roll' Zumhofe is in the house!


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Buck Zumhofe defeated Steven Regal in 6:08 by pinfall with a Flying Splash.


Match Rating: D+


A victorious Zumhofe is pleased with his win and has taken to ringside, slapping hands with all the fans, he's so taken with doing this that he's not noticed Ox Baker and his charge Scott Norton come down to ringside, with a word in Norton's ear, Baker heads over to the announce desk to pick up the ringside mic while Norton moves in closer to Zumhofe.


With a curt nod from Baker as the signal, Norton launches a furious attack on Buck Zumhofe, landing a stinging series of lefts and rights on the much smaller wrestler.




Lee Marshall and Les Thatcher leave their positions to assist Zumhofe while Norton makes his way into the ring for his match, a sadistic smile on his lips. Bischoff holds the fort on his own while the other two announcers head to the back with a clearly very hurt Zumhofe.



Bischoff commentated on the following match on his own for the majority of the bout with Thatcher and Marshall only catching the last couple of moments.


Lynn had started brightly against a clearly exerted Scott Norton, but the size advantage became too much for the youngster to bear and before long, Norton had the upper hand and never looked like losing. In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Scott Norton defeated Jerry Lynn in 9:04 by pinfall with a Powerslam.


Match Rating: D



We’re taken to a pre-taped interview from Sgt Slaughter and Wahoo McDaniel who are looking to talk about tonight’s main event.


Wahoo: “Before we get into Jerry Blackwell, Jimmy Snuka and them no-good Outlaws, I just wanna lay out a special message to Harley Race – I’ve known you a long time Harley and god knows we’ve never been close but I can’t understand what would make a man like you react the way you did against me just the other night. Anyone could see that it was an accident, and I think even you know that. But if you want to go at it again, have one more roll of the dice and come after Chief Wahoo McDaniel then you go ahead – I will wrestle you any where, anytime and any place.


“But before I do that, I’ve got some business to take care of because me and the Sarge we’re going through every and anybody standing in our way because at Fall of Ages I fully intend to give Greg Gagne the match of his life and walk out the new AWA Television Champion.”


Slaughter: “Attenhut! You know Chief listening to you talk about Harley Race made me think of something. He’s a true legend of the sport. A man who’s been to the top of the mountain, seen it all and came back down the other side. But he’s clinging to that rockface like grim death. He’s got the icepick in there and is afraid to let go. That’s because he knows that he’s all washed up and washed out and that reminds of Stan Hansen and Dick Murdoch. They haven’t come back to the United States to prove that they’re the best in the world, they’ve come back because they’ve been found out as being too old and past it to cut it in Japan anymore but it won’t take us as long to figure out that you boys can’t cut it with the likes of us.


“Snuka, Blackwell, I’ve no problem with either of you fellas but if you get in my way I will have no hesitiation in knocking you down because I want to get my hands on that puke Zbysko. That lousy maggot has been getting things all his own way for too long. At Fall of Ages – Larry Zbysko, Sgt Slaughter will make sure that it is you who falls.”



We’re taken to a staged interview area to the right of the entrance ramp where Lee Marshall is standing with Nikita Koloff.


Marshall: “Nikita Kolff, last week here on All Star Wrestling we saw a vicious and unprovoked attack on a man that considered himself to be your friend – Brad Rheingans. Why on Earth would you do something like that?”


Nikita Koloff: “Is amusing. Since day I travel from Russia to America I work hard to prove that Russian Bear Nikita Koloff is number one! Still I not get respect from Amerikkaner peoples. They see with their eyes that I am greatest. They see that I am the powerfulest. And still they see that I do not get the respect and privellage of so called Olympic heroes.


“All world knows Russia is number one Olympic country in world. All world knows that Brad Reinghans is Olympic loser. No medal for him so why should he now have gold? I show world the coward that is American Olympicer and I show the strength of Russian Bear and warn once more of power of Russian Sickle. Is that not right, Uncle Ivan?”


Lee Marshall looks shocked as Ivan Koloff steps out from behind the entrance curtain, and marches over to him and Nikita.



Ivan Koloff: “That’s right my boy!” He slaps Nikita on the back and scowls directly into camera. “The propaganda of Brad Rheingans and Ken Patera as Olympic Hero is nothing but American capitalist lies. I tell Nikita this, I tell him to trust his Uncle Ivan for I am only one never to lie to him since he come to America. I warn him to stay away from bad peoples who will twist and manipulate his mind. He sees now I think what I try to teach for all these years - Uncle Ivan and Soviet Might are what must be remembered when working in hostile places such as this.


“People like Brad Rheingans and Ken Patera are role models to the young here but it is not a deserving place they hold. Instead the childrens should see the power and the strength of working in unity like The Koloff family – we should be their role models and we will be when we take from them their Tag Team titles – if they are but men to face with us!”


The boos, which had been steadily building throughout Ivan Koloff’s part of the interview continue to ring out as The Koloffs make their way to the back. Leaving a shellshocked Lee Marshall to hand back to Eric Bischoff and Les Thatcher.


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We’re whisked straight back to the ring where DJ Peterson & The Trooper are waiting. Eric Bischoff and Les Thatcher have barely had an opportunity to discuss Ivan Koloff’s shock return and its implications before The Outriders have reached the ring and the bell sounds to kick off the action.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Outriders defeated D.J. Peterson and The Trooper in 5:55 when Terry Gordy defeated D.J. Peterson by pinfall with a Powerslam. Unlike their last match, however, when D.J. Peterson had been at fault for not tapping in when he should've the fault this time lay directly at the feet of The Trooper who 'fell' off the apron when Gordy had whipped D.J. too close to him. The Trooper never seemed to be looking for the tag in against these monsters. Also unlike last week, nothing was made of this mistake with D.J. taking the defeat in good graces.


Match Rating: E+



In another pre-taped interview we’re treated to the thoughts of Stan Hansen and Dick Murdoch.


Murdoch: “Last week I told the world that I was looking to make an example of the biggest man in the AWA that I can find and what do I get given to me on a silver platter for my very first match here? A 500lb monster by the name of Jerry Blackwell! Perfect, that’s right up my street boy! I’m going to wedge so far up his...”


Hansen: “I think we get the picture Dick! Some folks watching won’t have had their dinners yet”


Murdoch: “Unlike Blackwell... he’s had plenty of other people’s dinners”


The two chortle at their own jokes.


Hansen: “Speaking of fat useless piles of crap, I hear that Sgt. Slaughter thinks he’s going on to face Zbysko at Fall of Ages. Uh-uh. Guess again boy because I can tell you straight that barring a miracle or some cruel act of fate, Stan ‘The Man’ Hansen will be walking out of Fall of Ages as the Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion.


Non Title Match:


Back to the ring now for a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, in which Greg Gagne defeated Kokina Maximus in 7:42 by pinfall.

Despite a hefty size advantage in favour of Kokina Maximus, the Samoan was unable to capatilise on what would've been a large feather in his cap and would certainly have put him on a strong footing to demand a TV title re-match. As it stood though, Gagne turned Maximus' size against him by following through on a bounce from the ropes into a schoolboy roll-up.


Match Rating: D+



A puffed out Greg Gagne wishes good luck to Dick Murdoch, Jerry Blackwell and Wahoo McDaniel and is sure that no matter who wins, we're set for a great match at Fall of Ages.


As the ring is cleared in preparation for the main event, Les Thatcher points out to Marshall and Bischoff a familiar face in the crowd, close to ringside - it's Ricky 'The Draon' Steamboat!



Les gives a quick run down of Steamboat's achievements and goes to great pains to remind everyone that he was originally an AWA superstar, having been trained and brought through the ranks by Verne Gagne himself!


With the Dragon watching on the three teams come down to the ring in their respective pairs, ready for the big match-up which will help shape the two major singles title matches at the upcoming Fall of Ages.


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<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=wahoomcdaniel.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/wahoomcdaniel.jpg" border="0" alt="Wahoo McDaniel"></a> & <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=sgtslaughter.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/sgtslaughter.jpg" border="0" alt="Sgt Slaughter"></a>


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In a match that had some good action and average heat, the early favourites Stan Hansen and Dick Murdoch dominated proceedings to begin with - Hansen coming closest to an early pin when he connected with a lariat clothesline to Jimmy Snuka which left the Superfly reeling, only a last minute diving save from Wahoo McDaniel kept the bout alive. After that both babyface teams joined forces to some extent to neutralise The Outlaws things only coming apart when Blackwell went for a pinfall on Wahoo McDaniel in 14 minutes. After that it was every team for himself and the bodies were soon piling up. In 17 minutes Stan Hansen drilled Jerry Blackwell with the heel of Dick Murdoch's cowboy boot, which Dick had removed moments earlier and knocked the Superly out of the ring.


Before Hansen could drop on the fallen giant, however, another giant of a man rushed from the back



Caught between a natural instinct to protect his back and to steal the win while he still could, Hansen almost froze on the spot with indecision. At the same time, Slaughter drilled Murdoch with a DDT in the opposite corner and by the time the Baron had reached the ring and hauled Hansen to the outside, Slaughter had dived on to the body of Blackwell to claim the 1-2-3 in 17:58 and the title shots for himself and McDaniel at Fall of Ages!


Slaughter and McDaniel have their arms raised in victory and head off to the back


Match Rating: C


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After the match, all hell breaks loose with Hansen and Von Rashcke brawling around the ringside area along with Dick Murdoch and Jerry Blackwell. The Outriders run down to assist their stable mates but Jimmy Snuka interjects on behalf of his friend Blackwell. The Outriders double team the Superfly before Ricky Steamboat leaps the guardrail and bails out the swamped Snuka, fighting both men off admirably. The screen fades to black as the now familiar scene of a locker room full of wrestlers and road agents descend on the squared circle.


Tune into next week's All Star Wrestling to see the fallout from another eventful show!

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Thanks for all of your comments and predictions guys, please keep them coming!


One perfect scores in terms of the in-ring action this week which puts angeldelayette at the top of the tree as I seemed to have wrong-footed most of you with Slaughter & Wahoo getting the big win!


Those bonus points for anyone who's not sure - The Texan in USWA was Steve Austin & the debut Verne would've been pleased with was Ricky Steamboat.


Prediction Table


1 angeldelayette - 10pts

2 Theheel - 9 pts

=3 BHK1978 - 8pts

=3 Olympia - 8pts

5 Nick21985 - 5pts

=6 MartinC - 4pts

=6 Destiny - 4pts

=6 judgejuryexecutioner - 4pts

9 Oldschool - 3pts


Thanks for taking part, I'll be running the prediction table in three monthly cycles and will restart from scratch at the beginning of January.

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September, Week 4 preview


As expected we had a little bit of a drop off in terms of our match ratings but that was to be expected as we started putting guys with little momentum into matches. It was set to be a slow process but if done right, I knew we had assembled a team with the talent to go all the way. Unfortunately, that team was at risk of being broken up almost immediately. New Japan Pro Wrestling had issued a press statement the week before confirming that they were looking to sign up some free talent to bolster their roster and unfortunately one of my workers was on his way to NJPW on a permanent basis under a written contract. It was something that I couldn’t compete with at this stage and I held no ill will against the boy. Having said that I would ensure that he’d go out the right way and would do the job to someone else on his last show.


In slightly happier news I was pleased to learn that Derrick Dukes had been taken under the wing of Ricky Steamboat as a protégé. Ricky’s signing had been a big coup for us and I wasn’t at all convinced that we’d be able to keep him long but I knew that working the right programmes with the right people, we could get the use from him before he would be moving on.


The Fall of Ages card was starting to take shape with some logical feuds dictating that none of the matches on the card would be completely meaningless... in theory!


Quick Picks

Heels listed first

The Hooligans (Steven Regal & Dave Finlay) vs Jimmy Snuka & Ricky Steamboat

Yukon John vs Buck Zumhofe

Stan Hansen vs Jerry Lynn

Ivan Koloff vs Brad Rheingans

Harley Race vs Jerry Blackwell

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The Hooligans (Steven Regal & Dave Finlay) vs Jimmy Snuka & Ricky Steamboat

Regal and Finlay are doing the job for now.

Yukon John vs Buck Zumhofe

I'm not too sure here, but I think Buck is going to pick up the win.

Stan Hansen vs Jerry Lynn

Rebound after losing to Slaughter and Wahoo.

Ivan Koloff vs Brad Rheingans

Strong win for Uncle Ivan, to make the eventual Rheingans victory that much sweeter.

Harley Race vs Jerry Blackwell

Since it looks like Harley is going to take on Wahoo McDaniels, he needs some momentum.


Great job with the Koloffs. Man, now I want to watch some old school AWA...

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Another really good show. Just one problem, Derrick Dukes was black. I've attached a pic (without the correct background, but someone with some talent should be able to swap that in pretty easily). Looking forward to seeing how this diary keeps moving forward!


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The Hooligans (Steven Regal & Dave Finlay) vs Jimmy Snuka & Ricky Steamboat

Ricky and Jimmy are just too big of stars at this point in their careers to lose to a couple of no-names in Regal & Finlay... But The Hooligans working with these guys canonly help their careers


Yukon John vs Buck Zumhofe

too much size for Buck


Stan Hansen vs Jerry Lynn

220lbs of speed and quickness or 300lbs of mean & nasty... Easy call


Ivan Koloff vs Brad Rheingans

and I'm going to go by DQ as Nikita interjects and the Koloff's beat the crap out of the american amateur star


Harley Race vs Jerry Blackwell

Race is getting up there in years, but Blackwell is also slowing down...So go with one of the greatest of all-time


great show... who would ever have thought that the future stone cold would be beat by Jake the milkman..LOL... Austin was the only one I came up with (just forgot to go back and re-enter picks) and a great call with Steamboat (totally forgot about him being trained by Verne) and I was about to mention that about Derrick Dukes, until ajcrible beat me to it

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Nice start I really loving these 1989 diaries partly bacause I actually know very little from this time so it´s like a history lesson to me:).


The Hooligans (Steven Regal & Dave Finlay) vs Jimmy Snuka & Ricky Steamboat

Yukon John vs Buck Zumhofe

Stan Hansen vs Jerry Lynn

Ivan Koloff vs Brad Rheingans

Harley Race vs Jerry Blackwell

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So many great things happened on this card, to bad Vern didn't actually put on shows like this in real life. Maybe if he did he would have stayed in business.


Sadly I doubt it. The only guys that Verne had at that time were either direct relatives (Greg & Larry) or people that Vince had no interest in at that time (or in Greg's case at least - probably both). If Verne had upped his game and started bringing in the right guys (which is dubious when you consider the number of feuds he was in with other promoters and the loyalties that would be being brought into question), Vince would've plucked them at the most opportune moment. He did that with Slaughter during the horrendous Team Challenge series after all so who knows what he'd have done had it been a success...


I like the fact that Uncle Ivan is here! Great writing on the Koloff's interview, you did a great job of writing how they spoke.


Thanks! Spent a long time working on that interview - great fun though, the subtleties in character between the honest if dangerous Nikita and his more conniving uncle are good to work with and when I'm writing for them I can hear their thick accents as I type. Great acting from two fantastic workers. I'm a big fan of the Koloffs so expect them to get more interview time and plenty of AWA exposure!


Also Ricky and Steve are great additions to your roster.


One question, I know when he was in the AWA DDP was just a manager. However, will we see your version of DDP enter the ring?


Both are great workers, obviously at different levels at this point in their careers, but happy to have them both. As I say in my preview for week 4, I don't expect to be able to keep Steamboat for long but I'll be using him to get the best out of my keepers. Regal is the perfect undercard guy to put on great matches and get the best out of average workers ahead of him in the pecking order... for now!


At the moment, I'm keeping DDP out of the ring - in-game he's not keen on any in-ring roles but I'm going to get him involved in a Bobby Heenan style occassional wrestling role... might not use the Weasal suit though!


I have no idea who Yukon John is so I will go with Buck.

Yukon John was an alter ego for John 'The Bezerker' Nord and he's Scott Norton's tag team partner in The Lumberjacks.


Great job with the Koloffs. Man, now I want to watch some old school AWA...


Thanks man, as I said above I'm a big fan of the Koloffs and I think it shows in the writing. You can't beat the old AWA even in the mid-80s when Vince started to swallow up the territories, they were still putting on great shows and bringing through future stars like Curt Hennig and Scott Hall along with established superworkers like Nick Bockwinkle and the boss himself, Verne Gagne. Sad the way it wound up for them. :(


Another really good show. Just one problem, Derrick Dukes was black. I've attached a pic (without the correct background, but someone with some talent should be able to swap that in pretty easily). Looking forward to seeing how this diary keeps moving forward!


LMFAO! Yes, that is a slight error on my part!!! 50/50 shot I suppose... I'll try and get that sorted ASAP... thanks for the pic!


great show... who would ever have thought that the future stone cold would be beat by Jake the milkman..LOL... Austin was the only one I came up with (just forgot to go back and re-enter picks) and a great call with Steamboat (totally forgot about him being trained by Verne) and I was about to mention that about Derrick Dukes, until ajcrible beat me to it


A real insider joke for my own benefit with that particular piece of booking - with the stats he has and the benefit of known history, it's clear that Austin is going to be a star so booking him to lose to the poorest guy on my roster in his first dark match was as much for my own amusement (so that I can write about it in future diaries in a "I can't believe I booked that!" style as it was about getting him on the shows - the only way is up for the Stevester. Steve-a-Mania might not be about to run wild yet but he's got a better shot at it than the Milkman... Unless I decide to finally book that Turkey on a pole match...


I thought that Steamboat would outfox most of you but there were a few interesting answers put forward that might yet come to pass as the roster freshens over the next few months.

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I enjoy being at the top, though I'm not sure how long I will be there! lol. By the by, Nikita was the Russian Nightmare and Ivan was the Russian Bear. Nikita got his nickname in the NWA by going against the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. Nikita is actually a really nice guy in person. I met him recently at a meeting where he was talking about his faith.


The Hooligans (Steven Regal & Dave Finlay) vs Jimmy Snuka & Ricky Steamboat

Snuka and Steamboat are a pretty good teaming. They are just too much for Regal and Finlay.


Yukon John vs Buck Zumhofe

Rock and Roll!


Stan Hansen vs Jerry Lynn

The Lariat with a lariat!


Ivan Koloff vs Brad Rheingans

I want to pick the Russian Bear so we can have Sickles All Around, but I have to agree that Nikita probably gets involved and causes the DQ.


Harley Race vs Jerry Blackwell

Harley is more of a legend than Blackwell

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Are you going to write Jerry Blackwell's awsome non-PC promos?:D


I wasn't going to unless I couldn't avoid it but I might give it a stab... he's got lousy mic skills - surprisingly enough... I'll play this one by ear and see how it looks before I try and pull it off!


Nice start I really loving these 1989 diaries partly bacause I actually know very little from this time so it´s like a history lesson to me.


A great year for wrestling, youtube is your friend! Start hitting up the NWA in 1989 for some classic Flair/Steamboat and Flair/Funk action. As good as some of the write-ups from my friends and contemporaries on these diaries are (and some of them are very, very good) they only really come alive when you've felt the drama and excitement of watching proper classics like those that I've mentioned. Two of the greatest feuds ever - back to back and transitioning into one another, they don't write them like that anymore!

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I enjoy being at the top, though I'm not sure how long I will be there! lol. By the by, Nikita was the Russian Nightmare and Ivan was the Russian Bear. Nikita got his nickname in the NWA by going against the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. Nikita is actually a really nice guy in person. I met him recently at a meeting where he was talking about his faith.


Yes! Another fine example of my poor proof-reading! I re-wrote the structure of the interview and cut and paste sections into others. Ah well! Nikita and Ivan are both wrestling heroes of mine - total character actors - method men to make DeNiro proud! To hear them talk without the accents is so jarring and odd!

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You have had a really good creative start. I never did like the fact that they (Crockett and company) turned Nikita into the American Dream sidekick after Magnum TA went down tragically in that car accident. Always loved Ivan, actually reading his book right now. Looking for you to get that one word Nikita always said although I have no idea how to spell it......Chitohwita (know what I mean?)


Onto the picks


The Hooligans (Steven Regal & Dave Finlay) vs Jimmy Snuka & Ricky Steamboat Can't see this one going any other way. Regal (who for some reason I thought was the other Steve Regal Mr. Electricity. Good pairing but you got to get the mileage out of Steamboat while you can.


Yukon John vs Buck Zumhofe

Hmm tough choice for me here....going with Buck to get destroyed and R&R Xpress to save his sorry ass. Buck by DQ


Stan Hansen vs Jerry Lynn

Love JL, but the Lariat's gonna kill you


Ivan Koloff vs Brad Rheingans by DQ


Well I believe that Patera is sidelined for awhile unless he is going to do a Willis Reed impersonation. So with that, I look for another DQ because of a double team by Nikita


Harley Race vs Jerry Blackwell

Before there was Ric Flair, Harley Race was the multiple time champion. Going with Handsome Harley (seriously lol) as he would be in the upper mid card, although he is getting pretty old at this point, but JB is no spring chicken either and really isn't a great singles guy to push.

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Monday, September 1989, Week 4

Live from the Black River Coliseum in Poplar Bluff, Missouri (Mid West)

With a Television audience of 1.01 and in front of a sell out 5,000 fans in attendance





The fans in attendance in the arena are treated to The Trooper taking on Jake Milliman in a singles match. The Trooper managed to put his poor run of form in the tag team ranks behind him with a fine win in an average match with Jake Milliman in 8.07 following a top rope elbow.


Match Rating: D


A video plays of Sgt Slaughter in his boot camp training hard for his upcoming World title match at Fall of Ages with Larry Zbysko


The Show


<a href="

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We’re straight to ringside where Dave Finlay and Steven Regal are in the ring awaiting their opponents Jimmy ‘Superfly’ Snuka and the AWA’s latest signing - Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat. All this is the first time that both teams have tagged together, both showed great natural chemistry and all four men put on a very good technical match that the crowd found themselves getting behind, despite there being little doubt in the result. It was to be Dave Finlay in the end who succumbed to the Diving Crossbody of Ricky Steamboat in 6.53.


Match Rating: D



Marshall: “An excellent win for you there gentlemen, are we to understand that this is to be the beginning of a regular team here in the AWA?”


Snuka: “You know Lee, there’s an old saying brother that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush and me and Ricky, we’re a couple of old birds.”


With a slight look of confusion at Snuka, Steamboat takes over: “You know Jimmy’s absolutely right Lee, I’ve been around the wrestling rings of this great country and all over the world for quite a bit of time but you know something... it sure feels good to be home!


“I’ll never forget that the AWA was the place where I got my first shot – where I learnt to run the ropes and when I first felt the hunger of success that this business gives you. It’s a hunger that burns strongly within me still, it burns within both of us and I know better than most that if you want to be the best, you’ve got to beat the best. Well, I’ve beaten the best and now I’ve come back to the AWA to be the man and it’s like an old foe of mine used to say: If you want to be the man then you’ve...”


A burst of music blares out of the PA system, drowning out the end of Ricky’s sentence as Stan Hansen and The Outlaws step out into the arena.


<a href="

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Stan Hansen: “Yeah, hooray, boo, whatever...” Hansen surveys the crowd dismissively before turning his attention back towards Snuka and Steamboat.


“I’m sorry Ricky? You were just trying to get some cheap applause by ripping off someone else’s hard work? Guess you’ve come back to the right place... Verne Gagne has been doing that for years...”


More booing from the crowd although Hansen’s attention is distracted by a nervous looking Finlay and Regal whose trip back to the locker room has been interrupted by The Outlaws sudden appearance.


Hansen: “And where do you think you two are going?! I suggest you turn your scrawny little asses around and find another way, now clear out!”


Gordy and Callous flex their muscle as Regal and Finlay timidly look at each other and with a silent agreement, hop over the barrier and run through the crowd to the back.


Hansen: “Now as I was saying...”



Steamboat: “No, as I was saying! Jimmy and I are here to entertain all of the wonderful fans in the AWA and whether it is against arrogant jerks like you or your moronic buddies then the result will be the same The Superfly and The Dragon will be victorious!”



The crowd roar in approval while a furious looking Hansen is restrained by Gordy and Callous. Dick Murdoch places a hand on Hansen’s shoulder and whispers in his ear, calming the stable leader down. Murdoch takes the mic and responds: “That’s very moving Ricky. Lovely story. Not quite the whole truth though is it?”


The camera pans back to a perplexed Steamboat and back to Murdoch.


Murdoch: “See the thing is Ricky. I got Baba’s number on speed-dial, Stan’s getting calls every other day from Inoki and you know what?” Murdoch pauses with a humourless laugh... “Your name never seems to come up!”

“Now why do you think that would be Dragon? Could it be that you’re just not that good?”



Snuka takes the mic from Steamboat and answers Murdoch: “That’s no way to speak about a wrestling icon like Ricky Steamboat! You should show some respect!”



Murdoch: “Respect?! You wanna start jawing with me about respect Snuka? You’ve been living off throwing yourself from a cage at the Garden six years ago! What have you done apart from that Jimbo? Been hit with a coconut? Big. Deal.”



Hansen takes the mic back: “You see Dragonfly, this is the point. You two are trading on past glories just like Verne and all the members of the Old Timers Club that he’s set himself up here. People like Jerry Blackwell and Baron Von Raschke – they want to get in our faces, the past, present and future of wrestling... and so you Ricky Steamboat thought you’d do the same. Just turn up around here and put yourself in somebody else’s business? This is our backyard now! The AWA belongs to us, or will soon enough – so you’ve got two choices. Run or fight. Run and you’ll live. Fight and you might not but if you want a fight my boys, The Outriders would be happy to help ain’t that right, Terry?”



Gordy grabs the mic: “You two! Fall of Ages!!” Against Us!” Snuka and Steamboat share a quick word while Gordy continues, “Me and Mark will rip you limb from limb and once we’re done for you it’ll be...”



Steamboat interrupts: “Look, Terry we’ve already heard it – we’ll fight alright just please... shut up!”


The crowd roars in approval at both the match and Steamboat’s instruction. Gordy looks furious but curiously does what he’s told.



Hansen smirks before taking back the mic from Gordy: “Spoken like a man Ricky, never thought you had it inside you... still we’ll all get to see what’s inside you on Wednesday night when it’s spilled all over that ring. Have a good night boys.”


The Outlaws turn and stride out the way they came in, leaving a determined looking Snuka and Steamboat in their wake.



Larry Zbysko arrives at the arena and refuses to talk to Stanley Blackburn – the announcers put over the contract signing for Wednesday’s main event which will take place later on tonight in the ring.



The ring has been cleared and we’re ready for our next match as Yukon John and his manager Ox Baker head to the ring. The crowd rise to their feet as the boombox signals Buck Zumhofe’s entrance. As the match begins, we’re reminded of last week’s attack of Zumhofe by Yukon John’s tag team partner, Scott Norton. The pair lock up and Yukon takes the early advantage, making the difference in size count to his advantage. A surprisingly even match which was well received by the crowd, Zumhofe used his speed to his advantage to always stay one step ahead of his larger foe.



Towards the climax of the bout, Scott Norton, wearing a set of brass knuckles, ran to ringside and swung a punch at Rock ‘n’ Roll. Zumhofe, showing great ring presence, performed a baseball slide to the outside under Norton’s legs while Yukon was struck by the follow through from his team mate. Zumhofe grabbed Norton’s leg and pulled him to the floor, connecting with a neckbreaker as he did so. While Ox Baker checked on Norton, Zumhofe ducked back into the ring and hooked Yukon John’s leg for victory in 14:02.



<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=ScottNorton2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/ScottNorton2.jpg" border="0" alt="Scott Norton"></a><a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=oxbaker.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/oxbaker.jpg" border="0" alt="Ox Baker"></a>

<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=buckzumhofe.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/buckzumhofe.jpg" border="0" alt="Buck Zumhofe"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=rickymorton.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/rickymorton.jpg" border="0" alt="Ricky Morton"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=robertgibson2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/robertgibson2.jpg" border="0" alt="Robert Gibson"></a>


Re-grouping quickly, Norton and Baker are back in the ring and have cut off Zumhofe’s escape route. The pair close in on Buck when a series of cheers from the crowd signal the entry of the cavalry – The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express! Morton and Gibson quickly clamber the turnbuckles and perform their signature double dropkick on a stunned Norton. The three faces then turn towards a furious Ox Baker who backs off screaming at the top of his voice: “THIS ISN’T OVER!” and jabbing his finger at the three. Zumhofe, Morton & Gibson celebrate for the fans as Norton and Yukon John discreetly remove themselves from the fray.



We cut to Stanley Blackburn’s office where the Baron is putting forward his case, while Boni Blackstone works in the background:

“I demand justice for myself and the peoples! Stan Hansen cost me the World title in the shot with Larry Zbysko and we need retribution!”


Blackburn: “Baron, I understand where you are coming from and I sympathise, however, the fact remains that Larry Zbysko beat you in the ring with no outside interference – Sgt Slaughter is rightfully the number one contender and there’s nothing I can do to insert you into the main event.”


Von Raschke: “You listens to me Blackburn! I demand my justice, through not faults of my own I have not got my rightful chances against Larry Zbysko!”


Blackstone: “Excuse me, Mr Blackburn. I’ve had an idea if I may?”


With a pleasant smile Blackburn indulges her: “Of course, Boni I’m always happy to hear your thoughts – you are my right hand woman after all”


Boni looks a little creeped out but continues: “I know that we can’t give the Baron a place in the Fall of Ages main event, and it’s not fair on the other wrestlers for him to get an automatic number one contenders slot... but we could give him the opportunity to earn his rematch... and get some form of direct payback?”


Boni’s delicate voice seems to have calmed Baron Von Raschke a little: “Vhat did you have in mind Miss?”


Blackstone continues with a nervous gulp: “Well. It seems to me that part of your problem is with The Outlaws and in particular Stan Hansen, why don’t we put the two of you into a match AND...” she raises her voice as the Baron goes to object... “...AND, to make sure there’s no interference... we settle the score in a cage match!”


Blackburn looks impressed: “That’s another very good idea Ms Blackstone! What do you think Baron?


Von Raschke breaks into a great smile and waggles his finger at Blackstone: “I’ll see you on Wednesday!”


With a satisfied clap of his hand and a nod of his head, Baron Von Raschke heads out of the office and we cut back to the ring.



Stan Hansen is in the ring and clearly has no idea as to what has just taken place between Baron Von Raschke and Stanley Blackburn. Hansen’s opponent, Jerry Lynn enters to little fanfare and during his introduction the announce team inform the audience at home that this will be the youngster’s last match with the AWA as he has signed a contract with New Japan Pro Wrestling. The inference from the announcers is that this is all The Outlaws fault with their talk of the bigger world of wrestling. The match itself, although received well by the crowd and executed efficiently by both Hansen and Lynn, is a one sided affair with the much bigger Stan Hansen dominating proceedings from beginning to end.


The match ended with a brutal looking Lariat from Hansen on Mr J.L. which threatened to take the young man’s head from his shoulders in 9.47.


Match Rating: C



After the match Hansen gets on the microphone and gives Jerry Lynn a send-off for the audience:


Hansen: “For those of you who don’t know. This is young Mr Lynn’s last night in the AWA. He has seen the light and is getting out of this two bit promotion to earn his fortune in the real home of wrestling – Japan. Ain’t that right boy?!”


A still dazed Lynn looks nervous as the crowd begin to turn on him by association.


Hansen: “Forget those idiots, I, for one, want to wish you good luck, so give me a shake of that paw!”


Hansen holds out his hand for a shake which after some trepidation Lynn grasps in return. With sudden, cat like reflexes, Hansen pulls the youngster towards him and connects with another short-line lariat which leaves Lynn down on the mat.


“I’ll see you down the road, kid.”


With a sadistic laugh, Hansen soaks up the boos of the crowd and makes his way to the back. As he reaches the curtain, Mark Callous steps out and says something inaudible in his ear. Hansen looks furious and heads to the back. We can only assume that he’s been let in on his match for Fall of Ages!



Greg Gagne appears in a short video to warn kids not to use drugs.



To the ring again and we’re in time to see AWA Tag Team Champion Brad Rheingans step into the ring. With a cacophony of boos accompanying them, Ivan and Nikita Koloff confidently stride to the ring, Nikita carrying the flag of the Soviet Union high above the pair. A shower of garbage is thrown at the pair who remonstrate with spectators in the aisle. Rheinigans watches on impassively, focussed solely on his upcoming match with former WWWF Champion Ivan Koloff.


A good match with a great crowd, the styles of the elder Koloff and Rheingans meshed well and it added to the drama of a highly tense bout. Time and again, Rheingans seemed to have the upper hand only for Nikita to make his presence at ringside felt. In 22 minutes, Rheingans countered an armbar into a cross face chicken armlock, slap bang in the middle of the ring. With Tommy Young coming in closer to hear if Ivan would submit, Koloff dropped to his knees and propelled Rheingans straight into the referee, knocking him to the ground. With the referee out of commission, this was all the cue that Nikita needed and he quickly came up behind the former Olympian, waffling him with vicious shots before catching with a Russian Bomb bicycle kick to the back of the head.



Sliding back out of the ring and attempting to waken Tommy Young, Nikita was distracted from the roar of the crowd and did not see Ken Patera run to ringside.


Throwing himself at the big Russian, Patera speared Nikita against the side of the ring and shot into the ring, with another running tackle he had taken down Ivan Koloff, fighting him off the two were trading lefts and rights in the middle of the ring with the crowd roar getting louder and louder with each punch when Patera ducked under a wayward right from Ivan and put the Russian in one of his trademark bearhugs.


Tommy Young, seeing the carnage around him calls for the bell and the match is awarded to Ivan Koloff by disqualification in 24:00.


The crowd boo the decision as the battered Russians head out of the ring, their eyes firmly on The Olympians.


Match Rating: B-


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Patera grabs a microphone and shouts after the pair: “You want us at Fall of Ages? You got us!” The Olympians high five as the Russians scowl back at them. The Announce Team are all stunned at the unexpected return of Ken Patera who they understood wasn't due back for at least another four weeks!



Sgt Slaughter is shown walking into his dressing room backstage – the announcers again hype the big confrontation with Larry Zbysko.



We’re back in the ring now for our next match as 7-time World Champion Harley Race marks his official comeback in a match against the AWA veteran Jerry Blackwell. Showing a little ring rust, Harley allows himself to be caught by Blackwell early on but the wily veteran uses every trick in his locker to turn the tide against the Man Mountain from Stone Mountain, the finish came in 11:01 when Blackwell stumbled out of the ring following a thumb to the eye from Harley and failed to get back into the ring on time, the majority of which was spent on the ground.



After the bell has rung, it becomes clear why Jerry couldn’t get back to his feet, he was being pulled from under the ring by Dick Murdoch! Murdoch and Blackwell brawl to the back leaving a vaguely amused Harley Race standing tall in the ring!


Match Rating: C+


Harley calls for a mic and is handed one immediately:


Race: “I won’t keep you, I know you’ve all got better things to do than listen to broken down old veterans like me so I’ll get straight to the point: Wahoo McDaniel – good luck in your TV title match against my Greg Gagne on Wednesday, I’ve got a funny feeling you might need it...”


With an enigmatic smile, Race hands the microphone back and makes his way to the locker room. The announcers speculate as to what Race could be talking about while the ring is set up for our next and final segment.



While this is going on, the road crew have set-up a table in the ring with an old fashioned fountain pen and inkwell in preparation for the contract signing between Larry Zbysko and Sgt Slaughter. AWA President Stanley Blackburn and his secretary Boni Blackstone are in the ring already.


The two foes enter separately and stand nose to nose, trash talking. Zbysko has clearly made an effort wearing a formal suit while the Sarge has opted for his usual fatigues.


Boni Blackstone: “Gentlemen, the time for talking is over. Now, as we prepare for Fall of Ages, all that remains is for the contract to be signed and we can begin in earnest the countdown to the match of the year.”


Both men nod curtly and Zbysko steps behind the desk, signs his name and hands the pen to Slaughter. The Sarge copies Zybysko’s actions and pushes the pen back at Zbysko. Stanley Blackburn stands between the two men, in an attempt to keep the peace


Blackstone: “Excellent, ladies and gentlemen I am proud to officially announce...” while Boni is talking, Zbysko is fiddling with the pen “that the main event of the AWA pay per view...” Zbysko pulls the top off of the pen and without warning hurls it at Slaughter, Ink seems to shoot from the end and covers Slaughter’s face. The drill instructor goes crazy and makes a grab for Larry, or at least where he had last saw him, unfortunately Zbysko had ducked behind Stanley Blackburn and pushed the AWA President towards Slaughter. Mistaking him in the heat of the moment for Zbysko, Sgt Slaughter raises Stanley Blackburn over his head and smashes him through the table!


The crowd fall into a stunned silence as Zbysko takes off. Slaughter realises what he’s done and drops to his knees to check on Blackburn. Boni Blackstone screams for help from the back and the show goes off air with a med crew coming to ringside to take Stanley Blackburn to the back.


Overall Show Rating: C+

Some of the angles did not match the in-ring quality.

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Thanks for all of your comments and predictions guys, please keep them coming!


Top marks this time go to two new entrants in the prediction game – congratulations to Zergon and Stryfe! Angeldelayette maintains that one point lead but it’s still pretty tight at the top and the Fall of Ages card could change all of that!


1. Angeldelayette – 14pts

2. Theheel – 13pts

3. BHK1978 – 12pts

4. Olympia – 8pts

5. MartinC – 7pts

6. Oldschool – 6pts

=7 Nick21985 – 5pts

=7 Stryfe – 5pts

=7 Zergon – 5pts

=10 Destiny – 4pts

=10 judgejuryexecutioner – 4pts


Thanks for taking part, I'll be running the prediction table in three monthly cycles and will restart from scratch at the beginning of January. Next Regular company update entry (for October, Week 1) will be be posted after the PPV.


Quick Picks: Fall of Ages PPV

Heels Listed First


AWA Tag Team Championship: The Koloffs v The Olympians ©

Dick Murdoch v Jerry Blackwell

AWA Television Championship: Wahoo McDaniel v Greg Gagne ©

The Outriders v Ricky Steamboat & Jimmy Snuka

Steel Cage Match: Stan Hansen v Baron Von Raschke

AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Larry Zbysko © v Sgt. Slaughter

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AWA Tag Team Championship: The Koloffs v The Olympians ©

Dick Murdoch v Jerry Blackwell

AWA Television Championship: Wahoo McDaniel v Greg Gagne ©

The Outriders v Ricky Steamboat & Jimmy Snuka

Steel Cage Match: Stan Hansen v Baron Von Raschke

AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Larry Zbysko © v Sgt. Slaughter

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Great show, my friend! Really enjoying these Outlaw bits. One thing though that I found out the hard way: the red color on the quote background doesn't really work very well.


AWA Tag Team Championship: The Koloffs v The Olympians ©

New AWA Tag Team Champions as Rheingans heads to Japan. Sickles All Around!


Dick Murdoch v Jerry Blackwell

Blackwell? Sorry 'bout your damn luck!


AWA Television Championship: Wahoo McDaniel v Greg Gagne ©

Wahoo by DQ or Countout so that Verne's kid keeps the belt.


The Outriders v Ricky Steamboat & Jimmy Snuka

The most difficult match to predict. Steamboat and Snuka get a DQ win.


Steel Cage Match: Stan Hansen v Baron Von Raschke

Stan The Lariat nearly decapitates Raschke on his way to victory.


AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Larry Zbysko © v Sgt. Slaughter

Slaughter wins the belt and moves on to a big feud with Hansen.

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AWA Tag Team Championship: The Koloffs v The Olympians ©

I´m going to play that too early for this diary to change champions card here.


Dick Murdoch v Jerry Blackwell

Well Hansen´s group needs to win at least one match, right?


AWA Television Championship: Wahoo McDaniel v Greg Gagne ©

And champ retain


The Outriders v Ricky Steamboat & Jimmy Snuka

Outriders might be big future names but right now they are least important members on their stable.


Steel Cage Match: Stan Hansen v Baron Von Raschke

Since the champ is heel I go with Baron winning here and earning a title shot on the progress


AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Larry Zbysko © v Sgt. Slaughter

And champ still retains

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AWA Tag Team Championship: The Koloffs v The Olympians ©

USSR! USSR! Builds tension, ya know.

Dick Murdoch v Jerry Blackwell

It's a gamble, but I'm going to take it.

AWA Television Championship: Wahoo McDaniel v Greg Gagne ©

I really don't see Wahoo winning here.

The Outriders v Ricky Steamboat & Jimmy Snuka

Gotta give the heels the first win, though tainted.

Steel Cage Match: Stan Hansen v Baron Von Raschke

Stan Hansen wins, building momentum for....

AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Larry Zbysko © v Sgt. Slaughter

His match with new champ Sgt. Slaughter! Long shot maybe, but I can't predict against the Sarge, even against Zbysko.

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AWA Tag Team Championship: The Koloffs v The Olympians ©


Dick Murdoch v Jerry Blackwell


AWA Television Championship: Wahoo McDaniel v Greg Gagne ©


The Outriders v Ricky Steamboat & Jimmy Snuka


Steel Cage Match: Stan Hansen v Baron Von Raschke


AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Larry Zbysko © v Sgt. Slaughter

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Going into this PPV, these are truly some very difficult matches to predict. But I guess I better put it all on the line here so lets see.


AWA Tag Team Championship: The Koloffs v The Olympians ©

Hard match to figure. Patera has been out injured and it is early, but I think this will be the one title change in the works or a screwjob win.


Dick Murdoch v Jerry Blackwell

Tricky Dicky Murdoch all the way.


AWA Television Championship: Wahoo McDaniel v Greg Gagne ©

See another hard one, but I think having a conversation with Vern about his son losing so early might be a hard thing to have to do...for now.


The Outriders v Ricky Steamboat & Jimmy Snuka

My heart is with the heels here (imagine that) but for now I will say Snuka and the Dragon.


Steel Cage Match: Stan Hansen v Baron Von Raschke

Big Bad Man from Borger Texas....that is all the people need to know.


AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Larry Zbysko © v Sgt. Slaughter


Zbysko retains title on dq or countout. I see a 3 way match building for next PPV.


You have really caught my fancy doing this AWA diary with all the names from the past. I would love to see you bring in Playboy Buddy Rose to beat up the Rock and Roll Xpress. I might have to go back and play a DOTT game with AWA now too. There was such potential but they just got old literally.

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AWA Tag Team Championship: The Koloffs v The Olympians ©

Dick Murdoch v Jerry Blackwell

AWA Television Championship: Wahoo McDaniel v Greg Gagne ©

The Outriders v Ricky Steamboat & Jimmy Snuka

Steel Cage Match: Stan Hansen v Baron Von Raschke

AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Larry Zbysko © v Sgt. Slaughter

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Wednesday, September 1989, Week 4

Live from the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri (Mid West)

With a PPV audience of 0.36 and in front of 13,010 fans in attendance







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The first AWA PPV of the new era begins with a sold dark match between the AWA’s newest tag team The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express and the pairing of Jake Milliman and Leif Cassidy. As the result was never really in doubt, the crowd failed to get behind the match in any strong fashion and it was a mixture of relief and tension for the events to come that Ricky Morton pinned Leif Cassidy by pinfall in 7.37 following a Double Dropkick.


Match Rating: D+


The ring is cleared while Eric Bishcoff, Les Thatcher and Lee Marshall make their way to the broadcast position at the side of the ring.


The Show


The broadcast begins and Eric Bischoff, Les Thatcher and Lee Marshall welcome us to AWA Fall of Ages, with a quick rundown of the card spending the majority of their time talking over the World Heavyweight Title match between ‘The Living Legend’ Larry Zbyszko and Sgt. Slaughter.


<a href="

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We’re taken to the ring where the opening bout will pit the defending Tag Team Champions – The Olympians against their Soviet challengers, The Koloffs. Both teams make their entrances with the crowd firmly behind the Americans, Nikita Koloff languidly waves his soviet flag in an enraged Patera’s face who makes a grab for it and is sucker punched by Ivan Koloff! This one is under way and it’s going to be old foes Ivan and Ken Patera to kick things off.


We’re reminded that Patera has come back early from an ACL injury which was expected to have him out for at least another month. The announcers speculate whether this was such a good move from Patera and the Olympians as this is set to be the toughest test of their tag team reign. Despite Ivan’s early attack, neither man is able to take an advantage and what we get instead is an amateur style mix of holds and counter moves performed at a high pace which begins to engage the crowd.


The balance of the match begins to shift when Patera slaps a head scissors on to Koloff but cannot exert enough pressure to hold him due to his weakened leg, this allows Ivan to escape and tag in Nikita. The younger Koloff grabs Patera, who is still struggling to get to his feet by the hair and drills him with a vicious DDT, leaving him flat out. Nikita heads to Rheingans corner and begins to argue with him, encouraging him to enter the ring and face up to him. Brad takes the bait and goes to square off with Nikita but is stopped by referee Jim Mitchell, this gives Ivan and Nikita the chance to double team Patera behind the referees back while Rheingans protests vigorously.


The Russian duo perform the same trick again with similar results but a third attempt is cut short by a Patera fightback. It is short lived; however, as Nikita begins to dominate the former weightlifter, applying energy sapping bearhugs as he desperately tries to reach the corner. An Irish whip to the corner followed by a running clothesline gives Patera another glimmer of escape when he drops to his knees to avoid his charging foe, who careers straight into the turnbuckle. Visibly winded, both men try to tag their respective partners – Nikita makes it just before Patera but not quick enough to stop the tag to Rheingans who comes in on a full head of steam, knocking down both Koloffs with big clotheslines before starting work on Ivan.


Following a period of domination, Rheingans slaps on the chickenwing arm lock which has Ivan struggling, Nikita breaks up the move, however, and this latest swing proves to be decisive. With Ivan struggling to clear his head, Rheingans tags back in Patera who is limping a little. Nikita, outside the ring, makes his way over to Rheingans and pulls him off the apron, as the two are brawling outside, Patera goes for his patented bearhug. The elder Koloff draws his head back and smashes Patera in the face with a headbutt to break the hold, grabbing Patera by the arm he throws him towards the ropes and... Russian Sickle! Patera is almost knocked flying as the jumping lariat connects, Mitchell distracted by the brawl outside the ring counts the pin and The Koloffs have done it! The winners and NEW AWA Tag Team Champions Ivan and Nikita Koloff!


Match Rating: C


After the bout, the two Russians celebrate their victory while the crowd boo.



In the back Larry Zbyszko has a microphone:


“I hope you were watching that match Sgt Slaughter... it’s the nearest you’re going to see to a title change tonight because I have the measure of you!


“You know, everybody seems to want a piece of Larry Zbyszko but unlike the rest of the jokers around here, I have genuine quality and a prestige that comes as second nature.


“I am the man who retired Bruno Sammartino. I am the man who retired Nick Bockwinkel. I am the Living Legend and you, Sgt Slaughter are nothing but a cheap sell-out. You’ll never go into stores and buy a Larry Zbyszko doll; you’ll never turn on the TV and watch a cartoon version of me helping some two-bit Action Man knock-off. I am a professional wrestler, the best professional wrestler in the world you, Sgt Slaughter are a third-rate never has been who chokes when given their big breaks. You were lucky to get the shot and you’ll be lucky to walk out of the ring in one piece.


“Take a good long hard look at this belt Sgt Slaughter because I guarantee that tonight is not your night.”


A highlight video plays showing the debut of the Outlaws and Dick Murdoch’s declaration that he wanted to take out the biggest man on the roster. The rest of the video has Dick Murdoch and Jerry Blackwell brawling over the sound of some generic hard rock.



A match almost devoid of any real wrestling moves, this was a pier one brawl between Dick Murdoch and Jerry Blackwell which despite the lack of technical wrestling on display was still a good source of action which had the crowd entertained if not enthralled. Despite the size advantage, the man mountain from Stone Mountain seemed to be perpetually on the backfoot against Murdoch who both dominated and carried the bout.


The end of the match came in 10.23 when Murdoch hit a Texas Brainbuster for the pinfall for an impressively dominating win.


Match Rating: D+



Sgt Slaughter is in the back and is looking to respond to Larry Zbyszko’s comments earlier in the evening:

"Larry Zbyszko! You Puke! You maggot! You listen to me! How dare you attack the principles of a man willing to fight and die for his country?! You know right here in the AWA there’s so many talented wrestlers, more than any place I’ve ever wrestled before and yet we have to put up with a lousy, no good coward like Larry Zbyszko as our champion? Well no more starting tonight there’s a wind of change blowing through the AWA and there’s not going to be room for people like you Zbyszko, people too afraid to stand and fight for what they believe in. Are you willing to fight for your country? Are you willing to fight for your very life?! I don’t think so Zbyszko and tonight you will be in a fight for your life because when I finally get my hands on you, the whole world will see that the puke Larry Zbyszko is nothing but a paper champion and a man who can’t stand up straight and be counted. Believe me Larry Zbyszko, when all is said and done tonight, you’ll be staring up at the new AWA World Heavyweight Champion."




Back to the ring now and another title is on the line, this time its Greg Gagne’s Television title up for grabs against Wahoo McDaniel. The crowd are undecided as to who they want to cheer for and as both men pace the ring before the bell rings, there’s no clear favourite.


A handshake before the bell rings and we’re under way with a lock-up. Wahoo and Gagne exchange wrestling moves with a lot of emphasis put on traditional hold moves, armbars and ankle locks being the order of the day. Despite the difference in age, Wahoo kept the pace with Gagne and the two had a competitive but respectful bout. Bounding off the ropes, Wahoo caught Gagne with a Tomahawk chop which sent the second generation wrestler crashing to the outside. Conscious that the title cannot change hands on a countout, Wahoo continually broke referee Tommy Young’s count but never looked to press an advantage, instead giving Gagne the chance to clear his head and re-enter the ring. The pair shake hands again and lock up. While each was searching for an advantage, Harley Race made his way down to ringside. Carefully watching the action, and unnoticed at first by the pair in the ring, Race had a knowing smirk on his face. Catching sight of him, Wahoo immediately broke off from the lock-up and went to argue with Race, seizing his chance Greg Gagne comes up behind Wahoo and pulls him into a schoolboy roll-up – 1 – 2 – 3! Greg Gagne retains with a big win over Wahoo McDaniel in 15.49!


Match Rating: B-




Outside the ring, Harley Race breaks into a wide beaming smile, slowly and deliberately making his way over to the timekeeper’s desk. He picks up Gagne’s TV title and clambers into the ring. Looking down at the belt and then up at Gagne, he nods his head appreciatively before handing the belt to Greg and raising his arm in victory! A confused Gagne gives a side long look at Wahoo who has been standing watching these proceedings without moving a muscle before sliding out of the ring with his belt.


Race smirks at Wahoo, beats his chest and points to the retreating Gagne before beating his chest again. With a shake of his head, Race is out of the ring while a clearly furious Wahoo looks back at the swaggering Harley Race and then at Gagne who has turned back to look at Wahoo – his face an expressionless mask.


Is this a new alliance between Harley Race and Greg Gagne? Has this been a set-up all along?!


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A real dream team Snuka and Steamboat are all set for what is only their second match-up together as teammates against the Outlaws resident tag team – The Outriders. The early going was in favour of the superstars of the singles ranks as their vast experience paid dividends, the bigger men seemingly unable to keep up with the speed and technical prowess of Snuka and Steamboat. The brute strength of Callous and Gordy soon came into play though and a fascinating game of cat and mouse developed as time and again The Outriders made their tag experience and knowledge of each other’s styles count while Snuka and Steamboat continually seemed to evade the killer blow. An early pinfall attempt was stopped in 14 minutes when Callous kicked out from a Superfly splash which didn’t seem to connect fully – Snuka having earlier broken out of a spike piledriver attempt by the duo. The match came to a head in 22 minutes when the Outriders finally managed to nail Snuka with a spike piledriver, effectively putting the Superfly out of the match. Steamboat, however, was the legal man and with a quick dropkick he sent Gordy sprawling to the canvas. A hip-toss of the pursuing Callous soon followed and with cat like reflexes, Steamboat had hopped on to the top rope. Callous got back to his feet and turned to try and grab for where he had last seen Steamboat, only to find the Dragon in mid-flight and in the blink of an eye he connected with a Diving Cross body for the 3 count in 22.26.


Match Rating: B-


The announcers talk about the injury to Stanley Blackburn and the impact that this will have on the AWA they tell us that the AWA board are looking to bring in a temporary commissioner for the time being to oversee affairs and that there will be more news on this Monday’s All Star Wrestling – the three remind us that this next match is set to be for the Number one contendership and that it was one of Blackburn’s last acts as President before his injury.



An old fashioned grudge match Baron Von Raschke and Stan Hansen didn’t promise any thrills, only high impact action and they delivered in spades. A modern cage match, neither man looked particularly interested in trying to escape, instead taking the opportunity to inflict as much damage on their opponent as they could. On more than one occasion, Hansen dragged his opponent’s face across the unforgiving steel, and it wasn’t long before the Baron’s forehead was gushing with blood.


Never one to back down from a fistfight, Von Raschke gave as good as he got and the two brawled all over the ring. 16 minutes into the bout, the Baron clamped the Brainclaw on to The Lariat in the corner of the ring, the sheer force of the hold seemingly drawing blood from Hansen. Powering out of the hold with a series of rights, Hansen whipped the Baron into the ropes and smashed him with one of his trademark lariat clotheslines. Making the most of the opportunity Hansen made an attempt to escape the cage and managed to get almost halfway over before the Baron made it to the bars and with a vigorous shake, Hansen almost tumbled off – instead he clambered back down and the brawl recommenced with a vicious kick to the Baron’s head.


There was no comeback for Baron Von Raschke in 21 minutes, however, when another lariat clothesline floored the giant again and Dick Murdoch appearing at ringside, passed the end of a rope through to Hansen, with a few quick loops Baron Von Raschke’s arm had been tied to the inside of the cage and held by Murdoch while Hansen scaled the opposite end of the cage for the win in 24.17.


Match Rating: C-



Hansen heads back the aisle, helped by Murdoch loudly shouting – “I’m number one! “. Meanwhile officials help release the Baron who looks absolutely devastated.


A music video plays to hype the long running Slaughter/Zbyszko feud the final image showing a smirking Zbyszko and a determined looking Sgt Slaughter. The main event is up next!



Our main event begins slowly with neither man willing to make the first move. The two come face to face and trash talk one another. Slaughter, still wearing his dark glasses is impassive as Zbyszko becomes more and more frustrated. With a sudden slap, Zbyszko half knocks the glasses from Slaughter’s face. His eyes now visible, they have narrowed in fury and with a hard right from the Sarge, this match is well and truly underway. Not one for the wrestling purists, this came across as another hard hitting brawling affair, Slaughter in particular seemingly keen to focus on Zbyszko’s back with a constant stream of hammerlocks, backbreakers and bearhugs, looking to weaken the Living Legend’s back to make the Camel Clutch easier to slap on. Zbyszko was not to be outdone, however, as he used every dirty trick in the book – a stream of eye gouges and low blows to get out of trouble and seemingly forever heading to the outside to stall for time every time Slaughter looked to be getting the better of him.


By the time Slaughter managed to get the camel clutch on to the slippery champion, the crowd were baying for his blood. He hadn’t picked his moment correctly, however, as Zbyszko was too close to the ropes and able to break the hold by getting an arm onto the bottom strand. Refusing at first to break the hold, Slaughter was given an admonishment by referee Jim Mitchell and the break in action allowed Zbyszko to catch his breath and get back into the action.


The match continued with less technical moves being used as both wrestlers swapped to survival tactics of throwing hard punches and stiff kicks. In 25 minutes, Zbyszko pulled Slaughter into a short clothesline but caught the Sarge in his patented Larryland Dreamer, turning the choke hold into a DDT; he drills the instructor hard and goes for the pinfall. With the referee focusing on Slaughter’s shoulders he doesn’t see Larry lift his legs on to the middle rope for extra leverage. With three slaps of his hand to the canvas, Larry Zbyszko has retained his World Heavyweight Title!


Match Rating: B-


Not wanting to hang around for retribution – Zbyszko bails to the outside and grabs his belt, hightailing it to the back.


Overall Rating: C+


Angles did not meet the standard of the in-ring product. The show can be regarded as a success. Should have boosted our popularity.

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Thanks for all of your comments and predictions guys, please keep them coming! And a special thanks to everyone who voted for me as rookie diary of the month! It’s a big vote of confidence and I really appreciate it – don’t think I’ll win right enough (nor should I as there’s some excellent new diaries out there) but it’s great to even get a nomination with what is a minority product!


Congratulations to BHK1978 who picked up top marks for his predictions at Fall of Ages!


=1 Angeldelayette – 18pts

=1 Theheel – 18pts

=1 BHK1978 – 18pts

=4 Olympia – 11pts

=4 MartinC – 11pts

6. Zergon – 9pts

7. Stryfe – 8pts

8. Oldschool – 6pts

9. Nick21985 – 5pts

=10 Destiny – 4pts

=10 judgejuryexecutioner – 4pts

12 smurphy1014 – 3pts


Angeldelayette’s lead has been whittled down by Theheel and BHK1978 but there’s plenty more points to be gained over the coming weeks!


Thanks for taking part, I'll be running the prediction table in three monthly cycles and will restart from scratch at the beginning of January.

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October 1989, Week 1


What a month it’s been. I’ve been in charge of the AWA for four weeks and already we’ve put on our first monthly pay per view, crowned new tag team champions and brought in a new stable of wrestlers to shake up the AWA faithful.


This week I also took the decision to replace Stanley Blackburn as the on screen figurehead of the AWA. A great guy and a real part of the family around here, I just didn’t feel that Stanley being used to his optimum capacity in the authority figure role. I spoke to him and he was happy to switch to a backstage role – the new AWA commissioner gives us more of a realistic physical presence against The Outlaws (and the devious Larry Zbyszko for that matter) and is someone that the fans will really be able to get behind.


I also took the time out this week to sit down with representatives of New Japan, CWF, USWA and Stampede Wrestling to thrash out some working agreements. These agreements will prevent any of us from signing exclusive deals with any of each others workers and allow us to trade talent for an agreed number of shows. This is a really big deal for us and hopefully this network of contacts will allow us to build a solid base with which we can begin making inroads on our number one targets – the NWA.


Quick Picks for All Star Wrestling, Monday October, Week 1

Heels listed first


Ox Baker & The Lumberjacks vs Buck Zumhofe & The Rock n’Roll Express

The Hooligans vs The Trooper & DJ Peterson

Stan Hansen vs Steve Austin

The Outriders vs The Top Guns

Kokina Maximus vs Jerry Blackwell

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