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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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I think Johnny Martin qualifies as an NYC legend. I mean, he was the man holding all the titles when the East Coast Wars came to an end.


Thanks for pointing that out. I tried to hint at his importance to the area's history in Baine's little rant. I'm glad you agree with me, Candyman. :)




What's your match ratio?


I've got it right now at 60%, which gives me that ten percent swing in either direction, right? I think that makes the most sense given the focus of PWC versus USPW.

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I think Johnny Martin qualifies as an NYC legend. I mean, he was the man holding all the titles when the East Coast Wars came to an end.


Right, forgot about that. :o


I've never played the '97 fed, so anyone can feel free to chime in and inform me of this:


Where are the '97 East Coast feds based out off? Philly, Pittsburgh, New York, Baltimore, etc...?

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PPPW is the only one that had a set location, that being Philly. DAVE and XFW were only known to be within "The Tri-state area", which covers alot of ground, and RPW is the mid-Atlantic, so somewhere in the Carolinas or Virginia.


Therefore the locations are left up to your own imagination.

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It's dark in the old Victorian style arena, lit by fewer lights than usual. It seems a serious occasion as Big Smack Scott stands in the ring, his business suit and frown seem to imply a sense of...reverence, perhaps. Then, he speaks.



BSS: “I don't like to talk about dead people, because I can't wrestle them. And if I'm not wrestling, I'm not making money, dig? By now, I'm sure you've all heard that Tommy Cornell is dead.”



Scott looks out over the crowd as the Doakes murmurs about the misfortune into his headset.



BSS: “Everyone's saying that America lost its best wrestler, TCW lost its ace, that professional wrestling will never be the same.”



Scott takes off his sunglasses and puts them in his lapel pocket.



BSS: “I'd be a fool not to agree. And the Big Smack? He's no fool. He's a well-educated man that's wrestled across countries and slammed people through ceilings. Thomas will be missed. But if I was going to be honest…..and I am……”



At this point, Big Smack Scott's music hits, the lighting returns to normal, and a video plays on the big screen of Scott finishing numerous opponents.



BSS: “To hell with you, Cornell!”



The crowd is shocked.



BSS: “I was wandering around the small leagues waiting for someone to call, and was it you? No. Took some punk like Dick Eisen to see my talent. What, was I not good enough? Were my muscles not big enough, Tom? Way I see it, I remember it, wasn't last week TCW was looking for a new champion. Some new blood to freshen their roster. Seems to me like if you had a brain, you'd have hired the Big Smack. But no, you're too smug. Too British and crumpets. Eisen? We know how he is. So it came to Philly Vibs. A guy who, smart as he is, hasn't worked in years. Not the "god of wrestling," not the guy who can't figure out how to drive a car without putting it into a tree. No, some unemployed bum. That's who got me.”



Scotty paces the ring, fired up and ready to punch someone.



BSS: “Took the coward's way out, Tom, didn’t you? I figured you and me could go in the ring, then take it outside and duel. To the death, yeah, because apparently someone's life isn't worth it. Owning a promotion. You realize what I could do with a promotion? Hell, if I owned TCW, there'd be no SWF. This P-C-Whatever would be gone, too. Don't think there'd be Japan, either. If I make something, it becomes global. And while I'm talking about making things, how about the ladies? I had a promotion just for them, there still would be no TCW, because I'd have run your candy asses out of the business years ago.”



Fuming, yes; steaming even, Scott yells at a person who probably can't hear him now, nor will be able to catch it on TV. Or tape. Ever.



BSS: “You know what? Everyone's talking all TCW, but no one's really getting to the important issues. Namely...Tommy, I believe you had a wife. And I'm pretty sure her ass was fine and her rack was ripe for the picking. Now I don't ask for things, and the women walk up to my door anyway. But just to make things clear for everyone, I am officially going to bang Jennifer Cornell tonight. So if anyone wants them seconds, just call me after the main event. Because I just called dibs.”



Smack's music gets louder as he exits the ring and heads backstage. No theatrics, just purposeful walking.











Copyright PWC 2011

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"Because I called dibs" - that may be one of the greatest lines I've ever heard in a wrestling promo - real or otherwise. Kudos NoNeck - I love the Smacker in PWC, if only because he would've been totally out of place in the old pre-Phil USPW.
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Wow. If that happened in real life I think PWC would be picking up a lot of bad press. But since this is fictional I couldn't help but chuckle. :D


Anyway, I think you should set your in game prestige to 0% for that. ;)

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But the segment didn't air did it?


And nothing released on a company's website has ever affected it negatively? ;)


Sure, it minimises the damage, but consider - those most likely to be offended are those most likely to see bonus footage online, those being the dedicated fans who follow many companies and know Cornell.

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:eek:, even for BSS that's shocking.


NoNeck, what the hell? :eek:








Everyone breathe in. Okay?


Now exhale slowly.


It's pro wrestling.




Absolutely brilliant.



"Because I called dibs" - that may be one of the greatest lines I've ever heard in a wrestling promo - real or otherwise. Kudos NoNeck - I love the Smacker in PWC, if only because he would've been totally out of place in the old pre-Phil USPW.



Thanks for getting it Rathen and ajcrible; for taking it for what it was.




Vibert is going to hell for that, where he'll meet the devil that compelled him to do it: NoNeck.


Man, imagine if Scott Steiner said he bang Vickie Guerrero the week after Eddie died? There'd be riots.


Ok. I don't even know how to respond to the first thing, so I'm going to skip right on by it.


But, the second thing, could I imagine if Scott Steiner came out the week after Eddie Guerrero died saying he was going to bang Vickie?


Let's put all the facts into that template, shall we?


If Scott Steiner was working for the US's third wheel super regional/cult promotion, one that was clearly looking to define themselves as something different from the big two, one that was controlled by a figure as polarizing as, say, Paul Heyman, one that would do just about anything to take audience away from the big two......


Add that to the fact that it wasn't on the live telecast and was only made available for a short time on the promotion's website, becoming a half heresay "I-heard-that-Steiner-said-he'd-bang-Vickie" internet legend, turning him into a surefire can't miss segment everytime he touched a microphone, lest the fans miss what he said, good or bad......


Of course I could imagine that. It would have been glorious, too, I bet. It probably would still be talked about today every time two smarks watched an old WCW DVD and Steiner popped up. And he'd still have heat from it; the right kind of heel heat too, the 'I-hate-that-guy' heel heat that no one can seem to hold onto in the modern era of cool heels.


I can totally imagine it. In the DVD of wrestling's most controversial moments, I think it'd fit in nicely between Raven getting crucified and Sandman losing his family. It's nowhere even close to a Katie Vick or even the parading of Pillman's widow on RAW. Although, I will point out, personally, I didn't have a problem with either of those angles either.




If you wanted a reaction, I think you got one NN. Next up: BSS packing heat :p



A reaction, sure. Banishment to hell? Didn't plan on that. I'll have to repack my bags, I guess. More shorts. ;)


And thanks for remembering the Bull Wrecker story from SOTR II, which going backward and looking over everything I've done, is one that I go back to and think about the most. It was as creative a wrestling storyline as I've ever come up with.



BSS = The Charlie Sheen of the Cornellverse.


Only tiger's blood could make someone cut a promo like that. Winning.....duh.




(EDIT: There have been like, four or five more posts since I started writing my own response. I'll get to those in the morning. Thanks for reading and being involved everyone.)

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I said shocking, didn't mean shocking in a bad way. Shocking like not expected, not as in offended. :D


Plus controversy creates cash :p It;s certainly got GDS buzzing, imagine how crazy the IWC of the c-verse is going. They already hate BBS, they loved Cornell (I'm guessing) Wow it must be in tense in the (now no name)-verse.

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Everyone breathe in. Okay?


Now exhale slowly.


It's pro wrestling.

Dude, you had BSS bad-mouth a dead Tommy Cornell. We can be forgiven for shock.


If Scott Steiner was working for the US's third wheel super regional/cult promotion, one that was clearly looking to define themselves as something different from the big two, one that was controlled by a figure as polarizing as, say, Paul Heyman, one that would do just about anything to take audience away from the big two......


Add that to the fact that it wasn't on the live telecast and was only made available for a short time on the promotion's website, becoming a half heresay "I-heard-that-Steiner-said-he'd-bang-Vickie" internet legend, turning him into a surefire can't miss segment everytime he touched a microphone, lest the fans miss what he said, good or bad......


Of course I could imagine that. It would have been glorious, too, I bet. It probably would still be talked about today every time two smarks watched an old WCW DVD and Steiner popped up. And he'd still have heat from it; the right kind of heel heat too, the 'I-hate-that-guy' heel heat that no one can seem to hold onto in the modern era of cool heels.


I can totally imagine it. In the DVD of wrestling's most controversial moments, I think it'd fit in nicely between Raven getting crucified and Sandman losing his family.


It's nowhere even close to a Katie Vick or even the parading of Pillman's widow on RAW. Although, I will point out, personally, I didn't have a problem with either of those angles either.


I can see what you mean by this, but still... damn.


Oh, and I expect fictional NoNeck to have a great post-show session with Phil over this. :p

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Add that to the fact that it wasn't on the live telecast and was only made available for a short time on the promotion's website, becoming a half heresay "I-heard-that-Steiner-said-he'd-bang-Vickie" internet legend, turning him into a surefire can't miss segment everytime he touched a microphone, lest the fans miss what he said, good or bad......


Of course, today, there's no way that clip wouldn't repeatedly surface on YouTube... ;)

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Big Smack Scott as Charlie Sheen may be my new favorite RL/CV comparison. Just caught up on this diary, since I heard it mentioned elsewhere that Tommy Cornell died and was all, "Wha?!" I think I came in at a pretty good time. I'm not familiar with the Guest Booker series, but I'm enjoying the segments. I loved getting Eddie Peak via the editor, and Rick Law was a huge signing. T-Rex's winning streak is entertaining too, and something I found myself saying, "I should've thought of that." Keep up the awesome work, I'll be reading.
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