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Also just tried the Star Wars Empire at War game. Seems fine, but not the game I want to play right now. Never got past the tutorial. Played a level or two of the Force Unleashed, but that's just too generic and repetitive imo (so I just watched the cutscenes on youtube).


At least I got several hours of WMMA4 in, which was long overdue. :p


Thinking of getting a 1K€ PC this week. If anything, it'll allow me to play Skyrim without any slowdowns/framedrops and mods. And with Witcher3 and DragonAgeInquisition coming up (or apparently released) one might want this. Right now I have a 560Ti and it's fine (even now), but there's several games that were not performing very well (though that was probly due to too many dust in the poorly sealed box).


It's the same for Star wars empire at war. I launched a new game.. and i've uninstall the game.


I have Skyrim on PC and Xbox 360. I prefer play on Xbox..


When i play on PC, i must install mod. 60+ mods. And I can't play "properly". It's not something that I explain :p


So i play on Xbox. There are only two thing that bother me on console : The loading time (10-15 sec on Xbox, 1-3 sec on PC) and certain mods who are not here. (The cloacks, The civil war, the new weapons, etc)

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<p>I understand completely. Mods tend to interact badly and you're left optimizing the game for it and by the time you're done with that, you get tired of the game and don't bother anymore. I can't play it on xbox anymore. Gotta have the mods.</p><p> </p><p>

Unless what you mean is that you're transformed the world of Skyrim into a whorehouse, as there's always the option. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Blackman" data-cite="Blackman" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I understand completely. Mods tend to interact badly and you're left optimizing the game for it and by the time you're done with that, you get tired of the game and don't bother anymore. I can't play it on xbox anymore. Gotta have the mods.<p> </p><p> Unless what you mean is that you're transformed the world of Skyrim into a whorehouse, as there's always the option. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> But you always find THAT mod.. and to use it you must start a new game.</p><p> But i will always be sad to not have Alternate life, Immersive Armors & weapons (who add realy a lot to the game, and very lore friendly) on the xbox</p>
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Would it be too much to ask Steam users to actually use the positive and negative reviews properly? I'm getting a little sick of trying to figure out if a game is any good (in this case, Total War: Attila) and having to wade through a sea of negative reviews that are just people bitching about DLC. Sega overcharges for DLC? Holy shit, you are a genius! In no way, shape or form would I have been capable of noticing the eight dollars they're charging for a couple factions. Next you'll be telling me that Capcom's going to do an updated re-release of their newest fighting game.


I hate these idiots who write down ten paragraphs of what they think are Earth-shattering revelations, when it's actually something like "the sky is blue". What makes it so grating is that these people seem to carry their stupidity like a plague, because it's swept from GameFAQs forums to Facebook to Twitter to Tumblr to YouTube (well, morons like this started getting views after those three got popular. See: Joe, Angry) and now, Steam.


TL;DR: Stop making negative reviews on Steam because of some outside factor. I want to know if the game is any good, not your beliefs on proper business practices.

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Would it be too much to ask Steam users to actually use the positive and negative reviews properly? I'm getting a little sick of trying to figure out if a game is any good (in this case, Total War: Attila) and having to wade through a sea of negative reviews that are just people bitching about DLC. Sega overcharges for DLC? Holy shit, you are a genius! In no way, shape or form would I have been capable of noticing the eight dollars they're charging for a couple factions. Next you'll be telling me that Capcom's going to do an updated re-release of their newest fighting game.


I hate these idiots who write down ten paragraphs of what they think are Earth-shattering revelations, when it's actually something like "the sky is blue". What makes it so grating is that these people seem to carry their stupidity like a plague, because it's swept from GameFAQs forums to Facebook to Twitter to Tumblr to YouTube (well, morons like this started getting views after those three got popular. See: Joe, Angry) and now, Steam.


TL;DR: Stop making negative reviews on Steam because of some outside factor. I want to know if the game is any good, not your beliefs on proper business practices.


Agreed! I'm too lazy to write reviews, but reading reviews at times can be almost as much work as writing them.

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Yep. Not that Keighley isn't a tool, but it took Joe waaaaay too long to understand there was a miscommunication and there wasn't any attempt to "snub" him.


I looked at the story for a bit and found out I don't care.


Anyways Joe's reviews have basically been the same as my opinions (Total War/Dragon Age). I've only watched some of his youtube review and I'm not part of his forums or anything so I'm not going to defend him or anything.

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I looked at the story for a bit and found out I don't care.


Anyways Joe's reviews have basically been the same as my opinions (Total War/Dragon Age). I've only watched some of his youtube review and I'm not part of his forums or anything so I'm not going to defend him or anything.


This is what I love about these forums, you can state your dislike of something or someone, have a polite dialogue with someone who disagrees and then go back to your life without having any insults hurled by or at you.


As an apology for making you read about such a boring story, here's a bit of the fun kind of internet stupidity (possible epilepsy warning):

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TL;DR: Stop making negative reviews on Steam because of some outside factor. I want to know if the game is any good, not your beliefs on proper business practices.


It's actually rather interesting how it's used. Back in the day where gamerankings was relevant, we saw the effect visible ratings pre-voting have on voting behavior. Ocarina of Time, for instance, would get mostly 9's, a bunch of 10's too and the occasional 8 or 7, as expected by the Gauss-curve. However, there was a higher prevalence of 10's and (especially) 0's visible (more 0's than 7's). I always asked for a policy to just ignore the 0's as - in no way - can a game be absolutely terrible (except of course crap like E.T or Superman64). This makes the vote false by definition.


One can assume these votes were cast by Sony fanboys, just like Metal Gear Solid received 0's in the same way. But it's not just the fanboys (it's way bigger than that). People see the rating composed of the votes of 1000's of others and will compare that with their own rating. Then they will often opt for extreme values to push the rating up or down to match their perception, just because they think their opinion is supreme (which is a problem in several sections of society, because of the tendency for individualisation). Luckily, some sites like ratebeer or boardgamegeek are largely composed out of educated people and not children, who will treat it seriously.


The problem you bring to the table (the disgruntled people punishing dev's for - sometimes small - mistakes), is due to Steam restricting the review to two extremes (thumbs up or down). Probably because they know what happens if they include 0/10 as an option. In general, I think this is a bad influence on gaming in general. Dev's are inclined to make games a lot easier, as people will just bash their game for being "too hard". The learning curve must be herpaderpy simple, or they'll whine because they're inherently lazy f*cks, yet not too lazy to spread around their venom online. In the end, games are watered down version of what they ones were, and serious people lose interest.


That's also the bigger picture here: educating people to treat reviews seriously. But any sane person will just look at the curve and dismiss the 0's so they get a reasonable perception of the quality of the game. When I want to purchase a game, I used to buy magazines for it (around 1999-2000). Nowadays they've become obsolete and I look at gamefaqs user reviews. You can easily see the relevant ones, which usually come from players who know what they're talking about, contrary to 'professional' reviewers who treat each FIFA like an introduction on football and how to play (while everyone just wants to know the changes).




As for DLC. I'm also tired of the b*tching that goes on to combat even the most cosmetic DLC. DOA:LR has tons of optional costumes, and the forums are full of (I assume horny) boys complaining that the prices are way too steep. Dev's are not idiots. If nobody buys, prices get dropped in the future. The fact that they remain high is that enough people buy them. If you don't like it: stop buying. If you want it: buy it. I get sick of the sense of entitlement people possess nowadays. Pirates even whine that DLC is unavailble to them. What is this world becoming?

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It's like people complain that The Sims got extension, but buy them after. Personally, DLC has never bothered me, except the DLC who have contents included in the game and we must unlock it by buying the DLC..


DLC can extend a game via some quest, and there are DLC and DLC. You can't compare the DLC of Skyrim to the DLC of Call of Duty.


Sad to see that the difference between DLC and Add-on (or Extension) doesn't exist anymore

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Even 'premium' content like XP boosts gets scowled at. Why? Surely people must understand that several gaming people have jobs and a family they must spend time with. In order to hang with the people who have nothing else to do and just play play play, is it so unreasonable to offer payment for boosts?


People demand free games without any DLC or ads. Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds? :p


If they purposely hold back content in order to make it DLC then I don't like it. But we can hardly detect this, can we. Unless the game is devoid of content (like several modern AAA games).

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If they purposely hold back content in order to make it DLC then I don't like it. But we can hardly detect this, can we. Unless the game is devoid of content (like several modern AAA games).


Wasn't that the problem people had with Evolve? The game is released simultaneously with lots of DLC on the same day.


Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Several games had that problem I think. Personally I think it's just stupid planning by the devs. It wasn't hard to predict the reaction this measure gets. Many don't realise how long it takes for a game to go from 'gold' status to the actual shelf/store and will assume things. They should just artificially wait a couple of months and then post the DLC, even if it's been ready all along. But then there's leaks etc. Realistically, you can't really do anything right nowadays (though Blizzard still has a largely unspotted record).
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Game release DLC is a crappy way to do business.


Honestly DLC in general shouldn't be a way to continue a game, but a way to enrich a game. As in ... Hey download this stuff and you can play a bonus dungeon, or you can gain epic loot with these side quests. Not Hey download this or you can never play the game again.


If you're going to do the latter you should let people know from the beginning it's what's going to happen.

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Evolves ridiculous marketing ploy was an absolute joke. Before all these "this version, that version" a few of my friends and myself were going to buy the game, however once we saw they were trying to take people for a ride before the game had even been released, we soon realised this would end up as another "Destiny" where you'd have to purchase a ton of DLC just to play the game the way it was intended. I'm not getting burned twice. Destiny was a learning curve for me with regards to "research, research, research". It also stopped me pre-ordering anything ever again games wise because it was an absolute con with it's promise of greatness and delivering repetitive loot grinding and gun nerfing. Legendary weapons on every mode should be more powerful than a crappy little common gun, otherwise what's the point of all that grinding out of loot?


Anyway, this was supposed to be why I'm not getting Evolve, but yeah pretty much because it's going to be a con aimed at people who play the computer 24 hours a day.

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I will not buy it. Then complain why I didn't buy it because I feel like it and I can.


What I really hate is people who say you can't complain because you didn't buy it or support it.


Since it's a recent thing I'll go with the WWE for an example. I don't like a majority of what they are doing at the moment. So when a site or forum I visit has an article or thread about it I will voice my opinion. What I've seen is people telling me that if I was a fan I would enjoy and not complain. What kind of fan won't complain about what they love? I've also seen this for certain games like FIFA for example.

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Haha yeah, but there are people like you who complain (and it's normal !) and people who hate, who insult the developper, who insult the gamer who buy the DLC, etc. Internet has developped Free Hate.


The biggest site in video game in french, is full of kids who let their hate flow in the commentary section, saying that the people are sheep to buy DLC, but behind they do what ? they buy the DLC because their friends have do it. And it's not only the kid, there are some adults, it's sad.


For the topic : I just tested Crusader Kings II. Hell of a game.. but better with the Games of Throne mod :D

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