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So I guess you are a huge fan of Salli Richardson-Whitfield?:p


I am kind of sad that this is the final season of Eureka, it is such a quality show. I guess all good things must come to an end though.


Her acting is...wooden. There's like no emotion in her at all. Her facial expression almost never changes and her delivery of lines is just infuriating.


But, Eureka may have gotten me to watch another Syfy show. Allison Scagliotti's guest role as her Warehouse 13 character got me intrigued about that show. So I'll probably watch that after I'm done with Eureka.

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Her acting is...wooden. There's like no emotion in her at all. Her facial expression almost never changes and her delivery of lines is just infuriating.


But, Eureka may have gotten me to watch another Syfy show. Allison Scagliotti's guest role as her Warehouse 13 character got me intrigued about that show. So I'll probably watch that after I'm done with Eureka.


You know what is a pretty good show on the SciFi channel (I hate calling it Syfy.)? Lost Girl, I think it is a good match in the lineup with Eureka as it has a very quirky humor to it. Plus I love me some Kenzi, she is such an awesome sidekick and very good looking to boot.


I watched something horrible today, Battle Of the Network Stars 1980. There was nothing on the tv and I came across that so I thought I would watch it as I vaguely remember watching it when I was a kid (Not the 1980 edition but the ones that were on later.) and it had Howard Cosell as a host. Boy that was a mistake, that show was utter crap but the thing is I had to watch the whole show even though I knew what I was watching was utter crap.

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You know what is a pretty good show on the SciFi channel (I hate calling it Syfy.)? Lost Girl, I think it is a good match in the lineup with Eureka as it has a very quirky humor to it. Plus I love me some Kenzi, she is such an awesome sidekick and very good looking to boot.


I watched something horrible today, Battle Of the Network Stars 1980. There was nothing on the tv and I came across that so I thought I would watch it as I vaguely remember watching it when I was a kid (Not the 1980 edition but the ones that were on later.) and it had Howard Cosell as a host. Boy that was a mistake, that show was utter crap but the thing is I had to watch the whole show even though I knew what I was watching was utter crap.


My ex used to watch all the reality shows, like Jersey Shore and the Kardashian krap.


I hated that crap, but I couldn't turn my head. It was like a train wreck and god awful and I felt like I was losing brain cells just watching it, but I couldn't stop watching whenever she had it on. So I definitely understand watching something in it's entirety even though you can't stand it :p


I'll put Lost Girl on my list. I was told Alphas was pretty good too, so I just put that on my list as well.



I just looked up this Kenzi you speak of and my jaw hit the ground. Flat out gorgeous. I'm going to give it a shot just because of her :p

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My ex used to watch all the reality shows, like Jersey Shore and the Kardashian krap.


I hated that crap, but I couldn't turn my head. It was like a train wreck and god awful and I felt like I was losing brain cells just watching it, but I couldn't stop watching whenever she had it on. So I definitely understand watching something in it's entirety even though you can't stand it :p


I'll put Lost Girl on my list. I was told Alphas was pretty good too, so I just put that on my list as well.


Yes Alphas is good as well, I really like Haven. Pretty much the only original show on there that I never took a liking to is Warehouse 13. Obviously don't go by my word but there is something I just don't like about it. Which is odd because CCH Pounder is on there a pretty much anything that she has ever been on is good in my opinion like Millennium, The Shield, Revenge (Yeah I watch it...:o).

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Yes Alphas is good as well, I really like Haven. Pretty much the only original show on there that I never took a liking to is Warehouse 13. Obviously don't go by my word but there is something I just don't like about it. Which is odd because CCH Pounder is on there a pretty much anything that she has ever been on is good in my opinion like Millennium, The Shield, Revenge (Yeah I watch it...:o).


I've never even heard of Revenge. My only access to television is the internet. We don't even get the "antenna" channels at my house, so I usually have to acquire shows I want to watch via the internet or stream them from the shows websites or Netflix.


I've always wanted to watch the Shield though. I watched an episode once and it blew my mind. Really need to give that series a go soon.

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I've never even heard of Revenge. My only access to television is the internet. We don't even get the "antenna" channels at my house, so I usually have to acquire shows I want to watch via the internet or stream them from the shows websites or Netflix.


I've always wanted to watch the Shield though. I watched an episode once and it blew my mind. Really need to give that series a go soon.


Yeah the Shield had a lot of shocking moments in it throughout its run. From the first episode onward it was great.


The funny thing is I remember when I saw the first episode of it and I saw Michael Chiklis as the star of it, I was forced to do a double take because I was so used to seeing him as the fat nice guy on the Commish. Now here he is as a rouge cop, it was very much a stark departure from his role on the Commish.

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Yes Alphas is good as well, I really like Haven. Pretty much the only original show on there that I never took a liking to is Warehouse 13. Obviously don't go by my word but there is something I just don't like about it. Which is odd because CCH Pounder is on there a pretty much anything that she has ever been on is good in my opinion like Millennium, The Shield, Revenge (Yeah I watch it...:o).


everyone in my house hold love the show


I admit i watch it and it is amazing, doesn't help that the person who plays emily thorne is hot.

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I don't have cable anymore so i just watch most stuff on line. Currently Netflix, i've been watching a lot of British TV shows. Just finished the 2010 Sherlock TV, only 3 episodes on streaming, but i really ,liked it. Dug the Inspector Lewis stuff, the mysteries aren't all that but i liked the actors and it was fun.


Now to find more stuff.

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I don't have cable anymore so i just watch most stuff on line. Currently Netflix, i've been watching a lot of British TV shows. Just finished the 2010 Sherlock TV, only 3 episodes on streaming, but i really ,liked it. Dug the Inspector Lewis stuff, the mysteries aren't all that but i liked the actors and it was fun.


Now to find more stuff.


Netflix has scared me. I like when they recommend stuff, yet they gave me a movie called Bedways. Pretty creepy and really crappy stuff.

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everyone in my house hold love the show


I admit i watch it and it is amazing, doesn't help that the person who plays emily thorne is hot.


Yes she is and that was the main reason why I started watching it in the first place.:o


Another show that I really liked was the Warwick Davis show Life's Too Short.

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House was one of the most creative, original spins on a show I had seen in a long time. Then for some strange reason they broke up the original cast, kept House and brought in a bunch of nobody's. Then from there they completely killed the Cuddy storyline to the point where I won't even be watching the finale.


Mad Men has been great, Game of Thrones has been great. Spartacus Vengeance was fantastic. Those are my favorites so far this year. Once Upon a Time started out REALLY good, then went to break, came back from break and was dull and bored me to tears until the final two episodes and now I can't wait until next season. I still have to catch up on Being Human and Psych.

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House was one of the most creative, original spins on a show I had seen in a long time. Then for some strange reason they broke up the original cast, kept House and brought in a bunch of nobody's. Then from there they completely killed the Cuddy storyline to the point where I won't even be watching the finale.


Mad Men has been great, Game of Thrones has been great. Spartacus Vengeance was fantastic. Those are my favorites so far this year. Once Upon a Time started out REALLY good, then went to break, came back from break and was dull and bored me to tears until the final two episodes and now I can't wait until next season. I still have to catch up on Being Human and Psych.


Dude, watch it. Great finale. I'm sure it won't go down in history as one of the greatest finales in television, but House definitely ends as it should. Great stuff. Loved it. I can gladly say that i will miss the show, but i can move on with no regrets.

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House was one of the most creative, original spins on a show I had seen in a long time. Then for some strange reason they broke up the original cast, kept House and brought in a bunch of nobody's. Then from there they completely killed the Cuddy storyline to the point where I won't even be watching the finale.


Mad Men has been great, Game of Thrones has been great. Spartacus Vengeance was fantastic. Those are my favorites so far this year. Once Upon a Time started out REALLY good, then went to break, came back from break and was dull and bored me to tears until the final two episodes and now I can't wait until next season. I still have to catch up on Being Human and Psych.


I'd say give it a shot. You don't really need to watch the rest of the season, but I'd say to watch the finale.


Also, I really liked the "Swan Song" little documentary type thing they did, I thought that was very well done.


Also, Once Upon A Time was never good... I have no idea why I watched the entire season.


Dude, watch it. Great finale. I'm sure it won't go down in history as one of the greatest finales in television, but House definitely ends as it should. Great stuff. Loved it. I can gladly say that i will miss the show, but i can move on with no regrets.


I agree. It wasn't one of the best finales ever, and it definitely wasn't among the best House episodes ever, but I can definitely accept it as the closing to the show.

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I never watched Once Upon A Time, but I am a huge fan of Grimm.


I was only able to bring myself to watch 2 episodes of that show. Though, it does look like it eventually has the potential of being at least somewhat watchable, probably on a more recent seasons of Supernatural level.


I think I now hold even more of a grudge for that show now that NBC renewed that and cancelled Awake, though. I really liked that show, but at the same time, I can kinda see why it was a one season show.

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I was only able to bring myself to watch 2 episodes of that show. Though, it does look like it eventually has the potential of being at least somewhat watchable, probably on a more recent seasons of Supernatural level.


I think I now hold even more of a grudge for that show now that NBC renewed that and cancelled Awake, though. I really liked that show, but at the same time, I can kinda see why it was a one season show.


I like Awake but as soon as it came on the air I knew it was not going to last, I knew it was going to be a one and done show. Shows that have any elements of Sci Fi in them do not tend to last a long time on broadcast networks. Sure there are exceptions to the rule like Lost, X-Files, or Supernatural (Is the CW even considered a Network...) but for the most part they never last.


Which sucks because those types of shows are what I am drawn to.


How you feel about Grimm is how I feel about Parks and Recreation. NBC renewed Parks and Recreation over My Name is Earl, which in my opinion was not the right move to make.

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I like Awake but as soon as it came on the air I knew it was not going to last, I knew it was going to be a one and done show. Shows that have any elements of Sci Fi in them do not tend to last a long time on broadcast networks. Sure there are exceptions to the rule like Lost, X-Files, or Supernatural (Is the CW even considered a Network...) but for the most part they never last.


Which sucks because those types of shows are what I am drawn to.


How you feel about Grimm is how I feel about Parks and Recreation. NBC renewed Parks and Recreation over My Name is Earl, which in my opinion was not the right move to make.


I still don't know why they axed My name is Earl. Couldn't they at least make a smaller season to wrap things up? It's insulting that a show like that doesn't have a fitting finale.


Edit: Once upon a time is just some former Lost guys tryig to repeat the formula in a fairy tale form. And it only makes me remember how poorly Lost ended! I mean...seriously??? 6 years for that ending? Figures! Jennifer Morrison was the only thing that made me watch a few episodes of it, and then Ginnifer Goodwin, who is cutest as hell, and then...i got bored! Because the show is repetitive. I'd rather see House from season 4 onwards, E.R. from season 8 onwards, and so many shows that jumped the shark, then once upon a time on it's first season.

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I still don't know why they axed My name is Earl. Couldn't they at least make a smaller season to wrap things up? It's insulting that a show like that doesn't have a fitting finale.


Edit: Once upon a time is just some former Lost guys tryig to repeat the formula in a fairy tale form. And it only makes me remember how poorly Lost ended! I mean...seriously??? 6 years for that ending? Figures! Jennifer Morrison was the only thing that made me watch a few episodes of it, and then Ginnifer Goodwin, who is cutest as hell, and then...i got bored! Because the show is repetitive. I'd rather see House from season 4 onwards, E.R. from season 8 onwards, and so many shows that jumped the shark, then once upon a time on it's first season.


Oh, me too. For instance, Supernatural very definitely jumped the shark after its 5th season (when the creator's story arc and involvement with the show ended), but I still think I had a lot more fun with this season of Supernatural than I did Once Upon a Time, even though it admittedly was not a very good season of it.


The moment that showed me what Once Upon a Time was going to be was in the very first episode when one of the characters said "HEY!" and threw a sword at somebody's face and it was just the cheesiest thing ever.


That said, I loved most of Lost, so I think the reason why I stuck with it was I was REALLY hoping this show would take some sort of dark/awesome twist somewhere throughout the season and it just didn't, and it remained kind of a cheesy throwaway show (that was apparently very popular, and therefore renewed).


It makes me sad that the number of shows that actually reliably entertain me are rapidly dwindling.

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I still don't know why they axed My name is Earl. Couldn't they at least make a smaller season to wrap things up? It's insulting that a show like that doesn't have a fitting finale.



Over on Televison Without Pity there was a poster who claimed to be Series Creator Greg Gracia (I say claimed because with this being the internet there is just no way to prove it, so either you take the poster's word as being true or you do not.)here is what he said about the show(If this is against board rules just delete this post.):




First of all, thanks for caring. You deserve an explanation.


Here’s what happened as far as I know...


Yes, going into season five the license fee for the show was supposed to double. But the studio knew that they would never get that kind of money for a show that wasn’t a huge hit so they were ready to make a deal with NBC. Weeks ago, NBC offered to pick up the show for 22 episodes at the same license fee they were paying last year. If we had a time machine we would go back and take that deal and we wouldn’t be in this mess. But no one could have seen what was going to happen and the studio naturally tried to get a little more money out of them and even tried to get a two year pick up in return for lowering the license fee. Then, out of the blue, NBC stopped negotiating. They simply didn’t call back. I emailed Jeff Zucker and never got a response. Finally, in the eleventh hour, the studio went to NBC and said they would take their initial offer and NBC still didn’t respond. They simply announced that they were canceling the show. So this wasn’t about money as much as they would like to say that it is.


And it’s not about ratings either because as all you have pointed out we get better ratings then many other shows. Plus, we’re on at eight o’clock which is the hardest place to get ratings. Especially when you’re clearly not an eight o’clock show. But we still came in second place in the key demo almost every time we aired. So, basically it’s a little bit about money and a lot about ownership of the show. Parks and Rec, The Office, 30 Rock... all of these shows are owned by the network. So they are in the business of protecting those shows so they will be worth more in syndication. It’s why we were moved to eight o’clock in the first place. After bringing an audience to The Office (check out their ratings before we came along) we were put on at eight o’clock to lead off the night and get worse ratings. Then they set out to sell The Office into syndication at the same time we tried to sell My Name is Earl. By the way, this is all really good business by NBC. My Name is Earl just happened to be on the wrong side of things.


As for the cliff hanger. I was told by people at NBC that we were a slam dunk for a pick up so I set up a story line for season five. I asked them many times to let me know if we might get cancelled so I could wrap up the series and they always told me not to worry about it. Business aside, this was the biggest dick move. Not letting me finish a show about a guy with a list especially since I’ve known how the show would end ever since I started it.


As for FOX not picking up the show I’m as confused as the rest of you. Seems like a great show for them.


We’ll still try and find a home for the show but things are looking bleak. I will then look into other avenues to go down to try and find a way to wrap things up and finish the show the way I always wanted to. Maybe a movie or a even a book if I have to. Although the thought of writing a book makes me want to puke.


Thanks for being such great fans of the show. We loved making the show for you. Coming here and reading what you guys thought of an episode, whether it was good or bad, was always a treat.


Thank you.


Greg Garcia

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