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<p>Anyone actually playing Samarai Warriors Empires 4? Just bought it 2 days ago and I love it! I never buy the actual games because I don't care to see the same story repeated over and over again just like Dynasty Warriors.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

As far as somebody saying WWE2k15 being superior to 2k16 has got to be out of their mind! 2k16 has its faults (I'm looking at you submission system and voice acting) but 2k15 was barely a game....I think No Mercy had more features and match types then 2k15 had.</p>

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Wondering if anyone else picked up the PC version of WWE 2k16. It was released Friday and I'm finding it unbearable so far. Graphics are mostly great, but this is the first in this series that I have played and these controls stink. The computer always kicks out of pins regardless of difficulty level and health meters, and I've lost several matches in which I still was green when they pinned me because there is a lag between pressing it and the meter stopping (I've learned to guess in advance, but sometimes the target moves after I had to guess and I end up way off). The counter system is also making the game very boring as I feel passive for large parts of the match (computer counters way more often that I do I've though I put the settings way down and set it to easy).


There are also times where I can't get back in the ring (the button to get in doesn't work), and times where I miss a move because my guy goes completely in the wrong direction in attempt to execute it.


The issues are so bad that I repeated the same match as lesnar against one of the vaudevillians and lost every time for 4 straight hours. When I finally won, it was because the guy chose to get counted out. It's funny it says I 've played 12 hours, but 4 of those hours I fell asleep while it was on and at least 3 of the hours I just left it on while doing something else to avoid getting overly frustrated with it



I'll give it time for patches and what not, but this is the first wrestling game in a long time that I thought was aweful ( I want to say the other one was attitude or something like that back on N64 or maybe even SNES). Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this or has any times on fixing game play via settings, hardware, etc (my system exceeds all specs, and aside from the video card which is only slightly above spec, the rest exceed by quite a bit. I am wondering if the Bluetooth keyboard may introduce a lag, but I no longer have a non-Bluetooth one and would thinking xbox controllers use blue tooth so it shouldn't be an issue.)


I haven't had your experiences. It's not great, and the default settings are dire, but I do like the counter system in theory, and fiddling with the AI and finisher strength fixes a lot of other issues. It's still a bit sluggish due to the stamina system, but I find it plays fine with a wired 360 controller.


It's a huge improvement over the PC release of WWE2k15, which I got for maybe $5 and found virtually unplayable. It was like a demo of wwe2k16.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="bigtplaystew" data-cite="bigtplaystew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And there are STILL mini games in career mode... ugh.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Just to pick up on this point, now that I've played more career mode... I actually like the training system this year.</p><p> </p><p> It is, after all, a sports game. It'd be a bit silly to just say "oh hey, have these points for doing nothing".</p><p> </p><p> At least there's a purpose to them this year. I like the "do this training thing to improve these stats" mechanic, and the wear and tear and injuries are cool. I love the fact that once you've done as well as you can in a category, you don't have to do it again, you can just sim it and get your best score every time. You only need to do it again if your score isn't very good. And I love the fact that "Hard" isn't necessarily "better". </p><p> </p><p> It's not perfect though, some of the actual mini-games aren't very balanced. Namely, any that involve a sparring partner. You can only defend takedowns as often as the opponent tries to take you down... And for that matter, takedowns are piss-easy to defend in training mode. Hold R2 and down, win. No timing needed. At higher difficulties they'll sometimes throw in a clinch to mess that up, but even that's easy enough.</p><p> </p><p> That's part of the balance issue though - clinches take longer to get out of, because breaking the clinch doesn't count, you have to wait for them to take you down and then defend that. And there's one particular animation for getting back to your feet after a failed takedown that takes FOREVER, so the more of those you get the lower your score will be. I'd prefer a Madden/MLB The Show type training system where you get X number of attempts, and your score is based on how many you succeed at.</p><p> </p><p> And I'm still not really sure how the fast strikes mini-game is scored. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png"></p><p> </p><p> But overall I like the system.</p><p> </p><p> My one major gripe with career mode is that it's not easy to really customise your character. You start out with general all-around stats based on your weight category, and have to train the bits you want, I get that. But there are maximums based on your attributes, and it's not always easy to get the attribute upgrades you want to increase the stat maximums. It's not always easy to even figure out what attributes you NEED to increase the stats you want.</p>
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I haven't had your experiences. It's not great, and the default settings are dire, but I do like the counter system in theory, and fiddling with the AI and finisher strength fixes a lot of other issues. It's still a bit sluggish due to the stamina system, but I find it plays fine with a wired 360 controller.


It's a huge improvement over the PC release of WWE2k15, which I got for maybe $5 and found virtually unplayable. It was like a demo of wwe2k16.


After playing some more with it, I had figured out that with the keyboard, I could win fairly well with submissions and switched to that strategy, and also learned the stamina bars better which makes a big difference as well.


I then gave one last attempt at getting my xbox 360 controller wireless receiver to work and did. With the controller I am better at reversals, general character movement (particularly the exact direction I want to go), and greatly improved at breaking pins. I am much worse at getting the submissions, though I am improving and have started getting them. I also find it difficult to consistently hit running strikes when the opponent is down as for some reason 80% of the time my guy stops and then does a regular strike, which didn't happen with the keyboard.


It's improved enough that I'm probably gong to increase difficulty back to normal.


Also, I've seen varied things posted, if you haven't held one yet, I can confirm that you do get way more points when you hold a title. My max on NXT was 200 in nontitle for a 5 star match, and 1200 as the NXT champ in a 5 star match. It was on easy (not sure if difficulty changes it)


I will say some of the booking mechanics need an overhaul. I beat the NXT champ 7 times in non-title matches before learning that I needed to feud to get a shot. As champ, I face kevin owens in a singles match at least once a week, sometimes twice. I've also not been able to get a tag match since the training match despite supporting my partner and 2 others that are fully blue in their meter.


Is there a trick to turning the targeting on for triple threat etc? I use the button, but still can't make my guy change his focus from one opponent to the other unless I can orient to where I can strike or grapple them by putting them in the way of the person I am focused on. Do have to unlock that ability or something?

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xbox one here for UFC 2. crims0n3nigma.



Overall I love the new game. I played the last one so already knew how the striking would work, just much improved, so I got a decent little win-loss record going right out of the gate UNTIL i hit division 3. Division 3 I started getting whooped and had to switch to unranked for about two full days til I figured out what Im doing wrong. My record in ranked is 53-32 I believe now and im in Division 4. It'd be easier if everyone didnt always pick the best for each division and spam for wins.


I'm a decent player and can get wins with ANY character, so I generally pick who I want (Diaz brothers alot, Jon Jones at heavyweight since hes fast and not ridiculously good, used Mark Hunt and got a 29-26 decision over Jon Jones) it just sucks that I can always win on the feet but if they are Werdum its a ridiculously simple task to submit anyone. I abuse these guys the whole fight and they will shoot takedown all the fight and i avoid most. BUT whenever they get them, they're Werdum or Valesquez and the ground game is SO buggy and predictable they can just hold the stick this way and spam it becuase theyre the best in the game. I get using your advantage but the ground game in this game isnt much better than the last when it comes to being competitive, it simply isnt. There is always a superior who knows just the buttons to mash to negate action and cheat the game basically, which takes all fun out of it. they made it better, only in that offensively you can pull off more stuff but defensively if outmatched, its gonna be impossible to dig your way up from the ground. Literally.


Besides this, havent done career yet, hearing its very limited, and being stuck with mini games again to waste my time, doesnt exaclty make me wanna play, but you can just create CAFs with crazy stats in this one anyways so I dont justify repetitively doing training when i could be fighting. Event mode has pros and cons, the pros being how smooth it all is, you can skip through to the fights if you want (even turn off cutscenes), the big pro here was CATCHWEIGHT FIGHTS! except for heavyweight still being its own class without even any LHW's like Rumble or Rampage, DUMB! The cons however, unlike Undisputed 3 (yes going back) the event mode doesnt have little build ups like that one did that was cool but its ok cuz itd get repetitive anyways, just kinda a step back in just that aspect, everything else is much improved and sleeker. Except that the event titles are limited in characters... like why?


Knockout mode is fun but needs to be in online mode. There has got to be some in between for online play. Not every fight you have needs to be overly technical and planned out. Sometimes you just wanna brawl. I mean I can brawl whoever, but sometimes there is no fun in it as they spam one attack, utilize a bug in the game or in characters, or worst of all they just point fight and leg kick you and run around in a circle (who actually has fun even doing that?) There needs to be an option for this as too many people just dont have a headset to chat with and become friends and play fights for fun. Although I'm scared if they do spammers will come over there just to ruin other's times too though.

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xboxone also for UFC2 housemurphy


Haven't done much with career mode yet but I am loving this game overall. I agree Knockout mode would be great online, maybe they'll have it in the next version.


Ground game can be frustrating but I have been practicing it and finally got a submission last night. I've had more good than bad experiences in Ultimate Team. Ran into a couple of move spammers but not too bad. Funny thing is my best fight so far was a 3 round war that I thought I had lost but got the W in a split decision.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="smurphy1014" data-cite="smurphy1014" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>xboxone also for UFC2 housemurphy<p> </p><p> Haven't done much with career mode yet but I am loving this game overall. I agree Knockout mode would be great online, maybe they'll have it in the next version. </p><p> </p><p> Ground game can be frustrating but I have been practicing it and finally got a submission last night. I've had more good than bad experiences in Ultimate Team. Ran into a couple of move spammers but not too bad. Funny thing is my best fight so far was a 3 round war that I thought I had lost but got the W in a split decision.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ultimate team is way over my head, I'd need to learn that before i try lol. </p><p> </p><p> and play me sometime anybody, shoot me a message. I have a mic.</p>
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I've always said in any combat sports game that you should be able to improve your stats in a quick menu so you can fight as much as possible. Or they should just level up on their own, either based on how you fight or based on a destiny roll or something. This is how every other sports game works. I dont have to do a crappy passing minigame in Fifa, my players just get better at passing if I pass a lot.


If you MUST make me "work" for my stats at least let me FIGHT. Dont make me do a dumb mini game let me spar and train whatever stats I want to improve. Let me spar against a CPU opponent mimicing my next career fight. At least that way I'm practicing but I'm still actually enjoying the fighting mechanics. That makes sense I guess..


A dumb mini game that trains specific stats isn't realistic or fun, so why do it? I never got it. It's just to kind of emulate the tedium of training before a fight I guess... but it's a video game... can't we take the tedium out? The fact that you can sim your best score isn't a plus for me. If anything it displays that the system is dumb, superfluous, and could have been taken out of the mode entirely.

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I dont have to do a crappy passing minigame in Fifa, my players just get better at passing if I pass a lot.


I think you misunderstand FIFA, because that's not accurate at all. In FIFA, you *do* improve your stats simply by playing games. The minigames are for unlocking stuff.

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I think you misunderstand FIFA, because that's not accurate at all. In FIFA, you *do* improve your stats simply by playing games. The minigames are for unlocking stuff.


...that's exactly what he just said.



And meh. I agree that some of them are awful. But I still don't think they should be removed entirely.


It makes logical sense that if you want to get better at submissions, you should practice submissions. If you want to get better at blocking and dodging, you should practice blocking and dodging. I don't understand why that's such a terrible concept.


The execution of some of them leaves a bit to be desired (I'm looking at YOU, Submission Defence and Quick Strikes) but the concept is fine, IMO. If you don't like the training, it's not like there aren't other modes you can play.

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New TWD Michonne episode in 8 days!! SO excited!! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> :D <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dave_Scott" data-cite="Dave_Scott" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>New TWD Michonne episode in 8 days!! SO excited!! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> :D <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's really quick. I'm (well my son is) still waiting for the final episode of Minecraft story mode. Seems like that was put on the backburner</p>
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...that's exactly what he just said.



And meh. I agree that some of them are awful. But I still don't think they should be removed entirely.


It makes logical sense that if you want to get better at submissions, you should practice submissions. If you want to get better at blocking and dodging, you should practice blocking and dodging. I don't understand why that's such a terrible concept.


The execution of some of them leaves a bit to be desired (I'm looking at YOU, Submission Defence and Quick Strikes) but the concept is fine, IMO. If you don't like the training, it's not like there aren't other modes you can play.


My answer to that would be to train whatever you want to train in a freeform spar. I dont feel like the system kills the game or anything but its way less fun than it could be. Its not fun to just set up sumbission after submission in 30 seconds. Id rather train a round of sparring and be able to train what I want. To me, that sounds more fun. But thats me.

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Give the game credit for at least attempting to have some sort of simulation aspect. I doubt fighters preparing for a fight train by doing what's "more fun". :p You can skip the minigames and do some loose sparring as much as you want, with the only difference that it's not integrated in career mode.
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That's really quick. I'm (well my son is) still waiting for the final episode of Minecraft story mode. Seems like that was put on the backburner


I have some doubts that final ep may not even come out considering they released the episodes about a month after and it's been what? 3 months? Plus I would've taken episode 4 for the ending, not really much they can do for episode 5.

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My answer to that would be to train whatever you want to train in a freeform spar. I dont feel like the system kills the game or anything but its way less fun than it could be. Its not fun to just set up sumbission after submission in 30 seconds. Id rather train a round of sparring and be able to train what I want. To me, that sounds more fun. But thats me.


But how would you score that, though? If you get your ass handed to you, you can't really turn around and say "uhh... I was practicing submission defence. Give me points for that".


If your opponent never tries to take you down, how do you improve takedown defence in your free sparring scenario? Or clinch defense, if he never tries to clinch.


Maybe a system where you can pick things to work on, and the AI will try to give you opportunities to work on those things, then you have a sparring session for a few minutes, and you're graded only on the things you decided to work on.


For example, I want to work on Strike Power and Takedown Defence ahead of my fight with a BJJ guy. So I tell the AI that and we have a sparring session, and I'm graded on significant strikes landed and takedowns defended, while the AI knows to try to take me down more than normal. Then I get points in strike power and takedown defence based on how well I did.


That'd be pretty cool I guess. It still leaves some things at a disadvantage though (it takes a lot longer to practice submissions than to land strikes, for example).

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Give the game credit for at least attempting to have some sort of simulation aspect. I doubt fighters preparing for a fight train by doing what's "more fun". :p You can skip the minigames and do some loose sparring as much as you want, with the only difference that it's not integrated in career mode.


The truth is the game isn't a realistic sim anyway. It really isn't an accurate representation of how a fighter trains. It's still tedioous and boring, and on top of it frustrating. Those training games didn't help me improve my game at all because they force you into unrealistic situations. For instance to train your takedown defense you'll fight an opponent who will do NOTHING but attempt to take you down for 30 seconds. This doens't help you get better at when to situationally defend grappling, what it does is train you to hold down right stick and right trigger when they tell you to. Again, not realistic. to me. Nor is it "training".


I mixed up my easy/med/hard training sessions and almost never was in an opportunity to sim results until I was toward the tail end of my fighter's career. I spent about half as much time training as I did in an actual career mode fight, and I think that's wrong. The game should be focused on you fighting, not on you hitting the gym. It's an MMA game not a workout sim. Yea I know that real fighters train WAAAAAY more than that for a real fight, but I mean, does the game really punch you in the face?


But how would you score that, though? If you get your ass handed to you, you can't really turn around and say "uhh... I was practicing submission defence. Give me points for that".


If your opponent never tries to take you down, how do you improve takedown defence in your free sparring scenario? Or clinch defense, if he never tries to clinch.


Maybe a system where you can pick things to work on, and the AI will try to give you opportunities to work on those things, then you have a sparring session for a few minutes, and you're graded only on the things you decided to work on.


For example, I want to work on Strike Power and Takedown Defence ahead of my fight with a BJJ guy. So I tell the AI that and we have a sparring session, and I'm graded on significant strikes landed and takedowns defended, while the AI knows to try to take me down more than normal.


That'd be pretty cool I guess. It still leaves some things at a disadvantage though (it takes a lot longer to practice submissions than to land strikes, for example).



See after just a couple posts thinking about it and you already came up with a better system than whats in place. If you're asking me how exactly would the numbers work in my plan? Easy, I'd say you get judged on overall sparring, and the game doles out a preset amount of training points based on how successful you were that round. You could even set preset goals for the player to hit so they know how much of a training improvement they'll get. Say they have to successfully pull off 5 takesdowns and one submission to get 10 full points do use between takedowns and submission offense. Or they have to throw more than 50 significant strikes in the standup and land 50% to get 5 points to use in stand up stats. If you land 60% of your strikes you get 7 points. If you land 70% of your strikes you get 10 points. So with my plan you'd still only get three one-round spar based training sessions, but theyd be free form. You can still only improve "so much" between one fight and you can still only get better as a fighter if you perform better in training. so all that work stuff remains intact, you also get the added benefit of practicing the actual game while you "train". You could choose what you want to improve in an actual fighting situation and get better by actually FIGHTING.


I don't know for sure and I'm not suggesting I've got a full proof system. I'm just throwing stuff around and seeing what works but that already sounds way more fun. Plus, if your sparring partner is mimicing your upcoming opponent you might actually train for the fight and get better as a player.
















Ultimately, you guys aren't wrong though. I know I'm the outlier here in saying "combat sports games shouldnt feature training!" lol. I know it sounds crazy. I just think whats in place now could be so much more fun is they put a little thought into it.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dave_Scott" data-cite="Dave_Scott" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I have some doubts that final ep may not even come out considering they released the episodes about a month after and it's been what? 3 months? Plus I would've taken episode 4 for the ending, not really much they can do for episode 5.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's what I would've thought as well considering the ending but I'm sure i read in an interview with Telltale somewhere that it was still coming. I'm not too fussed though. If it means Telltale Batman comes sooner, I am all for them skipping <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Ayden" data-cite="Ayden" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That's what I would've thought as well considering the ending but I'm sure i read in an interview with Telltale somewhere that it was still coming. I'm not too fussed though. If it means Telltale Batman comes sooner, I am all for them skipping <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> All I care about is TWD S3 BAYBAYYYYY. Wolf Among Us S2 would be great as well, doubt it though considering how long it's been lol.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="D-Lyrium" data-cite="D-Lyrium" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>...that's exactly what he just said.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You are correct, I misread. My bad, bigtplaystew. <img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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I don't play many of the games you guys do, but I just realized something about my play style.


In 16 months I put 560 hours into The Binding of Isaac rebirth. That comes out to be just under 50 hours a month, so not bad on average a little over an hour a day on a game that can take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour for a single run.


this is my third most played game, next to the original Isaac Which I downloaded just over three years ago. I put 943 hours into that game, and haven't played it since 10/17/15. I played about ten minutes of it after the new one came out and couldn't do it anymore.


So the reason this all shocks me is because well, I haven't touched Isaac in two weeks.


Now my second most played game is Clicker Heroes, only because I let it run i nthe background of whatever I'm doing, so I don't think that really counts?


Now I've put so much time into Stardew Valley. If you haven't played it yet, it's nothing like the other steam games I own. It's one of my favorite types of games though. I started playing the Original Animal crossing YEARS ago, shortly after it came out on the GameCube. I've since picked up or tried just about every other Animal crossing, harvest moon, or Rune Factory game.


If you like any of those give this one a try, you may like it.

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I don't play many of the games you guys do, but I just realized something about my play style.


In 16 months I put 560 hours into The Binding of Isaac rebirth. That comes out to be just under 50 hours a month, so not bad on average a little over an hour a day on a game that can take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour for a single run.


this is my third most played game, next to the original Isaac Which I downloaded just over three years ago. I put 943 hours into that game, and haven't played it since 10/17/15. I played about ten minutes of it after the new one came out and couldn't do it anymore.


So the reason this all shocks me is because well, I haven't touched Isaac in two weeks.


Now my second most played game is Clicker Heroes, only because I let it run i nthe background of whatever I'm doing, so I don't think that really counts?


Now I've put so much time into Stardew Valley. If you haven't played it yet, it's nothing like the other steam games I own. It's one of my favorite types of games though. I started playing the Original Animal crossing YEARS ago, shortly after it came out on the GameCube. I've since picked up or tried just about every other Animal crossing, harvest moon, or Rune Factory game.


If you like any of those give this one a try, you may like it.


Stardew Valley is fun. I'm nine hearts with Penny and just going into my second year but I'm putting it on hold until a few more patches and maybe mods come out. I have about 40 hours on it through.


I also bought a PS Vita a few days ago along with Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. I transferred my PSP data for monster hunter into it and realized I had 400 hours on it since. I hadn't touched it since 2008-9 but I still remembered the instincts on how to play it. First mission in a I was killing two Tigrex without a problem. The only thing that saddens me is that there's no way to play the game online with the Vita unless you have a PS3.

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I got UFC2 shortly after launch and quickly got rid of it.


Career mode is just dull and takes ages for it to do anything, but thats EA for you. Load a training mode, load back to menu, load another training mode, load back to menu. Zzzzzzzzzzz. I've even seen it come up with 'Waiting' when I try pick another fight offer. Then it loads the walk in's (that I haven't found a way to skip) and tale of the tape which after the first few fights, im no longer caring about. I spent more time looking at the menus than I do in the octagon.


What makes it funnier is that I was about 19W - OL before they finally offered me a title match!!


Ultimate Team can do one.. I have no interest in playing any Ultimate Team modes in any EA game, especially when they are set up to nickel and dime you.


They've also stripped out sponsorships and pretty much anything that makes your character look good.


As I said though. Thats EA for you. The in-game stuff is great (and that goes for NHL, NFL and FIFA), but everything else is a a clunky animated menu driven mess.

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All of EA's Manager/Gm/Career modes have taken a steep hit over the years, with less and less emphasis being put on them. I guess you always walk a fine like between being TOO sim heavy instead of being fun to play... but damn I recently played Madden and Fifa 04 at a buddy's house (he has my old PS2) nd I swear they've taken AWAY faeatures from the franchise mode. In both of those games.


I was messing with the old save in Fifa in particular, where you used to financially invest in your team, stadium, etc. Set salaries, hired more coaches, had a more developed youth squad.


It's a real shame they've all but said no one cares about single player any more. Because I do. I'm not a kid anymore and I don't play video games to hang out with friend and meet new people. More often than not I'm playing video games for very much the opposite reason. I just want to relax and chill. Sports games have always been a great stress reliever for me as I tend to play a variety of ways. When I play hard games I might get frustrated which isn't helping me chill out or I'm TOO engaged. Sometimes with a sports game I can get both experiences.


Currently, with MLB the Show 16 my franchise is set to be very hardcore and sim-like and I get very realistic stats from it. I find the game challenging and engaging. Winning each game is a battle fought with both strong strategy and good execution. But when I just want to come home from work after a 12 hour shift, hang out for an hour to wind down and maybe crack an adult beverage or two before bed - I just turn on my Road to the Show mode with all the sliders jacked up in my favor. MY centerfielder is about to finish his second consecutive MVP regular season with a batting average of .620, 94HR, and 132 Stolen Bases. No stress at all :)

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