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I will also chime in on Wasteland 2...


I only have a little over four hours clocked into it over the course of two different play sessions. A large portion of that time was spent creating my custom rangers. I gave each team member a back story and all that jazz. For the most part, I'm pleased with the team I created, but I'm definitely missing some key components for my team like alarm disabling, demolition and such. I figured I could focus on those stats when I level up my rangers.


The game itself is also very good. There's some bugs I've encountered, but nothing game breaking or anything yet. I'm sure they'll be patched in future updates. I haven't gotten far yet, but I'm enjoying it so far. Then again, I am a fan of CRPGs.


Brian Fargo is a legend in the gaming industry so I had much faith in this game. It was a pretty rough ride though. Lots of folk, especially the ones who backed the Kickstarter, seemed to lose faith and turned on the project. I'm very happy with the final product though. The game isn't perfect, but what game is? Looking forward to playing some more.


So many good games have come out recently and more coming soon. Having a hard time juggling what I have now let alone keeping track of what's to come. I'm going mad!


There's at least three triple-A titles I'm looking forward to coming out soon: Shadow of Mordor, Alien: Isolation and of course Civilization: Beyond Earth. I'll likely pre-order Civ: Beyond Earth, but I'll be waiting to hear how Shadow of Mordor and Alien: Isolation are before I purchase them. I'm looking forward to them, but I fear they might not deliver. I usually avoid reviews on games I really want and let myself decide on how good they are, but money is tight these days. I got to be careful on what I spend my money on. If the overall consensus on the games are bad, I will likely pass on them. If they are mixed, I might wait and get them at a later time or when they go on sale. It might be wise to wait anyways as I got too many games as it is and trying to balance them is difficult. Anyways, I hope those games do well as I am looking forward them greatly.


Lastly, anyone here play Elite: Dangerous? I'm thinking of buying into the beta very soon as Beta 2 is suppose to released on the 30th and adds a lot of stuff and improvements. Wanting to get a flight stick and throttle to play it though, but those are rather expensive. Not sure it's worth the investment but I really like the immersion it gives you when you play.


EDIT: I have a PC upgrade question. I currently have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 and I'm wanting to upgrade to the new 900 series. Usually, I'd just go all out and get the 980, but it seems the 970 is getting a lot of attention for being cheaper and almost just as fast as the 980. Wondering what you fine folks are thinking of doing if you're upgrading your GPU. I'm either upgrading my GPU or getting a new monitor. I think upgrading my GPU is more of a priority though.... Hmmm.. Thoughts?

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i was on the kickstarter for Wasteland 2 and for Elite dangerous. Played some of the beta on wasteland 2 and liked it, but was waiting for full game. just been too busy this week to start it up.


also did the kickstarter on Grim Dawn, by the people who made Titan Quest.

Also did the kickstarter for shadowrun, and a few other games coming out . Man I have a crapload of games to play and so little time! :D

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I've actually ordered Oculus Rift DK2, I can't wait for it to arrive. Still pending, ordered it on August 1st.. Some orders from July 15th have started coming up so it's getting close.. But not close enough.


I'm so much looking forward to my friends reactions and the awe of that thing. Also I'm 100% getting Elite: Dangerous :D Heard nothing but great things about it.

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For the most part, I'm pleased with the team I created, but I'm definitely missing some key components for my team like alarm disabling, demolition and such. I figured I could focus on those stats when I level up my rangers.


Same for me. It has put me in some dire situations so far, but on the other hand I wouldn't have gone without most of the skills I chose to focus on, so...

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Same for me. It has put me in some dire situations so far, but on the other hand I wouldn't have gone without most of the skills I chose to focus on, so...


Unfortunately I haven't played in a couple days. I'm wanting to, but I'm in somewhat of a depression slump at the moment. Nothing seems to be getting done. But in the time I played, no skills like alarm disabling and demolition have been needed. I'm pretty sure they'll come up shortly, but leveling up seems to be easy (in the beginning anyways) and I can assign those certain skills soon.


I've actually ordered Oculus Rift DK2, I can't wait for it to arrive. Still pending, ordered it on August 1st.. Some orders from July 15th have started coming up so it's getting close.. But not close enough.


I've been contemplating getting an Oculus Rift DK2 myself. I know they say it's for developers only, and really, it should be. However a consumer could buy it if they wanted to. I'd like to try it out, but not sure it's worth to buy a developer kit and then buy the consumer model later on when it's finally released. Not to mention I'd be tempted to buy any future development kits they come out with. I had hoped they would sell their new 'Crescent Bay' prototype, but it seems it won't be for retail. Apparently the new prototype is a pretty big leap in improvements over the DK2. I wonder how long before the next development kit will be released...


So really, I'm debating between Oculus Rift DK2, upgraded graphics card or a new monitor... GAH!

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There won't be any more DK's in the future, it's just DK2 and then to the CV1 (Customer version 1). I'm not a dev myself, atleast not yet (:D) but I had some extra money and thought of getting it. The retail/production/shop -department of Oculus VR lacks unfortunately, there's been lots of delays and missed predictions, some people have waited for even longer than I have for theirs :/


I'd say go for the GPU or monitor. The CV1 is expected to be released summer next year, approximately. So get it then when it's been fully tested and bugs have been sorted out etc.. Also there's going to be lots more software and games for it then, now there's just a handful of titles out there. :)

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There won't be any more DK's in the future, it's just DK2 and then to the CV1 (Customer version 1). I'm not a dev myself, atleast not yet (:D) but I had some extra money and thought of getting it. The retail/production/shop -department of Oculus VR lacks unfortunately, there's been lots of delays and missed predictions, some people have waited for even longer than I have for theirs :/


I'd say go for the GPU or monitor. The CV1 is expected to be released summer next year, approximately. So get it then when it's been fully tested and bugs have been sorted out etc.. Also there's going to be lots more software and games for it then, now there's just a handful of titles out there. :)


Yeah, I'm sure waiting is the best thing to do. From what you said and other reports, seems like it would be awhile before I even received mine if I ordered it right now anyways. Elite: Dangerous will be getting official Oculus Rift support in the next beta coming out this coming Tuesday (30th). I don't have the game yet, but watching a few Let's Play videos, this game will be awesome with Oculus Rift.


About the GPU though, I'm still wondering if it's worth it to upgrade my GTX 680. I would ideally like to get the GTX 980 but it seems the 970 is more bang for your buck. I have about $500 right now to spend freely. Whether it would be wise to actually spend it or save it is not relevant. :)


As for a monitor, I haven't decided what route I want to take yet.

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Its kind of a good news sandwich for me today when it comes to video games.


Firstly. I have a review copy of Fifa15 arriving today. YAY!!


However, I'm going to be out all day and it will be far too late when I get home to play it.. BOO!!!


But thats.... <Spoilers>BECAUSE IM OFF TO EUROGAMER!!!!!!! (for free as well)</Spoilers>

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Fifa 15 is good but NOTHING is popping off the screen to me that THIS is the year you must buy it.


Well that probably not, no. But it has been 4 years since I bought my last Fifa (PC) and so far I'm really enjoying the game. Hilarious was when last year they said Fifa 14 won't get the new ignite engine for PC cause not enough gamers can run it properly, now Fifa 15 for PC HAS the engine ... and it runs just fine on my meanwhile 5 year old laptop. Riiiiight...

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So I'm not sure if anyone else will or does play this but....So my other half has the FIFA 15 UT edition, I downloaded the FIFA 15 UT app for my iPad and I"m digging it. You don't need to know much about the game (which I know little) so it's fun, then I downloaded the companion app, that I can link with his EA account to get a daily bonus, and keep up with auctions and such.


Just thought I'd let you know.


If you download the companion app for the iPad you have to change it to iPHone only apps for it to show up.

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So I just found out that Cyanide, the guys that made Blood Bowl, are making a Front Page Sports Football reboot...I don't know how to feel about a group of Frenchmen making an American football game. Because Blood Bowl is closer to rugby with forward passes than football.


Don't have any faith in it at all. Save yourself while you still can.


They recently released Pro Rugby Manager 2015, which is the EXACT SAME GAME as Pro Rugby Manager 2005, but with a roster update (of dubious accuracy). And I'm not talking an EA-style "lol it's the same game as last year", it literally is the same game, just with different (and usually inaccurate) squads. Complete waste of time.


To be fair, anything Cyanide releases is usually absolutely terrible. With the exception of Pro Cycling Manager which I haven't played but has always been talked of fondly (but has practically zero competition), their repertoire basically consists of awful management games with very little genre competition (Cycling, Horse Racing, Basketball...) and awful RPGs (Of Orcs and Men, Game of Thrones (which had a good/great story, great setting obviously, but the gameplay was - as TotalBiscuit would say - absolute arse) which were basically reskins of each other).


Even their 'crown jewel' is only popular because the board game it's a remake of is popular, and the only way to play the board game online is to play the Cyanide version. The actual implementation of Blood Bowl is shoddy at best. Still, 5 years (and 3 expansions) after release. And now they're making a sequel, because 5 years and 3 expansions wasn't enough time and money to make a board game work on a modern PC.


Bottom line is, as a rule, never expect anything with Cyanide's logo in the trailer to be good at all and you won't be disappointed. ¬_¬


They can't even clone Dungeon Keeper properly.

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Lol, are we really talking about Cyanide here? :p


I was a vivid Cycling Manager fan since the 2nd installment, and the whole series is just laughable. Many epic moments, yeah, as after a number of years, it actually became an enjoyable game, but today's version is the 10th game, so there's that.


I remember taking a top sprinter and just sprinting for 10 miles to get 10 minutes ahead and repeating that for the next stages and almost winning the Tour de France because I had hours ahead going into the mountains. This is not an exploit, it's just ridiculous. Then there was the issue that - when you were out of time to finish - your time got put on 0h, leaving you with the race lead even though you should be DQ'd. Finally there was the game that didn't recruit any new talents, where the db just died out after 10 years.


These, gentlemen, are the marks of games that have just not been tested... at all. They made something, and just released a piece of donkey dung. The stats they include with their game makes you wonder whether they actually follow the sport of cycling. I'd be baffled if this proves to be true for US football/rugby. D-lyrium's assessment of their profile is correct: they have niche games without competition, and just sit on their lack of work ethic or skills (I assume they lack at least one of those) because fans of those niches are desperate enough to buy them each year.

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Ye I can second the opinion that Cyanide sucks ass. Unfortunately. I actually do have that Game Of Thrones game and I couldn't play it beyond 2hrs. :D


I'm carefully looking forward to Blood Bowl 2 though but I don't have high hopes for it.


I did actually finish that game. But my god, no game in history has felt as much like a full time job to play as that one. I basically had to establish a shift pattern and force my way through it. :D


The graphics were crap, the voice acting was mostly crap (even the characters who were voiced by the same actors as in the show...), the gameplay was awful (and the same as Orcs and Men, basically) but the story was interesting enough to make me want to suffer through it. It took me 32 hours, according to Steam, but that probably includes replaying sections loads of times because a bug wouldn't let me finish it, or fights that were ridiculously hard for no apparent reason, and at least one time I paused the game and went to do something else. ¬_¬



As for them following the sports they make games about... random example from Pro Rugby Manager, they've got Fraser Balmain's position as Lock. Now, he's hardly the most famous player in the world (he's basically a late-game replacement when the starters get tired) but a quick google search could tell you where he plays, he's a prop.


To put it into footballing terms, that's like calling Ashley Cole a centerback. Yeah, he's a defender, but he's not a centerback and has completely the wrong skillset and physique to ever be one.

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Fifa is annoying me.


It's the player movements. Something just feels really off. Also had some weird collisions with AI


There is a weird running animation I've noticed when you have a bigger player and he uses the sprint. He kind of looking like he's galloping. So strange


Fifa 15 has me locked in but I mean I get locked in to Fifa a few weekend a year regardless. The career mode is the same as it's been for a couple of years now.


This is one of those years where they seemed to work on things people won't notice. I see the ball behaves more like a ball would. Players move like they are reacting to the ball being near them rather than just existing on an open plane until they magnetically have the ball attracted to their feet. Defense AI factors in covering the field more than it did versus just covering the guy with the ball. Little things like that. Otherwise, this is virtually the same game we've been playing for a couple of years since the last big career mode overhaul which was, I believe, in 2011..

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Ye I can second the opinion that Cyanide sucks ass. Unfortunately. I actually do have that Game Of Thrones game and I couldn't play it beyond 2hrs. :D


I'm carefully looking forward to Blood Bowl 2 though but I don't have high hopes for it.

I had the 'honour' of reviewing Tour De France 2014 from Cyanide back in June/July for PS4. Its basically Pro Cycling Manager, but without the managing. It was the dullest thing i've ever played


There is a weird running animation I've noticed when you have a bigger player and he uses the sprint. He kind of looking like he's galloping. So strange


Fifa 15 has me locked in but I mean I get locked in to Fifa a few weekend a year regardless. The career mode is the same as it's been for a couple of years now.


This is one of those years where they seemed to work on things people won't notice. I see the ball behaves more like a ball would. Players move like they are reacting to the ball being near them rather than just existing on an open plane until they magnetically have the ball attracted to their feet. Defense AI factors in covering the field more than it did versus just covering the guy with the ball. Little things like that. Otherwise, this is virtually the same game we've been playing for a couple of years since the last big career mode overhaul which was, I believe, in 2011..


I've been recording some of the weird animations i've seen in FIFA for a video, but what I did find hilarious was just stopping my player and watching the AI not react. I even started getting my players to start playing Keepy Uppy as the AI just stood there.


I've added the video here

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I had the 'honour' of reviewing Tour De France 2014 from Cyanide back in June/July for PS4. Its basically Pro Cycling Manager, but without the managing. It was the dullest thing i've ever played




I've been recording some of the weird animations i've seen in FIFA for a video, but what I did find hilarious was just stopping my player and watching the AI not react. I even started getting my players to start playing Keepy Uppy as the AI just stood there.


I've added the video here


Yea I mean you can break the game with difficulty setting and sliders I guess. I've already played abut 25 games against the AI and I haven't seen anything near this level of poor. I promise they go after you more than this in my game haha.

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