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AWA 1989: From the Ashes

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Ox Baker & The Lumberjacks vs Buck Zumhofe & The Rock n’Roll Express

Zumhofe got the victory last time so I go with Lumberjacks this time


The Hooligans vs The Trooper & DJ Peterson

Named team over random pairing


Stan Hansen vs Steve Austin

Hard to go against Austin but I guess I just have to learn to do that


The Outriders vs The Top Guns

I like them more


Kokina Maximus vs Jerry Blackwell

Just a guess, I really don´t know what to expect here

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Ox Baker & The Lumberjacks vs Buck Zumhofe & The Rock n’Roll Express


The Hooligans vs The Trooper & DJ Peterson


Stan Hansen vs Steve Austin

Could be an interesting match and quite frankly could go either way.


The Outriders vs The Top Guns

Better Team


Kokina Maximus vs Jerry Blackwell

Just a guess.

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Great Pay-Per-View! I should have known that Verne's kid would get the win. lol. And it's time for Stan Hansen to take a trip to Larryland.


Ox Baker & The Lumberjacks vs Buck Zumhofe & The Rock n’Roll Express

I wanna rock and roll all night!


The Hooligans vs The Trooper & DJ Peterson

The problems between Trooper and Peterson continue.


Stan Hansen vs Steve Austin

Austin is still green and wet behind the ears at this point. Hansen might lariat his ears off.


The Outriders vs The Top Guns

Will this match ever be in doubt?


Kokina Maximus vs Jerry Blackwell

In a battle that will require a reinforced ring, Blackwell takes the win.

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Ox Baker & The Lumberjacks vs Buck Zumhofe & The Rock n’Roll Express

The Hooligans vs The Trooper & DJ Peterson

Stan Hansen vs Steve Austin

The Outriders vs The Top Guns

Kokina Maximus vs Jerry Blackwell


I disappointed myself in the last round, so I'm looking to make up for it here....

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Ox Baker & The Lumberjacks vs Buck Zumhofe & The Rock n’Roll Express

not sure why...maybe its buck zumhoffe, maybe its i'm not buying in to the RnR in the AWA at this point


The Hooligans vs The Trooper & DJ Peterson

a win, but more dissension


Stan Hansen vs Steve Austin

This Austin kid may go places, but he'll be taught a lesson by the lariat. (breaking kayfabe)what a match this would be in each of their primes...


The Outriders vs The Top Guns



Kokina Maximus vs Jerry Blackwell

much more upside with maximus here...beating blackwelll could help him tremendously

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Monday, October 1989, Week 1

Live from the Olson Auditorium in Parkland, Washington (North West)

With a Television audience of 1.03 and in front of 1,328 fans in attendance





In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Ken Patera defeated Jake Milliman in 8:06 by submission with a Swinging Full Nelson.


Match Rating: E




In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Baron Von Raschke defeated Leif Cassidy in 7:28 by submission with The Claw.


Match Rating: D-


The Show


Boni Blackstone is in the ring.


Blackstone: “Ladies and gentlemen, following the accidental injury of Stanley Blackburn on last week’s All Star Wrestling, it is my duty to introduce you to his replacement as the representative of the Board of Governors of the American Wrestling Association. It is my immense pleasure to introduce you to the new acting commissioner…. NICK BOCKWINKLE!”



With a thunderous ovation Nick Bockwinkel enters the arena, waving to the fans as he makes his way to the ring. Blackstone, holds the ropes open for Bockwinkel who stoops underneath and into the ring, taking the microphone from Boni as he passes. Blackstone leaves the ring to Bockwinkel who applauds her as she leaves before turning to salute the fans again.


Bockwinkel: “It’s good to be home.”


The arena erupts again as an emotional Bockwinkel beams with gratitude.


Bockwinkel: “It’s such a pleasure to be back amongst you good people here in the greatest wrestling company in all of the world!”


The place is now ringing with chants and cheers and a party atmosphere has descended on the show.


Bockwinkel: “BUT! I’m sad to see a few things have changed since I was last here and, even sadder to see that some others haven’t… Larry Zbyszko – you’re still a no good coward who can’t deliver like his mouth says he should.”

The crowd roars along in support.


Bockwinkel: “You have cheated, conned and connived for your entire reign as AWA Champion and you’re an absolute disgrace to the very name of the great wrestlers who held that belt before you – the Verne Gagnes, the Curt Hennigs, the Rick Martels and maybe even a guy you loved to hate not a million miles from here…”

With a burst of what is fast becoming over familiar music, the Outlaws make their presence known as Stan Hansen, steps into the arena flanked as ever by Dick Murdoch and The Outriders.


<a href="

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<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=stanhansen4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/stanhansen4.jpg" border="0" alt="Stan Hansen"></a>


Hansen: “That’s real nice of you to say Nicky boy! I thought you were gonna leave me out for a minute there but you’re absolutely right, I am the man that these north-west crybabies love to hate, but they don’t hate me half as much as I hate you!


“You talk about Zbyszko being a coward? YOU were the one who wouldn’t wait for me to come back from Japan! YOU were the one who went crying to Blackburn and Gagne. YOU were the one who robbed me of my rightful place as the officially recognised AWA champion! But let’s get this absolutely straight Bockwinkel, in my eyes and those of the fans here and around the world I AM THE REAL AWA World Champion!”


The crowd boo as Bockwinkel prepares to retaliate.



Bockwinkel: “Ah… Stan ‘The Lariat’ Hansen… I wondered how long it would take for you to show up. I won’t bore the good people here with the real details of what went down between us and that belt, all they need to know is that I’m the only PROFESSIONAL wrestler between the two of us and while I might have retired, I might just make an exception for you one day.”



Hansen: “Anytime Bockwinkel, anywhere. Where I’m from we throw our fists first and talk about it later.”



Bockwinkel: “I’m glad you said that Stan because next week, we’re all going to get a good look at what you’re made of and where you’re from because I want to see all of you Outlaws put to the test. Let’s see if you’re the tough Texan legends that you claim to be when next week’s show comes live from Texas…”


Hansen and the Outlaws smirk, clearly they’re not phased over the location.

Bockwinkel: “I wonder if you’ll all look so pleased with yourselves when you see the competition and what’s at stake…”


The smiles quickly wiped from their faces, The Outlaws now appear very interested in what Bockwinkel has to say.

Bockwinkel: “You see, I’ve been listening to what you’ve been saying about how you’re these great wrestlers who’ve achieved so much in Japan and you’re these rough tough Texans but… I’m not buying it. I mean he’s not even from Texas”


Bockwinkel points at Gordy who has to be restrained by Callous and Murdoch.



Hansen: “Ah, he’s as good as, what’s your point old man?”



Bockwinkel: “The point, Stan, is that you and your boys claim to be the best that Texas has to offer but I really don’t think you are. You’ll get your chance to prove me wrong when you take on a Texas Select team in a 4 on 4 tag team match. The winning team have the right to challenge for all three AWA titles at the next pay per view – ‘Lone Star Statement’ at the end of this month…”


Hansen and the others begin to laugh….



Hansen: “See Nick! I thought you were going senile, you see I’ve already won the number one contendership last night, I’m set-up for Zbyszko already…”



Bockwinkel: “Actually… you didn’t.”


The smiles fade from the Outlaws faces and are replaced by confused looks and scowls



Murdoch: “What you talking about Bockwinkel? Stan won that cage match against Baron Von Raschke fair and square – he’s the number one contender!”



Bockwinkel: “That’s not quite true though is it Dick? If I remember correctly, you were the one holding the Baron back and let Stan escape out of the cage… that doesn’t sound very fair and square to me AND…”


Bockwinkel raises his voice to stop the protests from the Outlaws…


“… AND… it didn’t matter whether he won or not, because Stanley Blackburn clearly stated that it was an opportunity for Baron Von Raschke to be number one contender, at no point did he say that you would be.”


Hansen goes ballistic, and a crowd of security come out to shield Bockwinkel from the Outlaws.


“Fact of the matter is Stan that you’re NOT the number one contender… yet… win the match against Team Texas and you could be… you see it’s up to the team who goes for the TV and Tag Team titles but it’s the man who scores the pinfall who gets to challenge for the World Title... that’s if you get past Team Texas in the first place…”


The other three Outlaws look slightly more appeased clearly all thinking the same thing – they could be the one to score the pinfall, while an enraged Hansen is still protesting vigorously.


Bockwinkel: “Thank you gentlemen, that will be all. Now I don’t want to take up this wonderful audience’s time any more with talking so I’ll get out of the way and let our All Star Wrestling get underway. I’ve got one last message though - Larry Zbyszko if you’re in the building, I want to see you in my office.”


Hansen and Murdoch head to the back deep in debate, The Outriders a sullen expression on their faces head straight for the ring – it appears our opening bout is about to get underway!



<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=terrygordy2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/terrygordy2.jpg" border="0" alt="Terry Gordy"></a> & <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=markcallous2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/markcallous2.jpg" border="0" alt="Mark Callous"></a> vs <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=Derrick_Dukes.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/Derrick_Dukes.jpg" border="0" alt="Derrick Dukes3"></a> & <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=rickyrice.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/rickyrice.jpg" border="0" alt="Ricky Rice"></a>


In an extremely short match, a clearly fired-up Outriders dominated The Top Guns from bell to bell and it came as no surprise in 4:04 when Mark Callous defeated Ricky Rice by pinfall with a Tombstone.


Match Rating: D



A series of stills are screened showing the controversial ending of the World Title bout between Sgt Slaughter and Larry Zbyszko. Re-cap of finish of Fall of Ages PPV.



Larry Zbyszko arrives at the building and is stopped by DDP.



DDP: “Hey, hey Larry baby! DDP has the inside scoop if you want it daddio!”


A clearly confused Zbyszko, studies DDP



Zbyszko: “What?”



DDP: “I, the number one fly guy have the story for you mac!”



Zbyszko: “I don’t understand what you’re saying?”


DDP drops the outrageous speaking style



DDP: “I’m saying that Nick Bockwinkel’s in charge and he wants to see you.”



Zbyszko: “What for?”



DDP goes back into his persona: “Yo, yo the big cheese ain’t gonna let D to the D to the…”

Zbyszko puts his hand up to stop DDP



Zbyszko: “You’re doing it again.”



DDP: “Oh, right… sorry… yeah… I don’t know…”


Zbyszko walks off while DDP calls after him


DDP: “Ow! If the champ needs a player to be watching his back and on keeping his case to the front of the minds of the people and the powers then he should sign up with the Diamond Exchange… we are OPEN for business! Champ?! Champ?!”

DDP calls after Zbyszko, takes a look around himself to make sure no-one was watching and then struts off.



<a href="

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We’re back to the ring to see the Trooper & DJ Peterson take on the The Hooligans. The announce team remind us of the problems that The Trooper & DJ have been having over the past few weeks and tell us that DJ has actively petitioned for this match, believing that if the team can get a win under their belts they can turn their luck around.


In an extremely poor match, however, it was The Hooligans who defeated The Trooper and D.J. Peterson in 5:42 when Steven Regal defeated D.J. Peterson by submission with a Regal Stretch. The Trooper had finally snapped with D.J. after he decided to showboat with the fans rather than go for the pinfall on a clealy beaten Finlay. The Trooper had shoved D.J. away and this allowed Regal to slap the submission hold on a distracted Peterson.


Match Rating: E


After the match The Trooper looks furious. DJ apologises and shakes his head – he knows that this loss was his fault. The two argue briefly and eventually DJ puts his hand out to The Trooper. After a lengthy pause, The Trooper clasps his hand and the pair shake. They let go of the hold and DJ turns to wave to the crowd when… The Trooper blindsides his partner and rams his head into the turnbuckle. After a savage if brief stomping, The Trooper is eventually pulled away by the referee. Throwing his arms in the air, the boos rain down on him as he’s lead to the back, leaving his former partner in a crumpled heap in the corner of the ring.



We cut to the back and Larry Zbyszko is in the back with Nick Bockwinkel.



Zbyszko: “So basically your word is the law huh? Well, we’ll see about this! I’ll be petitioning the board, I have some friends in very high places and this vendetta will be nipped in the bud.”



Bockwinkel: “Larry, not for the first time I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”



Zbyszko: “Face it. You’re a bitter and twisted old man. You’re jealous because you can’t wrestle anymore and you want to take it out on the man who retired you… me: The Living Legend. Well, Bruno’s not made it back yet and neither will you.”



Bockwinkel: “Calm down: you’re ranting and raving and not listening to what I’ve told you. These are dangerous times in the wrestling business, we can’t be seen to be condoning the level of cheating that men like you and Stan Hansen took part in at Fall of Ages…”



Zbyszko: “Hey! Hey! I DID NOT cheat, I used some extra leverage to…”



Bockwinkel: “Listen Larry, save it. I know all the dodges and I’ve played the game before – you cheated, you got caught, now deal with it.”



Zbyszko: “I still think it’s too short notice for me to…”



Bockwinkel sighs: “We’ve been over this Larry. Next week you’re defending your title in a re-match against Sgt Slaughter and this time it’s no pinfalls, no disqualifications – it’s an I-Quit match absolutely free on ESPN.”

Zbyszko looks furious and exits the office, leaving the door open behind him. Outside Ricky Steamboat is walking up with DDP following hard on his heels.



Steamboat: “Dallas, I’ve told you once and I won’t tell you again, I don’t need a manager and I don’t want a manager so let it go!”



From inside the office comes Bockwinkel’s voice: “Ricky come on in, I need to talk to you about next week.”


Steamboat and Zbyszko stare each other down before Larry sidesteps and lets Steamboat pass.


DDP: “Hey champ! Good to catch up with ya! It’s like I was saying…”


Zbyszko dolefully turns to look at DDP, clearly not listening as the camera cuts back to ringside.



In a hard hitting match with little in the way of technical prowess but plenty of brawling action that had an average crowd reaction, Kokina Maximus upset the much fancied Jerry Blackwell in 11:50 by pinfall following a Banzai Drop.


Match Rating: D-



A victorious Kokina Maximus is in the ring when Jimmy Snuka comes out from the back, the Samoan walks to ringside seemingly to get a better look at his countryman. The bigger man never takes his eyes off Superfly who applauds Maximus while the giant eyes him suspiciously.


In the back Greg Gagne is with Boni Blackstone.



Blackstone: “Greg Gagne, a somewhat controversial ending to your Television title match against Wahoo McDaniel. Tell us your side of the story.”



Gagne: “I sure will but before I start, gee you look swell tonight Boni!”


Gagne beams a wide grin at Blackstone and then turns back to camera


Gagne: “This is something I’ve got to get off my chest. I am an honourable man. I believe in truth, justice and the American way and I would never, never ever take advantage of something as heinous as Harley Race’s distraction of Wahoo McDaniel. Wahoo, if you’re listening please believe me: I’m not in league with Harley Race – I am a true upstanding pillar of the community and, I like to think your friend.”


Boni gives a startled yelp just as Wahoo McDaniel walks into view!



Wahoo: “Listen kid, don’t beat yourself up about it. The Chief and Harley go way back – I know what he’s like and I won’t give it another thought if you don’t alright?”



Gagne: “Gee, that’s great news Mr McDaniel, sir! I just wish I could give you another title shot right away but, you know as far as I was concerned I won fair and square and he didn’t actually touch you or anything so…”



McDaniel: “Don’t worry about kid, I know how these things go. I’m sure I’ll get another shot soon. Maybe even sooner than you think…


With these cryptic words Wahoo walks off leaving Gagne with a puzzled and slightly annoyed look on his face. He quickly recovers though and beams another wide grin at Boni before addressing the camera again:



Gagne: “And remember kids, winners don’t do drugs!”



A brief video runs reminding us of how the situation between The Lumberjacks, Buck Zumhofe & the Rock n’ Roll Express came about.


<a href="

http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=oxbaker.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/oxbaker.jpg" border="0" alt="Ox Baker"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=ScottNorton2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/ScottNorton2.jpg" border="0" alt="Scott Norton"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=berzerker.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/berzerker.jpg" border="0" alt="Yukon John"></a>


<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=buckzumhofe.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/buckzumhofe.jpg" border="0" alt="Buck Zumhofe"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=robertgibson2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/robertgibson2.jpg" border="0" alt="Robert Gibson"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=rickymorton.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/rickymorton.jpg" border="0" alt="Ricky Morton"></a>


The bad blood between the two teams helped to raise the crowd reaction and the action, particularly when Scott Norton was in the ring, was certainly decent. The crowd finally had something to cheer in the ring when Buck Zumhofe defeated Ox Baker by pinfall with a Flying Sunset Flip.


Match Rating: D


A dazed Ox Baker is lead away by his tag team while Zumhofe and The Rock 'n' Roll Express celebrate in the ring



Suddenly the Soviet anthem blasts over the tannoy system as Nikita and Ivan Koloff step through the curtain microphones in hand.


Ivan: “Last week Russian might overcame American propagandas. Now, we stand as populist team win with third wheel!” The elder Koloff points at Zumhofe while Nikita gives a great belly laugh. “In Russia, we have no need for this baggage... In Russia we would...”


Koloff is cut short by a sudden attack from behind by Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans!



The Olympians take their Russian foes by surprise and send them running towards the middle of the aisle – directly between The Olympians and the Rock n Roll Express!



Rheingans stoops and picks up the discarded microphone: “You want to talk about Russia? We’re not interested!”


The crowd cheer in support.


“You’re in America now and you should know that here, we deal with one problem at a time and as far as you’re concerned, we’re a major problem!”


The Olypians back away, Patera gesticulating at the belts around the waist of the Koloffs, clearly the Soviets thought they had already won this war, The Olympians have other ideas!


<a href="

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Backstage The Outlaws are talking about Bockwinkel’s decision. Hansen is still absolutely furious...



Hansen: “I don’t want none of you getting any ideas about next week. I’m making the pin to win that match, I’m the Real AWA champion goddamit!”



Murdoch: “Stan, calm down we’ll do the right thing next week – I think we should be concentrating on working out who Bockwinkel’s got for this Texas Select team...”



Gordy: “Dick’s right Stan. We’re solid but I’ve been thinking this Austin kid’s supposedly from Texas...”


Hansen looks interested



Hansen: “You think he might be part of this team?”



Murdoch: “There’s not many other Texans around here I suppose... he’s just a kid though.”



Hansen: “Either way he’s gonna wish he was never born.”


An evil smirk comes over Hansen’s face as he makes his way out of his dressing room for the match.



Eric Bischoff and Les Thatcher highlight next week’s card again and tells us that Nick Bockwinkel has sanctioned another big match for next week’s show in Texas when former World Champions Ricky Steamboat & Harley Race will clash.



A fired up Stan Hansen flew at Steve Austin from the opening bout, clearly having something to prove to himself and the rest of the roster. Although he rallied well in the middle section of the match, most of Austin's offence was counter attacks and if truth be told he did well to survive until 9.06 when Hansen pinned Austin following a near decipaitation with a solid Lariat clothesline which left the youngster in a crumpled heap.


Match Rating: C+


<a href="

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The rest of the Outlaws make their way down to the ring and the foursome beat on Austin.


The beating is interrupted by Nick Bockwinkel as he appears with a microphone in hand.



Bockwinkel: “Gentlemen, gentlemen! Haven’t you learnt yet that diplomacy can get you much further than brute violence? I’m afraid there’s been a spot of mistaken identity because young Mr Austin is not a part of the Texas Select team... Allow me to introduce you to your real opponents for next week...


Bockwinkel steps aside and reads from a card that he’s brought along: “From Midland, Texas... Wahoo McDaniel!”



Wahoo steps out to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.



Bockwinkel: “From Austin, Texas... Dustin Rhodes”



Dustin Rhodes, a vaguely familiar name and face steps out, the crowd aren’t overly impressed but Dick Murdoch has reacted with a start and is hurriedly talking to Hansen in a hushed tone. Clearly Rhodes’ part in this team is a big deal to him.



Bockwinkel: “From Amarillo, Texas... Dory Funk Jr!”



This name does impress the crowd who cheer loudly. Dory waves to the crowd before turning his attention to the ring. It is Hansen’s turn to look worried! He looks around from side to side as if trying to find an escape route.



Bockwinkel: “And finally, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the team captain... From Dallas, Texas... The Modern Day Warrior... Kerry... Von... Erich!”



With a massive cheer, Kerry Von Erich strides out and is embraced by his three team mates. Terry Gordy turns a delicate shade of purple and Callous has to physically restrain him. The Outlaws are clearly rattled by the unveiling of their opponents.


The show goes off air with the two groups staring each other down.


Show Rating: C-

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Slightly different presentation style this week. Still trying to iron out how exactly I want to do this! Any feedback would be great!


Thanks for all of your comments and predictions guys, please keep them coming!


=1 Angeldelayette – 22pts

=1 Theheel – 22pts

=1 BHK1978 – 22pts

4. Zergon – 13pts

=5 Olympia – 11pts

=5 MartinC – 11pts

=5 Stryfe – 11pts

8. Oldschool – 9pts

9. Nick21985 – 5pts

=10 Destiny – 4pts

=10 judgejuryexecutioner – 4pts

=12 smurphy1014 – 3pts

=12 TakerNGN74 – 3pts


Angeldelayette, Theheel and BHK1978 maintain their joint lead but none of them were able to pull ahead of the other. Further down the table, Zergon moves into 4th and is now two points clear of Stryfe, Olympia and MartinC.


Welcome also to TakerNGN74 who starts at the bottom of the table but it’s pretty tight down there so a few correct guesses in the next week will push him up the table in no time.


Thanks for taking part, I'll be running the prediction table in three monthly cycles and will restart from scratch at the beginning of January.

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Week 2, October 1989


It had been a pretty short notice decision to bring in Kerry Von Erich and Dustin Rhodes last week – we were keen to have Nick Bockwinkel’s reign as AWA Commisioner start with a bang and it always been our plan to run a ‘supershow’ in Texas on TV and then follow it up there with a PPV at the end of the following month establishing a bi-monthly PPV format, which was why we’d booked a fairly weak set of matches for the first week of our tour in Washington – we hoped we’d hook the fans with our angles and reveals.


The Texas show was to be our first shot in a renewed war with World Class. The irony of course being that one of their top stars and Fritz Von Erich’s own son was going to be a part of the show which I hoped would establish us in the Mid-South.


I picked up both Von Erich and Rhodes through the new Talent Trade agreement with USWA (who were only too happy to have Terry Gordy and Baron Von Rashcke appear on their shows in exchange). I knew that Von Erich couldn’t be a long term acquisition due to Verne and Fritz ongoing war of words but I’d more hope that if Rhodes did well that we could look towards making him a permanent signing – there’s plenty of scope with the roster we have the backstory between Dustin’s father and our workers for us to have some ready made storylines in place.


With fewer televised matches than normal I knew that this next show would really have to deliver, while at the same time keep all of the other irons in the fire:

Quick Picks for All Star Wrestling, Monday October, Week 2

Heels listed first – due to the lack of matches this week, I’m offering a point for the pre-show dark match as well


The Trooper vs Buck Zumhofe (Dark Match)

Harley Race vs Ricky Steamboat

The Outlaws vs Texas Select

Larry Zbyszko vs Sgt Slaughter – I Quit Match for the AWA World Title

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The Trooper vs Buck Zumhofe (Dark Match)

I learned my lesson in last show


Harley Race vs Ricky Steamboat

I really have no idea here


The Outlaws vs Texas Select

Since two of their opponents are in for short time contracts The Outlaws pick up the win here

Larry Zbyszko vs Sgt Slaughter – I Quit Match for the AWA World Title

I go with the champ as usual

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The Trooper vs Buck Zumhofe (Dark Match)

Is this one in doubt?


Harley Race vs Ricky Steamboat

A great match but as has been said, Ricky is the younger of the two.


The Outlaws vs Texas Select

I am going to buck the trend and go with the Texas Select to give Wahoo another TV Title shot against Gagne.


Larry Zbyszko vs Sgt Slaughter – I Quit Match for the AWA World Title

Time to go to Larry Land!

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I learned my lesson in last show


Could've gone either way to be honest but I want to put the Express over, Zumhofe was a casualty of good fortune!


Words can't explain how much I enjoy your writing! The Nick Bockwinkel stuff was golden! Granted I only saw Nick when he became the on air Commish for WCW (and I saw him a couple of times on the AWA shows that are shown on ESPN Classic) so I am not all that familiar with him but you have made him into a great face commish!


Also, great pickup with Dustin, I would love to see him feud with his father's old teammate. Like you said there are all sorts of great storylines that you can get out of him. And the biggest plus for me is he is not Goldust yet, man do I hate the character of Goldust...


I love how you have made Greg Gagne so lame, yet the hint of him turning heel is there and he would make a great heel the way you are writing him.


Finally, I love the way you set-up the Stan Hansen/Steve Austin match. Just fantastic, and yes I knew for a fact that Kerry Von Erich was going to be on that team one way or the other, but it was still awsome to see him on it.


Thanks it means a lot, I do spend waaaay too much time thinking about this when I should be working but.... what the hey!


Whenever I listen to shoot interviews or read anything about him, everyone seems to say the same thing about Bockwinkel - he's a deeply intelligent and honest man of principal, thought it would be nice to write for him in a way that reflected his personality rather than making him the absolute douche that he played for so many years! Besides I've enough of those in the game already... which brings me on to Greg...


I don't know what it is but everytime I saw that photo of him it made me laugh and it made me think of Kurt Angle's WWF debut as the dorky Olympic Hero. Greg would do anything, literally anything to try and sell tickets (Rambo Greg anyone?) so turning him into a total dork seemed an easy job...


He's great fun to write in this form, and he's probably my favourite at the moment behind the Outlaws. It's just so easy to write for a corny character like that! Whether he goes fully blown heel? Time will tell...


Is this one in doubt?


No faith in the newly turned Trooper? Shame on you! ;P

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The Trooper vs Buck Zumhofe (Dark Match)

Pushed for heel Trooper


Harley Race vs Ricky Steamboat

Tough one to call


The Outlaws vs Texas Select



Larry Zbyszko vs Sgt Slaughter – I Quit Match for the AWA World Title

Going out on a wild hunch with Hanson winning the above match that we will have a babyface transitional champ in Sarge

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The Trooper vs Buck Zumhofe (Dark Match)

Trooper being built into a singles heel

Harley Race vs Ricky Steamboat

For the same reason BHK stated

The Outlaws vs Texas Select

Larry Zbyszko vs Sgt Slaughter – I Quit Match for the AWA World Title

Slaughter saying "I quit" I dont see it happening

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  • 1 month later...

The Trooper vs Buck Zumhofe (Dark Match)

maybe this loss is what puts Troop over the edge.


Harley Race vs Ricky Steamboat

Steamboat will come away with the win and work his way to the world title picture.

The Outlaws vs Texas Select

couple ways for the program to go, but seeing the Outlaws getting the title shots. The visitors will do their jobs to put the Outlaws over. The remaining members could keep the feud alive a while longer.


Larry Zbyszko vs Sgt Slaughter – I Quit Match for the AWA World Title

Larry's distractions could be his undoing here. Sarge and sets into a lengthy feud with Hansen and the outlaws.

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24 Hour Warning


Timing, as they say is everything!


I've had a bit of a set-back in terms of a hardware failure which required me to either re-start from scratch and re-create what I had already done here or start anew on something else... really considered calling it a day and probably would've just let it slide into obscurity... but a timely PM helped make my mind up for me and I've got the game back to roughly where I had left it (a few differences in momentum and overness aside)


With angel retiring his 1989 diary this week, it seems fitting that I step back into the breach with the latest installment of the AWA diary and will do so tomorrow!


So thanks to:









for their predicitons.


Let's get this show back on the road people!

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Monday, October 1989, Week 2

With a Television audience of 1.05 and in front of a sell-out 1,000 fans in attendance


Buck Zumhofe pinned The Trooper in 8.34


The Show




Our opening bout pitted former NWA Champion Ricky Steamboat against future Hall of Famer, Harley Race.


A great bout for wrestling purists, this one set the bar high as both men traded blows and moves in a match that pushed each to their very limits. Ricky’s speed and agility gave him the early advantage as Race struggled to keep up with the younger man’s hit and run attacks. Once the grappling began, however, the grizzled veteran used every ounce of his in-ring smarts by slowing the action down with a series of headlocks, armbars and heavy pressure moves, designed to keep The Dragon grounded.


Before long, Race moved his focus to Ricky’s knees, dropping elbows and stretching the joint, weakening Steamboat for his signature move: an eventual figure four attempt, each time he looked to make the move, however, Steamboat seemed to find the ropes quickly, frustrating Race and causing him to inadvertently make mistakes as he looked to rush the move on and end the match. This lapse in concentration, allowed the Dragon to battle back but, much to the crowd’s dismay, he couldn’t sustain the pressure, his knee giving way from under him after whipping Race into the ropes.


This shift in momentum galvanised Harley and he set about Steamboat’s leg with a renewed vigour – picking up warnings from the referee for leveraging on the ropes for extra torque on the knee. Dragging him back to the middle of the ring, a figure-four attempt looked close to giving the seven time world champion the victory but Steamboat just would not quit – the capacity crowd firmly behind the man from Hawaii.


Breaking the move off and stopping only to deliver another stomp on Steamboat’s leg, Race turned to showboat to the fans. This was all the in-road that Ricky needed: as Race bent down to pick Steamboat up by the head, the quick thinking Dragon, reached up and pulled him over in a cradle to grab an out-of-the-blue roll-up pinfall!


Quickly rolling to the outside a clearly battered and bruised Steamboat waved to the fans as he limped heavily to the back, leaving a furious Harley Race on his knees in the middle of the ring shaking his head and throwing murderous looks at referee Tommy Young.


Match Rating: A



We’re taken to a short pre-recorded interview with the World Heavyweight Champion, Larry Zbyszko.


“Okay Slaugter, you’ve got what you asked for. You’re getting another shot at coming to Larryland, another shot at taking the Living Legend’s World Heavyweight Championship but let me tell you, it’s all going to end the exact same way as it has everytime before and that’s with Larry Zbyszko standing tall and standing proud.”


“The whole world will hear just how much of a coward you really are Slaughter, I’m going to make you squeal like a pig and that’s a language that those in-bred rednecks from down South truly understand!”


He laughs to himself before continuing.


“I’ll be honest with you. I hate Texas and I’d rather be anywhere else tonight. The only thing that it’s got going for it? If I can beat you here, and believe me I can, then I can beat you anywhere. I’ll show each and every one of these morons that the Lone Star State has passed its sell-by date.”





Eric Bischoff & Les Thatcher explain the stipulation of the next match – that the person who takes the pinfall will automatically face the World Heavyweight Champion when AWA returns to Texas for Lone Star Statement in two weeks time and that his teammates will compete for the TV and World Tag Team Titles in any combination that they choose.



Meanwhile, Harley Race is still slowly making his way out of the ringside area being jeered by the fans as he goes. He’s taken so long in his walk that the ring announcer has already begun to announce the next match.



With a burst of music, Wahoo McDaniel begins his entrance as the first member of the Texas Select to be introduced to the crowd. Waving to the fans around the arena, the Chief turns to make his way to the ring and walks straight into the path of Race, his eyes narrowed to slits of pure venom and hatred. The two stare each other out with their noses just inches apart: the tension is palpable as the seconds tick on. The crowd are hushed, waiting to see who will make the first move.


The music has stopped and the ring announcer is looking nervous – the referee quickly speaks to the ring announcer who shrugs and reads out the next name on his list: Dory Funk Jr.



The sound of Funk’s musical introduction seems to break Wahoo and Harley out of their spell as Race throws a vicious haymaker at the distracted McDaniel, knocking him to the floor. With extreme ferocity, Harley boots into Wahoo, kicking his head hard against the steel railings and raining down a series of blows on his old nemesis. Funk has now entered the fray and pulls Harley away, catching a glancing blow from the veteran for his trouble. Dory countered with a European Uppercut, grabbed him by the head and pulled him down between his knees – he’s calling for a piledriver! The crowd are on their feet but before he can hit it, a squad of referees and road agents have hit ringside to break up the incident.



A group take Race to the back while others including Greg Gagne and Buck Zumhofe stop to help Wahoo. Nick Bockwinkel is amongst the bodies at ringside and he tells Dory to head to the ring to get the show back on the road.


<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=stanhansen4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/stanhansen4.jpg" border="0" alt="Stan Hansen"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=terrygordy2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/terrygordy2.jpg" border="0" alt="Terry Gordy"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=markcallous2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/markcallous2.jpg" border="0" alt="Mark Callous"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=dickmurdoch.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/dickmurdoch.jpg" border="0" alt="Dick Murdoch"></a>




<a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=kerryvonerich.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/kerryvonerich.jpg" border="0" alt="Kerry Von Erich"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=dustinrhodes9.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/dustinrhodes9.jpg" border="0" alt="Dustin Rhodes"></a> <a href="http://s881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/?action=view&current=DoryFunkJr3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i881.photobucket.com/albums/ac17/Ritchardo_1979/AWA%201989/DoryFunkJr3.jpg" border="0" alt="Dory Funk Jr"></a>


The rest of the introductions pass without incident and the match begins with The Outlaws having an extra man advantage. Nick Bockwinkel has joined Les Thatcher & Eric Bischoff at ringside to keep an eye on proceedings and he explains that team captain Kerry Von Erich has asked that no replacement is made – he doesn’t want to give Stan Hansen any excuses for his upcoming loss – Bockwinkel sympathises with the reasons behind this and has agreed but tells the fans that even though he’s legally still part of the match not to expect Wahoo to make it to the ring as he seems to have a bit of a concussion.


The match itself, while a good old fashioned brawl, doesn’t live up to the hype or the excitement of the previous match and immediate build-up. Both team captains started the match with Hansen throwing heavy shots at the Modern Day Warrior that seemed to have little or no effect, the home town crowd deeply behind Von Erich. Hansen makes a strategic retreat tagging in Terry Gordy which sends the crowd into raptures. Two of the bitterest and oldest foes in modern Texas wrestling, Gordy and Von Erich circle each other for what seems an age before locking up. Gordy does what Hansen couldn’t and takes the advantage for his team. From that point onwards, the extra man proved decisive with the three man Texas team struggling to keep up with their foes.



With fifteen minutes on the clock and Dustin Rhodes being double teamed by Dick Murdoch and Mark Callous in the ring with Hansen and Gordy brawling with Von Erich and Dory Funk outside, the crowd stood as one to cheer the return of Wahoo McDaniel. The Chief seemed a little shaky on his feet though and was being helped to the ring by Greg Gagne.


Bockwinkel stood up at ringside and Gagne approached while Wahoo struggled on to the apron. The audience at home was able to hear part of the conversation between the Commisioner and the TV champion with Gagne assuring Bockwinkel that Wahoo was fine and he wanted to get involved.


While the two are talking, Wahoo has tagged himself in on Dustin Rhodes’ blindside and missed wildly with a weak looking punch to Mark Callous which the big man easily sidesteps. Murdoch knocks Rhodes off the apron with a solid right hand while Callous easily grapples the meek looking McDaniel into a position where he is being held firmly from behind. With a sadistic grin and a shifty look at the referee who is still trying to separate Gordy and Von Erich, Murdoch scoops up the cowbell he brought with him to the ring from the corner it is lying in, and hammers Wahoo with it. McDaniel slumps in Callous’ grasp who dumps him to the mat and turns his attention back to Rhodes, following the youngster outside.


Leaning back on the ropes and with the cowbell held high above his head, Dick Murdoch measures up on Wahoo McDaniel, ready to drop the bell on him with a double axe handle. Greg Gagne barges past Nick Bockwinkel (who has had his back to the ring for the duration of his conversation with Gagne) and jumps on to the apron behind Murdoch. He wrenches the bell from Murdoch’s hands and nails him with it, losing his balance as he does so and falling to the side of the ring. Like something from a cartoon, Murdoch sways on the spot before toppling backwards on top of the prone Wahoo McDaniel. The referee turns at the sound of the falling Murdoch and seeing him in a position pinning Wahoo, falls to the canvas and counts












Dick Murdoch has pinned Wahoo McDaniel! At the sound of the bell, Hansen stops brawling with Funk and looks around at the ring in horror in time to see a dazed Murdoch getting to his feet, the referee holding his arm aloft in victory. With a furious howl, Hansen tries to get into the ring but is blocked by Bockwinkel! Hansen looks as if he’s set to throw his punch at Nick instead but The Outriders quickly come to his side and restrain him. Gordy pulls Hansen away towards the locker room while Callous goes into the ring to get Murdoch who is still standing comically in the ring with a single arm in the air looking confused.


Match Rating: B-


While the debris and carnage of the last match is being swept away we are taken to another pre-recorded interview – this time it’s Sgt Slaughter doing the talking:


“Atten-hut! The day has finally come when Larry Zbyszko faces a court martial for his crimes against honourable professional wrestling. Are you ready Zbyszko? You puke, you maggot, are you ready to step into Sgt Slaughter’s Boot Camp? Do you have what it takes to survive?


“For years and years you’ve been stalling Zbyszko, running away and boasting that you’ve done this to that person or that to this person – well you’ve picked the wrong marine this time. No pinfalls. No countouts. Only submission. Take a good look into these eyes."


The Sarge removes his trademark glasses and peers straight at the screen, a sadistic smile etched on his face.


“Take a real good look. Do you see fear? Do you see surrender? Failure is not an option – American soldiers do not give up on the battlefield and there’s only one way that this can end - when I slap you in that cobra clutch and you scream for your mother. The war is coming to an end and this veteran will be the last man standing.”





Backstage Boni Blackstone has spotted Dick Murdoch who has his bag packed and heading towards the parking lot.


“Mr Murdoch, can we have a quick word with the new number one contender?”


Murdoch clearly sees Marshall but refuses to stop, climbing into his car and slamming the door before Blackstone can catch up.


“What’s your prediction for the main event? Who would you rather face…”


Murdoch has put his foot down and speeds out of the garage, leaving Boni standing. Behind her shoulder we can see Stan Hansen, still in his ring gear, staring after Murdoch with a determined look on his face.




We’re back at ringside for our main event. Zbyszko makes his entrance first, arguing with the fans in the front row along the way at one point ripping a homemade sign from a youngster claiming that ‘Larry Fears Texas’ and tearing it into shreds. After yet more jawing with the front rows, Zbyszko finally gets into the ring and stands in wait.


The Marine’s Hymn blasts from the PA system to signal Sgt Slaughter’s walk to the ring. The crowd rise to their feet to welcome him but the Sarge seems focused and heads straight for the ring.


With formalities out of the way, the two lock-up and so begins another classic example of the cat and mouse game that their feud has become famous for with Zbyszko continually evading capture.


Relying on hit and run attacks, Zbyszko spent the first 25 minutes of the match stalling for time, frustrating and breaking-up Slaughter’s rhythm at each turn. The crowd began to get more and more restless and by the time Zbyszko had slapped on a figure four in the middle of the ring, they seemed convinced that the Living Legend had done enough to hold on to his title. They showered the ring with garbage while Zbyszko continued to tighten and squeeze the hold demanding that the referee ask Slaughter to quit. Although a few half hearted attempts had been made thus far, this was the real deal and the crowd knew it. Only a feat of superhuman strength and guts could turn this around. And who’s stronger and got more guts than an ex-marine? After what seemed like an eternity, and panting into the house microphone – Slaughter uttered a scream of sheer defiance: “NOOOOOO!!!”


Zbyszko, who had been sporting a ****y smirk at this point, was taken aback and his face dropped. Cinching the move in further, Slaughter howled in pain but refused to give-up. The crowd began to chant ‘Slaughter, Slaughter, Slaughter’ and Zbyszko shaking his head in fury was clearly rattled. And then it happened. A slight twitch at first, almost un-noticeable. Slaughter’s leg moved within that vice like grip and Larry’s heart visibly sank, with a look of agony on his face the Sarge reached down and found the energy to turn the hold over. The reversal brought the crowd to their feet and they screamed for Slaughter to finish him.


Breaking off the hold but unable to get to his feet, Slaughter still seemed in peril and Larry began to put the boot in. Grabbing the incoming boot, Slaughter pulled Zbyszko down to the mat and pulled himself up Zbyszko’s body. Before anyone could fathom how exactly he’d managed to do it, Slaughter was lying alongside Zbyszko with his back and legs arched, locking Larry in a bridging cobra clutch!


With the pain clear for all to hear in his voice, Zbyszko uttered a single word into the microphone being thrust at him by the referee… “YES!”


The Winner and New AWA World Heavyweight Champion: Sgt Slaughter!


Match Rating: B+


Quick Results


Buck Zumhofe defeated The Trooper in a dark match

Ricky Steamboat pinned Harley Race

The Outlaws defeated The Texas Select

Sgt Slaughter won the AWA World Heavyweight Title from Larry Zbyszko

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Yes... well.... sorry about the break... hopefully the show write-up was worth it! Still tweaking with the presentation style - cutting down on the pics a little!


To the table then!


A perfect score for Olympia and several three out of four predictions in a card that could easily have gone the other way in three out of four of the bouts. Only Race and Steamboat being predicted correctly by everyone!


=1 Theheel – 25pts

=1 BHK1978 – 25pts

3. Angeldelayette – 24pts

4. Zergon – 16pts

5. Olympia – 15pts

6. Oldschool – 12pts

=7 MartinC – 11pts

=7 Stryfe – 11pts

9. Nick21985 – 5pts

=10 Destiny – 4pts

=10 judgejuryexecutioner – 4pts

=12 smurphy1014 – 3pts

=12 TakerNGN74 – 3pts


Theheel and BHK1978 maintain their joint lead but angeldelayette slips into third. Further down the table, Olympia trims Zergon's fourth place by a point and moves clear of Stryfe and MartinC who were also leapfrogged by the returning Old School - our six predictors last week all occupying the top 6 spots.


Thanks for taking part, I'll be running the prediction table in three monthly cycles and will restart from scratch at the beginning of January.


Next week's Quick Picks (Heels listed first)


The Hooligans v The Olympians

Mark Callous v Jerry Blackwell

Kokina Maximus v Baron Von Raschke

Mystery Opponent v Buck Zumhofe

The Trooper v Greg Gagne (TV Title Defence)

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<p><strong><strong>24 Hour Warning</strong></strong></p><p> </p><p>

This week's show will be posted inside the next 24 hours (all going well).</p><p> </p><p>

So far I've had predictions from:</p><p> </p><p>

...erm nobody...</p><p> </p><p>

But! Undeterred, we soldier on! Vote now: guarantee yourself top marks for the week and take advantage of general apathy/completely missing the update/some other reason!</p><p> </p><p>

Might scrap the predictions caper... or I could offer an in-game incentive... hmmm... will ruminate on this...</p><p> </p><p>

But tune in tomorrow (or early the next day!) to find out what's in store for the new AWA champion and all your wrestling favourites...</p><p> </p><p>

...and Greg Gagne.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>The Hooligans v <strong>The Olympians</strong></p><p>

<em>Should be a good technical wrestling encounter.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mark Callous</strong> v Jerry Blackwell</p><p>

<em>Callous destroys the big man.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kokina Maximus</strong> v Baron Von Raschke</p><p>

<em>A difficult match to predict but I'm going with Kokina this time.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mystery Opponent</strong> v Buck Zumhofe</p><p>

<em>It's hard to bet against the mystery.</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Trooper v <strong>Greg Gagne</strong> (TV Title Defence) </p><p>

<em>Of course Gagne gets the win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sorry for taking so long to predict!</em></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>The Hooligans v <strong>The Olympians</strong></p><p>

Mark Callous v <strong>Jerry Blackwell</strong></p><p>

</p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">I know that the Undertaker, ahem Mark Callous, has a nice career ahead of him, but Jerry Blackwell *IS* the AWA.</div><p></p><p>

<strong>Kokina Maximus</strong> v Baron Von Raschke</p><p>

</p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Kokina is a beast.</div><p></p><p>

<strong>Mystery Opponent</strong> v Buck Zumhofe</p><p>

</p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Even thought Buck *IS* the AWA, he is no Jerry Blackwell.</div><p></p><p>

The Trooper v <strong>Greg Gagne </strong>(TV Title Defence) </p><p>

</p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;">Yawn. Dropkick, Gagne Sleeper.</div><p></p>

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<p>The Hooligans v <strong>The Olympians</strong></p><p>

Hooligans still need time to develope</p><p>

<strong>Mark Callous</strong> v Jerry Blackwell</p><p>

Callous begins a great push with a victory over an AWA big shot</p><p>

<strong>Kokina Maximus</strong> v Baron Von Raschke</p><p>

same reason that i picked callous</p><p>

<strong>Mystery Opponent</strong> v Buck Zumhofe</p><p>

debuts usually win and buck is great at putting people over</p><p>

<strong>The Trooper </strong>v Greg Gagne (TV Title Defence)</p><p>

moving in a new direction, so a new TV champion, would be great...Grag is bland and Trooper is ready for a breakout</p>

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