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Happy 4th of July

mike b

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Nothing's preventing you from starting a thread on December 6th.


Heck, link to some Sibelius - I always loved performing "Finlandia".


In fact, just for you, I will put on my calendar to start a thread for itsenäisyyspäivä on December 6th.

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Ye, happy '4th'. :cool:


Whenever any other, non-american country has their independence day, they don't make a thread about it. Think about that for a moment.


Hard to disagree with George, and tbh, I did think about that for a moment. I'm surprised there isn't an 'Official Celebrate Your Independence Thread' floating around here somewhere, (there's an official thread for just about everything else, it seems).


But a chance to grill out and have fun is a chance to grill out and have fun.



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Can't you do that everyday? :p


I think that this thing happens because of Americans are probably the #1 over-the-top patriotic people in the world. I don't think about my country hardly ever. I'm not patriotic when I think about it and I don't really .. get it. I don't get patriotism. When you are randomly born into a man invented 'country' by the chance of birth.. I don't see the point in being proud of it. Why would anyone be proud of being American, Finnish or any other nationality.


Pride should be earned.


Actually now that I posted this I just realised that I'm speaking trought the medium of George Carlin once again :D Funny.. Hey, I love him. He's the greatest comedian ever.




...maybe they should.


Why should they? In my opinion it's just stupid manmade nonsense. But hey it's my opinion and I do live in a world of my own.. In my world there aren't countries, fashion, or even time.. a little off-topic but I don't even own a TV. To me there's nothing more stupid than to die for your country for example.


One little clip that I watch almost every day.

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John Adams, on Independence Day:


"The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epocha in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations, as the great Anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp, shews, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of the continent to the other, from this time forward forever."

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We do a lot of things right and we do a lot of things wrong here in the USA. Sadly, we used to do more right than wrong, but that seems to have changed lately.


I'm happy to be here in the USA, but there sure are a lot of idiots who don't think for themselves and only believe what they are told in churches....

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I love America becuase I live here. Same reason I love the Cincinnati Bengals and the Cincinnati Reds. That's jsut the way it goes. People in America relate to where they are from and take pride in it. Whether it's sports, gang culutre, or good ol' patriotism, that's just how we roll.


Maybe we don't NEED a threaf about our Independence Day, but what threads do we really NEED?

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. Why would anyone be proud of being American, Finnish or any other nationality.



Because Americans believe their country has done great things. You know, stuff thats unrivaled by basically everyone else.


Plus, it did play a major part in the entire downfall of imperialism, especially in Americas.


But then Ive often found European anti-patriotism laughable, seeing as how quickly it goes out the window soon as a certain sport is involved... :p

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Ye, happy '4th'. :cool:


Whenever any other, non-american country has their independence day, they don't make a thread about it. Think about that for a moment.


Somehow it doesn't surprise me that you, of all people, would post that. :rolleyes:


If Finland, or any other country, had their own special holiday (say, they won a war to gain their independence, and they have a day to celebrate that), no Americans would rip them for it. Think about that for a moment. :rolleyes:

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Ye, happy '4th'. :cool:


Whenever any other, non-american country has their independence day, they don't make a thread about it. Think about that for a moment.


Lets think about it shall we. This is a Holiday to celebrate the country we live in. NO ONE Is stopping you from doing the same thing.


Can't you do that everyday? :p


I think that this thing happens because of Americans are probably the #1 over-the-top patriotic people in the world. I don't think about my country hardly ever. I'm not patriotic when I think about it and I don't really .. get it. I don't get patriotism. When you are randomly born into a man invented 'country' by the chance of birth.. I don't see the point in being proud of it. Why would anyone be proud of being American, Finnish or any other nationality.


Pride should be earned.


Actually now that I posted this I just realised that I'm speaking trought the medium of George Carlin once again :D Funny.. Hey, I love him. He's the greatest comedian ever.






Why should they? In my opinion it's just stupid manmade nonsense. But hey it's my opinion and I do live in a world of my own.. In my world there aren't countries, fashion, or even time.. a little off-topic but I don't even own a TV. To me there's nothing more stupid than to die for your country for example.


One little clip that I watch almost every day.


It's stupid to die for your country? Do you know how your country would be if people didn't stand up and fight for it? I think that's the most idiotic thing I have ever heard anyone say in my entire life, and I have said some crappy things.

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It's stupid to die for your country? Do you know how your country would be if people didn't stand up and fight for it? I think that's the most idiotic thing I have ever heard anyone say in my entire life, and I have said some crappy things.


Well, these guys fought for his home turf, anyway, in impressive fashion.

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It's stupid to die for your country? Do you know how your country would be if people didn't stand up and fight for it? I think that's the most idiotic thing I have ever heard anyone say in my entire life, and I have said some crappy things.


No it's not stupid or most idiotic thing if you live in my world. There are no countries. Not a single person is above other, we're all equal. There's just life.


If Finland, or any other country, had their own special holiday (say, they won a war to gain their independence, and they have a day to celebrate that), no Americans would rip them for it. Think about that for a moment.


Actually Finland had it's own wars against Soviet Union.





I understand your point but it's not the independence day that I'm ripping off, it's the people who rave on about like it's the greatest thing in the world, or how they rave about being American or to be Finnish. Plus I hate all the meaningless wars that mankind has gone trough over the thousands of years.. It's all meaningless, to be the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot that is our earth.. Every 'dying for his/her's country' -death is simply pointless, meaningless. Any people who have died in wars have died for nothing.. And I simple don't care that much about it to be honest. I know it sounds terrible for you guys but I really don't. When you come to the terms of evolution, natural selection and the accident of birth combined.. I don't see any reason for anyone to be Finnish or American or to be proud of it, or to celebrate it. It's just manmade nonsense.

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Your arguement is just hilariously ignorant.


Plenty of people have died to protect their freedom rather than live under the bootheel of oppression. Which is honorable.


In your world the Brits should have just laid down arms in WW2 cause...no one would have died? Better to live under the flag of **** Germany than fight to protect yourself?


What a joke.

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FIN, I like you, I really do, but you're so off this time...


The way I see it, we're not going "yay, time to be happy because we just happened to be born in a certain country!"


I will agree, being happy simply because of where you happened to be born is a bit goofy...


But, (again, the way I see it) we're not celebrating that. We're celebrating the lives men gave in order for us to live the lives we have now. To not do something in their memory would serve as a slap to their face, and I'm just not that dishonorable of a man. People sacrificed their lives or risk doing so just so that future people born in this land may not have to do the same. They've earned a day of rememberance.


And America isn't by far THE most patriotic of countries... living down here in Texas, I can tell you right now the good people of Mexico and Puerto Rico are VERY proud of their heritage. I'm sure if there were more Mexicans on these boards we'd see a Cinco De Mayo thread.


Days like the 4th of July serve an important purpose. They remind us of where we come from and what we have to live up to in order to not completely disrespect what our ancestors fought for. Wouldn't you be pissed if you sacrificed everything for what you thought was a noble cause just to have people 200 years later say "**** that guy"? If you can't understand that, then, well... I truly feel sorry for both you and the great people in Finnish history who allow you to live the life you have now.

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Yeah I'm just gonna drop it. I understand your viewpoints, all of them, but you are not getting mine.


I think I get it. Are you saying that while you respect and honor the war dead, you're afraid that celebrating the wars they fought glorifies the death more than the dedication?

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I think I get it. Are you saying that while you respect and honor the war dead, you're afraid that celebrating the wars they fought glorifies the death more than the dedication?


If I had to guess...


His point is those deaths are meaningless because in the fictional world he chooses to live in governments from other states (or your own) cant choose to raise a fighting force and crush you under its heel.


Which is a silly arguement because....


4th of July is celebrated in the real world.

All those people died in the real world.


You cant reimagine it with fiction and say "If we'd done it my way it wouldnt have been needed," because it DID happen and it was NEEDED.


Unless you have a Delorean or a Police Box....

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Anyway...lets celebrate why America is awesome!


We have the coolest sports.




We totally beat the worlds greatest villians (with some help):




We claimed the moon. When you look up at night, we're there.




We'll fry everything. Even ice cream.




We took control of most of the worlds culture. And used that power to give yall countless bad Michael Bay movies. And what are you going to do about it, watch French films? I doubt it.



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Anyway...lets celebrate why America is awesome!


We have the coolest sports.




We totally beat the worlds greatest villians (with some help):




We claimed the moon. When you look up at night, we're there.




We'll fry everything. Even ice cream.




We took control of most of the worlds culture. And used that power to give yall countless bad Michael Bay movies. And what are you going to do about it, watch French films? I doubt it.




The Taxi series beg to differ. What is not to like about a flying Peugoet (sp?) taxi?

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