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I tried looking for that site and ended up depressed;


152 games with a total value of £1473

Value with sales £485


Over the last 4 years, you've spent 744.2 hours playing this selection, which includes 152 items, is valued at $2363.71, and requires 593.6 GB


53 games unplayed


Yeah... I just looked again at mine as well:

Games owned - 394

Games not played - 276 (70%)

1952.5 hours over 10 years.

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I figured I'd interject here since the last couple pages is about Steam. What does everyone think of the steam machine coming out later this year? I'm sure everyone can agree the pricing is pretty ridiculous but it sounds like with a range of $480 to $5000 (as seen at this link) it depends on what kind of machine people want.


Even the lower end ones will likely have good performance as they wont have all the extra guff that an OS like Windows has to suck up the resources.


While I think the Steam machines are a great idea, because you can have all your PC titles in your living room on whatever big screen tv you may have, i'm not convinced that the Steam controller is going to be adequate enough for a lot of games. Two people of the same skill level with one using a controller and the other a keyboard + mouse, the K + M player will easily take the player using a controller to school every time.

I can't imagine any self-respecting FPS or RTS player using a controller, so that still means you'll need a keyboard + mouse.


While Steam wants to get into the living room market to compete with Xbox and Playstation (Wii-who?), I can see people buying Steam machines simply for gaming systems to replace their current desktops/laptops. Now that you can use a phone or tablet to do every day tasks (other than "proper" gaming) that a desktop PC can, why not buy a machine that devotes all of the power it has solely to games?


Those are on steam, and I never uesed Steam till I moved to Ma almost 3 years ago. I've got games on the PS4, my phone, and my tablet, plus I like board games too...and so on, I love games of all types, plus I've about 15 non steam PC games.


I wouldn't call myself a "hardcore gamer" but I'd call myself a gamer none the less.


Ok, i'll let you off... just this once. :p


(although you should dump that PS4 and get a Xbox One ;))


I can understand that - I've gone through phases of only really playing FM (and CM before it!), and I suspect I've probably built up thousands upon thousands of hours of managerial experience over the last 18 or 19 years or so.


I see your Championship Manager (which I also played) and i'll raise you the 1984 Football Manager game on the Commodore 64! :cool:


Yeah... I just looked again at mine as well:

Games owned - 394

Games not played - 276 (70%)

1952.5 hours over 10 years.


No idea when I first got on Steam but I do know it was whenever Football Manager decided that you needed it, so whichever version that was I signed up to Steam on Christmas that year.

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No idea when I first got on Steam but I do know it was whenever Football Manager decided that you needed it, so whichever version that was I signed up to Steam on Christmas that year.


I first started using it with Half-life 2, and apparently registered it on Jan 1 2005. I let my account lie dormant for quite a few years after that, though, as I didn't have anything else to play on it.

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I see your Championship Manager (which I also played) and i'll raise you the 1984 Football Manager game on the Commodore 64! :cool:




No idea when I first got on Steam but I do know it was whenever Football Manager decided that you needed it, so whichever version that was I signed up to Steam on Christmas that year.


I wasn't even born in 1984 - setting myself up for some mickey-taking there I'm sure!


I have a Steam achievement which tells me I've been a member since May 2006, but I have no idea what made me sign up.

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Literally the only game a friend of mine plays on PC is Football Manager, the rest he plays are all console based. His hours for FM2012 and FM2014 are 1,438 and 1,428 respectively. Despite it only being March, he's already got 937hrs in on FM2015 so he's set to beat his record! :eek:


Okay, that's just crazy. I have 1340 hours on FM 2010, and that's only because I've played it on and off ever since fall 2009... the #2 game on my list is Europa Universalis IV, with 618 hours. Borderlands and Wasteland 2 are the only other games to have broken 100 hours.

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While I think the Steam machines are a great idea, because you can have all your PC titles in your living room on whatever big screen tv you may have, i'm not convinced that the Steam controller is going to be adequate enough for a lot of games. Two people of the same skill level with one using a controller and the other a keyboard + mouse, the K + M player will easily take the player using a controller to school every time.

I can't imagine any self-respecting FPS or RTS player using a controller, so that still means you'll need a keyboard + mouse.

I have my gaming PC set up on my living room television (it's actually dual screened, set up on both a separate monitor for every day use, and my TV for gaming and media browsing via Kodi). It's not too bad using a K+M for me, as I have a wireless K+M, and I'll just sit on my sofa with a laptop tray or desk (whichever my wife isn't using). I've not really had any issues, and at least for me, it's fairly comfortable.

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So, Hideo Kojima is claiming, yet again, that this is going to be his last Metal Gear. He's super cereal too, as he's planning on leaving Konami all together, apparently leaving Silent Hills in the dust. (Then again that might make the story for Silent Hills not be a clustered mess)


Well, it's very tricky :D

Konami remove mention of him on the cover of the game, his team are now "unemployed" and work for themselves.. and the next hour, Konami say that they will do other game with Kojima.

The next day, Konami said that their are in control of MGS, and the team of Kojima is sidelined for the interview.

And now.. Kojima say that he is 100% on MGS.. Hum ?

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I first started using it with Half-life 2, and apparently registered it on Jan 1 2005. I let my account lie dormant for quite a few years after that, though, as I didn't have anything else to play on it.


I might be wrong, as it was a while ago, but wasn't Steam initially created solely as a means for Valve to update their games? (Half-life in particular)


This is probably blasphemy to mention this, but the Half-Life games have never grabbed me. I actually still have my original Half-Life disc, but when I played it way back when I never got around to completing it as after a while I just said, "meh", and moved onto something else. I never did, and likely never will, understand what made them have such great review scores and such high praise among gamers. (and yes I did try Half-Life 2 as well, same feeling)


I wasn't even born in 1984 - setting myself up for some mickey-taking there I'm sure!


I would hazard a guess that the "85" in your name means you were born in '85? I was only born in 1982 so I didn't play the '84 Football Manager until about '87 (as I asked my older brother, "Why can't I control the players on the pitch?!").


If I was to take the mickey, i'd probably mention the Man Utd vs Liverpool game today, but I wont as this is not the thread for it... ;)


Okay, that's just crazy. I have 1340 hours on FM 2010, and that's only because I've played it on and off ever since fall 2009... the #2 game on my list is Europa Universalis IV, with 618 hours. Borderlands and Wasteland 2 are the only other games to have broken 100 hours.


My friend is quite crazy when it comes to Football Manager! He'd have more hours if his laptop hadn't died a month ago because he'd sit with it in front of him while watching TV.


Steam-wise I believe Medieval II: Total War should be top for me (but the timer reset when it updated and combined the normal version with the Kingdoms expansion). So it would go Medieval II (because of the fantastic mods if anyone was wondering) > Football Manager series > Fallout 3 (for some reason that timer reset too) > XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012 version - try the Long War mod if you're up for a challenge) of which there's 143 hours played.


I have my gaming PC set up on my living room television (it's actually dual screened, set up on both a separate monitor for every day use, and my TV for gaming and media browsing via Kodi). It's not too bad using a K+M for me, as I have a wireless K+M, and I'll just sit on my sofa with a laptop tray or desk (whichever my wife isn't using). I've not really had any issues, and at least for me, it's fairly comfortable.


Each to their own. For me I prefer to have a separate area to get away from wives/girlfriends/children, the living room does have consoles for "party gaming" though.

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I might be wrong, as it was a while ago, but wasn't Steam initially created solely as a means for Valve to update their games? (Half-life in particular)


Yeah, pretty much. At first when they started expanding, pretty much everyone wanted to avoid having to use Steam as well. Then at some point (I'm not really sure when) it got way better, and now it's pretty much the go-to for computer gaming.


As for the Half-Life series. I actually don't think I've finished HL2, or done any of the episodes either. I played some of it, then stopped for some reason. I should probably do that at some point. :p

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Since the Steam counter I think CKII wins by a large margin. Then there's Skyrim with a couple of 100 hours or something. The other games: not so much, though if you take the console times into account (for PES and Skyrim), you get... lots of hours. :p


Need to get used to playing ME3 on PC without controller. It works better, but it takes getting used to. Too bad I can't get the DLC anymore as it's way overpriced (and never in sale).

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Since the Steam counter I think CKII wins by a large margin. Then there's Skyrim with a couple of 100 hours or something. The other games: not so much, though if you take the console times into account (for PES and Skyrim), you get... lots of hours. :p


Need to get used to playing ME3 on PC without controller. It works better, but it takes getting used to. Too bad I can't get the DLC anymore as it's way overpriced (and never in sale).


What do you think of the ending of ME 3 ? :p

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Looking at TW: Attila's DLC volume after just roughly a month of being out, I'm starting to wonder how many more Total Wars until we only get three factions in the vanilla game and the rest are DLC. Though I wish people would take their hate out on Sega and not on Attila, because the game itself is fantastic. I keep going back and forth between it and Rome II to compare and Attila massively improves on everything. The destruction mechanics are probably my favorite, I love decimating a city and it actually having an effect after the battle.


Also, Attila himself has one of my favorite monologues ever in the announcement trailer:


Seriously, that video should have been the game's intro. The comments are an absolute fustercluck of morons though, even by YouTube standards.

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What do you think of the ending of ME 3 ? :p


We discussed this already. :p I thought it was fine, really, but let's stop the discussion right here.


Square-Enix has an Easter surprise steam key bundle. This is new: take a 5€50 gamble and you might get crap. Given I got absolutely nothing from them in my library (barring Tomb Raider), I might just do this. If one of the FF remakes or the Sleeping Dogs remake is in there, I win. :p I should'nt do this but there's just too few surprises in my life to refrain from doing it. :p


But then again, it might be Battlestations, Just Cause 2, Dungeon Siege 1, Conflict and CM2007, which would be the equivalent of an easter egg full of crap. A dangerous gamble indeed, especially since Square just recently lifted the finger at us with the Tomb Raider II delay on PC. Apparently Thief was already in the Christmas bundle so that's out. A pity. If I have to take a guess based on the message, I'd say it'll include the FFXIII bundle. But I'm not exactly interested in it.

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It reminded me of Vaas from Far Cry 3. Loved the facial animation of Attila it made the character look and feel as confident as he sounded.


Now that mention it, I can totally see the comparison. I was amazed when I found out that his face was animated and not mo-capped. Now I really want to see the studio that made the trailer get a chance to make a full movie.


I cannot allow this heresy to go unchecked! :p Dungeon Siege was a brilliant game!


And Just Cause 2 is right up there with Sleeping Dogs (another Squeenix game) when it comes to action movies in awesome video game form.

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Vaas is one of my favorite villains in video games...ever.


No redeeming qualities to speak of and just nuts.


There should always be a villain like that. Just a completely hateable guy who kills for fun and has no ultimate agenda. He should just show up at happy moments and kill someone. Like the MC rescues his mom and the guy just snipes her right before they hug or you end up getting a pet Fable style and the guy just kills it right after you name it and do a little tutorial showing how useful he is. Like he just pops out of a push and kicks the dog out of a cliff. And the reason he's goes around making your life is miserable is simply because you bumped into him in the opening cinematics as you walked down the street or something.


No tragic backstory, no special relationship with his henchmen, no relation to one of your guys, nothing just a dude who wants to make your life miserable because he can.

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I cannot allow this heresy to go unchecked! :p Dungeon Siege was a brilliant game!


It was actually. I loved how you could zoom in on an archer, put slo-mo on and watch the arrows fly. And then there's the flamethrowers. But it wouldn't be an exciting addition to the pack as it's just 1 euro atm.

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