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Dog Pound Sign up Thread

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I thought you of all people would enjoy the sausage-fest Self ;)


Oh and as far as communications goes, I was just going to keep using PM for all the creative stuff, until that proves to just be to overwhelming then we could try something else.


On a couple of side notes: If you are in a tag team I would like the two of you to get together and come up with interviews, I find it flows a lot better than two separate ones trying to get molded together. Also I know I said signups were closed, but I'm thinking if I can get a few more people to sign up as faces then it will help this gap out a lot. Of corse my fear is that the more people in the company the less that gets used on a regualr basis.

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No just means that i need to edit your personality a bit to not be such a douch bag =) Go ahead and get your promo together and send it in. Everyone will be in it at least at the start.


And on that note unless somebody asked for a specific personality trait I randomized your character traits, should make for an interesting locker room

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No just means that i need to edit your personality a bit to not be such a douch bag =) Go ahead and get your promo together and send it in. Everyone will be in it at least at the start.


And on that note unless somebody asked for a specific personality trait I randomized your character traits, should make for an interesting locker room


You should just create a database with the promotion already set up... add all the contracts via the editor and then there shouldn't be any problems. I realise that might mean we all end up with fixed gimmick ratings and the like, but it might be better than having to sign us all in the game and worrying about our various contract demands. :)

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You should just create a database with the promotion already set up... add all the contracts via the editor and then there shouldn't be any problems. I realize that might mean we all end up with fixed gimmick ratings and the like, but it might be better than having to sign us all in the game and worrying about our various contract demands. :)


Yeah i thought about that and i still might do it. The reason I initially decided against it is because of (like you said) the fixed gimmick ratings, the fixed momentum, and since I wasn't sure on alignment (and still not completely set on it) I wouldn't be able to adjust that without an actual turn.



If a couple more people still want to sign up for this we could REALLY use a solid face tag team to balance things out a bit.

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Writing the promo now.


I'll be willing to tag team with any face...just any chance to get the gold, baby.


Who wants to tag with the nineteen-year old sensation, wrestling son "The Flying Tiger" Dewrell?

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I thought you of all people would enjoy the sausage-fest Self ;)


Not sure whether to be offended or touched that you're paying attention. I like variety. Like it in the wrestling ring. Like it in ice cream. Like it in bed (you know, single bed, king-sized bed, sleeping bag... wink). Women provide a different energy. If you asked every player if their character would react differently to a female interviewer rather than a male, I'm pretty sure a good deal of them would say Yes. That's interesting to me.


Anyways, my promo is sent in (along with a bunch of information I probably should update on my earlier post) so I'll just sit back and see what happens. Looking forward to seeing how this comes together.

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The promos Are pouring in, its exciting that you guys are so into this. I will use several promos for the event I just wanted you guys to be able to have some type of idea what the sceniro was. I'm going to have to have some things tweeked to allow attacks and what not. In the mean time there is still a handful of people who don't have pics yet and we need that. So if you don't have one try to come up with one before the end of the night. I'm hoping to get the first post up tonight. I want everything in that thread to be strickly kayfeb so if u need to talk to me or anyone else please do it through pm. Also any storyline ideas you have feel free to run them by me
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The promos Are pouring in, its exciting that you guys are so into this. I will use several promos for the event I just wanted you guys to be able to have some type of idea what the sceniro was. I'm going to have to have some things tweeked to allow attacks and what not. In the mean time there is still a handful of people who don't have pics yet and we need that. So if you don't have one try to come up with one before the end of the night. I'm hoping to get the first post up tonight. I want everything in that thread to be strickly kayfeb so if u need to talk to me or anyone else please do it through pm. Also any storyline ideas you have feel free to run them by me


Has Christian Star got a picture

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The promos Are pouring in, its exciting that you guys are so into this. I will use several promos for the event I just wanted you guys to be able to have some type of idea what the sceniro was. I'm going to have to have some things tweeked to allow attacks and what not. In the mean time there is still a handful of people who don't have pics yet and we need that. So if you don't have one try to come up with one before the end of the night. I'm hoping to get the first post up tonight. I want everything in that thread to be strickly kayfeb so if u need to talk to me or anyone else please do it through pm. Also any storyline ideas you have feel free to run them by me


Can my character rarely speak? I mean, my character is more in the vein of Homicide in the old days (rarely spoke, just kicked @$$, and the fans cheered for him anyways) and I would wait until I can at least see where he fits in with the main event scene before I send in a promo.

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Can my character rarely speak? I mean, my character is more in the vein of Homicide in the old days (rarely spoke, just kicked @$$, and the fans cheered for him anyways) and I would wait until I can at least see where he fits in with the main event scene before I send in a promo.


That's fine instead of promos maybe attack someone backstage?? I just want something that's going to help me (and the fans) visualize your character and make him feel real. How you protray that is completely up to you

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Writing the promo now.


I'll be willing to tag team with any face...just any chance to get the gold, baby.


Who wants to tag with the nineteen-year old sensation, wrestling son "The Flying Tiger" Dewrell?


How about the other masked wrestler "The Black Spider"? :) Send me a PM and we can discuss stuff if you want to team with me.


EDIT: I will write my promo after talking to TheLeviticalLawKid3, depending on if it will be tag team or me alone.

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I looked through and these were the ones I could find that needed to be made 150x150, hope you like it.

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I looked through and these were the ones I could find that needed to be made 150x150, hope you like it.


Thanks for the assist man I'll get those added then send everyone I still need one from a quick PM.

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