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Finally got around to giving Watch Dogs a shot. I'm pretty underwhelmed so far. Combat is sort of bad and driving is just...not even remotely fun. Movement isn't fluid and seems kind of clunky. Hacking is fun, but not fun enough for me to get passed the other stuff so far. I have it for a week, so I'm still going get more into it to give it a real go, but so far I'm just not seeing what all the hype was about.


I also got Wolfenstein: The New Order, but have yet to check it out.


I was VERY underwhelmed by Watch Dogs. Ended up playing it till bout 1/2 way through then got bored and traded it toward a different game.

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Finally got around to giving Watch Dogs a shot. I'm pretty underwhelmed so far. Combat is sort of bad and driving is just...not even remotely fun. Movement isn't fluid and seems kind of clunky. Hacking is fun, but not fun enough for me to get passed the other stuff so far. I have it for a week, so I'm still going get more into it to give it a real go, but so far I'm just not seeing what all the hype was about.


I also got Wolfenstein: The New Order, but have yet to check it out.


Most the hype was BEFORE the game came out. I think it's a good game still on its own, but it had worn out its welcome by the time I finished. I also lost all interest in doing any extra side things because I did one set of side missions and the final part of it was basically a regular criminal profile...not a good pay off for running all around the map.

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Finally got around to giving Watch Dogs a shot. I'm pretty underwhelmed so far. Combat is sort of bad and driving is just...not even remotely fun. Movement isn't fluid and seems kind of clunky. Hacking is fun, but not fun enough for me to get passed the other stuff so far. I have it for a week, so I'm still going get more into it to give it a real go, but so far I'm just not seeing what all the hype was about.


I also got Wolfenstein: The New Order, but have yet to check it out.


I liked Watch Dogs. It was good. Not great. Not spectacular. But to me, not bad either. The driving gets better as you level up and get used to the control scheme. In fact, the biggest knock against this game is that it's NOT as good as GTA 5. Once I stopped comparing WD to GTA 5 I just got into the story and I enjoyed it a bit more. It does some things really well and others not so well. I found the game in general offered enough variety that it took up a good 40 hours of my time. Which I'd say is a solid action game. And the online is a lot of fun too and something a bit different from your typical deathmatch stuff.


As average as it was, it's easily one of the best games on the PS4/XB1. It's in my top 5 but that is more of a testament to how weak this year was more so than how good the game is.


If you want a better "Dogs" game, give Sleeping Dogs a shot, it's one big love letter to Hong Kong action movies. And gameplay-wise, it takes from the best open-world games (the melee combat is just like the Arkham games, for instance).


Sleeping Dogs was a masterpiece. Again, it lacked the polish of some it's more popular genre peers but the core gameplay was a blast. The best part about this game is it's dirt cheap and you can find a ton of used copies out there. It's only like $13 or so on amazon brand new right now. Of course, as I type this Square Enix is putting out a visually upgraded version of the game with all the DLC out on the next gen consoles for $60. That's something i'm going to keep my eye on.


Hong Kong action movies is all you needed to say and I'm sold. :p


Have you ever played Stranglehold? Chow Yun-Fat reprised his Inspector Tequila role from Hard Boiled for it. It was a blast.


Fun game, great story. Loved it. Hard Boiled rules.

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Sleeping Dogs is one of the most underrated/underhyped games of all time. It's fantastic.


It's technically part of the True Crime series but they removed the True Crime moniker because all the previous games were absolute ****, and this one was actually good. ¬_¬


It was originally part of the True Crime series until Activision Blizzard canceled it because it cost too much money and then Square Enix bought rights and removed all connections. I thought Streets of LA was rather fun though.

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On a different note, is there anyone interested in playing LCG's through the OCTGN platform (preferably Game of Thrones). There simply aren't that many players over here, and though I vastly prefer physical sessions, I'm down with a digital shuffle once in a while. But there's got to be some conversation involved. :p
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Same here the martial arts concept was fun for me


It wasn't perfect, but I had a lot more fun with it than GTA III. True Crime: New York was godawful though.


And since I'm recommending games, anyone here who likes JRPGs and doesn't have Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is doing themselves a great disservice. I haven't beaten it yet (mostly because I was waiting for the PC release since the PSP saves can't be carried over to the sequel), but Trails in the Sky has given me more hours of fun than so many other recent RPGs.

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And since I'm recommending games, anyone here who likes JRPGs and doesn't have Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is doing themselves a great disservice. I haven't beaten it yet (mostly because I was waiting for the PC release since the PSP saves can't be carried over to the sequel), but Trails in the Sky has given me more hours of fun than so many other recent RPGs.


Is the guild/quest stuff similar to FFTA?

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Is the guild/quest stuff similar to FFTA?


Never played that so I can't say for sure. The quests work like your usual CRPG or MMO, you talk to the quest-giver, get an entry in your log (which is too damn rare in JRPGs if you ask me), go do whatever they need you to do and then go back. It's been a couple years since I played it, so I can't remember the exact details of the questing, but I definitely remember loving how much easier sidequests were to track than the average JRPG.

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Hmm, Freedom Force for 1.20€. Had some fun with the title years ago, but no time to replay. Problem with GOG is that you buy a load of stuff once, when it's on sale, but few 'new' games actually come by. There's still some remakes that need to be made, but the novelty's worn off I'm afraid.
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I completed the two storyline dlcs for Dishonored. I overall liked the missions in both, but the story in the first one was so-so. The two shouldn't have been split from one another, they felt like one. The final mission was probably the most tense mission for me in the entire game, and the story of the second dlc was pretty good.


Overall, they were an enjoyable extension to the main game. And I'm always a sucker for when stats carry over from an earlier save.


Funny story about my purchase btw: last weekend, I noticed that Steam had a Dishonored sale (on top of a free weekend), so I decided to buy the two storyline dlc packs - but as I was about to do so, I noticed that buying just those two was actually more expensive than buying the entire complete package of Dishonored (the main game, these two dlcs + a couple of minor dlcs)... so I of course did that instead, weird as it was. :confused:

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There's a rumor that WWE 2K15 will be ported to PC. I'm not convinced but it would be nice as I don't own a console.


Would indeed be nice. If more companies start doing that I can stop wasting money on consoles that you need to keep in the attic in order to play games from the past, while the PC basically replaces itself.


At the moment, the only thing I play on console is sports games (except PES as that's on pc).

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There's a rumor that WWE 2K15 will be ported to PC. I'm not convinced but it would be nice as I don't own a console.


That would be nice, and make sense, as 2K tends to release their NBA games on PC, at least.


I do own a PS4, and I'm getting the PS4 version, but it would be nice if it came to the PC as well, and I would probably get next year's version on the PC.

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That would be nice, and make sense, as 2K tends to release their NBA games on PC, at least.


I do own a PS4, and I'm getting the PS4 version, but it would be nice if it came to the PC as well, and I would probably get next year's version on the PC.


Not sure about a PC version of WWE2K15. From what I can gather, 2K don't really spend a lot of time or effort on PC ports. Their MLB series was pretty weak, NBA2K15 was the PS3 version instead of the PS4 and most things are missing features

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I would strongly consider getting WWE2k15 if it was to be ported to PC.


If it comes to PC that opens the door for some pretty amazing mods... I already reserved it on PS4 but worse case scenario I'll buy it twice. It'll go on sale on Steam eventually if it does come to PC.... man I hope it comes to PC...

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Is there any shooter (first or third person) games that are free to play that anyone would recommend for PC? I'm just looking for something that I can pick up and play as and when I have time or in between playing other games, really.


You know, when I just need to spend 30 mins kicking someone's ass (or more likely getting my own ass kicked)!

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