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Dog Pound Sign up Thread

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Just for fun here is our backstage personalities:


Black Spider is extremely negative

Juce the Ninja is negetive

Tyson Oliver is Very Negetive

Ace Kerghan, Benny D, Colonel Jack Macgee, Derek B, Ioan Glyndwr are all positive

Mister Whitey, and Scorpio Murphy is very positive.

Revenant One, The Psychoholic, The Steel City Desttoyer are all positive.


Don't see my name here. . .:( but could you use the almighty editor to make me a positive influence? Can't see myself any other way.

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Everyone, say hello to the Teamin Ain't Easy Tag Championship.


Ah... Cleveland has terrible sports teams.... and one really offensive one. Ha!


Seriously, I'm not an influence? Dang. I hope I'm at least liberal enough to take crazy bumps.

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Just for a heads up guys, the show looks really good especially when you take in the fact that it's our first show as a company. i think I have the setup pretty much complete so expect a preview to go up in the main thread later tonight. About 80% of everyone sent in promos which added to the storylines I have started means that not everyone's promo got into the show. I hope that no one has hard feeling abut that, it's really just a matter of minutes
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Just for a heads up guys, the show looks really good especially when you take in the fact that it's our first show as a company. i think I have the setup pretty much complete so expect a preview to go up in the main thread later tonight. About 80% of everyone sent in promos which added to the storylines I have started means that not everyone's promo got into the show. I hope that no one has hard feeling abut that, it's really just a matter of minutes


For episode 2 I guess we'll have to set up some joint skits so we can share the minutes and get everyone on the show.

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Pat Paladin


Short Name- The Crusader

Picture -

Gender- Male

Birth Month-November, 1995Year-

Nationality- American

Mask (Y/N)-N

Hair (Y/N)-Y

Sexuality- Hetrosexual



Style - Preformer (Ultimate do gooder. Always trying to rescue the maiden, defeat evil, charging the dragon headlong)

Size-Heavy weight

Finishers (Type)- Submission (Faith buster)


Heel and Face Proformance (Must add to 100)- FACE 80 Heel 20


Other Proformances (Name two to have raised)- wholesome, comedy


Gimmick: knight in shinning armor


Good Skills (Pick 4 to have raised 1 grade)- Microphone, Brawling, submissions, Resillance


Execellent Skills (Pick 2 to have raised 2 grades, Not same as good skills)-

Chrisma, Psychology


Any extra data that you think is relivent that I may have missed can go here: Pat is gaelic for champion...and paladin is a knight. This character is really throws the thees and thous about rushing headlong to challenge 'evil' he sees. He is a nice person who is shy backstage and very religious.

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Just for fun here is our backstage personalities:


Black Spider is extremely negative

Juce the Ninja is negetive

Tyson Oliver is Very Negetive

Ace Kerghan, Benny D, Colonel Jack Macgee, Derek B, Ioan Glyndwr are all positive

Mister Whitey, and Scorpio Murphy is very positive.

Revenant One, The Psychoholic, The Steel City Desttoyer are all positive.


Wahey I'm a total bastard :p

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Can I recommend sticking a big red note in the first post if we're not taking any new signups?


I dont want to be a twat about it, but this project will require a lot of give and take, and careful attention paid to others, and if people have missed the many "this project is currently full" posts throughout the thread they might not be exactly the right people...


This is one of those posts that will come across horribly online...

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If nothing else this proves there's a market for efed/diary projects. Well, proves that there are people willing to play them at least. It's interesting. Might be room for a second or third project of this type down the line... Not that every Tom, Dick & Harry should try to set one up.


Other than the name, I like the Pat Paladin character. Hope he gets in if there's ever room.

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Can I recommend sticking a big red note in the first post if we're not taking any new signups?


I dont want to be a twat about it, but this project will require a lot of give and take, and careful attention paid to others, and if people have missed the many "this project is currently full" posts throughout the thread they might not be exactly the right people...


This is one of those posts that will come across horribly online...


I agree with the big red note idea. Well better late then never right? I'll this put on my first post.





Well it is. :rolleyes:

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So my character will be in eventually?


Yes and you will get a message from me when the opening becomes available.


True, I forgot about that. I could start a new thread that gives a list of backups, though that may take up a useless space of thread. I'll just start gathering a list of and post it when I have a list.


Or you could just trust that I have a handle on things :cool:

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Hopefully everyone gets in here, this might be a good place to have updates and what not. Anyway, anyone involved in a storyline I need your second show's segments. Also if you want to write a promo or whatever to be in the second show just send it in and just like the first I'll try my hardest to use everyone.
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Guest KingOfKings
Hopefully everyone gets in here, this might be a good place to have updates and what not. Anyway, anyone involved in a storyline I need your second show's segments. Also if you want to write a promo or whatever to be in the second show just send it in and just like the first I'll try my hardest to use everyone.


If you have any idea of who we're facing on the second show could you PM it tome so I can get started on the promo? Thanks that would help a lot

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