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Anyone else pumped after the WWE carreer trailer?


I pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition for the PS4 2 days ago. While I am excited, I'm not ruling out a possible disappointment in some regard after the crapfest that was 2K15. However, everything that has been shown so far is leaps and bounds better than 2K15, so yeah, it will be a good or even a great/amazing game.

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I pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe Edition for the PS4 2 days ago. While I am excited, I'm not ruling out a possible disappointment in some regard after the crapfest that was 2K15. However, everything that has been shown so far is leaps and bounds better than 2K15, so yeah, it will be a good or even a great/amazing game.


Why go deluxe when a hard copy can be traded into Gamestop if you hate the game? Digital is just not worth it IMO.

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I massively prefer the convenience and durability of digital versions. But even I have to agree that I'd never get the digital version of a game when I hated the previous instalment, especially on pre-order.


Pre-ordering a digital version of a sequel to a game you didn't like is just begging for it to be terrible. :p

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Never go digital when when the version before has been terrible (unless you can check it out first like with EA Access)


Agreed. Plus I may have bias but I work at Gamestop and always go against digital. Especially with all the hackers these days. Atleast a hardcopy you have forever as opposed to Digital if your account gets banned or hacked all your games are gone forever

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I prefer digital content and I've practically gone exclusively digital since getting the Xbox One. I only have Watch Dogs on disc (it was $12 brand new on eBay in the plastic wrap). I bought the Media Hub that came out for it and added an additional 500GB hard drive. Works and looks awesome. I like digital games for the computer as well. If anything happens to my computers or if I were to lose a disc, its really easy to reinstall stuff.
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I prefer digital content and I've practically gone exclusively digital since getting the Xbox One. I only have Watch Dogs on disc (it was $12 brand new on eBay in the plastic wrap). I bought the Media Hub that came out for it and added an additional 500GB hard drive. Works and looks awesome. I like digital games for the computer as well. If anything happens to my computers or if I were to lose a disc, its really easy to reinstall stuff.


Its a double edged sword.


Pros - Its massively convenient switching games without discs and having them download ready for you to play first thing. You don't have to worry about losing discs or getting them scratched.


Cons - You can usually find physical copies cheaper and you have the option to trade the game in and get some cash back. You can also get stung when a GOTY version comes out with all the DLC cheaper than buying seperately. If a game sucks then your stuck with it.


I consider any digital game as a risk and wont but one without checking it out before.


If unsure, go to the store

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No argument for me, but in my opinion, physical is my favorite way of buying games. It's just convenient to be able to sell them. Plus, I like bragging about my collection :D


I was picking physical over digital (hell, you can find post of me in this topic where i'm mad over steam) but since i've got my Xbox One, i'm a digital guy :D

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Why go deluxe when a hard copy can be traded into Gamestop if you hate the game? Digital is just not worth it IMO.


I don't really have a preference. But I can get the games in better, cheaper prices (In dollars) digitally than I would get with physical pre-orders, or even released games (There are games that were released 1-2 years ago that still cost 200, TWO HUNDRED reais) (in reais, the Brazilian currency), and I just think it's convenient. And several other factors enter the story as well.

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D and Clarity, thanks guys. Like I said I missed some stuff in one of the campaign missio s that explained many of my problems. My fault. Not the game's. Game does a great job of explaining everything. Leaves some for the user to figure out but in a good way. The game hasnt held my hand as far as how to pick strategies and move the ball forward. As a tutorial mode, the campaign does a fantastic job of explaining what youre doing but letting YOU play the game.


So yea, Im hooked lol. This game is wonderful. I dont know why I couldnt get into it when I tried BB1 on PC. As I understand it the core game is pretty much the same thing. Either way, Im loving it now. The XB1 controls work really well, too.

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D and Clarity, thanks guys. Like I said I missed some stuff in one of the campaign missio s that explained many of my problems. My fault. Not the game's. Game does a great job of explaining everything. Leaves some for the user to figure out but in a good way. The game hasnt held my hand as far as how to pick strategies and move the ball forward. As a tutorial mode, the campaign does a fantastic job of explaining what youre doing but letting YOU play the game.


So yea, Im hooked lol. This game is wonderful. I dont know why I couldnt get into it when I tried BB1 on PC. As I understand it the core game is pretty much the same thing. Im adoring this game. Either way, Im loving it now. The XB1 controls work really well, too.


Once your done on the campaign, the fun should really start as you can take that knowledge online and try grow your team.

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Once your done on the campaign, the fun should really start as you can take that knowledge online and try grow your team.


Yea the campaign has some parts that aren't fun. I'm perfectly OK with this being a diced based game and the pluses and minuses that comes with this format. Problem is, sometimes you do EVeRythiNG right and the dice don't fall your way. If I was playing with a friend or something then whatever. The dice went your way and we had fun playing. Thats the game. Live by the dice die by the dice. I'm fine with that. But when I play an hour long game and lose because of some dice rolls then have to do the same thing all...over...again... not my favorite part of the game haha. Very much looking forward to the campaign ending so I can really sink my teeth into this game.


If you ever want to school me on XBL my GT is Big T is Buff.


Yes. Seriously.





And D I will probably be picking this up on Steam at some point when the sale hits the right price.

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Player HoM&M6 and got bored rather quickly. So little variation... Played M&M10 and got bummed over the fact that dead characters don't get xp (logical, yes, but annoying as you're stuck with them lagging 2LVL behind).


I heard HoM&M5 is supposed to be better so I guess I'll try that one. And there was also HoM&M3HD in the bundle so if all else fails... At least there's some value in the 10$ I spend on it. :p


With the unlockable characters finally unlocked in WWE2k15 for PC (still no Paige, grrrr), I found out Stone Cold, Nash and DDP are also in it, which extended the lifespan somewhat.

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After a skint saturday night playing helldivers has anyone got tips on other couch co-op games for ps4?I'm a rare breed i like to play games with friends in the same room & its actually not easy 2 find that option these days.


i am the same, we couldn't find any really, instead we went back to the PS3 and got Resistance 3, The Club and Army of 2, the second one, we got got Lost Planet 2 we played for all of ten minutes and left that one to die


The Club while not what we usually play is great fun, we played a mode called Hunter/hunted or something like that, even better with 4 of us in the room

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XB1 has a few more couch co-op options than PS4, but off the top of my head, you've got all the sports and wrestling games. Pretty much any sports game can be played cooperatively.


You've got Diablo 3, Towerfall, Dead Nation, Guacamelee, Knack, Little Big Planet, and the Lego games. That's just off the top of my head but there's some options for you and those are all pretty well-received games.

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Resident Evil 5/6 is fun co-op, but that's PS3. There's Rainbow6:Vegas too on PS3. PS4 should have spiritual successors to those games I reckon.


Backwards compatability would have been amazing but it wasnt to be. Shame really as I wouldnt be having this discussion!I'll end up with 12 consoles by the year 2030 & a tv standing so high i've got a constant neck ache.

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Any one else played the Star Wars Battlefront beta yet?


Not a huge fan of PvP in general to be honest but gave it a go and found it to play exactly like Battlefield (despite developers saying it wouldn't and would feel like it's own game). I understand there will be more to the full game, but it'll just be like polishing a turd. The game was fun for the first 5 or 6 matches, then along come spawn kills and shooting through objects to kill you from impossible angles (guess they'll get fixed, then again maybe they wont the way developers are going these days with bugged game releases). Not saying it's the worst game in the world, but it's certainly not worth handing over close to £50 for. It's a bit of a let down to be honest.


Positive side to the game was I finished top 3 overall in my first 6 matches, and then 2nd on my team for the remaining few matches I played so for once I dislike a game for reasons other than me sucking at it! Plus, I get to cancel my pre-order so going to see the beta coming along as a good thing due to it saving me money buying the full game.


Those who love PvP will probably love this, anyone else, stay well clear and don't let the fact it says "Star Wars" on the box fool you.

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