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AWA 1989: From the Ashes

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Pre-amble: Hello, everyone and welcome to my first proper attempt at a solo diary! This diary has been made using Gaz's excellent No Holds Barred mod and I give full credit to him for the quality of the stats and resources.


As I say, it's my first shot at this so if you have any feedback/tips with regards to the layout and presentation then I'd be grateful!


I'll be posting show results on a Tuesday evening starting a week this Tuesday (25th May)


Please feel free to take part in the quick predictions and provide as much commentary on events as you want to - it all brings the diary to life!


Thanks for taking the time to read this and giving me a chance.


AWA: From the Ashes



I’ll never forget that feeling when the phone rang and I heard Verne on the other end. A gruff, rough and tough man, Verne Gagne was and is a true legend of professional wrestling and I knew that this must have been the hardest phone call he’d ever had to make.


A single word was all it took, with four letters nineteen years of blood, sweat and tears up and down the Midwest of the United States and out as far as California came to a head.




How Verne Gagne came to be calling me on that fateful August afternoon all hung upon a simple quirk of fate. I had been a photographer taking snaps of all the big events in and around the Chicago area, paying in to begin with before being taken in under Verne’s wing and given an unbelievable level of access to the guys backstage – they smartened me up and I made some good money selling on my pictures to Pro Wrestling Illustrated, cutting Verne in on the proceeds. They were great days but they couldn’t last – there was no money in the wrestling business at that time and I had my own life to worry about. It’s funny looking back now but at that point I figured wrestling was going to be a footnote in my career rather than the focus – although I always kept a keen interest in the sport and watched as Vince McMahon made his millions with the national expansion of the WWF along with the rest of the country and the world.


I’ll skip the details of my career for another day, suffice to say I’d made my millions from publishing and sold up my company at the beginning of 1989, happy to begin an extended retirement. It was the beginning of July 1989 and I was sitting in the departure lounge of O’Hare International Airport getting ready to fly out to New York when I saw Nick Bockwinkle sitting reading a newspaper at the other end of the lounge. I wandered over and re-introduced myself, expecting him to have no idea who I was.


“Hey Champ, sorry to bother you...”


“No worries kid, you got a pen? “ He began to hunt in his jacket, without looking up at me.


“I’d rather take a picture if I may?” I said with a wide grin on my face.


“Sure, why n...” He stopped suddenly as he looked up at me for the first time in 15 years and broke into laughter.


We had an interesting chat that day, Nick told me what he’d been up to since he’d retired from the ring mentioning that he’d been working on an occasional basis for Vince McMahon and the WWF. This surprised me. I figured that a loyal AWA man for all those years would’ve wound up working behind the scenes there, bringing on the new blood. With a rueful smile, Nick explained that it just wasn’t an option – Verne could barely afford to keep the place open and that the backstage roles were being carried out free of charge by members of his own family, including World Champion and son-in-law Larry Zbysko. He was still a stubborn old SOB though and he had no intention of letting his legacy be tarnished by selling out to Vince McMahon or Ted Turner.


It was my turn to laugh. I’d had an idea. A wild and crazy idea sure, but one that would allow me to give a hand-up to a man I genuinely respected and provide a little interest now that so much time on my hands. I was getting back into the wrestling business!


The deal itself was very simple. I would take on full ownership of the AWA, inject a significant amount of capital and trade under the AWA name. I would honour all written contracts including those of Verne, his son Greg and Larry Zbysko and would take the pressure off of Verne by letting him get back to what he was always so good at – training others. I promised him that I would not sell out the ideals of the AWA but would continue to move forward and take the fight to the big boys.


I didn’t think he’d go for it – it was certainly touch and go. But the rest as they say is history. And now I’m willing and able to tell the full story of how the AWA rose from the ashes.

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Roster: September 1989

Heels listed in red, faces in blue


AWA World Heavyweight Champion

<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/?action=view&current=larryzbysko.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/larryzbysko.jpg" border="0" alt="Larry Zbysko"></a>

Larry Zbysko


AWA TV Champion

<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/?action=view&current=greggagne.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/greggagne.jpg" border="0" alt="Greg Gagne"></a>

Greg Gagne


AWA World Tag Team Champions

<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/?action=view&current=kenpatera.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/kenpatera.jpg" border="0" alt="Ken Patera"> & <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/?action=view&current=bradrheingans.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/bradrheingans.jpg" border="0" alt="Brad Rheingans"></a></a>

The Olympians: Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans


Main Event


Baron Von Raschke

Jimmy Snuka

Nikita Koloff

Sgt Slaughter

Wahoo McDaniel

Larry Zbysko ©


Upper Midcard


Brad Rheingans ©

Buck Zumhofe

Jerry Blackwell

Ken Patera ©

Col. De Beers

Mean Mike Enos

Scott Norton




Curtis Hughes

Greg Gagne ©

Pat Tanaka

Paul Diamond

Hector Guerrero

Jake Milliman

Kevin Kelly

Wayne Bloom

Yukon John


Lower Midcard


Derrick Dukes

Jerry Lynn

Mando Guerrero

Mike George




Ricky Rice

The Trooper

Kokina Maximus




D.J. Peterson


Women's Division


Wendi Richter

Candi Devine

Judy Martin


Occasional Wrestlers


Akio Sato

Chavo Guerrero



Diamond Dallas Page

Harley Race

Ox Baker

Sheik Adnan Al-Kaisey




Eric Bischoff


Colour Commentator


Lee Marshall




Jim Mitchell


Road Agents


Stanley Blackburn

Verne Gagne

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Week 1, September 1989.


I officially took over the running of the AWA on the first Monday of September, and I had a live show booked for that night. I say I had an event booked for that night, in reality no venue had been decided other than "It'll be somewhere in the Mid West". Such was the way the company had been heading unfortunately, and why I was here in the first place... After a few frantic calls to ESPN, we agreed to run a 'Best of' tape in our slot with on screen captions promising a new beginning, next week. Hopefully we won't lose too many fans by this late schedule change and might entice a few more in. While on the phone, I persuaded ESPN to drop the programme down to 90 minutes, a decision they seemed only too happy with - 2 hours of wrestling programming from us is a bridge too far at this stage and besides two hours of live wrestling on a Monday night? It'll never take off!


I decided to hold an improtu meeting with the roster, all of whom had travelled from to Minnesota this morning for this week's TV show.


Truth be told I had already made up my mind on that first afternoon who was going and who was staying, but it's never easy telling guys that there's nothing for them.


That night I laid off: The Guerrero Brothers, Mike George, Curtis Hughes, Kevin Kelly, The Destruction Crew (Mike Enos & Wayne Bloom) Bad Blood (Pat Tanaka & Paul Diamond), Col. DeBeers, Akio Sato, Judy Martin, Wendi Richter & Candi Devine.


Along with the four girls who made up the women’s division, I had also removed the title from our programme – there just wasn’t enough talent out there that could make an entertaining and diverse division. If you couldn’t do something right, you shouldn’t do it at all. I figured I’d concentrate my efforts in building a credible singles and tag scene.


With their futures secured, I was able to explain my vision to the remaining guys on the roster and promise them big changes in how we worked and who we worked with. I could see they were skeptical but I knew that we could pull it around.


By the end of that week I had signed a further 18 workers to PPA contracts including AWA legends Nick Bockwinkle & Mad Dog Vachon as Road Agents. Along with these respected veterans, I added Dory Funk Jr - a former NWA World Champion and familiar face on the Japanese scene, Dory brought unparalled experience and great connections to the team.


My booking committee (myself, Nick, Mad Dog, Dory, Verne, Harley Race & my lead announcer Eric Bischoff) sat down on the Sunday night and planned out our show for the next evening. Big shocks were in store for the AWA faithful and we knew that if it paid off, we would already be well on the road to turning around the sinking ship.


Quick Picks - AWA All Star Wrestling, September Week 2

Heels listed first

Kokina Maximus v Wahoo McDaniel

The Lumberjacks (Scott Norton & Yukon John) v The Trooper & D.J. Peterson

Dave Finlay v Brad Rheingans

Jake Milliman v Jimmy Snuka

AWA World Title Defence: Larry Zbysko © v Baron von Raschke

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Kokina Maximus v Wahoo McDaniel

The future Yokozuna gets a bit of a rub here but not enough to defeat the Native American.


The Lumberjacks (Scott Norton & Yukon John) v The Trooper & D.J. Peterson

A tough match to decide but if I recall The Trooper and Peterson ended up being a big team for the AWA.


Dave Finlay v Brad Rheingans

Both great technical wrestlers but Rheingans was Kurt Angle before Kurt Angle.


Jake Milliman v Jimmy Snuka

An easy pick. Not sure I would ever pick for the Milkman.


AWA World Title Defence: Larry Zbysko © v Baron von Raschke

Hardest pick of the night but I don't see the first card ending with a title switch.


Good luck to you! AWA cannot be the easiest selection right now given all the pilfering that has been done. I do have to admit that I'm a little disappointed in some of your firings of some AWA mainstays, with Curtis Hughes, The Destruction Crew, Bad Blood(shouldn't that be Bad Company?) and Col. DeBeers highlighting the list there.

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I had no idea that Yokozuna worked in the AWA, I did not watch much of it when I was a kid. So I am glad you said who it was because I would have never known that.


That was one of the reasons why I said it. lol. Since you had said earlier you had no idea who it was and I am sure there are many who might not know.

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Quick Picks - AWA All Star Wrestling, September Week 2

Heels listed first

Kokina Maximus v Wahoo McDaniel

The Lumberjacks (Scott Norton & Yukon John) v The Trooper & D.J. Peterson

Dave Finlay v Brad Rheingans

Jake Milliman v Jimmy Snuka

AWA World Title Defence: Larry Zbysko © v Baron von Raschke

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Kokina Maximus v Wahoo McDaniel

The Lumberjacks (Scott Norton & Yukon John) v The Trooper & D.J. Peterson

Dave Finlay v Brad Rheingans

Jake Milliman v Jimmy Snuka

AWA World Title Defence: Larry Zbysko © v Baron von Raschke

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Good luck to you! AWA cannot be the easiest selection right now given all the pilfering that has been done. I do have to admit that I'm a little disappointed in some of your firings of some AWA mainstays, with Curtis Hughes, The Destruction Crew, Bad Blood(shouldn't that be Bad Company?) and Col. DeBeers highlighting the list there.[/b


What can I say! I fancied a challenge, although you're right the roster really was down to bare bones (and beyond in some places!) Funilly enough you've highlighted the five toughest calls when it came to lay-offs (Curtis Hughes excepted).


Col De.Beers seemed to have an attitude and the up-side from him wasn't large enough to counteract it - with the guys that I've brought in, he'd been pushed down to Midcard level and when you compare like for like with the other guys I had - he's not worth the hassle.


Bad Company (as you rightly say! Bad Blood.... what am I on?!) and The Destruction Crew were a victim of having too many tag teams on the books and not enough time to showcase them. Through the signings I've made i've formed four new tag teams who offer a little bit more in terms of look/talent than they did. Having said that it was a tight call and I'm not totally adverse to bringing either one or both of the teams back, further down the road.


The main problems with the roster as a whole were that: a) We were top loaded with faces to heels and b) Outside of the main event, nobody was at all over in any other areas of the US which made development very difficult.



All of the guys I have brought in are quality workers (in one way or another) and will add to the product... I hope... time will tell!

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Kokina Maximus v Wahoo McDaniel

Can't keep Wahoo at this stage down, even to a young Yokozuna


The Lumberjacks (Scott Norton & Yukon John) v The Trooper & D.J. Peterson

Interested to see what you do with the man that would later become The Patroit.


Dave Finlay v Brad Rheingans

Rheingans was a very good tech wrestler, but didn't do much on the mic. I guess I will give him the nod


Jake Milliman v Jimmy Snuka

Don't think the Milkman can carry the bottles in this one.


AWA World Title Defence: Larry Zbysko © v Baron von Raschke


The Baron is just too far past his prime to get the belt now.


I am really interested in seeing where you go with this as I have thought about doing a diary several times on the AWA and WCCW. Both were horribly mismanged in their later years but had so much potential. Good luck.

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Kokina Maximus v Wahoo McDaniel

The Lumberjacks (Scott Norton & Yukon John) v The Trooper & D.J. Peterson

Dave Finlay v Brad Rheingans

Jake Milliman v Jimmy Snuka

AWA World Title Defence: Larry Zbysko © v Baron von Raschke

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Kokina Maximus v Wahoo McDaniel

Wahoo will make Kokina look good, but needs the win to help establish another challenger for the world title. Wahoo never won the big title - but he should be over in several areas and could give it a good run.


The Lumberjacks (Scott Norton & Yukon John) v The Trooper & D.J. Peterson

not sure how good Norton is at this stage but could develop up with time. Trooper and DJ are the better team tho.


Dave Finlay v Brad Rheingans

win for the tag champ - maybe a post match doubleteam if Finlay has a partner to set up a program for the tag champs.

Jake Milliman v Jimmy Snuka

Superfly all the way brudda! Another who could give Larry legend a good challenge.

AWA World Title Defence: Larry Zbysko © v Baron von Raschke

although Baron could steal a COR/DQ win, the champ will leave with the belt intact.

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I know it's being posted early, but I've had a change in work schedule so I'm running with it now rather than delaying my first show further! I'll probably switch to Thursdays now going forward... keep tuned!



Monday, September 1989, Week 2

Live from the Bismarck Civic Center in Bismarck, North Dakota

With a Television audience of 0.88 and in front of 8,420 fans in attendance





Before the show started the crowd were treated to a surprisingly competitive dark match that surpassed all of the crowd’s expectations between Jerry Lynn and the veteran Harley Race.


Former NWA Champion Race eventually picked up the win in 8.47 with a Figure Four Leglock after Lynn had seemingly damaged his knee in a deflected dropkick attempt in what was to be the match of the night.


Match Rating: B




The Show




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A video plays hyping an upcoming AWA Pay Per View – “Fall of Ages” including footage of Sgt. Slaughter, Greg Gagne, Larry Zbysko, Jimmy Snuka, Baron Von Raschke & Nikita Koloff in action. The PPV is set for Wednesday, September, Week 4



As the video ends, we are taken immediately to the new-look ringside announcer's desk where Eric Bischoff, Lee Marshall & Harley Race are seated. The trio put over the fact that tonight Larry Zbysko will defend his title against Baron Von Raschke who they understand has something to say on the subject in the ring right now



We cut to ringside where the Baron is making his entrance. With a scowl, he stoops under the top rope and enters the ring.


The Baron performs his trademark ‘Brain Claw’ and clasps the microphone being thrusted at him (from a distance) by the nervous ring announcer.


“You know something I have been waiting a long time to get this match. The peoples in the arenas and on televisions have seen, Larry Zbysko. The peoples have seen the kind of trickery this dog will do to hold on to his belt. They will see that this hold is as nothing compared to the hold I will take on your head Zbysko, you will feel the Claw close in around your tiny brain. Let us see what are made from out of!”


The Baron pauses to allow the crowd to cheer before continuing “I am coming to the ring with one purpose and that is to defeat you. Tonight’s my night and we’re going to see what you’re made of Zbysko...”


Another pause is interrupted by an all too familiar voice...



“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy up there big fella!”, Larry Zbysko steps out of the back, a microphone in hand.


“Seriously, you’re gonna give yourself a hernia or something there! Let me explain it to you one more time cos I know a guy like you and all the simpletons cheering your name and stamping their feet need it spelt out to them...”


Larry is drowned out temporarily by a prolonged ‘Baron’ chant from the sell-out crowd. The Baron, meanwhile is staring holes into Zbysko from the ring.


“Yeah, yeah whatever! Like I was saying, what you idiots fail to grasp is that a man as dignified as myself does not have to respond with talk of retribution or get into a shouting match, not when you’re a Living Legend. No, we true legends know how to cut it in the ring, where it counts. You’re best days are behind you Raschke – you couldn’t do the job back then, and even these imbiciles can tell you that I’ve put away all of the guys that you couldn’t get the job done against. You’ve had your chances. Plenty of ‘em. What makes you think it’s gonna be any different this time?”



The Baron responds: “You listen to me Zbysko! I am more of a man than you wi...”


He stops suddenly looking startled and begins to look around him at the crowd. Zbysko also looks confused and begins to back away. The camera is moving too quickly between both wrestlers to catch a glimpse at what they are looking at, although the roar of the crowd is definitely getting louder when The Baron makes a lunge at two wrestlers who have leapt over the guardrail and are making their way into the ring, from behind his back another two have entered the ring and dump the Baron to the floor below.


Abandoning all pretence, Zbysko high tails it to the back leaving the Baron to his fate. The two wrestlers on the floor pick up the Baron and roll him into the ring. Three of the men grab the Baron from behind and drag him to his feet. The fourth man, the ringleader slowly stoops and picks up the fallen microphone.


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“Remember me?!” With a savage blow, the familiar wrestler throws a punch at The Baron’s head, visibly staggering the giant. “Get that washed up piece of crap outta here!”


His three flunkies, throw the dazed Baron out of the ring who is escorted to the back by referee Jim Mitchell.


“For those of you with poor memories – let me remind you. My name is Stan Hansen and I’m the real AWA Heavyweight Champion!”


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Boos reign down on the foursome from the crowd


“You see, three years ago I was stripped of my title for refusing to defend against Nick Bockwinkle... Is he still here by the way? Wouldn’t surprise me, the number of old timers kicking around here... Anyway, I didn’t think he deserved a shot against a man of my standing and abilities so I said ‘No’ and went back to selling out every damn arena in Japan. Then I gets a phonecall telling me: ‘You’re not Champ anymore Stan. We want our belt back and don’t bother showin up around here no more either. So what did I do? I took that bit of tin, put it under my pick-up truck and ran over it! Then I mails the bits back to Verne, sealed with a kiss!”


The boos are getting stronger and more prolonged.


“But I made a mistake...” “A big mistake.” a remorseful looking Hansen shakes his head. “And now I’m looking to fix that mistake. What I should’ve done was be a man and do what I knew in my heart was the right thing...” he pauses. “I should’ve came back here and rammed the belt down his stinking throat! That’s my belt, you’ve had it on loan for three years now and I want it back! So this is a warning: You can’t hide Zbysko, you can’t hide Slaughter, you can’t hide old man Snuka, you can’t hide from Stan Hansen or his Outlaws! Ain’t that right Dick?”


Hansen passes the microphone to his teammate


<a href="

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“That was real deep Stan. Real deep. But it ain’t nothing compared to the deep trouble that these jokers are in now that we’re here is it? Us three...” – he points to Hansen and another of his partners, “...we’ve been blazing a trail in Japan for years now – but we’re coming home and we’re gonna make America see what the rest of the world has known for years – that Stan Hansen, Dick Murdoch and Terry Gordy are three of the best wrestlers in the world today. I’m warning you now – I’m gonna step into that lockeroom back there and make an example of the biggest guy I can find so if I were you I’d get my ass out of here before I come pounding down your door.”


Murdoch throws the mic to Gordy


<a href="

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“I’m a man of few words but what I’m here for doesn’t need no explaining or talking – I’ll let Stan do that. I’m here to win gold and show you all that I am the greatest tag team wrestler of all time. I’d like you all to meet my new tag team partner – ‘Mean’ Mark Callous. He says even less than me and he likes no-one. I don’t even think he’s keen on his own mother. If he has one. He’s never told me, I’ve never asked – WE DON'T TALK MUCH!” Hansen and Murdoch share an alarmed look as Gordy keeps ranting into the mic: “WHY WOULD I ASK HIM ABOUT HIS MOTHER? ARE YOU PEOPLE SICK?!”


Hansen takes the mic from Gordy as Dick and Callous lead him away.


<a href="

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“Y’all excuse us – we’ve some business to attend to with your Mr Blackburn.”



The four head off to the back as we switch back to our broadcast booth – the three men comment on Hansen’s return to the AWA. Harley says he might have to think about pulling his boots back on permanently now that there’s some real men around to trade punches with.


Back in the ring we’re ready for our first televised match of the night:



The young Kokina Maximus takes an early advantage over the veteran McDaniel but can’t sustain the pressure. As this hard hitting match builds to its climax, Kokina forces Wahoo to the floor and the two brawl around the broadcast position, as the referee desperately tries to regain order.


While fighting off the younger man, Wahoo accidentally catches Harley Race with an elbow. Race takes exception who grabs Wahoo, spins him around and begins to argue with him, this allows Maximus to regain the upper hand.


It’s not enough to beat him though as he whips Wahoo into the ropes and, dropping his head is planted with an Overhead Chop off the ropes. Wahoo goes for the pinfall and takes the victory.


Winner: Wahoo McDaniel via Pinfall in 12.49

Match Rating: C+


Match Rating: C+



Afterwards, Wahoo looks directly at Harley and points to his arm before performing a tomahawk chop into his open palm. He turns back to celebrate with the fans and an enraged Race hurtles into the ring, blindsiding him with a stinging series of lefts and rights, standing over the fallen brave, Race mocks him by performing the same routine of pointing to the forearm and Tomahawk chopping the air. Race walks away, abandoning his post at the broadcast booth with an exasperated throw of his arms at Bischoff and Marshall.



A video is aired hyping that the AWA have signed a new tag team to their roster and that they will be debuting soon: The Rock 'n' Roll Express!


After some very brief clips of the duo wrestling, they cut an extremely basic and instantly forgettable promo saying that they're looking forward to entertaining the AWA faithful.


<a href="

http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=ScottNorton2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/ScottNorton2.jpg" border="0" alt="Scott Norton"></a> & <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=berzerker.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/berzerker.jpg" border="0" alt="Yukon John"></a> w/ <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=oxbaker.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/oxbaker.jpg" border="0" alt="Ox Baker"></a>


<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=djpeterson.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/djpeterson.jpg" border="0" alt="DJ Peterson"></a> & <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=thepatriot.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/thepatriot.jpg" border="0" alt="The Patriot"></a>


In the ring, DJ Peterson & The Trooper are waiting for their opponents.


The Lumberjacks enter to little fanfare with their manager Ox Baker and the match begins. A bit of a non-contest in the end with an easy win for The Lumberjacks. Although, always comfortable, Yukon John had allowed Peterson to escape from a bearhug and was fortunate that DJ elected to fight on himself rather than tag in the fresh Trooper. DJ’s mistake proved costly as a brutal clothesline followed by a crunching powerbomb from Norton brought the match to a quick conclusion.


Winner: The Lumberjacks via Pinfall in 4.58 (Scott Norton pinned D.J. Peterson)

Match Rating: D+



After the match a disgruntled Trooper (who never entered the ring in this latest defeat) remonstrated with DJ Peterson clearly upset that Peterson had made such a fundamental error.



The two head to the back and are passed by Dave Finlay, a new signing in the AWA and someone the crowd don’t know in the slightest.


His opponent, Brad Rheingans is certainly better known as he is one half of the Tag Team Champions.


As Brad heads to the ring, we’re reminded that Ken Patera is expected to be out of action for at least two months following his ACL injury in a recent title defence but until his return, Rhiengans has vowed to defend the belts on his own if he has to.


Our third match of the night despite having little in the way of heat, boasted some fantastic technical wrestling with the newcomer Finlay surprising a large section of the audience. Although Rheingans never looked overly threatened, Finlay held his own and it was certainly no easy win for the former Olympian when Finlay tapped to the Cross-face chicken wing.


Winner: Brad Rheingans via Submission in 9.02

Match Rating: C-



Rheingans rolls out of the ring and makes his way to the back, stopping and turning back towards the crowd to salute them and thank them for their cheers. From behind, Nikita Koloff rushes Brad and beats him down to his knees, a vicious punch to the head knocks Rheingans face first to the floor, and it’s clear that Koloff has bust him open. With a laugh at his fallen foe, Koloff stomps him a few times for good luck and leaves Rheingans down and out.



Bischoff and Marshall discuss this shocking turn of events and speculate as to why Nikita Koloff would suddenly turn his back on the fans and attack a man he’d always respected.


The two wonder aloud what else can happen on this eventful night and remind us of the upcoming Title match between Larry Zbysko & Baron Von Raschke.


<a href="

http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=stanhansen4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/stanhansen4.jpg" border="0" alt="Stan Hansen"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=dickmurdoch.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/dickmurdoch.jpg" border="0" alt="Dick Murdoch"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=terrygordy2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/terrygordy2.jpg" border="0" alt="Terry Gordy"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=markcallous2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/markcallous2.jpg" border="0" alt="Mark Callous"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=boniblackstone.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/boniblackstone.jpg" border="0" alt="Boni Blackstone"></a>


Backstage Stan Hansen and His Outlaws have marched into Stanley Blackburn’s office and are demanding answers:


HANSEN:“Hey Blackburn! What’s the big idea with Old Man Raschke getting a title shot before me? I was promised the first crack at taking back my title so why am I not fighting Zbysko? It’s the only reason we signed on at this two bit promotion – I want Zbysko, Dick wants Gagne’s boy and these two,” he throws an exasperated look at his tag team “The Outriders there, they want The Olympians... I think... it’s hard to tell sometimes...”


BLACKBURN:“Mr Hansen. As my secretary Ms Blackstone...” he indicates to a woman sitting behind a second desk in his office “... informed you on the telephone, you will be given all courtesies as a member of the AWA roster and will be given your opportunity for the title matches you have requested should you prove your worth and threatening me is not going to change that!”


MURDOCH:“Oh, we’ll do more than threaten you little man – we’ll take you apart LIMB FROM STINKING LIMB”[/color]




The five men stop to look at Ms. Blackstone


Mr Blackburn, if I might make a suggestion – why don’t we give Mr Hansen & Mr Murdoch an opportunity in next week’s tag team main event to decide the number one contenders for the World and TV titles at Fall of Ages.”


“An excellent idea Ms Blackstone! How about it gentlemen? Shall I enter you as a team – Sgt Slaughter & Wahoo McDaniel as well as Jimmy Snuka & Jimmy Blackwell have entered teams.”


“Put us down. This isn’t over though.”


He points in Blackburn’s face before stalking off with the rest of The Outlaws in tow.



We’re back in the ring and the match between Jake Milliman and Jimmy Snuka is about to begin.


Even on an off-night for Snuka, Jake Milliman doesn’t have the measure of The Superfly and an entertaining match for the crowd, although not one that will have dazzled them with in ring ability, ends as expected with Snuka picking up the win following his trademark ‘Superfly Splash’.


Winner: Jimmy Snuka via Pinfall in 11:43

Match Rating: B-



Our Guest Commentator for the main event is introduced to the crowd – Sgt Slaughter. The drill instructor stomps to the ringside, saluting the crowd and taking his place next to Marshall and Bischoff.


AWA World Heavyweight Title Defence:


Next out is our challenger Baron Von Raschke who still seems to be suffering the effects of his attack from The Outlaws earlier in the night as he waits in the ring, AWA World Heavyweight Champion Larry Zbysko makes his entrance. He stops to stare at Slaughter before slowly and deliberately making a show of taking his belt off in front of the Sarge.


Failing to live up to the build-up, Larry Zbysko and Baron Von Raschke never really clicked in terms of their styles which made for an awkward match, although the crowd in attendance were still enthralled from beginning to end.


Von Raschke pushed Zbysko hard but despite the size advantage, always seemed to be on the backfoot against a fired-up 'Living Legend'.


The ending came after 17 minutes when Zbysko was able to drill the Baron with a low blow after he had become distracted by The Outlaws stepping out from the back for a better look at the action.


Winner: Larry Zbykso by Pinfall in 18.01

Match Rating: C-


<a href="

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<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=stanhansen4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/stanhansen4.jpg" border="0" alt="Stan Hansen"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=dickmurdoch.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/dickmurdoch.jpg" border="0" alt="Dick Murdoch"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=terrygordy2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/terrygordy2.jpg" border="0" alt="Terry Gordy"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=markcallous2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/markcallous2.jpg" border="0" alt="Mark Callous"></a>


The bell has rung and Zbysko isn't hanging around for retribution. The Sarge stands up at the announcers desk to confront him but before he can, The Outlaws have run down to ringside to get involved. Hansen heads straight for Zbysko and he chases him through the crowd while the other three attack The Baron again.


Slaughter rushes to Von Raschke's aid and knocks Murdoch down with a vicious clothesline, the four remaining men brawl briefly before Murdoch recovers and tips the balance back in favour of the heels.


The show goes off air with all five men brawling and a bevvy of Road Agents and backroom stuff flooding the ring to break up the fighting.




This Show should have boosted our popularity

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Thanks for all of your comments and predictions guys, please keep them coming!


Three perfect scores to kick things off but everyone else came real close too - only the Tag Team match and Dave Finlay's debut catching anyone off guard


Prediction Table


=1 BHK1978 - 5pts

=1 Nick21985 - 5pts

=1 Theheel - 5 pts

=4 angeldelayette - 4pts

=4 MartinC - 4pts

=4 Destiny - 4pts

=4 Olympia - 4pts


Thanks for taking part, I'll be running the prediction table in three monthly cycles and will restart from scratch at the beginning of January.

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Week 3, September 1989.


We were one week into our AWA revolution and things were going quite well – we’d unveiled seven of our new in-ring signings and had booked another three for this Monday although the seeds for one of these had already been sown...


Verne was much more agreeable this week – he had been a little upset at our bringing Stan Hansen in last week and that, in his opinion, Dory and I had not been as forthcoming as we could’ve been about ‘The Outlaws’.


The fact of the matter is – I wasn’t. I knew how Verne would react when I told him that the man who held him and the AWA to ransom four years ago was not only being brought back, but given a hefty push to go with it. Dory, using his Japanese contacts, had gotten word that Stan, Dick Murdoch and Terry Gordy would all be open to the idea of a little more work Stateside and would be happy to sign contracts that wouldn’t tie them down to any group. It was a perfect combination – three rough big brawlers who could all work a technical match as well – with similar experiences in wrestling.


Despite not being the group's in-ring leader, Terry Gordy had actually been the first choice signing and it was then a toss-up between bringing in a Texas group or a Memphis one as a heel outfit but in the end both Jerry Lawler and Jerry Jarrett’s boy Jeff had turned me down, wanting to concentrate on their USWA work – which effectively made the decision for me. I still needed a fourth man for my group, however, and after talking to Lawler and explaining that I was going with the Texas idea since he wasn't available (always an idea to to keep on the good side of prospective future signings!) he actually made a few suggestions from his own roster that might fit the bill. I arranged to have some tapes sent over and had a look – I was impressed with what I saw and decided to bring them both in. Of the two, Mark Callous seemed the more natural fit for the group so he got the nod to be Terry Gordy’s tag team partner – if I’d gone for the other I reckon we’d have been accused of making a cheap Freebirds knock-off. I promised the lad that I’d get him out for a dark match on Monday night and slowly introduce him to the AWA crowds.


If we’d known then what we take for granted now, I'd have had him in the main show like a shot, but hindsight's a wonderful thing and as it stood at that time there was far more excitement about another of our two big debuts planned for that night. This time, as he was one of Verne’s old charges, there was no need for negotiations or kid gloves, he like everyone else on the roster was all in favour of it...


Quick Picks

Heels listed first

Steven Regal vs Buck Zumhofe

Scott Norton vs Jerry Lynn

The Outriders (Terry Gordy & Mark Callous) vs D.J. Peterson & The Trooper

Non Title Match: Kokina Maximus vs Greg Gagne

Three Way Tag Match to decide No.1 Contenders Match for AWA World & TV Titles: Stan Hansen & Dick Murdoch vs Jimmy Snuka & Jerry Blackwell vs Sgt Slaughter & Wahoo McDaniel


Bonus Points 1: From the clues given, who is set to debut in a dark match?

Bonus Points 2: Which wrestler’s debut is Verne in approval of?

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That was great, look forward to reading along here! Love your Outlaws group, thats a real @ss kicking stable


Quick Picks

Heels listed first

Steven Regal vs Buck Zumhofe

Scott Norton vs Jerry Lynn

The Outriders (Terry Gordy & Mark Callous) vs D.J. Peterson & The Trooper

no way they lose and trouble will continue to brew between DJ & Trooper

Non Title Match: Kokina Maximus vs Greg Gagne

Three Way Tag Match to decide No.1 Contenders Match for AWA World & TV Titles: Stan Hansen & Dick Murdoch vs Jimmy Snuka & Jerry Blackwell vs Sgt Slaughter & Wahoo McDaniel


Bonus Points 1: From the clues given, who is set to debut in a dark match?

Bonus Points 2: Which wrestler’s debut is Verne in approval of?

(need to think about this for a bit

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Loved the show. It really captured the AWA feel from this era. I like the Outlaws group - it will be interesting how long you can keep them together before the NWA or WWF steals them (especially Callous and Murdoch - who always seem NWA-bound in my 1989 games).
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Quick Picks

Heels listed first

Steven Regal vs Buck Zumhofe

Scott Norton vs Jerry Lynn

The Outriders (Terry Gordy & Mark Callous) vs D.J. Peterson & The Trooper

Non Title Match: Kokina Maximus vs Greg Gagne

Three Way Tag Match to decide No.1 Contenders Match for AWA World & TV Titles: Stan Hansen & Dick Murdoch vs Jimmy Snuka & Jerry Blackwell vs Sgt Slaughter & Wahoo McDaniel


Bonus Points 1: From the clues given, who is set to debut in a dark match?Austin....

Bonus Points 2: Which wrestler’s debut is Verne in approval of? Rotundo


I don't have a clue..

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Steven Regal vs Buck Zumhofe

He's gonna lose but here's hoping for a push for Mr. Electricity!


Scott Norton vs Jerry Lynn

Norton won last week so his streak stays intact.


The Outriders (Terry Gordy & Mark Callous) vs D.J. Peterson & The Trooper

Definitely a big win for Gordy and Callous.


Non Title Match: Kokina Maximus vs Greg Gagne

I would love to pick Maximus but he's Verne's kid.


Three Way Tag Match to decide No.1 Contenders Match for AWA World & TV Titles: Stan Hansen & Dick Murdoch vs Jimmy Snuka & Jerry Blackwell vs Sgt Slaughter & Wahoo McDaniel

Just to throw a bit of a wrench into the Outlaws' plans.


Bonus Points 1: From the clues given, who is set to debut in a dark match? Steve Austin

Bonus Points 2: Which wrestler’s debut is Verne in approval of? Gonna think on this one.


Enjoyed the first show! Looking forward to seeing what you have for us next!

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Steven Regal vs Buck Zumhofe

Rock and Roll made a suitable mid-card face to put over the top heels, while Mr Electricity was more a lightweight - and was part of the biggest tag team upset in history

Scott Norton vs Jerry Lynn


The Outriders (Terry Gordy & Mark Callous) vs D.J. Peterson & The Trooper

new team should rule

Non Title Match: Kokina Maximus vs Greg Gagne

owners son will take a beating but come out on top

Three Way Tag Match to decide No.1 Contenders Match for AWA World & TV Titles: Stan Hansen & Dick Murdoch vs Jimmy Snuka & Jerry Blackwell vs Sgt Slaughter & Wahoo McDaniel

trying to figure a way to eliminate one team and set up a feud with the other. But think Hansen-Dick wins and then will be able to feud with the other two when they become champs


Bonus Points 1: From the clues given, who is set to debut in a dark match?

trying to think of who might in Memphis working for Lawler who also has Texas ties - Shawn Michaels was the only one who came to mind as a youngster.

Bonus Points 2: Which wrestler’s debut is Verne in approval of?

maybe Crippler Ray Stevens

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That was great, look forward to reading along here! Love your Outlaws group, thats a real @ss kicking stable


Thanks very much! I was quite pleased with being able to get all of those guys together - seemed like a natural fit and the kind of group that would dominate wherever they went with Calloway getting the Batista style push by association - only problem is that they'd have been seen as a bit of a J-Tex Corporation rip-off if they'd been brought in at that time... still you can't have everything!


Loved the show. It really captured the AWA feel from this era. I like the Outlaws group - it will be interesting how long you can keep them together before the NWA or WWF steals them (especially Callous and Murdoch - who always seem NWA-bound in my 1989 games).


Thanks - big compliment! I'm sure it's only a matter of time before some of my stars go elsewhere - I've played on until the end of October in game time and I've lost a couple of guys to NJPW already but there are plenty of more irons in the fire - the Outlaws are a catlyst for change but they aren't going to become the nWo and run the company!


Wow that was an awsome show! You have some of my favorites in there with Nikita, Stan Hansen, and Terry Gordy! Also, I laughed when I saw that picture of Finlay, I never knew he wrestled in the United States prior to his debut in WCW.


I'm a big fan of the three as well, Bam Bam in particular never seemed to get the respect he deserved in the US. - I like Finlay as well and for the level he's at just now, he's the perfect guy to get good matches out of average talent and great matches out of good talent, if you see what I mean. Might even get himself a mini-push in the future too if I can bring someone in to replace him as one of the job guys.


Is this English Steven Regal or American Steven Regal? I am thinking it is the American one


Sorry should've clarified! It's the English one (totally forgot about Steve Regal!). Anyone who's predicted on the basis of it being the other Regal, please feel free to change their thoughts on the subject!


Enjoyed the first show! Looking forward to seeing what you have for us next!


Again, high praise and thanks for taking part - as you can no doubt tell, your diary was one of the main inspirations for me getting my finger out and doing my own take on that period of wrestling history!

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Again, high praise and thanks for taking part - as you can no doubt tell, your diary was one of the main inspirations for me getting my finger out and doing my own take on that period of wrestling history!


Glad to be an inspiriation. Always good to see a new take on the era. If you have any questions or anything, feel free to shoot me a pm and I'll be glad to help you out in any way that I can. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing how this one plays out.

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I gotta say, I dont really know all that much about the AWA but I love this time period and I love the way this one's started out. Good job so far. Ok, here goes.


Quick Picks

Heels listed first

Steven Regal vs Buck Zumhofe

Scott Norton vs Jerry Lynn

The Outriders (Terry Gordy & Mark Callous) vs D.J. Peterson & The Trooper

Gotta go with 'Taker here. He's my all time fav, especially in his early days.

Non Title Match: Kokina Maximus vs Greg Gagne

Three Way Tag Match to decide No.1 Contenders Match for AWA World & TV Titles: Stan Hansen & Dick Murdoch vs Jimmy Snuka & Jerry Blackwell vs Sgt Slaughter & Wahoo McDaniel


Bonus Points 1: From the clues given, who is set to debut in a dark match? Steve Austin

Bonus Points 2: Which wrestler’s debut is Verne in approval of? Ummm... Norman Smiley. :D

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Very well thought out 1st show. Nice debut of the Texas group.



Steven Regal vs Buck Zumhofe

Scott Norton vs Jerry Lynn

The Outriders (Terry Gordy & Mark Callous) vs D.J. Peterson & The Trooper

Non Title Match: Kokina Maximus vs Greg Gagne by dq

Three Way Tag Match to decide No.1 Contenders Match for AWA World & TV Titles: Stan Hansen & Dick Murdoch vs Jimmy Snuka & Jerry Blackwell vs Sgt Slaughter & Wahoo McDaniel


Bonus Points 1: From the clues given, who is set to debut in a dark match? Guess I will go with Austin

Bonus Points 2: Which wrestler’s debut is Verne in approval of? Going to go out on a limb and say Masa Saito

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