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I always wait for the Deep Discount on the WWE 2k full-package version to get it for roughly $25-30 at around March of the next year.


That way, not only will the game be out long enough to patch out most of the bugs, but the majority of modding for that version will have been optimized enough by that point to also have less bugs than at launch.

As well as having WAY more CAWs, Arenas, and Belts available on CC than at launch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah that way is the smartest way to go(for practically all games btw), which also limits frustration because somehow you just KNOW something will always be off. And the thing is that WWE2k19 still works fine and is relatively up to date. It baffles me that some people knowingly pay to get frustrated. There's 3 things I try to avoid in life:

1. Overpaying for things

2. Getting frustrated

3. Wasting my time

Funny enough you're doing all three at once when you preorder games nowadays. Yet people keep on rollin'.


The first image I saw was an entrance from Bayley, which ironically highlights the fact that the game is always outdated upon release (as she seems to have switched character). So why would anyone want to play as her previous persona while they have 2k19 or before? You want the new deal and while the community will create the attire, any new music will be completely off the menu, given they somehow cut support for mp3's for a decade now. I'm just saying that no one should be overly excited to play the game on day1 as there's really no benefit unless you crave for 'new' storyline content.


With just a week to go, there's no official gameplay videos yet, which is kind of a red flag to the quality of the game. We've seen cutscenes or entrances, but that's not what people want to see. I've seen cutscenes online where long hair is all over the place, which would piss me off. So I'm probably not preordering at all. And by the time it's 35-50% off you can get the DLC included for the same price as the original.


It's a pity that their sales keep them comfortably releasing the game yearly (as people seemingly buy it "no matter what", look at FIFA...). They should try a different approach and provide dynamic content with roster updates and more DLC packages with new workers. They're saving on development times (but let's be honest: they're half-assing these games so often) and you're still saving on cash.

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<p>What interests me most is hearing that one of the long time developers is no longer working on the game (I want to say Yukes) so there's a slightly different set of hands working on this one. Could mean they're going to be overwhelmed and deliver a shoddy product. Could mean fun new ideas.</p><p> </p><p>

I bought the last version on Steam, but it ran in slow motion so I got a refund. Kind of expecting the same this time, and I doubt there will be a switch release. Probably not missing much, but as I probably haven't played a WWE game in a decade, I likely wouldn't be as frustrated as most. Novelty would be there.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>And there's just not many games out there for me this year (Gears5 is not for me at all).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Same here. I was just thinking about that the other day. The last game I bought was Red Dead Redemption 2. I have beaten it twice now and I really have no interest in it anymore. </p><p> </p><p> I have yet to beat Fallout 4 (despite having had the game since 2016), so I have been playing that a lot again. I was also thinking about going back to Witcher 3.</p><p> </p><p> I really want another GTA or Elder Scrolls game but who knows when a new GTA will be coming out (GTA Online still makes them a ton of money, so they have no real reason to release a new game). The last time I read anything about Elder Scrolls it seemed like the earliest we would see that was in 2021 or 2022. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Self" data-cite="Self" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Probably not missing much, but as I probably haven't played a WWE game in a decade, I likely wouldn't be as frustrated as most. Novelty would be there.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Same here. I think the last WWE game I bought was WWF Smackdown that came out in 2000 for the original PlayStation. After that I just rented them and not very often. I just could never get into their games, I am not sure why that is the case.</p><p> </p><p> I have a question to the people who do buy them. Do they follow the Madden model where they remove features for a few years and then bring them back as "new" features? That used to piss me off when Madden did that. It was the main reason why I stopped buying Madden (well that and the gameplay became dog crap).</p><p> </p><p> With Madden I never got how there were games in the series that came out in the early to mid-2000's that were far better than the games that came out later (Not graphics wise obviously, but gameplay wise.). I always thought that the newer versions should be better than the older versions. Guess not in the world of EA.</p>
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So... who's preordering the new WWE game? I know, I know. I got the game relatively early last year and barely played it and spend more time managing the rosters in Universe mode than anything else, but I'll play more this year damnit! :p


To be honest, the new DLC concept with thematic updates seemed missable at first, but then I saw the arenas. Good lord that looks awesome, though the novelty will wear off soon I reckon. Despite a bad track record and despite GM mode still isn't back in - next year they really don't have an excuse; it's mainly a couple of cosmetic changes and some programmed events, guys... - I think I might just preorder it and play it when it's been patched.


And there's just not many games out there for me this year (Gears5 is not for me at all). I still have a backlog from the last few years to get through after FINALLY finishing AC:Odyssey (150 hours?). I didn't get through the last segments of Atlantis as it was too much of a grind to progress. Not to "level" but the story segments are locked until you "clear" the map, which is ridiculous given the game has so many content. They don't need to artificially lenghten it at all. Still got Heavy Rain, Beyond:two souls, Divinity OS 2, and Pillars of Eternity 2. But I'll probably skip the latter as it's just too hard to immerse yourself into.


I did get the new wwe game and just managed to play for an hour. Mostly just browsed through the creation modes...not impressed so far. Some things immediately turn you off. For example when editing the body when moving a slider the character model completely disappears and then redraws when you stop moving the slider. Other simple things like being able to preview how the announcer will announce your name are completely gone.


I tried one exhibition match. The new controls will take some getting used to. Not sure how I feel about them yet.


Other than that it’s your typical wwe buggy release. Glitchy menus and glitchy in ring physics (especially the ropes).


Did not leave a good first impression but I knew what I was getting into. Likely shelved for at least 3 or 4 patches. I have too many other good games to play.

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Watching the videos about the bugs was mildly amusing at times, but it's really not funny at all. I get their position: Yukes left with their assets and they were basically screwed. But they should've just delayed the release by a year. Don't know what the best solution would've been.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Watching the videos about the bugs was mildly amusing at times, but it's really not funny at all. I get their position: Yukes left with their assets and they were basically screwed. But they should've just delayed the release by a year. Don't know what the best solution would've been.</div></blockquote><p> I'd imagine they have a contract with WWE that requires a yearly release.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Final Countdown" data-cite="The Final Countdown" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'd imagine they have a contract with WWE that requires a yearly release.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Possibly. I'm sure they're ecstatic with the release now. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> But in the long term, I'm sure it's a welcome change. Whatever Yukes will do. They've made good games in the past so with the proper motivation and autonomy it might turn out great. In the end, I don't care much about the WWE license. I have years worth of decent games with pretty much all WWE characters and open to something fresh.</p>
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<p>I decided to skip WWE2K20 this year, and I am actually glad I did. Much like yearly sports titles it's basically a copy and paste of the previous years games with a few minor tweaks.</p><p> </p><p>

I find the Originals or whatever the hell the fantasy aspect of the game is to be stupid and hokey. For a game that's suppose to be a "simulation" based game that mode isn't needed. </p><p> </p><p>

I get the fact that Yuke's left and basically boned them, but if that's the case they should have reached out to WWE and talked it over and delayed the game. This does nothing for WWE or 2K, and the fact 2K has pretty much ignored the fans has done them no favors.</p><p> </p><p>

I've seen the screen shots and videos of the bugs and player models, and this game looks like a hot piece of garbage, that honestly I doubt a patch could fix. I mean the game is so bad that Playstation has been handing out refunds. </p><p> </p><p>

But never fear The Outer Worlds is out tomorrow and I am excited.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheGhost" data-cite="TheGhost" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I find the Originals or whatever the hell the fantasy aspect of the game is to be stupid and hokey. For a game that's suppose to be a "simulation" based game that mode isn't needed.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I find that part to be the most interesting and hope they keep that in when they overhaul this mess for 2K21 or 22. I miss wrestling games having goofy elements like being able to win the WCW title as AKI's mascot. Then again, I also miss things like big head mode and silly unlockable teams in other sports games. And if it's an entirely separate mode that doesn't affect the rest of the game, what does it matter if it's in a sim? I hesitate to call Madden an accurate football sim, but the new superstar knockout mode with its cheesy uniforms and celebrity coaches hasn't done anything to hurt the game for serious players. The dated gameplay is a more pressing matter for them.</p><p> </p><p> Now the fact that it's a day 1 (or was supposed to be day 1) DLC is a different story. Sure, they'll trot out the "games are too expensive to develop" line, but I can't help but feel like Take Two could eat the slight extra cost with all the cash they rake in from GTA and NBA 2K.</p>
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hehe, WWE2k20 is already at half price for Black Friday (at least on Greenmangaming; regular version is 22.5€). It's been... a month now? Honestly, can you say with a straight face that you didn't expect this to happen?


Many of the problems haven't been fixed yet, apparently. So it's definitely still a risk.

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  • 1 month later...

2019 wasn't really an amazing year gaming-wise, but it could've been worse I guess. I had some fun, obviously, but it wasn't usually with 2019 titles.


About WWE 2k20: apparently, it doesn't fully work in 2020, which is the simultaneously hilarious and pathetic. One day... one day, and the industry shows its incompetence yet again.

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Most of 2019 wasn't that impressive, it seemed for quite a while like the remake of Resident Evil 2 was going to be one of the only standouts, but then it hit me upside the head with fantastic stuff like Disco Elysium, Fallen Order and Control.


EDIT: Oh and the laughter brought on by Death Stranding's mixed response. Letting Kojima do what he wants with no filter always produces amusing results either in-game or out.

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Most of 2019 wasn't that impressive.


You know, after reading your post I was thinking and I honestly do not think I bought one video game last year. RDR2 and Life is Strange 2 were the last two games I bought and they both came out in 2018 (Though LIS 2 took a year to complete so even though it came out in I want to say September of 2018, it did not finish until December 2019).


I am just meh about video games, there is nothing that I am excited about.

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I am just meh about video games, there is nothing that I am excited about.


Most 'older' people, myself included, just aren't enticed by the gameplay offered now. It caters to the young and their 'whims'. I care about games with strong narratives, but most devs don't seem to focus on that anymore.


Some games still have a charm about them. They say that about Plague Tale (or something), but I haven't checked it out yet.


Luckily, 2k20 seems to be an amazing year in the making, with - for me personally - Mount & Blade 2, Baldur's Gate III, TEW2020 (duh), Cyberpunk 2077, Crusader Kings III,... These alone would make it the best year in a very long time if they deliver (and that is a very big IF nowadays). If EA UFC 4 turns out great, that'd be a bonus.


As for the best game of the decade: I haven't seen any lists (the concept is quite ridiculous too), but I'd say Witcher III would fit that bill. The game was amazing in every aspect. I will forever fail to understand why crapgames rake in more cash than this gem, even though it was succesfull in its own right.

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I bought Surviving Mars a few months ago, played the tutorial and was overwhelmed like I usually am with strategy games. Started a proper game and probably clocked in about 20 hours in the last 3 days. There are a few issues regarding colonist employment and drone reassignment that are annoying me even with mods but otherwise I love it.


Also been playing a lot of Virtual Pool 4 and some cheap puzzle/platformers from Steam: Q.U.B.E. 2, Lines X, Inertia and RUSH.

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Starting 2020 the way I spent 2019. In video game catchup mode. Got the Spyro remasters, Insomniac's Spiderman, Okami and the first two Shenmues for Christmas and based on my test drives, all four titles should be fun once I dive into them. Currently though, I'm hopscotching between Spyro (a first time experience for me) and a run through Sly Cooper 3 that I started before the holiday.


Finding Spyro to be a odd case. In some spots I can see how it was a game for the kiddies at the time and yet there are spots that are throwing me for loops. Some sections appear to be far more linear than they absolutely must be. I've been able to avoid turning to the Net for pointers so far but I'm starting to wonder if I'm leaning too much on ego because parts of the game do feel so very simple.

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You know, after reading your post I was thinking and I honestly do not think I bought one video game last year. RDR2 and Life is Strange 2 were the last two games I bought and they both came out in 2018 (Though LIS 2 took a year to complete so even though it came out in I want to say September of 2018, it did not finish until December 2019).


I am just meh about video games, there is nothing that I am excited about.

When I start feeling meh about games, that's when I go back to older games, either ones I've played long ago or never got a chance to play. Like watching old wrestling matches or classic movies, I find that it reinvigorates my love for the medium and reminds me what it is that I like the most. The way I see it is that I could spend all my time chasing after the shiny new things or look for the stuff I actually enjoy regardless of their age.


Most 'older' people, myself included, just aren't enticed by the gameplay offered now. It caters to the young and their 'whims'. I care about games with strong narratives, but most devs don't seem to focus on that anymore.

Oddly, I'm in my mid 20s and I prefer narrative games while my older brother who grew up on DOS games prefers action games. Also, I cannot recommend Disco Elysium enough if you love strong narratives. It's the best narrative-driven RPG since Planescape: Torment.


Luckily, 2k20 seems to be an amazing year in the making, with - for me personally - Mount & Blade 2, Baldur's Gate III, TEW2020 (duh), Cyberpunk 2077, Crusader Kings III,... These alone would make it the best year in a very long time if they deliver (and that is a very big IF nowadays). If EA UFC 4 turns out great, that'd be a bonus.

I don't normally pre-order games and even I've got Cyberpunk pre-ordered. I'm going to be heartbroken if this game is a letdown. (The irony of this after what I just said to BHK about not chasing after the shiny new thing is not lost on me) I'm skeptical of Baldur's Gate coming out this year because Larian likes to take their time with the games the make and I just can't bring myself to hope Mount & Blade 2 will finally come out after all these years. Not to mention the cautious optimism I have for CK3. Everything I've heard and seen of it seems great, but I can't get the taste of Imperator Rome out of my mouth.

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Luckily, 2k20 seems to be an amazing year in the making, with - for me personally - Crusader Kings III


I just saw that they were coming out with this the other day when I had decided to fire up CKII (Which I had not played since March). I must not be up to par on gaming news because I did not even know about the new one.


Once the new Elder Scrolls or GTA come out I will buy those in a heartbeat but they still seems years in the future. Though if Bethesda does to Elder Scrolls what they did with Fall Out 76, I will probably pass. I am talking about locking things behind pay windows. I understand why they do it, but I strongly disagree with them doing it.


GTA does it as well but I have never played the hellscape that is GTA Online so I have never had to deal with it.

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  • 3 months later...

<p>Decided to get Resident Evil 3 because I never played the original and - though it was a fun ride - you can actually finish the 2nd attempt in less than 2,5 hours. And I kinda suck at the game. Alternative sites should have it for 40, and I thought that price can be worth it. Wouldn't get it for 60 though.</p><p> </p><p>

Recently also got surprised by Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishment. For a relatively cheap game (6$ on sale at GOG), it was quite fun with some clever mysteries. Looks great too imo.</p>

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I know this is a long shot, but anyone playing New Horizon?


I was about to say I have, but I think the game I was thinking of is Horizon: Zero Dawn. I've been playing that - didn't really know anything about it before I got my PS4, which had it along with God of War and The Last Of Us. New Horizon, sadly, is one I still haven't heard much about just yet, (I've kind of been out of the loop for a while now - didn't think I was ever gonna be able to get a new console till all of a sudden, I was - :o).




I broke down and bought WWE 2K20 the other day. Like everyone else, I'd heard that the game was a big ol' glitchy mess, but there was a WrestleMania sale on, and it was on sale for like 70% off, and I figured why not?


Honestly... I haven't even been close to disappointed. I don't know if the game was glitchy as hell and they've fixed it, or if the game was a little glitchy and people just over-reacted to it... but so far, I've had nothing but fun with it. Only had one or two minor glitches myself - that weird thing with the middle rope has happened twice so far - but nothing that's in any way hampered the experience for me.


Definitely not as bad as I've heard people say, I've very much enjoyed the game so far. I've even invested in some of the DLC - I've unlocked the Wasteland arenas, (both of them), and the futuristic Neo-Osaka arena, (which I absolutely love). Unlocked The Fiend the other day, and I'm about to work on the Bump In The Night arenas now in a minute.


One thing I'm curious about. Everything I've seen tells me that X-Pac is supposed to be in this game somewhere. He even makes an appearance in the little video they have on loop behind the options screen. But so far, I haven't seen hide nor hair of him anywhere. Don't know if he's an unlockable character or what.


Also surprised that Walter isn't in there. I've since found out that he wasn't supposed to be, but still... a Walter vs. Samoa Joe showdown was something I was thinking about. Maybe next year, oh well.



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I broke down and bought WWE 2K20 the other day.


Not a bad deal, and by now the game is... fine? But it's still plagued by ridiculous hit detection. And long hair is sometimes all over the place.


Also: today came the news that they are not making WWE2k21, so you might as well pick this one of if you want to play a couple of matches next year. They should've cancelled 2k20 instead, but too late now. The damage has been done, though a lot of the complainers will just buy anything anyway. :p


The DLC was a risky venture, but several people (including me) actually liked it.

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